This Planet Can Become Our New Home

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foreign we've discovered Kepler-22b a small exoplanet in the cygnus constellation seems like nothing important right but it's actually a big deal this is the first planet located in the habitable zone that was found by the Kepler telescope in other words there may be water on this planet and if there's water there may be life Kepler-22b can become our new potential home so let's take a closer look at it actually discovering new planets is not easy at all not all of them can be seen through our super cool telescopes even the almighty Hubble sometimes the stars are so small and dim that it's really hard to find them on a map the same thing happened with kepler-22 in such cases scientists have to use a special method first they take a bunch of photos of the star in different periods of time then they look at them and think Hmm are there any dark dots on this star somewhere and if they find one that might be a planet these photos actually help us to discover some very important stuff like first of all this planet exists secondly here is its size radius and proximity to the star and finally will we be able to live there now we know that Kepler-22b is very similar to our planet and could potentially become a second Earth it's also very close to us only 635 light years away yeah it's about three quadrillion miles but this is one of the closest options kepler-22 the star of Kepler-22b is a yellow dwarf it's very very similar to our sun the same size the same radius even the age is almost the same 4 billion years the difference is only in Luminosity it's about 20 percent dimmer than the Sun so no matter how much you strain your eyes you won't see this star in the night sky the planet Kepler-22b is about 2.4 times larger than our Earth and that's pretty good more radius means more potential water and space to live although going from one city to another would take a while it's scary to even imagine a three-day long plane flight we don't know the exact mass of this planet but scientists think it's bigger than Earth's actually the mass of Kepler-22b can be up to 36 times greater than that of our planet what does it mean vigorous gravity if the planet is 36 times heavier than Earth then gravity there will be about six times stronger can you barely lift 20 pounds of potatoes try 120. not to mention that you yourself can become much heavier on that planet you'll have to get incredibly pumped up just to walk there you have to literally turn yourself into a bodybuilder just to get to work the worst thing is that with such gravity it'd be incredibly difficult for plants to survive there they'd need at least a little freedom to Rise Up from the ground and animals our dogs and cats would have to turn into little balls of muscle to survive there but if this planet has its own animals or other inhabitants we can roughly imagine what they may look like they probably have a lot of legs to make moving easier they aren't really tall but they're very massive and extremely strong hmm muscular giant spiders could be worse I guess the good news is that this is all unconfirmed information if we're very lucky and gravity there turns out to be just a bit stronger than Earth's then of course it'll be much easier to live there the next thing we know about Kepler-22b is that it's about 15 percent closer to its star than we are to the sun if Kepler-22b existed in our solar system it would be located somewhere between Earth and Venus does that mean we're all going to burn no silly as I mentioned before the star kepler-22 is pretty cold just some 10 000 degrees Fahrenheit and that's why we can assume that the temperatures on Kepler-22b will be about the same as we have on Earth if the planet orbits its star the same way Earth orbits the sun which we don't actually know Kepler-22b can rotate around its star on its side like for example Uranus what didn't you know Uranus is actually lying on its side also look at its rings yes Uranus also has rings like Saturn but they're vertical the universe is truly a mysterious place so if Kepler-22b is really something like that then the weather on the planet will be to put it mildly not very good incredibly cold Winters will be regularly followed by hot summers and just like with tidally locked planets we'd be able to live more or less comfortably only on the narrow piece of land between these two crazy sides let's hope that this is not the case and the planet rotates normally but it's not all that bad studies show that there may be an ocean on Kepler-22b you already know that water means life but in this case it's also a big plus because a planet covered by an ocean always has more stable temperatures the water absorbs some of the Heat and distributes it evenly across the planet the hot Parts cool down and the icy ones warm up by the way that's exactly what happened to Earth billions of years ago when our planet started getting its first little puddles our beloved Moon helped these puddles to spread all over the planet thanks to this a burning horror that used to be our Earth turned into a cute little ball full of life so if Kepler-22b has water but no atmosphere scientists think that the average temperature there could be around 12 degrees Fahrenheit but if there's also an Earth-like atmosphere then the temperature can reach 72 degrees Fahrenheit that would be nice and finally one year there is equal to 290 Earth days about nine months the planet has no natural satellites so unfortunately we'd have to say goodbye to a beautiful view of the moon on the bright side we'd probably be able to see the Sun as a distant Little Star we could admire it in the night sky remembering our home well not hiding from giant spiders and this is all that we know at the moment unfortunately it's quite difficult to explore such planets so there's a lot of very important data that we don't know for example what kind of planet is this anyway yep we're missing the most important information about Kepler-22b we don't know if it's a rocky planet or not and if not then all the previously mentioned information means nothing it may turn out to be a gas planet or a planet covered with gas but with a solid core like Neptune or a water world covered with a giant ocean in this case it better be a water Planet then at least we could build some kind of underwater city there we could filter the water and eat fish until we evolve into an amphibious species does it even count as Evolution if we go back to our roots scientists however think that Kepler-22b may turn out to be a neptune-like planet some astronomers have even assigned the planet to a category of many Neptunes yes this is a real planetary category but this hasn't been proven yet but even if fortunately for us Kepler-22b turns out to be a rocky planet we still don't know what the atmosphere is like there does it exist at all what if it turns out to be something like the atmosphere of Venus which is more toxic than your ex then we'd have to dig deep underground to somehow survive on this planet and then we'd have to come up with a heat Source because it's pretty cold underground yeah let's hope this won't be the case there are many possibilities with Kepler-22b so far we don't have a clear answer but let's hope that scientists will find it before we load the first people into shuttles and send them to conquer Kepler-22b that would be awkward if it turns out to be a gas planet or something like that the only life that we are certain about so far in the entire universe is on planet Earth whether that life is intelligent is let's say arguable but anyway it's not surprising that we're tirelessly searching for life on other planets so far they've discovered more than 4 000 of them but what's even cooler NASA has compiled a new list of 24 planets that aren't just Earth-like they're better the conditions on them are so good that they're more comfortable than on our planet so let's examine some of them koi 5715.01 let's be coy shall we this wonderful planet is in the constellation cygnus and why is it so wonderful well our sun is a yellow dwarf and sorry son even though you're not bad at supporting life there are some stars that can do it better nothing personal the planet koi 5715.01 orbits near an orange dwarf orange dwarfs are stars slightly smaller than our sun and have a little lower Luminosity uh did you like the alliteration there anyway don't worry it doesn't mean we're going to live in complete darkness in fact if the planet is found closer to the sun and it has a thicker atmosphere it may even be lighter and more colorful than on Earth now our son has a very short lifespan right now it has seven to eight billion years left to live a little longer than Earth's age but orange dwarfs can live from 45 to 70 billion years this is great not only because we'll be able to hang out on this planet longer but also because the planets around these stars have more time to form life now ideally we would need to find a planet next to an orange dwarf that is about 7 billion years old it's very likely there will be at least some organisms there koi 571501 is about 5.5 billion years old yeah it may not seem mature enough but that's okay neither do I our Earth is a billion years younger and that didn't stop us the planet is quite close to its star and is in a habitable zone one year there last 190 days imagine going to elementary school and already getting a driver's license it's almost two times larger than the earth the average temperature there is 52 degrees Fahrenheit which is slightly less than ours 57. but it mostly feels warmer there because strong gravity helps it hold on to heat in the atmosphere longer it's a little too far away though like 3 000 light years from Earth which is about 18 quadrillion miles yup better bring a really big lunch with you koi 3010.01 this planet is found next to the star koi 2010. this planet sounds like a very pleasant world the average temperature on this planet is 67 degrees so a little warmer than ours but that's a good thing scientists believe that on a perfect Planet the temperature should be just about 10 degrees hotter than on Earth the more heat there is on the planet the more comfortable it is to live there also the higher chances of developing life the radius of this planet is nearly one and a half times larger than Earth there's some atmosphere although we're not yet sure about its composition but it's probably like the Earth's scientists think that we'll find an ocean there and it can cover up to 60 percent of the surface which is also cool in a perfect world water and land should be distributed more evenly than on our planet a little more land means a little more territory and resources right but listen this planet is actually very similar to the Earth the semblance is so striking that scientists believe we have an 84 percent chance to to find life there of course not necessarily an intelligent life but at least some animals wouldn't that be cool now what do you think they could look like hmm very Earth-like planet but with stronger gravity well if someone lives there they're probably big but have a small height and strong little legs sounds adorable and scary but we won't be able to find out the truth anytime soon so far for us these planets are microscopic dots in space we only have some dry boring data about them and don't even know what they look like we'll have to wait until we can find a way to get closer to these planets Kepler 186f this is also one of the best candidates for having life this rather cute planet was nicknamed the Earth's cousin because it does have a strong resemblance anyway these two planets are like sisters not twins Kepler-186f rotates near a red dwarf red dwarfs are stars even dimmer and smaller than orange dwarfs yeah they'll also live for a very very long time but their Luminosity is also quite low however Kepler-186f is closer to its star than were to our sun so it shouldn't be too dark there well at least not night like dark the sky on this planet is sure to be an unusual shade of red like sunsets on Earth what do you think would you like to live on a planet with an eternal sunset the size of this planet is about the same as Earth not bad not perfect why so because the coolest planets are those that are bigger than Earth and have stronger gravity now you'll probably say but wouldn't it be harder to walk there and even harder to get out of bed on Monday of course but on the other hand this planet will pull the atmosphere better the atmosphere will be thicker and denser this means more protection from the scary space stuff more oxygen and more heat not to mention the fact that the bigger planets have more space to settle awesome right but of course the earth size is also an excellent choice another cool fact is that the tilt of Kepler-186f is about the same as ours it means that there should be stable seasons and a normal day night cycle do you know how important the tilt of the planet is let's look at Mars Mars is also in fact found in the habitable zone of our sun but its tilt is very unstable and as a result the entire ocean that could have been on it once now completely dried up today is just a red desert and there's no life there at least not as far as we know but you see how important these tiny details are this planet is also quite far away from us 490 light years it's about three quadrillion miles so yeah we're just going to keep waiting for Intergalactic travel kepler-62e and 62f these planets were called the most Earth-like before we discovered Kepler-186f they're very comparable to our home kepler-62e is about one and a half times larger than Earth and Kepler's 62f is just slightly smaller than that they're located in the constellation Lyra which is about 1200 light years away from us they both also orbit a red dwarf one year on kepler-62e lasts about 122 days even less than on that first planet we talked about scientists believe that both 62e and 62f are sort of water worlds warm places mostly or even completely covered with water if there is land there it's probably just some islands hmm a world consisting entirely of islands a fantasy dream for some think Hawaii and a nightmare for others think Megalodon but if you're a fan of ancient marine animals just imagine how gigantic they could be there still there are many things we don't know about this planet does it have a surface what about its composition density one day maybe we'll be able to answer these questions and so that's it for the super Earths of course the original list is much longer and you can go check it out on the internet now the best thing about all this is that these are planets that are better than the Earth but we also know thousands of other exoplanets that are just close enough to ours and the odds are a few of them have at least some form of life but they're very very far away so we have no way to check it out right now perhaps down the road we'll find some cool creatures on many of them you're on a spaceship flying through outer space at a speed of 180 000 miles per second this is almost the speed of light make yourself comfortable because the voyage is going to be long it will last a little more than 90 years it's better to use a cryo capsule to not get bored in short you need to fly for almost a century at the speed of light to get to a mysterious exoplanet that scientists have recently discovered they have found many planets in the last few years but this one can help in the search for extraterrestrial life the planet looks like a dark blue ball and has a complex technical name consisting of letters and numbers it's about the size of Neptune and orbiting around a little star of Class M or in simple words around a red dwarf the planet is eight times closer to its star than Earth is to the Sun but this doesn't mean that fiery layers of magma cover the surface of this world the temperature on this exoplanet is pretty low and similar to Earth's that's because the Red Dwarf is not as hot as our sun but the most exciting thing is that the atmosphere of this space object consists of water vapor or helium or helium hydrogen scientists don't know for sure so they actively observe it but if there is water in its atmosphere then life can exist it's unlikely we will discover some big creatures but even microscopic bacteria would be a big sensation another reason why scientists keep their eyes on this planet is its origin if they find out what the planet's atmosphere is made of they'll understand how such objects can form around red dwarfs this will be another little brick of understanding of how the universe works even if they discover Life on this strange Planet it will be impossible to transport it from there for us to study fortunately there's another massive object near Earth where microbes can live and it's located inside our solar system in 2020 scientists detected a strange gaseous substance in Venus's atmosphere these were chemical residues of phosphine this is a significant finding because phosphine exists on Earth near some microbes they've recently discovered phosphine in Penguins bodies many people started to put out theories that these animals came to us from Venus but of course this is not true you can also find this substance among swamps and mud so it was a big surprise when they found residual phosphine Parts on another planet it's weird since life on Venus's surface most likely cannot exist the temperature and pressure on the planet are just too high but high up in the sky of Venus the conditions are not so terrible perhaps some microbes live there but scientists also know that volcanoes often erupt there a chemical trace of phosphine may appear as a result of these eruptions if this is the real reason for the appearance of phosphine they probably won't find any life now they're spending a lot of money on the study of this planet but let's go back to deep space over the past 20 years scientists have been finding exoplanets far and not too far from us some of them orbit around dwarfs and big stars but some planets exist entirely alone they don't belong to the orbit of any Star they are abandoned in cold outer space another exciting thing is that scientists haven't found the planetary system similar to our solar one all distant exoplanets are located at different distances from their Stars their sizes and masses are not like those that our planets have we call them exoplanets since they're beyond our solar system some other fascinating space objects are super Earths if some planet weighs from 2 to 10 Earth masses is two times bigger and gets energy from a star it's called a super Earth no more similarities with our home super Earth can consist of Gas Rocks water ice fire acid glass or diamonds scientists haven't yet found a super Earth with ideal conditions for humans not because all planets are bad for life but because our body has evolved and adapted to Earth only you don't know much about super Earths they contain a massive amount of energy because of their enormous masses and this energy is released therefore frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur on many of these planets thunderstorms happen there almost every day and by the way one day there lasts several times longer than our 24-hour one let's imagine you're on the spaceship again traveling to some super Earth so here it is massive orange Majestic you put on a spacesuit get into a Space Capsule and you change your mind the whole planet resembles a fiery boiling ball if it has any life it must be some invulnerable creatures you're not like that so you fly away to look for another Super Earth a couple light years away that giant ball seems to be a friendly Place wait this world is located far from its star the temperature there is so low that even molecules freeze Antarctica is like a hot desert compared with this super Earth you continue your voyage and finally find a perfect spot it's three times heavier and twice bigger in size than Earth it consists of rocks gases and possibly water you descend to the planet on the transport capsule open the door and take one step your legs are too heavy your whole body has gained weight you feel as if you were carrying a huge box of bricks on your back you can't even walk a few feet and the reason for this is Gravity the greater the weight the super Earth is the greater its gravitational force becomes you are pressed to the ground and your muscles are too weak for this also increased gravity provokes active fluctuations of tectonic plates earthquakes and landslides happen on this planet pretty often the rocky surface here is constantly changing to live on such a planet you would need to develop new technology to build houses you get back into the capsule and fly away but not too far the planet's gravity doesn't allow your ship to rise High into the sky it's like ropes pulling you down you use all the remaining fuel to overcome the gravity and go beyond the atmosphere another problem with such worlds is meteorites gravity attracts not only your ship but also colossal space objects flying by a giant asteroid can get off its route because of the attraction of the super Earth it can hit the planet in the form of a meteor shower but the falling speed is also faster so the destruction will be more massive but the worst thing that can happen to the super Earth is the stoppage of the planet's core caused by high pressure hundreds of billions of tons of solid rock can squeeze the heart of this world and the core should always be in motion to perform its primary function keeping the magnetic field working solar storms and Cosmic radiation can create severe problems for all life on the surface on Earth these storms disrupt the operation of electronics and affect human health this happens even if small holes appear in the magnetic field and what would happen if all the protection disappears the energy of The Closer star and the radiation from distant space would quickly destroy the super Earth and make it impossible for life to develop all these events can happen to a super Earth with ideal conditions for living and such a planet is a rarity most super Earths have terrible surfaces and atmospheres there's a planet where the air is so hot that it can evaporate Metals the fiery wind simply splits any solid substance into molecules such a super Earth is more like a star not an ordinary Planet also there's another Super Earth wholly covered with water you won't find a single piece of land there the ocean floods any Island in a second and under water there are volcanoes they erupt almost every hour releasing billions of tons of magma because of the heavy weight the planet is slightly tilted when it rotates around its axis the water flows from one side to another this creates huge destructive tsunamis bigger than the size of Everest and how about a super Earth where it's raining diamonds or sulfuric acid the surface of another distant world is blown by winds consisting of glass there's a lot of fire and sand when the hot air burns the sand particles they turn into glass among all such planets ours seems to be a paradise but perhaps for some strange organisms living at the distant end of the Galaxy Earth may seem to be a terrible world
Channel: BRIGHT SIDE Series
Views: 1,887,839
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Keywords: analytical skills, beautiful facts about space, bright side, bright side riddles, bright side space facts, bright side videos, brightside, creative thinking, critical thinking, facts about solar system, facts about space, facts of life, improve your memory, interesting videos, intriguing videos, mysteries, puzzles, recent space discoveries, riddles, spaces, strangest planets in space, what if, what other planets look like
Id: Q9Nb-mRBIks
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Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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