This Should Only Have Taken 3 Days To Build! Not 2 months! | Reality Renovision Ep15

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[Music] big cold front came out of the north they got a little angry and made some tornadoes unfortunately one of the communities just on the outside of ottawa in the valley there got obliterated it's uh 52 homes were destroyed i got stung a few days ago face swelled up like that was that scene the movie hitch ready to shoot again and lo and behold he gets attacked by his dog [Music] we have got to get this done it seems like since we started this project everything's been going wrong i think we're going to increase value in this kitchen this is not acceptable and that is money in the bank this is where it gets fun fire the hole it's not the time they're putting out the big dollars thank you here always there's another tool you won't need to buy perfect every time [Music] hey in today's episode we are talking sheds we're not just talking any sheds we're talking about building your own we're not gonna go to the store and buy a prefab because i don't think you get great value for your money and you have very very small limitations and let's face it they blow away in the wind so we're going to build something here we're going to pour a pad we're going to frame it we're going to add all kinds of great little personal touches to it so you can learn how to build your own shed and get everything you want out of your storage space so the most important part of building your custom shed is layout and design remember design world when we're designing something it has to function and it doesn't have to just function for everybody it has to function just for you so what you need to consider is what kind of storage space are you creating now let's face it in today's world in north america we are consumer economy we got stuff we got so much stuff we have garages attached to our house we don't even put our car in it we have a billion sheds in the for gardening and there's so full of stuff you can't even begin to pot any seeds in there anymore so we need more space so the best way to do it is to build yourself a custom shed get some of the things out of your way like your lawnmower so that you can use your other shed get some room to store all your tools so you can get your garage back this is the solution to a lot of your problems so let's talk about what to do when you're thinking about building a shed first up let's talk about the space that you need to build one it doesn't seem to matter what kind of home you live in no matter where you are in this country you're going to need more space so if you don't have a lot of yard you might find yourself building like a little addition on the outside of your house and just some simple swing doors that might be fine but if you've got property like this and you're going to have lawn maintenance equipment and you've got a lot of hobbies and that sort of thing then you need a lot more space so if you have the room for something rectangular i like to suggest that i like to have lots of doors on a storage area because i don't like it when you open the only door and you've got your lawnmower sitting right there in front of you and all you do is pitch things into the corner because you can't get into the room and that ends up just being a bunch of clutter mess right so i like rectangles and we have a building code where we're from where we can go 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet high we don't need to get a permit for that because it's not a permanent structure so that's kind of the idea that we're going to work with today we're going to build it a little more rectangular 10 by 8. but if you want to get something longer or more square or even make yourself a round mongolian yurt the secret is you need storage and you've got to keep it dry so let's talk about things that are in the backyard that are going to cause you problems and how to avoid them now before we build we need to plan and there are four things you need to consider before you do that drainage sound wind and ugly alright you want to do four things with your shed you want to hide things that are unsightly you want to protect yourself from wind if you get too much wind and making something difficult to go grow in your garden or you want privacy issues or like we have a schoolyard behind us so behind this property we're actually going to create this shed to be actually a sound barrier wall as well which will be brilliant no more kids screaming in school bells and taking up the space in the afternoon and the other thing you want to deal with is drainage now this is crucial because this will affect the integrity of the structure almost every house that's built is built with the idea of drainage where the water is supposed to be running away from the building collecting in ditches or culverts or something like that and back here we are actually the lowest part of this property but on the other side of the fence the drainage continues to go about another 10 or 12 feet which means even though we're a four season climate and we're going to get thaw on free cycles we aren't going to have a buildup of water turning to to ice here so when we build our shed as long as we pour our concrete on top of a stone pad we're going to be just fine and we're not going to experience all that heaving and cracking and breaking and tearing things apart so this is good to go so remember drainage wind sound and ugly as long as you take care of all of those in consideration of what you're going to build you're going to be just fine [Music] now what we have here is a really typical kind of pre-built shed eight by eight by eight it's got this double pitch roof let's just see right yep there's the lawnmower and there's the and this is all you have access to for space typical and this might not be a problem for you this might actually be the solution you're looking for the secret here is this homeowner built it on those little two by two foot concrete slabs on gravel but when you build it that way you have to make it dead perfect because these kind of prefab kits have no mercy if you don't have them exactly square and level and plumb so just a word of warning if you're going to get a kit like this which runs a little over 500 bucks if that's going to be enough space to solve your problem you're going to want to watch step two of our program here just know how to pour a concrete pad because that pad is going to save you a lot of time and aggravation it took him almost three days to build this from when i was talking to him if he had the pad he could have done it in an afternoon so just remember when you are designing your shed or your outdoor building keep in mind the neighborhood look at the lay of the land try to imagine what it's going to look like when it's there you don't want what you make to be a huge monstrosity so in our design we're actually going to do just a single slope roof and you can see in the background if you put a big rectangle there with a single slope roof it's going to fit in right along with the line of that cedar hedge you're not obstructing your sight line it's not going to look like a monstrosity from the other neighbors around the corner and so you're not going to get any kick back from your neighbors right the other things for design think about using big barn doors lots of access think about having a secondary door around the side where you can bring the lawnmower instead of in the middle off the corner all right have one set of the walls set aside just for your lawnmower if you tuck it away and you only have to sweep a couple of feet every once in a while from the grass clippings it'll keep the rest of your shed nice and clean i always like to say put in a couple of simple windows maybe something that opens up to get some airflow i always like to pour my pad a little bigger than the building it gives you some outdoor storage space maybe the opportunity for a little sitting area if you have a view that would take in the sunset it's just a thought and last but not least think about some hanging planters or window boxes dress it up remember it's a part of the home it's just a little bit off the side so if you make it look pretty it'll actually increase the value of your property and it's not going to cost you that much a little bit of sweat equity right but we're gonna show you everything you need to do stay tuned with us on the ride step one of your project is always preparation so what we need to do is remove our organics and our stones here out of our way so that we can have a nice compacted gravel base that's a great way to lift the rock sweet [Music] get this little garden right now look at this once you're underneath the roots everything comes up real nice and easy [Music] okay so we got rid of our organics and now we are just trenching the front of the pad this is at the high side and it's just a matter of creating a hole because we're on a hill and i'm using these five quarter boards as my framing i'm going to stick this in i want to be able to drop it in so that my concrete finish is just a little bit above the grass set this in perfect now it's just a matter of setting the right height right there obviously i'm way too low here so i'm just going to put in a little bit of dirt and now i can go and now i see how much i have to raise this up wow [Music] finally perfect now just a quick note the longer your level the more accurate it's going to read so now that we have that level i'm just going to put up the side boards throw one screw on each end just to keep the joint closed [Music] i'm going to lift this board now and i'm going to find out roughly how much i have to build up before i get too crazy wow just a little bit more than that brick standing on end that'll give you an idea how much buildup we have to have back here that is actually crazy that's a little bit too high wow wow yeah that just gets crazy so you can see we just finished off figuring out that our level is way up here almost eight inches off the ground that's going to involve way too much aggregate and way too much work to fill this hole so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to the beginning we're going to reset our our first ridge here much lower flush with the grass ah let's start all over again so what we've just done is we've decided that because there's so much backfill to go on after we're done with the pad we're gonna dig out the first eight ten inches of grass around the perimeter and put in some river stone to fill that up so that way the ground has a natural drainage around our slab we can accomplish the same thing doing that way and it'll also help to remove the amount of aggregate and work that's going to be necessary to fill this hole okay so now we basically have our our frame all figured out one last step we have to do with the framing and that's square it all off and then put in our posts we want to add a couple of little little two by two stakes just around the perimeter to help keep things from flexing underneath the weight of all the aggregate and cement that we're putting in here other than that we're pretty much good to go we have some reinforced steel that we're going to put in as well after we put in our stone and that is going to be just to provide this slab with some strength because we do have four season weather here and when the ground freezes it'll help hold it in one piece and it'll raise and fall together in the winter time and that'll be really important because basically it freezes around the outside first and as the frost line creeps in the ground starts to lift and you want your slab to lift together and then settle the other so the reinforcement on anything outside is super super important now i'm only a quarter inch off and since it's a slab and it's outside i think that's about as square as i need to make that today yeah we're just going to drive them in here that works so back here the ground's a little tough so i made myself a little dracula stick that's gonna be awesome so i'm just gonna backfill this dirt here that we pulled out of the way before you know it it's gonna be time to pour concrete the cost of the stone is two yard purchase 36 bucks it'll be it'll vary depending on your region but it's about the same kind of price right and it's the delivery that costs the money but if you were to bring this much stone back in bags from a building store it would cost you maybe four or five hundred dollars the same amount of stone if they package it in plastic for you so for that kind of money you can buy yourself a handy dandy wheelbarrow like this with two wheels and it's so much easier to work with [Music] so i've got about 20 trips of the stone and then we'll be able to set a rebar [Music] ta-da [Music] okay so our steel grid here is four by eight feet made our box 12 feet wide it's kind of a no-brainer we're going to put in three now the reason i'm putting it primarily to the front is that in this shed our design is the front couple of feet are going to be exposed to the elements where the back is all inside the shed and honestly if we get a crack in the floor in the back of a shed it doesn't really matter but up front we really want to do everything we can do to make sure that this stays in one piece so we've gone out and picked up this little handy dandy homeowner's version of a cement mixer it's one bag at a time we're gonna put it through the ringer today and see how well it works hopefully it lasts the whole day we are all ready to mix our cement now i call me old-fashioned but i like to bring my work to where i'm working so we set up our mixer in the pit with our concrete and we're gonna bring the water over here we're just gonna fill left to right front to back so every couple of feet at a time and we'll screed it and then we'll move the machine over after we've deleted some bags and we'll just keep doing that until we work our way out of the pit now i think we're gonna need a lot more concrete than we see here right now but it's just nice to get started where it's convenient [Music] we're gonna go work with that now we don't need the pitcher anymore but we do need a black marker there we go that actually shows up from the inside so now we're gonna give this machine its inaugural run all right we'll get this bad boy turned on [Music] we do not have the ability to lock this in place i think this is gonna be a long day that's not so bad [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you can see we are almost halfway through mixing our concrete it's been a little over an hour um just wanted to take a minute now and discuss some of the techniques that we're using here i figured it was easier for you to see the process and then we could discuss it so it kind of made sense sense we are using a 16 foot piece of lumber as our screed board and it basically runs from ridge to ridge and creates a flat surface and just like when we're doing drywall mud or any other kind of finishing we start from rough and push towards finish okay now this is a lot easier with a second person like you saw in the other footage but now he's holding the camera so that's the process once you get done to the certain point where you don't have holes to fill you just jump to the other side and then come back with a lot of movement and you can see that's how you get your surface if you get any potholes or that sort of thing just take a handful shove it in and go again okay once we were done our screening i was just taking my trowel and this is actually used for doing tile work you'll see that when you run it over the surface it magically makes everything smooth all right after about 45 minutes the concrete sets up and then you can just take your big shot broom and lightly drag it across the concrete that puts a texture on the concrete so that it's not slippery in the wintertime or when it rains and generally it makes all of the little ripples go away so this isn't quite as old and you can see when i run the broom it does an okay job but it's grabbing chunks of rock and pulling it up out of the cement and you don't want that so if that happens to you pull this out take your trowel smooth it off again give it another 15 or 20 minutes and come back to the broom you'll be good to go [Music] call me crazy but when i'm working out in this kind of heat i like to wash everything up but once every hour or so it just makes it a lot easier at the end nothing's baked on besides on a day like today a little bit of spray off the hose never hurts okay so just let's get a little update on the project here we underestimated the total slope of the of the area here so we're a little bit shy on cement so we've only got enough bags here to get about another i would say another four feet we're gonna be about two feet shy of the load so max is gonna run back to the store load up his truck with cement and hurry back sorry about four o'clock super hot today we're well over 32 degrees and uh it's nice to be working with water finally but i think i think another two hours we should get this all wrapped up just in time to pass out in the pool uh really looking forward to tomorrow and we can take off the boards and see how it looks all right well let's just get an update for our project here it is day four we are on our shed build and you can see that with the contractors have come by and installed a fence for us which is awesome i don't have time to do everything myself so we had that contracted out sometimes it's easier when you're dealing with neighbors to remove yourself from the equation right so we had the pad taken care of it's had a couple of days to cure now so today we are going to start framing and we are going to get all of that structure built oh my assistant and i are out here taking a look at the pad now um just wanted to go over a couple of basic details this is a 10 by 12 foot slab it took a full yard sorry a full ton of gravel and 60 bags of cement to get this finished so give you an idea of the kind of volume you're looking at for a three inch pour you can use that sort of math you can also go to the stone yard and you can give them the size and square footage and the depth that you're going to work with and they've got a little calculator on their computer and they can formulate your stuff for you this was actually poured over two days because we were running short so what we did is we poured this whole section and across the front and then after it had set for about an hour and a half we managed to broom that and got a pretty good look the second day this was done so that's why you see the line it doesn't really matter we're building a shed and it's going to be seven by ten so all of the second part of the pour is gonna be inside the shed we're not concerned visually this is still gonna be stunning and uh just really glad this little machine over here was awesome we're really pleased because we didn't expect it to make it through the whole process we thought we'd be mixing the last few bags in the wheelbarrow but it held up really great so kudos to that machine if you're in the market for a cement mixer these little one bag at a time the good little machines and so if you're wondering about the dunsworth uh the funny story here is max was actually inspired to do cement work he was watching a video by an actor who was in the trailer park boys series done a bunch of concrete work at his house and so max was like i gotta get me a cement mixer and i'm gonna do some concrete work so when the idea came up to put the shed together max was like oh i'm gonna make this huge pad for my house and so he bought this machine and so since it stood up the test of time he's nicknamed it the dunsworth in honor of the actor so i think that's pretty darn cool [Music] when you're framing on a concrete slab you need two different kinds of wood one is you need regular spruce lumber and the other one is you need pressure treated okay and the reason you want pressure treated lumber is because the building code allows for you to use this as your bottom plate in direct contact with concrete so that it won't suck up the moisture through the concrete and into your wall when you build like this you actually have a moisture barrier between your concrete and your spruce so that the mold that's naturally occurring in wood cannot grow this is very important because whether you're outside on a concrete pad like we are or you're framing in your basement it's the same science and if you build like we're going to show you today you'll be able to frame anything in your house so i'm going to give you an idea what's going to happen let's say from this post to this post is the side of our shed and this is about an eight foot tall we're gonna build it with the wall on the back side of the shed at seven feet and the wall at the front at eight feet so we have a slope that'll facilitate our removing of the water to the back side of the shed but it also makes it really easy to build and you only have to build one slope for the roof this is why i'm going to show you this technique today because building a shed doesn't have to be a work of art it has to be functional and the first rule of design is make sure it functions there's no need to make all kinds of extra work and all kinds of extra design elements and building a shed with two different slope on the roof so by doing one slope we can actually save a lot of money because we don't have gable ends that we have to use extra materials and throw in the garbage and that'll save you time and money and it'll give you a great look so we're going to finish this off with a nice little pressure treated 1x5 running around the edge of the roof you aren't going to see any roofing it's going to be sleek it's going to be sexy it's going to function it's going to be cheap it's going to be quick stay with us so we've just cut our boards we've got our layout here we've got two by fours pressure treated 10 foot long and then these ones we've cut back so that our total exterior is seven feet the reason we're doing that is our design element actually takes into place our roof is gonna extend out to the front edge of this lab have a couple of posts to pick up the weight and you also have a sitting area up front as well and i'm sure the dog will appreciate having a nice cool shaded area to sit all day long our elements here are basically simple we're gonna have a door in the middle gonna have a window on each side and we're gonna have a cheater door back here that swings open you can bring a mower in from the back side the reason we're doing that is because if you can bring the lawnmower in up against an outside wall you're going to actually save a ton of space having to bring your lawnmower into the main door makes everything dirty all the time and it keeps you from having a clean shed because you need room for moving it around or it's just always in the way so we're gonna have a little cheat door here it'd be almost like a hidden door with a little side ramp we're gonna build that separately but let's get back to framing we need to lay out you need to understand what it is you're going to build so the way you lay it out is simple basically it's all about visualization for us we don't have a plan we're working off it's all coming out of here so we're going to go with our 10 foot by our 7 foot that is simple and we are going to just cut our plate put it in place get an idea am i going to be happy with that is that is that big enough is it small enough once you've got all those questions done then you're ready to start because this framing here this plate this is the first step that you need next step you do is you make the same frame for the top of the walls and you just get all those cut and laid out as well so in our effort to try to keep things really simple if you have a skill saw i'm going to show you a way that you can actually cut all your framing lumber and then you don't need to set up a chop saw just take your measurement put your mark on the wood get your little square here or triangle as i call it because it kind of looks like a triangle anyway on your saw you're gonna have a line where it mark zero where the blade cuts and you wanna set that up on your pencil mark and then move the triangle right up to the to the guide right up to the guard and i'm gonna use this squeezing it against the frame to be my cutting guide so i cut straight through the wood now that gets you a perfectly square cut nothing ever binds nothing's ever on an angle and everything is always perfect because you're not freehand cutting so that's a great technique and if you don't have a chop saw and you want to build a shed or you want to frame your basement you can use that technique it only takes a couple seconds to cut and honestly it'll save you a few hundred dollars so you can see how efficient this is just having the saw right next to your lumber pile pull the square up grab the saw line it up squeeze [Music] and the next one [Music] [Music] just remember anytime you're cutting your lumber like this anything that's less than 15 or 16 inches keep it in a separate pile they'll come real handy later when you're building your stabilizing for your walls or you're doing little work on the rafters or the sidewall this kind of stuff is like goals so keep it organized and don't start sitting to it ahead of yourself and throwing it all at me so you can see i've got my nine pieces of wood basically laid out in the location that they're gonna go and all you have to do here is take your top plate lock it to the other side and then start nailing everything together [Music] like i said there's two ways to do this you can screw it or you can nail it [Music] [Music] so here's a little tip for you when you're working with the screw gun one of the benefits is if you have a piece of wood that's twisted you can line up the bottom okay screw it in and then you can use this claw that's on the back of the framing hanger now not every hammer has this so i like this hammer for this reason this little claw here actually gives you the ability to grab the wood and twist it and force it into place either direction [Music] okay all right well now that we've got our wall done we're ready to finish it what we want to do before we go stand it up into place is actually get the outside skin on the reason for that is because the board it's a typical kind of exterior board for sheds it comes pre-primed so this is the exterior panel it's basically designed to look like wood but it's more of a pressed board you can take a look at the back there it's just a chipboard and the front of it has been manufactured to look like it's all kind of beautiful wood paneling there's our 48 inch line that's the middle of that stud so what happens is you put the first one on flush with the corner you can nail all the way up the side of this one and it's tongue and groove so it's actually it's more like a ship like over overlap so the other the next piece will actually go overlap this and come up to this little raised bump right to here and it'll also have a nailing surface on that same stud because we set this middle of the stud at the 48 inch which is right there so this is going to work out perfect this is why if you understand your building materials and how they're installed and you just follow the framing technique of keep everything on center 48 you're gonna be just fine now these sheets are eight feet tall so it's more than what we need so we're gonna go cut it off i'm gonna cut here when you're thinking about your finished cuts for your exterior wall board you need to have your entire design plan figured out we're going to go very new england style here so we're going to use pieces of 1x3 trim at the corners the bottom and the top just to close everything off get a nice finished look so i know i don't have to have my cuts perfect i just have to have them close and let all the trims do the rest of the work [Music] we're going to save that for later just in case well it's important to note this is a primer not a finished paint it's not going to have good protection against the uv it'll just make sure that while you're building and the following couple of weeks after that it's not going to get destroyed if you get rain but it is very important to make sure you paint your finished product now you'll notice that these grooves are lined up with my nail heads so these boards are designed that my the groove of the board is lined up with everything at 16 16 inch on center so i can actually go up and nail the middle of the board in as well which is perfect and i know that every second groove is going to have lumber there once you understand that building materials are designed to fit together it's a lot more like lego but you got to use a hammer it's not so intimidating is it now one of the best ways that you can drive the head of your nail in take your screw put it on the head of that nail and just drive it like that use it like a nail punch there's another tool you won't need to buy [Music] hello [Music] now here's an interesting fact for you all of the kits that are out there for building sheds generally you're using the same board material i think you're going to find that when you price this out this particular way of doing things will actually be a little bit a little bit cheaper than buying the [Music] kit i'm gonna teach everybody here a little trick how to lift up your wall by yourself and install your bracing without having to collapse on you [Music] now watch you lift pull that back on the board a bit when you unscrew hold it open [Music] now it's a hinge okay nice and loose okay now everything moves independently [Music] now watch the hinge part see nothing happens there [Music] okay i come over holding my wall now [Music] okay there we go that's not going anywhere just remember when you're getting materials delivered they're intentionally not getting the best stuff in the pile so here we go that's the seven foot high shed on the back wall now listen you don't need to have a six foot wall with an eight foot peak and back to a six foot wall again and make a really short entrance we're gonna go seven here eight feet out here you're gonna have tons of space you can have storage above your head when you're inside the shed this is a great design because now every part of this wall is no taller than the height of that panel right out of the factory this is important because if you make a gable wall with a peak now you have to make your whole shed really low or you're going to be buying extra pieces of that exterior board in order to cap the triangular gable on the top so this is why this design works and it's real quick and simple now max is going to go grab me some lunch and while he's gone we'll throw it on time-lapse and i'll just keep on building and we'll see when he gets back [Music] [Music] there we go and if there's a gap with the front skin in the top it doesn't matter because we're going to be adding the 1x4 boards everywhere to cover up our gaps and make it all look pretty so you have lots of flexibility which is why this design is perfect for the homeowner now we're going to build the front wall and the reason we stopped our our production here to talk to you on camera is because we're gonna do a door and two windows now without getting into too much detail there's a variety of different types of window you can buy for a shed you can buy them so you have a regular case window and it has a nailing flange on it and i think if you buy or have seen other videos there's a windows that come with some of the shed kits it has the nailing flange and it goes over top of this board then you nail that nailing flange on and it looks ugly uh what we're going to do is we're actually getting a window it's designed it's called a shed window it's at home depot it's part of their stock lumber stock inventory and it has a a window exterior window casing like a jam and it sits wider than the window so when you're looking at them uh there's gonna be a measurement it'll say 15 by 39 okay is one of them the 15 measurement is actually the the width of the exterior of the window the casement part that's inside that goes between your your studs is actually um i think i think it's uh i think it's only a 12. so this window you can cut into any stud bay and you can just if you're not worried about your design or you're just looking to get a bit of daylight in there you can just take any stud bay trace out the 39 inches cut it with the saw drop the skin off and then stick that window in all right and throw a couple screws from the inside and you're done and you're good to go freaking paranoid getting stung by a bee again i got stung a few days ago face swelled up like that what does that see in the movie hitch remember that another allergic reaction from shellfish or something that happened to me holy crap that was amazing i thought i was gonna die that's where he stung me the damn things made a nest right underneath the stairs to my tool shed so i got back from vacation and i couldn't get any work done because i couldn't get in to get to my tools i went in there one day and i was on the way out they stung me right in the ankle because someone's crawling over the and uh swelled up real bad and i couldn't walk for a couple days i was like wow that's quite a reaction so then i started shooting this thing with the with the raid you know and all these other chemicals and i thought maybe i had it one day so i started disassembling the stairs and all the beasts came out again so i lost it and i'm shooting i got two of them in my hand i'm going like a maniac trying to shoot them all out of the sky you know anyway one of these little buggers i was stacking standing 20 feet back from the nest and it just came out of my blind side right across my eye and sat knocked me right in the nose next thing you know i'm inside i got ice on and my face is swelled out like this oh yeah yeah man is it ever hot today i tell you we sure don't get that dry heat to get down in the south around here around here it's always that kind of heat that just makes you sweat just by opening up your eyes oh yeah all right it's over 100 degrees right now holy crap [Music] that's almost perfect [Music] wow [Music] all right [Music] okay it's been a busy day it's a hot day but we got our walls up we're just gonna have to uh get this squared get it attached to the concrete and then tomorrow we'll worry about the roof because like always looks like it's going to rain okay so the last part of our framing of the shed is actually to square it off and then get it attached to the concrete just remember the reason we build our walls with the plates fully intact even though we have door areas is because after we've attached everything to the ground then we'll cut out the plates so it makes a bit of noise don't be afraid to use your mirror protection here [Music] you want to have to force that screw in there if you're not forcing your screw in it's not really grabbing the other option is a little bit more fun for all you gun enthusiasts out there it's a 22 caliber explosive hammer i like using the number fours just because they make a nice big bang put your little bullet in there all right and then before you go getting crazy this one you definitely want to use hearing protection it's loud push and swear you can go and pull the trigger well that was easy i wonder how loud it is without the ear protection whoa that's pretty loud i think i'm gonna wear your protection i love this new trigger [Music] gotta love my job fire in the hole i love my job so that was our second day of work this week over a four day period one day to pour the concrete a couple days to let it set up one day to frame the walls and as you can see the progress is coming along just nicely i think some next time we work we're going to get the roof on and then you'll see the whole design start to come together and then it's just a matter of doors and windows and a few finishing trims and we're going to show you also how to waterproof and seal up this kind of a structure so you don't have advanced rot it's always be a shame when people build an outdoor shed and they don't build it to last so we're going to show you all those tips and tricks coming up soon [Music] welcome back to our reality renovation episode update we are here on our shed building project which is taking forever it's kind of funny because we originally had set aside about two weeks for us to film this just in case we had weather interruptions you know when you're filming something it usually takes a little longer than if you're just trying to knock it off on a weekend now this is a simple program honestly it's about a four day build and we're here three weeks later we're still trying to get something done we were plagued i got stung with that hornet right in this so the side of my nose here and it swelled up my face something horrible turns out i'm allergic to those things it's good to know when you're 47 years old and as soon as i recovered max was on holidays so we couldn't film max comes back from holidays we got everything set aside we've opened up our schedule ready to shoot again and lo and behold he gets attacked by his dog now it's kind of a sad story because the dog is suffering from some sort of a brain tumor it's putting pressure on a part of his brain that made him aggressive and after the attack was over the dog felt horrible you know what it's like right anyway unfortunately this is the result they had to put the dog down the end of the day you don't want the dog attacking mama grandma right and if he's in that kind of a situation god only knows what kind of pain the animal's in so just most humane thing to do is put an end to that whole situation anyway max is recovering he has himself a few holes in his arms some stitches and bandages and we're going to take it nice and easy today just so that he doesn't aggravate anything but we got to get this project done before the winter comes so we're going to get on it all right so let's get busy today we're going to cover how to install the roof and we're going to try over the next couple of days to finish this project off and hopefully the weather agrees here's hoping all right here we go now because we're going to finish off all of our shed with trim boards we're not concerned if the the board isn't quite as high as the 2x4 and so i'm just going to trace the top of that board get this out of my way activate our safety squint and off we go [Music] so now we have the slope of our roof all figured out not going to be a concern just to take note when you're building your structure and you're going with a roof like this it's going to carry a little bit of load if you have winter time so we're actually putting our our joists here every 10 10 to 12 inches on center okay i think here we'll go with 12 it should be plenty over eight foot it should pick up enough load it won't be an issue if you find it a little bit soft all you have to do when you're done is add one more board underneath and screw it to all the joists so that no matter where you step you transfer in the load to the entire structure so the best way to design a roof is that all of the ends of the roof are perpendicular to the ground aesthetically is pleasing it looks really nice but now you're dealing with tricky angles so if you don't have the kind of chop saw and a special equipment to measure and transfer all those angles that's okay i'm going to show you a simple little trick that you can get your angles perfect and all you need is a skill saw and what we want to do here is we just want to measure from the ground to the top of our plate on both sides it's 84 and a quarter this one is 96 and a half we're gonna just write that down on a scrap piece real quick before we forget corner six and a half now we're gonna take that we're gonna do the math on it okay 84 and a quarter off of that so that leaves me with a quarter and these are 80. i have 12 and a quarter difference in height i'm going to take that information and i'm going to show you my trick so i'm going to just show you real quick some basics of grade eight math if you can remember all of this you're going to be awesome if this is square remember put the little square in the corners all right that means this angle is the same as this one now if i go like this and i draw this line which is going to be my roof okay and i count that as zero since this is square that's zero the distance from here to here if i translate it here okay i draw that line now this angle is exactly the same as this angle simple right because it's like a parallelogram so what we're going to do is we're going to take that difference that we have we measured out a 12 and a quarter and i am going to put this mark here 12 and a quarter okay so now i've got my nail there and i'm going to put and the only reason this works is because we started level remember we installed our pad level so i can actually put this 2x4 on the corner back there oh if it's curved the right way and there's my angle now that that's established my angle i'm going to just trace this onto my wood holding the markers flat against the board okay there's my angle now what i have to do is i have to cut this so that i can invert it i put that angle on my two by fours [Music] no one's going to see that from my house here we go so now i have my angle i'm going to take this and flip it over and put it to the top corner of all my two by fours measure mark it cut it and then i'm going to have my entire rafter package cut to exactly the same degree before i put it up [Music] so what i'm doing is i'm building a box of six pieces of wood with the intention of lifting this box off transporting it over here and then putting it up on the roof if you're stuck doing this on your own yes you can do this on your own so i can actually run stuff up i can push that wall all the way up and then it should be able to lever into position all right this is the system i'm going to lift this up and then let go and it'll fall inside the box all right now the way i'm going to do this so that it doesn't just collapse and fall apart because i want to have something that will carry the weight as it collapses so i can then slide it to the back because i'm going to use this 2x4 now this is a little note i m510 and a bit a healthy bed i like to call myself 511 but if you're a little short and using this actual dimensions you can't quite reach that or you don't have this long bit buy one of these this is awesome this is an extender it's designed for the quick lock system on these bits and on the drills okay pop done now i got myself a two foot drill bit i could have the mini me version screw this in brilliant now i intentionally set these two rafters close together so i could kind of somewhat hold the weight in a convenient location it's going to want to run away on me a little bit we'll get in the middle which is what this board is this represents my middle i'm just going to slide this up [Music] and then just yeah i feel like i'm from letting go it's gonna fall so i'm gonna be a little bit taller here control that drop [Music] okay now it's time to get rid of this temporary support just slide this back out of the way now all right [Music] all right all right one of the benefits of building everything square from the very beginning is if it's square on the bottom and the corners are tight and it's all screwed together it's square at the top so when you're doing your squaring of the roof you don't have to pull it out the square and do the 3 4 5 6 rule just line up everything to be the same depth off the top of the wall and you know it's going to be square time to add the rest of the rafters [Music] okay [Music] [Music] midpoint tada that's awesome [Music] you know what red green used to say if they don't find you handsome they better find your hand that's the canadian way [Music] there we go support done so before we put our sheathing on realize that this is the edge of my roof and i'm adding this board flush to the outside of this rim and extend it up so when i slide my sheathing down it's nice and tight and you'll see it'll just come right here and that'll be where it stops then all i have to do is square it off on the outside corner and i can nail it in place problem solve one man job now there's an easy way and a hard way to do this the hard way is to walk up while you're carrying it easy way stand in the middle put your plywood on the ladder put a nice wide grip and just lay on the ladder keep your center of gravity nice and low all right now we just stand on our ladder and slide it in now i'm going to be using these two and a half inch spiral nails five eighths plywood you're probably fine with a two inch but the such a small nail just doesn't seem to me to have enough girth to it to hold things together in a strong wind so now it's okay to just put a few nails in to get started don't nail right near the tongue because the next piece of plywood will fit over top of this joint and it doesn't always fit perfectly this is a perfect example we're dealing with wood so this wood is going to be moving around right yeah one of the advantages or disadvantages that we're working with here is that uh this product has been out in the rain for i don't know almost two weeks maxing i mean i had my bee sting you got you had your dog attack we've had rain rain rain okay i've got this corner in there nice it's where i want it i'm going to nail that in position then i can fight with this side doesn't have to be perfect i think that's probably closer is going to get eh the reason this is a great diy project is because this design doesn't require perfection just requires you to get close [Music] and the way you get this up there is like the caber toss [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] this roof is just as strong whether these joints are fit really tight or not because they're 12 inch on center so don't let it get too much of a concern for you if you find that you don't have enough meat in the 2x4 on the joint or it's just a little off-center feel free to take another piece come in from underneath nail them all together and then nail the top down that's another great way to make sure that everything's got lots of contact and a structurally sound so i know that this is not a traditional installation of a roofing system i know a lot of guys they just use a 16 inch span they're using little roofing clips on the sides i like to install this this way because it's a lot like a subfloor system and i think the average homeowner be able to capable of doing that without any difficulty without risking life and limb up on a roof so this works really well and as long as you're on plywood you know you're not going to fall through the roof so if you have any comments about the roofing system we used to set the deck up by all means throw them in there happy to have a discussion and if you've got an easier system that people can use then let us know we are all about getting smarter on this channel so i'm still learning and i'd be happy to share your tips and tricks and help everybody grow so now we're on the roof ready to put our roofing system in which is incredibly simple because we only have one slope and when you're dealing with a shed the goal is to keep the water out of the structure so when we have an overhang on all four sides we don't have to worry about if the edge of the roof is sealed up really incredibly watertight now it's nice to have it tight so that you don't have water in there and it freezes and pulls things apart but the reality of it is if it's not a waterproof roof on the edges you're fine as long as the main body of this roof deflects all the water off the backside so remember your water your roof system is not a waterproofing system it's a water deflection system it diverts water from one place to another that's all it does so in freezing environments water always finds a way to move around and a little bit of moisture in a shed is never going to cause you any major issues and it started at the other edge and now i'm going to go flush here keep everything snug up against the edge [Music] now that that's done it's time to put down our membrane [Music] so the system here is relatively simple we're gonna just slide it over the edge and visually we're looking for about uh enough that can go over the edge and then just past the the two by four the side so feel free to be a little liberal this stuff comes in a roll the roll that you buy is gonna do probably two sheds this size so don't be too concerned about if you're gonna have enough material and then we're just gonna unroll it we're gonna fold it back be sure to be standing on the membrane while you're doing this and then slowly pull that back into place all the way along [Music] now just kind of poke it like this get the get the membrane stretched out all right and then you can just use your foot to slide up into place [Music] simple shed roofing 101. all right next roll same thing we're going to overlap like a shingle so sticky and then just heal the toe to make a good seal that's it it's like river dance [Music] so here's our fascia metal and we're going to use this to close up underneath our drip edge [Music] here we go that's pretty easy eh that's metal working 101 now you've got a completed water diversion system right all right well it's been a long busy hot day my god we somehow find the hottest days of the year to work in we have got about another hour left to finish trimming up our roof and we're done our roofing system and all that's left after that is the bells and whistles we're talking doors and windows so stay tuned for that we're gonna have a lot of fun all right so quick update on the project today is door and window day and that is great news that we have an overhang on our roof because the weather is a little unsettled so it's not going to hold us up which is great so today because we changed our door is modification day we have to modify our structure move some studs reframe a little bit we'll get all that out of the way and then we'll be able to get our doors and windows in and hopefully we don't get too much rain well the weather has turned a little bit lousy which is awesome because we have got a door that we got to get stained and i hate to waste good sunny day inside taking care of stuff like that so finally it's going to start raining so we're going to get to work on our door now originally we thought about using a door with a sliding hardware system the barn door style which is great design wise but practically it just didn't really measure up there's a lot of discussion about the region where we live here it's close to the water there's lots of critters around so we decided to go with a door that's going to be hinged so that we can have a really good seal and a lot more confidence so we're going to have a little bit of fun with this door we're not going to go with something traditional like steel or fiberglass we're going to go with a solid wood door now just a note be really careful if you like this style and you want to go buy one there are a lot of wood doors on the market that are not solid wood they're just wood laminate all right and that means that there's a face of it that's glued to some sort of substructure so it looks like a solid wood door but it's not so you really want to read the instructions and the details on the side of your package because if you buy a laminate door and you put it outside like we are it's not going to last more than six or eight weeks before it starts to peel apart just from humidity on a bad weather day so since the weather is the way it is we've got the rest of the afternoon to get this thing all stained up and get a finish coat put on it [Music] this is a rub on let sit for two to five minutes and then wipe off [Music] all right so our door is completely stained all six sides there we go now that is perfect make sure that the grain of the way your brush is going is following all those wood joints that'll give you a really nice finish take your brush after you've dipped it paint an area until you think the brush is relatively dry [Music] then come back and do the sides the other thing we have today is a couple of simple shed windows [Music] all right there we go now we have the height of our windows established all right now i got my safety gear on time to get some work done [Music] wait a minute i can't see a damn thing with all this safety gear on all right just having a little fun man we get enough safety trolls in the comments tell you what is this world coming to [Music] there that's a hole [Music] it's a little violent but it worked i don't care what people say on the internet there's nothing that's not safe about this [Music] window number two [Music] there we go good windows are done so the main door as we all know we changed our design to go from a barn door which you know sounded sexy in the beginning but let's face it uh the more we thought about it the more we realized it's not not very functional in high winds and winter time with animals with everything it's just it's not going to work so it's just the wrong choice for the shed we're going to cut these loose and we're going to install this stud so that this edge here is in line with that and then i'll put in a new pressure treated 2x4 that'll double it up we'll reverse the the natural bow in the wood so it stays nice and straight and then we'll be able to install our door directly to that once we're done that we'll cut out the plate and we'll start hinging our door so hopefully this goes really simple [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i'm gonna use this nail here as a wedge we can open up a consistent gap across this on this little tool here is awesome i use this when i'm installing door handles so that you don't burn them burn the side of the handle you know how it gets there those brush metal handles get your drill bit on there it always rubs up let's also make sure that the bit doesn't fall off the screw nice so because we have materials that expand and contract we can install this door stop here that way you don't see the door when it's closed the gap there we go now we'll close the door and what will happen here is if it's out of alignment just closing that door we'll straighten everything out okay now wherever it's land is where i'll throw my screws so we have two kinds of hardware here one is going to be the latch okay and the idea here is it sits there and and the door will latch into it and this will keep the door from opening by itself okay this is like wind control and this is so you got something to open with so we're gonna set this up based on these panels you know above this area and we'll set the latch off the middle of the door here the danger here is a lot of times these screws are made with softer metal so pre-drilling might not be a bad option if you don't have a great little gizmo like this all right start the hole with a nail in the direction that you want the screw to be driven okay on an angle towards the middle now this handle comes with nut and bolt assembly for going on like fence boards so what we're going to do is we're going to buy a few screws that are hopefully already black if not we'll put them in some cardboard and spray paint them but we're going to mount this one here and the same one on the other door wonderful thing about this latch it's security because it has this little paddle lock thing here all right if you want to change out these little phillips screws with some really long screws you could okay and then you can put a padlock on here the i don't know what else to say it's a door i think it's pretty i think it works yep definitely works there you go an all-season outdoor shed door gotta love it well as you can see our shed is starting to look like a shed it's uh pretty much put together we got it all closed up for the elements but now it's time to put all the design elements together now it's time for us to pimp out our shed we've got a lot of design elements we want to finish on this thing so you know it looks like summer's pretty much over around here now so let's hurry up and get this done so we can get everything back inside well as you can see the shed is taking shape it is starting to look like a shed um we have things that have to get done though first we have to finish doing a little trenching around this building we're going to add riverstone so we create kind of like a a moat around our structure here where water can come down the hill and be diverted around the structure instead of flowing through it we also want to put in a couple of support posts we got to do some soffit work so we can keep the burrs out and we've also got to finish up all of our trimming elements now remember we're gonna go very new england style finish here bam we have to get it all polyurethane caulking ceiling we gotta get it painted we got shelves to put in we got a cheater door for the lawnmower we got a ramp to install whoo man we got a full day ahead of us so stay with us we're going to show you how to do all of these elements so that you can have the most amazing shed in the neighborhood okay so the plan here is really not too difficult but it's pretty particular too so stay bear with us here we're going to cut the plate out we're going to add a couple of pressure treated two by fours at the same depth as this door here and then we're going to make a two by four door with a finished panel on it and the idea behind it is this remember our panel has an overlay so we want to make a door that has the overlay so when the door closes the overlay closes over the other panel it's a little specific but it'll look like a hidden door and i think that'll be a really cool feature so we are going to just prep this area and then we're going to build our frame and then we're going to man we are going to see if we can get that just perfect fingers crossed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's just a matter of cutting this nail into our frame drawing our hinges we got a door so before we attach to the door frame we'll check and see how our measurements line up pretty darn flush here [Music] i'm using more nails than usual here because i'm not just attaching your skin i'm using this skin as my structural support to keep the door from twisting over time so because we're using the same hinge system on the side door and you can see both at the same time it's important visually to make sure the hinges are at the same height on each door so we'll cut a couple more cross pieces here we need one more that is why you keep your scraps around perfect [Music] [Music] so here's the trick we have a little bit of room at the top and the weight of that door is sitting on the plywood right now to create our air space so we're going to use our hammer just give it a bit of a raise to get it off get the weight off the wood here we go [Music] this one should be just like the other one all right okay so the weather report doesn't look all that great so while we got the ability to work we're going to get it done we're going to finish all the trimming on the shed which is basically taking our five quarter boards and ripping like we said at two and a quarter and three and a quarter all right so that when we come to our outside corners we will have a finished three and a quarter face here and then this one inch thick plus this two and a quarter gives us the same dimension on both sides of the corner just helps tie everything together real nice of course we'll use the two and a quarter across the top and then the nice thick base across the bottom trim everything up and then we can get our polyurethane caulking out seal it all up so hopefully in a couple days when the rain stops so we can get this thing all painted up just setting up my table saw if you're working by yourself this system actually is more efficient than using a table saw because the boards that you're going to have are never straight so having a fixed fence causes the boards to get cut different dimensions when i rip it this way i'm actually cutting exactly two and a quarter the entire length of the board and because it gets skinnier it's easier to straighten as you install so i just put one screw together in the joint in the corner attach it to the building first we'll screw the boards together then we'll screw it to the building now you can see we're getting superior weather protection here we're also going to be using a polyurethane caulking here to connect these two joints and it's very flexible it's good for four season and it'll keep this stuff nice and dry now when we were we were at the store the other day we were looking at their kits we didn't see any of the kits that had any of the protection like that so i don't know what they're using or if they're using a system but uh this is the way to finish it off now we're gonna finish this off with a quick light sand and a paint job as well i mean the possibilities are endless for what you want to look like [Music] [Applause] [Music] try to burn it in so it doesn't split [Music] so far replace i mean let's face it after seeing all this you realize if you can build a shed you can build a house oh loving it that's for you anthony this is the best part because this is our door and the way we're gonna do our door system is we are going to have base trim from the door overhang and we're going to have it join on that 45 degree angle right here okay so we'll cut that through attach this to the door and then over here at this point we'll cut that off also put a 45 here and then the end piece of a 45 there so it'll open the complete 90. don't put your knee in the green goop [Music] get the top on the outside corners [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next thing for us to do is get some exterior sealant the idea here is you want to bridge the gap from the wall board to your trim piece filling every one of these holes nice and easy on the pressure you want to have enough coming out that you're pushing it into the corner i'm at about a five degree angle here and i get a nice healthy bead so that it has the ability to expand in hotter weather because today it's not as hot and you want to just continue all the way to the other side without stopping that one not too bad the best advice i have when working with polyurethane if you're not happy with something let it dry and then take a knife and cut it off afterwards if you get a big blob or a ridge it's easy to remove with a knife later try to wipe it out now you're just going to get it all over yourself and all over your work it's going to look like junk now the reason we want to seal all this up is because this is our water diversion system okay we don't want water getting in behind our trims we're gonna use this to protect all of our boards everything inside that shed all right the same system you also want to use on your windows and feel free to get on a ladder and go across the top of all of these as well this way even when there's a driving wind you're not going to get problems in behind all of your trim if you don't want to use a sealant that's fine then use it all pressure treat a lumber inside your your shed but this will also help the exterior paneling here last a lot longer because when you this first and then you paint you're overlapping the paint on a seal and that protects that caulking from the uv rays and that'll make this last 40 50 years without even cocking again [Music] no [Music] so [Music] well it has been a very interesting last 24 hours i'll tell you we got uh we got the leftover from the hurricane that came through the carolinas and it showed up yesterday at the same time a big cold front came out of the north and when they met they got a little angry and made some tornadoes so i guess before we go any further thanks for everybody who are in the comments section of our last video from last night they're releasing your concerns we're all good uh unfortunately one of the communities just on the outside of ottawa in the valley there got obliterated it's 52 homes were destroyed the tornado jumped the ottawa river and ended up on the other side in a village called gatineau it did some pretty good damage over there too and we got a quarter million people out here without hydro max is lucky this side of town ottawa's along a river so on the right side of ottawa we've still got power i live south of town so we have power but everybody else in my family they're in the dark and making their way over to my house to camp out but listen we are here because we have got to get this done it seems like since we started this project everything's been going wrong we got to get the last screw into this thing and get out of here before anything else happens wow the good news is is we were building this thing for folks all over in different climates and we wanted to make this structure really strong that took really good wins and was able to withstand it all and and so sure enough here we go we got a good test right we got 100 kilometer hour winds sustained over about four hours um [Music] i heard the weather report and i raced over here i was on another site i was like max we were going to film putting the hurricane ties in but i can't wait i've got to get this done now or it might not be there in the morning so i'm glad i came by and did that the everything is fine they didn't move a muscle didn't budge an inch uh it's like as if a storm never happened so anybody who's concerned about the the ability for this thing to withstand uh you know intense storms uh it's it's been proven the wind is still whipping around here in a few different directions i don't even know where it's coming from right now it's just a very unsettled day so we're going to work in some wind today it's awfully chilly the cold front is still on us so it's only 10 degrees right now we're going to just get this thing done because like i said we want to get it done this has been a lot of fun we're enjoying doing it but we're just going to feel a whole lot better having this one behind us very excited about getting this project done as you know um let's take a look because what we did you know how we had this little trench dug out here we just filled it up with some rock a little landscape cloth it's a nice way to bridge the gap and it gives us great drainage so now the water coming down the hill hits the rock it's gone it's going to disappear go around the shed instead of through it which is awesome we have our cedar and our soffit products here so we are going to put up our posts and put up our roof system underneath to close it all up that'll keep all of the birds and animals out then we've got a few more things to do inside some hurricane ties we're going to show you how to install those those are simple and they work and we've got a few other surprises and tricks up our sleeves so let's get at it so we're going to install our hurricane ties today and this basically attaches the roofing system to the wall panel remember the rule when you've got a fastener every hole in that fastener is designed to have a screw in it we just got to drill a hole through the frame so we can attach this piece of nylon string and then if you ever do get locked in here when the wind blows you can just open the latch and get it now because we're drilling such a deep hole i don't want to have a huge hole on the other side and i want it to be on an angle so that water will actually drain out i don't want water sitting in the hole so i'm going to do this so i can get my bit buried in there and come out the other side this is just temporary we're going to go to the store and buy some nylon string so we've got our beautiful 4x4 by 10-foot cedar post they're a little bit too long we're gonna go right from the concrete pad into a metal block right into the roof [Music] so here we are now these cedar posts they don't have to go to the sheathing just into the frame and i'm just going to throw in one screw for now so that the wind doesn't blow it around on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are [Music] hey [Music] pre-drill [Music] we're going to use our structural screw coming through here to the outside plate through that 2x4 and into this about three inches in so we're pretty confident that that's going to hold but the strength of the screw is in the thread so the way you double the strength of the screw is by blocking from here to the next piece so that's all we're going to do in here add some blocking and you'll notice i got a new tape measure for all of our friends who are on the metric system so this is six and an eighth or 155 millimeters huh how does that turn out ah nuts 154 and a half millimeters and there we go i'm buried in the wood i'm going to be coming out the other side which is why it's nice to have it up above the soffit so what we're going to do is we're going to just drive this bad boy in here we're going to bury it until the head is completely in the wood and it's nice and flush because we have plans to paint all this trim once we're done that we're going to have a nice compression between here and the post and it's never going to move [Music] nice toy like a tiger [Music] how to install soffit take one on something this square it's not that tricky right because we have a 10 foot shed look at this 10 foot product i mean it's about as easy as it gets right 32 i would suggest getting a nice pair of snips like those weiss they are awesome making nice long straight cuts without curling all the metal up [Music] [Applause] so we gotta get up then we gotta get over it so every 16 inches or so makes everything look very pretty and intentional now for those of you who are not inclined to use an algae situation just go ahead and use the soviet stirs roy let's do the next sheet [Music] almost inevitably once you fold it one way when you fold it back it just breaks off [Music] [Music] we screw through all three pieces of metal at the same time here lock that in place [Music] and we're going to put a couple of these in here and hang some pretty little plants that's a lot of spider big spider what do they say if you build it they will come [Laughter] dude he is totally owning this spot [Music] oh jeez [Music] who needs a gym when you got a job like this welcome to my tiny house tour and that's it guess we should have put in a kitchen in the bathroom [Music] let's see how she works ah how nice is that well we are just about there we have got just a couple finishing touches regarding trim paint and sealing it up don't forget the last process here after it's all painted is to take our polyurethane caulking and seal the base to the concrete that is going to keep all the water out forever and ever and ever amen so we are going to take take advantage of this beautiful weather and we're going to get all of our paint work done and then when we come back you're going to see all the before and after shots so don't leave yet [Music] a good plan well executed on a fabulous foundation and you cannot go wrong remember no matter what you're doing if you start on a good foundation you can fix and adjust and tweak and manipulate and get exactly the way you like it shed building is not difficult it's just a labor of love and maybe a little blood sweat and tears and remember if you don't have a good foundation you might end up something like this in about eight years which is how old that one is so remember right from the very beginning right location good drainage make sure you've got a solid foundation and you too can have a fabulous little tiny house in the backyard for your lawnmower and remember if you're new to our channel and you have yet to subscribe to it then by all means hit the subscribe button we'd love to have you join us for the ride we got new videos every single week to help you renovate your home and get professional results we will see you again next weekend so i hope you enjoyed this episode of reality renovation if you're new to our channel then i suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything diy and decor and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 1,407,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, custom shed build, how to build a shed, shed build at to z, backyard shed, easy shed build, garden shed, pour concrete pad, how to pour a concrete pad, tiny house living, tiny house build, shed roof build, shed windows and doors, roof soffit, shed building 101
Id: H_7z13RA-WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 2sec (5522 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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