This Viewers Awareness is AMAZING | Viewer VoD Review ep. 45 - Rainbow Six Siege

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one thing that i will say about you mentioned you know getting better with gun fights and decision making in gunfights it's not necessarily your decision making in gunfights it's more or less the the decisions that you already make in gun fights if that makes sense it's not it's not about making new decisions it's about it's about fixing the ones that you already make so like if we go back here you like quick peek one or two times and you're putting yourself at a disadvantage because not she just saw you right so if we go back here again you come up to the angle the zofia walks in you quick peak once you you peek twice and then she sees you the second time you do it and then you quick peek back into it a third time and get in the angle meanwhile still being at crouch level so not only does she know exactly where you're at what angle you're going to peek but she also knows the the vertical height you're going to be at so it makes the gun fight for her just that much easier what is going on guys a21 mayo here and today we're going to be having ourselves another viewer vod review video now before we actually jump into the vada i quickly want to mention that 40 of you guys aren't subscribed so if you enjoy my content consider hitting that sub button also i want to mention that i'm doing coaching now so if you're interested in having a one-on-one video view session like this one here or just you know have an overall coaching session where you write down a list or uh you write down things that you struggle with and then i try my hardest to help you um you can also go to my discord to see full reviews from other clients that have already had coaching sessions with me so if you're a little skeptical and you don't really know if you want to commit the money to it there's a few coaching session reviews in my discord there's a whole text chat for it and i try to tell them to be as transparent as possible so that way there's no misconceptions i don't want to make them feel biased to the point where they have to write out a good review even though they didn't benefit from the session so i tell them to be as honest as they can be and speak their mind i don't tell them you know to sugarcoat anything or anything like that i want them to be as honest as possible so that way i can improve for anyone who i might have a coaching session with in the future now with all of that being said let's jump into the vod alright so looking at his form so far um he is a consistent plat 2 plat 3 player with a 1.3 kd so that's pretty good so far stats wise he had a .95 something last season so it's a little on the lower end but still not too bad you know you could still be playing support operators and having a great impact of of importance during a round or a game playing you know support operators like a hard breach or something uh he says he wants to focus on gun skill and decision making in gunfights i've been hitting plat 2 for the last few seasons but inconsistent in some of the matches uh the thing that comes with inconsistent in some of the matches is that's going to happen it's ranked we're not robots you can't do the same thing over and over the exact same way you know you might get 10 kills one game in the next game you get zero right like that's not really on you but what's important what you do there is you take the thought of you playing bad or playing inconsistent and put it into something else that will be beneficial for you and your team so whether that's you know using your utility properly or more efficient than you were uh droning while you know watching pre-placed drones in the prep phase let and allow entry fraggers to take map control faster those little things is what really makes the difference between you worrying about something that you shouldn't be worrying about and putting that same thought into something that could benefit you and your team right and then you say i want the little boost to help me up to hold my own in those higher ranks this video was a solo queue match in high gold platte elo okay the boost i will get on i'll get to later on just to see uh your game play and stuff like that i'll kind of be able to help you there because you know you might be making mistakes and i i could help you with those mistakes and then that will give you that boost to kind of feel more confident in these ranks this is this is really really good to see um i know a lot of people whenever you're playing ash or zofia if there's ever a cade claw or band of batteries or a mute jammer on the attic wall a lot of people will go into meeting but what they don't realize is they can do this very simple thing of shooting a piece of the wall open and then shooting you know uh your ash charger sophia impact to get rid of the wall denial um so i'm really really uh happy to see that you're doing that because instead of going through green hall into meeting and sticking your neck out you can simply just do this and do it from a much safer area so good job on that good job on the flank watch there as well i don't know where that castle came from i'm assuming he i'm assuming he was in t1 somewhere maybe ratting or came up the stairs but either way good good pick there you over committed here a lot um so right around here is when you should have retrieved the diffuser so you didn't even have to commit all the way into kids in order to get to the diffuser because if you look at the situation right now you're in a 3v2 situation right there's uh there's the ella and someone else alive and then you have the ashes sophie and the thermite on your team so you over committed here and by you dying you've now made it made the man count even on both sides because now you have the thurman zoe and you're dead then you also have the ella and i think it might be a vigil but your main objective there should have been to get the diffuser not to go for the gunfight i can see why you would want to go for the gunfight but you don't need to you kind of wanted to right uh so it's important to realize the difference there understand the situation that you're in because again you know you have main advantage you have plenty of time left in the round uh you know at least where one is at ella and the kids just simply because she killed the hibana in the ace a few moments ago so um kind of try to pump the brakes there a little bit um there's not really much going on during this round so far pretty much you've gotten rid of barbed wire i'm a lucian and a rooney it's pretty much been you and the the sophia in bunker so far and you guys are just kind of clearing it taking control of it uh for anyone who is interested in the context they were not holding elbows so that's a huge advantage if you ever realize that the enemies aren't if the defenders aren't holding elbow on oregon you need to be taking bunker control because that that is a huge piece of map control um very fast not only because it's going to be much more time efficient because you know you have to burn utility and stuff like that which brings me to my next point of it's going to be extremely utility efficient having bunker control is a great benefit for the attackers because not only can you hold off the cross um in the hallway here the little hallway if you go to elbow itself let me see if i can actually uh take the recording back here a little bit to when you were elbow so as i was saying if you get elbow control like this really really fast by the way uh you should try to bring the mav instead of the ace if it is up because mav is a great operator because now what you put the situation that you put yourself into is you know you have you have these walls electrified and you have ac but you can't open them because they are electrified so if you have mavup on most maps it's usually a better bet to bring him instead of you know bringing an ace or habana because you know bringing bringing a hibana with him is great we're bringing an ace with uh mav is also great because they are distance uh hard breachers meanwhile thermite and mav are um kind of closer range like they have to actually be on the wall in order to get it meanwhile ace can throw selmas from a distance and habana can shoot them from a distance right so those are always really good uh good pairs to have you know the mav or habana or the uh mavericks but anyways um now that you have the ace but not the mav you cannot open this wall and the reason why this wall is so important is because it cuts off the entire rotation ability for the defenders so you have the hallway like uh you have the little the long haul here right you also have the laundry rotate somewhere around there a lot of the time someone will be playing behind the boxes throwing a nitro cell over smokes you can also hold the freezer door which will be located somewhere around there so you can cut off all the major points of positioning of the attackers by holding one angle and you can also cut off the rotation ability so if you clear anything from this angle here if you clear anything from the angle that you're holding through the elbow wall to the right if you know nobody is in that area then you can plant on the door now i'm not saying you know you're not going to get nitro celled or smoked off but you know at least you're not going to have any direct gun fights in the area making it much easier for you to plant right so it's very important that you get control it's very important that you open this wall once you get control of elbow and again if you ever see the attack sorry the defenders not holding elbow it's a huge advantage that you need to be taking uh control of also i want to pause it here this is when i initially paused um i'm hearing beeping in the vod which i'm assuming is going to be you talking i'm not sure if it's like a program or something like that where it beeps every time you press your push to talk key in game but um i'm going i'm going to go into the assumption that your your communication is really really good because you're calling things out for uh there's sophia and you um you just pretty much got her a free kill by using the impact on the on the shield so good job on the communication i can just tell by the way you and the zofia are playing off of each other that you're communicating a lot of what you're doing or what you want done so really really good job on that i like to see that you recognized immediately that he was in freezer based off your teammates positioning and also the audio i'm i'm glad to see that you didn't swing hallway or you didn't uh you know think he was in some other position so that's a attention to detail there um that shows me that you have a pretty deep understanding of audio and also positioning from your teammates now i might be just saying that and giving the benefit um but you could have just guessed completely and gotten it right but nonetheless good job uh you and sophia played the round really really well i'm pretty sure at some point this is a 3v5 round and you guys brought it back to uh a uh 2vo pretty much won the round okay so i don't know if this audio bug happens on console but it's been happening a lot on pc uh if your drone gets shot mid jumper i don't know how the the bug actually activates but if you throw your drone jump it and then alt tab or keep alt tabbing it'll usually fix it just for a little tip for anyone who gets this audio bug of like the clock or the drone or whatever like jumping but you quick peeking here and then see you you you're you're leaning weight way too much um if you look here so you lean to the left which automatically makes it harder for them for you to see them lucy that's about all you see of her head and then once you lean back to the proper side to the right you see more of her and then she unstrafes um so you you put yourself in a really bad like position angle-wise because you're leaning to the left meanwhile she's meaning to leaning to the left and she's also swinging and you're unswinging so uh that's how the perspective works in this game you can't and you really can't unswing while someone is swinging and you're also leaning to the wrong side but uh you can play off the aruni here and you don't need to quick peek this right because you quick peeking here it's not doing anything because if you don't know a rooney traps deactivate when a defender is in the proximity of it so it's pretty much free information right you know that she's not anywhere close to it so you can walk in i'm not saying you know just walk in like like you're not going to get shot because she could still be in the area and then run to the door and then swing you right but you can walk in you don't need to you know like quick peek this and try to one tap her because she's obviously not near the door at this current moment um and then you deal with them a lucy and then you go about your day do whatever you need to do bunker side but uh yeah you know a rooney gates are pretty much free information because they deactivate when a defender is in the proximity of it notifying you if someone would be close to the store right nice try instead of playing through the rotate you could have gone through closet as well right um the one i'm pretty sure the wall is open i'm trying to catch a glint a good glimpse of it uh let me see oh man you're moving way too fast i can't see but um you know you can see you can still play through closet for the most part um but nonetheless good try your aim was a little shaky there i i probably know i i'm going to assume that you're probably feeling a lot of pressure in the clutch situation the thing about clutch situations is that people always think about the current moment of of themselves but they don't think about the future player like in them right like the more you try to go for clutch situations the more you're going to be comfortable in them and the more you're going to be be able to think clear clearer and the more information you're going to be able to obtain like there's a lot of things that people overlook and er sorry there's a lot of things that people look at and it makes them nervous in clutch situations like this one that you're in now right i know and i know it might be confusing but try to think about your future self around clutch situations because again the more you do them the better you're going to get with them the more comfortable you're going to be in them it's like facing your fears kind of and becoming comfortable with them i guess you could say something along those lines but it's it's not necessarily about that moment of a clutch because if you lose the clutch then then you understand what you did wrong to to a loser right if you win it then you know what to do the next time you're in a clutch situation similar to the one that you were just in that you won so it's a lot more than that just current moment it's it's more about stacking those current moments on top of each other giving you more knowledge for more clutch situations in the future of of the future version of yourself as a player i hope that makes sense placing an ads here is uh is a bad decision because of the big window right i just want to touch on that it's always important to be aware of your angles when placing down utility like this like a like a lmine or pretty much any utility that can be shot um that is visible that you know can be droned out whatever it is um it's always important to keep that in mind so that way you know it doesn't go to waste um just by simply someone seeing it and shooting it with one bullet because the thing with utility in this game is you want to have a trade for it right at least by the bare minimum you want to trade one piece of your utility for another piece of the enemy's utility that is the whole point of kind of having in the game in the first place is to counter operators is to have different interactions with operators to make their jobs harder um and andy jaeger you know is one of the most universal defenders in the game for the most part and you know when a piece of uh when one of his three ads gets shot off the bat like that um especially when it can be avoided you know it's just it's just something that you always need to kind of be conscious of and make sure you don't make that mistake right i quickly want to touch on glass on on this map uh it happens a lot whenever you know someone goes on kids window repel or gen window i'm sure we've all experienced it at least once where someone an attacker will go on one of those two window repels and you know get a free kill off of it um always always always go around and shoot the glass out of big window gen window and kid's window always do it um if you don't see any bullet holes on the window then you know just double check make sure that the glass is actually broke uh j you know just to be safe because it happens at least once a week whenever i do play this map where someone dies from kids window or gen window and if you guys don't know the reason why you do that glass on windows acts as a as a another sound barrier so not only does the barricade um limit how well sound can propagate but also the glass does so now instead of having one piece of layer of you know like uh of dampening sound i don't i don't really know how to word it but it'll dampen the sound more so you have the barricade here then you also have the glass outside of the window and here's like the window frame here so glass barricade right so you know make sure just make sure you shoot out the uh the glass because again it could get a teammate killed you know you always want to hear someone get on repel so that way you're notified and you know you're cautious of it and you're prepared for it as i said i've seen a lot of people die from it one thing i will say about you and your and your like your playstyle is you're very aware of your surroundings um if we look here i'm pretty sure this is the guy who just died the mozzie because he was playing in kids i also heard the roni before your teammate died so i'm almost positive it was the mozzie but you're very aware of the angles in your surroundings now if you can just couple that with confidence and gunfights then it'll make you a very excellent player um because your situational awareness is really really good i'm just gonna play it out and then i'll go over a few things because i've watched this clutch about four times now just to understand uh everything like all the points so right here right right there right there so right here you hear him planting the only thing you didn't do is make a decision so we can we can look back on hindsight here there's two people in gen there's a twitch that's on the table and then he's planting foosball um so it doesn't matter if you make the right or wrong decision because this goes back to what i was saying about uh you know collect collecting this this uh information or these clutch situations over time and it will add up to to make you a better you know clutch situation player i'm not saying like you shouldn't try in clutch situations like you should still give it your all um but if you lose it don't be upset because the thing about clutch situations is you shouldn't even be in them in the first place unless you're like baiting your teammates and when they're saying you know like refrag me or swing with me then it could then it's your fault for being in this situation because you baited for for an extended period of time and let your teammates die and didn't play with them but if your teammates are dying willingly and they're not communicating they're not trying to coordinate or anything and they're just dying on their own then it's not it's you shouldn't feel guilty for losing this because you should not be in this situation in the first place right it is on your teammates more than it's on you for losing this round but um you have two decisions here to make you can either fight the twitch who's on the left on the table or you can fight the planter now i would probably want to go for the planter here just because you know if i kill the planter then kill the twitch i have roughly probably 55 seconds to a minute left uh so you know having a minute or so left is much better than you know being crunched for time um and trying to you know kill the last four people when the diffuser is also planted right um so a minute left versus 45 seconds is always going to be better you also you're also going to have diffuser control so if you kill these two people jen then you know you can play with the diffuser but what i wanna what i wanna talk about more specifically is making a decision here because even if you make the right or wrong decision whatever you think was the best one in this situation is what you should have gone for because you're jumping back and forth between these two areas because you really don't know where he's planting if you make the wrong decision that's fine if you make the right one that's great okay see like you jump back and forth right and then you you get a little overwhelmed um and then you eventually kill the the zofia who was the one planting uh and then you kind of you kind of run around a little bit um so we'll just play it out even more um so in my opinion i don't think going for the twitch there was the right decision to make because she starts to shoot out the window reload get in repel and then get you know hold the angle she is probably going to be the safest player or sorry the the she's going to be the player playing the most safe because not only is she on repel but she has a direct line of sight on the diffuser so killing her is going to be the hardest you i mean you can argue that you would go for her first but she's not even in her position yet so you would have to probably jump out of classroom to kill her or sorry gen window to kill her and then you know worry about the other two people which you're gonna be detected and then you have to run up main stairs and then they're going to be holding trophy doors so it's not going to be i don't know that was a very hard situation to try to win though i will say that much uh you gave it your your all um but the only thing that i'm really going to say about that is commit to a decision no matter if it's the right one or the wrong one because as i was saying if you make the right decision that's great you take it home and you and you learn from it and you you keep doing that until you know you're faced with another issue or whatever it is that information is great for you to get better at clutching because it worked that time so figure out why it worked and how you made it work and if you make the wrong decision then that's also fine you can still take that information learn from it fix the mistakes what what where you went wrong how you could have played the situation better right um but nonetheless good try uh and you know don't be ashamed in yourself for not winning this because again you should not be in that situation in the first place one thing that i will say about you mentioned you know getting better with gun fights and decision making in gunfights it's not necessarily your decision making in gunfights it's more or less the the decisions that you already make in gun fights if that makes sense um it's not it's not about making new decisions it's about it's about fixing the ones that you already make so like if we go back here you like quick peek one or two times and you're putting yourself at a disadvantage because not she just saw you right so if we go back here again you come up to the angle the zofia walks in you quick peak once you you peek twice and then she sees you the second time you do it and then you quick peek back into it a third time and get in the angle meanwhile still being at crouch level so not only does she know exactly where you're at what angle you're going to peek but she also knows the the vertical height you're going to be at so it makes the gun fight for her just that much easier um but what i what i want to get at here is every time you enter an angle and leave an angle when you re-enter the angle you're giving the advantage back to the attacker because we can look at this gunfight one more time where you do it one two three times and by the second time she recognizes you and your movements and then the third time you're dead and i don't even think you you hit like two bullets on her i think like we can see it there like you're quick peeking you see her on that second peak when you see her you shouldn't have gone for just like a one bullet and then unpeaked and then repeat you should have committed to that swing because not only is she element but she's also looking freezer so you have two huge advantages there she can't hear or see she's also holding a completely different angle uh than the one you're peaking on so you need to recognize that and commit to the angle instead of you know going in and out of it right so that's the i've seen that a few times in in this vod actually of you kind of doing that where you enter an angle leave it and then re-enter it um instead of doing that just hold the angle and if you're uncomfortable holding it then you know get some information on it again when you when you do stuff like that you're giving the advantage to the zofia who should have definitely not won that gunfight as i said she was ella mind and she was also looking into freezer so there's there's a lot that you could have um capitalized on but you didn't it's important to you know again hold the angle instead of trying to quick peek it um but that is going to wrap up today's video if you enjoyed make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe to the channel i would greatly appreciate it as i said at the beginning of the video 40 of you guys aren't subscribed so if you have not hit that sub button already i would greatly appreciate it you can also find the link to my coaching down below in the description my patreon and also links to all my social media as well as my orgs um so make sure you guys go show those links some love if you want to uh drop me a follow on social media i would appreciate it as well as the wichita wolves um but to kind of wrap wrap up the uh the vod review for you i would definitely again commit to a decision instead instead of being indecisive um because you know you have good aim when you need it you have good situational awareness i think the only thing that you're really lacking is commitment and that also lies under confidence because if you're not confident with a decision then you're gonna half-ass it right it's just how it is um you're not gonna fully commit to it you're not going to go balls deep right just put that commitment into into your put that confidence into a decision that's what i mean to say and i it'll really really help you out because i i think you're you're a good player you're just lacking a few things in the in the in the right spots so to speak but yeah i hope the uh the fight review helped you out whoever submitted it um and yeah that is that's gonna be it for today's video i appreciate the love boys um and yeah hope you guys enjoyed hope you learned something new and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: a21mayo
Views: 29,148
Rating: 4.9564104 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, how to get better at rainbow six siege, how to rank up in rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege pro tips, rainbow six siege tips and tricks, rainbow six siege tips, rainbow six siege vod review, a21mayo, best tips for rainbow six siege, how to win ranked rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege ranked, rainbow six siege gameplay, diamond r6, champion r6, rainbow six siege coaching, coaching in rainbow six siege, pacmandownunder, a21 mayo vod review, neon dawn, aruni
Id: RWyntz6EsGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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