This Self Working Card Trick is No Joke!

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yo it's your boy six and welcome back to a no setup self-working card trick tutorial in this video i'm gonna be showing you two versions of the same exact effect i'm gonna show you the original which is no setup and self-working as i mentioned before and i'm gonna show you one little thing that i do to this effect just to make it slightly more amazing or more impactful and it's a minor change it's just one little tweak that i made that i think just adds something to it it does forfeit the no setup requirement you do have to have a little minor setup beforehand obviously but i think it makes it so much more powerful and i think you're gonna like it it's gonna be the one i'm gonna perform for you today so this effect comes from the mind of a magician named warner miller and it was published somewhere between 1999 and the early 2000s i don't know it from the original source i actually know her from a pdf that he published in 2012 called decapo 5 which i'll link to down below it's like 10 bucks to purchase it a bunch of cool effects that you can learn so if you're interested to pick that up i'll link that down below the name of the effect is called bubble sort and we're going to go ahead and take a look at the performance right now [Music] all right let's take a look at the performance of bubble sort i've actually taught a similar effect to this i'm going at the end of the video i'm going to use three cards but that one uses two cards it's you'll see what i mean uh check that link out at the end of the video after you watch this and for this one i'm gonna show you the version that i do and then we'll cover both versions uh in the explanation i'm gonna go through here and i'm gonna take out a few cards let's use the jack the queen and the king of diamonds we're gonna use the royal cards here uh jack queen and king and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take out a couple of cards here maybe that one uh you know i'll take this one out as well i'm gonna place two random cards in between the jack the queen and the king so they kind of like a royal sandwich going on here i'm gonna close this up just like that and at this point i need a few extra cards so i'll take a few extra cards like this this will do the trick place those here i want to make sure they're visible a few cards here same idea a few cards here and then i would hand the pack to the spectator and say i want you to go ahead look through the cards and pull out any card that you want so perspective number one you're gonna go ahead and pull out any card that they want let's just say they choose this one here i wouldn't see it so that's the six of hearts that goes face down spectator number two same idea they go through they choose a card let's say they get the king of spades same idea uh face down i wouldn't see the card so two cards selected the spectre number one gets to place their card back on any pile that they want let's say here and then they get to choose which packet covers it up so let's say they do that boom their card's lost now inspector number two does the same thing they have their card and they're gonna place it somewhere either pile and then it gets covered up doesn't matter which way it goes it's completely up to them they place the card wherever they want so now the cards are lost in the pack i'm gonna try to see if we can bring the jack queen and king from the top to the bottom and during that process make a little bit of magic happen let's start by removing some cards here i'm gonna place one down on the table one under just like this and you'll see it starts to bring the jack the queen the king all the way up to the top and remember we placed two cards in between it in the beginning so not only does it have to come to the top but it actually has to switch out for maybe hopefully your cards let's see how we did we got those jack queens of king to the top they still have just two random cards in the middle i wonder if we did anything good because we got spectator one six of hearts spectator two's king of spades and i know what you're thinking what would have happened if maybe one of these other cards would have got stuck inside of there instead well honestly the joke would have been on me because these are all jokers and there you have it my little version of bubble sort we'll look at the explanation of it right now [Music] all right let's go ahead and take a look now at the method for how this effect works as i said earlier i'm going to use the version that i do with the jokers really the same exact procedure works without the joker so you could do the same exact thing you just don't have the joker ending i will cover it after this portion just in case you want to see that version as well and just for clarity sake so you start here with the jokers now what i did before i started this trick is i went through the cards and i took out any 11 cards it doesn't matter what 11 cards you take out just take out any 11 cards and replace it with any card you want so in my case here i'm using the jokers i was looking for blank face cards you couldn't find them you could have used that that's what i was going to plan to use make them blank instead of jokers i happen to find a bunch of jokers because i'm a joker what can i say so besides the jokers you can put x's on it you can make it a duplicate of any card you can just have it be blank or you can just do it the original way without any of this extra stuff i like it it's not just because it looks cool the effect itself is very simple and self-working so the method will actually do the work for you and the problem with that is that it's easy to backtrack how it works and i think by adding the joker thing at the end really makes it seem more impossible than actually is that's it um it makes the effects seem more impossible and on top of that it makes it seem as if uh you know there's an extra layer of deception there it's not as easy to backtrack but we're going to begin by taking these 11 jokers and placing those on the top of the pack just like this then i'm going to take the jack queen and king and place them anywhere in the bottom portion so uh doesn't matter as long as you have any jack queen king at the bottom ideally same suits it doesn't have to be same suits i like it with the same suits but it doesn't have to be any jackman king somewhere at the bottom and you're good to go what i like about this is that really if you leave this set up like this from the beginning you can do any tricks you want with all these cards just ignoring this joker pack at the bottom and just do a bunch of tricks here maybe a 4-h trick that i taught in a previous video look at that click the link and you can go learn more wonderful magic but for this context here i was gonna use these cards and this is how it begins this is just your minor setup i'm gonna start by removing the jack queen and king of diamonds and i say this respected i'm gonna remove the jack the queen the king of diamonds and you don't have to use diamonds again you can do whatever you want i'm going to place these cards on the table just like this now i'm going to place a couple of cards here in between and all you're going to do is pick any of these two jokers and put them inside the middle so if you just want to say i'll take one from the top here i'll take one a little bit further down i'll take these two cards and place them inside that's it you're more than welcome to get two jokers they go in between if you want to be a little bit more advanced you could take one from the top see i'll take one from the top place it here and if you're proficient at culling cards you can cull one of these cards underneath the spread and say i'll go further down and take maybe one of these cards and what i did there is just a spread cull so i take that joker i slide it under the pack bring it underneath and just ride it to the middle go somewhere in the middle square the cards up as they peel out the joker it's a really simple thing that's only if you're proficient at culling um if it's not something you come to with don't worry about it just taking the top but if you're a little bit more advanced and you want to add a little extra layer there you can do this as well or you can just mark the jokers right they're jokers you put them there anyway put some markings on them and find them from inside the pack it's your life do what you want all right so jack queen and king the joker's in between just like this i don't show them those cards i just say i'm gonna put two random face down cards in between i'm gonna see if we can make something happen now i need to place three three and three of the joker so i'm gonna place three jokers here three jokers here and three jokers here notice nine plus two is eleven all about jokers are now in play uh i do wanna point something out that if you watched earlier i i don't bring attention to the three cards you could again you wanna keep the super self working place three three and three and that's it the trick will work itself really you can have the spec to do this entire trick you can just you don't have to do anything you can literally hand the card to someone just tell them what to do and the trick will work itself but what i like to do here is just add that like i said extra layers of deception i'll spread over about five cards say i need a few cards like this and now all i'm really gonna do is take the top three cards square them up and place them on the table i don't say this i don't say look i'm gonna take five cards i just spray i say yeah i need a few cards this works square them up take three place it on the table and i just don't want them to know that it's three three and three that's it because if they can backtrack it because of the simplicity of this effect i don't want them to be able to figure out the method again spread a few cards over see i'll take a few cards like this and place those here now i'm going to hand these cards out to the spectators you can have them shuffle do whatever they want it doesn't matter they're just random cards here and you're going to tell the first spectator pull out any card that they want and place it down go to the second spectator same idea pull out any color that you want place it down the rest of the cards get taken out of the picture they're irrelevant for now so spectator one looks at their card and they're gonna in this case we have three diamonds and they're gonna place it back on any one of these piles so let's just say they place it here now they can choose any of the other two piles that they didn't place it onto to cover it up so you're really just sandwiching that somewhere else so you place it on top of the panels you click a pile and now it's sandwiched in the middle so that card is really just going in the center of three cards on top three cards in the bottom and their selection the next spec there same idea ace of clubs here and they're gonna place it either on top or on top it doesn't matter which way it goes the effect still works so they place it here all you have to do is make sure you cover it with the other packet that's it you're covering both perspectives cards so they lost somewhere in the middle and now you're going to tell them all right your cards are lost in the middle i haven't touched the cards oh look i'm gonna place it right on top of the jack queen and king and i'm gonna try to get the jack queen and king to rise to the top and find your cards a little switcheroo we're gonna start by doing the down under deal if we get a little switcheroo like a kangaroo let's do the aussie deal the aussie shuffle the down under deal so we place one onto the table and one goes under now for this method to work you just do this over and over again and all the effect will happen on its own watch ideal one down under down under and you do this all the way through until you're left with three cards on top the three the three jack queen kings on top notice how it just sets itself up perfectly it's already doing all the work for you and now you have your three cards on top sandwiching two cards that's going to be the two selections so you can take these two cards out show them select select the expected cards number one card number two three diamonds ace of clubs you place that on the table and from here you tell them well i know what you're thinking what happens if one of the other cards would have got switched in well the joke would have been on me no seriously it would have been because all of these cards are jokers and you can reveal all these cards to be jokers really clever little effect right really fun self-working i like this edition of the jokers but let's say you didn't want to add the jokers in i'm going to get rid of jokers and now i'm using just a regular pack of cards same idea but this is a standard deck of cards i swapped back in my other cards so all normal take out the jack queen and king same idea now instead of pulling out jokers you just literally pull out any two random cards and say i'm gonna place these two cards in between just like this so any two random cards get placed in between uh same idea so i'm gonna take a few cards like this uh what's nice about this is you can hand them out to be shuffled beforehand but you go ahead same three three and three two cards are selected i'll just take out two random cards in this case the five of clubs king of spades five of clubs goes on one of the packets gets covered up king of spades goes in one of the other packets gets covered up and then you do the same exact procedure cover these up and now do the down on the deal one to the table one under table under you do this all the way through and it's gonna sandwich those cards and the one thing you do lose here is that extra kicker at the end where you could show the jokers so now you can say the jack queen and king made its way to the top and they switched in any two cards for the two cards they had originally and these two cards happen to be the two selections from the spectator and that's it you would stop here i guess you can see why i like to pop the jokers but you know sometimes you want to do the trick without the jokers without the extra setup and this allows you to do that so there you have it a wonderful little effect if you got any questions drop it down below let me know what you think and i'll see you all in the next episode
Channel: Michael Six - Magician
Views: 7,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card tricks, no set up easy card tricks, self working card tricks, self working card tricks no setup, no setup card trick, self working card tricks for beginners, beginners card tricks, card tricks to fool anyone, self working card tricks tutorial, no setup self working card tricks, easy card tricks, easy card gamesard magic, no setup card tricks, card tricks no setup, magician tricks, card tricks tutorial, card trick that will fool anyone, card trick tutorial
Id: 8z2rWyHIXV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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