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okay everyone quiet down we have to kind of keep this a secret there's a bug in the game that I found that tantrix doesn't know about baby back it up but B B baby back it up so for those of you that don't know go ahead and place down your favorite unit of your choice any unit it doesn't matter everyone obviously already knows this when you place down the leprechaun cameraman he gives everyone inside of his mini range a range boost so obviously this bigger Outer Circle is his normal attack but inside this mini bubble is going to be his range ability so everything inside gets a little bit of range boost and for those of you that don't know the djtv man he's essentially just a buff unit everyone inside of his range givs a juicy 25% damage boost and a negative 25% speed cool down making them do more damage in a shorter amount of time and the good news is these things both stack together however if I were to use something like I don't know the tvom with the Titan fan man it would not work the damage and cooldown multiplier would stay the same the same thing goes for anything that also boosts attack I found a loophole the chief clockman for those of you that don't know actually boost the range of allies so for example let's say I want replace the chief clockman down right here go ahead and check this out look at the range boost on my djtv man it's plus 15% and the Titan fan gets a plus 15% range boost as well how does a Titan fan man have 75 range the reason why that's so good with the Titan fan man is all of this red is his push back distance I can push back toilet are even longer and he's already broken we got to try out this strategy and and it gets worse check this out in case you're wondering yes I am in the sandbox right now I'm Splish Splash taking the bath the sandbox don't get sand in your eyes I used to chew on Sand when I was in Middle School I don't know the crunch is just so satisfying hopeless you're talking about units get it together man the reason why I brought I was in the sandbox is that I'm still going to do this vanilla and I am going to run the Santa TV man I got to keep my TR my bones my skeleton army friends on top of this obviously we're going to run the leprechaun and we're going to run the chief clock man as well you know considering like that's the whole point of the video but the question is what else do we put in around this build I do believe that putting in the Titan fan man is going to be the best strategy for this getting that push back is going to be too good to pass up on but now the question is what do we fill the rest of our team with part of me really likes the guardian for some reason but I feel that might be a bad idea I don't hate the idea of the Titan firework man but I do just prefer an overall Splash unit lowkey the clock spider could be good too you know what we're going to be crazy instead of the Astro I am going to run the golden future large clockman for that insane range boost I really don't hate the idea of the Titan bunny cameraman either you know what we're going to be smart especially because I think it's become meta again we actually are going to run the speaker repair drone all right you guys are tired of waiting let's jump in it B boy says hello o if you're excited to see how far we can get make sure you guys leave a like and a subscribe right now cuz we are trying to get 100K on this channel before this channel turns a year old we are getting kind of close we're like 4 fifths of the way there thank you skeleton army you guys are amazing but obviously we have to start this game off normal we are starting with a juicy Santa TV man the world's most placed unit goes to the Santa TV man what gifts you guys think he has inside of those presents I think there's marbles oh crap why do I always do this to myself break my bones why don't you I always forget that I don't have a good starting unit that's the problem with this build I can place with speaker repair drone but what's he going to do repair the toilets heck no bro oh perfect amount I had just enough to place on Titan fan man right in the middle h hot standing on the lava hot hot standing on the lava I'm sorry in case you're wondering why I apologize it's cuz I sang and and there are a lot of comments that say hopeless please don't sing there are other comments that say hopeless I love I'm distracted again is this why my mom doesn't love me I should call her and the good news is with our current build the Titan fan man at level one should be fine by himself for the long while I can literally just focus on the economy Cuz Mr vacuum boy is goated wait was I today's years old when I figured this out is a Titan fan man's single attack oh no I'm just in I'm an idiot okay I'm an idiot got it oh my God that makes the strategy even better cuz that means the range is going to boost his AOE tag to oh my gosh I think we're easily going to get to wave 120 honestly honest hand on my heart I'm convinced we'll get to wave 20 at least well I I also hope we get to at least wave 20 in case anyone was wondering it's wave 18 and I still haven't placed on the Range units yet sorry economy comes first I Love Money Mr Krabs money money money money Mone Mone money hey I think me and santri have something in common I'm kidding I'm kidding clri please don't take away partner I'm kidding but level three Titan van man has carried all the way through wave 20 so far and I'm convinc it could carry for that much longer yes that's how broken this unit is plus he's so easy to upgrade you can Max this guy out so stupid freaking fast D this is Jimmy Johns um no this is a Titan Fan Man uh delivery and oh that's cute mun 22.0 did you think you were going to get down the racet track did you think you going to get far oh did you think you were going to attack my base sorry that was aggressive that's cuz my mom doesn't me okay this Titan fan man's level five let's go ahead and add that range boost for the first time we can still be smart with our placements by placing the leprechaun here so it's still actually worthwhile in some way have this target last and then fully Max him out in case you're wondering why I have him attack last it's because the farthest toilet he will always attack so basically there could be toilets here no matter what he will still be attacking right here optimizing his Pierce damage trust me I did the science I did the numbers I put on my lap code and everything I forgot the djt V man oh my God how am I 10 minutes into this game and realize that I forgot the DJ TV man you guys were probably screaming at me when I was picking my team DJ TV man DJ we don't need it we're proving that we're good enough we don't need it baby max out that Titan fan man he should be good for a while I have a bunch of money I made my toilet play defense against me yeah sorry my stomach got upset but just in time for the glitch toilet fun two Titan fan man should take care of that glitch toilet literally without any issues let alone that it's on Wave 40 it doesn't matter the Titan Fan's literally just that good regardless of the hamwich sandation I think it's time to finally max out our Titan fan men obviously we're going to place our Titan clockman down or chief clockman down right next to Leprechaun the reasoning for this is so the chief gets the Boost range from the leprechaun and the leprechaun will get the Boost range from the chief ultimately maximizing their range where they can affect everyone with the range boost as we only have a limited of 20 units and now our Titan Fan Man are reaching maximum height of 75 range now like this but leprechaun gets a bit of a boost and we're going to start getting that AOE Splash from the chief as well with at any point in time if it is necessary use our rewind toilet and our emergency this will probably be good if we ever get to wave 120 but since I've got the djtv man we'll have to wait and see about that speaker repair drone down right in the middle as well this will help prevent all future stuns everyone faite part of the video the video where I play Tetris with units essentially me finding all the places where I could put down Titan Fan Man and it makes sense but we are already this good and this strong off and I haven't even placed down our slowing unit yet we haven't placed down the golden future large clock band at all so obviously let's get him to join the mix as well let's go ahead and pluck him down right here literally it doesn't matter he's going to touch everywhere on the map regardless guys at level three look how much range he has it's a funny number and we're fighting the Jew Jew the Jew we're fighting the Jew what how did I butcher that so bad please don't hate me first I support Russia and now I say the Jew guys I meant to say the giant we we smacked wave 50 that oh my God po the next contoversy hopeless just hopeless that's the title when you guys think of toy Tans creators you're like oh tantrix the creator of the game oh Evan the developer bit blocks the fat funny duck skeleton hopeless the guy that literally misspeaks every single video is that what you guys think of me or do you think I'm a nice handsome skelet okay and let's go ahead and max out the golden future large clock man's ability and he is only single attack so I wonder if I should have him Target strongest I feel like that's probably going to be a good idea mainly just for when bosses come out and that's the reason why I'm big fan of the chief clockman being on this team is typically I've died to glitch toilet streamlining all the way down my freaking track and murdering my base obviously I don't want to let that happen who the heck would so I'm glad I have the chief clockman because as a clock spider should provide some form of a decent cushion against that I'm starting to run out of Titan Fan Man estate but the good news is we do take care of the frost skeleton toilet extremely fast I feel like in the past it took me a lot longer to kill the frost skeleton toilet but this time around we kind of cooked him I think actually having the golden future clockman down is going to be a really really good strategy dude this Titan F man keeps getting stunned excuse me didn't I run the speaker repair drone for that reason alone What the freaking heck do your job keep him from getting stunned please that's why you're here why else do you get paid but look at my infinity stone of abilities in the bottom left I have Ultra lighting time stop emergency and Rewind toilet I'm the king of the toilets you bow down to me kiss my shoe see that glitch see that glitch yeah it was going to run into my clock spider that's right everything's going according to plan and the giant turkey toy goes down without any issue it doesn't make it very far down the conveyor belt at all you got to be feeling good about that giant turkey toy got taken care of well before Wave 80 and I know this is crazy I know this is weird but trust me I actually am going to place a chief clockman down back here I know it's weird but trust me I think those glitch toets are going to be a problem later and by having these clock spiders spawning out we'll have much more of them on the map that will only and purely are for hitting the streaky glitch toilets and the Wave 80 boss is basically a joke it's just a dual cargo toilet are you kidding get out of town I packed your bags I sent you home you're going to asistan if anyone's watching this from usbekistan hello okay so initial thoughts on this current strategy I will admit not running the Astro bit of a throw I definitely think it would have been better than the golden future large clock B speaker parad drone was a good call however the Astro was definitely just the better call not having that 60% slowing Splash everywhere is clearly affecting us but having that extra range from the Titan fan man should prove useful once we have all of them placed down cuz as far as things stand right now we don't know how good it actually is I mean there's no denying that we're definitely leaking a little bit more than we normally have in the past I think I was cooking something with this team but I think I cooked too hard and accidentally trolled myself but let's still see if we can make it to wave 120 the speaker repair drone definitely is really good against all the giant lasers though that cannot be disregarded at all okay broken hard toilet wave 90 boss this would be a really good true test of our strength and on top of that we did just get 20 out of 20 units so we just have to save up now so we sell over our S TV man and then this team is fully maxed out oh you see that you saw that glitch yeah that's right the clock spider took care of it yeah clock spider eat him up eat them up clock spider yes it's perfect okay the chief clockman was a w Edition that makes me happy for that reason alone I'm so proud of us I think now calls for a good Ultra lightning time stop just go ahead and clear the field clean the board wipe it out there's not a better time to do it there really is only a 200 second cool down we can turn off Autos skip just for a little bit to clean up wave 99 that is the reason why the golden future large clog man is always going to be a good idea it do be wave 100 and we haven't taken care of the broken heart toilet the good news is it hasn't moved neither as a DJ to 2.0 so uh I don't think we really have anything to worry about this strategy is still good I think we're safe to sell one of the Santa TV men and I think a good idea is going to be to place down another golden future large clock B and have this one attack first and keep having this one attack last that way we're getting slowing all across the board I probably should have thought of that earlier and that helps us drop the broken hard toilet let's go ahead and turn back on Autos skip so we can start focusing more on the DJ 2020 who has already taken a nice crispy 10% of his damage it's time to sell all last Santa TV man goodbye good sir and our Titan fan man does get that 15% range you know the whole point of the video the whole reason why we made this video the reason why it's broken yeah it happened but this is going to be the max out Squad let's see if we can make it to wave 120 to be completely honest with you it is actually looking extremely promising right now and normally by this point in time our biggest issue would be the streaking glitch toilets but as I said before I have those clock spiders coming in the back which makes me feel way more confident and at any point in time having that Ultra lightning time subop ability is huge for us I don't really like how far these DJ toilet 2.0's have gone down the conveyor belt so let's Ultra lightning time stop really fast look when I Ultra lightning time stop it literally still does the Titan fan ability no wonder this is so good oh my gosh baby back it up B B B baby back it up literally reverse first crowd control that is insane push back that is a different type of push back Insanity that I've ever seen we've got to study the trigonometry on that that makes no sense I love it so much I am really really hoping that we have no reason to use rewind toilet or emergency but it looks like we might need to on that glitch I I might need to emergency on that glitch toilet too no wave 115 has five of those glitch toilets that come down dude what what the flip on Wave 115 we're so close to wave 120 after that heartbreaking defeat I'm going to have to have a real strategy talk I definitely think adding the two range units were absolutely necessary and I think it was a genius idea however I think we might need to run the scientist clockman instead of the Sant TV man because then we wi 100% guarantee that we're getting free cash and on top of that we also get the wall blocker for the glitch toilets hopefully they have enough Health to actually stop the glitches though either way that is going to be it for me today thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video make sure press a like if you really liked it make sure you press subscribe to all your friends and I'll see you guys all again tomorrow bye I love you
Channel: Hoplas2
Views: 4,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toilet tower defense, roblox skibidi toilet games, roblox skibidi toilet game, skibidi toilet roblox, roblox skibidi toilets, roblox skibidi toilet, telanthrics, newest toilet tower update, bemmyblox, sunny and melon, ttd, new ttd update, telanthrics update, new ttd unit, doodle and arkey, best skibidi ep, titan fanman, episode 75, new titan fan unit, ttd mothership, manoftaj, every titan, secret overpowered team in toilet tower defense, broken units in toilet tower defense
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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