The Best Self Working Card Trick To Perform In 2023!

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yo it's your boy six and welcome back to another self-working card trick tutorial let me start off this video by saying a big thank you to you all for your support over 2022 it has been an incredible journey uh this year we were monetized over 175 000 viewers um just you know a bunch of new subscribers so thank you whether you just joined or you've been here from the beginning uh every like every comment it really means the world it really helps support this channel uh so thank you from the bottom of my heart and I know I haven't posted recently but I just wrapped up my uh educational leadership program which was essentially another grad school program which is now done uh so I'm definitely taking a break from school for a little while which means a lot more content for you all and now I can put out uh content on a regular basis so thank you for all your support and I'm glad to be back and have some time available to actually devote to letting out my creativity it's difficult when you have to do things you have to do versus things you want to do it's always a challenge and I have so many ideas that I want to share with you all uh even possibly a second YouTube channel and communication and Leadership and if that's something you're interested in let me know down below aside from that a big thank you to everybody who voted for me for South by Southwest edu that huge conference that takes place in Austin Texas they selected me so I will be speaking there which is incredible uh so very excited for that it's going to be uh it feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity but I imagine there'll be many more opportunities after this event uh so thank you all for your support on that I get to speak about the parallels between being a magician and being an educator and uh it's my hope that I get to support Educators and building connections with their students because at the end of the day it's what it's all about so thank you for everyone who voted uh for me for that because I'm excited to be going there and if you live in Austin drop a comment down below maybe I'll try to do a meet up or even if you go to any magic conferences if anybody here that's watching goes to Magic conferences drop a comment down below let me know what conference you'll be at in 2023 now that I have my weekends and evenings and all that good stuff I will try to make it out there and meet you all because really the best part of being a magician is the community and getting to build getting to meet people and build relationships because um it really is just incredible and you know anywhere I go in the world I have a friend because of my magic and it's truly uh you know I'm just so grateful so thank you all I really appreciate it I hope you all had a great holiday and I wish you and your family and your loved ones a uh a wonderful 2023 so uh from the bottom of my my heart thank you Happy New Year and let's go ahead and talk about today's effect this is a suffering effect that comes in mind of Aldo colombini the brilliant Aldo colombini that's right it comes from a manuscript called which was published in 2009 I think the effect was actually published long before then but I know I think this one was first included with other effects and it's called Contact colors it's a very powerful effect uh multiple layers to it here but it's also self-working so I think there's no better way than to end 2022 than with a really powerful strong effect that I think you're going to enjoy so let's go ahead and take a look at today's performance foreign so let's go ahead and take a look at the performance of this effect I'm going to begin by shuffling the cards up just like this give them a little mix and then we'll get started I'm going to actually take a card out for myself so let's say I go through here I'll take this card out what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually place that card face up in the middle just like this you can see it go inside the middle it's fine if it's seen no big deal and then I'm going to have The Spectator select a card for themselves so that's my card but no secrets on my end but the spectator will select a card so I'll go like this they say stop and that'll be their card so in this case you can take a look at that that'll be the card and we'll lose that card somewhere inside the pack and then I'd ask The Spectator to give the cards a bunch of cuts and if the face card shows just cut it back into the middle somewhere it doesn't matter and we'll give a a little mix like this to mix the cards up a little further uh to make this work what I want to try to do is see if we can make a coincidence happen and the first question is always do you believe in coincidence yeah me too what a coincidence as you see just don't don't use the joke it's a bad joke but let's say they say yes no whatever the case is what I'm going to do is I'm actually uh split the cards there's 52 cards in a deck I'll use um 26 and 26 so 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 my mom would be so proud of me that I can count to 26. uh what card was selected at random I have one card faced up it was placed back somewhere cards were cut cards were mixed what's interesting however is that sometimes coincidences do happen you see because I'm going to deal down just like this and I'm gonna go all the way down until we get to my face up card let's see uh almost there I think because you'll see that sometimes the strangest things can happen because right here we end up with my face up card here and you selected a card completely at random placed it back anywhere cut the cards mix the cards and we end up with one card right at the same position of the Ten of Spades and would you believe it or not it would be your card the six of diamonds a perfect coincidence uh and you know I I'm not a big believer in coincidence you know I think so I mean you know things just happen like that maybe it's fate and I can prove it you see because that's why I got an ace here and that's why I got an AC and that's why I got an ace here and Ace here and we actually got all four aces uh as well not only that I'll go one further because not only is this the red Ace if you look here you separated all the red cards because all the red cards are what this is and with the black Ace you find all the black cards here with it just like that with this red Edge you'll find all the red cards just like this and with this black one you'll find all the black ones just like that an incredible coincidence maybe and there you have it that is contact colors from Aldo colombini let's go ahead and look at the explanation foreign so let's go ahead and take a look at the explanation for this effect let's start with the simple setup very simple you take out all the black cards like this you're gonna Place one black Ace at the face and one black Ace at the back just like that that is that setup and the same for the red the red it doesn't matter what order it's in as long as you have Ace on top Ace on the bottom uh same concept you're set to go then you're gonna take these cards and either place it on top or bottom again it doesn't matter which direction it goes that is your setup red Ace red cards red ace black Ace black cards black Ace and you're set to go now the thing that I start with is the Ireland Shuffle which essentially allows you to keep the cards separated in red black order it doesn't disturb it uh remember because it doesn't matter about the order of all the cards it just remembers that they're separated that they're red and black and what that looks like is this I'm going to start off by peeling off the top card which is uh one card and then I'm going to grab a bunch of cards and chunks and just do a regular overhand Shuffle and as I get closer to the middle I want to start peeling the cards one by one to not mix those cards in the center just reverse them and then once I'm past the center I'm going to go ahead and grab a bunch of other cards do chunks and keep going to the last card is placed on top just like this just for explanation's sake I'll do a face up so you can see exactly what that looks like and what's happening with the cards because it still keeps the order separated and keeps the aces where they need to be so I begin by pulling off one card grab chunks of cards it doesn't matter then I'm going to start going one by one until I clear the middle once I know I'm past the center because I want to make sure that I don't mix these cards notice how the ace is still stay in order and now once I'm past the middle I can do chunks of cards like two or three cards at a time and then as I get closer to the bottom I want to keep going to appeal one card left on top which is that last Ace just like this and all it did is essentially reverse the order mixes some of the red cards some of the black cards but it keeps your aces in the same position uh that's the Ireland Shuffle the next thing I want to do is go into the effect so I'm going to end up taking a card from the top and there's two ways you can play this you can say I'm going to take a card from the top and you can tell a spectator I want you to take a car from the bottom or I'll show you the way I do it but just in case I just want to tell you that you can have you know just for the context of the effect you can say I'm going to take one from the top portion so I just won and then tell The Spectator I want you to pick one from the bottom you could do it that way what I do is I begin by dribbling the cards and I just stop somewhere and say I'm going to take a card for myself in this case it'll be the five are hearts and I have to place that card in the middle between the red and black cards or between the two Aces that are in the center so I could pull up at the back until I see the two Aces and then place it in between or what I like to do is I fan the cards towards myself I'm gonna give an exposed view because the audience is usually in front of me and I'll take the five and say look I'm gonna take my card I'm gonna place it face up somewhere inside the middle but really I'm just placing it in between these two Aces so The Spectator see that I close it up and say the card is in the middle I can tell them it's in the middle it's not a secret to say I would like you to pick a card so I'm going to dribble to the cards like this and I want you to say stop so all I have to do is make sure that the card is selected from underneath my face up card and which is pretty easy because usually you'll see like uh when you have a face up card especially in A Worn deck you'll see the mark of where that face up card is uh so I just need to dribble from the few at the bottom if they go too close towards the middle I just drop the whole thing and just tell them oh you gotta be a little bit faster so I'll do it like this I'll say stop then I say stop I said oh it's got to be a little bit faster than that thank you and do it one more time they say stop let's say they say stop here what you need to do is take this right packet and you're going to place it off to the side just like this because this is going to be part of the procedure in a second you're going to show them this card which is the Queen of Spades that'll be their selection you don't have to look at it say take a look at it and then you're gonna place it on the top portion that you just placed down so now it goes notice it goes from this packet to this packet they look at the card it gets placed on this packet and the rest of the cards go on top and it does two things a it sets up the effect for you so the actual mathematics of the trick will work in the positioning of it and the second not actually mathematics just the positioning of it and the second thing is that it makes it look a little messy which I like too then you get The Spectator cut the cards and they can cut as much as they like it's up to them right uh one more thing that you can add and I'll add a link to a video um that talks about this is you can add a charlier shuffle which it looks like you're mixing the cards but really it doesn't actually mix the cards it just looks like you're shuffling the cards but you're just cutting the cards it's the same procedure as this when you take some cards from the top take some cards in the bottom and put those on top top to the bottom top to the bottom I won't spend too much time on this because I've covered it before I'll link to the video if you're interested in learning the exact procedure for that in more detail um but what that does is you just keep the cards in the same position now you can show them their card is in the middle what I like to do is just make sure it's in this position somewhere in the top uh maybe 10 cards down in whatever the case is personally I like to have it on the top portion so when I why I say that so you can spread this cards like this you see it's here you can just come and cut it and bring it back to the top all right so I want that face up card within like the top 10 to 15 cards or so so that allows you to do that just by setting up that positioning so once it's there I say you know there's 52 cards in a deck I want to cut this right down the middle and try my luck to see if we can have a coincidence take place I'm gonna count off 26 cards I count by twos you can do whatever you want you want to count singular all you want to do is not reverse the order right you want to keep the order the same so two four six eight 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 so now we have two piles of cards I Square these up just like this and now I'm ready to go into the effect I say one card is face off I'm gonna see if we can have a coincidence start dealing in front of the package just like I'm doing here until you come to the face up card when you get to the face up card because of the way you positioned it earlier their selection is going to be directly across from it so I'm going to go through just like this and then there's my face up card so now I can show there's a face of five one face down card could be any card we cut we shuffled but it happens to be your card the Queen of Spades a perfect match maybe it's a coincidence maybe it's fate maybe it's more than coincidence and I can prove that it's more than coincidence because not only that now if we just flip over every single card in the packet it shows the Four Aces already amazing right and now you're already a bonus kicker then you can go one further and say not only that even though we Shuffle the mix of cards that Ace attracts all the red cards the black Ace has all the black cards next to it this red Ace has all the red cards next to it and this black Ace has all the black cards next to it and it's a wonderful conclusion to an incredible effect I hope you enjoy it it's really really uh truly powerful go out there perform it uh maybe perform it for New Year's uh and I hope you enjoy if you've got any questions or anything like that drop a comment down below and uh Happy New Year everybody uh we look forward to seeing you in 2023 enjoy enjoy that and I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Michael Six - Magician
Views: 7,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card tricks, card trick tutorial, card tricks revealed, best card trick, card tricks for beginners, card trick revealed, amazing card trick, beginner card tricks, easy card trick revealed, no setup card tricks, penn and teller fool us, no setup card trick revealed, card tricks for kids, impressive card trick, beginner card tricks no setup, beginner card trick tutorial, card tricks no setup, easy card trick, self working card trick, oscar owen card tricks, magic
Id: 9KhQrR5uqN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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