THIS PLACE IS COVERED WITH FISH!!! Shallow Water Fishing Boat Tour!

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well good morning folks it's richard gene here early in the morning and i'm going to tell you straight to the point i want to do a little more fly fishing for bluegill and shell cracker um the last few days there's been a lot of fronts coming in the and it's been extremely cold in fact one morning it frosted um it's starting to warm up now so the fish should be coming in pretty heavy i'm gonna be looking for bluegill and shell cracker beds and i'm gonna show you what i'm gonna be using this is a popper and i have a connection of about a foot and on the end of it i have a weighted nymph it sinks very slow it's just barely weighted it's not a dry fly this little nymph right here is responsible for catching probably 90 of the fish that bats that's just an estimation uh from the first time i went but every once in a while a good and a come up there and get that popper and i think it's possible to catch two at once i'm pretty sure of it if you get on the right bed now it can happen but when they come up here when they hit that popper which i love to see them do it they'll just rise up there to angle about a 45 degree angle and look at it just grab it like that it's a beautiful strike it really is um i made the practice i've been out here in the yard practicing with my fly rod but that don't give it justice when you're on the water it's a lot different because the correct way to set a hook on a fly rod is hold your rod tip low to the water use this finger and hold your fly line and strip it then when you stop it when you do get a strike pull the slack out to the fish and then raise up on the fish that's the correct way to do it but when you're on the water in the heat of the moment when you get that strike it's hard to follow soup with that folks if you're a beginner but that's the kind of stuff i'm going to have to master not just that but a lot of different things fly fishing is pretty complicated there's a lot to it that i don't know and i'm not going to pretend to know but i do know fishing for bluegill and shell cracker is an easy way to start off um to get the basics and that's what i'm trying to do right now so come with me whoa and let's see what we can do on the water i can't do it here we got to do it on the water let's go all righty folks i'm here at the ramp right here it's pretty windy and uh i believe i i believe i'll be okay putting in right here i'm here i'm gonna fish with my little boat and i'm gonna show it to you it's one that i made into a fishing boat it's just a cheap aluminum lightweight flat bottom boat which is perfect for getting up in this shallow water looking for these bluegill and shell cracks now what i have right here which i've showed before is a 20 horse mercury 2011 model um four stroke very quiet motor easy to start and i just got a three gallon gas tank there it'll run you across the world just with that three gallon right there real economical now i put all this green carpet in here in 2011. it's uh nothing more than a tracker topper 15 15 foot boat and it's real low to the water it's a great little boat for crappie a matter of fact skipping under docks because it's real low profile if you pick the right day of course or it's not real windy it is made to order for that kind of fishing too and on it i got a minn kota 45 pound thrust trolling mode which for this boat right here it will ski this boat folks and of course right here it's a tilt tiller and i have an extension on the handle right here so it's just right right here now it's just 15 foot long but with one person in it you got plenty of room i mean you got more room in it than you do fishing out of a 20-foot um ranger bass boat with two people in it there's just plenty of room for one person uh and i got a little depth finder right here now i built this deck and all myself this is half inch marine plywood and i have some aluminum struts i have one on each side and i have one right here and one on the other side of this little hatch i built so it's not fancy at all right here but it's a good little fishing boat it'll get up there in inches of water and i've just got a little homie bird 561 fish finder on it which are good fish finders real good so there's my deal right there that's all they are to it this is my storage right here which i have the battery up front and because of that it's not good to jar a battery i just take my time when you have waves like this i just take my time when i get through them on flat water i can go on but you don't want a lot of jarring going on when you have a battery but it was a good place to stow it and i also have lights on this i've rigged up lights and uh here's a couple rod holders i have right here fishing for catfish so yeah it's a it's just a fishing boat but it it gets the job done it's pretty old but i've taken care of it i've really taken care of it good okay we're gonna go on out here we're gonna get through this rough water right here and then i'm gonna find some areas that's not so rough back up on flats we're gonna look for bluegill and shell cracker beds and we'll check also check the water temperature and all that kind of stuff okay so let's do it whoa i'll just leave that rope right there for now until i get out of this shallow water it's pretty rough out here folks for a little boat like this but uh we're gonna find us some slight water somewhere [Music] okay that's what i'm talking about all right folks i'm back up in here where it's not windy right now not windy at all and uh what i'm gonna do of course is get up here real shallow and i'm gonna be looking for beds um so far i've seen some carp and that's about all it is full of carp right down through here and the water's real real shallow so i'm gonna get past this tree right here that's pretty tree ain't it my my my my my but i'm gonna visually look for some some beds and i'll show you what i'm gonna be fishing with today this is a eight foot six nxt series fly rod right here it's four piece and the weight is four slash five weight uh four piece rod now as far as terminology i don't really understand what happened right here i've seen something go on right here i don't understand all the terminology let's see what we have nx series real which came on it as a combination here's the drag system right here and i don't have it set right here i could tighten it up just a little bit something like that oh let's see what else let me show y'all this now this is called a nail knot right here and um i tie it with my hands you can get a toe for that but it's a real simple knot to tie and i can tie it with my hands and let's see right here here's my little combination right here it's a popper with about a foot a liter and a sink in a sinking myth and that's probably about a size 12 hook it's real real tiny right there and that's how i'm set up all my connections are trailing knots in other words i've got a trailing knot here i have one here at the hook and then i have one on my nymph trailing knots i have a lot of confidence in that knot the palomar knot the water's not real clear and it's because we've had a lot of wind here lately so this bank right here is probably being blown out by the wind especially a couple days ago but still i'm going to be looking for activity along the bank being the water's dingy i'm going to look for movement of any type and i'm going to be looking for beds and muddy spots being the water is real dingy like it is but let's get in here and see if we can catch one let's first we're going to find a bed look here oh my my what do we got here folks could that be an overgrown shell cracker fish or what or just a big old bluegill my goodness now that one's giving me a fit right here oh my my get out that grass look here now this is a pretty fish right here let's see if we can oh man that's all i could do to do that look at there now that's a dog gone big and that's a man way bigger my hand hit that little bitty nymph that's the kind of fish i've been looking for right there that is a big one and that's crossed between the bluegill northern strain bluegill and red ear sunfish guarantee that let's let him go right here that was a fact i just want to scream but i can't that guy on the dock here missing them old dogs he'll think i'm nuts out here folks love that good old walmart yes i do look here they that's a good i'm gonna put it back in there i can't stand that that was a darn good and now i got you though didn't i i got a little one i got the baby not the i might be the big but he means come in here boy a scrappy that scooby doo look at here let's get him on the reel that's pretty good shell cracker or i think he is yep that's a bluegill look here folks two at one time i was told that could happen one hit the popper one hit the nymph ain't that something i believe i'm on the bluegill bed don't y'all if i had three on there i could probably caught three couldn't now the ideal is to keep your rod just a few inches off the water folks and just use this finger or either one whichever finger you're comfortable with and just strip to you little movements like that and whatever uh that poppers do in that nymph is doing too except for ones on the surface and one slightly below the surface see what we got right here yep got us a little shell crackers what we got look at there that's a pretty fish right there quick quit and there's a bunch of them in here i mean it's heat up with them but what did happen is a bunch a big bunch of carp went right through the middle of that bed so it's going to take a while for this water to get back clear enough form the bat but there's a lot of them right here in front of me quit golly bum i'm excited [Music] and he hit that nylp and he swallowed it so we're gonna have to get him loose and i believe it's nothing more than a big shell cracker bed and if that's the case there'll be some big ones on here that one there's yeah he's big enough to eat feels hungry but let's let him go i ain't that hungry right now i'm so excited i cannot help it i cannot hide it i'm about to lose control and i think i like it [Music] there we go he's on the reel right here [Music] that one ain't fighting like a shell cracker it's fighting like a bluegill it is it's a big old bluegill looking here look at here look at here that's the kind i like to catch right there big as your hand my my my look at there but i got a heidi there's some big crackers in in there i love to catch them i like to catch them both but especially shell crackers there we go now that didn't take long at all now evidently this is a little better fish folks than what i've been catching let's see what we got or he just meaner one no it's a better fish right here a little better yep look at there he don't know what he wants to do he's just going to go around the circles looking here what shell crack that's what i've been wanting to catch right there that's beautiful that's a field and stream shot if i ever seen one no doubt barely got that fly in his little mouth see that now that fish right there is undamaged i'm gonna let him back let's let him go right here we'll watch this and swim off that's a little bit more what i want to catch right here that's a beautiful fish of course i like to catch them off there he goes he's mad they stay mad this time of year i'm supposed to keep my tip like this real low when i get bit strip the line to you and raise the rod up at the same time and you and you got him but not hard you know these little hooks are needle sharp so it don't take us we're not bass fishing right here now i have to keep reminding myself that folks by me wanting to catch these fish i'm getting pretty good at throwing this just because there he is because i want to catch them you see you kind of feel uh helpless with a fly rod i believe this is a bluegill right here because they're so limber and that's what makes it a lot of fun now let's don't reel or fly lying into that no it's just a female shell cracker that's what that is sure enough i'm gonna break the law right here a little bit let's just do this well that's pretty that's the female though that's the one that's laying the eggs folks now notice how her fans are not black and she's not peeing so that's the female let's let that pretty thing go she's a darling yeah you are don't want that gal make us more of them shell that ass i'm getting a lot of little bitty mouths like that on there i'm making sure that it's free of that before i make another cast because that'll hinder you from getting a bite all that little stuff has got to come off let's catch another bite better when the sun's out look at there look up there look at there look at that they're there look at there look at there look at thank you lord thank you lord for letting me live another day i love this now there ain't no doubt about it look at there i don't care if they're that big or that big or that big or that big it don't make narrow bit of difference richard gene the fishing machine i'm about catching them whoa whoa now i'm gonna have to sit down that exhausted me that was too much [Music] adrenaline remember [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 118,405
Rating: 4.923326 out of 5
Keywords: bluegill fishing, bluegill fishing tips, bluegill fishing setup, bluegill fishing lures, bluegill fishing rig, bluegill fishing jig, panfish, panfishing, panfish fishing, fly fishing, shellcracker fishing, redear sunfish fishing, fishing boat tour, fishing boat setup, fly fishing for beginners, fly fishing casting, fly fishing for bluegill, fly fishing basics
Id: 4wk8g9RHqIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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