This Tech Support Scammer Hates Me

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[Music] thank you for calling 5000 principal duty Shannon how may I help you today yeah hello Shannon yeah you um I guess you blocked my computer for some reason I I don't really know why you blocked it but I I'm just calling to request that you unblock it please it's revamping you two-spirited line okay I'm transferring the call to the metric engineer thank you for being on hold your call has been transferred to the senior technician now I just want to ask you like what kind of activity you're doing on your computer when you got that message on your screen yeah like I like I said to her I was just trying to pick up some stuff online like literally what is like actually what is literally happening you know what I like like what I mean five years old and explain it to me like a little kid and you like pretend I'm literally like five oh no no no no I'm 24 but they pretend I'm five because I just like literally most every single word I like I just can't even you know okay I can't right now all the areas which you show up showing it this is all a list of areas of the hacking file which you have on your computer and you know the help of this areas they are okay I don't I don't speak computer I know like a little bit of German but I don't I don't speak computer so right there I always use protection like sunscreen want to go outside always I am appalled at the kind of customer service you have this has been going on for over a year now and you just decided to stop no are you kidding me like what is your damage like first cereal how do you treat a customer this way can you explain that to me definitely listen now let me tell you we does not block or customers completing that thing and there's all those areas of there for very long time we have syllabi always warning notification we have allowed you to use the computer because I've seen that front of time your computer was in limits the ADA was in Linux and today I'll just cross the maximum numbers of ADA's to a security which you have they can it's over 9000 okay why did you said I had security told me I had security it just only could block eight thousand things so do I have security or do I have no security like just tell me what it's going on seriously like I'm like I cannot even like a scale from one to even I I'm up to here right now right now I don't know I don't know okay no they might be what is the first place and Remo in the other ones don't say anything because what our orders serve Isis and is it bad to have them but could they be topped off bottom door what no it says it's really clear like it's written right here serve Isis s topped like how could it that'd be more clear no if there's always a dash of something continues it says serve Isis s chopped I don't know what that means okay yeah look serve Isis s what is HAP are you moving everything okay security not found serve Isis press top I'll give you a minute to go get glasses or something because it clearly says serve Isis top hacker found I what does that mean services it says serve Isis as topped it is clear as day serve Isis s topped what is that but that's not what it says it says serve Isis us topped is it like an abbreviation okay but why would they why not Brie v8 services like SRV instead of serve Isis that's like they literally put a space in there like that is not clever at all that is like the dumbest thing I've ever seen is there a free trial like a one-week free trial or something really really nervous like no how do I know that you're not like trying to like scam me without this forum on I would not click to do for a long time all the information is everywhere we compete against all given two hours information without your computer will not reproduce that is true you've been on the phone with me for over an hour that's a long time okay you want to play a game I don't have time for that I need to get my computer unlock like my friends used to just call me Jenny from the block because it's Jenny blockage peel my favorite game oh oh name okay hmm lose your phone I think you need to move your phone either further away from your face or like okay I guess the other option would be like you could just put your phone like right in there like just in your mouth okay [Music] yeah cuz I think your breathing pattern is a little bit sounding sinuses but you just told me to close in they're not still in there okay this is bad this is too much you said this was secure you said you were fixing it it's it's getting worse my credit card I gave you everything I I need you to fix it know anything about computers you told me my computer was gonna be fixed you've been sitting here like clicking a random things for the past hour and I have even know how to use a computer oh my god did I just get scammed [Music] connected disconnected connected connected disconnected [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 303,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scammer, tech support scam, scammer rages, prank call, pranking scammer, tech scammer virtual machine, angry scammer, phone scam, error 268d3, virus scam, fake trojan hack, funny scam videos, stupid scammers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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