This Plane Was About to Crash. Why Didn’t It? American Airlines Flight 96
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Channel: TheFlightChannel
Views: 4,218,522
Rating: 4.3660951 out of 5
Keywords: flight simulator 2018, american airlines flight 96, american airlines dc-10, american airlines crash, american airlines, mcdonnell douglas dc-10, windsor incident, dc 10 crash, dc-10 crash landing, dc-10 crash, airplane crash, hard landing, crash landing, scary landing, plane crash, mcdonnell douglas dc-10 crash, plane simulator 2018, fly simulator, fly simulator 2018, flight simulator x 2018, plane crash animation, realistic simulator, prepar3d 2018, p3d 4.1, fsx 2018
Id: NhE0iuSdNHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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