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blush shaper is a six Mana 3 8 minion with taunt and a Battle Cry that says if you have five or more armor summon a copy of this so on its own it's not very impressive but there are a couple things we can do to make this card really strong morier has a spell called Last Stand that draws a taunt Minion from your deck and doubles its stats that would make the flush shaper a 6 16 that summons a copy of itself and we can also double its stats with loatham arthuron so if we manage to stack both of those effects the flush shaper is going to be a six Mana 12 32 taunt that also summons another 1232 taunt which is just unbeatable for some decks and for the Decks that can beat such a large wall of taunts we've got trench stalker a giant minion that attacks up to three targets including the opponent's hero we can double that with North and arthuron so it's gonna have 16 power and then we have bran either with lortham arthuron to make it deal 32 damage or with the trench stalker itself to make it attack twice for 16 which is also 32 damage surely not another aggro deck right but I'll keep chill chatter just in case on the off chance that this is Unholy death knight player number 10 000. well it's a lot of renithal player we know that much well looking like weapons expert into weapon and hopefully I can pick up a frozen Buckler thank you the classic coin two one drops into float mana on turn two but they did push two damage with that play foreign probably not worth trading that off against Warrior I know my opponent's probably never seen a warrior in their life but this class does have some pretty solid board clears oh but maybe if they have another egg it makes sense I guess I killed us oh Frozen buckler anytime you'd like to add yourself to my hand that would be great I do draw up to three cards next turn to find a frozen Buckler but maybe even from the depths to find it although I guess that's yeah that is better than just going hit with a weapon and shield block probably from the depths here unless I just top deck the Frozen buckler in which case that would solve a lot of my problems get shattered I bet you'd love to have a 3-3 in play now wouldn't you although I could have just whacked the egg so maybe my opponent knew what they were doing with their eggs the whole time uh sure who doesn't love two three eights oh it's happening again next turn except I don't actually have armor maybe my opponent plays a armor vendor this turn I guess my goal at this point in the game should be finding brawls so I don't lose demerogar although if I find lotham arthuron then my flush Shapers are really really big and I probably wouldn't lose the marigar foreign well I would like that peasant to die I've always hated the underclass let's do it like this hey there's my brawl okay how do I distribute the damage from the Swarm guard in the peasant probably doesn't really matter I don't know I just don't care it probably doesn't matter and I don't care anybody there's my lortham arthuron I very very much would love to brand with it but it's probably responsible to just play it here and then play a big ass flesh shaper next turn Maybe this gives me four armor so if I do this and then this and then this maybe I trade this off to make it more likely oh wait this thing only costs three Mana God damn how did that happen wait so I can just Shield block brand flush shaper next turn dude I don't need to care about anything actually maybe I just don't want this no I do want the armor it's so hard whatever I'm over drawing here it doesn't matter my opponent can't win the game okay [Music] um I mean I think I just played big ass flesh shaper here now I'd probably brawl don't I isn't it just so responsible to brawl when my opponent has six minions in play okay this thing has 32 health so with bran I get to play 96 Health worth of taunts no one has ever put a what is it called the starfish no one has ever put the silent starfish in an Unholy deck they've just never done it it's not a real play that someone would make what if they did do it for all this leaves behind the one one say a nine lives I mean I could just idle like grave strength it's so easy to die I got it die scumbag I just don't believe I can lose the game from this position okay uh well this just needs to go face and my opponent's dead oh wait this can go face and then my opponent's dead mmm got him probably a terrible matchup certainly with this end it would be a terrible matchup okay I've got some good stuff here those righteous protector is so good against outriders ax so it was that probably hook fist to next turn and then they pop their bubble and then I go weapons expert and freaking get them I'll only take about 12 damage doing this so it's a pretty good answer oh that's a slow turn from the opponent not necessarily a bad turn but a slow one oh my favorite card I think it makes sense to Shield slam that while I have some armor makes this trade look a little bit yucky or for him oh and I found brawl excellent very happy to see that's not seal of blood number two wow what a bad turn for me opponent probably a bad attack from the opponent too right they get four damage in but this gives me four armor so they're just actually giving me a card for free give me all the beautiful cards in hindsight maybe I didn't need this many cards but it is nice to get the armor because now my shield chatter is very easy to use and my flush shaper is very likely to be active I wonder if I can somehow play a sneaky brand this turn and try to curve it into loretham arthuron seems hard but maybe I have to brawl here it's so yucky I can bump shatter Maybe I guess okra shatter that's a clear right over missed face what an idiot uh Countess should be coming down I think I can play lotham Arthur on in response to countess they go a little crazy here I've got brawl I've also got last stand for the flush shaper it'd be nice if I could go flush shaper brand on turn nine but that might be a bit slow and I can maybe from the depths into a trenched stalker to go with bran so I probably just go Last Stand plus flush shaper if possible which uh I don't know if that'll happen I'm not sure if they would trade here or not um okay they're definitely not trading here okay oh okay well this is what brawl is for right I'm really not sure if brawl is gonna cut it but it's not like I have another play right okay well I'm never going to be able to Brand Plus flush shaper but I can Shield block to get the armor and then play My Double 1232 minion I don't think I can really die here well it's possible but it's pretty hard to die here and I think if I don't die here then my opponent's gonna have a really hard time dealing with these taunts I don't think that's an equality deck I guess they can have class action lawyers huh hopefully only one though or hopefully zero easier oh those are too large they don't get the buff from this uh well Double trench stalker is definitely not what I was hoping for but I guess it's playing a trench stalker here is probably uh actually I probably just play more taunts hell yeah hell yeah another Warlock absolute trash hand although I probably should have thought more about the buckler because I do need chilled shatter against Zoo laughs a little a fun little Lord from Arthur on and I've Got The Last Stand as well so if my opponent just doesn't play cards for a while that's really good it doesn't look very Zooey so far perhaps I was wrong well that's a lot of outriders ax bait need to find a shield chatter the hook Fest is pretty good wow what a play there's the shield shatter but I don't even really feel like I need to play it here maybe I can get away with shatter on six the Ron on seven foreign if I had two weapon charges I would have killed something to draw a card here but since I don't I'll leave the weapon charge for the wrong next turn I guess and then I can from the depths up a really cheap trench stalker but looks like I have to play Brawl here which is fine is it fine I don't know it's probably fine let's see what this can do for me I think forged and Flame is pretty good with this hand ideally at this point I just want to play with marthoron and then find Bentley oh boy uh yeah play Lord from Arthur on then find Finley which gives me double trenched stalker which I can just kill my opponent with give me that other Shield chatter please all right well maybe Finley works the trench stalkers don't kill but they kill minions maybe I go recara plus Finley and just pray that I hit Shield chatter I would draw seven cards so over half my deck kind of under half my deck accounting for the trench stalkers if I don't get in that armor I have to find Buckler as well right well not necessarily I have a lot of Mana to work with could be Shield block Maybe should have played this whatever I still have a brand in my deck somewhere too right so that does quite a lot of damage with trench stalkers that seemed like a real play from a real opponent thank you foreign all right I guess I probably just I for sure just double trenched stalker here right they do gain some health from these uh miraculous unfortunately but it looks like it was still lethal beautiful hold the magic of death for cars modern I don't think I keep Shield shatter against mage I don't know what to keep against my age because I haven't seen one in so long should this be ruined or bright okay they took life sentence uh I don't think I really care that much that they took life sentence they're either gonna die to trench stalker or there's gonna be two flush Shapers though I don't think it's that big of a deal okay this time it was surely Frozen touch it's just the only playable card whatever you two too not for my fort what am I playing against I actually have no clue is it just big spell Mage with sorceress oh it's just Casino Mage right okay there whack I'm drawing up the 10 next turn so not sure how likely I am to hook this beyond your comprehension probably just go weapons expert to finish off this turn bash though probably weapons expert sure I don't mind that at all North America maybe I just play Olga here she does clear the board is there any way I can clear the board and somehow have a safer lortham Arthur on I don't think so thank you all right there's the casino card well they did get rid of their Frozen touch right so I don't know maybe I can get away with just playing Lord Martha on here maybe I'm over drawing here but whatever hey that's a good card maybe I can from the depths a zero Mana brand all right all right this should help me stabilize if I keep my armor or even just some of my armor I should be able to last stand for a giant flesh shaper next turn I have brawl if this is too ridiculous oh God Halla hopefully I'm not dead to this card looks like I'm not though um I think I can probably get away with just playing a bunch of stats here wait what do you do 16 damage and then I have 10 in play so the trench stalker is not quite lethal I can use it to kill these dragons that's probably worth it I don't want to randomly get I don't even know what would clear this board but something scary and silly Maybe all right next turn I just have bash plus outrider's ax or if I somehow don't have lethal then I can just fall back on the flush shaper have the shield block to enable it okay great start to the turn for the opponent foreign well good effort
Channel: Chump
Views: 34,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, March of the Lich King, New Cards, Lich King, MotLK, Warrior, OTK, Fleshshaper, Trenchstalker, Lor'themar, Theron, Control
Id: M0JhlqJ8Euo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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