This Pile Of Hair Was Actually A Dog

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hello grooming lovers hello hello in this video we have a dog that is in a very very bad condition I don't even have to say anything just take a look at that mats mats this thing looks like it's all came into one piece mats and this is his friend that you already gave that she's super cute and these dogs were found in a place called kikinda it is a place one and a half hour hour driving for my place and we went there to pick them up and on our way no it's sad to our place one lady said that she wants to adapt then two two of them and it is great because we were planning on taking it to the vet and finding them a temporary home I mean taking them to a temporary home where we hold the other of our dogs before they get okay stick before they get adopted and one lady said that she will adopt both of them so as soon as we finish his room we are taking them back to kikinda and she said that she's going to take them to the vet so it's great they are going to find home and they're really really nice dogs as soon as I came in the yard of a woman who kept them overnight he started dropping jumping on my legs and she turned on the back so I can huddle her belly and they're just super sweet and they're going home today together so this ain't gonna be easy and let's just let you steep the clipper attach him with the clipper yeah he does not have a microchip and I just don't know where to start that you have to find a place where he's not too matted okay there's a tick actually I was already taking off ticks from him by Sonia was baiting the girl but as you can see now there's a lot of ticks on them yeah there's another one so we are wearing gloves okay [Applause] [Music] we're going to do this slowly little by little because that's the only way to do it he's matted all the way to the skin [Applause] so yeah we were planning on taking a weekend free because we had a lot of work this this week but we saw that post on Facebook and so we decided to help these dogs take a look at that this is impossible it's crazy yeah there's another tick foreign [Music] again it was an hour and a half driving and they took it like champions [Applause] so it's going to be a combination of clipper scissors and me rappy I mean appearing here and this probably feels great for him thank you this is insane [Music] foreign thank you hmm okay there's another tick which is foreign there's another one here this interesting thing I want to take a picture of this here this one too take this big piece of [Music] foreign and I saw the camera okay this is going to the trash and I bet he feels much much better now you probably forgot how this feels when someone is touching him okay [Music] about look I am faster oh always foreign this is a 15 blade it is shorter than the 10. you know the bigger the number of the blade the shorter the blade is and it's much easier to dig under this mats with a shorter blade [Applause] this is solid as rock actually this room is going very easily this is everything is coming off pretty fast and he's being great which makes the job much easier so I realized that when you hear a matted tail the best way to cut through it is to go you know like that because you just cannot do everything with the Clipper only and trust me I have some experience here with meta tails right side I'm not sure about that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so I met the tail done in just a few minutes [Applause] so today is I think 16th or 17th April 16th and Saturday and you just a season of mattered dogs because there's a lot of owner that wait for the spring for weather to be warmer [Applause] because they groom their dog once a year uh Brown in that time of the year so we are trying to do as much work because we are going to Egypt and 22nd May and you know Sunny is buying it she just does not know yet but I'm using this occasion to say Sanya you are going to buy everything for the for the Egypt because you have more money that's not true that is true I don't want to pay [Applause] she already paid one Health half because you have to pay 50 percent before you go when you're making the reservation and she paid for that and she thinks that I'm going to pay for the rest but I'm actually not because I don't care you will give me money I was lying I think I would go alone foreign I can go with you if you pay um this blade is very noisy I don't know this 15 blade right here is much noisier create this annoying noise now I want to okay I'm going to change this this is very very annoying I'm going to do his private area because it's also matted and I'm very very satisfied with how this groom is going on is going hey hey [Applause] yeah we are going to Egypt to Hurghada and actually we want us to go there the last year but in the end in the end we didn't go because I don't know it was just a little bit too expensive for us and they actually in that agency traveling agency first said the one pricing and that and then there was a lot of unexpected call costs and we were just we just had to cancel it and but this year we're ready because Sonia was stealing money since last year and she's going to spend it all on me and because she likes that right Sonia here wise you're going to see the pyramids and you know stuff in Egypt and she's going to buy me a jacket and you know an ice cream no that's not true because I like when she is buying me stuff I normally give her a paycheck and then take the money from her this is my sizzle and guys in my in our last video when we were arguing at the when she was beating the dog I said please please type in comments on which side are you and guys everyone said that you're on Sonya's side and thank you I like guys what's going on are you serious you're just going to betray me like that seriously guys thank you so much like I know that the most of my yeah I know that most of my audience are women and that the women take women's side but it's not okay and it's just not okay because I didn't see one comment saying the time right and I mean it's probably because Sanya was delayed in the comments that she didn't like I would never do that because that's what she does but I never do that [Music] okay I'm going to do this area around the neck and this dog is the best dog in the world the Sun is going to be the best dog girl the best girlfriend in the world when she pays for Egypt right and she's going to do that she just pretending I'm definitely not going to do that but why but why because I don't want to that is not okay that is not love love is when you buy a c for me I mean when you pay for a c for me yes you can money I saw I saw no no no I saw that you have money Sonia does not like spending her money on me but guys when she goes there's a shop called the end VM and public pen and there's that's a shop that sells like cosmetics you know and the girl stuff and the hygiene stuff and sign his pants all of her salary there so I had to make her salary smaller because she was buying a lot of stupid things and it's better for her to take me to Egypt and spend money there then to buy like 100 different stuff for the hair and for nails and so guys I know that you betrayed me the last time but I'm asking you again do you think Sonia should spend her money on the Egypt to buy the whole trip or wrong on her and on stuff for girls but guys I'm not expecting much from you because you betrayed me the last time and okay foreign foreign take a look at those legs [Applause] so everything is going on very good wow foreign foreign [Music] blade for this part because it's so matted thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] imagine having that on your leg we are going to take this on his neck off to just too many ticks guys if your dog had a tick and if the dog is not eating his dog is not playing like knock he normally does or she take them to the veterinarian or veterinarian right away the ticks can cause Barbies here [Music] always always have some protection against sticks fleas and mosquitoes for your dog sometimes a dog can have more than 100 ticks and nothing can happen and sometimes dog have one tick and it could be pretty bad please be careful they're just dozens of clicks here [Music] oh thank you foreign blade again foreign [Applause] [Applause] okay so we did a lot and I just want to take the eight and a half to do the head I mean the ears I'm not going to shave his head completely only the ears because they are matted foreign hey hey [Applause] and who's coming just I just want to check to see if this dog has a microchip I mean they already tried to scan the chip but they told me because of the hair maybe the detector will not find it so I'm trying again and no there's no microchip no foreign foreign just want to make the head shorter before the bat is going to be easier for Sanya to wash it thank you thank you so much but I'm not doing this for her it's also going to be easier for me to shave the head later so I'm doing this for me yeah sorry I don't care no really I don't care when you when you buy me a trip to Egypt not just 50 but those 100 percent I'm not going to do that then okay I don't like foreign I just want to plug the hair from the ear canal and let Sanya bait him and do nothing they put their music this is powder that make this here less slippery and easier to be plugged out that infected the hemostats so that I can plug his ear here petrobrus foreign said that she's going to hit me in the head if I continue talking bad about her yes and she just raised her hand like that and she's like you and I was afraid so I just started filming again because I know that she will not hit me when I'm filming laughs so I feel protected and safe that's not true you know guys you can see in Karai that she's aggressive that's not nice okay um we're going to clean the ear canal after the bed now we're going to give him a little break because he's probably tired and as you can see he already looks a thousand times better and feels even better and I'm going to turn off the camera hoping that sun is not going to hit me and hurt me you can see here she has a rock in her hand she has something in her hands Sun is going to injure me so good luck to me [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign okay foreign thank you hey [Music] [Applause] foreign fluid for ticks off and then shampoo this guy and he's doing a great great in the bathtub as he did on the table and that girl was great in the bathtub too and great while drying and brushing awesome flowers no no [Music] okay guys this is Chris Christian song hydrating shampoo it is okay it's okay come on girl foreign foreign thank you [Applause] foreign foreign expanding shampoo like crazy but it's okay I'm going to take it off her paycheck no yes yes don't do that [Music] foreign foreign [Music] I'm very tired I will tease her more but I'm very tired I got up at 5 30. A.M I normally don't you get up that early but there was a cockroach under my head on my pillow we have some cockroaches in our apartment that we need to take care of but you know the whole building has to take care of that because they'll be coming again and again we have a problem with that and this is the first time it was under my pillow and I just remember touching the neck and just you know moving and I saw the legs of the Cockroach on my on my bed and I turned on the light and I realized what happened and yeah I think that's karma yes no if there is karma there would be a uh a thousand cockroaches on your bed and reds and snakes no no [Music] when we dry him we're going to see if there are some more ticks that we couldn't see before and if there is we're going to take them off and like a few days ago we had a dog that had hundreds of ticks on his body and he had and it's just exhausting job for the dog and us to so he had a lot of job a lot of work this week and I think that I'll post a video of him first and then later that of that dog that has a lot of ticks and they were alive so I decided that in future if there's a dog with so many things I'm not going to take them in so long because it is a danger for us too and the ticks can go from the dog to some to the salon and stay there so the best solution is is to because the dog was so matted he used to give the dog the pill that kills the fleas and ticks and it would kill the pigs and then take them off it's much easier you know they cannot get attached to your skin and that's it okay sun is finished in the second bed you're going to to rinse him then and then apply down conditioner and we'll see you at the blow dryer okay we're going to drive him with high velocity [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] assistant another one and another one here foreign and brushing the head I'm gonna clear in the ears with this cotton pads okay it looks much better now foreign the ears are much cleaner now and now I'm going to shave his body again make it all nice and even like that I know as you can see everything is even he's nice and neon nice animal that is one more and let's do the head foreign [Applause] foreign foreign okay and the upper part of the ear with Nathan I have [Applause] I'm going to take the 30 blade and yeah this is the okay I'm going to take the eight mil the 10 millimeter combo attachment for the head [Music] okay okay okay because he is complaining a lot the sugar for the clipper I'm going to finish his head with scissors and drive him to the new home thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign laughs and he looks cuter and cuter and I'm so glad that they're both rescued and that they're going in the new home tonight and that's amazing foreign okay he's done just want to blow the hair from the table and that's it guys I think that he looks great now he's not knighted anymore he does not have all of that pressure he had from the method here and she sleeps and we're just going to give them a little walk and then take them to kick in them thank you guys so much for watching this video again please type in comments that you think that Sonya should pay for a trip to Egypt and that's it and we will definitely see you soon bye bye okay so it's been like six months since we groomed these two dogs and we just want to show you how they are living now as you can see they're very very playful the male's name is Bingo and the female's name is Leah and this lady really really takes a great care of them she got the mutual they always have a protection against please antiques laughs [Music] and yeah they're very very happy dogs and we are glad that they were adopted so fast and that they got a second chance and just look at Leah she's the cutest dog ever
Channel: Man's Best Friend
Views: 639,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bichon, bichon frise, how to grom bichon, bichon haircut, bichon grooming, bichon frise grooming, neglected, matted, stray, matted dog, matted dog hair removal, dogs, puppies, dog video, german shepherd dog, german shepherd, golden retriever, pomeranian dog, cute dogs, puppy crying, persian cat, corgi, shih tzu, pomeranin dog, border collie, samoyed, grooming, goldendoodle, bernese mountain dog, poodle, maltese dog, yorkie puppies, akita dog, lagotto, lagotto romagnolo
Id: -TCzs5AXNEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 22sec (4522 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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