Bouncing Rodents For HUGE Deck Discounts

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today I'm going to be playing some rotten rodent a two Mana two one with a Battle Cry that makes all death rattle cards in Our Deck cost one less ideally our opening hand is going to have the rodent and some way to bounce it either Shadow step or break dance so we can get two or even three discounts on our deck and then we can play one of our big card draws like magetha bane of Music which is a five minute five five minion that draws five cards but any spells we draw are given to the opponent but at that point wouldn't really care about our spells we just want to be drawing into a bunch of zero Mana death rattle minions which we can immediately use to flood the board and if that's not enough to close the game on its own we've also got MC blintron a five Mana five five legendary that gives both players a one-two weapon but the opponent's weapon forces them to take one extra damage from all sources so if we have five minions employee that means the opponent is going to be taking an extra five damage from all those minions but where it really gets scary is combined with acelor astalor does 14 damage to random enemies and each of those points of damage hits one at a time which means they all benefit from The Bling Tron weapon so potentially acelor can do 28 damage with that combo and of course we're already playing Shadow steps and break dances which are pretty good for that astolore as well every strike where's my rat surely I draw it someday Tempo let's go plated beetle I might Shadow step the beetle to activate Elven Minstrel it's definitely a poor use of Shadow step although it's a little better if it means I can heal my Beetle here a rodent probably worth playing definitely worth playing when I have magratha and Albin Minstrel in hand that card is a pain to deal with I should probably be playing this card even if I'm not playing any other concoction stuff wow three non-death rattles still strong though rabito is quite good thank you okay probably just grab it though I have any clue what the secret is oh I'm definitely winning on board but they do have a queen azshara card which can completely flip the game depending on what it is but if it's like ozomat or something then maybe a good chance I have lethal next turn hey it's ozem out I don't think I'm gonna have lethal now though I have 12 in play blink Tron is another two so that's 14 and then this is three so it is actually lethal right oh you love a nice exact lethal beautiful all right we found the wrap this game it was bound to happen eventually can we find a step no step so far so they're probably gonna play carving chisel next turn otherwise I would be pretty happy to play Banshee probably just going the road and no bounce effect in sight so I'll just accept that I'm not gonna find it all right let's go to Future side okay it's evolve Shaman not totem that's definitely good for me I think foreign cards should be able to kill the Bosch and a four five well I actually can just trade this off and then get a bunch of tutus that are good with nutriside nothing in my hand is actually good so why not lots of blue concoctions in this hand but we also got a little damage a little Tempo a little card draw pretty good a rodent I'm happy to play a rodent oh what a bad outcome well I guess I don't mind trading off future side it's done enough this is gonna be garbage I have played well I can play shadow stuff but that's the only possible spell school I have I believe pretty solid minions they evolved into surely I draw onto something playable here I drew into two something's playable hey jive is pretty good all right I forgot that card existed and I forgot it was a seven seven now put in standard I just don't believe you I don't believe that card's in standard um well I do have a deadly shot and trading to a four or five cast a deadly shot turn one of my things into a ragnaros that's all pretty exciting stuff love a good low roll so this is a fire spell for Coral keeper I could burn the shadow step for another three three I'm not really sure this is worth it but I'm gonna go for it just don't go face ragnaros beautiful I think killing the 77 was slightly better but hitting the 4-8 was so much better than a face shot uh uh pretty bad outcome for me I would say but whatever it's kind of fine I do have blink drawn to break the carving chisel but I don't think it's that big of a deal definitely a couple low rolls for the opponent but the 2-5 was strong uh let's get some random and see what it does free Mana I do like free Mana it's actually my favorite kind of Mana that was pretty nutty two loot orders all right wait I still have Mana is that right well blinktron could potentially deal an extra like five next turn which is kind of a lot this is just a five drop okay just a five five opponent is pretty low on cards so I'm not too worried about things and they do have things okay this was pretty strong but I don't think it's ah I mean this is pretty strong magatha give the opponent of the Shadow step but probably doesn't matter too much I guess I'm breakdancing magnifa basically for the charge here I definitely should have traded this loot order off by now so I can either play treasure guard exarch or this concoction I guess now that I say that out loud it's not really much of a decision actually I do have an extra Mana here I don't think this Mana really matters though all right I'm pretty low on health but my opponent only has two cards and one of them is a shadow step and the other one's a freaking tour guide I think I just have to knock it hit twice in the face by ragnaros here um is there any world where I have lethal I have nine this is another seven probably just want to play invincible let's see what this does I guess a Rush Minion maybe I should just kill ragnaros I don't know it's kind of a pain in the ass to kill do I really need to kill it this is probably fine what's the nightmare off this maybe like primordial wave but I don't really know yeah seems like they're pretty dead here oh they do have Shadow stuff for this actually but surely blington is still lethal I don't even need don't even need blingtron but I will play it probably an achievement for dealing damage with it or something cool show me the rat love the rat uh sure I don't think the Banshee is super likely to die for no value here and the rodent I'm playing next turn is Undead kind of fine I don't know if I need to make this attack probably doesn't matter too much actually wow wasn't planning to Shadow step by 401 here but I will all right big discounts now I just need to hit some of that card draw to find those cheap cards you definitely need to die that's a given I think I'd rather play an extra card draw Minion than spend more mana on a peasant foreign Shadow step not sure if I want to step this rat I don't think the rat is getting stepped oh maybe alsoor is getting stopped yeah yeah I do love a good future side I don't know if this is the turn for it though I believe I know at this point that my opponent has another stereo totem another sword eater and another lava gorger there's the sword eater there's the stereo totem and they still have a lava gorger Elven Minstrel is very tempting here kind of want to start playing my astolores though I can go astelor on seven astalor on eight blington 9 and then ask the Lord on 10 and 11. that's very very tempting to the point that I think that's the play [Music] thank you I don't know if that should be wasting six damage into a stereo totem but I will I probably should have gone krabatoa into the sword eater and then had a better clear on the stereo totem yeah I think that's what I was planning on doing originally but then I just didn't for some reason double bassist is fine I think I have a deadly shot it's cute a deadly shot that draws too and those two are zero Mana God you just absolutely love to see it don't you um all right I guess you've served your purpose future side I feel like I'm in a very good spot could be a brawl but even if it is a brawl I still think I'm in a pretty good spot twin fin pretty sure I'm just going to face here yep wait I didn't lethal did I double concoction for eight maybe just asked alert was asked the Lord might have no no I had to play Blink Tron right okay there's the lava gorger I knew about I think that's the final piece of information I have about their hand other than random taunt minion without doing any math here I'm quite confident my opponent's dead yeah ask the Lord was just such big damage with blink Tron those aren't my good card okay I found the rodent can we find a bounce for it oh my gosh we drew the rodent card [Music] probably in my best interest to Simply push damage [Music] all right keeping up on board I wish this Elven Minstrel was playable here but it simply isn't but hey at least they didn't have hedge maze into whomper can they kill that oh where they have a rake very very strong rake awful awful draws but thankfully I do have this insane concoction so I might still be able to push a lethal next turn oh under King this is looking like a bit of an outdated Druid doc but it might be good enough God this card is so annoying foreign still at 25 somehow oh I had to attack first that was really bad that might have been a game Throw that was really really bad now my opponent has asked the Lord but I can't answer it with krabatoa they might have an ubercon though I'm sure they do I don't really know if I can beat that I think kravito is probably too good to pass up I can still potentially play Four asteroids this game which even without bling Tron get the job done certainly [Music] minus one astolore still a pretty good set of draws though I am going to play the Banshee here if it dies it's a real bummer for invincible but I kind of want this invincibles 5 damage to be able to go face and I don't think the Banshee is like super threatening to the opponent here pretty good break dance all right they do kill my Banshee I guess that's it does force the overdraw which is fun I guess I'm asked alluring such an inconvenient amount of Health for that to have I think it's okay though [Music] absolute trash overdraw oh okay thank you
Channel: Chump
Views: 24,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, FoL, Festival of Legends, Rogue, Deathrattle, Aggro, Tempo, Rotten Rodent, Magatha, Bane of Music, MC Blingtron, Astalor, Pozzik, Record Scratcher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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