Roblox Story Games Went TOO FAR

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what is poppin gamers i i don't have any words really i'll just let the title do the talking you see you see this you see this yeah i i i'm just gonna say that i'm probably closer right now to getting kicked out of the star program than i ever have been before but not yet today we're playing this i'm not gonna say the name in fear of getting demonetized uh story games on roblox what a topic right they certainly do exist they certainly oh my god i just i just i'm trying to talk but i just i i can't really like the words don't want to go away from my mouth i'm trying to explain the concept of the video story games i love story games maybe they've gone too far this video maybe maybe not we'll see but hey i do want a premium couch this game knows how to pander to me am i right oh my yeah dog abuse story i can say it now who's ready to play yeah hey little puppy what do you gotta say to me hi there whoa you can talk yeah yeah i i what's up oh geez yeah okay i'm gonna assume that the whole plot line is that you're abused did i get it right did i get the nail on the head 500 points for me yeah i'm about to win this game show oh now we got another dog what's up with you huh a little mutt your little goofball you wanna die you're gonna die idiot wait can i push him no no i thought i could push him for a second oh hey another talking dog what a wonderful disney world we're in except unlike disney there is domestic violence huh oh yeah uh yeah i'm i'm not talking i can't even make jokes about this or else i'll get canceled on social media because it isn't even funny it's it's just wrong good i can at least respond with us unhappy face d colin that really shows my fury my distraught i try to help her but i'm always busy okay okay buddy trying to help her but i'm always busy yeah yeah roblox story games am i right i love roblox story games i'm right i'm right i'm so right see i've actually played this story game before because there's no way that i haven't right there's no way that i haven't played dog abuse story you see that and you have to click on it there's literally no other option there's only one and i just want to go ahead and fast forward to a section of the story that i really adore section of the story that i really really like the section where drum roll please please drum roll the dog abuser guess what he does guess what this man does he shoots him he shoots the dog dear lord am i right like jeez hey but at least we can push this dog out of the way right get him out of the way of the bullet finally oh he's moving he's actually moving this time yeah we can rotate him like the hand on a clock yeah me and a group of friends played this and this panel is just blank i think they might have intended to put something there but forgot yeah here's the dog after he's been shot and shrunk after he got shot the air deflated from his body and now he looks like a 12 year old mattress goodbye so you think that's the end for the dog right after he gets shot to death and says goodbye to you like he's about to die for real but nah nah why would it be the end of that dog why would it be the end of a beloved character no he comes back to life and then he has kids with the other dog what a nice story but yeah that gets us into our topic today of roblox story games although there's good ones like camping mansion the others there's also bad ones like camping three hey spoiler alert if you don't know this camping three doesn't exist i was talking to albert about the idea for this video and he sent me this game camping three smash the like on this video if you want camping three to exist i can do better than that actually smash the like on this video if you don't want camping 3 to exist yeah exactly that's way better also sorry for saying smash like i genuinely feel like i want to die now i feel like all the life has drained from my body alright let's play camping 3 by polish group of players i mean it is what it is i'd say but yeah the reason why albert sent me this game when i asked him for story games is because now hear me out dear lord the music is loud oh god oh my god is because that wasn't what i meant to do is because you can buy guns you can buy weapons in this game apparently there's like call of duty guns all weapons yep there it is i'm genuinely buying a weapons pack in this game for 1 200 robux i'm going poor i've gone broke because i wanted to get an ak-47 to light up some random kids i don't feel bad yet welcome to camping 3 fun game oh it says fan game i thought that said fun game welp i might be going alone are there people in the game why did it just teleport me how are we supposed to group up we are finally here says zack oh there are people in the game oh i have guns oh no way oh let's turn the music on for this one yeah the really happy music with me shooting and killing innocent civilians oh you're gonna regret coming into this game buddy oh my god this game is terrible why are there people flying around up there where are the survivors i must shoot i must kill you idiot you thought you could just live on my wall this is wrong this is so bad can i shoot the mpcs of course i of course i can of course i can shoot the npcs why wouldn't i be able to shoot the npcs this is the perfect game after all now let's snipe a child much like in real life this is wrong i feel like i'm the villain here for some reason i feel like maybe i'm in the wrong in this game maybe i'm the villain i'm the bad guy of the camping game because i feel like i'm playing call of duty yeah i've stolen all the weapons from our government and now they're mine not the first time i've been in deep water with the government oh no dead body more easter i had to turn up the music for that so you could hear the gun for the comedic effect i love roblox story games roblox story game smash like if you love roblox story game i forgot to say it at the beginning of the video so i'll say it halfway through i can't believe i forgot to say like the video at the beginning of the video how am i gonna get video likes now there's no way ooh telescope nope can i oh it works the telescope works oh no hardly hardly works actually gee whiz can i even zoom into the place where people spawn all right i think i'm looking at it now zoom that's the grass yeah i'm just gonna leave this game i'm getting a little laggy don't wanna crash my computer yet not yet i'm having a great time so far i feel like a plant without water that's sort of the feeling i'm getting from these story games but those are the only two that i had pre-picked for this video now you might be saying life ability how are you gonna get more story games well look up story in games i know right genius break in story no no no we can't use any of these we can't use any of the good story games we need to do an among us story bully's story i'm not sure about that one what looks like a good story we can play this video there's gotta be one there's gotta be a nice amazing story oh there's my phone timer to remind you that it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel subscribe if you want to uh it's free you can take it back anytime you want hopefully i'm not sure i haven't tested it myself but it helps me a lot if you want to go ahead did you know according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of the people who watch my videos are actually the scary story of sue tart no no no no no not doing that one sad story that's terrifying i don't want to do that i don't want to play sad story that's scary telling you what we can do though cave story yeah 100 000 visits as cave story deserves you know there is a game called cave story but i like this cave story better and there's only going to be me in this cave story i will be single-handedly playing this game with no one else has the music okay okay no i'm turning that down it's probably copyrighted probably gonna get my video taken off of youtuber i don't wanna get my video taken off a youtuber no i'm not good at pronouncing words okay oh there's only 10 seconds to join this bus or this mysterious white van with no doors yup this is safe i'm fine with this i'm okay with this also something that you may notice about my videos is that oftentimes i say things on accident like if i mean to say thanksgiving i'll say christmas or something i've never actually talked about this before so i might as well just talk about it now with the whole youtuber thing i just said but like if that ever happens clip it and then put it in a video title it laughability dyslexic moments compilation it'll be perfect objective wait 18 seconds for other players to load that that's not gonna happen i'm sorry to break it to your game but uh i was the only one who came here there's no one else how about the music what's the music like nothing it is just complete silence i get to wait by myself with absolutely no one or anything is is it gonna is it gonna start hi everyone today i will take you to explore this forest am i supposed to be on the other side of the fence right now hey uh can you let me on hey can you let me on the other side of the fence previously i had a challenge for you all you must be able to find the key to open this fence oh i'm not supposed to be on the other side of the fence that makes sense of course perfect naturally if you find it you can enter here what if i don't find it do i not get my money back i paid for this tour sir yes we accept the challenge yes we starting to think i have schizophrenia and starting to think i'm not so well in the head alright we gotta find the hidden key somewhere around the open the fence gee whiz i wonder where it could be perhaps it's that glowing yellow aura coming from the tree gee i wonder what that is is it ikea nope nope it was sunlight that's embarrassing that's kind of goofy that i fell for that huh i'm feeling real stupid i'm feeling stupid idiot eating all right let's just keep going i need to stop beating myself up i don't see a key is there a key here i'm turning on the volume because the music is very quiet but it's still there but i really don't see a key where would you put it don't tell me it's like at the end of the road can i get a refund for this trip if you don't let me in i paid for this you can't just not let me in i know i need to find the key but i don't know where it is friend oh gee whiz gee willikers yeah which is a good story game today folks cave story the game you can't even play i know i'm making fun of this and calling it bad a lot but it's honestly just my fault that i cannot find the key i am not very smart i found it i am a genius yes we got the key i got the key no my alternate personality jimmy got the key my alternate personality liability all right before we go to the forest we'll introduce myself first ah we'll introduce yourself you say my name is lim i am a guide for the visitors here first we will pass through suction mud suction mud am i gonna get suctioned i can only assume so with the name like that we will continue through four waterfall four waterfalls and then we'll enter the forest can i just go ahead and go lim why don't you have um lim you don't have pants lim this is a little awkward for the both of us i'd say probably or not you just keep going yeah feel the wilderness got to feel the breeze against your hanging balls am i going to get demonetized for saying that probably not ooh follow limb to the red mark this is fun good times first he just treats us like an actual and he just like makes us find a key he tries to lock us out and now he's leading us to suction mud this doesn't even look like mud it looks like dead grass you should be careful if you get hit by the suction mud you can get hurt because it is not ordinary mud no no i thought suction mud was just another word for ordinary mud i didn't think it had anything to do with anything out of the ordinary i didn't think it would suction me or anything you know okay you better first later i will follow did the person who made this game just like skip out on some words all right i feel like i have to touch suction mud to see what's up ow ow okay wow yeah suction mud actually hurts i won the parkour now limb can come across or contrary i can jump in the mud and die game over cool bye i don't want to play cave story anymore it's not my type of game lim is just sort of mean and rude kind of acted ransom to me if you know what i mean i think it's close enough to the end of the video i'm just going to end it here it's a good stopping point i'd say i'd say we played some good story games we played a dog abuse story we found a naked man in cave story that was fun good good times really so subscribe if you liked it die if you don't i don't care bye you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 55,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox game, roblox story game, roblox story games, roblox bad story games, roblox story games went too far, laughability story, roblox story, roblox stories, laughability roblox story game, laughability story game, laughability story games, laughability roblox story, roblox stroy game, roblox stroy games, bad roblox story, good roblox story games
Id: COps9N_Ofh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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