This upgrade was ALMOST a disaster

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why did I think this would win it all started with a rooting keyboard one of the fastest yay the fastest gaming keyboard of all time and I desperately wanted to upgrade it but just as I was reaching for my lube I got a Discord call it was none other than my longest standing rival hippiotech Betty what I have a challenge for you tell me tell me you know we've both tried the wooden keyboard right yes we have there's one thing we haven't done and that's modding it you're right I bet you just like me have gotten over hundreds of comments asking you to mod it so I'm challenging you to mod the wooden keyboard and make it a hundred times better than the original I can do you one better I challenge you to upgrade the wooden keyboard to make it a thousand times better you think you can do that that'll be easy easy for someone like me who has three more months of experience modding keyboards than you you always bring up the three months Betty is three months how much longer in the grand scheme of things and can I really make it a thousand times better brimming with overconfidence I scoured the web looking for others who have come before me who have upgraded the routing 68g before that's when I found this guy squashy boy this video blew my mind instead of just upgrading the keyboard you replace the entire case maybe I can take a few notes here and apply it to my camera's ideas I should mention there are a few rules one there is no budget unlimited like thousands of dollars unlimited two there are no rules you could do whatever you do literally anything you want no rules you can cheat I am cheating then wow that's definitely a bold statement I don't know if hoping squashy is cheating but it doesn't matter I just need to win to determine the winner it'll be judged by sound and looks sound and looks you say exactly how you judge a keyboard the loser has to make a short filling a keyboard with Play-Doh the entire keyboard the whole keyboard like each individual keycap and this is time to buy the parts so we can destroy the competition first to really copy squashy we need a custom case but the wooden keyboard is special it doesn't fit just any case there's a specific case design that fits it I got a bunch of ideas off of Reddit and then I discovered the ultimate cheat code we'll take has a whole database on cases that are compatible with this keyboard so I checked out every case only to find out they're either not compatible or are out of stock until I stumbled upon the Free Bird 60. it was in pre-order but the date said it would arrive before the competition and it's perfect well I sure hope it arrives on time I've also got some mod ideas that I got inspiration from all the videos like this got me over it don't make it so bounce and of course I can use whatever I already have at home too with Matt the day has come to actually build this thing first let's start out with the stock keyboard while I really like the 60 he there's nothing too special going on here and the switches make a really plasticky sound when you type hopefully I can get rid of that I also have all the goodies I ordered that I'm very excited about I got three key campsites to choose from and I wonder which set will look the best let's start by taking this keyboard up heart I already lubed all the switches ahead of time with some good old cry attack through a 5G zero it was off camera though I'm putting in those extra hours you know I want this keyboard to be so good so I can hit you I did want to show you underneath each switch is a custom little Emoji check it out pretty cool huh the case already has some nice foam inside it and it feels spongy and porous so I don't know if I can do anything better right now but that leads me into my next mod a classic the easiest mod of them all tape mod you know I bet hippie was doing this or maybe he's doing his weird snco mod that man truly scares me anyways this will add a nice pop to the build I cut two layers of tape and plastered it on and yep that looks good but there is a problem I need to punch holes for this group I did a classic method of holding it up into the lights and punching the holes with my screwdriver works like a charm every time but the last I was still missing the most crucial component and disaster was looming just around the corner week after week I waited but the case it has not arrived yet I took the product page for the case and it said it wouldn't ship for another month there's no way I could win without this case I'd rather quit and be a loser no quitting makes me a loser I must continue I shall not yield I'm scared the oil once again for another case days and I stumbled upon something amazing something that you truly cannot look away from it reminded me of why I started this in the first place not to win no but for my love of the competition at this point I'm okay if I lose because I am complete now for the final review the case I'm ready to look at it in all its glory and well that looks like a block of cheese I mean it's Unique it's cool I guess it giving me Austin Evans keyboard Vibes it definitely captures some of that rooting yellow although the Hue is off lightly also in this case is aluminum which is a big upgrade from the plastic case the keyboard just listen to the sound of this solid metal it came with these rubber feet which I popped into the back they're interesting shape I will say then I popped the foam into the case only to realize the keyboard wouldn't fit July majestically door the foam in half so it would fit and voila it worked there was a gap for the battery in the bottom but I realized the housing doesn't have one so I filled it in with all the chunk of foam that I tore okay [Music] now for my secret weapon a mod so powerful even hipio will be shocked I tried this out a few weeks ago and it's amazing it turned the arcade 61 into a custom keyboard it's the gummy o-ring mod I just hope it works for this keyboard or we are in trouble I took one of these big old l-rings and wrapped it around the PCB and slowly split it around the case and nope I'm not going in I kept pushing and nothing happened so I got Jake to help and he slowly started working the PCB in with the switch puller and he did this by pressing the gasket into the case slowly after a lot of effort and pain we finally got it to fit it's in the case so good now that it's impossible to get out so there's no going back now this is where we're going now for my favorite part the keycaps we've got three options one in black black on white and gmk honey seeing how this keyboard is yellow and off I bet the black and white would look the best but let's go full obscene mode here and yellow it is with gmk honey oh God this is a monstrosity so much yellow there's no contrast plus the bottom is clearly not set all the way you see that massive Gap here yeah we don't want that but it's stuck we're stuck with that now I have a decision to make keep the yellow look and whiskey for the biscuit sure a lot of people will hate it but it's Unique or do I tone it down with the white on black keycaps I've always considered myself a Trailblazer so let's run with it and really help and pray that hippos is worse I have one final mod and that's space bar pop it in real quick and it's done now it's time to be judged Betty how is the challenge I expected a lot to happen but even crazier things did what about you let's just say that I didn't think things would end up like they did let's do the grand reveal three two one we both went yellow mine looks really really good I mean check this out it's super pristine it's literally lovely and it's what the heck just happened that doesn't happen to me look at this earlier today he put up a poll that you our viewers voted on ah are you ready I'm ready with 688 votes keyboard number two wins by 83 percent which is a hippier keyboard congratulations okay what about the sound what about the sound it was a bit of a closer race and it looks like the winner in the sound competition with 65 percent of the votes was your team yes tied you know what that means don't you we're at an impasse which means I again will challenge you to another keyboard challenge sometime in the future so that we can determine who actually wins win I'll be back and I'll be budget if you want to see what hippo's hooting sounds like which it sounds really freaking good make sure to check his video out right here subscribe to his channel thank you [Applause]
Channel: Switch and Click
Views: 56,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: udjJv57KN84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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