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this is going to make you healthier instantly because listen everybody in the world tells you that you have needs that you must fulfill from kindergarten on you are told get your shoes on you're gonna miss the bus you're 4 years old at 4 years old you have to get your shoes on because you have to catch the bus to get to school that's how it starts and it just gets worse you have to yeah you have to graduate you have to get a job you can't make a living you gotta pay taxes copyright you have to why do I ask them why do i mother if you don't go to school you don't get a job you don't they running you can't buy a house you don't have where the living to be out on the street you're gonna die right see all of a sudden that's not making any sense to the four-year-old you see do it for you or get your shoes on you're gonna miss the bus yeah so what you want to die [Music] she says what well you know 40 years from now it's not working I don't know how it worked all these years the farmers get up 4 o'clock in the morning cuz I have to move and they have to plow the fields and they have to get there why do they have to what you wanted right so you come to America and it's modern times and we have mass media and we have advertisement what does the advertisement say every one of them you need this you have to have one of these UV you don't have you didn't get the medicine for your post nasal drip you have to have it sure it'll cause a stroke and blind yourself but you gotta have it so the needs that have to you it gets a little heavy and a little depressing so you go for therapy you know what happens when you go to therapy they listen to you and then they say those are the problems you know you have those are the needs you're aware but you realize you have to patch up your relationship with your mother Christina I really wanted you you know that you're suffering from jealousy from your brother this guy went to a psychiatrist told them all his problems the psychiatrist says aha you're jealous of your brother he says I don't have a brother the psychiatrist says look if you're not gonna cooperate I can your symptoms come from jealousy from our brother don't tell me you don't have a gross anyway the point is you come away with more deets than you ever dreamed them [Music] sometimes so you go to religion right will comfort a little a little support so what happens when you go to religion or you find out that only the problems you have while you're alive are nothing a problem driven and [Music] okay there's no head it's not help so the past sounded like this you have to that affects the past wherever you go whatever you're doing whatever society whatever culture though all of life was yeah and people said cool hey and they didn't the farmer plowed the fields the hunter went out the hunt that the gatherers went out together why are you attacked and then the religious grandfather said to his grandson you have to keep kosher you have to go to shul you have to get married so they did because you know if you have to that was the past now let's talk about the video you don't have to you don't have to anything nothing you know the guy who was suing his parents for giving birth then he took his parents to court that they should pay all his bills for the rest of his life because they gave birth to him without his consent this is not a good argument I have to go to school I have to go to college I have to get a job I have to pay the mortgage and I have to pay the taxes why because you decided to give birth to me you pay before I have to pay did I sign a contract did I have up about a verbal oral agreement nothing nobody asked me I don't need this you pay the bills doesn't that sound good he's right he's absolutely right but they threw it at a court for a number of reasons one reason was the parents said you know we wanted to ask you but we couldn't couldn't find you the other argument was the parent said hey we didn't ask to be born either so complained the grandma and grandma said I didn't ask to be born we don't ask to be born we don't why don't we ask to be born because we don't need to whether we need to before you're born into this world without being asked and then you told to pay the bills and to be good behave yourself you want to die or religion comes along and says you want to go to hell you want to get a good spanking you want to get thrown out of the house you want to get arrested there's always a threat you have to do this because otherwise there's a threat today people have come to the realization if you're gonna threaten me me that you obviously have no argument when threatening the religious grandfather says to his backside you have to go to shul you have to product room you have to talk you have to keep coaching you have to you have to the kid says you know what I don't grandfather says yes you have three months so mom I don't have them what is this reference you want to go to hell burn in hell right away to the threat so what is that in there the grandfather says you have to the grandson says I don't have to do so the grandfather said I'm going to thank you oh so you have nothing else to say that's where the threat cards you run out of what to see so you really can't explain why I have to so you're threatening oh it's not working anymore you can't threaten people anymore it's not working there's an amazing thing happening this is the future that is coming and we need to be ready 10 year-old children are tightly their parents I didn't ask to be born Claire do I have to clean up there what are we after their homework I didn't ask to be born and parents panic don't panic kids right the kid is right so if your child have access to you I didn't ask to be born you should say me live enough so listen to this if you didn't ask to be born and you don't need to be born what does it mean you have to you don't have to what about the threat yeah what might you want me to live my entire life and do all sorts of things so that I don't die doesn't make sense live not to die the way kids are saving this you tell teenagers don't mess around with the drugs it can kill you they look at you like what's your point finish the sentence yeah can kill me so what and they're not suicidal they're smart we are here because somebody needs us not we we don't now this wisdom usually comes when you're pushing on right when you're breaking on then it's right why do I need I don't need anything you may a little not have some I'm fine it's true here's the future you wake up in the morning you have no needs you wake up and you ask yourself who needs me to do that's life you don't need it so I stopped a guy in the street and I say come would you like to put on sole this is hard I don't need that ice is great see if you needed it it would just be part of your burden Farber needs to book the car when you need to put on so you don't need he needs you to do to do something for him but this everything has to be about you this is the future in the future when someone comes to a psychiatrist and says I don't know how to get all my knees the psychiatrist will say you don't have any leads go home find somebody who needs you that's what you're here for you're not here to be meaning you're here to be needed and that's what Judy is our sailors we got it all messed up Judaism is not a religion Judaism is not a you have to Judaism is he has to and it depends on us for his need this is not what the whole Torah says like what's shots God says so clearly I created the world in six days that I rested on Shabbos it's my holy day can you join me he doesn't say you need to rest on Shabbos we don't do anything more week he didn't say you need a day off he said it's my holy day you're not gonna join me it's like God is sitting at his shoppers table and nobody comes to the date so do I need to come to the table not really but he needs me and I'd rather do it for him than for myself this is the future ladies and gentlemen we have no needs we are guests look doesn't this many sense he created the world and we need a jump doesn't make any sense he created the world he needs something you don't create a world unless you need something we we never asked for anything so do I need to eat no it's a holiday I don't need to eat he created me with a dependency of who he created me to do I don't need this I need to stop me I can't I need to sleep it's not nice when you say it that way says if you invented sleep you can invent it in fact you don't even want to you need to stay up and finish whatever you're doing it but he said no you haven't slept in 12 hours you're gonna need the sleep it's his idea why are we stealing it that's plagiarism oh I need to be prepared don't need anything so why did he create us with a dependency on food why did he create us with a need to sleep why did he create us what element is green where we be much healthier if we didn't breathe especially in LA so we don't need to breathe we don't need to work we don't need to eat we don't need to sleep we don't need anything we didn't ask to be born that's Judaism Judaism says if you're eating make up roughly you know why because eating is not your idea his idea so you're doing something that he created you to do so it's a religious event if you're eating you're doing something ugly because it goes up to you and you wouldn't need this is so liberating stop with the guilt stop with the ambition I must become I have to don't have to relax here is the future one choice you have to make that's all the one choice is do you feel needy or do you feel needed not a difficult choice when you feel neither you're a little depressed when you feel needed you are fully alive so the future is not what it used to be when will she have comes nobody's gonna threaten you with that because that will be over nobody's gonna threaten you with hell because hell will be closed due to weather nobody is going to make you suffer because there'll be no suffering so why will you get up in the morning because you're needed you are never in need never we got it wrong so we are not a religion because we my trying to get to heaven we're not trying to avoid hell we're not trying to be spiritual we don't want it we don't need it we didn't ask for it but if God says fast on Yom Kippur make some happy yeah ten minutes can you put on tolling I don't need it I know you don't need it you don't need anything but when you are needed that is so inspiring and yet we got it backwards well if he needs it let it in do it why should I do it see that comes from the belief that I've got my own problems we don't have our own intro we build we are here to serve that's life having their own problems that's depression so if you're raising children if you're a teacher if you're a grandparent stop using the word must you must you have to you need to they're not listening they're not buying it they don't need to they don't have to and they don't must but if you tell them make the brush on the cookie God is waiting to hear from you don't do it look have you ever cooked for yourself you're home alone there's just you you'd ever come to me or yourself now I open a can you know make of it you don't even want to make the dish dirty but somebody's coming over to the house hey that's a party somebody else needs to eat it's a party you need thing all right so you'll eat something boring go so let's come alive let's come alive we've been practicing this for thousands of years without knowing six things you should work that on seventh they don't know what that means six days you can feel needy you need to fix it fix it you need to buy it buy it you need to cook it it cooking but on Shabbos you don't need to cook you don't need to buy and you don't need to fix your needed not me and that has kept us alive through everything because every seven days I don't need anything shut it kept us alive even when during the six days we were really depressed so welcome to the New World the future has just begun and it's different everyone is going to be serving God you know why not because they're gonna become religious but because we don't need them we don't need anything so if God comes along and says but I need something there's couple cousins good now I have something to do so when what God calls to outrun have roast reaction is he named yesterday God says I brought my bride the web says in 80 what does it mean he made me means I'm unemployed you need something hey I'm available cuz I didn't ask to be porn you asked me to be born so what do you need what do you need I don't need anything that is so powerful it's so Jewish so when somebody calls when God calls our our answer should be Nene I am so available because I don't need anything anymore I have outgrown that make sense so we should all be blessed with a good understanding with a healthy attitude with the realization that we wouldn't create this world we didn't start the fire you know the song we didn't start the fire we're not here to get stuff from God because we don't need anything but he the creator of the world depends on you to make his plan come so you got ten minutes do a mixer you don't need it perfect [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 59,397
Rating: 4.9091425 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman
Id: D82GioU6nvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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