This Optical Illusion is Ruining Your Golf Swing

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I have had conversation after conversation with golfers that say the same thing and by the way golfers of all levels that this aiming illusion makes me play Bad Golf like there's nothing worse is there than thinking you've absolutely ripped one and it goes off in the wrong direction so in today's video we're going to cover these major talking points right here on how exactly to aim and it's not where you think your shoulders are aiming now if you're following this process on the golf course and you're wondering why you can't break 100 break 90 break 80 you miss it off to the right this simply could be just the reason why cuz look if I aim my shoulders now have a look at this some player cam right here my shoulders are aiming at the flag now how often do we stand to that gold ball hold the club up aim those shoulders and think yeah you know what my shoulders aim right well that's okay but if your shoulders are aiming right then when you place a golf club down your feet line which is aiming where our shoulders were directly down to the flag and then establish your bould target line this now is aiming so far off to the right just look at these here look where this lie on the left here is pointing straight at the 150 yard marker this represented where my shoulders are pointing and then my other line now my my right hand side line is aiming roughly 20 yards right straight towards that bunker there now that'll be killer would it hitting a great shot and ending up in there so let's fix it together we're going to start with it this way instead of starting with our shoulders having a look from there and then building down to the ball we need to do it in the reverse order we need to start from ball to Target line then Golf Club up to grip then body and shoulders last we have to build up from our ball to Target line not down to it now for this drill all you're going to need is three golf clubs plus the one you're hitting also decided to choose the hardest part three here at mcham Hall and yes we're going off the back I don't know why sometimes I just don't make it easier so if you're wondering where we get all the ideas to this channel well they simply come from you and we're answering these questions today we're answering the one from Ricky here plus two others and Ricky says explore pin prick alignment Alex Nar grow your aim even more in the future also helps you neutral your path so essentially here what Rick is saying there is aim small and that's how we're going to start but from ball to Target line up to shoulders not shoulders down so I've got my four golf clubs in my hand three of them I'm going to use to the drill one of them is the one I'm going to attempt to hit this par three at least one thing will be right I'll have my so the first thing I want you to do and I think this is an essential piece of this is set your ball the target line first but there's a difference I want you to close that non-dominant eye for me my right eye is my dominant eye and look down that arm okay and use your Club as a bit of a guide so I would stand directly behind my golf ball and look at this and player Cam and set that ball the target line pointing for this straight at the flag I'm then going to place my golf club down where I create a little Channel to where my Boulder Target line is pointing straight down towards that flag so if I stand behind this now with those first two golf clubs and it sometimes you know what takes a little bit of moving around set that ball to Target line so literally if you look straight down this now straight down there this is pointing straight at that flag really is pointing straight at that flag and that's key remember the illusion is that your shoulders are pointing in the right direction but it's really killing your game so step one was use your dominant eye to set your ball to Target line and picture that all the way through to Target step two was to create an hour Channel pointing all the way down towards Target and this is with driver it might be middle of the Fairway but since we're on the par three here it's straight at that flag this is step step number three so you can see we built this way now now I would place my third Golf Club down parallel to this this is the key area of the illusion okay the key area of the illusion you will notice that all three of these golf clubs now are running parallel to each other but if I stand behind this here and had a look where my feet line was aiming it it would be like whoa Alex that's aiming so far off to the left like look at this here can you see what I mean you've got these three lines and it looks like now it's pointing so far off to the left and if you looked at this from player Cam and look down here again I feel like my shoulders are aiming sort of left half of that green and certainly not at the flag but that's key you have to imagine this it's like two train tracks the right inside track is a aiming straight at your Target and the left one is aiming just left I call it parallel left alignment in the end like the illusion is the the train tracks is like they come together so don't worry if you stand here and this is what golf would say to me Alex I now feel like I'm aiming ridiculously left so once we've completed stage number three placing our butt feet line down we can now move on to stage number four and stage number five just in terms of this distances I plac these golf clubs roughly two Club head widths apart here and roughly sort of uh three or four Club head widths apart between our feet line and our ball Channel now that's not essential just make sure you've got them not too far apart or Too Close especially on the golf club we don't want to be smacking any of the clubs stage number four we've got to address the golf ball first then build up so looking at this from player cam I place my golf Club down and I'm creating a right angle between that Leading Edge of the golf club and the outer Club I now know there my club face is 100% Square which is really key stage number four make sure your Club face is square and simply stage number five is addressing that golf ball where we got our feet our hips and our shoulders running parallel to this line here like look at this in player cam again you you will stand here and you will feel like your body is aiming left it's not it's the illusion you've got to trust this process and these three Club alignment to make sure it's absolutely dialed in do this time after time to make sure you've got good alignment and I'm not going to lie I will be perfectly honest with you here it does feel strange but once you've got it nailed with whatever Club it is and I got four out here um you will become a lot better golfer you'll become more confident more consistent and I see right so many bad goal swings just come from poor alignment so I guess the final thing to do here is just hit one away straight down Target straight at the flag that is how you align yourself to Target no matter if you've got driver ions or whatever Club in your back thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and if you want to get involved here on the channel because I'm powered by you the viewer just simply as long as you subscribed you've turned on the Bell just pop your comment or query down below my goal this season is to help you play your best golf thanks for watching
Channel: AlexElliottGolf
Views: 60,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Optical Illusion is Ruining Your Golf Swing, how to aim in golf, aim correclty, aim in golf irons, aim, aim the golf club, optical illusion, aim to target in golf, how to aim the body and golf club, how to aim the golf club, how to aim golf club and hit straight, how to aim correctly in golf, How to Aim a Golf Club - Aiming the Club Face for Perfect Shots, aiming the club face, iron tips, driver tips, simple golf tips on sim, golf tips on aim, best golf tips on aim
Id: VGTrAzhcRws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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