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oh what the hell is that what the [ __ ] is that oh you guys trash the place mom and dad are never gonna let me have a party again there's a monkey on the wall yeah [Applause] [Music] boys this is really scary i don't like hallways they're long and hard like my uncle billy i [ __ ] myself already oh i'm myself in the way here i'm beating myself right now oh no oh no have you picked yourself i don't think so check someone check on me please juicy check check check just wring it out bring it out wait hold up he's he's he's bone dry how could you not push yourself because i'm a big man okay okay after feeling around down there you're definitely not a big man can you hear that oh my god did you hear that well i heard that yes jesus christ that's so scary sounding can everyone oh god what is that what's that sound dude i don't know look the doors open down there the door's open down there boys look oh is that your bedroom that's i don't know what that is dude where's yo dancing god damn it yo there's no time for pilates and not a time it's a stress move just leave me stressed i'm stressing the [ __ ] out okay just let me dance boys we gotta we gotta get the bed right now we have one minute and if we don't if we get caught in the hallway then then we're gonna get we're gonna get belted and they're gonna take our paint i can't get another belt i can't get another belt here i blushed last time and it was really awkward i can't get another belt here i lost them i got belted i got an erection oh me too yes i know we were together in the same room yeah yeah yeah okay let's go i'm going to bed someone gonna oil this lamp jesus christ oh my god it's so creepy oh seeing you guys come out of the dark it's [ __ ] scary dude i'm opening the door i'm opening the door are you ready kids oh wait wait wait come on juicy keep up i fell down the stairs once now i have a phobia upstairs wait hello what the [ __ ] wait this is the same hallway jesse you said this was your bedroom i thought it was they always keep i've lived in the cellar for years i know what it looks like this is part this is a weird dream boys i've had this stream before and you know what happens what the dumbest one dies first don't point that don't put that figure at me please no wait what are you pointing at me for it's you it's she's not miley you're deceived you're dyslexic whoa okay you can't be saying the d word dude yeah you can't be saying the d word do you really want to get cancelled molly are you right yod you look nervous dude i'm disappointed in you all right you go first you go first you go first we're right behind you yod we're right behind you yeah we're right behind you dude just keep going yeah keep going yo come on keep going dude what are you doing do you feel the breath of art breath on your neck for you coming with me boys where are they guys what are you guys doing did you finally piss yourself yeah but i didn't just piss myself i'm out of poo poo too okay oh it's the noise can chandelier again and the rain free pa if i didn't drink all that wd40 on the way here i would have oiled that thing hey the door's closed yeah the door is closed this time yeah it's a very good observation josh high five yeah yeah big brain your bristles big bristles what what it's a cordless telephone they really stress me out open the door the door's not opening come on i'm not there's no button there do you try open the door let me try it try opening i got that i got dad grip dude come on jason stop playing open the door dude jesse stop playing open the [ __ ] door dude stop playing open the [ __ ] door dude wait wait wait wait wait wait guys shut the [ __ ] up what if we just walk out the front this door the front door mom said we're not allowed to open the door for anyone or anything here let me try this one juicy oh no we can't reach food at every turn oh i can't touch it i can just all right let's go back this actually didn't happen with me and you'd play today really i'm sorry what the hell dude let's get the [ __ ] out of me there's nothing even in there it's just banging on the door we're gonna go we gotta go we gotta go can you open it no no no leave it don't open it do not open that [ __ ] gets get out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here boys oh the door's open the door's open juicy you're gonna be okay with these stairs brother um oh god just take it one step at a time dude come on just come on juicy just come on stop being a [ __ ] all right i think that's it one two three did i make it one more little first one two three two oh he's just kind of rolling down the stairs now come on little fellaini come on some freaky [ __ ] is happening right now boys what is going on we've done this before we've done this before this way we need to stress what am i going crazy was is there someone up there look what don't [ __ ] do that dude do not do that now you're such a dog i hate you molly good we just got double penetrated by both of you me and josh just got eiffel towers by yoda and molly dude [ __ ] cries oh the doors are open the door's open let's just go let's go let's go yeah let's go go dude oh no no no no no did you hear that can you hear that noise there's crying there's someone crying upstairs what the [ __ ] is going on dude okay this is getting actually scary now do you hear that oh my god dude this is my heart's racing dude i hear her your mom's crying in the bathroom dude mom calm down we left you some snickers in the bathtub trying to open the door try and open the door try and open the door i don't want to do it she's not going to freak out and like try to try and kill me i don't know what to do boys i'm scared all right come on come on enough around i'm getting out of here all right let's go back let's just go back dude come on boys back again i can only walk in zigzags please why is that noise getting worse oh it's gone i'm expecting like some big [ __ ] thing to jump out what if we just lay down right here no juicy that's not an option you want to be left behind do you want to be left behind for her to get you who your mom big guy look big guy have a have a swig of liquid courage all right you'll feel better yeah come on come on have some come on come on there you go there you go oh you ready you feeling better ready yeah feel good i feel good all right let's do it yeah come on yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on oh my god oh the noise is getting scary why are the doors open the doors open wait what go in there someone go in there go in there oh man i have some paint push the button are you guys okay the liquid courage didn't hurt don't drink it don't drink it just stop stop guys can we go home can we just playing this right now it's open go to the door go to the door let's get the it's over here go go go oh my okay are you all right boys i'm sorry am i being pranked is this oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that yeah my child psychologist said that i had difficulty recognizing patterns but i'm starting to see a real pattern here guys was that a baby monitor what the [ __ ] i think your mom's getting railed in the bathroom dude what what is it molly what the old [ __ ] in the what wait what do you mean right there what are you talking about what what [Applause] oh my god what why is the head doing that molly is that your mom is that your mom [Applause] and we're just gonna we're gonna bolt right through that run between her legs and through the door all right ready boys here we go this is the last week we ever have together so be it bottoms up boys with one okay one come on oh it's normal it's just loud everything's fine is it normal dude wait oh the door just opened oh the door just [ __ ] opened hello nelly going oh i got a torch this is a torch there's a baby crying there's a baby crying that's that's not my baby that's not my baby whose baby is that juicy is that you juicy are you crying oh god there's a fetus in the sink there's a penis in the sink are you serious oh what is that molly is that your little brother no that are you related to him no do you know this kid no come on guys let's go let's get out of here let's get the out of here dude i don't like babies dude why is there a random child in the sink that's weird welcome to detroit molly [Laughter] okay the door's open again i hate having to zigzag i feel like i'm evading like a crocodile right now oh what the [ __ ] was that look at the shadow look at the shot oh my god she knows we're late to bend or she's backing up oh my god oh no she knows that we're awake she saw us in the hallway we're gonna get to bed we have to go to bed [Music] dude lucky she didn't use the blue light because she would see some semen on the walls damn it is that that baby is getting the [ __ ] kicked out of it dude someone is beating the hell out of that baby dude holy [ __ ] well we're gonna get wait what oh what the hell someone locked that baby in the fridge and hung it up from the roof is that pissed that's come dude oh what the [ __ ] bro you baby and come in the same sentence nut juice yummy oh no what the [ __ ] shut the f up how am i supposed to get to bed or you're going like a little [ __ ] it's almost midnight shut the [ __ ] up wait why are we not freaking out there's a baby in a fridge chained to the [ __ ] chandelier is this your first time at my house or something it's been night it's been night i feel like something bad's about to happen still makes more sense than the juices content let's be honest yeah the baby's gone oh baby's gone thank god some peace and quiet yeah how many levels is this [ __ ] house what the [ __ ] oh my god the witness oh my god thanks for the meetings the paintings okay oh the baby's back in the in the thing i was talking i'm sick of this why does the music sound like it's building up to something it's a shepherd stone whoa oh what the [ __ ] what the hell oh my god that was different whoa whoa whoa that was different wait come on come on let's go let's go that was really weird this is oh hold on oh no oh wait oh god you want to do it no wait no i guess blue screen no why are we blue screening wait was that the end of the level was that yeah no no this happened oh what the oh my [ __ ] god mali please i don't want to go in there i really don't want to go come on oh my god dude this is exactly what my bedroom looked like when i was younger except it wasn't oh what the hell oh what the hell is that what the [ __ ] is that i ain't gone mom and dad are never gonna let me have a party again there's a monkey on the wall dude i can't see anything i don't have a torch anymore follow me hold my hand oh my god okay this is not this is [ __ ] not cool dude look at this monkey he says keep the wheel keep it real monkey holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] crap we gotta go over did you hear that scream dude oh god there's a there's a guy in here there's a guy oh my god right there oh my god um oh he's walking away and i don't walk away [Applause] he's walking upstairs come back i wish i had a torch bro i'm scared where'd my [ __ ] porch go why did i have to take my flashlight off dude that last one's got me bad oh my god oh the [ __ ] is that i can't see anything josh someone's gonna have daddy wait i don't know which way to go [Music]
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 1,833,110
Rating: 4.9577188 out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, your narrator, narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, eddie, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, vr horror
Id: dW1ZC2gu3UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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