Unreal Engine 5.4: Game Changer!

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Fellow Scholars, there is a huge  new update for Unreal Engine 5.4,   a popular game development platform.  Previously we showcased its extraordinary   simulation capabilities, I really  flipped out when seeing those,   hopefully you did too. And this new  batch of features is also incredible. It can do animation retargeting, that is,  an animation that you created for a bipedal   character can now be transferred to someone  else. Do the animation once, reuse for many   characters forever. Loving it. Especially that  moving these characters around just got easier   as now you can say that this leg is actually a  leg and should be moved as such. Now this only   takes a few clicks. Editing these skeletons  and bones also got easier and more efficient. And there is so much more, I  don’t even know where to start. Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. And here is one of my favorites, something  that you heard about on Two Minute Papers   before. You see, we talked about amazing  computer animation papers where we have a   database of real people moving around, and  we would like to transfer these movements   to computer game characters. The trouble  usually is not with the movement itself,   but with the transitions between these movements.  Pulling that off in a manner that looks realistic   required plenty of research work,  and now, you know what happened? My favorite thing! The papers coming  alive in the real world around us. Oh yes,   Motion matching has existed in Unreal  Engine as an experimental feature,   but now it is ready for  production. Absolutely amazing. Now, rendering, or in other words, computing the  image that you see also got many improvements.   Things got faster, that’s great, but look at  this…you can add these additional high-frequency   details like cracks and bumps to a  piece of geometry during rendering,   so you don’t even have to add these  to the geometry itself. You can keep   it nice and clean in the editor when  you work with it, but when the player   encounters it in the game itself, it gets  tons and tons of more detail. Loving it. Unreal Engine also has improved its super  resolution technique. You know this one,   in goes a coarse image that you can compute  quickly, and out comes an image with lots of   more detail that would otherwise take  much longer to compute. In practice,   lots of people are using it to create a  1080p full HD footage and upscale it to   4K. And now it works better and more  predictably on multiple platforms. Or, if you wish to deform these  characters with a node-based system,   that is also easier. The sequencer is now  better too, this looks like a little video   editor program but it is for animating  scenes, characters and environments. Now, experimental features include a new mode   for creating these really cool 2D  motion graphics with 3D objects. And if you would like to be immersed into these  3D video game worlds as you are working on them,   new virtual production tools are also available.  Depth of field calculations, this is everyone’s   favorite where the background gets blurred,  hopefully in a physically plausible manner,   depending on the distance and the geometry  of the objects. Those are also now better,   for instance, on these LED video screens  where the actors just stand in front of   them and appear as if they were somewhere  else, in these cases, the results are way   better than before. This way, you can mix real  actors with virtual 3D worlds more seamlessly. And these are just some of the new things it can  do. This system is an absolute powerhouse that can   already create these incredible simulations, and  everything that you see here, and it gets better.   Not a new feature, but something that I have to  show you. Metahuman. A realistic person creator,   if you will. This is a culmination of a ton of  papers that we talk about here. For instance,   the hair has to be simulated correctly,  often strand by strand. The appearance   of skin has to be correct, and deformations to  the skin also have to be simulated correctly.   With Metahuman Animator, where we can scan  ourselves, and enter a virtual world as a   video game character. And this character  is able to mimic our gestures too. Wow. And note that the best part is that doing  everything that you saw in this video did   not require the expertise of a group of  artists, a huge studio with a huge budget,   and it did not even require months of work.  It is done right as we’re talking in minutes.   And all of you Fellow Scholars can try  it for free. What a time to be alive!
Channel: Two Minute Papers
Views: 130,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, unreal 5.4, unreal engine 5, gaming, games
Id: yP_yTgiaG3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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