My Opponents Aren't Allowed to Have Fun

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as we all know fondant Hearthstone is a zero-sum game so the less fun we allow our opponent to have the more fun we will have so of course the most obvious way to do that is through disruption we've got the classics we've got mutanus we've got vitar but we've also got some new stuff from the mini set a call to the stand is just like dirty rat without the body and we have soul Seeker which can pull a minion directly from the opponent's deck and put it onto our board and then there's the other way to stop the opponent from having fun which is just destroying their things when they play them so once again we've got the classics we've got Shield chatter we've got brawl but I've also got the snowed in plus doomsayer combo very reminiscent of frost Nova doomsayer and I'm even playing a demolition renovator if our opponent happens to be playing a location and of course to make absolutely sure the opponent doesn't have any fun we do not play a win condition so the games are gonna go long demolition renovator is kinda sick against Warlock it's probably not worth keeping but I'm Gonna Keep It probably coining ax next turn unless the demolition renovator is good which it is not so I did see an imp swarm in this game I think that means that they're not playing curses which is good for me I think I think the provoke is actually kind of nasty here and by nasty I mean it takes three power off the board that was pretty nasty right it was very nasty that was an insane provoke uh do I want to Shield shatter this I do not want to Shield shatter it let me back up and say that I probably have to though they have no minions in hand not really sure what to make of that I think I'm happy that they don't have minions in hand because that means they're displaying like impending catastrophe here which is not board presence oh they might have vital libraries which would be really good for me if they played one of those here okay that makes sense I think it's got to just be more card draw I don't think Soul Seeker really does much in the matchup what if I Shield slam I have two Shield blocks I probably don't need to another finger Circle makes a lot of sense there's the pending catastrophe to draw seven cards for two Mana I mean this is not a good brawl but I'm like pretty scared of another Shady bartender or a farm actually we're from probably isn't infused so it's just the other bartender Sylvanas huh I think this is just double block slam even if they do have the bartender here it's not lethal and then I can brawl a scarier board while akani is a huge pain in the ass when I only have one spell on my hand but there's a decent number of one Mana spells actually I can't play scorpion one minute spell plus Pearl so that's not good probably just gonna be scorpid demolition renovator here I guess okay snowed in so I could snope plus we're all here I think I'm just gonna go scorpion execute Shield slam everything here is pretty reasonable I mean whatever I take I'm probably just gonna throw it into a Connie this turn so I guess that doesn't really matter I will save the location for Snowden why are you tapping when you have nine cards in hand oh that's tamson oh it's grimoire okay I think this is doomsayer doomsayer goes off I have an empty board I play Soul Seeker it Snipes stenathrius I play this possessed soul for fun and then we're good interesting to throw that card away seems like a very dinneriest in hand kind of play I guess I'm gonna try to find theotar with this possessed here got him what if I just play Soul Seeker I'm gonna have 19 plus whatever I get I don't think I'm gonna have time to play theater past this turn though let's just play this turn no big man all right well the librarian is a three Health Shield against stenathrius so that's cool I can steam clean those hell yeah it's your time to shine steam cleaner oh you can just trade the 4-2 in at the moment oh they buffed that that makes so much more sense than what I was thinking I so badly want to play steam cleaner but I don't think I can I think there's just not a steam cleaner world all right probably just straight up dead the denatures here no my steam cleaner is crying why was that revealed to me I could still clean something okay that's a good snipe if my opponent doesn't play dinathrius which is possible that was the best hit in their deck why does this not kill Soul Seeker I guess it just looks at the pool of cards that were in both players decks that seems kind of dumb if you ask me I guess it would otherwise be where to destroy all cards in each player's deck that didn't start there still hold my hold my cards I think this is just a no denaturis game which is my favorite kind of game is my opponent dead is the real question here they're taking two from fatigue 13 for my board so 15. 22 23. not quite so I have to play for board which is annoying where are you oh you're so close all right let's have some fun with Sylvanas yoink give me my dispossessed soul back please and thank you okay at this point even if they have denatures I think I'm just not dead to it okay there it is um I can hear a power know it oh they didn't even kill this somehow 12 to face and didn't kill my minion oh my God is this a game where I can actually just beat dinathrius is that possible I think I'm gonna cry I was supposed to execute you first well this is very awkward what if I just eat 10. what could possibly go wrong if I eat 10. I don't know I'm scared I do have a brawl at least so it should be fine they play stuff here I brawl and hit with the weapon they play more stuff and then just die to the weapon foreign if the seven seven lives maybe just throw up Frozen buckler probably doesn't really matter got him so they take four fatigue here and then they're just dead two this plus this another five fatigue I believe my opponent is deceased their last two cards are probably an impending catastrophe okay they're done oh I beat a dinathrius I didn't know it was possible all right up against Druid we just need to snipe to nathrius and we'll have some game all right we got one dinathurist sniper potentially oh it's aggro durian that's not good that's not good actually it might be fine because if I can just hit some good Shield Chatters I might just win the game based off that I guess burden of pride is fine I don't know why I didn't play segment depths don't ask uh next turn I just played brawl though hopefully they commit some sort of card here like a pride Fury or something they're old of nature beautiful maybe they just conceded brawl depends on how good the last card in their hand is I guess what is the threshold on this 20 health getting close oh cool my opponent got to keep their best minion that's exciting insane that that's their board after getting brawled trog dude such a dumb card what do I even do Soul seeker's just not good five five let's go maybe no no yes all right well it's not like I'm in immediate danger of dying oh their board is getting so small it's so beautiful to admire oh wait I can clear their board here oh it's so sick then I guess I'll play this even though it's probably just gonna be a shitty minion got him got him all right I think I can win from here all right I guess my opponent is done with this game yep priest huh please don't be Quest priest because I don't know how winnable that matchup is I guess I could always just steal the requester reward right okay got some card draw when will you Reveal Your Secrets priest I want to know what I'm playing against witcheroo kind of feels like it could be boar priest which is not good for me unless I can snipe some boars which I guess is pretty doable vol'jin and call to the stand don't do much although if they can hit like wild pyromancer or handmaiden that can be good or I could somehow Infuse my Sylvanas and then call it the stand and steal aboard that can work all right scorpion time this one does say tradable I don't think it's a fires of zindagiari kind of game it might be a forged in flame with a full weapon kind of game but I really think they're gonna give me like a handmaiden or something well they gave me a minion but I can't draw a card off of it how frustrating surely this turn they'll let me draw a card oh this is a new development okay well I think this Nova Doom is kind of good and I did see a Whispers of the deep so like that would have been a pretty good answer here okay there's a handmaiden but it has seven health so not particularly good for my weapon all right um just a brawl I guess and then I can maybe execute whatever lives hey that's good for my brawl turn excellent excellent hey I did win the brawl kind of nice I think I want this to draw although I guess I could just buff my weapon and then draw an extra card to forge in flame that's probably the better way to draw a card with it because I think a random card in my deck is better than outrider's ax because I think really all I'm hoping for at this point is to find theotar to steal their hero card because I assume their win condition is a hero card with all the shellfishes please don't take my forged in flame that's all I ask you could take my execute and then execute my Seven health minion that'd be powerful you saw a dispossessed soul you could take sanguine depths to deny the second one uh snowed in would stop uh my mutanus if it gets big yeah Snowden that was the pick good job good job enemy oh you fool you had the chance to deny it okay well if I'd gone for the other way with the weapons expert it would have failed so glad to be rewarded okay there's the atar so now the goal is delay theater as long as possible to try to find bran I'm not really sure that Soul Seeker does anything foreign these are all useless I could have buffed that and hit the opponent might have been worth it I don't know oh no because then they could have snowed in my board I almost threw the game oh yeah I guess hitting amulets with theater is also going to be good because at the moment it's just like what they can force me to draw like eight guards I think obviously not super good is it snowing you're afraid of a poisonous minion over a four one seems kind of strange come to me brand bronzebeard Soul Seeker is not a particularly good buff those amulets are getting pretty big this doesn't do anything okay five minutes six six is not that bad I guess I don't need to dump a card here so I think I don't need to pull the trigger in theater until they play the amulets right until they play the first amulet so I can just go like brothy Atari that turn location I don't have my demolition renovator at the moment though brand bronzebeard okay let's win the game yeah yeah this is it just doesn't get better than this right a bit of a whiff I don't know if any of these are particularly good maybe Boone I guess you can have an execute friend that's a full width Ah that's bad all right new plan new plan we need to find Shadowhunter vol'jen to bounce the atar and then we can steal their hero card right if that was my plan I probably should have gotten rid of whirlpool oh I was so close all right I guess we just have to try to kill him it is possible I'll say that it is possible I do still have quite a few cards in deck so it's a while before I start fatiguing but I think I think hero card probably does it gonna have to brawl here you're gonna have to win a brawl here probably foreign Recaro would deal nine doesn't quite do it wait would Recaro have been lethal could have buffed here so I'd have 15 plus 11 while Ricardo would have been exact lethal here I think unfortunate I did win a brawl oh it was such a good demolition renovator um I did pick up ricara I don't know if zirella is likely to straight up kill me here oh they're not even playing it give a Minion plus two plus one I think I have lethal here foreign
Channel: Chump
Views: 53,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, Murder at Castle Nathria, New Cards, Mini Set, Maw and Disorder, Warrior, Control, Fatigue, Soul Seeker, Order in the Court, Call to the Stand
Id: mA59Csupynk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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