Passives SO BUSTED they make Ozumat overpowered!

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all right this is all great this is just fine this is a pretty good this is uh it was a pretty good turn three i think i think we have to say that's pretty powerful turn three hey buddy watch this oh yeah we were gonna do a dredge deck guys we're gonna do a dredge deck uh what's the best way to do a dredge deck warrior seems like the class to go to for dredge for sure but what what uh hero power do we take i would say probably spells is the way to go if we do this though because there's also if we take the warrior card it's really good still so okay we got to figure out the best way to support this too right okay so that's it dude there's we can do uh finley and [Music] and uh phelan anything else that does like bottom of the deck shenanigans oh well sunken cards yeah i guess that's kind of part of the dredge package so maybe sunken makes sense actually yeah i gotta say warrior doesn't really have the best sunken cards i don't know we should have thought about that more let's think about what our deck actually is right now first right we're kind of tempoey but not really kind of mid-range just kind of playing good stuff yeah kind of mid-range good stuff so i think we need still some early to mid game stuff here i mean we could do something like this and just go all in on colossals seems very like this is just the uber sunken city like uh i don't want too many spells though because i want the spells to hit like from the depths right i want the spells to hit the best cards which are currently valerie's display and from the depths i don't think clash is one of my best spells to hit from our hero power that's one thing we need to keep in mind is any of these really good spells off our hero power how are we gonna end games are we gonna win via control are we going to win via armor gain don't really have a lot of armor gain other than gorger and rokhara but that's a little i guess everybody's thinking man creek is kind of a cool idea i guess sure i needed a three he's kind of about deck manipulation and stuff that's fine with me especially somebody maybe gets discounted nicely like a local r sort of just want to take colossals though to be honest with you yeah nyxia is probably honestly a good pick just to give us some reactivity especially if we're not going to run the brawl maybe an epsilon is in the same vein but a little greedy to have both i don't know is edge of dredge really going to be good guys look i don't we're just going to have so much card draw but with this expensive of a deck i i don't know that we're gonna be able to turn that card draw into stuff very reliably all right whatever let's do it let's try it i don't care that hand hearthstone that's a good name actually it could be like a good uh feel like a good podcast name or something the fat hand yeah we won't hit it it's fine it's why we try right oh that looks weird they clicked that either so fast or i don't know looks strange though we've never actually had a passive we wanted to hit come on we don't manipulate buckets enough for that fat hand was my nickname in high school yeah mine was shorty uh do you have an opinion on cards being designed in packages in a way that decks built themselves uh yeah i actually kind of ranted on that a little bit yesterday i don't know if i can muster the energy to do it again so maybe i'll point you to yesterday's stream i don't know where it was in the stream but probably somewhere in the first 30-40 minutes i'd guess uh but yeah yeah we talked about it a lot it has downsides for players like me that are pretty notable like i have a harder time experimenting with cool weird stuff because it's harder to escape the bounds of pre-designed decks but it i think it's it would be false to say that it doesn't have some advantages as well from a from a design standpoint so it's one of those things where just depends maybe on the player whether it's a good thing or a bad thing there so i kind of hate it personally but i'll acknowledge it's not always the worst currently always it from the depths it's three mana i can't play it this turn and also finley into it from the dab still can't play at this turn i think we can take this one a little long since we've got rokara right next turn we can play from the depths oh god oh no oh god oh no oh okay well that made our life a little easier perhaps um yeah man i don't know could still play in a lease and get these i guess if i put if i put a lease on the top put at least on the top coin of finley play the zero mana cards maybe to catch up on board right now perhaps i should have attacked first huh hindsight i don't know though i don't really want the weapon that badly uh yeah let's get some zerometer cards kind of hate putting the rocara back but we're falling behind pretty dramatically here i don't know how scary this this deck is on game one yet though i've really played a lot of these on game one you know all right what where am i oh nice dude that's really nice let's get rokara back i like that a little oh crap nope for a second just kidding let's take let's take uh old gray yeah okay nice just kidding again good face now we're swarming now right we've got really cheap stuff in hand we're on the uh fast track now to kill them oh yeah man kirk shuffled shoot and cricket dude why are you screwing me over man i don't know where i don't know where i don't know i don't know what's next then we don't know it's a mystery rokar is not actually on top right no i played bankrupt first this is not this is not right unless i got my order wrong i played man creek and then i played this then i played in this order right oh god i don't know let's just find out where we're at surprised me that huh was that just a coincidence that requires back on top did i play it man creek first for some reason i thought i played i don't know too far gone now i don't know maybe i did it right or maybe that was just coincidence i thought i played obsidian then man creek which messed up the rocaro order is what i thought i dredged it with obsidian sith and then dredged again yeah but i played man creek in the middle i thought do try to keep yourselves alive maybe i didn't play mancrack in the middle i don't know maybe that's the the thing i missed bankrick didn't shuffle he should though right uh this is nice on curved play but i don't really need to kill that just yet it's not that scary kind of contest my elise though i have no spells in deck uh i i don't know i i somebody have a replay baby i thought i played man creek in the middle which should have shuffled maybe it shuffled and i just happened to get a lease right away i mean a rocara i mean it's possible i'm almost certain mancher shuffles though so we stay on curve here two straight weapon turns these are really expensive elise into pack i mean i'm unlikely to get anything really useful remaining in the if it's small then this guy kind of can test it anyway they're kind of out of minions i guess let's just go let's just get a really good weapon so much for the good weapon planner uh i mean this is a high damage weapon at least i guess yeah i'm gonna hit we've got the car right this is like 15 damage over over three turns so maybe it helps us get there especially if they get a boar going some point having a weapon equipped is a good counter to that maybe just kill them as they try to kill me although it's not going to take them much to try to kill me from here to be honest with 16 so maybe that's not the best plan how many boars are we at three four okay ran elise is kind of fun but i feel like rokara face hit picking this next turn is just going to be better um let's hit face and get it instead of kill them in internet it's more damage output the the only issue with this line currently is they don't actually have a lethal setup you know i'm kind of oh i'm also at 26 that's much better against the weapon i really have the lethal setup here hungry aren't you oh i'm not going to build a hero part of that because it's a stupid objective am i it's going to one i'm gonna can but oh oh no nice thank you or song wrangler actually clutch thank you that's really nice of you appreciate that so that's uh that's number five this is six they still would need to kill more than this um we've got the sunken trident in there somewhere sunken sentinel also really good i wish i had a failing too though could do this and get some elise packs i'm just i don't know that the elise packs are that interesting is the problem right like do they really do anything i think i just play a specialist and hit this board but do i want to kill it for them yeah cause they're gonna kill it anyway if i play a unit right so we might as well hit the bore here i think the packs honestly kind of make my deck worse right now i don't i don't think the packs help let's kill this they're they're at six i've got a three minute weapon here and maybe the trident for lethal next turn right let's take the trident i can actually play this too that's great that seemed better no it's not that's the wrong order that's the wrong order oh my god that's the wrong order what's the wrong order hearthstone's hard guys hearthstone's hard guys i'm great i'm really good at it but a 5 5 is worth playing for the record i i think we have to play a 5'5 for sure okay that gets them their last board because it's just too late oh no it's not that's really good holy crap that's a problem oh no it doesn't they're out of bores okay we clutched it here that's exactly what i wanted this is definitely the unit i was looking for absolutely not uh so they're out they're out of boards i guess do they have ways to make more another revive pet no why did you guys make me add all of these shuffle cards by the way i hate you guys i mean it's just gotta be rainboss right it's hitting for seven here does not set me up for a lethal i mean i guess neptune in a lot of ways is more damage than onyxia do they have a ranker they already used it so yeah i don't know epsilon kind of presents more lethal threat but what is the answer they're likely to have maybe a brawl yeah maybe an epsilon is a little better you will be crushed i don't know that it would matter too much i think it's kind of the same in most cases but neptune's way more fun i know that way more fun it's super cool he's got giant hands [Music] masterfully executed game plan by the way you can't play a game better than that honestly that is a hey we got the one that apparently doesn't work you guys said this doesn't work i've never been offered this before some people are saying it does work but it's only two to cost in that case we will definitely take it we have a lot of dredge so either way it's kind of fun regardless we do like big cards it's good for from the depths uh arguably and we can kind of go longish but we have a lot of colossals now technically that might be bigger better cards so i don't know if we need this but then again we definitely don't need pirates so this adds a spell to the deck that's not a terrible one to draw off of our hero power i wouldn't say it's a great one but it's not bad getting a trident or a trident that sunken that's buffed up is pretty cool yeah this is probably the pick this seems a little overkill with depths in there now get those cheap colossals on top i'm gonna keep the courser cache that my hero power is a little bit better we hit better cards off the hero power when when cash is in hand and it's certainly not too expensive to play anyway this is a dredge but it's not one of our cheapest dredges right i think i want to look for like from the depths finley's obsidians dust cars etc so let's try that i don't know if i've ever even seen not my favorite hand lava gorger is the same as the other four drop but better so i guess we're in the same or similar spot as before but i i don't know if i've ever even seen anybody play forgotten depths against us i i don't remember ever having had to deal with this probably save coin right because it's gonna be uh you guys said it's actually probably two less and that means that it's gonna still be four mana minimum with the kravatoa so we play this on two coin and kravita on three or something maybe best case whatever oh no it's still it's three less you guys were wrong oh my god somebody said it's two it's definitely three oh my god i draw it on next turn's got to be the pick right like i'm really enticed by gaia because i think it's super fun but hydraulidon on turn three is just insane oh my god that's gross did it have the cards yeah i guess i guess there wasn't a lot of fanfare was there i didn't notice a big like a big splooge of maybe not the best word but i didn't notice it splooge the cards into the deck at the beginning i don't know um you know what i mean like it didn't it didn't uh it's they're not there the cards aren't there okay that's what i'm trying to say deal with it sealed it all right uh you know it could green the hydraulic and try to hit another minion but i think this is just fine for turn three i think we'll take it it's hard to miss the big splooge at the start of the game yeah so lava gorgeous seems insane we'll probably take uh gaia this time because uh we don't need i don't think we need uh gigafin we're going to be ahead on board for a bit here seems this guy's a toast oh okay lining up to kill this later sure makes sense to me i mean how much damage i actually have uh 1416 is this ever a lethal no weapons too expensive and too small wow really going for it i mean i guess i don't actually have room well i'm not playing it anyway we're just stretching this turn so that's fine let's make sure we play the lava gorge before we lock out the board it's going to be important seems like there's going to be an aoe here that wipes out our hydraulidons doesn't it is there any way for me to play around that not really right i don't see it let's just take gaia chat you guys are you guys are national treasures right now i love it um i could trade first but let's just not mess it up here gaia from the depths it's kind of crazy to discount these again but let's just get the guy ready for next turn i mean do i actually just go face like we're getting so close to ending and gaia is a lot of pressure and damage again that's pretty good at reacting to boards and theoretically this taunt cleans it up i mean this sure felt like they were playing towards an aoe right so there is a logic i could trade in and i'd be in i'd still get everything cleared anyway right i think we smork it's a hunter card it's not even allowed to trade let's just create some pressure outs this deck actually has quite a few ways to kill people with weapons and stuff anyway valerius display can be a big reset that clears and so on so and gaia again is just a couple damage right off the bat okay extortion that's fine out of the kitchen may not actually be an aoe so much as just softening it up for the next line of trades but i think either way the face damage is still gonna pay off because then that means we might have some three ones left over that just end up killing them soon that's kind of a cool little guy gaia will help us murder that though [Music] okay i need them to trade at least a little here kill my mate give me some board space you know i think we got lethal here that looks like gaia is gonna be so insanely perfect here oh that's too much to play right now though right all righty thank you gaia dude this went like so perfectly crazy that is a strong that felt good and fun by the way too that was really fun holy crap i'm glad we got this instead of edge of dredge edge of dredge sounds garbage compared to this this was insane ah okay hunter's inside school because we have a lot of expensive cards right sometimes expensive cars aren't actually the best for it sometimes it's those kind of mid-ranging cards where you want to play multiples in a turn but either way we have a lot of like threes and fours and fives as well so feels like inside's gonna be best party portal we don't have the spells for presence we have plenty of ways to draw cards so seems seems obvious um yeah this is perfect yeah obsidian smith's cool we don't really need this we really need this orange and flame i mean that's fine trident's fine uh this is a spell but i don't think it's a terrible one if we get it off our hero power and these obviously also have worse spells and more spells so it's not really the calculation this turn uh okay specialist is a dredge card but do we want to try to hit a better one yeah let's i think we have enough that we can afford to be a little greedy here in the mulligan cash i kept last time but i think actually the dredge is just so powerful now let's just hard mulligan for dredge finley smith's trawlers you know anything i could find hopefully we don't totally whif we do have quite a heavy hand but it could keep the uh the specialist to hedge a little but i think our likelihood of hitting good dredges is good enough that we don't really hedge much this is debatable right now with finley isn't it um because you don't really need all the colossals right away i think we actually hold the finley and just play the smith on two to try to find the right colossal to start because otherwise i'm gonna strand my hand out i'm gonna i'm gonna have no like turn turn three play so let's wait on uh let's wait on the finley until you know because you know if we get six seven we get what like four and five minute colossals there's a three minute colossal but again that's fine uh let's just wait a little too early i think i need i need stuff to do till the colossals are cheap enough five is kind of the magic number for a lot of the colossals four and five all right um man oz and matt is kinda crazy early in the game honestly but five mana is a little expensive right just a little expensive uh i think four is a natural curve fit for me better trident into nelly i'm less excited about nelly of course than i used to be but probably still fairly good it's you know 7-eleven in stats one turn on turn four that's nothing to scoff at but would i rather wait a turn for the azumat i guess is the question i can always get an azumat leader but certainly let's just take note reasonable front half on the body and then you know the pirates might actually be a pretty good play on five get a couple lower cost pirates play them out you know bran is good with pirates too for the record so do we ever brand on three and hope that it sticks if i make this face maybe i'll learn something [Music] wow i don't think i don't think so rocket backpacks right rocket backpacks is not a line there yeah we don't we don't do that with rocket backpacks too risky i mean i think there is a chance they don't have a good minion to trade into the brand on three right because most things don't have uh four attack but there are some and it's just i don't know bran will get bran will get value later if you do this it's gonna line up really easily into the pirate ship so there is some logic to ignoring this for now maybe just holding this weapon i don't even think i go face yet let's just chill for a turn i don't really need to tidy this up that much into nelly such an easy trade into the nelly taunt for us later really good one nelly utah should be big enough that it will demand the two one hit it as well with whatever other minion they play tried number two man all right so i think i want some cheaper pirates fog sale is actually pretty good how does this work now dude i haven't even looked at this they cost one less yeah so fox feels good like uh take a little swing on board we don't need a scamp cannon ears actually really good with our weapon holy crap okay um captain to support those maybe let's see that's two two one yeah that would be a nice five minute play yeah let's do that okay i think we hold the weapon then since we have canon ear and weapon support stuff again same sort of logic here now this may not die right so it may not actually be a turn five player but we'll we'll try to make it one if we can uh finley right now is gonna have that five-minute awesome mountain that's seven man in epsilon so the finley on six into the seven neptulon might be a really good time to play that because they can play the aussie mat immediately and then epsilon on seven so let's see if we can line that up right oh it's going for armor game here not gonna kill off our nelly unfortunately need a play now then uh tuscar also gets me the azimat uh for next turn kind of wishing i don't know now i'm just like well bran tuscar doesn't really feel very good don't really need it because i can finley anyway well i guess i could hold the finley in that case i keep the rocara in hand there's definitely some value there so i put azamat on top and then neptulon on second so i pick nuptial on first then pick azamat and then i don't really have to finley i guess that way i still develop some board here yeah that's fine hero power i don't know i don't have anything i'm that excited about hero power right there's something that feels that good to play right now from the depths is okay but let's just let's just get more board who knows this works for me let's see like if we get too shitty getting in the deck we're sacrificing board right so we take michelin first then we take ozumat start unlocking these weapons now too i mean i want to finlay into a weapon later i like this line because it keeps the rokara in hand right the rocara is a really valuable asset for us so finlaying the rocaro away it takes a little work to get it back with dredge later let's just avoid that if we can and play the dredge now while still building a really threatening board three mana probably something good to kill the nelly is my guest look at like a death here what else would you get maybe that's good here i can't think of anything else coming to mind immediately i kind of actually need the board to be cleared out a little because of the azumat if i want to play awesome man i need space we'll see might be better to play a weapon oh shadow madness is insane oh my god okay that's cool i mean it does leave you with a pretty solid board i guess but yeah this is still awesome out worthy i think so they've got a couple like weapon synergy pirates basically that's not too bad for us um yeah let's just let's just get an awesome met down it's a lot of stats right we're probably gonna require so let's go ahead and use the weapon right hopefully this just kills them soon i don't know it might be easy for them to kill the azumat i wouldn't be shocked at all they killed this with some rush minion or something but hopefully we just have a lot of pressure left and that gets us the win before they heal up oh no or not okay sure shadow man is clutch there so now sunken trident is pretty good too i guess but i think rocara is still better that hero power damage outlets pretty nice could try to draw a couple cards pre-rokara if the curve lines up for us just to make sure we have enough resources right because we're a little light on stuff right now i could for instance draw into a well from the depths is okay but not great none of these really advance this immediately hunter's insight's useless i don't know here power may not really be our best bet i might just tried it again that makes more sense somehow but i doubt it does what do you hit here oh okay that's weird i don't really want to trade in an azimuth that's not weird it's fine i guess i don't know i think it's weird i'm not sure what i mean uh yeah let's actually trade in two of these to get the epsilon in right that's fine we don't have any lethals or anything that's weird he says you weirdo we're not too worried about getting value out of these right just want to overwhelm the board if i can hopefully no like really clear there's a psychic scream oh shoot we got psyche stream so many times yesterday man but in that case ricardo lines this up fairly well because we get a ton of damage gosh dang it [Music] how much healing are they gonna muster this technically a lethal setup but i don't know man they have at least hero power which means it's not a lethal setup ah crap dude oh it's gonna do druid stuff aren't there free stuff uh should have held the neptulon into seven i think 14 to go there's so many weapons but it's just always just such a race now against their healing oh that's yet another weapon huh all right let's see what you got steel dancer putting them at seven this valar's display could set up a lethal for sure next turn i don't think i finley in that case right excuse me i can't i can't hold the weapon there's obviously some logic like they play a big minion or whatever it shuts them down but i can't do it i think i'm going to play this next turn i mean there is a chance this thing lives and i get a crazy well no it won't work because this is uh whatever yeah it'll destroy it uh do we ever equip this preemptively while we have the mana it's only five i probably want to play this always i don't think so oh shoot summoning stone from league of explorers dude we had some fun with this card i remember back in the day but it ain't what i wanted right now i wanted like a chocolate leroy right give me leroy please oh god oh i hate this oh god at least no twig yet that's some solace so display can easily get me a five attack weapon well not easily but it's possible to give you a 5 attack weapon with display uh you know but are they going to heal again right that's the other side of this they can kill this thing no problem okay they drew a hand that's hilarious i haven't seen that before it just drew only the hands oh nelly's cat oh no no nelly's not a pain that's fine we can get through that for the taunt no problem um so yeah we just need a five second it's so easy uh remember the sunken trident doesn't deal five the two only goes to enemy minions so we can't like finley into trident for lethal that won't work but they didn't seem to heal so that's good news man this is not quite a leaning lethal either the six here if they hadn't played a taunt like in leaving this alive obviously it would have been okay uh yeah trident only hits this for for five so that doesn't set us up at all yeah i think it's just display shame this destroys our minion but certainly still gonna be worthwhile so let's just get a five attack weapon make this very easy on me please game uh it's gotta be wool cleaver right i think i want the minion reapers is more damage but i don't really need that i just want max stuff this is enough damage anyway right so oh my not my favorite minion i suppose but it's an 88 so that's kind of cool okay if the if the four damage had made a substantial break point difference like you know if it put them to two instead of three it might have been worth it to take it over the wool cleaver but i doubt it the 88 still demands a lot of response uh okay so he's gonna clear that next year that's not inherently a problem yet though it's really just are they going to be able to heal enough we have five darkness oh i gotta clear it oh no i don't have to clear a taunt i can just ping oh okay man they really didn't have any healing earthen scales isn't possible without like an innervate wow okay okay i can't believe a drew it didn't have any healing with eight or nine cards in hand might have had more hands up there and stuff i don't know oh my god okay well it's certainly not oops all spells because i'm assuming that would destroy our colossals right and we just like yeah we have some good spells but four is good enough to win the game meek mastery jumps out of me because we do have some neutral cards right we got tuscars we got well tuscar's actually not good with it but we got man crick we got phalen specialists and some of the colossals as well are neutral an extra two damage per turn i mean we're not like hyper aggressive the colossals can certainly feel that way sometimes but i don't know if that'll make enough difference i don't think that'll make a difference i think it's probably me mastery that one mana could be a big deal sometimes a cheaper cheaper specialist to dredge you know that sort of thing it's slightly cheaper as a matter and epsilon can make a difference yeah it's not the best but it's also good to draft swords too we can we can target this in drafts pretty well sometimes anyway well well i mean this is uh this is the neutral bucket i guess i don't know if it's the one though uh it's three spells not my favorites i i mean i think this is okay we keep getting a lot of arsenal picks uh whelps do you get about four next year yeah it should be really nice and like awesome at all the all the uh pinnacles will too right so ozma becomes like insane with with uh with meat mastery this works okay perfect early dredge uh we can keep it tried and too to fill in the gaps to get to the colossal so this works out nicely uh did i i missed you i did 18 minutes ago oh my god sorry ricky you said splooge gold member also subbed 19 minutes ago with the five months thank you guys yeah you got to get to a 40 month sub now to get hurt it's it's inflation again sorry guys i've actually often thought about like inflation as a uh you know so for instance a lot of jobs will get inflation adjustment raises right you'll get like three percent of you or whatever which is obviously not enough these days but i don't i don't have that you know for me it's it's um how do i inflation adjust my income i i think in theory that ad rates will increase as you know as inflation increases over time like youtube ad rates will probably just naturally creep up as people recognize the value of the dollar you know against one another because it's all a bidding mechanism so i think i think actually most of my income would stay fairly um inflation adjusted over you know time nobody i don't feel the effects immediately do we like z-log better than glug i gotta talk about the game i think glug is less uh scary than z-log early actually i don't know what is their hero power yeah this doesn't have the removal hero power so glug is kind of scary but z-log is a lot of pressure and it snowballs so fast like it you know they don't deal with it it's just an insane amount of damage i think we'll take z-lock remember it's not like the glug is gone forever we can still get a glug right it's not like it's it has vanished from our site forever it's just i think the z-log earlier snowball's harder glug more likely to get sniped off and stuff and not leave behind any value the two twos i guess are similarly valuable to the stocks but a little less um i wish they were all neutral cards though that would be nice yeah we're going to honestly go ahead and smoke here we have a couple weapons in hand we think we have a high damage output potential next turn so let's let's smoke away oh yeah or some packs could be affected by inflation that's true yeah that's crazy to think about uh do we rip an insight what is the advantage right now it's free to play kind of any turn so maybe we wait till there's something higher cost in hand right okay spicy turn four this thing better die dude this thing better died i'm not i guess we're getting a ton of damage no oh my god i thought it was gonna survive oh my god that was scary scary so horde pillager gives me another weapon already right really efficiently i can hoard pillager and hero power reaper sight is theoretically a slightly better weapon in the meantime but [Music] so z like dies pretty good answer actually thankfully the stocks remain uh i gotta figure out if this is a lethal or not uh we got 12 yeah that's lethal right are you stealing eight yeah he's feeling eight nope that's not the way that's not what he meant to say he's stealing two yeah wow dude that is crazy okay this deck's feeling pretty solid actually and as long as we can keep the the the dredge rolling uh not black soul stone right that always feels so expensive canopic jars like yeah we do have some wide board colossal token stuff but i feel like that's expensive i think hyper blaster is probably the pick here it's really good with corsair cash actually getting a buff type of blaster it just gives me a little bit of removal which i don't currently have kind of some survivability baked in there so you don't take damage yeah i think hybrid blaster is probably my favorite card here no other real synergies i'm just taking every blaster uh yeah that's perfect thank you all right yeah i think we still dig for dredge early always right it's just so insane do we keep a hunchers inside though because i could like dredge on two draw like a five cost colossal discount it on three and then play it like a turn sooner right so insight seems pretty good to cheat out a colossal early i do give up the chance to find a dredge card as the only downside but i think we have enough to hit it hit it somewhat reliably so far that's been the case anyway sir finley is not a dredge card but he's close from the depths is also just insane right like i can play it on turn two yeah that's definitely the play inside on one coin depths on two and then it's presumably a giant colossal on three right that's a little better than for sir finley because this makes it an extra three discount on the three colossals oh boy oh god oh geez oh god it's okay colossals can keep up with this actually it's fine it's fine it's fine um oh my god these are so cheap i didn't even oh my god what the heck i think i actually sir finley next turn and play gaia and leviathan right so i want to take the gulper to put on the top i get two mechs here well six five total it's finley's zero so i can grab both of these next turn for three mana so we put the gulper on the top because we don't want to lose it on the bottom right cause we want the mech pair so yeah let's dredge the glove um well i can't findley now actually too right that's better now because i get more bored and that way i also still draw the glug yeah i should finley now and then i can yeah this is better because i want to keep the glove too because obviously that's an insane card otherwise i'll put the glug at the bottom right so now i draw the glug i mean this isn't bad either holy crap formula it's kind of insane too man what that's gross surely surely this is enough to answer the board though i have a two mana gaia and a one mana leviathan and it's turn three initially it doesn't get better than that this has to be enough my god it has to be i'm gonna have to do some math though unfortunately it's gonna suck uh they're just gonna play out their whole hand maybe but i might actually be able to just answer it all pretty easily are they my face oh my god dude okay um all right this is all great this is just fine this is a pretty good this is uh that's a pretty good turn three i think i think we have to say that's a pretty powerful turn three i haven't even done like the math on what to attack here with i don't even know um kind of i need to attack with two more mechs right unfortunately but i do want to dread so i guess we just run a two-three into that mac corporate that's fine um word pillager seems really good with gorehowl going face right yeah you know we certainly don't need it yeah this is fine i could have technically squeezed in a little more face damage but i think we care most about keeping this board in a nice healthy spot right uh okay pretty good pretty good that's a good turn that's one of the better turn threes i've had in a while i don't need any of them that was indeed a hearthstone turn yeah okay is actually kind of annoying isn't he uh okay i guess we just score hell yeah keep more mechs alive by value trading finley yeah i don't know if it really matters i think we're okay dude this is so gross all right what do we need here we've got a pretty good line there forging flame could draw me a ton i don't even need to play a one-minute glug that's really telling you a lot i don't think anything matters to you doesn't seem like it's gonna make much difference uh i guess they could theoretically clear the board and then i'd be in a bit of a stickier spot but whatever not like we don't have a good reload just one man a glug isn't good enough it's like just not nah pass you're one man a glug we don't need you we don't need you you're useless to us glug what's wrong with you it's actually really amazing uh bbjc dude thanks for the prime sub dude this pair of mechs was so perfect too right how much extra damage did i get because of all the crazy uh gaia procs right it's insane i've gotten uh i guess nah what i got i got three extra damage the first time to the board and then five extra the next turn my poor opponent to have the sickest opener like that's one of those i get double mechworker early it got completely ran over dude it wasn't even close i i mean it wasn't even close absolutely demolished that's got a sting that sucks i feel bad for them they don't feel too bad because they're playing mech warfare to find shield paladin but hey whatever feel a little bad i mean we're getting up there sidekick's pretty solid at this stage or if it's neutral right it's cheaper same can be said for holmes but i don't think i really need the holmes cards we're kind of doing our own thing so sidekick seems a little bit more disruptive three mana giant sidekick's pretty good at this stage what ah triple refon dude i've seen a lot of triple buckets i don't think you've ever seen a triple rafam bucket it's very bad for us though so we're not taking it all right dude we could play this on turn two like that's normally really good but it's not probably better than some insane colossal turn is it uh i mean it might be it's pretty good turn two seven sevens not bad is it actually an eight eight maybe it's gonna gonna bump up i think actually once we get the meek mastery rolling in yes it's an eight eight that's hard to pass up honestly we'll see we'll see let's try it and see if we regret it or not we might to be more of a dredge deck right we don't know it's not it's not it's not bad it's on curve it's not bad okay could be a repentance okay that gives me some dredge at least it's pretty nice do i ever take the specialist on two instead it's still pretty big but i don't think so because we still usually without without from the depths right the colossals are still usually four mana minimum because of uh krabatoa no that's three mana four minute four contender krabatoa i don't know it's hard to pass up an 8 let's take the 88 let's let's not get it ahead of ourselves too much on the dredge this is still very strong uh what rogue secrets do we have to worry about here shadow clone that is really scary evasion wouldn't matter too much eye for an eye is co oh okay so it must not be shadow clone they they just straight up killed this so okay all right we'll go specialist here then it's all good pivot over to the colossal game plan uh next turn z log looks really nice yeah that's cool that's a good answer man killed my 88 did i just say i'm debating at two mana eight eight yeah you know your total sex is good when you're not that excited about the two minute 88 yeah the two minutes like a little yeah you know as you saw it really wasn't enough it didn't really work out that well dude that was a great answer they had so the 2a they definitely felt a little underwhelming i have to say tad scared to hit face here but i almost just want to get it out of the way we've got avenge is a little scary too the zeolog kind of still contests the avenge but not really let's hit face um i mean i give this a frenzy off the z log very often if i don't kill it because the math break points are worse right but a shadow clone would be disastrous i don't know let's just kill this let's just see i don't know we gotta learn redemption's totally fine okay uh all right oh i forgot this is getting its cost reduced by the way oh i forgot to account for that i mean i think zlog was probably still the best bad but gaia was actually a little more on curve in that case right oh man i wanted to snipe that we didn't hit it once gaia was a little more on curve i don't i don't think guy is better again necessarily but i kind of forgot to be honest this is again really good early because it has the chance to snowball so hard if they can't resolve the z-log it just it scales like crazy but unlike that guy is kind of always gaia this is better the earlier you play it next turn a little clunky at the moment uh trident's fine it's you know two mana that's pretty good ah see like dies same story as before though where the stalks are still gonna be really impactful i think uh it seems like they're gonna be very strong let's sit here first in case it's shadow clone i guess or sudden betrayal it's shenanigans so i'm gonna draw a banana here is this right oh that's a good card to banana dude wow that sucks geez dude what a rude move dude what a rude move dude i think we're still okay but man actually amazing shenanigans that's really good all right so they're low we got a lot of damage at hand right now with the brokara and gorehowl no dredge though i'd really love to get that gaia that was awesome my mana guys are nice this is not a deck i expect to have a ton of healing but also not none uh they they could certainly have a little oh death and decay here nice really good all right let's hit again man i need to play i don't have anything to do oh sir finley oh yeah guy is insane here yeah yeah yeah do i sunk in first do i want to try back or i just want more colossals i guess i still get uh two colossals and a sunken right so yeah we should sunk in first because the sunken's pretty good i need that damage the third card on the bottom now we don't know what it is but it might be terrible it's pretty much always better hero power first no i want to play the gaia if i hear about first i can't play gaia guy is five minutes so i don't think i hear power first developing a guy here seems very very good and go nelly technically since gaia is a little better from re reacting like better when there's stuff on board but i don't know this is nine damage versus seven seven and two is nine and three it doesn't actually set up lethal though i don't can't play these together either so this is a better curve line i don't know debatable this this fits the curve much better though both are clean curve fills as opposed to awkward curve fills so we might lose a little efficiency off the rush dealing two damage here but hopefully this is just big enough that it it's impactful regardless okay definitely a little slower this game right like not winning on turn three you know what i mean uh uh um yeah i would love a spell taunt card yeah sorry if i missed your question but yeah that sounds awesome that's an idea i've seen tease a little bit it's always kind of hard to execute that mechanically but but yeah i'd welcome that sort of idea no one has to know about that okay um i guess maybe that doesn't matter cool nice are they not dead in my oh guy is dead oh god i'm stupid i thought that you're dealing with damage whoopsie oh good we got it ever noticed that animations look cool in slow motion though dude 6-0 with the sex of ours crazy i love it it's really fun yes keep getting insane buckets too man yes these are only eight mana see these are eight-man attentions what a deal what a deal uh okay if sydney smith is perfect for us uh we'll get an early dredge colossal that's great we don't have hunter's inside cheese this time quite yet but that's another good way to get a colossal as well could play these in a row two on three and four i mean two and three oh boy uh okay that's gonna be uh i don't know i i have a dilemma here now actually right like do i want to dredge into a colossal or do i want to hold it until i hit the from the depth discount for it right like i could theoretically get much more cheap colossals quicker from from the like well oh my god okay well that answered the question now we know we play it next turn um i can still cash here right i don't want to dredge yet because i want again i want those colossals to get the discount here and then we'll dredge after to find them really affordably we don't have the finley to do like the crazy pop off this time but um still going to be a pretty powerful mid game here turns like four and five are going to be insane all right hopefully we get some good colossals right oh that's always spooky yeah it's always scary they got it early it's buffed oh my it's reborns we gotta win quick this could definitely be something that beats us if they get it done fast enough right we don't quite get there on the first push or two failing for even more colossals okay um oh my god azamat's actually well he's two manic neptune's three mana so i probably want to take the neptulon for three and then play an obsidian to grab a leviathan he's actually three right because we've discounted him six to four and then the the meat mashery will discount him again he'll be a three man at eight eight so then i can play neptune to swing the board back and then obsidian smith alongside him to get one of the other ones maybe actually the azamat because it's gonna be so insane i could go azumat instead and then dredge in but i don't think so i think we'll take the neptulon does the two costs stack favorably is it actually going to one that's good for this next turn i think neptune's the one i need to react though i think he's best at resolving this this kind of problem right here this guy's getting a little big a little fast let's get against the boars but um whatever we'll probably still hit a bore i guess oh my god oh geez that is so gross dude this is an ultra rare you don't ever see this man that's so gross crap dang it dude just isn't that good at hitting now like i mean awesome out wouldn't be either the freaking wax rangers just never goes away and there's two of these i think the wax ranger beats me dude i think they could just go face and win a race i don't i don't know it's gonna be really hard to win this because now like you know it's going to take the the leviathan is like a big swing card but i i think i got to take azamat and just try to win on stats now like because these all get buffed maybe i don't know man it's this seems kind of impossible suddenly that is such a gross opener uh do i hit the elwynn board i guess yeah i mean not as actually worried about it going off now as i am uh just dying you know but but it helps my trades a little bit because they can't kill the the epsilon on board at the moment anyway so maybe but i'm sure they'll oh these get buffed off this potentially but we don't know yet for sure my screen is dark cool cool cool so yeah i don't know awesome may not have a lot of board space left that is one potential downside but we'll figure it out i mean if neptulon lives i might just be able to race and hit them in the face really hard because he can be a ton of damage right but way much but it's actually pretty slow okay what do they hit here do they kill a five three i guess you kill a five three here probably that makes the nuptial actually a little awkward because i can only deal 10 damage instead of 16 right yeah it makes themselves a little worse really i i wish i could kill off my five threes that i could hit for 16. i only hit for 10. you know but i can't kill it because it's immune it's immune while attacking so i actually can't kill it off i was not is a neutral cardiac he's ginormous yeah if it weren't a mute i could kill it off and hit more i was like can i can i avoid this yeah yeah he's a lot worse with one arm exactly yeah um it's a six damage difference which could be a big difference actually let's make a little more room for the azimut minions i guess um do we also go for the specialist maybe too to get it in there because it is notably larger and i get that leviathan which could be good yeah kind of cramping out my own board a little but that's okay um probably still a little better than sidekick but i'll be honest i think it's close i think it's close i mean i guess this being alive does mean i get 15 anyway so it's kind of this it's really maybe not that different honestly okay we just kind of have to hope this is big enough i think you know like can they maybe just can't kill everything and then i just kill them right so we kind of assume probably neptulon dies but these don't really trade that well i don't have a ton of damage followed but i have a little bit it's got buffed so yeah i mean if they don't have a board clear like this is actually a pretty crazy setup this is pretty gross i don't think you ever care about killing the azomat because you're not gonna proc your your bores yet unless they have yeah there's only three kills that doesn't really do any bore solving i mean this being an 87 really helps right it's nice if they hit that five three they they don't have anything oh wow oh we it's clear that might deny them trades oh it did oh yes it didn't give us any value but it kept them from clearing oh my god is that enough to kill them though 35 is still a lot uh i feel like it's not gonna be enough right and if i could kill this idiot off it would help stuff is so annoying how how much is here they've got five on board and they're one out of seven so i can actually kill these off a little bit as long as i don't kill the second half especially oh gorehowl's crazy burst damage okay yeah that's that's probably good for us yeah let's take the gorehowl in that case not this turn but next turn right it's insane uh we're gonna play gorhal anyway right so we can just draw this usually anyway i don't know for sure but usually okay so i'm not dead on board they don't have a a boar on board that we can see i mean it's always possible of course right but there's three here that puts them at six out of seven obviously they can shenanigan that we don't know but we kind of have to trust for now that if they shenanigan a bunch of boars that hopefully um we have some minions stick around too right so if we lose divorce like so be that's how we lose right but we're trying to maximize the the pace at which we win the game anyway so the best we can do is try to kill them i can't do any better than that so i'm just i'm stuck in that world if that's what happens they'd be dead if it wasn't for this maybe oh no we decided it was kind of 15 anyway right so i'd have another minion on boards technically from the azamat so we might lose a little but oh god 12 16. you ever discover enough there's no mana left right there's no way oh that's really good for them though holy crap that clears a lot of the board uh but it's never enough right well not a lot i guess one thing wait why didn't it oh no this wasn't the buffed one yet oh that wasn't the sunken one oh okay cool nice that was scary dude we beat double magma or uh wax ranger dude we'd be double wax ranger that's insane i think it's pure cold i'm i'm i'm enticed by pure cold because we've had so many instances where opponents are really close to dying right we've kind of been looking for that last eight damage like where it seems like that would be a perfect number that lines up and that that's enticing to me that said exerciser is still a really good card right it's it's very useful to remove scary things but do i really want to spend mana on that you know like i think my colossals remove scary things i think i kind of ignore scary things like last game i'm not sure i really need to be dealing with scary things so much as trying to end games we're weirdly kind of an aggro deck it's just that our aggro cards are eight drops dude we keep getting the exact same buckets triplicates and then no more please and it's amazing we love no more please i only have a 31 card deck still this is fantastic i do things my own way okay these are not really the cards we're looking for we went tragic from the dots i think we hard mole i don't think hyper blasters particularly usually against this kind of priest probably right these are more spell driven and stuff less minion driven so let's try to get some dredge action and race this down as quickly as we can get an early colossal if possible i mean this is a good fail-safe like i can't complain too much about the sidekick i guess i'm not like in love with it though same time yeah this is the worst opening hand we've had yet i think invigorating light and orb of revelations so a lot of cheap spells potentially not that cheap but a little cheap oh oh that might be very bad oh could be very bad if they got this guy uh let's hope not i don't know uh thoughts deal that could be some cheap colossals that's very scary as well oh i was gonna get a loyal sidekick but i wonder if you're better off enabling the steel dancer no i don't think so he's a freaking tintin yeah not a single drench card yet multiple average weapons this is a terrible terrible start uh three-minute 10-10 is just not good enough right shadow word void me dude and i'll just lose real quick can we get out of this mess like i can't beat boyd i guess oh no he actually has it no i was joking no oh that's not so bad we can live with that oh yeah that's totally fine that's no biggie oh this is a good draw perfect draw colossal's better than curve here for a weapon or anything um man i don't know azamat is actually pretty big and crazy wide and we want to get that out before they have like a lot of wide board removal right so i think we want azamat earlier because remember he's he's actually like seven plus however many things they get times two so right now right he'd be he'd be uh you know four dudes that's eight and seven fifteen damage on board uh i think that's a little better than these at the moment i like that this does give me another colossal though i gotta say plus well no they're both the same cost they're both a little off curve this is the on curve play but i don't have any other dredge i better off getting another dredge or just going immediately i think i'm a little better off going immediately we have other dredge in the deck we can find right let's oh interesting okay that actually gives me more plays next turn that's kind of nice uh okay should have drawn that first i'm going to change my pick a little bit i don't think so though i think we still would have taken azuman he's just such a big crazy board but yeah the race is on for sure we're just trying to end here we got pure cold we got weapon damage like we can end this hopefully really quickly if an azumat sticks pre-removal that's great how many discounts have they registered by the way not really a lot yet right first discover in a turn thrive that's it right yeah okay so that's good news yeah this is insane pressure hit for 13 make a monster board hopefully they don't have like a psychic stream yet because i think they've only discounted once if i'm if i'm counting correctly i don't think the dredge counts so i think like any psychic extreme would be six mana oh zero mana there though could make a psyche stream five shoot zero mana top deck there's insane potentially oh that's gross oh that zero mana to discount that into a playable state is so gross that's so gross ugh makes me so sad i think i just start hitting them though right like this is a lot uh i can't actually play these together next turn so i guess maybe i could go for the board now i don't know i really want to forge and flame this one though and then equipped the scythe and hit it could just equip the scythe and hit with the steel dancer now and set up a ton of damage with pure cold next turn i give up the forged in flame but i push a two extra damage a little bit faster and get the board as well yeah i think that's better let's get the board again we don't want this game to go too long so let's just let's just create some pressure here this is three durability so that's fine plenty anyway to work okay with actually kind of cool i'll dig it they they're dealing damage that's awesome and just a five five is nice so this is 13 next turn dang it dude that sucks it's actually just 13. shoot uh rocara offers the same but also heals if needed i guess so we'll see can i find anything that does a little bit of extra damage there's that void we're worried about but does the four-four die uh four-four doesn't die but they heal but they only heal oh no they heal four that's that's enough kill five so i have 13 17 i would need two damage here gaia at five mana is too expensive we know sunken trident unfortunately does not address the void fiend problem immediately uh i think we just throw cara in that case so that we don't die necessarily or at least try not to die so hit for nine and then rocara i don't think i try to kill these do i seems like a lot of wasted damage i could very easily kill three though for the record how much more do we think they're gonna heal surely they don't have a lot more healing right i think we put the race in i think we heal for 10 off rokara and race i feel like racing is the way to go because i have that pure cold in hand and i can draw a ton of cards if needed i think i think the race is on yeah let's just gain 10 just i don't even think we really need it yet but just for emergency sake right like just in case we got to spend the man on real car probably at some point anyway i think it's not necessarily demanded but but maybe okay taking four off that that makes me very nervous why are they so willing to take four okay that's fine i guess they thought the taunt would keep them safe here it will not just to confirm it won't our game plan works okay kind of got scary there man kind of got scary that was close we didn't really hit our dream lines either oh my god we did it again no more please again why do you get no more please so much with this it's insane you think something happened because you had two runs today and most were no more please oh that's weird i don't think they've updated anything but maybe that would be sick all right let's look for dredge even a two mana brand i don't i don't think a two mana three five bran is worth it right like it's not bad but i i think dredge is where our butter is biscuited breaded that's not the phrase two minutes where our butter is breaded mmm bread and butter fry it up yeah yummy all right this is gross we're gonna die uh this is what we're talking about right cheap cheap fireball spam is gonna beat us with one mana freaking uh dudes here this is gonna be real tough to win but we'll try to find the early colossal right uh krav maga next turns insane yeah it's perfect okay yeah we'll work with that that's about all i got much of a hand otherwise so we're gonna have to make it work that's gonna be great turn three kravatoa and we're still gonna lose i kind of hope they ignore this i actually kind of want to trade both the crab claws in maybe or well no i oh my god oh boy yikes dude okay take it back that's gross it's really gross man at least the kravatos survives to the trade here right that's pretty nice the buff on the dredge actually kind of adding up to something really valuable in this case the the uh obsidian buff pretty nice but what am i doing from here man nothing absolutely nothing i guess we'll probably hero power i mean i i uh i suppose we'll start with a forged in flame if kravatos survives right i think it draws four i think it counts the buff doesn't it equal to its attack plus two i don't know if it looks at the base stat line or the max do you guys know i don't know the claws have plus two attack i'm glad they didn't get something insane although that could be they got that crazy weapon i guess huh does anyone know i guess the other question is do i actually want to destroy my weapon because i might need to just kill these minions off here i don't know i need cards i can hero power cash as well is interesting but nothing playable dude this sucks am i going to trade that kravato into a 7-7 yeah i think so i think so i think i have to the stack does too much damage so mandatory really well let's start here hunter's inside into a sharon i want to play that this turn or i want to corsair catch this tune i probably actually want a corsair cash this turn we can discount whatever this weapon is too it's probably just going to be a bigger version of it right so oh that would have been pretty sick draw first regis i did i did drop first it just didn't work out i'm sorry i tried i don't think i could take even more damage like leaving that 7-7 alive right i think it's just too greedy it just seems like too much oh that's not that good of a weapon okay i was worried it was gonna be their like uh their uh their weapon that that's the lightning bolts and stuff right that would have been a lot scarier so that's kind of a relief to see um man this turn is still really clunky though okay it just got less clunky maybe but i really want to play a hyper blaster though i can't go for the kravitz of a claw that's not good enough here hyper blaster is really good because i don't get frozen right so i don't want to i don't want to forge and flame the hyper blaster though either can i afford getting frozen and still win if i from the depths because the great thing about from the depths is right i draw the card next turn whereas could still go hyper blaster from the depths next turn into a forged in flame that's uh after discount a three mana play i would get two hyper blaster attacks i draw a couple cards yeah i don't know i think this has to happen unfortunately i don't know we might have to break this after hitting the next one though just to get some colossals in because we're going to have a bunch of of what like nelly is going to be what like one neptune's gonna be like uh three so that's pretty insane i think drawing immediately might might be necessary just even though we lose a cool weapon i should be able to handle the next freeze summon with the colossals themselves hopefully and then i swarm really hard so this is like a necessary evil it sucks i wish they didn't if they didn't have a freezer i probably would have from the depths now but hopefully this works out okay but you know fireballs are gonna be a pain i gotta race real hard um so they still don't have a fireball but we assume they took a fire spell here they will have one soon we assume so we don't have much clock left here we're kind of in the final throws of this battle unfortunately we gotta deal 40 damage real fast real real fast rakara could definitely help change that plan though interesting okay so i want to take the worst thing here and put it on the top so i can dredge the colossals right display is cool but we want it later yeah um i forgot to discount the from the depths oh shoot i forgot to discount it now i don't have amanda to play the the neptulon [Music] dang it dang it dang it i don't manage to play an epsilon i also don't draw i i i just completely just ignore everything i did i i just completely brained out of that turn just completely just ignore that whole turn it didn't happen okay that turn didn't happen just ignore it just just delete that turn from the record books i also i'm not drawing from the bottom i'm not finleying you idiot i have to pick the card i want to be on the top okay that's okay whoa guys well guys that dc was crazy you missed dude wow that disconnect was wild i just returned from disconnect this the the recording and everything cut out it was wacky dude i've never seen that before to lose both the recording and the stream slime will take me it's like it's unheard of it's unheard of to lose both i think we actually have the valor's display now i'm unfortunately losing another good weapon we keep overriding our weapons but it just tells working out man that shaman was so lucky i dc'd that was really really lucky for them this might end up being a saving grace in a weird way i don't think i attack first right i think we care more about a higher damage weapon oh my god not that one okay am i hitting face i mean i have to i need to end the game right the game has to end soon or i'm just going to die i need this armor i'm only going to get four probably off an epsilon but how desperate am i for the armor i have rocaro for life game two i don't know we might be dead this turn if they've been baking a fire spell there we could be dead soon i don't have a well no they have enough mana we're just dead yeah oh they play perpetual flame yeah we're super done whoopsie okay great this game went great just just just delete this one for the record books delete it i didn't i didn't think they i kind of zoned out through meme and then they played that perpetual flame but it didn't deck tracker i thought would show me that it was a fireball i i didn't notice so i don't think i really need any of these spells i mean we've had some boards a royal gift would definitely be intriguing right like those early azumat boards and stuff this is really situational though this might be more useful in some ways like more still kind of a buff on wide boards but has some utility as well i don't know i guys i really gotta go soon oh my god no more please again what is happening this is crazy well let's let's get rid of these see what i'm getting into right because i could make it like a from the depths here would be insane um i guess hunter's inside if i'm playing finley why am i i'm hunters inciting only a uh from the depths right that's the only thing i ever care about from the depth sync from from yeah let's let's keep it just in case finley means any card here is kind of not that important to get rid of any card here huh kind of removes the need for finley a little bit i'll be honest we can get a big colossal and then discount it with insight earlier i think that's a better line i think we're going to coin obsidian smith and then maybe obsidian smith again depending on the cost of the colossal and then inside both of them and have like an insane turn three colossal into turn four colossal that seems like the move right in case you don't really need finley because this gets you the discounts you want anyway even a bonus discounted in epsilon so okay i actually want yeah hydraulidon's perfect so that's what i can play on turn three i guess i'll probably take the krabatoa too just because it's the more tempo oriented one gigafin being a little bit more defensive i'm probably gonna be on the front end of the aggression here um oh wow that is shockingly large screw you uh screw you uh oh actually i if i want to play it on three i need to insight now don't i well that's fine i can do that i just the graviton was cheap enough anyway so that's okay yeah that works totally cool yeah i mean they've got a heck of as embraced so gigafan's like a little bit intriguing but i can always get it with finley later it's fine let's just take the tempo one for now and assume that assume that's the path of victory there's there's an argument leaving this alive because i need to hydraulic on it but um i don't know i don't think that's gonna happen ever i think they're always gonna trade it in and play something new this is certainly a better target anyway cut the crab next turn well why though i mean it's the same difference right now i get to hydraulic on instead and i can still crab on four and the hydraulic one's a way better thing to get down faster because i keep a much higher board presence out of it i think this just works out kind of always better right i mean i guess if you want to argue that you save the hunters insight for something later sure i suppose but this is the the game-winning the colossal right this one kind of kind of doesn't create as much scariness i don't think on average shadow madness okay cool all right that's fine i get it now this is actually a bit of a dilemma here do we commit the krabatova i [Music] mean five mana what are they gonna have the reason i like committing it is that it's a lethal setup the reason i don't like committing it is it it makes these the heads worse much is gigafan kick of finn's five yeah i can't play gigafan could have maybe grabbed a blood moon but i'd lose this insane hand five mana ones yeah there's a few things i guess i'll hold it but i'm actually not sure it's right i think there's a logic i think there's a logic to playing in setup lethal but i have a lot of weapon range in reach in this deck so i think it's okay if we don't quite set up lethal right now we are gigabrained geniuses guys [Laughter] let's go ahead and tempo brand i think the three five here is actually pretty relevant and i don't need the battlecry really anyway there's nothing in hand that's screaming out at me for a brand so let's just tempo brand i mean is hero power better than tempo bran might be valerising into a dead brand anyway next turn maybe it is yeah maybe it's better this game's not ending quite yet so never mind screw you tempo brand get out of here okay all right dude board clears everywhere man word clear central out here it's really just gigafin and some garbage right now though i mean it's probably still the best play i have though i don't know what else to do because valaries doesn't feel good right now i mean yeah we'll take a gig of fin that's fine do i go ahead and play it no i can't play it now but i draw it now or do i just hero power again i guess we just hero power again tempo bran again though is is like kind of okay i don't hate tempo bran again every time i'm looking at this tempo brand like yeah let's just have any good cards for brand you know he's not he's like steel dancer okay like elise sure i don't know why brand's in this list i don't think we should have him like he was a bad ad let's just tempo him i think that's a little better than hero power i'm gonna go ahead and use weapon too since i just have so many ways to do weapon stuff i think it's okay a little nervous though those two straight removal turns are putting us in a a bit of a critical window here holy god okay thank goodness we have valorous but that is oh actually gigafin two two just the gigafan um that's okay let's just valorous i mean i i this this floats so much mana anyway right let's just save it let's just save it i think there are boards where it's like a little less scary because actually um well i guess they just get one free lure that's not a big deal but let's just get rid of this for sure i like this much better we may even draw immediately off of it if we decide it makes sense uh livewire lance actually yeah i kind of like the value generation on this but i could draw one more card off trident my cards are gonna be better than lackeys right so yeah let's let's try it not to mention the sunken value is at least a little here we have a plane extern so we don't have to play this fortune flame but i feel like the amount mana flexibility on it's really nice just make sure we're spinning our mana in a compelling way okay neptulon should be good this turn in time oh boy scary stuff love is just an arrangement away epsilon's still pretty good napchalan is a little worse it's a little worse uh i guess maybe gigafin here i kind of hate giving them another omu though potentially right potentially gives them an omu actually is neptune buffed oh yeah an epsilon's a buff so that one's still fine they're five threes this is good you will be crushed we got meek mastery baby giga giga neptulon man i hope they can't kill this this is so much damage it's a priesthood though they will we're dark again the lights are out on neptulon he's a vampire he doesn't like sunlight he only goes all right now next is another really good board builder here let's see how many of these they can handle this seems like an adult no way it's they're playing my car oh oh [Music] interesting hitting me really hard i mean that's still though it takes eight and i only take ten and it leaves me with outrageous damage output right this is 20. have any like lethal setups here no way to like oh i can't grab a blood moon and buff these even more that's actually 10 and 20 is 30 34 plus a weapon i think this is lethal blood moon should be lethal i think not to mention a ginormous heel i'm not sure if i counted this right but we're about to find out oh pure gold definitely seals the deal that's definitely gonna do it yeah it was legal anyway yeah i didn't even need the weapon geez crazy that's your damage two to boot man okay pretty good turn full heal crazy lethal insane dude oh my god we get it every time that is that a bug or something that's never happened we've gotten no more please like six or seven straight games it's crazy i mean i guess it's okay the reviews a little slow tonight it's like a late night long review anyway so we'll we'll try to finish it i guess but coin is insane oh my god we actually keep like good cards here maybe because we don't really we know we're playing towards this i guess i need um a dredge would help accelerate this right so maybe look for some dredge cards but i can inside on one i can depth on two and then i start drawing really cheap colossals very very soon all right this is good let's look for some dredges maybe accelerate that even more a cheap dredge card would go a long way okay so kind of what we had before almost but maybe even a little better i'm fine with this a little overkill maybe on all of this but not a problem six mana rocara can't be too sad about wow oops all spelled sticky fingers and they destroyed literally 20 guards or something there's still a lot left though it's like their deck is empty just a lot of minions here jeez it's actually pretty good with gorilla and rocaro weapon too kind of insane no dredge though unfortunately so we're gonna have to kind of rely on the natural draw here maybe which is still not by any means terrible just you know a finley oh my god i wish i'd gotten him discounted right but i needed to weave that in earlier a little sad but uh okay so finley's gonna get me i'll have two mana left for finley so i can naturally draw the krabatoa and then finley will still get me hydraulojon and glug and i can actually play all of that i mean board space is a restriction though so you know there is an argument maybe i don't really want a finley just yet because i lose the rokara for a while i don't think my minion my opponents like to have minions i actually think glug is probably the best grab here let's just take the glob glug and then i'm going to decide if i want a finley or not next turn because i i actually do lose a lot and i don't know that i gained that much because of board space right oh they have a minion that makes hydraulic on a little better unfortunately so maybe we will thinly hydraul yeah glug finley though already takes up four spots that only leaves three for the hydraulidon so i don't get a bonus hydraulidon but i guess that's okay it's okay this is this is kind of scary against the gelaton but uh okay yeah we're gonna have to try to ride the this is four or five oh yeah i only have i only have this is four and five yeah should only have one spot for a for a hydraulic minion but i really don't want to put glug back on the bottom i definitely want glug in so i guess i can clear this but that's about it um it does make glug better immediately too though so i think this is still right it just feels a little less ideal do we ever go crabatella instead of hydraulidon and save hydraulidon for later because kravatoa kind of does the same thing and gives me a weapon or maybe i could reap her scythe as well i'm gonna put in the krabatoa instead guys i think hydraulics better on an emptier board right so this feels cleaner to me lost the glove a little still this has more upside later i think right yeah this is probably the this is probably my favorite way to do this i am totally out of cards but i guess starting from one mana hydraulidon and a really good hero power it's not a bad place to be in that scenario like if they full clear here somehow we still have a great reload okay all right that buffs the glove a little more that's nice oh wow kind of spicy i'm not gonna lie that was kind of spicy okay glug's dead cool great do i tempo hydraulic on here guys i mean i really don't hate it um a lot of weapons and ants i really don't hate it uh five mana i mean they can certainly clear it i mean there's no question that it's clear a bull but i just don't want to take too long i mean we're looking at like 12 16 damage threats here i guess we can wait i'm not really in a hurry just yet we have plenty of health let's just wait a minute right let's just wait a minute i think it's fine i think it might take some reloads but this is still presenting like some nice you know two or three turn lethal setup type pressures okay looking for hero power farm here it looks like makes sense might whiff though you never know didn't it was insane one off from the best possible result actually dude all i'm drawing are corsair caches this is insane i mean it's good i need card draw to get through the deck um i've seen i've seen this do crazy stuff with the hero power before uh i i think i tempo it though it's just unlikely to see a lot of minions this is all spelled deck right so okay [Music] this you know this stops when it hits the hydraulidon a couple times or finishes on a hydraulidon so it's not like super scary but it can theoretically it's lethal right if he never hits the hydraulic and weaves in and a face hit and a and a dude hit every time somebody did the math once it was like it was like you know to the 30th power getting lethal but it's technically possible if you'd never hit the hydraulidon just to kill a dude in his face 38 straight times i would love to see it that would be worth losing that's for sure i draw them dice immediately instead which of course is a great way to clean this up um yeah so we're like running out of steam already again it's just relying on our hero power here and then uh trying to race them with weapons i guess since that's what i have oh that's pretty spicy i guess we use that on a tritone or use it now no i think draw four is really good i'll give up one damage to draw four for sure sentinel's pretty good specialist we're not really looking at the crazy uh stuff anymore let's put this in and then we can dredge right i hate not swinging a weapon for a turn because i have four in hands currently it's nice if you can swing every turn but um you know still gonna get minions down as much as i can especially good ones like this with a payoff seems like they're gonna get there though they've they've just really managed my early threats quite nicely good removals on all the colossals right really clean easy kills with cheap efficient removal that's been good for them for sure head crack man they're starting to turn the corner and go face now i would love a real cara to shut that down staff is gonna generate tons of value scary okay well this didn't die so i guess we're just kind of playing stuff here rocara healing might be pretty important actually yeah this heals too and i could just grab the rocara off of it to heal a lot maybe that's better because i don't think we need the healing this turn i don't need to play rokara yet either so yeah let's let's kind of try to cheese this into an extra chain of uh the upside i'm dead from 29 so be it right but if i can if i can buy 17 health instead of 10 that might be pretty nice could be pretty good i can still like well i don't know what i'm going to do next turn probably just a lease or something oh i can't at least though because i'll need to dredge oh i can do that no i don't want to lose because it shuffles the require out of the bottom no i can't at least i don't want him to do next turn maybe just equip a gorham after attacking seems okay head crack again secret passage with five minute left that's pretty good everything being cheap right seems like this healing is gonna be very relevant okay it's fine first flame just dumping cards here so that there's a better quality in the deck okay we are they are out of cards surely they're gonna have like a torch at the end of this mess thankfully they haven't had it yet we've seen another treasure yet no i don't think so so yeah i think our our instincts were correct here uh let's grab the rocaro we know that's happening i need to heal then we can put this in and i think i'll just gorham like i said we don't want to show our board yet so it's fine everything's frozen anyway it's a great time for that frankly okay so 32 is hopefully enough and then we got 14 and 3 17 and 8. that's a lot of damage can i also guarantee that i hit any damage yet like bloody moon is damaged technically and pure cold off the hero power right is that my only two spells left yeah it is so i can actually if i have a board both of those add damage as well but uh i guess rakara is also too damaged so we'll just see if it's lethal or not i guess uh is that a frostbite always uh oh is it the only frost spell gross is it really oh that too man that's nasty face cool great the really annoying part about this is if i if i want to play rokara i can't really play my gorehowl i was hoping to just you know get one swing in and be happy and then heal up i mean do we think 29 is safe i guess is the question i don't know that it is it doesn't feel very safe to me uh oh boy if i lose the gorehowl charges though i don't know how i win right like it feels really hard to win from there i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna risk it i think i think we need to hit for eight here frankly hopefully we're just not dead we'll we'll risk it we'll just we'll just say okay make him have it you know i think i could be dead with everything being discounted it's a crazy amount of damage possible but a lot of those are kind of spells they probably aren't damage spells and stuff so let's just try to try to set up the win if i can hit for hit for eight and then uh develop a real car i'll feel a lot better having gotten that eight in rocara you know over the gore house like a negative six net over two swings which i can probably handle negative six oh those are so cheap dude okay they're definitely going for it they're not killing minions yet can they really get there oh my god i'm so scared i mean if they don't and i can hit blood moon i'm going to absolutely heal the full i don't even need rocara in that case i could open up with hero power potentially i mean if if if devgeldon lives and i'm not dead they're probably dead but let's see i might have another freeze right just lock out the board for a turn running out of time here seems like they're pivoting now to minion resolutions um oh okay deal wow all right uh jeez i i think we gorhal and rokhara then right this feels like the rokara turn cause i need to heal i could try to trust the lava gorger i know i have a sunken sentinel which is pretty good puts me at 22. i mean they used a lot of damage and i wasn't dead at like what 20 they did they did eight man i might be able to in other words i might be able to keep the gorehowl alive for return if i want to greet this you know and like develop a couple minions because the sentinel also has life's life steel so if they don't kill it ricardo's put in another two immediately let's lose me they did 12. oh okay well whatever the case they used some damage and i wasn't dead so i'm gonna try to read this i think this is a little risky again but i think we need to be risky if we're going to win basically oh god what else am i playing this turn i'm not actually drawing this oh shoot forgot i'm not drawing this oh crap i don't know i guess two neptulon hands that's the most development right the dude was four mana instead of five i forgot about the meek mastery discount i hope that doesn't make the difference you know oh shoot i hope that doesn't make a difference the one man that's gonna make all the difference here man oh god oh god this is so greedy for only another like what kind of three damage i guess i don't know this may be wrong i need pure cold maybe should have tried to draw blood moon and pure colds hero power twice in a row right pure cold demands one more damage with this weapon attack is the problem they're 17. head crack again just kind of weaving that in that's not a problem at all really okay that's so they're still in board maintenance mode which is kind of good news but that's up to six this is also always four remember so that's kind of scary too oh god ignite and torch at the end of this deck that's crazy oh i definitely need to heal soon for sure that's going face okay a minion lived here pure cold's lethal in that case i have 11 yeah this is a this is a this is a lethal hit potentially here it's a 50 50 for lethal i think if not we'll play rokara and set it up well i won't have the draw though if i play rokara huh not on the bottom we don't think so let's just hit it your gold has been clutch by the way guys it's one of the couple games already sick okay i got scary dude they held they held really well early like against that early crazy colossal start they did some work dude uh holmes is cheap and buffed yeah that's fine we like that yeah this is this has got to be bugged we've gotten this like seven straight games or something insane by the way i am going to be so late for this card review but that's okay it's worth it this is an awesome run all right finley has enabled some shenanigans so let's keep it friendly we don't hit any other dredge cards finley seems insane right worst case we know we get some good cheap colossals in deck best case we might uh hit a like three drop to play pretty soon after i gotta decide though if i want to do that like on turn one or wait let's just see what we what we find here i i think i want to get a man quick oh no mancrac is going to shuffle we think although he didn't earlier so we don't know now like is man creek suddenly not a shuffler anymore i don't i don't know i don't know what's happening here but the man creek i think i'm gonna hold the finley and just tuscar on two because it it really depends on the cost of the colossals right if it's all neptulons that are like really expensive finley screws me i don't know if it could be three of the same ones but if they're too expensive finley screws because i don't have a play early at all so yeah let's let's we've done well to wait and maybe find the right colossal and then later finley than the other two but certainly troller into the correct like three mana colossal could make i think a really big difference so let's see what do i do okay so azumat's actually four mana z log is for mana as well which do we think is gonna be better against paladin z-log doesn't really do that well against divine shields but neither says azamat gaia is better against divine shields but we can grab that off the finley later right that's not a problem well not really though because i'll get getting rid of these i think azamat's a little better because i can maybe just trade in the azumat and kill like three or four minions and be kind of happy with the board left behind right yeah i can play hyper blaster next turn oz i'm out on four i can place your finger on five to play the z log i guess we're on five six to play the gaia or we'll both i guess i guess once i play it for the z like i get the gaia too okay this is actually a really nice hyper blaster like insane honestly maybe a game-winning hyper blaster to shut down the top hat early and maybe deny any good minions here too for the promote so azamat on four oh yeah okay we're out ahead now boys let's go okay this is really strong this is absolutely insane okay uh bring it i guess i don't know this weapon and this board is just so nuts dude so we're looking at uh what 12 uh 19 damage just straight up okay those are actually pretty annoying but i think i ignore them maybe i can't kill off the azimut quite yet i i could maybe like kill the 4-4 i do want to make a little bit of board space to develop another thing i think right because i want to play a z-log soon could trade in some tutus and make room for a little bit of a z-log but really not that much i want to finley into gaia for next turn i need to make a board space though and i don't want to use my weapon here oh this is tough i don't know do i just go face can they really keep up with us if i go face i feel like it's kind of the move i don't know maybe i hit the two three just go face i kind of like the smork hero power of blood moon yeah we're gonna hero power if i go faith so we can we can try that let's see oh my god dude shut up okay we know where we're going dude that was such a clutch call like you actually predicted what we're going to draw that's insane at this stage we have like seven spells or something you're a god dude who said that neocephaloth 666. oh no actually multiples of you said it but then what a clutch call dude this is so gross with meat mastery jeez it turns out a four mana super buffed azamat is what this needed to be played it's so gross do they really have any way to answer this i mean this seems so impossible wand i guess always there's always wand in duels seems like one might actually not be the kind of card they would pick but it's not not impossible by any means if they want we'll just finley into z-log probably um get really close to lethal anyway with weapons oh oh that's a top deck oh no it wasn't the topic that's her top um still doesn't seem that useful though if you're only killing a couple things i guess right okay that's lethal for us so they don't have anything else here potion doesn't matter just kill it with our dude this weapon actually like as exciting as the as the uh ozomat was i honestly think the weapon might have been more important right like it was a combination of both but the weapon was insane like it was very very good and again yeah we just i don't know what the deal is with no more please but we just don't have to take cards which really helps we're keeping such a densely quality deck here all right let's look for uh dredge obviously we need to high roll this late in a duels run we can't settle for less than just insane turns none of these are insane turns we need like finley's and dredges and just absolute absurd stuff okay that's not a dredge turn but that's pretty absurd it's not bad he's actually a 14-14 so turn three actually turn two 14-14 is is the next best thing perhaps than a colossal probably not as strong as colossals honestly but still pretty insane lcs man thanks for the tier one sub congrats to s neocephaloth yeah is two mana worth it for 14 14. i don't know yeah maybe too slow on turn two honestly good we don't know what they have but they could have a hex they could have they have anything but they also might not and then we just kill them too you know that's all also the uh possibility there oh endless fireballs but that might come online a little too late right like even even cheap fireballs don't really handle this that well i can also use it to heal a lot look at this heal for 15 to turn you know perfect anything that would change the turn to sidekick would a from the depths changed the turn two sidekick i don't know i think i'd still go sidekick honestly it's so big at this stage that it's really hard to say this isn't right because it just can end the game in like three turns basically more or less oh no actually uh literally it's 42. oh freezers are good against this though dang dude dang that's like one of the best possible ways to lock it down i mean that said it it still might eat three of these why am i out of focus so much it might eat three of these is that still worth it i think it might still be worth it there's not really a lot else to do right i don't have any drugs or anything let's just make it let's make it you know let's make it eat this it's gonna eat these for a while that's fine it negates this entire card and more maybe so not a wing condition anymore but still you know the best way for us to to maintain parity here real problem is next turn what we're gonna do next turn i don't really know if you hit a weapon or a dredge card i could have maybe saved coin in hindsight like just played this out of turn later i don't know if i really need to be oh okay well never mind this helps it makes you feel better about the call um okay i don't think we blood moon right it doesn't really help much from a break point standpoint or otherwise um let's hold the charge here we're not really ready to turn face yet or anything so we don't have another weapon equipped yet we have a good turn four plays so looks like we can maybe line this up later on a better target so let's chill for now if i could kill this obviously i would but i can't kill that with this weapon so dude even this guy's pretty insane at four mana right now at a base level right in normal hearthstone i guess not in this crazy duels run but i mean i think brand hero power next turn is also viable but i think the 67 just like you know oh are they gonna take 14 no way no they don't okay um dude do i ever like let's see what is a good is there any good hero power answer to that 3 4 right not really from the depths would be not that good i can play it now the thing is the corsair cache has a chance to get a thing that kills this right i could hit a buffed trident but i could also whiff and hit a gorehowl that wouldn't answer it i think i'm better off just playing the six seven right let's let's stick to the plan here uh putting another big threat in kind of creates the same problem they've had trouble getting through they can attack on five and six and still have a weapon for rocaro so let's hold the weapon again this turn i do of course there cash though which i might want to be playing soon so maybe i ought to dump the weapon yeah let's stop the weapon since we have cash now cash kind of changes that math a little bit because that might be one of the best ways for me to fill my turn next turn is cash into a three drop trident or hyper blaster and in that case i may want to dump the weapon charges first i could even try to get the sunken weapon frankly that might not be a bad idea oh the heck's the small guy okay oh interesting okay that's cool are they still gonna take 14 here though surely they have another good spell right well they have a fireball they can use that's a two mana fireball so that'll do it for them if they use it now though they may not have the fireball to start the chain next turn right they may limit their use of or no it always gives you one it's not the first one in the turn is it oh they don't even have oh yeah first fire spell on a turn out of fireball yes they have to hold it yeah they can't use it now if that's the only fire spell so they may be tempted here to hold it and take 14 because they need to start a chain of fireballs right what are they going to do do you take 14. kind of surprised they didn't hex the big guy even though he was they were like the same health total right they are fireballing base okay now that oh they're gonna try to snipe this i see that's cool that's not that's a high roll oh they missed the high roll okay my dude lives to what end i'm not sure i don't have a great way to protect him but um they also lost their fireball though right like they must have another fire spell in hand then to to keep the chain going uh i mean i feel like elise is probably the play here just to get another solid body on board kind of seem to have problems with the bodies a little bit um oh but at least shuffles the decks i don't have my colossals on bottom anymore that's only relevant though if i have dredge and i don't have dredge elise might actually put the colossals on the top of the deck frankly but but the real risk is that she would stuff them in the middle of the deck i think right i really don't want her to stop them into the middle of the deck that would be the worst case scenario i think we just hear a power brand okay um yeah i actually like this a lot here i need better place right i need i need i think um oh dredge perfect i need dredge in particular as you can see like i need to find a good colossal he's actually six mana so that's perfect for next turn okay cool excellent excellent so i'm sure they'll have a way to kill the 14 too i don't think they're gonna have to hit it but it would sure be nice if they did that would be a huge bonus you can see how much this 14 2 has just completely warped the game around it right the gravity of this card has been insane yeah they did have the answer it's kind of cool to see honestly how much crazy gravity it has divine rager okay that's actually a great nuptial on target that's totally fine you will be crushed we needed something to hit for the next anyway it's kind of free right now we have tasked them to remove quite a few big minions in a row will they be able to do it again the hands here are theoretically uh easily killable by their weapon so the hands aren't likely to be super super impactful but the nine nine with only four cards in hands might prove difficult right they may not have a good way to deal with it in which case we could hit for 18 maybe 20 with blood moon um i think i'd probably wrote cara in that case just to feel a little safer on health total and still push damage and set up for some lethals but we'll see i mean i guess blood moon puts me safe anyway 20 20 so i mean he'll heal 20 and deal 20. that's probably fine if we don't win a rocara we could maybe a lease at that stage maybe just put like a bran into though bran corsair blood moon corsair doesn't really help me now because i have plenty of good weapons but it thins the deck into other good stuff pure colds etc maybe hero power does the same i don't know anyway four cards isn't a lot to work with to answer this sort of board so blood moon's 36 well i'm assuming the five threes are dying just because we know one of them dies really easily to the to the weapon but yeah they don't if they don't answer this seems like maybe they're just conceding because they're frustrated i don't know i hope they did dc but i don't know maybe they just threw the phone away in anger do they dc'd not sure i feel kind of bad but i'm not gonna i don't know i'm not gonna risk it in case it was just a a little dc there oh shoot this isn't lethal oh yeah there's 24 yeah it is cool what a way to finish man blood moon epsilon to 12 wins as uh that was twice now we've got the crazy blood moon depth child crazy dude [Applause] crazy super clean dude nice only one lost i i kind of played that game poorly but i think we were doomed anyway the way it was going it's a pretty good run pretty nice finally got away from six six six six dude so guys forever i guess i gotta go i gotta go i'm gonna open these packs real quick um and then i'm gonna go uh do a card review of supermind so i'll see you guys uh tomorrow you
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 164,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c8vfQyMl-fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 40sec (6880 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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