Brilliant No Set-Up Card Trick Revealed!

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Does that dude have 6 fingers?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bendanger 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
yo it's your boy six and welcome back to another no setup card trick tutorial i hope you are all doing well i just found out that my car which was flooded in that storm last week is now gonna be totaled it is gone which makes me a little bit sad if you want to help make me feel better smash that like button uh that'll help a little bit but let's talk about today's effect this was shown to me from my buddy doug edwards back in the day when we used to hang out at the magic shop and if you don't know who doug edwards is you should because he has some incredible books and he's been published in apocalypse magazine like a bajillion times and i'm pretty sure he's secretly harry lorraine uh it was another magic legend just in case you don't know who he is but uh he's put out some great ideas and he shared this with me and i'm not sure if it's actually his because he didn't tell me directly it was his i have a feeling it might be like paul harris or aldo colombini because of the display that takes place in this effect that i have a feeling might belong to them once i find out because i drop them an email i'll update that in the description let me tell you a little bit about this effect it's a great way to make a card seemingly vanish from between two cards and appear somewhere else i play it as an invisible card routine where i make the card invisible and then i make it reappear uh either way you can perform it however you like but it is a great effect it is no setup unfortunately it's not self working it is taking a little bit of sight of hand it's not too difficult um stuff you'll be able to learn but i feel like you guys are ready for some a little more advanced stuff let's move you up a little bit get you practicing some great stuff i think you're gonna like it as always if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button hit that like button to make me feel a little bit better because i'm sad and as i mentioned previously i started the email list this will give you the first look to all the stuff that i'm working on as well as get you some giveaways so it's a great way for you to win stuff so be sure to sign up to my email list join that and you'll be the first to know all the great stuff behind the scenes and win some great prizes with that all being said let's take a look at today's performance [Music] all right let's take a look at the performance of this wonderful no setup card trick what's going to happen is this i'm going to start by spreading the cards face up and having the spectator name any two record kind here's how i actually say to them i want you to uh to name any two of a kind as long as they're both red and they're both black so we're gonna use the pair um you know you make the jacks the queens the kings uh don't use the four aces because everyone uses the four aces which ones do you like and they'll say the kings and okay great you like red or black and they'll say black and i'll take out the black kings just like this now here's the interesting thing you really could have named any ones that you liked but you ended up choosing the king of spades and the king of clubs what's gonna happen is this i'm gonna take these two cards and i'm going to place them on top of the card box and i'm going to leave them there until we get to them later because we're going to try something with a selection so i'm going to go through the cards and i'm going to have you select any card that you like so what's going to happen is i'm going to cut the cards i'll go through the cards just like this at some point you say the word stop let's say they stop here at the six of hearts and say do you want to change your mind you can pick any card you want but they want to keep the six say great i'm gonna take the six and i'm gonna keep it face down just like that all right i'm going to poke it out so you can see it actually i'll leave it on the table because what i want to do is try to make this card invisible i know i know that sounds a little crazy i'm really going to try to make this card right here invisible actually i'll use that i'll use these kings now they'll help me out so look i'm going to place that between the the kings huh just like that just like that get it in between the two kings so now we got your card right there in between the two kings let's see if we can make it invisible watch very carefully i just put my hands just like this just give it a second and boom it's done your card really is gone it's not really gone it's actually just invisible you don't see it you see it's actually still right here see if i take it i'll turn it face up i'll place it back inside the middle and just like that will make it come right back there you have your card the six of hearts and there you have a wonderful effect that you can do at any time uh with any deck of cards this is a great effect i think you'll like it so let's take a look at that explanation [Music] all right so how does this work this is still a pretty simple effect but it does require some slight of hand but like i said there is no setup whatsoever and i'm still going to teach you how to make the two kings appear at the end of this video if you want to make them appear in a nice flashy way uh that's really really cool i'll show you how to do that at the end of this video so for now uh the cards are gonna be lost somewhere inside the pack uh this is a shuffled deck of cards so it doesn't matter mix the cards up and we are good to go so any deck of cards uh when you're ready to perform pull them out the box or if you've done a few tricks already you can go right into this one i like to have the spectators name any uh two of a kind of the same color but here's some important information i want you to know using a court card would be a better or more ideal for you and i'll explain why in a second but just want you to know that using a king or jack or a queen is ideal the two red aces are good too you do not want to use the two black cases so i'm okay with winging it with people but just for you because maybe you're not as comfortable doing that uh you can say uh name any two rakan maybe the jacks the queen's the king you know not the aces because everyone picks the aces and by saying that psychologically the spectator will be more inclined to pick one of the jacks the queens or the kings which works in your favor and obviously by saying not the asus because everyone picks the asus is a good justification but uh it's a good way because you can't have this setup and then you'll see why uh in a little bit so they name any of those you can use uh in this case uh the nine of diamonds and nine of hearts uh however my issue with that is look how many hearts you can see here and look how many diamonds you can see here you see a lot of them and again this is going to play a role in a second so let's just say they want to do black jacks which would be ideal for us so use that wording uh name any two you know two are kind of the same color you like the jacks the queens the kings not the aces everyone picks the aces and they'll pick one of the jacks queens or kings again we're psychologically moving our spectator to a selection that works in our favor but we make you feel like it's a free choice so now that we take these cards out of the pack we want to flip this deck face down so it's gonna be face down in our left hand uh these two jacks are now in my right hand and what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a pinky break under the top card so i'm going to pull down and do a pinky break there uh you don't have to do a pinky pull down so in this case i do a pinky pull down get a break under that card what you can do is take out these jacks and say you could have named any one of these cards but you didn't and as you square these cards up now you're gonna get a break under that top card we've talked about this previously but if you're new here which a lot of you are and thank you for joining us so you're gonna uh get a break under that top card a pinky break is simply putting a little piece of your flesh from your pinky inside uh underneath the top card right you don't want to stick your whole finger in there because that looks a little crazy you just want to press it against it and the the pressure of pressing against the deck is going to keep uh a gap there for you in between the cards but on the front it is going to be flush right so and this will look like this in the front but on this side you have a pinky break so you can pick up that card at any time now i'm going to pick up the jack of spades and the jack of clubs and i'm going to show them and say you could have picked any cards but you chose the jack of spades and the jack of clubs now what's happening is as i'm gesturing as i'm talking and naming the card i'm gonna pull off that card so i say you you name the jack of clubs and you name the jack of spades and this simply looks like i'm just talking and i'm showing you right as i'm saying jack of clubs jack of spades but why am i doing it next to the deck well because i have that break so i want to get this card on top of the deck and it's going to go flush with these two with this card that's on top so now i'm going to have a break of two cards just like that we have here so uh really what's nice about this is using that mentioning the jack of spades and the jack of clubs and showing them gives me a reason for placing that card on top now this is subtle this is not something people think about but when you're performing magic you kind of want to justify what you're doing and you don't have to make it blatant you can do it as simple as saying the jack of spades and the jack of clubs and people go oh okay you're showing me the jack of spades and jack club so it makes sense that he did that as opposed to saying okay and then it's like well why are you doing all that why do i just put them from here on top of the box so by explaining uh uh you have the jack of clubs and jack spades and you could chose any two of a kind but you chose these two but really it was your choice again i'm placing this jack on top as i point to the specter and say really it was your choice again justifying the action of placing this card on top once that card goes on top i'm gonna pick up all three cards i'm gonna say so we're gonna take the jack and jack spades and the jack of clubs and what i do is i pick up all three cards now right so all three cards are coming up from that break so i pick up everything above my pinky break i'm holding it together with my thumb at the back second finger at the front and uh by by squeezing a little bit it's going to help keep the cards aligned because i'm going to peel off the top card the jack of spades just like this i saw the jack spades and the jack of clubs now this jack with this extra card hidden behind it has to go on top once it goes on top i'm going to square the cards up but notice that i don't square them up here i square them as i come over the deck and i do this because as i square it over the deck i'm actually only going to pick up just the jack of clubs and leave the jack of spades with the other card behind the the jack of clubs here on top of him so once again i pick up all three cards i peel it off with my thumb just like this i show the jack spades and jet clubs i align them just like this over the top i'm going to square the cards up but because i have that extra card there i'm going to square them up and only pick up now the jack of clubs and i'm going to pretend as if i'm holding two cards and i'm going to leave these cards right here on top of the card box and you're doing this in front of the spectator the trick hasn't even begun yet so you're you don't have to worry about them thinking anything the trick hasn't even started you just show the jack of clubs in jack spades there's no trick yet now we get to go into the effect which makes it so good because no one's looking at this card here it's only one card they think it's two right and you have this little hidden set up here you have this jack of spades with some random card on top of it and that's actually gonna help us with the next part so now uh you wanna be careful not to expose that card underneath so i'm gonna turn the cards face up uh we can do that shuffle that i do or you just shuffle some cards from the face give it a little mix take the right hand packet put it back to the back um that's it just you know just say hey look give the cards a little mix square the cards up and now you can go back to performing really anything you want to do as long as you keep this cards hidden you're fine so if i want to do a shuffle but i hold back or drop a block from the top so i don't ripple into this portion up here i just hold back a block and then drop it then i can do a riffle shuffle too it's all about your comfortability with cards so if you don't feel comfortable with any of that just turn the deck face up and now you're good to go and say i'm going to have you stop at one of these cards now what's going to happen is you're going to get a break again but you're going to get a break at the back under um above the bottom two cards right so i need to get a break uh above this face down card which is our jack here's how i'm gonna do that uh you can again do a pinky pull down as you're talking pull down uh two cards that is one way in which you can do it this is a little more advanced way uh another way is by simply holding the cards like this and you just riffle up the back just slightly and drop two cards and you'll get used to that action of dropping cards off the back you want to be careful because you don't want to be the person who looks like this like you're fishing for something um and riffling too much uh i i naturally riffle the card so a lot of times i'll do this a couple of times as i'm talking and then i'll go and do it and get my two card break but uh what's good about this is because the cards are broken in these cards specifically but when you have cards and they're broken in uh they start to get a natural bow in the cards you'll see if you take a card and turn it face up on top of your deck you'll notice that there's kind of like a natural gap that appears uh because of the way the cards are handled so they have like this kind of forming uh to them just like you have your hair probably parts one way or the other uh usually it's because your hair is combed that way the same half of the car the way the more you use the cards face down the more they'll go in one direction but why do i bring that up because sometimes when you have a good deck that's worn in you can just look at the bottom and you'll actually see that there's already a gap because this jack remember we bent it a little bit before but even by doing that minor bend look what happens when i look at the bottom i can see that there's a little bit of space there this one's very tiny these cards are very soft it's very humid in new york today uh so if you're in a humid place it's not going to work as well so then you definitely want to count off two cards at the back with your thumb like this uh once again just so you can see a little better and you get two cards but usually you'll be able to pick up right away because of that bend in the cards and sometimes if you just relax your hand you'll see the natural bend and you can just pick up those two cards but enough about that you get the idea you're gonna get a break under above those two cards so in this case uh i have a pinky break here and i'm going to transfer it to a thumb break if you just want to get into it from a thumb break you can do that as well uh thumb break is my thumb has to break the pinky break is my left hand pinky but i'm transferring it to a right hand thumb break from the back now i'm going to swing cut a few cards if you're not familiar with the swing cut check out my tutorials on false cuts swing cut and now i'm just going to peel cards off the face just like this and ask the spectator to call stop at any time now they do get the call stop it doesn't matter so i go through they say stop let's say they say it at the ace of diamonds here's what's gonna happen i have my break at the back here and as i flip this card face down and oh it's supposed to look like i'm just flipping it face down uh but i'm actually going to release the cards from my break so when i have this break because i have it at the thumb only eventually and this is a big break so you can see i can just let go and the cards are going to fall because that fleshy part is inside once i let go those cards are going to fall and that's exactly what's going to happen here with this ace of diamonds so as i flip the ace of diamonds face down i'm dropping those cards and now those replace it so that's the original ace of diamonds that's the extra card that's at the back and this is my jack so if you don't feel comfortable with that you can simply do this say look i'm going to take the ace of diamonds i'm going to keep it face down bring your right hand over drop those cards and then bring this hand back and push this card forward and what's good about it is that you can push this card forward and then move your hand because they haven't seen this ace of spades yet right uh you can reveal that a little bit i don't like to do it too much because sometimes if you have a very astute spectator they'll notice that the card before the ace of diamonds with the queen of clubs maybe they'll call you out on it so the easiest way to do this flip that face down bring this right hand over if you don't do the drop drop those two cards bring this hand back and say i'm going to push that card forward because i'm going to make it invisible in just a second again why is that invisible aspect important now i don't always do it when i'm performing i'm just doing it here because i want you to get these lessons there's some important lessons here and just so you're clear what what's happened here uh now the spectator's card is face down inside the center of the deck that's it's already done because you dropped off those two cards right so that ace uh this this jack was here you pushed it forward that ace is gonna fall into the rest of these cards and now when you spread it later there's one face down card so why is it important that i say i'm going to make this card invisible because again this is now irrelevant because everyone's looking at this card saying oh this card's going to be invisible so the the heat is now here it's no longer here so this even someone thought you did something tricky why does the deck matter if you're gonna make this card invisible right so it's a good way to take the heat off of uh what's happening here so you say i'm gonna make this card invisible i'm gonna pick up these two jacks it's actually one but i'm gonna call them two because that's what spectator thinks i'm going to pick them up like this i'm going to take the two jacks and i'm going to place now this goes into my left hand i'm going to take your card and now you can look at it at the ace that's again another selling point i'm going to take your card the ace remember we know that this is a jack because we switched it earlier using that move that switch helps us with this effect so now you're going to pick this up and you say i'm going to take this jack and place it inside the middle you pretend to pick up a little bit of the cards at the back now this is a bad angle because you're over head and you can see behind from the front people don't see anything i just pretend like i'm peeling the cards apart so i'm gonna try to get this card inside actually and this is a selling point you're acting at this point because it's one card it's irrelevant but to the spected you wanted to make it look like there's two cards so i'm gonna stick this card inside hold on a second in between those two jacks and all you're doing is placing this underneath you make it look like you're placing it between the two jacks so now you have a jack face up and uh this card face down remember i said it's important that we use these court cards as opposed to the ace of spades and ace of clubs and it's because of this because what's going to happen is now i'm going to do a false count which looks like that notice the jack is on top i take the jack a face down card and another jack but it's still the jack of clubs so you see the jack of clubs all i'm doing for this this is probably the easiest false count you can learn as i'm going to peel off the jack of clubs into my left hand holding this face down right the card on my right hand i'm going to bring the cards together again once they're together my fingers are touching underneath against that jack again now i peel off the face down card and i'm holding this other jack one more time this jack is just switching positions and all i have to do is put one on top of the other to make it work and it looks like at full speed you have two jacks wrapped around a face down card but the face down card is really just there so why do i say you can use these spades if i had the ace of spades here and i did that count you would clearly see the ace of spades is there and not a ace of clubs it's very obvious what i like about this is because i'm counting off with this hand look i'm already covering the club here so all all that's they're gonna see duplicate of is this corner but the likelihood of them seeing that is a lot less and then saying having nine diamonds that would be appearing twice so that's why i like to use a jack so i cover i'm gonna peel off show and say look i got two jacks with uh your card in the middle and i promise i'm gonna make an invisible watch now i'm to turn my hand face up i'm going to place the jacks uh on top of my hand like this and this is the move that to vanish the card so this right hand is going to come over like that i'm going to place them face to face so now my hand goes face to face i'm going to twist my hands across notice the card twist with it i'm using friction here it goes on top i twist with it now once i'm in this position i can actually squeeze the cards i'm gonna cut my hands a little bit and this allows my left hand to go face down both hands go face down it's gonna bring both jacks face up and i can simply let go and i say look now the card is invisible and i show both sides because some people would think maybe the other side nope you show that it's really gone really nice touch here so again just so you can see it at full speed just like this card in between place them together do the twist watch your card vanish from in between the jacks and now your jacks are face up hence why you do that twist in that reversal and then from here you're simply going to reveal the card appears face up in the middle so you can do my little acting thing look i'll turn the face up place it inside the middle and it reappears face up or if you want to be suspenseful do it face down like this show the card face down say but you see there's a bunch of other cards i don't see another ace of diamonds look one card face down your card the ace of diamonds sometimes it's better to re reveal cards face down this is one of the effects that i believe it's better to reveal it face up because you can build suspense with a face down selection as you slowly turn it over with that being said let me show you how to make the two jacks appear and we're gonna use leonard green's top shot which is pretty straightforward here so what's going to happen is i'm going to place the two jacks face to face as you can see and that would go in the card box and that's how we begin so when they come out of the box i have the two jacks face to face now atlantic green's top shot relies on the pinky pulling down the top card i like to have my thumb at the upper portion here and my index finger here everyone has different views some people like their index finger here i think i get more of a pop with the cards when my thumb is here and my index finger is here so i'm holding it just like this and now notice that it's not held down in a deep grip i like to shift it up to a higher grip so it's above the fleshy part of my skin and the reason is that sometimes i do it this way because i have a little padding here a little a little fat excess there what's going to happen is that sometimes when i pull down uh the card will get stuck there and it'll get a little slowed down so when i put it above notice that there's a lot more clearance on this side so that my pinky now just like when we do the pinky pull down it's the same idea but instead of just doing a pinky pull down and getting a break you're going to bring it all the way up here to this corner and when you bring it up to that corner notice that these fingers move out of the way now i can pull it out and what you're going to do is you're just going to use friction you're going to keep pulling pulling pulling pulling and eventually it'll pop out this takes a little bit of practice okay now i'm going to lie i'm almost lying there a little more than a little bit it takes a little bit of practice uh because you got to get used to it right but eventually uh you'll be able to get the card to shoot out and once you get the card to be able to shoot out i i suggest you practice getting the card to shoot out an easy way to do that is just simply take the your cards hold them in the in the position and just start flicking cards off and eventually you'll get used to flicking the cards and then once the card seems to shoot out the way you want it to shoot out then you can work on catching the card right so that's just a simple way to practice that and that's it it's a it's a nice way to make a card appear it doesn't have to be done to produce two cards that's just a nice way of doing it making cards appear face to face would do that if you can just do it to make one selection appear right so you can have a card selected bring it back to the top and you say watch if i snap my fingers one card shoots out and then you can catch that card so get the card to appear out of the pack oh my goodness i'm messing up here a little too much bounce and my pinky's getting tired uh but yeah you pull it and then you catch the card and you can just say look watch it's not my fingers one card shoots out of the pack and you can catch it and you're set to go uh there you go that's the leonard green's top shot and remember like comment subscribe if you know if you like that drop that comment hit that like button it really helps i appreciate you all and i'll see you all in the next episode
Channel: Michael Six - Magician
Views: 15,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card tricks, card trick, magic, impromptu card tricks, impromptu card trick, impromptu card tricks revealed, advanced card tricks, magic tricks, card tricks no setup, card tricks revealed, card trick tutorial, easy card tricks, mlt magic tricks, oscar owen card tricks, no setup card tricks, michael six, michael six magic, michael six magician, learn card sleight of hand, alex elmsley tutorial, alex elmsley
Id: pn1GXcS8vGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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