This run is unholy, undead, and UNFAIR.

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green crate finally we got a grain crate we got all the oh my God that's actually quite good Unholy hematology and this would technically be the right thing for Unholy I guess just sucks that uh it it were it it loses durability to play spells I heard kind of seems weird let's try it on holy deck see if we can't get a good Unholy thing going uh we haven't like marigar seems pretty good in in duels a few times now like we've had people play America against us where it was like yeah okay that was a great turn I'm not so sure the scourge feels as good there's just so many random Undead in the pool and a lot of them are bad I'm gonna put it in for now but I think that might end up getting cut I could really see us cutting that you gotta say we saw Harry Potter running in the meat grind this car felt good when they played it against us I was not as high on that one before but I might run it now is that the package is that the play holy frenzy seems kind of cool Scourge honestly it's just so fun it's really slow though man it's so slow I don't think I can we've played The Scourge plenty I I think it's too slow I need more early game yeah it is true that we want to discount it that is true maybe Scourge is good with a discount actually yeah that's a good thought like we're gonna be discounting big stuff sometimes anyway maybe it allows me to cheat it out sooner what am I oh it's not much Lich King that's a good thought the hero power does make it cheaper maybe it's good if it's six Mana or something right uh because like maybe cutting a ruby and swarm guard but I really liked having taunts maybe maybe graveyard shift that's four corpses maybe it's a bone Digger Geist I have some twos already I have some ones maybe it's this guy I don't know if a 3-4 is that exciting it doesn't really go wide I do like the idea of having this though this could be draw three okay this is fine let's just go it's not it doesn't have to be that perfect it does not have to be this perfect it's not like we're gonna know what's right anyway this feels fine though super low viewership though all right body bagger on one is awesome arms dealer into graveyard shift is pretty cool I don't think we arms dealer on one that seems a little greedy legged grain hero power now does this always discount One Thing by three or does it does it choose three different targets and discount them by one I actually have no idea how this works maybe I'm playing both of these and hero power into the playground next turn into a potential gray version it's a mix okay that's actually probably a little better for us this is deal one damage if it survives I'm gonna go ahead and coin I want to get going quick here worst case we can play grain hero power next turn can I hit the same Target twice or does it always hit three distinct targets give reduce the cost of a card I think you can hit the same Target multiple times right it's gonna fire off like three in independent discounts of random targets hey Rhino dude thinks the prime sub all right we could kill that guy give me give me a plague strike off the top time to find out hit this twice this once yeah so I can definitely hit multiple targets okay good to know is whenever you play a minion so not the best graveyard shift card but uh creeper shift is good if this guy lives so that's nice oh does he does he get charged he doesn't get charged nice it's a little better together I guess cool next turn maybe it's still just blightfang hero power though I have three corpses so getting scourged is counted in particular is pretty cool I will often be able to play the great sword anyway so hero power see what gets discounted and go this discount repair seems good ugh rage where you're school at least I'm excited to see a different build here guess that's gonna hit the one two huh oh order yes thank you perfect yeah this is a great blight thing by the way uh uh all right I want to hit Greatsword and I actually don't need to hit the blindfang but my oh perfect yeah excellent okay really nice I guess we've probably gotta kill the anime extractor don't we so annoying if we don't foreign gets a lot of Buffs immediately but uh okay so blight things you got reborn that's cool a little extra three one on there is nice Scourge getting discounted pretty quickly and we could discount it again next turn more like I could maybe play Tomb Guardians and try to isolate the scourge down where it's like one of the only two cards in hand or something we got a really cheap card I guess I could make it the only card in hands that'd be sick thankfully here this is a kind of board-based tempo battle that I think I'm gonna be favorite in most of the time a little bit worried about burst damage and those Buffs but most the time I think we'll be okay I have some two two taunts in here as well still plague strike and tomb guardians but I need the I need the one Mana for the hero power so we'll probably just go tomb Guardians here first that seems fine and then we'll hero power maybe the play strike will still be playable right oh yeah this just uses durability even though it doesn't that's yeah that's crazy kind of crazy to see I wonder if we start going phase or we tidy up one more time foreign really nice board so many Michael Jackson's on board we've got six Michael Jackson's our opponent has zero how can we lose it's impossible we have the Michael Jackson advantage and Scourge for reload if they somehow manage to clear all these Reborns right if this weapon sucks anyway we might as well just use it as a lights Justice sometimes truly a thrilling turn wow oh really a thrilling turn draw a Topman and double its stats oh I might be trading in a lot let's see how big that gets I kind of want to run that with lorthamar guys remind me that that's a cool idea I want to do run that with lorthemar so lorthamar and then double the top minion stats again that sounds really fun uh Scourge is a little bit crowded out here I'm gonna have three minions left over so is that going to be worth it probably still worth it but I could just go Necromancer for a turn or two and chill maybe wait for the big reload kind of sucks that I'm floating so much Mana though what do you guys think is is four random Undead worth five Mana yeah it is this is still we want to win Tempo let's just go one big one would make this absolutely worth it right two big ones would make this a home run uh yeah that's that's insane yeah uh I guess we can use this make this thing zero we're only gonna have two corpses left next turn oh that eight three corpses even though it could only discount this two right that's good to know so it always spins up to three even if there's not three to discount it would I would normally expect to only spend up to three but um wasn't sure if it would only spin two if it could only discount two but I think we went from five to two as I recall oh my God that is large but I just got this monster board to deal with it thankfully oh my gosh Fury stalwart jeez what does it hit I guess it hits here but that gives me more death rattle Activation so that's kind of nice uh we have six oh oh wait can I just trade this in oh my God yeah it's early Minion or maybe they're gonna get this back no oh dude I just sap oh my God yeah he just zap and kill that's kind of a sad wait oh wait that's oh that's not how that works what card am I thinking of oh my God what card am I thinking of isn't there a road card that does the other thing now I'm losing my mind isn't there a road card that came along and just does what that does but better what was that card guys I'm losing my mind what was that card I gotta look at everybody oh yes it's this the socket sapper I was getting these confused return a random animated your opponent's hand I got these confused socket sapper oh I see I see um okay it shouldn't matter though we're still gonna kill them I didn't mean to be him actually no it's not lethal but it's really good it's fine I didn't mean to be I'm sorry I'm so sorry research my apologies I didn't mean to be a I uh I got those confused that card's a much older so much worse than soccer and even saw cat sapper is not very good somehow right yeah that's an old Doom Card man even the socket sappers olds now my God I got oh I did I actually did Miss lethal though right because I had two attack left over I bounced a two drop I did mislethal because of that but I didn't mean to be him sir bootstrap bunk in here now that that's an even different card that's a that's a hand based effect right or combo effect I mean yeah that's that's more like a combo put on the bottom of the deck I mean surely we're fine here right five minute left thorbelord didn't seem to activate last turn I doubt it does this turn yeah we're fine I totally bmed no I don't think sapper got played ever no I don't remember sapper it's an old card like that effect just doesn't seem to be very good apparently oh the cadaver collector man that's exciting because it's new but I do not think it's better than cannibalism in Our Deck cannibalism's absolute obscene in this deck like okay awesome is like perfect for us I I want to play the new stuff sure but this is too gross this is like absolute Bonkers just constant wide board threats just buffing each other seems dreamy so sadly we'll have to do this another time but not for this deck um there's the follow-ups we talked about a little bit that's nice Scourge not really it here I think this is it play grain's really good for our hero power so let's do this how do you feel about buckets now I still haven't really played enough I I don't mind it but I've only been playing death knight so I don't know I I'm curious what people think I've heard a fair bit of negative sentiment because people who want like crazy high-powered decks aren't getting them as much but I'm surprised to hear that I feel like I get even more high-powered decks I mean maybe that's just the death knight effect because it's only got like a limited pool of cards but I'm not sure yeah this is okay not perfect but Paladin doesn't usually kill the Arms Dealer on one we might get a good setup sadly the necrotic partition is not actually an undead though nor is the blight Fang maybe we'll have to trade this in to activate the mortician who knows could live till turn three if they don't play anything uh yeah I don't have to trade into that so joke's on you I think we'll just Tempo the 2-3 right just reserves you know you don't want that going too gross they might get an extra uh Divine Shield but that's cool we'll we'll try to play in a graveyard shift Buffs on the Arms Dealer here perhaps should have put this to the left because I think it's pretty likely I trade in the arms dealer and if I do I'm not gonna buff anything except the mortician huh this actually a blight thing turn though maybe the graveyard shift Buffs here don't feel great against this particular board the two attack kind of does but I'm gonna kill the annoyotron if I play it life thing I mean they can go wide but if we're killing off a minion it's not going to be that much wider I actually think we just do this it's a little less fancy but it's pretty nice and I can control my positioning better for cannibalism here which is cool let's just interacts with this board pretty well I don't think the Buffs were worth much there on the Arms Dealer at the end of all that this feels better to me so yeah hero powering soon will feel good but we want a graveyard shift I guess or well we need we need corpses right now so gotta trade in at least a little I guess man that's awkward to kill isn't it wait oh boy awkward numbers everywhere huh uh we're getting a taunt back so I think this is fine just buff stuff two corpses here seems still worth it right this thing does need three corpses but this board's gonna give me corpses I'm not worried about getting corpses here still a two minute one minute to get two Mana back seems it seems good all right so monster board again these uh taunts rolling out to the right is breaking my candidalism a little bit but still quite happy to have the cannibalism here I think still quite good uh so we can like trade trade maybe just go oh that's annoying that's a bad shape for us really annoying shape for us they are getting some crazy oh I could have put him in first I'm stupid oh shoot ignore me don't look at me don't look at me I'm a monster I would love a uh a plague strike do I trade in a 5-1 here just to clean up a minion I mean I I get you know kind of get like the 2-1 back immediately on the Buffs I think it really changes much there's two taunts on the back end I mean it's a Target to get a Divine Shield but they can control that um I'm gonna wait five one could hit something pretty big and I think there's a decent chance it doesn't die to a return hit or anything because there's two top bodies here so it makes their life hard and then I have one ones to trade in better later but the taunt in the middle oh my God cannibalism dude you always make my life so hard I have to concentrate stop it cannibalism I don't want to try stop making me try cannibalism uh so we can like hit here I don't know of any of this sequencing really matters too much but this is how we're gonna do it so this did matter as a minion by the way really nice or trading in to draw maybe I'm just playing an army of the Dead actually just going phase for a billion he's only making four Dudes but that's that's honestly plenty I guess I could do this first it was only making four Dudes anyway because the board's full so same same difference I guess maybe we should have started sooner with these I don't know I don't know just don't worry about it we're doing good I'm not gonna stress too much about it taunt's in the middle now I'm a genius kind of maybe well I had to clear minions to make board space so no I couldn't have really done that sooner that works out fine that's just fine okay so good board uh susceptible to AOE but that's not something I typically see a lot in these decks we are finally accountable death knight by the way this is something we used to talk about all the time being a cannibal death knight and now it's really happened it's real and Unholy cannibal death knight it's we're finally living our Dream fantasy uh no worries uh Gohan man have a good one dude thanks for stopping by Hunter's Insider maybe just card draw we we do keep having pretty small hands let's grab some card draw I like the pure gold some lethality but I think we'll have plenty of that with cannibalism that should not really be a check on us at all sometimes late though we might need reloads and might need value I think I think I wouldn't mind getting something like a frostmore in my deck just again have some some depth like this has more depth this is like you know getting more stuff for one card this is getting stuff and this is a big card this has some crazy finishing potential with grave strength but I already have that with cannibalism right I think we need some more big stuff so and Discoverer 2 is helpful as as we're as we're shifting later into this run resources become more and more of a check on our power level the neruian Swarm guards are pretty cool cannibalism card isn't it definitely not a mulligan card though how is death knight duels feeling um it's Sometimes good sometimes I feel like we're just losing like secret Mages and stuff that that uh have the perfect openers and blow us up but otherwise okay so play grain does give me some nice potential discounts to get moving really have to hope the opponent doesn't have like Tome into some big six early guy we're on game three so I don't know how likely they are to have really really consistent stuff yet great opener though we Tempo a 2-3 I don't think so I think there was nothing else to do I think we'd just hero power here would love to find you know a battlefield Necromancer or something though yeah yamirs are not worth it I mean if this gets if it gets discounted enough we will play them for sure well again though is it actually worth playing just for a Tempo 2-3 no I think we wait Discovery might be too good let's see what can a Tempo card do though it can actually disrupt a c like it could be a secret test it could be a corpse can be a buff when they get Blessing of Kings off of their book of Wonders I'm gonna play it I'm gonna get Blessing of Kings off book of Wonders and buff it okay like any kind of buff they get this has a uh an opportunity to take it that's my logic okay deal with it looks like it's gonna be a secret tester instead coin I would hate to see the 4-3 here curator Mage would be crazy Tempo play shadow casting for the tier two oh my God Shadow casting marrowgar imagine I guess it wouldn't be that good you'd use all your corpses huh all right secret test I'm willing to risk a counter spell here it's not the end of the world if it whiffs and I like these corpses for the the mirrors are is this worth it for one to one yeah maybe that is an early frostborn man five Mana that's about where it would need to be to be played I think I saw frostborn pop into a couple of this but okay this character looks kind of cool I don't know why I like it the really nice color scheme on that card okay oh really nothing huh I guess we tested objection here I'm not sure yeah wow nice uh yeah this doesn't actually currently have the um oh I should have put that in the oh no no it doesn't die never mind it's not not cannibalism uh it doesn't have the corpses now but what the heck else am I gonna do it's fine depending on how well this rolls off it could get the corpses before it dies oh in fact it will yeah there you go perfect that is a monster buff by the way wow uh think I still frostborne this if it's Oasis Ally wait is this lethal we have 15 do I ever just go face and say screw it no that thing's too too good against me right I want to hit this I can still kill an oasis Ally so if I need to but I'm not even sure I need to dude this is gross all right I am like I this is still setting up a two-turn lethal hit minus any uh ice barriers oh that's good for them man this is gonna be a 3-3 though that's one-off lethal if we really not tested counterspell yet seems wild it kind of feels like ice barrier right for some reason I think we burned this on the counterspell test don't we looming presence giving me more cards feels more important and life too feels important this being alive is not actually very intimidating because I'm gonna potentially just win well I guess we'll find out won't we um is it barrier not barrier okay just deciding like do we go for a body here or do we go for card draw my only concern is we don't actually really have a lot of um I don't even need direct damage in this deck right there's no way for me to deal direct damage this weapon is it so if I don't stick a board I I actually am in a little bit of a pickle like if they go barrier and I don't have a board I don't don't win this it's that simple I need the board to beat barrier Cold Case I do just beat with attack still you shouldn't have any Mana left right yeah we're fine we know this is fine yeah cool happy to be the secret man so that was we got blown out last time so that felt way better way way better um guys I might take a um oh I gotta I forgot we gotta look at our things um boy greedy games huh no we have to play too many minions I was gonna say like we do have some ways to summon stuff graveyard shifts and everything but we have to play too many that's not gonna be worth it we're playing like at least half so that can't be right I might just take Battle Stance just to get some damage we're kind of an aggro deck at our core I don't think it's bigger that seems risky I think it's Battle Stance right battle stands to this I think we're gonna get a package I got delivered at 9 30 at night okay uh what we like I don't know though we need things to Discount we are spending our corpses a lot so it's like if you get an early Mario gar it's not that buffed probably take this cannibalism uh possess fires nuts yeah all right great opener we love the body bagger I think we probably love uh chill falling Baron later but for now I want tempo deathbringer might not technically have enough corpses but we'll try ah we're getting too many of these grave strengths like I want some follow-up but cannibalism has solved that we just need we need more development primarily playgrain is awesome for uh the yamirs are I think what we'll do is coin the Amir jar trust that it doesn't die and then play grain at the turn later so I don't mess up my curve because I don't think it'll die right Cantrell are we about to get spit on dude is this Hunter gonna spit me he's a spitter let's see probably actually better off putting this to the right for any kind of summon effects like graveyard shift huh every time you learn something I swear to God it might die the running brittle bones I might have removal spells this may backfire but just in case we'll see it's gonna backfire dang sad sad day we feel good about which is cool but a little sad uh Necromancer is good though timely Grand bro favorite shift also better I think probably go on face I'm like kind of at risk at losing this board soon though I'm nervous they've gotten more Tempo than I would want I don't exactly have a ton of recovery not only frenzy can be cool but all right make these big boys for me thank you don't hit my three one all right space attacks good there oh this is gonna get to attack maybe an explosive trap or something and I'm happy to test these secrets with an empty board because we're gonna bigger boards later you know this is like perfect timing to test this yeah freezing traps no biggie nobody at all his trap's totally fine too um dang I should have played this first I'm stupid I was hoping to get multiple things to do but it was very unlikely to get get another card like play Grand to play you know that's probably silly all right so we're just hitting two per turn you know we beat them in 10 turns that's all we gotta do easy easy 10 turn win no big deal making another three sure life thing here is nuts but uh do I like Unholy frenzy Maybe let's not lose the board too hard like I get another two two and another three three back just worried if I fall too far behind here we're never gonna get it back so maybe we kill this too for once like getting another body here is really nice okay swarm guards are good too later hopefully that's one of their last like good boards I'm hoping they don't have too many minions to develop oh it's so many Secrets though man my God Cobra too Cooper is kind of annoying isn't it extra tutu here kind of makes hitting that three one feel nice again doesn't it it's also a decent turn for the Swarm guard the one five does eat one of them pretty easily but uh maybe we get a tutu here I don't know there are some things that this procs as far as like extra value on board for them but maybe not too bad this is good against like snipe and stuff too which is cool yeah cat trick like he's a little extra value on some stuff but maybe not too crazy all right so now it's about enabling The Scourge I guess I don't know we're a little behind I wish we had more more lethal push here so many Secrets my god dude tavish too Rose lots of the new buckets I don't really know yet um I've really only been playing death knight so I'm not sure in Death Knight it seems to work pretty well because you just get all the the good death knight cards you want I think for other classes it's probably way harder because they have bigger pools to pull from but I still haven't tried it so I don't know Scourge might just come in too late here of course I'm very worried about navigating all of these secrets obviously these are gonna be a pain lightfang again on two minions um yeah actually that seems okay I don't know kind of depends on how all this rolls I guess all right honestly face based it seems oh dang really no Scourge discount at all are you kidding me dude I didn't hit the scourge one single freaking time is the plus three attack here relevant in the slightest it has to spell based secret like ice trap I guess is something and take nine to the face I guess or something text a little better against this trade I guess or something the time to the face kind of sucked though I'm being honest that wasn't so fun uh I mean it's kind of something lethal you kind of have to assume explosive trap though and freezing trap are gonna be a problem I mean we can play around freezing and hit for eight but it's still it's still not a lethal Let's test freezing well I mean is there any world where this isn't a freezing trap is there any world in the universe I guess really it doesn't matter because if it's if it's not freezing it could be wandering and bear all of which stopped lethal in which case I think we need to hit the leock this Test's freezing and maybe clear as a leak sometimes too it's not freezing okay explosive can I hit for explosive this is this is eight and I they have a they have a potential Huffer button too is the problem with the eight right find the answer I gotta hit here it sucks but just have to this is still susceptible to the Huffer button but I never get this to seven oh never lucky okay tons actually are amazing here stopping the weapon and a Huffer yeah taunts are actually the best possible again I position wrong I should have put this one one on the far right but whatever not I'm just not gonna do that well just get over it like that's just not me now the problem is if it's improved explosive trap I still take three right and all these die can I ever beat that I have no ways to gain Buffs right yeah I guess I just play that in discourage then though right and hope for taunts I could take five damage here effectively I have no way to buff these though so it doesn't really matter that's both I take five yeah oh no that's a misdirection does that always hit me no no these are still alive okay that's actually nice but then the other explosives can go off yeah okay so I need Scourge into healing or could this could this could this actually be something that kills me could it be a Wandering monster would that have already that would have already triggered right yeah okay we just we just have to hit we just have to hit a taunt and I heal or both all of the above no muncher for instance would be a great no Munch me baby that is a taunt is the taunt enough is the question it does actually beat Huffer and weapon attack this is not beat king Crush though needed two tots for that or no muncher to heal actually that that but no mountain heal would have been enough yeah that would have been enough wow really close game I I don't know if there was a way to get around all that better than we did just kind of had to had to try I think the problem is we kind of hit some weird turns in the mid game like the grave strength and stuff oh this is a tough call dude we love canopic jars for our deck but we also love Book of the Dead because it's so much damage and we are killing it because it's gonna be Zero Man immediately look at the Dead's probably a little better for Battle Stance canopic jars my thought about canopic jars is if I have a board where I've got five mana and I've got like four things out that makes canopic jars really good haven't I pretty much won the game already anyway is canopic jars Really Gonna Make a Difference whereas Book of the Dead could be lethal yeah yeah really a great luxury of choice here because there's a lot of great choices I kind of like book of the dad as a recovery you know like a reactive we can we need to deal with the board we can but also lethal hit I think I like the fact that it's flexible staff is only removal canopic is only follow-up Book of the Dead can be both removal and follow-up so I think that flexibility feels really nice I like that what a weird uh weird awful set of buckets here we got I mean these Undead are good for us I guess all righty uh uh what a one drop here really mortician I just thanks very good early let's try to hit some ones and twos get this this opened up really quickly because this can be a deck that swarms hard what in God's name is his hand what I wouldn't give for a necrotic mortician right now foreign dude I'm just looking like an idiot over here honestly I can't even attack face like I want man what a God awful opener I'm not taking I cannot take 12 damage off this right by hitting it three times and expect to win the game maybe I have to I don't I don't know if I have a choice this would make a top deck plague strike like god tier truth is in here I don't know that we have a choice right like we might just have to possess a fire are you kidding me oh actually we'll just coin the weapon this actually clears Us in two that's really nice I take it back this is fine we're good swarm guard on this weapons is really good so I got a gap turn to fill here how did my hand go so bad this might be one of the worst hands I could have manipulated together here dude double malcazar's imp are you kidding me this guy is a bro well done sir I'm Really Gonna trust these reborn swarm guards to do some work okay in aquatic partitions back honestly with with reborn I think they're absolutely worth it the important thing for me here is going to be getting the Swarm guard down next turn that's six minions so that'll be really nice well okay five minions I guess they are drawing a lot and you know but they're not getting a lot more Tempo again at least kind of a relief Book of the Dead might help me recover here Scourge is cool you don't really need any more hits let's just get rid of these guys of course the three damage here was such an important difference my God that weapon I think might have kept me in the game so obviously this is going to silence off one of these reborn of course that's not awesome but it's okay they're gonna Even Silence off the little damage there that's sad Book of the Dead though almost done possessive bar in particular gonna be completely Bonkers we got to see what's in their hand what's in their hand what's in their hand archworth Willow Savage yamir jar I didn't really see much else oh it shows us here malganus yeah and gnomish army knife okay that's kind of cool is that so far here is insane we're gonna just killed him like they're gonna take a ton of damage I don't love that they're drawing cards but I love buffing my units right that's that's really cool so we're we've kind of already equalized Health now which is very nice even of course this is our hero powering as well hopefully you don't get like an AOE this would that would really suck if they got an AOE somehow oh that could be uh malganus I guess oh my God not an AOE but really bad oh my God The Book of the Dead here is really really nuts they've got highlord for Dragon so this is a unfortunately only 12. I have to trade in another dude that's okay definitely not trading in my face so that's not happening okay I mean look we've been in worse spots honestly given given where we were we've been in worse spots I'm okay with where we're at don't hit the six three nice that's the best menu to hit Max buffage cool it's a lot of card draw unfortunately that's really good they could hit some good one Mana stuff here again this I guess is their best hit uh which isn't that scary not that stressed about him again it's I think we Scourge here don't we marrowgar is a little small for me I think I like Scourge better just hit for a big seven again eight whatever do you need a taunt though would love a taunt Scourge ever any good in duels oh that's insane this is a good great we got card draw we got two aunts we got a new Ruby and unraveler to disrupt and we got the dark on to heal yes this is the best Scourge we've had yet amazing that's so good that shouldn't be too problematic missed the uh the thou knows too wow guys let's freaking go good scourge it's like maybe with that kind of hand any Scourge might have done a job unfortunately but we take it we're happy that was a good one huh couple interesting choices here the curio is shockingly good for us it's um you know multiple minion type thing but I kind of think amalgamates is shockingly interesting for us too we could make one really gigantic dude with all these tiny little bodies is that actually useful though I guess if I really think about it perhaps that's not all that useful is it like what are we using that for it would still have pretty low Health ultimately we just have really high attack I think it's probably just curio curios you know we like corpses we like Undead we like I'm assuming the ghosts are Undead be sad if they're not somehow Undead another marigar it's just not it I really like this better course right it's pretty good for us storm guards are good like the mirror guards I don't know man we just have enough corpses usually we're spinning them too much meat grinder that's a fine risk I'm willing to take we like corpses for our discounts so this is orange but they're playing a found one Scarlet deck Trader all right we gotta be careful here with Mulligan last time it sucked but I like playing strike a lot to give us reactivity man she's certainly fine on one even if he doesn't buff anything just happy to get a body uh the hero bear here implies some value spring presence also implies some value this might be a blood like a value blood death knight which boy it might be hard for us to get enough damage through against the blood death Knights AOE we can do surprisingly high damage output because of cannibalism of course uh but it might be hard we're just gonna have to see yeah play Minion yes no that's not a minion they think it wait no they got battles why am I thinking what yeah they have the hero power yeah I was thinking of that yeah Battle Stance uh pretty intriguing maybe even here I'm really happy to hit I guess swarm guard would be okay it's kind of free maybe Scourge is fine curio curionics turns great the creepy curio that's easy to kill cool might just be an undead trigger for them though is this off the hero power it was that's a pretty good result for their hero power actually this is a Battle Stance battle yes indeed they are Undead I was worried they might not be coded even if they should be you know sometimes duels stuff falls in the cracks like that a little bit yeah blood is he matures Shores there we go little bloody nerubian feels good next turn they're killing the outside minions smart smart smart we'll probably put these in the middle I guess makes sense to me at least I think we go face we need to create some outs here we have a pretty high pressure hand with the Book of the Dead um we can get a good cannibalism turn we're gonna go nuts all right man there's gonna be a lot of Mana hero Powers I think we're happy about that because the average card quality of the hero power is low and the average temp over her power is super low which gives me time to create pressure create damage Etc how is duels right now I haven't played enough yet to be an authoritative opinion I'm frozen crap duels right now is broken something is broken you guys are all effing but it looks fine you guys are fing me why are you guys effing I don't you guys are all effing but I don't the stream looks okay I'm not sure what's happening the stream looked fine I'm not I'm not sure what what's going on with the effing here you guys are having jerks all this effing yeah refresh I didn't even it didn't even ever look like it bugged I showed zero dropped frames and it looked like it was up the whole time I don't know you didn't miss much I did have to reconnect Hearthstone real quick but it was instant so I'm not sure what was up oh that's gonna make those remaining or the remaining taunt here he's gonna be fairly big huh or attack I guess it also gives me the nice reload and discourage which we kind of wanted here oh that's bad that takes up a Scourge spot I think we still do it though we just want to overwhelm right now into a book of the Dead if we can might be able to find a lethal here who knows cards back is nice couple decent bodies this guy's certainly High friction pretty good Scourge again certainly seen a lot worse ones oh my God double blood boil is absolutely murderously bad though that has taunt oh man 16 damage and seven is certainly not lethal yet you think it's a bone guard Commander here is another um another way to get a big wide board which is cool that's kind of all I've got after that uh yeah it's not looking great is it uh they're healing another six here they have a third blood boil I'm gonna lose my freaking mind dude I put this here because if they want to finish it off with an attack that's the one that doesn't die to the blood boil organically so it's a little harder for them maybe they don't have another way to kill it probably still have plenty of ways to kill it but you can try at least maybe they're not planning to kill it because they played the 4-4 first or maybe they're having to find a way to kill it with the 4-4 which means I might get that death rattle upside might kill that 44 for me that'd be cool [Music] do do asphyxiate that kills the 4-4 yeah that's that's kind of okay positioning doesn't mean there that they're gonna pull off my two best threats but again I'm getting some nice Buffs uh this feels like lethal seven eight and seven uh is it not though oh it is yeah okay cool I spoke of the dad's been a plus really glad we took Book of the Dead completely saving us here is that five wins or four five five or four I don't know do you see it so it was gone yeah that's gonna be a no for me please that's gonna be a no for me bro I don't know man I wish I feel like I do still feel like duels you know it feels like the uh odd man out still a lot of ways still feels like Blizzard's not really like we got new stuff yes that's awesome of course like I love the new stuff a lot of bugs though you know they already fixed some stuff of course like we shouldn't complain too much but like more balance more more of that would feel good always more I think in particular more Treasures we don't have any signature Treasures we get a lot of new passives but we almost never get new signature Treasures we did get the thimble guy this time which it's like the first new treasure in forever but I'd love to get like three or four at a time I don't know maybe they're hard to implement for some reason you kind of hate to see game modes developed and then not fully supported partially supported though which is nice honestly yeah this is a decent curve for us um I I think we just accept this we have the the risk of Molly getting into some absolute garbage as we've discovered uh Battle Stance gives me answers to some of the early stuff this this warlock can make as we saw with the great sword before can kill some important three Health targets as well it's nice whoa lucari sacrifice mad respect that is sick yeah there's one of the three Health targets does this deck just build like only unguro and karazhan is that all it does that would be my thought there's a lot of great unguro and Carries On discard stuff really happy to see that plague strike by the way this still gets us the Undead on one for the necrotic sometimes but also uh yeah this will be perfect yeah trade hit necrotic good stuff good stuff don't want to fall behind too much early honestly another plague strike seems great yeah seems perfect good turn three even nice to have some actual early game cards for once marrow guard getting discounted could be cool but I'm wondering if we'll have enough corpses where we just kind of we spin the corpses you know there's a this uh negative interaction between these two I know that one game we got up to like 15 16 corpses which is a decently sized marrow guard but not still not huge I don't think yeah we faced tank four here to keep keeping board Advantage for sure this is a decent grave strength next turn um it's only plus one attack but maybe okay I probably still prefer to weaponer emir's our weapons probably better just to get the emir's art in a good spot later right Revenant Rascal I revealed that card do you guys remember that that's my card reveal can you believe it foreign for my hero power because none of these are really that good at payoffs yet yeah I think we just wait I mean I I could get up to five obviously and then I'd have I'd have I'd have if all three of these die I have enough for this but not for two of these and if it's got reborn there's two of them right so Walking Dead's pretty good you can trade in a 2-2 here just to make sure that I have enough oh now I need to do more than that that guy's pretty good go three and three here now it's fine we're not killing that three three are we super worried about it I don't think so right are we killing it maybe we are killing it I don't know we passed the Buffs along yeah whatever I guess we kill it okay good board really nice sticky reborn board good cannibalism Buffs still have one weapon up if I want it or I can hit stuff with it oh my God they literally only have silverware Golems my God I trade this in it really gives its buff back unless you protect the weapon one more time well they're done with the portal already oh my god I didn't even realize wow yeah that's actually pretty annoying isn't it oh this is just a swarm guard go face turn though because we got Book of the Dead soon yeah this is fine this is not quite five corpses I don't think that's the play these all have reborn rights it's just gross really gross feel gross that's quite a top deck to get what a final minion to get into that weapon right and they all have cannibalism hits too it's just so gross just made me two things cool only one corpse left on that one over the end so I should kill that now I have two corpses I mean it's not enough um so either Book of the Dead just like stabilize or grave strength just for like a super lethal probably should be fine here I mean curious what they can do with all this mana on this turn but hopefully nothing too crazy I'm tampering four cards let's see what they are Baron stuff Savage view mirrors are maybe nothing too scary there nothing too scary Scavenger is not active yet I mean it's cheap anyway so it could be a big taunt but another buff but that doesn't really matter at all they're just gonna die like there's too many too many Buffs too many cannibalisms here it's just it's just impossible to kill enough it's just every time you kill something something else gets buffed for a billion uh they killed us in the wrong order too so now it's gonna give me another body I had to kill that one first just impossible to deal with all this and then we have the Book of the Dead to make it even worse that is such a gross top deck to get there they might have had a decent chance if I didn't hit that top deck would have still been a little awkward I'm sure but man really nice oh man old militia horn huh theoretically yeah it's pretty good do we care more about looming presents though just give me some more card draw again still a little light on card draw oh it really does work on two it provides the third corpse oh that's interesting so maybe they didn't order didn't matter ah okay I believe you uh old militia horn yeah I like it man it's a good buff I don't know like do we do we need card draw off looming presence we really haven't the last few games but I could see a game where we need multiple waves of threats but I'm gonna take the horn um wow what a weird little bucket uh that's not it it's definitely this the meat grinders are good we like corpses a lot yeah I like how wide these go even if they're all three Mana maybe we can get rid of the meat grinder and just rely on these These are so good with cannibalism it's a little hard sometimes to convert like oh dudes you rewind that didn't I just get the exact same hand back this is a different order yeah got the other copies of the same cards I think better rewind that is the zero power bugged uh it's been working for us I I think uh if you've got like cards that reward spending corpses maybe that's what you mean I don't know if it's working then all right uh Amara could certainly be an issue and that's a lot of life so we could try to get there before Amara or just keep overwhelming them with boards sand troopers ugh is it is it a problem to take this two damage right now should I let that one one skill it I don't know I sure hope that we we're not the ones that are on the back foot from a damage standpoint here my God I hope we're the ones who are going for for lethal hits and stuff soon if they're the ones that are pushing the damage I'm nervous that seems like bad news another graveyard shift is fine oh that's it again I'm gonna have to hit that I think ah we'll trust I I think it's fine we'll Trust I trust that I'm gonna be the faster deck here 26 is not a lot but it's certainly not nothing uh great sword into the rubian is really really good I'm perhaps we should have considered this instead I love going wide because of the the cannibalism Buffs and we just get to go crazy with that and actually man this would be cool if somehow well I don't know if three of these died would that be good enough I'm not sure I don't think so uh but I guess we'll probably still go great sort of the oven blade here is the moral of this story and set up for the nerubian next turn uh this is actually pretty fine too from a damage standpoint here uh kind of losing one damage here no matter what I do right but I can use this one fine they're uh they're healing a lot like a lot all right now Ruby and with the weapons nuts um I need a two Mana play to fill maybe hero power could fix Mana if they kill some stuff I'd like to see them hero powering that's okay two for two is a trade I'll take what do they got here though four out of seven already geez I don't think we're doing 45 in time right that's already six out of seven no way we're doing 45 in time uh all right I feel like I can't just keep killing these forever I have to go face at some point but I I'm pretty sure they're gonna get an Amara done before I kill them right so it's like do I really bother and am I just going to die to zairella later is the question like can I win before I get zirella to death you know 13. oh my God I don't know if I can win before I can cirella I don't know uh that's an eight Mana play the of them having it are not super high but um boy I don't know I don't know this is I'm taking too much damage I'm being greedy I don't know uh because I'm not like I'm not gonna win yet I don't know I think they just got our number here I I probably have to play grave strength here even without the corpses just to uh to make all these guys a little bit bigger right even just plus one attack here is good because I'm not I'm not getting four corpses back anytime soon I mean if they don't have it here we can deal 23 next turn I've got what 9 12 and 6 is 18 20. no I can't I lied I can't I would need stuff to trade into that doesn't heal them because I can trade up two for two well no that still doesn't really change the math the smallest thing I can trade is to attack what adds to attack so I would need them to kill stuff like I would need him to kill a few of my taunts I guess gray bows oh no oh God oh God oh my god well okay I did get healed a little bit by the way am I oh I'm super dead desirella right they got six and six is twelve oh actually if I stay above 12 I'm not super dead desirella oh interesting I was gonna face tank this but now I'm thinking maybe it's better to do this which might have messed up my math calculation a little bit not sure man I'm like it's still it's still weirdly close to lethal is it lethal if I hit here 6 10 16. Book of the Dead would have been lethal here foreign I think they just play Amara here so this damage is pointless right but what else am I gonna do I have nothing I don't want to hit those yet so I'm just just wasting time just hoping to keep this board into Amara and blow up next turn the zyrel is not lethal though which is important so they just play Amara if I kill this right and get the gray mouse back so killing this just seems pointless just hitting face for the sake of having something to Target um I'm not killing him through Amara so how do I win how do I win [Music] Oaken summons as well cool cool cool cool infectious ghoul it's kind of like my own gray Bell but mine doesn't have taunt so that's not good uh how big is this guy he's kind of big because I'm only gonna get one guy if I trade in first right six Corpses it's worth the trouble they're gonna get back their gray bows unless I trade off my 3-1 like sub-optimally here I think I could do this and make those each two so that maybe they can't kill this off yet I don't know probably still can but maybe who knows and then we try to set up for the win next turn through gray bows or not I don't know hopefully no gray Mouse though like imagine if they can't kill this somehow how sick would that be pretty pretty tough spot to be in though obviously even tougher spot to be in dang okay Book of the Dead Moon touch lets them kill it off too yeah that sucks it is both group as a one so so if I got a book of the dead here we would just shred their whole board at once which would help me deal with the gray bounce right Brave strength so how in God's name do we sort this out I don't think there's any answer right this doesn't have any like uh silence effects right silence effects um I I have no idea what's right here so I'm just gonna take that uh yeah I don't know what we need to do um I guess we just have to kill the gray Bells again I I don't know if I can take six or not here to be honest I need the grave about to hit the seven seven if it hits the other gray bow we're just screwed right like I don't have an out is that accurate I don't know how this works okay that's good I made one curio is that worth it no it's not because this was gonna make it dude anyway oh my God I thought I had well I like shuffling in it I guess to be fair well do I though because then I have The Book Of the Deads less likely no I take that back so I'm dead as I relics hit me for seven maybe I should have played a single swarm guard for a taunt that's probably better isn't it that was irelia that's good news that guy's fine we got two more gray battles again how on Earth do I kill these gray bats bro how in God's name do I kill these gray Mouse Moon touched for for oh man they had 11 damage there that's gross I need Book of the Dead well even now though this is a problem for Book of the Dead isn't it oh come on dude no that's game that's that does it that'll do her yeah that'll do her yep that'll do her I mean there's nothing here at all right there's no I mean this is a ton of damage but now they just have infinite gray bow we had to find that Book of the Dead Before the copies happened or we'd just lose now I mean I guess if they all hit the nasdor move technically technically we could do it but it would be obscenely unlikely technically if they all hit the nas okay that one hit the nas can this one hit the nas doesn't oh that one has two in it though this one has to hit the nas didn't hit the knot so yeah we're just right back to three gray bows again that one hits the nas almost man almost good try but uh yeah revisiting this game I still don't actually know how to win is the thing like how do I win I still don't know I still don't know the path to Victory here right well they didn't go for illegal unless it was irelia maybe can Scourge do anything here book of the dad just gives them a million gray bows again right so that doesn't help uh something that killed the 8-3 and then went for Book of the Dead would help I mean this would have to be the greatest Scourge in the history of the universe it's like six dark cons or something you know or I guess four would do the job huh four would be enough uh okay man we got double spell Weavers that's wild the chill fall or the bone Baron here let's go if you just summoned a taunt he couldn't kill off his minions and he would have won um I think so right like uh what what turn we did that that one turn and he killed it off um was there another turn it would have happened trying to think if there was another turn yeah they've misleaded like seven times yeah they're just they're BM in which I'm hoping means I can like do something crazy I don't know some kind of Book of the Dead shenanigan or something here how many great were you in this one in that okay so this is not the turn uh I have no card draw Unfortunately they can trade an eight one to make a bunch of gray bows but I don't think any of this helps me is the problem it doesn't really until I get a book of the Dead none of this is relevant at all and even then it's still not really relevant but you know what if they're going to be I'm going to play it out we'll try orpsis shouldn't really matter right but also they're kind of free all right man so this gives them three gray bows back uh if they if I could well they're gonna trade that in 100 so uh uh I don't know we'll see Book of the Dead would unleash two additional gray balls could I get through two gray bows and win well the the two gray belts together means the one great about get the other gray bow so not necessarily no is that the first time in this entire game they've staking acclaimed I feel like it is right I feel like we've never seen them staking a clam um yamir jar is again just complete and utter garbage just completely useless all right finally soon my entire hand will be free need them to kill this off and make all the gray belts come out at once that's our only way to win and when they need to be exactly Seven health and I need to find the exactly Book of the Dead and then we uh then we we shout from the heavens because is the opponent half bmed they would need to make one thing big enough for this to hit it for them to have the uh the play that I need or I would need to be able to snipe that behind damage somehow imagine if I got a frostborn and started making my own Army of gray Mouse it's too late now we'll die if we do that but it would be pretty cool this only has one gray bow inside of it but oh yeah see that's well okay now this won't die oh my God this is actually the magic lineup because I could kill all these gray battles without this dying oh my God would that ever be lethal 14 and six no still not lethal sadly but well scourgebreezer would break we'll give another two imagine if I hit the Book of the Dead here this would be the magic sequence oh my God why can't I hit the card I would actually have lethal I think Book of the Dead would kill all these gray bows and this they would go here but it wouldn't die right they'd be at 19 and I would have 20 damage oh my God if I'd hit poke of the dead here it was actually lethal because none of these have gray bows in them oh why can't the universe let me punish one time oh we just spell damage no you're right it wouldn't be lethal this isn't nine no no even that wouldn't have worked um okay well I couldn't kill this off of course because then we wouldn't have enough damage um obviously they still have lethal like they have every other turn for the last eight turns I think actually for a while there they didn't when I had a million taunts but but um I'm gonna let them be him again maybe they'll just be him again and I'll get Book of the Dead and win somehow I don't know if each of these went to seven and this went to ten and I had a board we'd have it maybe they'll finally be born here they finally got bored there you go behemoth cool again Book of the Dead uh wouldn't quite work this needs to be a 10. yeah it won't work either now and we got more or gray belts coming in hey they found lethal good job Kaiba you did it dude spell damage would have wrecked our only crazy plan okay two Guardians and play Striker awesome but this is better yeah this is good this is actually perfect uh uh yamir jar is okay Graver shifts okay but I like these a lot of things not always perfect but sometimes yeah Graybar is hard to beat without a wand that's gonna be a tough one to win I'm just curious if there were different lines in that game but I don't know I'm I I'm curious to turn I played the curio you said play a taunt I I feel like that wouldn't have worked but I don't know why I mean didn't they have enough of minions to attack that like if I only played one taunt Ed I just feel like it wouldn't have worked but I'd have to revisit it to know for sure all right is curio good enough I don't think it is these are pretty good though yeah I know the necro would have made a ton that's what I said but what I'm saying is would that have somehow won the game I'm I'm not understanding how they wouldn't have been able to kill off their minion with one taunt on board I don't know when let me find the turn you guys are talking about it a lot here so let me find it where was that okay is that the turn yeah oh actually you might be right there's only one minute on board let's let's oh God I gotta play the real game hold up hold up hold up there was only uh there was only the one minion on board uh right here the seven seven was isolated so if I'd made the one two taunt I mean it depends on what was in hand do we ever see that card because you know clearly if they could just clear the taunt with any any sort of thing the plan would not have worked foreign any removal means the plan doesn't work but yeah if there was no removal Maybe I don't know we're ever gonna know what was in hand it's trying to play one game and gonna lose this game while trying to look at the last game right here player I don't want to throw this game for the last one uh there might be a learning opportunity I kind of just threw that curio in as a just like oh God just make a play because I was running out of time in Mana but uh I don't know if we ever saw what that card was part of me thinks it was zirella the whole time and they were bamming but I don't know wouldn't have been 100 because again any removal would have fixed their problems but it might have been a decent chance yeah I'll give you that I think it could have been a pretty decent chance all right I kind of just need to ignore minions for now and go face a lot I think because I can't win this long against all this stuff but I might be able to just race them down and get a book of the Dead to finish kind of play Old militia horn would be sick on this board but I'm kind of hoping next turn it's also sick cheaper Book of the Dead might be fine too oh I cost myself a one-two there dang again same same thing as before I'm missing my one two taunts I don't know if it's important or not is this guy Rush no no no just one Fury the five one certainly has rushed though okay this is pretty good if I have a lot of leftover minions for this old militia horn oh that stupid idiot sheep and the one three Rush what insane rolls man those are both such sick roles to get oh wow absolutely gross how much damage is this 967 book of the Dead's another sevens fourteen so we're not quite there yet Scourge razor can actually be a buff for two it's kind of cool toys I don't think it was possible to make three spider taunts that turn I think our board was too full for that particular outcome right maybe all right we're just gonna go face here been set up for the Book of the Dead if it's not lethal which I hope it is then uh it might still be oh it is going to set up oh actually wow the corpse the The Scourge Ranger [Laughter] the discounts to make that an actual lethal now I I'm next turn and then boom coin coin that's amazing dude that's actually really sick little enabler for that that's really cool I'm gonna go royal gift here creepy curio I don't think he's getting off on its own this is a good way to like change our board from small and wide to Big and Tall which I think is is pretty handy I think I like possessifier a lot with cannibalism Rune forging is a little card draw which is fine uh leaving your taunts together um yeah maybe that too like that turn they killed off that 7-3 yeah I don't remember that being a choice but if I could have maybe put a minion in between that one I don't it's so far I'll go I don't remember I'd really have to check again let's see I don't think I'm gonna be able to find that turn that was eight years prior oh yeah I put a Banshee to the left of the taunts I could have put a Banshee to the middle of the taunts just to stagger them oh that was because they had a moon touched amulet yeah um yeah that's kind of hard because any removal spell instead of an attack based spell they could have done the same thing I guess we could have have dark chances there though yeah a couple opportunities though it's always good to review that stuff perhaps a couple opportunities stitched giant um now let's look for better early game this is a ghoul deck they might actually have some blindfang plays right that's fine uh skeletal sidekick do we play that on one just to get a corpse for The Necromancer I think so right really gains with this hero power seems gross think I think a corpse here is really good because greedy gains with this hero power it's just a lot of dudes and a lot of Trades I will say it's probably not that good at like trading in to my stuff myself's like small and might be awkward it's kind of only like one extra damage if you think about it well at least behind a minion I guess that's something but uh uh yeah we just have to build this right it's no real choice so okay the Risen ghoul all right Fang on one of these just doesn't feel good enough I don't really want to trade in though oh this is these are actually quite annoying aren't they they're more oppressive than I was expecting initially very annoying to deal with all right this gives me another one too which is nice I don't think I'm hitting this yet I don't know man it's gonna just die off anyway if it hits the taunt so I mean the new one could hit the taunt of course yeah then like value trading does make them more annoying it's literally all they're doing the only thing that does press the button nothing else is happening that's the only play they have they just hit the button oh boy all right I guess we're gonna have to blight thing at some point because that's all we're getting uh this would be nice if we hit the I got I got I got frostborn and the other guy I think we hero power here if I could somehow get a possessive fire down to three I'm like really pumped aren't I no such luck honestly do we just double blind thing this I mean I I have to imagine they're gonna have a wide board later but we just haven't seen a single card played so we have no idea they're not showing us any cards uh it's frustrating a million cards in hand and I have know what they're doing it's like are you an Unholy deck is blightfang actually good I don't know if you're a blood deck I could probably just Tempo the blade fangs it's unclear wretched tiller now that's not bad for three Mana like there may be just better off hero powering almost there that we certainly can live with uh I guess I'm probably hero powering this right as opposed to trading these in maybe not though I don't know no I like the Buffs let's go we're gonna face no I'm not hitting these but hero power I mean face attack obviously you know what I mean they're down to 16 man that's good so I still don't know what their deck is they played a wretched tiller which tells me nothing I don't know what blood type they are Rune type not blood type what blood type they are uh uh create sword puts me at three and three uh they have seven corpses they're getting another taunt here I'm sure there's gonna be any like actual lethals maybe if I just run the six three in and then my face I have seven nine twelve they're better math like here and here but then I don't get as much roll off still 13. I don't think I have any perfect math here unfortunately I think we just play for next turn a little bit then oh that's actually gonna be a five five isn't it I just realized it's it's already buffed yeah but this is I'm certainly glad we did this then definitely not a lead but still a ton of damage and a good setup here two sticky minions makes this very frustrating for them I think all right um yeah they don't have it cool okay I I still don't know I mean I guess they played the yamir jar that's a that's an Unholy card yeah so I guess they were on only finally we found out they played one death knight card that entire game sanctum spellbinder all right no more please it's fine honestly um yeah we we could probably do a little better than this but I kind of like the one too here just to be safe having a curve seems like the most important thing for us ultimately is just having this curve play Green might make scalable sidekick uh uh playable later I do have the the Battle Stance here to keep up with some early minion pressure I feel like I never hit my playground cards which yeah I got 45 cards in the deck I get it but it would be nice to hit one every once in a while it seems like we never hit them so they had Battle Stance and what was it uh oh crystal gem okay well I certainly prefer cannibalism to crystal gem it's way better it's gonna go to three which is perfect for the playing strike now my 2-2 does die unfortunately to their Battle Stance always a little less exciting yeah I think I'm totally fine without hitting my face instead of my minions there's a lot of boards I have where that would be really good against me so that's kind of cool and it's already bad though really bad hand I hit like three playgrounds in a row just to get a board back can I hit uh I don't know man what do I want here nothing good don't get a good discard they always hit a good discard it seems yeah that one's good but maybe not that good it's not immediate at least it doesn't mean they're gonna have endless waves of those later though which is a nightmare for me well actually not free like they were that one time though I think we'll be okay just don't want to give up this much Tempo I would love if I could hit this guy three times imagine uh [Music] Stitch giant uh you guys said it does not work on my hero power yeah you're right it should be cheaper you're correct we have other cards that spend of course but that may be in hand a while glad we didn't run that in our deck that would have felt pretty bad to trust the text and then get owned by it ghoul Is Not Great alone particularly with this weapon up arms dealer meat grinder it's actually not a buff Target uh I think we still play it though I just want the dude wondering if I play this guy sidekick too having having an extra set of bodies on board is pretty good for cannibalism and for the Infectious Ghouls and stuff of the world later that said this word is still so weak I haven't got any of my good early openers you know we we missed graveyard shifts we missed all that cool stuff it's hands bad I didn't even remember I drew two cards imagine if I hadn't drawn two cards my God would be even more gross oh just the chill suffocating Shadows finish it off cool cool cool cool worm guard's a good draw that's really my best cards all right let's just try and getting discounted natural the the old-fashioned way with hero power not the way it's supposed to that should be Zero Man already I've spent like a billion corpses I really need some heavy hitting draws of course I need like you know Scourge marrowgar maybe even frostborn honestly just hit face for seven every turn could get me there not a jack lick no so many Jack clicks dude endless Jack licks make it hard to go face you know the silence is gone so the Infectious ghoul gets a little better still not always the best oh oh the ghoul doesn't die though ghoul doesn't die I think we need to kill this at heal six which sucks but I I just need a play man oh imagine if we hadn't gotten two cards drawn remember this was with our card draw this is bad if we don't hit that early strong opener we just kind of fall over it seems It's a good time to figure that out on eight wins though to be honest I'm cool with it now rather than earlier these Discord decks seem pretty good by the way we've we've faced a few of these at higher win totals they're working pretty well seems like they're hitting plenty of consistency with their discard package the bone webs of the world oh zephyrus huh it's I guess he's just never active maybe just Tempo in him again my dude doesn't die unless I trade him in first which I think is absolutely worth it I guess uh okay this could be a way to win the game honestly I have two of these cycling now this guy's getting cheaper so this summons a ghoul when it does like these ghouls you know we're in the gray Bell World it just doesn't have taunt it would be way better if they had taunt of course it was without taunt I'm the one activating them as opposed to the opponent right if I could give them taunts we'd be in hog heaven gray bow heaven but instead just endless dudes is all another Jack lick oh God there's just so many of those it just heals so much over time so gross because we're a deck that cares about going face really hard you know so this dies it does give me two bodies which is really nice really really nice and they're taking quite a bit of damage off of it too green crate finally we got a grain crate and that thing discounted this a lot we got all the oh my God oh my God do we just go face we got all the grain crates do I make it the taunt I think so right oh oh they're dead oh it's just lethal what they're just dead I didn't know I didn't know they were dead oh my God what a steal what an absolute steal yeah we love a royal gift that's a great card oh my God oh no dude the three the three things gave me lethal I think technically I only needed two of them because I think I had a face attack still for for a final two damage but oh my god dude really impossible and then instant Victory are you kidding that's nuts all right we like these two we like that a lot actually yeah that's good frostborn I think a little greedy early if we can overwhelm first I'd prefer to do that nine wins guys that's amazing dude really amazing all right book of Wonders did we play this guy earlier didn't we see a book of Wonders uh at least maybe that was a previous run though it could technically still be them good turn one good turn three good turn four good turn five five five anyway not five okay battle battle uh battle dance Battle Stance you're good against the party poor party pooper the opponent is uninstalled Hearthstone I wouldn't blame them honestly wow it's just timpling this against the Battle Stance huh okay I hear you uh this is really good on three into the turn four into Ruby and so let's just do this I don't want to play this after this because it actually eats a charge inadvertently yeah the rubians of the reborn though it's really good the opponent is getting potentially a lot of resources or no a lot of discounts which I guess I prefer that over resources really it's scary with moon fire stuff but Moonfire stuff's a little less scary at 40 health and if we just get enough pressure going we'll overwhelm them anyway I don't give up three damage for one durability here because there's just not that many good targets to hit these are both actually really good targets to hit for the record but uh I don't I don't want to lose damage outs we need to kill the opponent my stuff not dying is actually making me a little bit weaker I need some of these one ones to die I need to trade in I need I need that stuff to go through so give me six minions five on the reborn would be nuts do [Music] all right let's go Kimi kimiha spider I don't know what that means but it sounds scary I don't like spiders all right that's actually a pretty good Target too man I may actually end up regretting these attacks I have two more and I don't know maybe I should have saved the durability I don't know I'm hitting a lot a lot of my good targets are like spelled or my good boards or spell based stuff because you can see I had two spells in hand but I keep getting good good reborn targets and I may want that last durability back later I'm not sure I guess it's fine this is still really good it's good I actually need the opponent to play stuff or I need to hit like a grave strength or something to turn this board or maybe a uh militia horn something that makes this board more threatening I don't think six damage is scary enough I uh I need them to do something this is a little scarier or I guess I could top like a royal gift right that would also punish their inactivity here that'd be nice I played around six duels runs and still haven't been offered a death knight hero seriously I've been getting Super Lucky on that actually we've gotten one almost every uh every run I can't give up this damage for a gonna get two drop guy later it's fine this doesn't actually activate but it's fine okay they're 26 I have uh nine slash 11 damage every turn so without follow-ups they're still just chilling they're just like well I'll just take all this damage they're not killing me yet as soon as they play a minion they know I start scaling like crazy so they're just probably chilling probably should have put this between the one ones because I can't trade in the back half of the one ones there's really no reason for it to be here they kill it anyway it doesn't really matter oh my God okay Royal gift you're you're one turn late bro you're absolutely one turn late now they don't have corpses so these are just the Reborns that we have to deal with um which that's fine what do I want to make big like I can take three surely right surely I can take three I should without a three though that's bad well no I guess I kill the threes and leave out some ones don't I don't really matter the important thing I think is just finishing on Max minions here to make this as big and annoying as possible uh what's the right target to hit for this I guess it's probably this thing is that dying is more beneficial for me right okay man what an annoying sequence look at this giant guy the candid face this is like one turn late on that Royal gift we would have just domed him uh Moonbeam to clear is a good sign I have a lot of bodies to get through still though my face attacks help that guy's big very big do these trade in for me they shouldn't it would be helpful if they did though I'd be super pumped if these traded in for me oh they're gonna trade in okay that makes it easier for me because I need less attacks now to go face that makes my life better this is also potentially quite good now um army of the Dead am I gonna have enough spots left yeah actually I can make enough spots left uh isn't that good though is the question I'm not sure about that lethal at all how many I need uh in it for two and then three I need one more spot really right I don't know I have face attack too oh I should have played this to the left well I guess I didn't know I was gonna get these though did I I don't know I was gonna get these it's still lethal so it doesn't matter but technically technically should have played those to the left in case if I had the super insane foresight that I was gonna get the uh the Swarm there cool good lethal spot we domed him anyway them attacking gave me the lethal they hadn't attacked we wouldn't have lethal yeah we don't need those dude 10 wins are you for real this is crazy it's a great run really good YouTube run no I didn't miss your power hunt now I didn't want to lose my corpses for my dude that spins corpses the yamir jar deathbringer needs corpses to have the hero power active and they want to lose it ah dude Royal gift has been so nuts for us is it really worth keeping in the Mulligan though or is it something we need to top deck later I'm Gonna Keep it it's it's absolutely absolutely nuts can you sing me Happy Birthday I don't know I never learned the words something like happy happy birthday happy how's it Go Happy Birthday close enough okay good good good sing it to him in Spanish I think I used to know that actually I think I used to could have done that I can't now but I think I used to Coulda captured flag's pretty annoying yeah pretty gross I think we'll keep a 2-2 out here though try to stack up for this uh Royal gift happy to just face tank a little here and hope to get ahead some graveyard shift Royal gift is pretty nice if they go super wide blight thing could be really cool here or maybe not even super wide maybe just like a couple dudes light thing might be worth it already I think they're gonna get bigger though right aren't they gonna make more dudes can't I leverage this Blood thing into more I guess is what I mean like they're gonna value trade off I'm gonna blight thing and trade back in I think that's likely and I don't want it to be another Relic these are getting too big too fast dude all they've played three straight Relic turns are you kidding me this gets kind of annoying and by kind of I mean really annoying after a while this just gets really really annoying look at me actually finally learning how to sequence this stuff guys am I a God or what like am I actually a god of hearthstone that might be I might be a god of our Stone oh okay this together is really nice um somehow we're still in the game I mean if they have another Relic though like I'm just noping out dude no thank you four straight Relic phantasms like I will pass no thanks I guess an AOE would be worse really I guess I do have a relic then some like what's a board sweep here blue might certainly not too bad it's big it's scary but it's not that bad um presumably here we should have a good Royal gift board I would like to give Royal gift to a taunt but I also want to go face with it immediately so I'm a little torn on how we want to do the Royal gift here oh I can't do that I can't do that okay perfect uh I guess this is a little better than this guy for now I can't indeed do that I think the biblio might just chills right I don't think we kill it could hit it for could hit it with face and attack here I don't think so we have a pretty annoying board here if things go really disastrous we can possess a fire to recover but I mean they're just at 12 so hopefully none of that matters five Mana is not a lot to work with simple Brand's cool but clearly not gonna do it on its own anyway just dumping the car to draw one more trying to find some kind of answer here i-beam's really nice but again not actually gonna do it yeah you're a smart one huh well I don't have a lot of relics of Phantasm but by God I got there dude I can't believe we're at 11 wins of this deck this is nuts uh it's like yeah I want to go for 12 if we don't we're like okay whatever 11's amazing uh henchmen I need cards yeah that's a free draw usually I mean I'm only gonna have one game for it but usually a free draw all right final boss guys wow that that warlock game where I top deck the Unholy thingy I thought that was our last shot all right this is a curve I I think we have to take a curve I don't know WTF I'm doing well it's a mirror match it's it's a mirror match recycling is not good for us that's scary uh Banshee a little better than arms dealer though all right if this dies we're happy with Necromancer if it doesn't die what are we playing I don't know probably not the henchman yet I don't think so this is probably an Unholy recycling deck which seems like a really cool combo by the way I sort of wanted that although cannibalism is obviously sort of the other side of that conversation but it'd be cool to have an Unholy recycling deck to stay alive forever all right so it is Unholy triple in fact I have a minion to play here oh they do wow oh no no we're in forging okay graveyard shift would be nuts I think we go ahead and Tempo the Necro um not active yet of course no corpses quite yet but uh just getting bodies down it's really important favorite shift on three sounds awesome great sword later not awesome but maybe okay exerciser I'm actually kind of chill with them just hitting and me and getting Buffs I don't know that's fine swarm guard weapon is really amazing is it worth giving up the graveyard shift now I think so am I gonna hold a durability this time or not like is the one damage relevant I don't know last time I kind of regretted it let's attack first I'm not sure I made a big spiel about the damage mattering and then I regretted it so we'll pivot this time the problem is I'm playing a spell in the graveyard shift so I'm gonna lose one durability off that anyway but that's okay I think only one minute out here is not ideal clearly we like when things are getting buffed but pivoting into this hopefully the Swarm guards are just so overwhelming it's six minions in one card that seems to be just a recipe for insane success we could wait till turn five if we were like Giga greedy with the Arms Dealer but I don't think we're Giga greedy I think we're not that greedy unless I just happen to find a perfect turn for play maybe like a H not even tomb Guardians is good now we're not that greedy yeah we go and here we I think I think we still hit you know like I said we there's there's a total durability count to consider we're not giving up three damage giving up one on the first turn that feels a little better but I can't give up three I don't think okay two Guardians are annoying they have just enough corpses yeah oh team Guardians are annoying he says I don't have enough corpses though maybe we go Army the dead just push face huh yeah that's better this will eat a durability unfortunately because this card's broken but it's all right this guy's gonna get really big on the back of this I only had three huh it works it's good but I'm a little sad did I just oh I just screwed up what did I do what did I do why did I I just missed a buff on this I'm an idiot it's supposed to be at four oh crap I like traded out of order I don't know what I was thinking I was probably like oh this is two damage but I screwed up I guess it doesn't matter it gets silenced anyway okay mistake deleted that's good I like when my mistakes get deleted oh my God this guy Reborn that's a good final Target for us purposes so this is probably the move I think one big guy let's put the taunt in the middle right should have put that taunt in the middle it's so hard to keep track of all your freaking cannibalism positions stupid freaking Game Stop it so you kind of expect the A10 to hit the six six if things go as expected we don't expect them to have a lot of board clears a triple Unholy deck I mean they could have like you know uh of course a uh wand or something obviously but hopefully not too much board clear at least they are getting some great silences though I have to say double weapon here has been brutally good chill falling Royal gift seems awesome can't wait on the Royal gift here just gotta go all right down to six I did miss no we didn't miss any damage we decided never mind the silence negated the the miss good board reload next turn good board now um that vampiric kept him alive here it turns out I think it does give them taunts this is debating between these two Targets by the way like they get to silence off the reborn or the buff effect what do you guys think maybe the reborn's more valuable as a trade-in mechanism he's gonna silence off the blight thing too though so that's kind of nice like he doesn't get the taunt he gets one off this one but uh hopefully that's fine with my attack um yeah one off two off hang three freaking taunts dude shoot all this armor game too has a big turn from them dude a really big turn from them that might be game honestly these these oh my God no not like this dude I'm gonna DC oh my God no no not like this dude okay I think we're losing anyway though I don't see how we win this like we're really far behind I mean I only got to deal seven but they're healing a billion right and they have all the cards and I have no cards uh Book of the Dead though could maybe save me just out of resources that was such a good turn with those silences man is there a better way to play around all that stuff I just don't know what it was their hero power did a lot of work too and it's going to again here I mean these targets are getting big boss but that hero power just healing them for two every turn man it's hard to get there good for them by the way though I would rather the defensive uh life gaining deck win over the uh the hyper aggro deck so I'm cool with it this silence weapon please make it go away like please this guy it won't go away he had two of them he's gonna finish on hitting this thing um he's at 13 and I'm gonna have three damage on board no I'm not gonna have two damage on board no my god dude even Book of the Dead here is just not enough I need like Scourge or like something insanely big I don't know why things good but it's uh it's again a little a little slow but it does pull me back into the game honestly yeah I mean it it helps it definitely helps should have put that on yeah I mean I need them to have a turn where they don't have a good reactionary turn right where they where they don't have a good play I don't know if that's gonna happen it's like they always kind of have good plays and they're back up to 16 on top of it which is annoying can they actually kill this guy last successfully well I have my two two taunts so maybe not the taunts really help here if 12 and 2 is 14 currently it's 16. what's next what's my top deck here oh possessifiers so gross it's so much life God damn it it's like a million life so does their their blight thing death metal goes off before mine right so I think I will get this guy back off the blightfang trade here or not if they trade the one ones but then I I don't know dude they have so much armor I love their deck I love I think their deck's so cool their blight thing goes off first right so I'm gonna get my dude he gets the death rattle right yeah he does okay nice that's a little bit of a consolation I'll say oh God oh you're like a turn late bro you're just a turn like a turn or two late I I I'm gonna wait on it of course because I can clear a board and get damaged later right now I'm just dealing damage which isn't worth much I need to top deck like marrowgar or the scourge is there marigar small spread out at least these might just die mostly The Book of the Dead uh not quite well the 1313 is probably gonna trade right so oh no smart heads up trade keep one of them big for book living presence is still pretty good I hate green and Royal gift bro do I need to kill the marrow gar or can I just like go face I can't leave all this up of course there's a lot gonna be 20 oh man I'm just dead right there's 33 left I'm at 34 so hero power kills me yeah we're dead dang dude double check this lives this lives and this lives that's 24 9 it's 33 hero power is 34 yeah okay in that case we'll give him a fun uh we'll give him a fun fun ending congrats on the 12. maybe you do know W oh wait what oh it's for Easter Bunny control of course it doesn't even buff I control zero minions that's amazing oh man maybe you do know WTF you're doing man GG hyper Blaster too my God the weapon rolls dude exerciser times two right and then hyper blaster actual God all right man Unholy seems good that was an unhole EV Unholy uh battle and it was the two sides of the coin right cannibalism versus um versus uh recycling we'd hit that uh we'd hit that Book of the Dead one turn sooner I think we might have got it but otherwise big Pharma big armor all right all right guys okay I'm gonna call it quits guys foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 96,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -tc5NICTPO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 42sec (6522 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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