ASUS Just Changed Gaming Keyboards Forever....

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now I know what you're thinking you read the  title and now you see a boring keyboard and you're   going wait how is this good but Asus just fixed  literally the worst thing about gaming keyboards   and I need to test this out now you're probably  thinking gee hippo there's a lot of bad things   about gaming keyboards what could possibly  be the worst thing well how about the sound yeah I'm pretty sure that speaks for  itself but that's not all howdy hey   I'm hippiotech and I'm a certified  gamer so I'm gonna be putting the   new Asus keyboard to the test  to see if it really is that good if you're new here here's an extra howdy  hey I'm hippiotech and I've looked at over   200 keyboards yes even the bad ones uh  even the bad ones I'm also a certified   degenerate gamer who's put over a thousand  hours into CS go and many other games   ow because of this I'm not only just a keyboard  Enthusiast I'm a gaming keyboard Enthusiast now   I've tried keyboards like the wooting and the  other Asus keyboards but they always leave one   thing to be desired the sound is just not as good  as it could be now sure when you're gaming you   use headphones but this also affects the feel  now here's where I think Asus might have fixed   gaming keyboards and it's a pre-looped switch  that we'll talk about later but in this video   I'll be checking them out in the form of the  Rog strict scope 296 wireless gaming keyboard   dry mode connection dampening foam dampening foam  wait hold on what also you really don't need to   mod this keyboard but I'm gonna try it just to  see what happens and maybe I'll be surprised   speaking of surprise it would be awesome if you  surprise the Subscribe button because 69 of you   haven't and you'll get an extra howdy hey if you  do howdy hey that was only for the people that   hit subscribe if you didn't hit subscribe I swear  to God you better get out here now before I get   into how crazy this keyboard is thanks Nola  let me mention that this video is sponsored   by Asus however with all keyboard sponsorships  on this channel I am not reading from a script   they did not get the chance to review this video  and all of my thoughts are entirely my own if you   don't believe me check out my first video on  Asus I literally trashed their keyboards and   they said yeah I'll work with that guy again but  really what's respectable to me is that they took   my feedback when I trashed their keyboards  and they actually listened that's a new one   um okay now the specific keyboard I'm looking at  today is the Rog strict scope 296 wireless gaming   keyboard as I mentioned before it's way too long  of a name just refine that guy it's basically the   strict scope too it's a keyboard that's releasing  on July 3rd for 180 US dollars as a fully built   keyboard this puts it in the range where if it  was a custom it would be kind of budget but as a   gaming pre-built it's like on the more expensive  side but it does come with some accessories that   you saw rolling on the screen that are kind of  nice like a keycap and switch puller hey wait   does that mean this board is going to be hot  swap okay also please do not screenshot my nft   I know this joke is old uh but I just found out  what nfts are don't screenshot it also a feature   that some people might really really like is  that it comes with a detachable wrist rest I   like it because it's detachable meaning you  don't need to use it I'll get into that later   but hey it's squishy and that's good speaking of  good the unboxing experience was pretty good and   it came wrapped in this nice little fabric thing  today was the day hippo forgot what a bag was but   you know enough teasing let's get to the actual  keyboard that's what you came here to see now the   first thing a lot of you are going to notice  about this keyboard is that it looks kind of   funny now if you're new to custom keyboard jargon  I will try and make this video as understandable   as possible but I do also recommend you watch  my beginner guide trust me it's a rabbit hole   worth going down you'll have fun well the reason  it looks so weird is because it's a 96 keyboard   meaning it keeps the number pad which is great  for some of you some of you might really like   it and it just kind of smushed is it in there  this actually gives it a really similar layout   to a tkl but it still keeps the number pad which  a lot of people will really enjoy and check this   out there's a knob there's a knob British viewers  it's time to get excited baby there's enough M   anyways and one thing you'll also notice while  looking at this keyboard is that the font is   very gamer fonty and definitely not my favorite  thing but what is my favorite thing is how this   keyboard handles Wireless I actually talked about  this a lot on the Rog asoth video so you can go   watch that Asus is Wireless is disgustingly fast  and probably the only Wireless I would actually   ever game with now you've also clearly seen the  Epic RGB gamer time this board is RGB I wouldn't   expect anything less from a gaming keyboard at  this point honestly and it's customizable with the   Rog Armory crate software which honestly not my  favorite software but that also lets you program   macros and things that might be really useful if  you play a lot of games so that's a perk but at   this point you're probably wondering hippo this  still just looks like a normal gaming keyboard   what is special about at it what did they fix  well definitely not the back of the case that's   still plastic the board is unapologetically  plastic which actually can be a very good   thing for keyboard sounds and we'll talk about  that later I personally really like it actually but what they have fixed is these switches  these are the Rog NX snows a linear switch   and you're probably thinking it's just a normal  switch hippo what's special about this there's a   switch in my keyboard in my special hippo am I  a little special boy well I'll talk about why   they're so amazing later but let's just say  their Factory Loop that their Factory looped   I just told you what makes them so amazing but  don't work also the keyboard is hot swap which   is great but what's not great is they decided to  go with North facing LEDs which is a mistake a   lot of keyboards still make in 2023 the year  of Our Lord but the keycaps that they put on   the keyboard don't actually cause interference  speaking of those keycaps they're fine actually   they're quite fine now I'm actually not entirely  sure if they gave me the PBT or ABS versions of   the keycaps as it says online that they vary  between region but based on the shine they look   like ABS to me although I could be wrong now these  little Clips are for the stabilizers and I have   absolutely love them well and my cat no  Nola please no no don't push it up [Music]   works on the day that you broke my heart  personally I think the gamer font is pretty   cringe but it's kind of hard to deny that that  RGB shine through spacebar which is optional by   the way looks incredibly sick speaking of sick I'm  gonna get sick trying to use this wrist rest but   that's entirely personal now I'm a rock climber  rock climber hippo by the way and I've sprained   my wrists multiple times so typing with a wrist  rest is actually really really unergonomically   friendly it puts way too much strain on your wrist  so it's actually way better to type without the   wrist rest and use it for get this resting also I  was playing around with the space bar and my cat   Nola decided that she really wanted it to be her  little scratcher so I just started scratching it   on her and she was like wow this is literally the  best thing I've ever experienced can I have more   of this sir please so I was like fine okay I'll  scratch you with it a little bit and she started   biting it and I was like okay I guess you can  bite my keycap that's fine so now it's time for   the hit new game on the hippiotech channel does  this keycap survive Nola bites and the answer   is no if Nola does bite your keycap your keycap  will get damaged so please keep that in mind when   buying this keyboard that Nola bites will damage  it now the best part about this keyboard though   is that it sounds and feels really really good  without any mods whatsoever here's a sound test now these switches are the first mainstream  gaming switch that I've ever felt that actually   felt Factory lubed spring and all sure they've  claimed it I mean even Asus claimed on their   last switches on the azoth that they were Factory  lubed and they just didn't quite hit the mark but   these are really solid they remind me of the  wuche series of switches that I absolutely   stand super hard because they're such good  Factory lubing and honestly no complaint but   here's something I wonder will this keyboard  solve my anger issues while playing games well it didn't solve nolas stop God nope and one thing I noticed while using  this keyboard is that even though it is not that   long it's still so much longer than what I'm  used to which is the 75 so I just constantly   smashed my mouse into it so I really hope they  just throw these switches in their rug asoth or   make a 75 version of this now you're probably  watching this and wondering hippo wait why did   you just take all of the keycaps off I thought you  said you didn't need to mod this keyboard well in   every video even if it's a keyboard I don't think  needs to be modded that doesn't mean you can't   mod it right and these switches honestly not worth  lubing I am not taking them apart I am not lubing   them they are already pretty decent and they're  also not worth replacing which is a pretty good   feat because normally I'd just smack in a better  Factory Lube switch in any gaming keyboard so they   fix that which is incredible now I can hear half  of you saying but wait hippo the Wu-Tang is the   best keyboard because it has analog inputs and  I will say if you play OSU or any game that's   severely demands rapid trigger then the Wu-Tang  is gonna be a better keyboard for that but for   the vast majority of people they will not be able  to tell the difference or get any of the benefits   so then what am I gonna do to this keyboard  you're wondering well honestly I'm wondering   how it sounds so good despite just being a plastic  case with an aluminum plate so I've got to take it   apart to get to the bottom of this taking it  apart was actually relatively easy it's just   quite a few screws and we've got our first signs  of what's making it good which is foam in between   the plate and PCB and a really really thick layer  of silicone that fills the rest of the case with   cheap keyboards these dampening levels make it so  your board doesn't sound hollow and cheap which   is good because you want your board to sound  and feel premium just like you watching this   video yeah your premium you're so premium just  like Nola whose premium and cuddling and being   so nice right now why is why is there so many  null eclipse in this video because she would not   stop bothering me sometimes it just happens oh  abandoned speaking of things that are happening   uh I think I should probably say Asus does not  endorse doing this to your keyboard and there's a   good chance that what I'm doing right here could  break your keyboard but I'm gonna do it anyways   so because I'm incredibly lazy I don't feel like  taking every switch out so I just peel the plate   away from the PCB why am I doing this you might  ask well I need a mod to make this keyboard what   I think could be better and oh what's this what is  this oh is that press and seal in my garden now if   you're new to my channel you see a man wielding  press and seal and you probably think wow this is   a really unhinged Channel I thought I was just  getting into a little tech review and now he's   putting press and seal on his keyboards PCB and  he's cutting it like what is going on here well   this is the hippo mod and it's another mod that I  actually don't recommend but I do it all the time   it kind of creates like a little air seal around  your keyboard and it makes it sound a little   bit poppier and a little bit deeper a little bit  thalkier maybe and that's really nice to me this   could also be replicated by Asus including PE foam  in between the plate and PCB and that little other   plate film but because that's the one thing they  left out in this I'm I did it myself and because   I'm also incredibly unhinged I just decided oh I'm  just gonna put it all back together with a little   bit of pressure and uh there's a good chance this  doesn't work oh my God it just worked what so yeah   don't try any of that at home uh Asus might be mad  at me speaking of trying I tried out a couple of   different keycap sets like gmk and they actually  weren't as good as these cheaper budget keycaps   that I found on Amazon some builds really just  don't lend themselves to certain keycaps sound   wise so I picked out these keycaps from Amazon  that I'll have linked down below the hippo doing   the voiceover completely forgot what they are  but they are some type of double shot keycap   that I think was around 50 bucks the hippo  doing the edit will just put it on screen   and he's definitely not gonna get mad at me just  saying this so smug definitely not mad at all nope   and we burn sounds together now with a little  bit of magic I'm gonna put the keycaps on my   keyboard and oops my magic malfunctioned I  put the keyboard on my keycaps so this is   just my idea of what I would do to customize this  keyboard to make it look incredibly incredibly   clean I think this set turned out absolutely  incredible and it took it from just looking   like a normal boring gaming keyboard to something  a lot more premium now it could also be said that   these taller profile keycaps are a little bit  more ergonomic so there's that going for it   too but there was one unintended side effect  the spacebar ended up sounding pretty Hollow   so I did my quick easy fix and I filled  it with a little bit of kill mat this is   one of my favorite mods by the way so now that  I've tried the keyboard on its own completely   stock and slightly modded what do I think as  hippo I've tried lots of keyboards Tech well   for 180 dollars it's a fully built keyboard  and that's really decent the biggest L for   this keyboard is the north facing LEDs and  the plastic chassis but the plastic chassis   doesn't mean that it's stalkier now because of  the keyboard's longer profile for those of you   used to like 60 keyboards it's probably not for  you but if you have a friend that's into gaming   and really loves clicky switches maybe have them  try this the switches just feel so incredibly   smooth and sounds so nice that I think they'll  thank you later anyways here's a sound test bye
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 237,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review, hipyo tech, hipiyo, hipyo, custom keyboard, thock, thocc, akko, razer, wooting
Id: CEjwqVOS-_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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