The Invisible Card - No Setup Card Trick Tutorial

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- It's your boy Six and welcome back welcome back to another tutorial. In this video I'm teaching you an effect called the disappearing card from Bob Longe's, "101 Amazing card Tricks". This book right here. It's a great book that you can pick up on Amazon for nine bucks, really cheap. You can get it in the description below. It's also prime eligible, which is nice too. And it helps support the channel. What's really cool about this effect is it allows you to seemingly make a card disappear and then reappear. It's a really simple effect that you can do with a borrowed shuffled deck of cards. And I think it's pretty simple. There's not too much that of hands. So you learn it relatively quickly. What I like about this effect is the construction. It's very smart in how it operates. There's a number of things that you're doing to make this effect work that makes it really, really fooling, but enough about the effect let's get into the performance. (upbeat music) This is the performance for the disappearing card. I like to present it as the invisible card so during the presentation, I'll be referring to it as that, but the spectator is gonna take out a card, it doesn't matter what it is and place it face down on the table. And I can tell them, "You could have chose any card, but you chose this card. And that's the strange thing, because you could've chose the three clubs, but you didn't, and you could've have chose the two of space, but you didnt. You really could have chose any one of these cards, but you didn't, you chose this card. Let's take a look at what you did. Ah, the three of spades. You may not know this, but that's known as the invisible card. I'll show you what I mean, I can make an invisible, right? You see the three of spades. Ready? Look, gone. It's invisible. You can't see it." Okay, that's a silly joke. It's not even a good joke, but it's a silly joke but it's true. Look, I'll take that three of spades out of the pack. It's invisible, I'll place it over here, but I'll prove it to you. Look, if I go through the cards like this, you'll see, that it's not here. Maybe you think it's on this side, look, I'll go through the cards. It's not here, none of these, none of these, none of these, none of these look, maybe look, I'll even show you. Look I'll take a few cards like this. None of these, none of these, it's not any one of these cards. Take a few more and look, none of these. No, no, none of these. Maybe, you think I'm doing something fishy. I'll go super slow motion look, super slow motion. I couldn't go any slower if I tried, look not here, not here, not here, not here. Your card really is invisible. And I know you may not believe me, but it really is invisible. You could have been any one of these calls, but watch, if I take your card. I'm gonna flip it face up. I'll put it back inside the middle and now I'll make it reappear, just like that. And there you have it. Your invisible card can now be seen again. And that is the disappearing card trick. (upbeat music) So here's the explanation for the disappearing card. Now I use the invisible card as a presentation for a specific reason as you saw, I think it makes a little more sense, but let's get it directly into the effect. Shuffle the cards. Doesn't matter. Borrowed shuffled deck completely fine. Have a card selected and placed face down on the table. I do this for two reasons. A, if you've ever performed a day in your life, the moment the spectator looks at the card. They don't wanna show it to you. It's natural people think, Oh, I'm looking at the card. You should know what it is. You should find it. I shouldn't show it to you. They don't want to show the magician the card. So I keep it face down and I avoid that moment. B, this creates suspense. Now it's interesting. It's not your normal pick a card trick. I don't know what the card is. Why is he still talking when we don't know what the card is? It creates interest. So the card is face down. And now I say, "You could have picked any card." Now I'm gonna get a pinky pull-down break under the top card. If you're not familiar, how to do a pinky count to get a break. In the previous video I did with Xavior Spade, it's linked to above me at the moment it's floating on the screen. You can click that link and he teaches it in great detail. How to do a pinky count, how to get a break under a top card. So I get a pinky pull down break on the top card. Now I'm doing that, as I talk about it, "You could have picked any one of these cards," get the break and say, "but you didn't." Now I'm gonna come over with the right hand and I'm gonna use my right thumb to keep the breaks. I'm gonna press my right thumb against the back of the cards and at the front of the cards. And I'm gonna hold the deck now in Biddle grip. But what I did was I actually ended up transferring that break to my thumb. So this is gonna be a little bit of exaggerated it's usually a little smaller than that, but that's fine, so you can see it. Now, my thumb is on the break. It's the fleshy part of my thumb in between the top card and the deck holding that break. You can't see it from the front. The front is flat, but from here you can see that there's the break. So I hold the break with the pinky. I come over with the right hand, pick up the cards in the right hand. Now the break is on this hand. And the fleshy part is sticking in. I'm gonna take about half the cards from the bottom of the deck and flip them face up, placing them on top of that top card and keeping the break in place. I'm still holding the break. So when I say, "You could have picked the king of spades, but you didn't." Now I take all of the cards from beneath the break and I'm turning those over and saying, you could have picked the five of spades, but you didn't. And what I just did was reversed one card at the bottom of the packet. This is called the Braue reversal Once again so you can see it again. So again, I have a break under the top card. All right. So I have my break. I'm gonna transfer it to the right hand. So I'm gonna give you the side view here. So you can see I'm holding the break right here. I'm gonna take half the cards from the bottom, and turn those face up I'm gonna place it on top of that card. And I'm gonna keep that break. So my thumb is still holding the break and I'm gonna take all the cards underneath the break, turn those face up and place those on the top. And what that does is that revolves the cards around the top card and it gives me the top card, now at bottom face down. So once I do that, I can spread to these cards and say, "You could have picked any one of these cards, but you didn't. You chose this one. Now, when I spread these cards it's very important, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna memorize the second card here, which is the four of spades, I'm memorizing the four of spades. That's gonna help me and be my key card second. So I spread through and say, "You could have picked any one of these cards, but you didn't. You chose this card. Let's see what card you chose. Oh, you chose the four of clubs. Interesting, that's known as the invisible card." It's just presentation at this point, you can say whatever you really wanna say. "Four of clubs, hey look I'll prove to you that it's the invisible card and I'm gonna cut it like this look. And now it's invisible." Cheesy joke. I let this fly by. I don't try to make this funny. I know it's a stupid joke, that was the point, "But it really is invisible. And I'll prove it to you. I'll take it out. And I'll put it over here to the side." So now I'm gonna turn the deck face down and I'm gonna deal through the deck face up. And now remember I remembered the four of spades that was my key card. I'm gonna deal through the cards until I see the four of spades, keep going, keep going, keep going. And I'm saying your card has gone. And once I see the four of spades, I can deal one more card after that. That's it one more card after it. Why don't I memorize the five instead of the four? Well, because just in case I'm dealing and I start to push over. You don't wanna reveal that card. So because a lot of people when they deal, they'll push over the next card. As they're turning this card over, at least now I know that I have to be careful now, I'm aware this will give me some room for error. So I don't make a mistake. And I see the four of spades. I can deal the next card. And I know this card is reversed over here. So now I go, if none of these cards, maybe you think it's on the other side. So we're gonna flip the packet face up. And now we're just deal from the top Just like this. Just not this one, not this one, not this one, not this one. It's none of these look, I'll show you. I'll take a bunch of cards. Now I'm gonna cut off a small packet of cards like this. just get a few cards, flip the whole packet face up and then deal all the ones that are face up off the top. Say, look, it's not these, it's not these, it's not these. Now at this point in the Bob Longe description, he makes a mistake. He doesn't include this part, and the trick doesn't work, if you follow it in the book, you have to do that same move one more time. So again, I'm gonna grab a bunch of cards, flip them face up and deal through. "It's not this one, or this one, or this one. Look, I'll show you more cards. It's none of these." And I stop at the face down card. Now I'm gonna flip this packet face up again and say, look it could have been this one, this one, this one." Now I'm gonna deal off some cards off the face of the pack until I have a small packet. 'Cause I don't want too many cards for this portion 'cause the next portion I'm gonna do in slow motion, right? So once I get a small packet like this, maybe like eight cards I stop. And I say, "Look, maybe you think I'm cheating. I'll go super slow motion 'cause there's only a few cards left. Now I'm gonna take this card and my justification for the change here. Cause I'm gonna take it and turn it face down and put it at the bottom. My justification for changing is by saying, I'm gonna go super slow motion so you can see it look super slow motion, not the nine of hearts, not the jack of diamonds. And now I'm gonna deal through all the face up cards. And I keep going until I reached another face down card and that's when I stopped. It could have been this one. It could have been this one or could have been this one. It's none of those cards, your card is really invisible. I flipped this face up and now I'm gonna drop this on top. Be careful that when you drop it on top, that the cards aren't slippery or the cards are not at an angle. 'Cause if this is at an angle, then I'll show that card face down. You don't want to do that. So you want to make sure these are flat and drop this flat on top. So usually I don't recommend you just dropping it. If you don't feel comfortable, I think you should just place the whole packet, just like that. Now I'm gonna square the cards up and pick them up and say, "Your card really is invisible. That's why I placed it over here to the side. Now I can't spread through the cards because there's the card reversed and it's a few cards down, but I do know it's a few cards down. So what I can do is spread over just a few cards from the top. I know that's safe, but then I'm gonna do, what's called a block push off. What a block push off is, now that I show these few cards, instead of pushing a few cards over, I'm gonna push a block of cards over so I can show, "Your card is not any of these cards." And I'm gonna put my thumb to the edge and with a push over a huge block. Look how many cards I just pushed over here That's a big block. I've pushed that whole block over into my right hand. And then I could spread the rest of the card and say your card is not any of these cards. So at full speed, it's like, "You could have picked any one of these cards, but you did it. None of these cards." Like this a few cards pushed the block into my right hand. So now I have that. And then I could show a few cards and say, your card is not here. Now what I want to do is I want to spread a good amount of cards. Cause I know that cards floating somewhere over here. And I'm gonna say, you can pick any one of these cards, but you didn't and your card really has gone. You can see that. Now I'm gonna take the cards in my right hand. Cause I know their selection is here and I'm gonna cut the packet. And when I cut the packet, I'm gonna place it just like this. I can turn it face down and place it on the table. And now I know their card is somewhere inside the middle. I'm just positioning it more towards the middle so that when I spread it, it's not towards the top or to the bottom. I just position it towards the middle. That's why I did that cut. Now I say you could have chose any card, but you got this card. The one I made invisible, I really did make an invisible look. I'll try to face up, place it inside the middle. And now you'll see your card is back. And that's a really stunning moment. People lose their minds for that part because they don't expect that card to show up, nor did they expect to show up reversed and you could show your card it really was invisible and now we can see it again. And that is the invisible card or the disappear in card trick as Bob Longe calls it. What's great about this also, is you can do it with a signed card, you can have their name on it, which is nice too. If you wanna give presentation, you've got them draw a picture and say, I wanna make the picture disappear and do it that way. Any way you like to do it. It's a really great effect. That's really, really simple. And I hope you guys enjoyed that. If you did, hit that like button, hit that subscribe button, hit the bell notification, 'cause it really helps push the channel. And I want to say thank you, 'cause we had 500 subscribers and I know it's a small number overall, but to me it's a really huge fee. I appreciate you guys believing me and what I'm doing. And thank you so much, because without you guys, none of this is possible. I know it's a small number, it's the first step of many. So guys, thank you again, hit that subscribe button and the next time I'll see you guys later stay safe and it's summertime go enjoy your summer. ♪ Pick it up, ooh ♪ ♪ You see the drip yeah I'm fitted up, ooh ♪ ♪ Hop in my car and it giddy up, giddy up ♪ ♪ Secure the bag yeah I get the bucks, get the bucks ♪ ♪ Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up ♪ ♪ You see the drip yeah I'm fitted up, fitted up ♪ ♪ Hop in my car and it giddy up ♪
Channel: Michael Six - Magician
Views: 6,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic tutorial, no set up card trick, no setup card tricks, no set up easy card tricks, no setup card tricks for beginners, no setup self working card tricks, no set up magic tricks, learn magic, learn card tricks, card tricks revealed no setup, card tricks revealed, magic tricks, easy card tricks, magic tricks revealed, magic tricks with cards, magic tricks with cards for beginners, card tricks, easy card tricks that will fool anyone, magic tricks for beginners
Id: AW-OpRigvv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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