PCG Biome Usage - Map Generator PCG

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hello this is our tutorial on how use our PCG graphs in Unreal Engine 5 so before we start we need to check some settings inside the graphs firstly go to PCG folder and open the spawn ruins graph then navigate to the market node now check these settings for some reason it can automatically disable itself so we need to reenable it again then go to spawn deis and repeat the same process now we can go to the level named test drug and drop spawn ruins PCG onto their landscape um but before we make any change uh we need to check some settings again so firstly press the clean up button to make it easier for us to work then go to PCG properties and change these options in the future you should do this with all PCG graphs you place in a level now we can adjust the size of the volume and move it so when you're done just click generate often you can see some intersections on the meshes to fix that just move the volume and a couple of pixels in any direction and click generate again there are some building which are lower than the actual landscape we will work with that later so let's create a rod using a spline add a spine component to the spa ruins volume and adjust it however you want click generate again looks beautiful now you can drag and drop Spa hand to the level don't forget to change PCG properties then move and scale the volume so it covers the entire ruins area now we can generate it it's time to fix some places where actors are below the landscape so firstly select the spound ruins volume and duplicate it then in a details menu we need to replace spawn ruins with the spawn holes graph make sure the seed value is the same and click generate you can see this window when trying to generate this PCG click atep now you can see that this graph sculpted the landscape automatically all we need to do is just adjust just some sand meshes and yes as you can see you can easily move rotate duplicate and delete every single asset that was generated even the assets inside buildings can be moved if you want them to and finally we can generate some debris on a sand so let's duplicate the sand volume and replace its graph with SP debris and generate it be aware that this graph is hard to compute and can take some time to generate that looks perfect you can adjust the debris as well so that's it for now and my personal recommendation just try the entire process by yourself and experiment with everything you can see here however keep it in mind that our graphs are just tools that simplify your work so to achieve good results you still have to do some things manually hope you find this video useful wish you luck creating beautiful environments
Channel: BefourStudios
Views: 1,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -v6il-hYRDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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