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what's going on everybody eddie sounded back once again here with soundnet entertainment and we are back in bminji drive and back with the beam monsters mods have ourselves a time here at the atlanta motor speedway usually we're checking this place out for it's a rough racing surface and it's high banks and it's fantastic atlanta finishes but today it's been beautifully converted into a playground of pandemonium we've got 12 different trucks ready to let it eat out there for freestyle and we're gonna show it to you like we've never had before we're doing things a little bit differently today and we're gonna see how it goes we're gonna try something here so sit back relax and enjoy the carnage as we are getting into this thing starting off with the bakugan dragonoid we'll have two minutes and 30 seconds to run this thing into the ground from the time we hit our first obstacle and uh hopefully we don't dig it up too bad because this particular truck i think looks really awesome i am not too familiar with the background source material or anything but it does look sick and i do like that it's basically a sponsorship deal between monster jam and the people that make their toys that is that's just kind of cool to me for whatever reason as we are hitting our first few jumps of the day and we've got a big ol obstacle coming up right here to start us off how about the big tractor trailer that i put there on the front stretch right in front of the fans not sure that would get past the safety regulations in real life and some more big air is up there but of course we don't have to worry about things like health and safety in bmanji that is one of the saving graces of our ability to just go insane out here on the track we've got a big old chance to turn around here and shout out to the camera path editor allowing us to see beautiful shots of us climbing over things like that bus because i think every single game should have something like this it is a little tough to learn at first as you will see i'm not the best at it as this video starts we get some nice skyway action right there i'm gonna hold on to it a little bit but the more you use that camera path editor the better i have gotten at it so that will progress a little bit as we go on in this video we take a wing off over the van stack we're gonna be flying a little bit sideways now this dragon is gonna look like the one that gets captured in whiterun and skyrim on this box truck as we get chained up and not too pleased about it we're gonna take our anger out on the camper we're tearing it up it has grabbed on we're gonna have to be freed from this aren't we and i did operate on somewhat of an honor system where if the truck got stuck i'd pause the timer reset the truck and allow it to continue so let's get right back to it you got to get your revenge on this obstacle here and it's going to bite us again we're going right back over on the lid bending our unicorn horn there at the front and all the whole bodies coming off and we're going to shred it underneath the tire oh no that beautiful what are they made out of like you i think now they're making out of like styrofoam and stuff they're making a lot of weird stuff now i don't even know fiberglass is a thing of the past apparently maybe not maybe i'm going crazy but we are going to make the suspension i think in the past here with a landing like that it is indeed in shambles now but that won't stop us from taking down another van stack and let's get this thing over some crush cars as well why not dance it over top of them with us cockeyed rear suspension that's not doing anybody any favors and as time is winding down here we got to end this big out with a skewered backflip but that's simply not enough how about we go for a little cross thread over some crushed cars that's gonna send us into a bicycle not that easy to control we'll give the fans an up and close look at this body with a flip to boot we're going to rip that front end off the face removed from the drag and all that remains is the tail and the dovakin i think it's reign supreme i don't know much about dragon lore but i think this one has been slain why about another beautiful truck up next we've got titan the classic c10 body hailing from the independent scene of california this truck has quietly been one of my favorites over the last 10 years is we're about to air it out big time over the van and get that hard hard landing right on the pit road that could not be a good one for the spiders we got to get over all the scaffolding and everything to get a shot of what's next like this big old bus jump we get about a extra bus high over there jump and ride it out into a wheelie as well not too bad here we're really carrying that thing there you go and we're gonna set it right into another jump and that's gonna come down hard on the rear suspension there's gonna be somebody in a suspension shop somewhere making a boatload of money when this event is over i can promise you that because there's another buses attack on the buses here today and shout out as we always have to to all those kind of old school crush obstacles those were always my favorite the crazy bus stacks tractor trailer stacks you name it usually at the world finals they bring out the the really big stuff especially in the late 2000s early 2010s they would get really crazy at the world finals and they started to back it down as they probably needed to but we're backing down this 540 cubic inch engine to get us over some fresh cars with the greatest of ease and we're going to take the van stack as well and slam that thing down and why not just keep running the table we'll just go from end to end on this thing we have dual glancing blow the top of that bus crunch it back down because the way that this replay system works we have to pretty much reset the track after each run or else the game starts bugging and we can't be having that is we have some more big air on our hands and some more hard landings as we're continuing to just run through this course from side to side slapping that thing down hard on the nose and kicking it up and that will conclude our running of the course we'll flip it around jimmy through the science here and set up for this van stack and a nice second helping of it cuz that's already nice and slammed down from earlier we'll go ahead and revisit these crush cars as well dance over top of them doing the mamba on top of these crush cars how about a little backflip and a beautiful landing not the most beautiful shift into reverse but it will do and that'll get us lined up over these crush cars for another slap willie here at slap wheelie central this slap wheelie motor speedway is what i would call this place is they're about to dig it up anyway this is the last looking atlanta motor speedway so we better send it out with a bang over this tractor trailer come down hard they're gonna rip this place up and probably rip its heart out knowing how nascar does repaves these days but whatever we gotta send it this one's for you atlanta up in the air this is huge aaron down on the spine it's dust and we just broke every inch of this truck i think the front and the rear suspension are both smashed two pieces and conveniently timed i think that will pretty much end the run here for titan as it winds up like it did in that world finals video where it didn't even try to make the corner qualifying how on brand well with our next truck for switching gears a little bit we're going to be paying tribute as i'm sure most of you know we've got the gunslinger here one of the classics of monster jam and its legendary owner and operator scott hardsock sadly recently passed away he was an absolute legend in the monster trucking scene and he will be greatly missed and today we are going to try and do him proud first of all by sending it into some mega air right off the bat into a nose diamond then pulling it up over the next jump to save it that was kind of nice we're gonna try to honor the man here with a nice run we already got some big air i remember him sending it over a world finals main jump i don't remember if it was two or three but man did he ever destroy the truck and that just shows how far these things have come as far as a developmental standpoint because they used to get trashed quite easily and now they could take a beating and we're going to give this thing a little beating over these jumps we're going to unlock that mega powers engine unleash its true potential and send it right into the bus and into a nosedive that we can save and turn this thing around here up on this pavement making us tripods we're trying to turn around hit this parallel jump and set it back the other way now this truck looks exactly like how i remember it as a child with that lower front bumper bar knocked off i guess that's kind of an element of realism right there and yeah i kind of like that we were able to replicate that organically as we're going to send it up the hail mary crush garden to the into the semi trailer and that just did not work we're up on our roof can we pull it back can we save it our hood is coming loose we lost the hood but we cannot lose the truck can we dance on two wheels and bring it back of course we can we're slinging guns we're slinging dirt we're slinging this thing through the air we cannot be stopped and we're doing it for the man we got to do this this is the third truck for dale and this is for scotty hartsock we are locked talking ready to rock we're cross threading come on we have got all of the powers on our side sideways over the crushed cars oh no i've got a terrible idea do you have it too let's go for this camper up threw it clean and it didn't even grab on to us oh that was the best camper hit i think we've ever had and we get kicked up on our nose oh we get front flipped and we drive out of it how in the world we're hitting we're hitting tricks we didn't even mean to hit and we're getting bounces big old bounces up on two wheels let's sling this thing around we've got to cap this run off in a big big way because it is coming to a close here we have hit some monster jumps why not one last one it's gonna land as hard on the nose and we're gonna pull it back still into a wheelie into a wheelie who cares that we just destroyed the front suspension throw it up the bus just throw it at the bus throw it at anything in front of your leg of this backflip ramp and it's still landing on the wheels this truck it was just meant to finish on all four that was a hell of a run i like to think we did the gunslinger proud here today and changing it into our next truck here we have got spider-man with his cheeks out on the roof my god man there could be children watching this spidey you gotta take it easy we gotta get out of here we gotta get spiderman on the course here i think what we're gonna do is floor it right down this pit road and send it up the van stack just to see like we're swinging through new york city up through the atlanta air and down pit road will continue to go starting this run off right see if we can get down this ramp path here without scaring the crew members too bad all the pit road crews and officials running scattering they don't know what's going on they thought this was a nascar race they're like michael walsh they're at the wrong track but that is a-okay because they're gonna get a great show including some slap willie's here that'll carry into the bus so we're gonna ride it across the side crunching that thing in and using the robo entrance to spin it around i ran a car through that rover earlier too thinking it was just gonna be the charlotte one but it wasn't it's a little bit dif shout out to atlanta probably accurately modeled or not because i don't know what the real one looks like but i do know what a big old hit on a van looks like and that was it and up on two wheels we get to save and we're gonna send it right into the tractor trailer gonna grind over the top of it and barely missed that new van we added there for a little extra added ease on the other side once we get to that we'll skim it across the top of those crushed carts there put the power down get that wheelie going we'll send a big old willy here into the next jump and see what happens and we're gonna just bury it into the bus nose first our clip gets stuck and now we're dancing on our own nose and spidey's face is just jammed to that bus all poor spidey don't let jay jonah james to get a picture of that oh or this well not our finest hour as we get stuck again but we're back and rolling into a back flip off the box truck and reversing out of it as we just caved that thing entirely in and that'll be a fun thing to try to hit from the other side too if we get the chance but let's see what else we can do here about a backflip going the other way off of an actual backflip ramp you know something being used for its intended use how about a corkscrew and you hit those jumps half and half i think that's what you'd call that that's what i call that that's what we got for the fans out here right in front of him on the front stretch we'll send up a little bit air can i try to kick that back end up but it doesn't quite get there but now we'll try to work it back around towards that camper as we just about flip it on the period everybody running scatter he thought mark martin spinning down pit road or casey kane hitting the pit wall was bad wait monster truck comes through and takes a camper out and it is jammed up in the wheels we may have had enough of this one we're just gonna floor it over the bus and burst into a ball of flames an explosion despite he may not get out of this one although he is gonna try and look at us landed on the wheels at least miles morales is going to come bail you out now spidey you might be toast well keeping with the theme of character trucks how about that big mean mugging face of donkey kong all right now this is a sick little truck i remember showing up back in like the 2009 ish era and i think frank kimmel drove this thing for a while and just a nice little video game truck and what better place to drive a video game truck than in a video game this is just logic and sense 101 i'd say and florida down the front stretches his nascar monster truck series coming soon might be about the only thing that could save it now as we're going to send it up the big tractor trailer clear the landing cars that is not even a option they hit those things with that air and we get over this little mini jump as well dare i say this camera pad thing starting to look a little bit better it's almost like i'm starting to learn something about now it may not last for long though because this is a lot of wheeling and tracking and bad driving from yours truly but getting across that line as if this were a race that would have been nice as the truck comes right as look at this shot i love this camera pathing system and i do not love that van because we just crushed it got huge air and fused all of our vertebrae into one so that's just neat you love to see it don't you you really do what you love to see is more of that big air and that's what's coming up right next look at that tie dancing in the wind just taking a beating out there just lying along it's hanging on pretty strong so they must have made that out of the same thing they made monster butts tongue out of or whatever i don't know maybe they did maybe they did they look like they got it pretty much in the same spot though and we're getting over that buzz with some big old air that is a hard hard landing this suspension again taking the brunt of this course and will it be able to take something like this as we set it up into like a mega cork screwing down on the sides of the tires can we pull out the save there it is and that's not enough we gotta double it up double or nothing oh and it's twice as nice how about it donkey kong i didn't know he was as agile i thought he was a big fat gorilla i was wrong today we learned and today we might learn what a tore up donkey kong looks like because we are headed for the bus in a big way and we are gonna back it up over top of it ripping the back of the body off and we're just flailing around back here still going we're going back over the bus and ripping the shell off donkey kong is in the nude this could be a problem oh this could be awesome as we're going for the impromptu backflip and we landed absolutely trashed the truck the entire body saved for the tie is gone and even that's caught up in the trash suspension what a glorious finish of that run well here we are with another character truck and it is a cool and we've got the tasmanian devil with a sick looking body and this truck has some pretty sick history that i remember from my childhood watching this we're going to try to give it a good run here is we're going to start with a cockeyed hit on these crush cars give us a big old launch to the entire the track and we're going to send it right into that camper and get through it clean crush down that box truck and we survived it gonna crush this bus down a little bit get over top of that and move this thing towards the front stretch we've got a semi-trailer that's calling our name here we're gonna put it to the test grinding over the top of that thing and getting it back down let's flip it around here because i'm smelling a backflip coming up up and over we going we under rotated that's gonna come down hard on the front end and over on the roof it goes early in the run that's just not acceptable for taz this truck's got some pedigree some of the best drivers in monster trucking have driven this truck charlie park and debuted the damn thing adam anderson made his stadium debut in this damn thing it's laying on its roof well here's how we get it off its roof you hit the control button you drag on it until it comes back to life here and now we have to turn the engine back on and hope it re-fires and it is indeed alive but now our only issue is that both of the wheels are going in opposite directions in the front end that is a bit of a problem it won't be any problem to get over that van stack apparently we can do that nice and easy let's try the bus again too we'll have to walk that over top of it there you go that was nice dragging the tailgate and now just trying to slap some wheelies up make this interesting bounce it off the top of those crushed cars smash those things in oh now this could be a problem when cross threading goes wrong you get a nice save out of the deal i think we only pulled that back because the front end is so crooked to cockeyed it somehow managed to dig in like it does to this camper and box truck oh my god did we smash into that thing and we pulled out of it we somehow got away with that our front suspension looks like it's hanging off by a threat we got a shock hanging down there i think that camper's ripping us apart at the seams we're getting annihilated two whales just got ripped off of us what the hell is going on here excuse me self-destruct sequence initiated much what did i just witness have you ever well speaking of have you ever we've got something that we haven't really dived into quite yet in our beam adventures we have a actual diesel-powered bro-dozer and that thing sounds so cool at least it's a nice change in pace i really like this truck i know the real life one is kind of shrouded in some controversies right now based on what i've looked up recently it's got like some lawsuits going on with the guys that made it and different things and whatnot but i just think this truck is really quite cool we're going to put it to the test and see what that diesel engine is all about because the first thing i noticed is it makes the truck drive a hell of a lot differently and it takes a lot longer to get up to speed which i guess could just be the nature of a diesel engine i really am not a technical engineer i don't know as we skim the top of that bus and get over the top of that van there was no skim job that one we will turn this thing around is it's just sounding so cool it's such a i was gonna say a breath of fresh air but we're probably killing the planet with that black plume of smoke coming out the back at all we might be getting some karma for that right now because what the hell is this what the hell do you call this that is not even close to getting up over top of that semi trailer so we'll back it up and try that impromptu ramp again here everybody in the stands point and laugh while you can because you're not gonna get too for long let's go ahead and get this thing up and over we go all right up and through and down hard on the back we're gonna bicycle this thing and ride out of it that is nice throw it right into the next jump and keep it moving as this thing does look six i don't know if they even still run this truck or not but we're gonna run it into the ground by looking things into a backflip and taking the hood off as we have begun the dismantling portion of the run we're gonna back it up over that bus even i'll see if we can get it forward over this bus and crush it down a little bit there we go smash down on the cars on the back end and try on this box truck again see what we can't take it down this thing is our arch nemesis and it's going to get us again the bane of our existence this thing and it's oh i just ripped our body off we're doing sideways donuts here slamming into the side of it still taking our revenge taking our own body out and i think i just broke the front suspension again throw this thing in reverse we'll try the rear suspension for a change how about that and i see something lining up here how about a reverse backflip if you will and it will be a success count it as this thing is barely resembling bro dozer anymore but it is quite obvious just by listening to it isn't it we'll try this the other way now how about that up and through clean down on that car that car and van have seen better days and now through this big old steep ramp so that thing is just barely hanging on those two back quarter panels are just flapping in the wind aren't they how about they flap up against this bus which is exactly what we're doing flailing around the side of it keep your foot in the gas and let's get it back on all four wheels to end that run oh that was a magnificent run i think not a bad debut for the diesel i like it wow about this grab onto the big guns boys we are going to war we've got soldier fortune up next ready to take on the atlanta motor speedway looking like it just came out of the halo assembly line for warthogs and this thing looks badass i was surprised how old it is already too this truck came out 2015 i know there's 180 million different versions of it and they took the gun off after a while too but we're gonna need that gun today because we have added some new obstacles that are gonna be quite treacherous such as that box advance combo but we got over that nice and easy just by sending it up and sending it into the wheelie we do as well because we got to get to the middle of track and catch some of these crushed cars lacking over here they're not paying attention you gotta keep your eyes peeled when you're at the monster truck show we'll show these cars over here too we're gonna dance around that van we're gonna rip some body panels off here look at that tailgate we're going to send that flying oh there it goes that thing just went to its home planet and speaking of new obstacles look at this box pyramid we got going on over here we'll have that to take on for the rest of the show just to try to make things a little less uh you know insulting towards the game when it grabs onto your wheels and it rips them off by force and that van right there is gonna knock us over on our side but we gather it up and now i'll have to come through the signs here if you hit that saint jude's children's hospital sign you get minus 50 points automatically that's the rules i don't make them that's just how they are all this is shaping up to be something right here and there it is the perfect front flip with the momentum over the jump and carrying it down the front stretch here for the fans right in front of them we're gonna hit the semi trailer with full force up and through clearing the landing cars but i might not be satisfied with that i don't think these fans are either look at all eight of them over there just staring at me like a jpeg we gotta do this in reverse let's go send it right back send it back the other way and stand it up on the nose let's throw a reverse wheelie in here why not there's a bus over here somewhere let's that let's get that in there too yeah there it is up and through this one is all coming together now boys oh yes oh no we're gonna under rotate that though that's a hard landing on the side ripping the gun off the roof with that one probably there it goes and still trying to save it that's not enough give it some more gas that will do it how about this it is all coming together now there was crowd noise there would be a lot of it right now as we are up over the bus again flipping this thing around towards pit road coming back towards the pyramid of trucks and we're gonna get over that we need more don't we that is just not gonna be enough as we wind this run down just slam it into it in reverse get the accidental reverse backflip again or what in the world do you even call this at this point we are going to send it on to pit road and it comes back to us just for the added style points at the end soldier fortune no we were fortunate all right get your hair gel out ladies and gentlemen we've got mohawk warrior coming up next of course one of my i guess an evolution of one of my favorite trucks ever i used to be such a big fan of the plain black escalade it wasn't even funny and then the one time they made it white at the world finals that was even greater this is not too great as we are breaking in mohawk warrior with a bit of a hard bounce and it didn't even didn't even break a sweat look at it it's fine i think the windshield fell out that's about it we're gonna take it right over the semi trailer there that's no biggie this thing had taken like a champ but shout out to george bellhead of course he was the og riding this thing and i think it's been passed along a couple of times now and nobody can do it as good as i can clearly it doesn't matter who but we're gonna get a cockeyed look at this van are we here we are oh it's going into a backflip whether i wanted to or not and that could have been a consecutive backflip something this truck was kind of famous for doing if i do remember correctly there's that cock-eyed look at the crush cars again this is getting funky here and this is gonna be an interesting way to bring this truck to a stop gas it up on the pavement oh we might be going to the fans hit the brakes we cannot be having that i know those catch fences are strong and they usually do their job but we don't even want to leave it to the chance this is like a 10 000 pound beast that i cannot get back on its wheels for the life of me come on truck work with me thank you don't touch that children's hospital slide you know the rules oh my goodness all right over the crushed cars the other way now we go as we are catching our breath living and breathing again and let's go the other way over this pyramid as we just get stuck we get crunched right into it it stops at our tracks it's our bodies freaking out laying on the floor over there and i like how all that's left of us is our mohawk that is a nice touch that is a good look for us i think as we're bicycling at some more gonna run over our old body coming back to this pyramid here we're gonna wear this thing down here if you get a fresh obstacle you gotta take advantage and use the side of the backflip ramp to get the backflip in and try the consecutive one but it's not quite gonna work gonna pull it out anyway though that was kind of nifty that was like a front to back shift and what oh my goodness we're just trying to back the ball for anything and everything now and we just might make this work come on catch on the pavement it didn't do it oh it might have to on this it's catching the sides of these ramps in such weird ways and it's gonna land again oh this is unbelievable so naturally you gotta send it into another one what else are we gonna do here we don't we don't know anything else except for maybe the occasional corkscrew and that is gonna land even this is a bless run right here mohawk warriors making all our hair stand up with this one going cross threading landing it hard bicycle in it some more we got a wrecked suspension i think we do i i catch some cockeyed wheels i think they're going separate directions and they're gonna go over on the pit road too there you go mohawk down i repeat mohawk down that is a hell of a run right there by the mohawk warrior great clips got their money's worth on that one i'd say the sponsorship paid off well as we get down to the end of the show the big dogs are coming out and this is one of the biggest ones of all we've got bigfoot number 19 in its speed energy layout this was actually a viewer request so shout out to the viewer who asked for this one and i just learned a fun fact about this truck this was originally supposed to be owned by robbie gordon and be a monster energy truck but the deal fell through so now this is what we have now it's bigfoot 19. and it's getting some big ass air and landing right down on the tailgate that could not have felt too good that was some of the biggest air we've seen all day damn robbie gordon would have been proud of that if this ended up being his truck that would have been right up his alley all the crazy stuff he's usually getting up to he should have done it and we're crashing into these cars more than running over them my goodness we just smashed into them i changed the tires to bkts because the fire stones kept exploding on me and this is still not going too good but we got him over the pyramid with style and grace that was just beautiful right there running out of it here let's find that van stack where's that coming at boom see you later and landed it down on pit run now watch out for the signs everybody knows the rules we don't have to watch out for these two all right let's see what kind of trouble we can get into with these ramps here's we're going to come down on that nose hard and get a little kick off to the side here oh this could be trouble as we're getting into a super donut on the side and save it what a bunch of sidewinding cyclones that was and now we gotta follow that up with a big old slam at this tractor trailer come on up the elevator we go all the way over top of the fence up above it man if we got kicked over off to the side those fans would need to run and hide that would be a problem but we get through it and we're past it how about this big old box van combo right here let's go for the back flip over it without even trying till we get it magnificent technique being displayed here and we'll carry it down these speed ramps we're just going to send it into this speed ramps balls to the wall we're getting out of shape and that is a horrific crash my god one of the hardest hits i have ever seen right into the end of that ramp that was a bone shaking hit and did we ever come apart what a run though we uh we might have jumped the gun on the maximum destruction moniker with what we just did but hey we have got the legendary classic with the front engine as well so this could not get more correct if we tried i don't think so let's just send it wide open for the start and oh my god are you kidding me take two on the big air jump here and we're gonna lead a little bit to the other side this time but we get that suspension underneath us very important that we manage that we're gonna send it up the ramps not as fiercely as we did bigfoot but still letting it hang out and we gather it up we have to let it hang out on the wild side now we're late in the show we've got to stand out be a memorable run to these people let's take the trailer just knock it over how about that as we run across it what else can we do to stand out how about a moving backflip over the bus to rip the wheel off on the landing though oh no into donuts so that's kind of cool when that wheel's having a rave over there it's dancing that thing is just having a good old time we're gonna kick it out of the way and keep flipping our way into this freestyle i ain't given up real wells has never stopped this before it will not today not like this keep it moving and this is a sorry sight but not a unfamiliar one for maximum destruction there have been plenty of freestyle runs like this in many american towns across this great nation this has happened for decades now and we're just going to follow soon as can we even get up this pyramid it doesn't look like it didn't make it far and we might be jammed up we might have just become part of the obstacle here but we catch a piece and land it straight down on that broken piece of suspension which i'm sure is just oh so forgiving but we've got to make this run wild and out now we have got to enter maximum destruction mode i think i know just the way to do it let me see those box trucks let's just run it right into them we are in max d mode it is time to go crazy we're flipping around smoke's flying out this is just like some of the real world finals he used to do back in the day when the trunk would be dead let's just floor it and see what happens the hell with it and the hell with it i think is where it's going to end up because this truck is in shambles and i might just be stuck with broken suspension everywhere you look tire rods hanging off i'm pretty sure i don't need this is a disaster and a half but my my my we made the most out of what we could with max d and now we've got one left well if you're gonna close out the show why not use the icon of icons we're going way in the way back machine here with what is a modernized version of the original gravedigger mud truck that dennis anderson created after a little bit of trash talk with some buddies and some stuff that story's pretty cool about how this thing came about but this is where it truly started as a truck not necessarily as a monster truck and they would have been a little bit scared of something like this back in the day but not us we are sending it over these things we are a long way from the mud bog holes now we are in atlanta georgia on one of the biggest stages of them all and we have got to close this thing out a little more than some slap wheelies here but we'll take them we'll carry them across the racetrack show off some of that horsepower and how about over the bus we show some of it off here is we're gonna get a nice hard landing down there that's kind of clean kind of nice and for something really out of our playbook how about a backflip gonna land that thing nice and clean we get by this and turn it around we do it man what a sight this old school truck is i don't know if they were doing bad clips on the 30th anniversary as we get over that pyramid but they should have because it would have been a cool treatise we don't even begin to get over this van stag we just stuck on the car we're getting it free ourselves finally but before kicks us off to our side oh save it we're gonna destroy some of that beautiful body oh no but we're gonna shut our way to our wheels oh yeah we've got a piece of our body hanging onto the side we'll free that up don't worry we'll get back flip that out of existence that is not an issue and pass the backflip ramp we'll go over the cars keeping this run kind of nice and fluid so far except for the saves i think we're good how can we keep it fresh though how about this big box van combo we'll just send it right up lose the hood and the front suspension i see that tire rod hanging around banging around ah damn it we're gonna have to deal with that now as we close this run out but that's all right a little adversity has never hurt us before and it will not start today we've got to finish this one off strong i've got a bus in my sights and a foot to the floor so we're just gonna send it over top nobody cares about that tyra that thing just flapping in the wind too you gotta respect it for trying to hang on as we're gonna line up one last shot here at the semi trailer can we just floor it up and through right off the side but i love the way it jiggles we land hard on the back suspension that's gonna kick us off can we get the save we can we can indeed just run it out here now floor it let it rip on two wheels bicycling we're going over we're into the lights we're into pier road we're erect and that is how we are gonna end the show with an iconic crash and dash into the lights what a day well ladies and gentlemen that is gonna do it for our show here today that was 12 monster trucks freestyling it up in atlanta georgia at the atlanta motor speedway hopefully you enjoyed that if you did please hit that like button and subscribe for more we'll do some more if you let me know down in the comments what trucks and tracks you'd like to see you can get that pop it even a little bit quicker probably so if you guys want to do this for yourselves if you got beam and g on pc i got all these mods from the beam monsters website i will link it down in the description below that's where i got literally everything you've seen in this video so just follow their tutorials it's all pretty easy to set up and you'll have your own fun ripping away at these things because trust me it is a good time but until next time we will do this again for sure thank you everybody so much for watching with that i will see you in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 402,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Trucks, Monster Jam, Atlanta, Atlanta Motor Speedway, BeamNG Drive, BeamNG, Beam Monsters, Beam Monster Trucks, Monster Jam Mod, Steel Titans 2, Titan, PC, PS5, Xbox, Wreckfest, Soundhead, Soundhead Entertainment, Bakugan Dragonoid monster truck, max-d, grave digger, scott hartsock, taz, donkey kong, gunslinger, soldier fortune, spiderman, DLC, update, download, nascar, crashes, fails, wrecks, highlights, best moments, full show, freestyle, saves, big air, install, tutorial, bigfoot, brodozer
Id: gIho24eqdpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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