B-29 SuperFortress Engine Start / Maintenance Check Flight
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Channel: LoveJT8D
Views: 5,136,594
Rating: 4.5636964 out of 5
Keywords: Boeing, Boeing B-29, Boeing B-29 Superfortress, B-29, B-29 Superfortress, B29, B29 Superfortress, Boeing B29, B-29 Takeoff, B-29 Landing, B-29 Engine Start, Cold Start, B-29 Cold Start, B29 Takeoff, B29 Landing, Boeing B-29 Takeoff, Boeing B-29 Landing, Engine Start, Radial Engine, Smoke, B-29 Fifi, Fifi, Airbus, DC-9, MD-80, 737, 747, Boeing 777, 787, Airport, Airplane, Plane, Runway, Taxi, Takeoff, A320, A380, A319, 757, 767, 727, Air Show, LoveJT8D, BUR, CRJ-700, CRJ-900, Airbus A380, ERJ-145
Id: NP4URtH6tNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2013
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