This Rogue Makes Opponents SUFFER

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the new expansion gave Rogue two new bounce effects with bounce around and break dance and of course we still have Shadow step as well so naturally that made me consider what's the most obnoxious Battle Cry we can play in Rogue and I decided it was ghastly gravedigger a three minute four three minion that needs us to have a secret in play but if we do we get to look at three cards from the opponent's hand and Shuffle one back into their deck and from the opponent's perspective that's pretty much the most annoying thing that can happen you've got your cards in your hand you're trying to play the game but then the gravedigger comes down and says Nope you don't get to play the game and we're gonna do that as many times as possible so the opponent has as little fun as possible coin private eye sounds kinda sick control priest I don't think I love this matchup but we'll see how it goes next turn is just coin private eye and then what I can go like one drop private eye on five but I need to do something on four probably go one drop concoction maybe a shadow step concocted activate this on that turn Style cheat death perjury pretty bad cheat death Target but still a strong turn overall I would say thank you uh probably a counter spell matchup the good card I can just go ahead and Shadow step it here maybe these are all kind of mediocre wow why do you have a krabatoa uh and then I do have a cheat death in place let's get rid of this garbage and if they decide to leave this up instead of killing it then I will simply Bounce Around you don't have a secret silly do I want to bounce around or should I just trade this off and be responsible let's go ahead and see what this can do for me oh deadly shot and add a card I so badly want to bounce here but I take eight I go to six it's probably just not reasonable such a bad card although it's kind of funny with cheat death not a good matchup for it though because why does my opponent have 33 cards in their duck still I mean I shuffled a couple but damn all right I should probably do this uh concoctor is not a bad cheat death Target Ella I'm gonna trade off a claw instead of using my well I guess my weapon is also a claw but trade off a Rush Minion here to make the cheat death better that is fine okay I'm probably just going hipster private eye although I guess if this goes up to a three four maybe I grab a toe it but that's not what happened maybe I should go sketchy stranger here to get a secret for hanar hipster is better grave digging let's go fight over me that's value cheat death and a double cross uh I mean the private eye does suck with cheat death but the other two are pretty good gives me a concoctor right which is okay probably just throw this into my bounce around at some point might be kind of dumb to play Ren here but I don't know it is tempo what do you think counter spells pretty good maybe I just go in our counter spell How likely are they to be able to deal with hanari with no board and the first spell being useless and like light it burns isn't good I think the sonar is actually fairly safe unfortunately no Paladin secrets though so I am always wasting a Mana here uh this cheat death is kind of appealing I think the others are just quite bad I guess emergency Maneuvers is also good cheat that's probably better okay wow [Music] oh I drew the sketchy stranger that dies that sucks all right ghastly gravedigger so I think I'm um my playlist counter spell over well I guess having the cheat death and play is good with gravedigger I might bounce here demolition renovator yeah I'll bounce around here I mean like these are the good targets right Queen Jara is getting pretty big [Music] I can bounce around and then get rid of the card they just got off Etc which is pretty sick look at all this beautiful value I have eight in hand [Music] oh wow uh It's gotta be spelling all right just gotta keep their cards down I don't really love them having dissonant pop either but this phone is just the strongest so what did I get I got a double hazy and a double gleaming and then another gleaming probably not the best future side but not terrible also if they kill my 4-3 I do over draw here but I mean I do have like astolore tests I have some pretty good cards in my deck I also don't have many Secrets left well I think I want to go for krabatoa future side kill all this I give four concoctions which is fine this leaves me with nine cards in hand I do believe oh wow okay so I have six Mana deal 12 next turn and then I could even uh Queen ajara for a ring of Tides to deal another six I don't know if that's the best use of my queen azshara it might be what do I know about their hand they have a harmonic or dissonant Pop I should know which one but I don't I think that's all I know what are you draw three I think I just want the Colossal minion here but ring of Tides is very very decent maybe I want tidestone no I think I want horn that doesn't get replayed by Tess still strong though I would have definitely liked something that doesn't just straight up die too doesn't it pop though it was on dissonant this turn might have two concoction a five four which I think is fine assalore this draws four I'm probably just never playing this card I guess maybe I'm playing this uh get two random cards card [Music] maybe one of them is a secret and I can play Gravedigger this turn Anza oh my God that's a two Mana five five is Great Hall good should I just make my ass to Laura 33 here probably not great Halls may be kind of sick with fight over me just makes it easier to get the math done that might be happening as soon as right now but I don't know I'm just gonna die to their astolore here so I can go Great Hall dagger take three fight over me six Mana get two Aster lures I'm at six being at six is just so unacceptable could just gain 10 armor with astalor here only I had a secret to shuffle their assalore could try to draw for it but I don't know this Rin is kind of sketchy because I have some good cards in my hand but I don't know my opponent also has good cards in their hand like if they don't just play hostel over here they might lose it they're not playing a solar here they we both lose astalor then they lost two dirty rats I think that was probably a little better for me than it was for them I guess I'm just shot at stepping this I feel like these runs are gonna end up not being that good for me but that's okay right pretty terrible do I even want to shot a step tester I think probably not maybe a shadow stepper in Wren is really bad foreign is just so so terrible I should not have played it this Great Hall was also pretty bad wait why was the test so bad why didn't didn't I play like a freezing trap or something this game that must have been last game uh this is a pretty good fight over me if they're gonna give it to me ah destroyed oh okay fair [Music] let's get some hazy concoctions so so bad I have a cannibalize I fight over me probably just take the face damage I guess love hazy double hazy I guess this is maybe this is spell counter I could up their love everlasting foreign cool they tried to play in Dominion counter but it was not so this can put the school teacher to one Health and then I can fight over me school teacher nogling if it's good which it's very good perhaps even too good die that is a hell of a card [Music] oh gotta be a nixia I guess foreign maybe I want to copy armor vendor kind of dying and I have a minion that helps me win the game [Music] I was planning to hit okanie but maybe this was just better and I'm just aggressively burning through these locations because they're just kind of in the way can this hit friendlies it can this is still counterspell okay fair on the 2-3 so they must want to play the spell on their hand or not so three four I can actually take two more hits of fatigue do I care about these little minions I mean I guess this attack is pretty free taking this one damage does up my fatigue clock but I do have cannibal eyes I need to try to kill the opponent what I have two locations uh I mean I do have a Nexia to refill my board here oh am I oh I can't trade one of these then so I took three fatigue there I'm taking four next turn I don't think I have to worry too much about them killing me this turn but I will be taking five off the next fatigue so like cannibalizing school teacher won't be good enough let's just go ahead and see what this does just absolutely terrible uh big weapon I guess short on time I mean I might have lethal next turn might not even need to heal with cannibal eyes I did generate 12 damage or I guess 13 damage this turn which was pretty sick and I have seen double Whirlpool double pop double clean the scene hey that's a cannibalized Target please just don't hit anixia anything else is fine that's fine um I'm showing 23 so no way to have lethal here oh this actually heals my nexio which is kind of sick um 23 put them to eight they're at 10. I don't think I need this four damage taking five I'm gonna be at eight I don't really know if this one damage matters either but I guess I'll heal this probably just not that much reason not to no shot I play Ren do I make a totem instead of getting a one one I don't really know what a taunt totem would do oh they do have krabatoa in their deck actually it doesn't matter against gravito though I still die I don't think the totemic evidence does anything all right let's see if they kill me three damage that is a great start to the turn for me oh oh and we got there oh man what a grind the Rogue mirror love a good concoctor look at all these concoctions so something that goes with summon a guy what could they do this turn a uh the 3-2 Alchemist thing so I could like kill it and make a three probably just want the card draw and dare I say I'll take even more card draw okay if only I had a secret there's my secret got a two four not bad especially into this board cake bone Spike and then what okay not the strongest future side I've ever seen I do kind of want to kill it though but I don't really know if I can do that I guess I'm just concocting this turn hey I got the good one nice that was an extreme eye roll look at all these beautiful bounces I have for this Gravedigger next turn is probably just perjury Gravedigger and then we uh kind of annoying might still be perjury gravedigger God I hate this card so much let's just go perjury plus one of these idiots pretty mediocre honestly I guess freezing trap is pretty good into that though let's just hit him with some gravediggers draw four little shot you're allowed to play that um I could double bounce the ghastly Gravedigger but I think it's better to just play another one uh I don't think the stenographer is that scary because their hand is so small Mrs summon get some garbage this is summon destroy something I don't really want my something to be destroyed because I want to bounce it next turn I mean I do have a bounce around for double Gravedigger next turn but I probably just won't have a secret I actually don't know how that works if they replay it like if I end up with three audio bots in hand does it pull all of them or only the two from the Second Battle Cry oh that's a whiff for you but your board is so strong there's a secret but their hand is stenographer six menopause so I don't think these are important anymore and take some value trades break dance one kill a three three opponent is showing eleven it's not that bad probably just play Future side here just an absolutely garbage concoction okay that one's decent probably just play it do I want to Shadow stuff this one for probably not I think I have enough cards in hand oh my God you're so lucky that was obviously the best draw on their deck maybe should have bumped first Tess does Tess do anything fancy I played a freezing trap but I think it was from perjury so it didn't really it doesn't really count I don't think Tess does anything at the moment does she won three rushes surprisingly good here hey this draw is krabatoa that's good I'll probably just play another one of these choose a minion destroy it after your hero takes damage might be good against this actually wait do you get Shadow stopped no I haven't played any combo cards all right I'll take the overdraw here I guess I think this arson accusation might end up being pretty clutch maybe I can Grave Digger to get rid of astalor and then maybe I can Shadow step it to get rid of the other ass to lore this should still be zero right because it's a three minute discount on a two minute card shout out stuff is a bit of a sad overdraw but I think I am going krabatoa arson accusation here that lets me kill all of these I take three damage that's fine wait no no it lets me kill all four of these and I take three damage so that's five Mana I have four lefts I guess I'll probably go for this give me something playable these are not playable because of neophyte I guess I can Shadow stop something here it give me something hipster double eviscerate let's go so Tess still she casts arson accusation so she basically does nothing yes ask the Lord number three I can go Gravedigger bounce around here probably do that obviously not posic I don't think I want to take five damage here all right hey there's breakdance but they killed my Gravedigger unfortunately well I can go whack whack puts me down to 11 but it's pretty easy to not be dead to ask the lore here I can also just try to hit an objection here it's just such a broken card I can also break dance the 6-4 instead of uh instead of just trading it here lets me push six and keep a krabatoa might be pretty decent honestly but break dance on Tess is still good because it turns out spending eight Mana to get another objection is pretty good when they have a solar in hand I actually think breakdancing the krabato is better but I roped too long it's okay my opponent's hand should be Terr wow they just go for it interesting I wonder if they drew another assalore and that's why they did that well it doesn't matter summon a thing try to pick up a random defensive card failed this doesn't do anything it's a three four so I push five my opponent's still at 26. die oh my friend I have objection all right all right you can only waste 14 Mana into objections before it's simply time to concede
Channel: Chump
Views: 25,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, FoL, Festival of Legends, Rogue, Bounce Around, Breakdance, Ghastly Gravedigger
Id: -aU8ZSGov1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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