Neglected Dog Had Weird Thing On His Back

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hello grooming lovers hello first of all we just want to say thank you for supporting us here or and on our other channels on sona's and her mom's Channel cooking by Yeta and on my ice cream Channel ice cream lovers today we have a very bad case of dog matting we are in place called SRO site is 1 hour and 10 minutes driving for from our City and we came to pick this dog up this dog he in a really really bad condition I going to show you bil hey Billy they just called Kim white as you can see he's in a terrible condition and we came here to Peck him up because as you can see he wasn't groomed for who knows come long period of time and it was really really hard to catch him this is our second day here and we finally uh CAU him uh we put the cage near his house and leave the leave to the house and after a few tries we were finally able to catch him so he is chilling but guys this dog was pretty pretty aggressive and that's why we're going to have to groom him at the veterinarian under the light sedation because this is just impossible to do in the other way okay let me just show you how he looks this is just terrible maybe the worst dog condition that we saw just look at that tail that tail is very very mive and uh we'll see you at the veterinarian okay here we are at the veterinarian he's under the sedation and we also did blood tests and JIA tests and we also see about them a bit a little bit later and I'm just going to start with 10 Blade with removing this big piece of his back s is here to help and the veterinarian is also going to be here and add little by little sedation [Music] [Applause] guys this is the only only way you can groom dog in this condition that is also aggressive I bet that this dog won't be aggressive once he gets rid of this here from his body but he currently is aggressive so this is the safest and uh best way for us and the dog and don't and we always do this at the veterinarian clinics as you can see here the vet [Applause] okay so he has something here on his back that the veterinarian is going to examine and see what it is so this dog is definitely in good hands and the results are negative for now we have to wait for like five or 10 minutes and then we'll be certain that he's negative on heart form Elia Jia and a plasmosis okay so he has another that thing here just want to be careful not to injure him [Applause] spe [Applause] I don't know what that thing is but we'll see so let's see the tests yeah this guy is completely negative on everything which is good and I'm just going to leave this here and then later take a picture of that and I'm very glad that he's negative now I'm going to take him on the other side to finish this part okay I'm going to finish taking off that big piece of hair [Applause] so guys if you have a dog with continuously growing here please please don't let your dog get in this condition if you don't have money for a room or time or anything let other people know somebody's going to help you I'm sure okay let's [Applause] proceed Okay so this giant piece of matted hair is finally finally off and it this is very very heavy as you can see he's a skinnier dog imagine having this thing on your back okay I'm going to leave this here this is just awful uh the veterinarian saw this thing that was here and said that it's something from keratine I forgot forgot the exact word but kosis s just told me and it's going to be taken care of I just need to finish this groom this dog is going to be great and son is playing with his hair I don't know to play when you have the tail that is this mted you have to be very careful you don't want to injure the tail I remember the first time that I was doing a dog in this veterinarian station they told me be especially careful around the tail because if you injure the tail it's very hard to heal be because the dogs are moving their tail all the time and I have experience a lot of experience with this mag tails I normally cut on top and then I take scissors uh sorry the Clipper and then I do with the Clipper okay let's feel where is the end of his tail the tail goes all the way to here this is the end here this is just awful very very bad case of matting okay so the end of the tail is here [Applause] okay finally the tail is free just imagine having this on your tail okay now I'm going to do his legs his back legs this should be easier then doing that matted tail but we will see [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] f okay let's change the blade oh okay the veterinarian just examined him again and everything is okay [Music] is [Music] you f for littlee [Applause] spe that's this is a spray that cools lubricates and do infects the blade it's a very very good spray okay let I is okay so under the armpit I have to be careful this skin is softer and [Music] thinner okay so guys guys this dog belongs to a old old lady and I may be said I don't remember that we didn't catch this dog first time we were in the place where he was that he lived because he was just too aggressive and just we didn't do it and this dog belongs uh okay so the first time that we went to that place we saw a post on Facebook about a dog about the dog Que [Applause] so yeah the story uh when we were trying to catch him the last time we found out that this dog has an owner sorry guys I don't know where I stopped with the story the veterinarian came to clean these things and that is all good now and actually this dog uh yeah I found a a post on Facebook and I went there on in that place with Sonia and as I already said it takes more than 1 hour to get to the place so the dog was here then the dog was there and then they made a post like can someone follow the dog until we come and one one lady followed the dog and realized that dog dog was going inside of some yard inside the yard of some house and there was an old older lady and when they told the lady that we want to catch him groom him and find him home she was very sad and said that that's what's her that is her dog and that and that the dog showed up in her yard when her house husband died 5 years ago and that she and that one friend of her was taking the dog to a groomer from time to time until like 2 years ago uh because of her fin financial situation she couldn't afford it so we had a deal with that Granny because we didn't want to take away this dog this dog is like the only thing she has and we don't want the dog to be sad too so we made an agreement with the lady that that girl who was following the dog is going to help her with everything with the protection against fleas and ticks I mean later now we bought him uh the foresto color that we're going to put on later and she's going to help if the dogs sometimes need to go to the vet to a groomer because you know I leave 1 hour and 10 minutes of from that place and this lady can't wait for this dog to return home and I hope that we're going to maintain in great connections with [Applause] her so yeah we're going to hear from that woman we know the address that that other woman that is going to help her also know where she lives and it's kind of a happy ending we hope that everything will be all right okay the veterinarian just added a little more sedative and I'm going to do his head now [Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] look [Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] it's [Music] go [Applause] okay so the head is almost done guys in this video in these Grooms this groom I'm not going to give him a bat because I cannot do this when he's sedated and uh groom I mean a shave is going to be more than enough for him but we will make sure that he gets a bat soon uh because I bet that he's not going to be aggressive once he wakes up completely and realizes that he's not in pain anymore from this here because this here causes lots of pain pain causes stress and when the dog is stressed out the dog can be aggressive like he was and I bet that he's not going to be like that on his second groom I okay the veterinarian is closing but they stayed longer for us and this dog [Applause] [Music] foreign speee speee speech e [Music] [Music] and in this room I'm not going to worry about the details that much who cares if there are some here sticking out or if it is not even everywhere just want to take everything off this mats and this dirty here because you know the dogs dogs do not mind about their haircut people mind about dogs haircut there to [Music] now for L to [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I'm going to take the shorter blade just when I finish this part okay guys you don't have to be a groomer or a veterinarian to see that dog in that condition or suffering so if you know a someone who know who has a dog in this condition talk to them because these dogs are suffering prank that [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] d [Music] [Applause] [Applause] H what the [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] okay guys I think that we are done his nails are okay the veterinarian was also going to take a look at his ears and that's it for this groom as you can see some hair sticking out but this is enough and we'll see you later okay so we just finished at the vet again uh Bailey or the white dog is negative and jard is totally negative on 4V test he blood results are good and he is groomed as you can see he's not matted anymore so finally he does not have all of that here Billy on his back on his tail everywhere and he looks like a brand new dog B and and about his wounds on the back where he had Kates yes ker keratosis uh the woman that promised she will take care of him is going to give him antibiotics P club for the next 10 days and we also bought a foresto necklace for him and you also bought the what you Mil PR mil PR that will protect him against mosquitoes that spread heartworm because there are still some mosquitoes here in our country and that's it thank you for watching this video thank you for supporting us thank you for supporting our other channels cooking bya thank you ice cream lovers and if you didn't V uh check out if you didn't check out those channels check them out they're going to be in the description of this video thank you again and we'll definitely see you soon by thank you bye
Channel: Man's Best Friend
Views: 47,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pomeranian dog, animal rescue, dog rescue, indian spitz dog, sheep shearing, cat grooming, spitz dog, indian spitz, dog hair cutting, dog rescue videos, french bulldog grooming, matted dog, dog rescue transformation, matted dog grooming, dog grooming transformation, maltese shih tzu mix, bichon frise grooming, malshi, dog cutting hair, pomeranian dog haircuts, german spitz, shih tzu grooming, matted dog hair removal, deshedding a dog, german spitz puppies, stray dog, dog
Id: sWamtlVq31w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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