This Text Effect Will Blow Your Mind

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hey what's up guys I just released my brand new Phenomenal X lot pack but the very first shot of that video is this insane fpv drone just diving down a waterfall and I thought it'd be really cool to have some text that shows up on the screen and then Smash Into The Cliff as the Drone flies down here's another example of it and this is showing you it really just depends on the video that you do this effect on I'm gonna call this like a text mesh warp effect it's really sick but I'm going to show you how to do that today in DaVinci Resolve all right so let's get started all right so the first thing you want to do is do some color correction and color grading I'm just going to add this quick Lut maybe bring down the exposure tiny amount all right so let's go into the edit tab now here I have a perfect example of a video that will work really well with this shot typically this works really well when you have something in the foreground that's passing and then you have some really cool elements that you can track and get a really cool warping effect so once you've trimmed your clip accordingly right click on it and select new Fusion clip click on Fusion then hold down shift and press spacebar and type in merge push enter that'll add a merge node then click anywhere here in the node graph hold down shift and press spacebar and type in text go ahead and select text plus add it connect that node to the merge node let's go ahead and type in what you want to have warped and then adjust the text and the size of everything the way you want it before we start warping it then what you want to do is hold down shift and press spacebar and type in surface select the surface tracker connect that between the merge node and the media out 1. so now what you want to do is draw a box around the text go ahead and disconnect these nodes from the tree so the surface tracker doesn't try to track the text that's merged on top select mesh then turn up the point number limit the higher you go with this the more Dynamic and the more warpy the text will actually look and you can turn down the minimum Point spacing but for this example I'm not going to do it then select the track option now instead of tracking all the way to the end or tracking to the beginning what I like to do is track to the point of where I know the text is going to fade out and I'm going to do that frame by frame so I'm going to sit here and click this until I'm happy with it and as you can see this mesh surface tracker is tracking the entire scene of where we selected it's selecting it really well and I'm going to try to go through the Rocks here and I also like clicking frame by frame because sometimes these points can get really wacky when you try to like manipulate the tool the way I'm doing right now and you can see that this point here is kind of moving so if there's anything crazy in the tracking process that starts to happen go ahead and just kind of like keep an eye on those points typically it's only one or two and now I'm just going to make my way through the Rocks here and I kind of want to see if I can push the tracking through and not have any crazy insane warpiness happening but for the most part this is looking okay so once you've tracked it to the point where you're happy go ahead and drag the playhead to the very beginning tracking marker now let's go ahead highlight those nodes hold down shift and drag the merge node down in between here so you can see where the text is I'm going to select the text right click on it and select copy or you can just hold down alt or option on your keyboard and do command C then hold down alt and push V on your keyboard to paste it go ahead and connect that to the surface tracker so now what you want to do is you want to match the text size of this node to the first text node that we have in the node tree so go ahead and adjust the size here and then come up here to the layout you can adjust the center X and Y and do your best to match these up as close as you can great now once you've done that we want to make sure by selecting the surface tracker that we're on the exact first frame that we started the tracking with go back to the text make sure that's selected come up here to the global in and out and let's go ahead and make sure that this is turned off until frame 43 so now the global in and out the text that is going to be morphing is going to start on frame 43. now on the first text we want to select it and trim this down so it stops on the screen at 43. see now that we have a seamless kind of like connection of the two texts it's starting to look good now what you want to do is click on the media in one bring it down here let's go ahead and move the media out over here on the right hand side with the surface tracker here selected let's go ahead and add a merge node then add a second merge node go ahead and connect the media in one output to the second merge node then select anywhere in the node graph here hold down shift and press spacebar type in Luma select the Luma keyer connect the media in one output to the Luma keyer as well and then connect the Luma here to this merge node then select the second node here and hold down alt or option on your keyboard and press T to swap the inputs with the lumac here selected come up here to the right hand side under the inspector select invert go ahead and bring the high point down all the way here then bring the playhead to frame 43 that's the exact spot that I started tracking select the keyframe of the high and low then come to the point of where the tracking basically kind of stops or where you want the text to completely Fade Out then you want to come up here to the low and high and bring up both channels all the way and that is how you do the mesh warpee smash on the rocks type of effect thanks for watching like And subscribe as always and have a great rest of your day
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 169,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie fenn, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve transition, Davinci resolve text effect, Text fade effect, Text morph effect Davinci Resolve, Davinci resolve text fade effect
Id: jnj9-tifqaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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