These Big Beasts Are INSANE!!! Big Beast Hunter!

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today I'm going to be playing some big beast hunter with Big Dreams a five minute spell that summons the biggest beast from your hand but it goes dormant for two turns so it's a pretty slow effect for sure but if we're cheating out a 10 Mana Beast then it's still kinda worth it and we did get a couple new 10 Mana beasts we got the Amplified elek a 10 Mana 612 with a death rattle that deals damage to all enemy minions and we got banjo sore a 5'6 with Rush that when it attacks it draws a beast and gains that BEAST's stats finally we've got Hunter's legendary spell stranglethorne heart it's an eight Mana spell with tradable that resurrects all Friendly Beasts that cost five or more that died this game so lots of ways to get the big beasts in play we've even got some otk potential with King crushes and the DECA is pretty fun not very good but pretty fun love the Big Dreams the big stuff is kind of bad against sinful brand but if it's coming out on turn six maybe it's okay I guess I'll keep the banjo sorry to go with it good old Spirit poacher not sure how likely The Soloist is to be active next turn it's a relic deck uh that's probably good for me that it's a relic back I guess it could be a A Relic sinful brand deck but that's okay zombies is pretty good against some Demon Hunter minions like Steno and Arcanist which is a neutral minion but kind of a Demon Hunter minion I think I prefer banjo's over here nice although I don't know banjoosaur is not super likely to find a rush Target in this matchup maybe it prevents them from playing phantasms though or not no rush if I play frenzied fangs here they can theoretically trade off their whole board which I don't really want the trades are pretty bad but banjo sword totally whiffing is pretty bad as well I'll go for a 1-4 kinda questionable yes get wrecked idiot all right the one ones trade pretty well here or one of them does I guess show me mukla you'll love to see it the opponent will be able to put five bananas on a two power minion but do I care I don't all right oh fellerin that was quite a powerful card you overdrew also I filled their hand on the turn where their Relic Vault game online so they might have been trying to relic of Dimensions here which is now more difficult it's really hard to kill this banjo sword but if they have what like double well I guess if it's just like I don't know both aoes will say oh they only have one Mana now though okay predation Relic Vault relic of Extinction Maybe oh um I have 24 damage I believe my opponent is guaranteed to be dead here three over in the weakest minion I could have hit would have been five power so yep guaranteed death let's go banjo sword surely I can find a card that's good what a delicious play the better tempo probably just toss the stranglethorn heart couple faithful companions I do think it's a larthermore matchup I did die playing lorethamar last time but should be fine no clue what's going to be in that Etc but Luke was good next turn the frenzied fangs are guaranteed to be infused [Music] I love Big Dreams beautiful actually maybe force them to trade and do a two one I don't know uh so the turn this wakes up I can play Lord from Arthur on and then this gets real big so that's good although hmm maybe it's not actually good to attack with this because I draw King Crush then I can't faithful companions King Crush but probably not a real concern gotta kill that foreign [Music] that's great foreign I don't think I want to play faithful companions without Mana thirsting it so this turn probably just kind of sucks but that's okay I don't really care about giving one of these rush but I want to trade the doggy biscuit anyway so may as well I think we're just past the point of Big Dreams being even a decent card so I'll take a doggy biscuit I guess picture [Music] all right we're just gonna have to force them to have removal for like five turns in a row and if they have it we probably lose there's one turn of it uh do I play banjo sword over faithful companions here maybe yeah sure I definitely wanted to hit Amplified Alec here but well actually maybe it's nice to have this in hand so it actually does get the Battle Cry but I have I want to hit probably mookla plus Amplified I'll look off these so hitting an Outlook off this would have been better than just giving it 10 10. oh not exactly what I was expecting to happen I guess this is where my hydraulicon shines though I'm gonna have one board slot I'll just get my hydraulic on Rush with this then maybe hero power Sylvanas what a good turn to draw Sylvanas with all these beautiful minions in play uh what do I need to be worried about here I think it's pretty much just Soul sealer so I don't think I'm gonna play a teardrop here if there was some like corpse explosion math or something then I could have played a 1 4 taunt but I just don't think that matters foreign [Music] stealer that's really annoying well maybe they have to play it why am I playing against the youthful brewmaster blood Death Knight let's head over to HS replay and search for youthful brewmaster okay it's in 0.2 percent of ducks that's great hey they discovered an asphyxiate how fun okay literally can't find the deck on the website that's playing this card that's great hey it's good against me so why don't they have it why wouldn't they have it all right whatever wow don't hit nuclear please what do they hit out of my hand not Spirit poacher that's fine but maybe Sylvanas that but like I don't know it's probably just not worth it see if I can hit her rusher extremely unfortunate solanus is better against screaming banshee and uh uh no muncher but I am kind of on a clock or forcing their soul Stealers out of them so I think I'm just gonna play it I really shouldn't be trading this when I only have one Beast left in my deck because if I draw a mookula before I get to play faithful companions I'm gonna be very sad I think this might be good enough to force soul stealer but it's not guaranteed okay now we're mookling [Music] go ahead and hit this and move a little before we uh before we do this oh I can still trade the strangle thornheart I was trying to figure out why my turn wasn't over do they have soul stealer number two the good thing is that they can only have a maximum of two Souls dealers right youthful brewmaster aside since that can't be hematurged anymore I'm winning if they can asphyxiate I don't have lethal necessarily oh wait I get the weapon from the Stag this turn yes yes yes yes we do love a turn one trinket tracker would someone really be playing a zoo at this rank I guess I'll keep the turn two plays anyway but I really want to hit Big Dreams I have a lot of turn two plays too many perhaps my deck tracker is busy deleting 13 000 games worth of data so it might not update for a few turns [Music] uh probably coin is our lowest next turn all right this is probably not Zoo which is great maybe not great as a match-up but great for fun Factor because zoo is incredibly unfun to play against I'm gonna go Scourge timer here it does make my harmonica soloist maybe a little bit risky but it should be fine uh I can just take a big ass shellfish that's pretty hype party animal looks pretty mediocre at the moment and it's pretty mediocre in general so I think it's between Macaw and shellfish let's just take the giant minion with wind Theory well I'm playing one of these threes next turn and I'm coining this big guy do clams have genders or sexes [Music] all right well it's not The Soloist since I have a minion [Music] my deck tracker yes I got rid of so much data now maybe it won't take forever to load every time I click on something all right we're windtheorying a flush Behemoth but you are taking a lot of damage dead damage all right well sometimes you get Scourge tamed what can I say are we back on that always a death knight grind pretty good hand I think keeping double two drop is kind of sketchy but uh I don't know maybe it's like turn four instrument Tech playing Harpoon Gun got ourselves A Renault matchup could coin out harmonica soloist here just to be safe but I think coin is very good in my deck time has come true looks like a classic churn 3 spider tank to me uh let's see what we can Harpoon Gun I guess I don't even know if I want this King Crush ideally I get to go north Arthur on into faithful Companions and crush the opponent for 32. and now he gets on bottom is actually kind of nice I'll just take the selective breeder um I can maybe play it alongside a soloist next turn I guess not really because this thing's gonna wake up but uh selective breeder can hit Mr mukula which is pretty good in the matchup that does force an overdraw I wish I still had that Harpoon Gun for this ajar and saber I can actually trade doggy biscuit and then trade here play soloist that does mean that I'm not gonna be able to play mookla next turn it's a pretty good trade though definitely not freeze against the snuggling emergency Maneuvers it's gonna give me a 4-2 cat trick is gonna give me a 4-2 with stealth oh cat trick can attack the turn I get it so it's probably just better than uh the other thing here there was like a world where this Fortune didn't die but blood definitely kills every minion so seems kind of unlikely oh what a turn uh I didn't get mukwa unfortunate well hydraulodon's quite good doctor boom there was a world where I could trade this off and Sylvanas the 7-7 but even if that works it's not super good surely the bomb hits the hydraulicon head okay going face for one is also fine uh probably I mean that corpse explosion soul stealer any of that fun stuff would be good here I do end this with a 4-2 which is nice [Music] this is fine but it just doesn't spend enough Mana so bad so many good cards I could have mulliganed into there [Music] uh that's probably my Sylvanas and by that do I mean numb muncher or chill Fallen Baron I don't think I'm that desperate for a card but the chill Fallen Baron's decent uh so I could trade strangle thornheart but it actually looks kind of freaking nasty with my hand although I mean it does just get soul stealered none of my beasts really do anything about getting soul stealered and if I think I need to go lordamar faithful companions oh wait I can just faithful companions into King crushes huh I was gonna say maybe the banjo sword is actually kind of bad with uh or not bad with this but bad because I want to faithful companions my king Crush out but I can just strangle I can just do this anyway basically the stranglethorn heart's really good it might just be double Crush into double Crush and I do believe I have four beasts and deck so faithful companions is not guaranteed to hit double Crush at the moment I mean the 75 lethal's pretty good right but is it higher than 75 if I do something else I do know that crush is on the bottom of my deck so it's not like this ever fails to hit Crush let's just try to get them now it's King Rush am I right if only I could have played the doggy biscuit and the hero power but I think this is fine so they have to not be dead to hero power and not be uh and have to deal with my king crushes which uh really interesting attack they did actually steal a crush here so stranglethorn heart makes one less Crush but they're at seven so it's fine bunk thank you
Channel: Chump
Views: 25,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, FoL, Festival of Legends, Hunter, Big Beast, Banjosaur, Amplified Elekk, Stranglethorn Heart, Mister Mukla, Big Dreams, Harmonica Soloist, Barrel of Monkeys, Lor'themar Theron
Id: jP6fJrjXxo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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