This New Survivor Summons ARMIES in Risk of Rain 2

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today we tried out the highly requested Shaman mod in Risk of Rain 2 this Survivor centered around summoning really cool allies then combining them together to create even stronger monstrosities these allies also get all of your items so you know this is going to be a fun one many of you have requested I play as the shaman so that's what we're doing today Shaman really cool I tested it out a little bit like say how it works we have command on today just to show off the coolest Parts if you want to try it on your own mod link is always in the description for these type of videos so if you want to try out Shaman go check that out but let's go through what the kit looks like so first off the passive we got this little guy the acolyte he just kind of attacks things every 45 seconds I will get a new one of those on my team so you'll see in the bottom left our countdown 5 Seconds another one will spawn uh and we'll kind of have a little army of them at some point so now we have two he pops up over here and they'll do their thing our primary of course is actually a pretty underwhelming attack I think it does like 75% damage and attacks really slowly it's the one of the least cool Parts about the loadout now let's say my guys start to get low I get a little low I can go over here and M2 and then it heals everyone up which is super cool kind of like a very small ability not a super big one but charges pretty frequently so we can heal everyone up now if I click click shift now is not a good time to do it cuz I'm not very far away but if I click shift all of my allies will teleport to me and they'll gain a little barrier so they all kind of have a topz br effect Shaman also gets a second Jump by default which means it's a wax quill jump too so I gra wax Quil the final ability I had to wait until I have at least three acolytes to do I can kill all three of them essentially I can remove them from my team and summon a big guy we have the sh uh shamanic Shaman oh shamanic compound so now this thing a much stronger version of the little acolytes and we can keep combining them and as you can see we still get our normal acolytes on our team also similarly to engineer all of my little allies here do get my items uh but also similarly like engineer I have to spawn them after I pick the items up so once I have the items my current guys don't get anything but the new ones will oh my God we got a red out of a d D chest just a normal damage chest we get a red item oh my goodness I don't know what I want you know what because my primary is so underwhelming let's grab a brilliant Behemoth so all of these are going to explode just a little bit and do way more damage so look at here oh no I'm low Health uh-oh heal everyone just heals a t that's actually kind of broken that heal is actually kind of nuts and I get to sacrifice three more of my accolades for another shamanic compound so we can really just keep stacking these up for the entire run let's grab a void cradle we can heal up immediately oh I need to get in there oh I missed it I didn't realize you had to be in it so that's doesn't help a lot but look at how fast this heal is I mean it's every what 5 seconds I can get a full heal like that also something I read in the mod these guys can become void touch so I have to be very careful and oh my I guess we'll take aarma we are going to upgrade our allies one more time we should have three shamanic compounds we do lose one of them okay so it doesn't just take the little guys it does kind of upgrade everyone but let's do this get ready for TP we will summon everyone in with our uh with our Shields and we'll just go to town I mean everyone has a brilliant Behemoth now oh oh let's relax here so the Shaman's whole thing is I guess kind of just a summon and then let the summoned enemy or summoned allies here do all the work I hide I heal I heal them just move fast and get out of the way which is why I've been stacking mochas this stage uh which has been lovely so far I'm going to give myself an atg too because obviously we're going to do that also cuz I know I'm going to get questions about it cuz I had the question blast shower does not refresh the cool down uh to summon more of these guys very sad neither does alien head so I'm not sure if I can make that 45 second cool down any faster cuz trust me if I could I would now the real question is do I bring them along with me to the next stage that I don't know oh we don't keep any of them actually let me do this now so it doesn't uh okay cool we didn't even didn't even pop any we will get a wus I guess if it didn't reset every stage that would actually be kind of broken imagine like we just get to stack it up between stages forever that I could see how that would get out of hand really quickly oh the little uh these little guys actually do home in a little bit you'll see him kind of Chase down the lamaran that's helpful to know it's not like super good but it does home in a little oh okay our damage actually does stack pretty well because my fire rate is high it just kind of takes a while for the bullets to get there but once they do they actually do a considerable is amount of damage and for our first equipment I just feel like Shaman would work really well with the wings like I just feel like that's a good part of the kit right it just kind of fits I feel like it's very fitting and that's a pillow skip for us as you can see I've stacked up kind of a number of items here now we have six acolyte friends let's see what happens if combine them now do they get a do they get bigger is it oh okay so whoa what was that oh my God he's got new abilities okay that's what I thought so if I combine uh acolytes like this if there are enough of them I get stronger friends and I get to do it again for another super big one yeah I mean oh because we have the Dos wait that's disgusting wait I didn't even really okay I here okay let me let me let me give you this okay so when you have more acolytes and you use like the combined summon it gives you a stronger schematic compound or our our like our stronger bigger tier I thought that part of their ability was to summon a bunch more of these guys turns out that's the larvae so now every time I want to I can summon things twice in a row which is broken well anyway let's do teleporter let's get wing let's go up here and we'll just watch the action Beetle Queen stands no chance our guys are strong our guys are beefy and they are getting in there to do damage and they are not messing around that is it we get a green not a yellow but that's all right now here's the question I I'm not going to go and get banss myself because not only would it be annoying to roll pots with these guys running around but also they would just be green I could just get banss whenever I want we're on command the question is I don't have any abil ities that can proc a band do they I have no idea so I'm going to get a couple bands just to try it out let's move on to stage three and see if we can find one let's grab a jaros band I don't think the little acolytes are going to be able to do it but I wonder if the bigger ones can so once we actually have three now let's do it let's summon real quick I think I am Invincible when doing this but I can't move at all oh good oh good he most certainly can you'll love to see that and we'll summon it again because the they all revived with larvae yep yep and now we got two big guys and another red what do we even want here do I dare do I dare grab another yeah I do yeah I do so now we can summon way more allies cuz they're going to die they're going to die again and we're just going to keep using them like a necromancer esque character would I'm also purely out of curiosity going to grab a roll of pennies I'm curious that if every time my little allies get hit I get money cuz that would feel pretty nice all right let's try it we got more summoned in than in F yeah in 5 seconds I can do it again I can just simply do it again and I think maybe I can even do it one more time let's see how luck can we getting how lucky are we we can I think we can do it again let's try it out oh I think we need three base acolytes to do it but that makes things a lot quicker okay I think it is time for teleporter so let's summon everybody in here hit TP heal them all up and what is it clay dun strer it's outside okay guys get on out of here I don't want to fight it alone I'm scared please help me help me out here I'm actually you know what we're upgrading again and thank God we're Invincible doing this because that would be bad we get to upgrade oh oh yeah no it's good no it's good everyone come over here I need everyone on this side of the map we get strong guys let's do it one more time upgrade again I don't even know who we'll lose we should get there yeah so all the ones that are left are really really strong and they are obliterating these enemies come on over I'm going to have to get them over here in a second they are too far away and summon come on get the clay strier out of here come on teammates let's go oh they rinse oh they rinse quickly let's go get our yellow item and move on now I think these guys can Sprint I might do a little disciple I might just do a little disciple because I think my allies can Sprint which which means all of the new ones that I'm creating will have Little D's and that that's going to be miraculous wa magma warm right off the bat okay let's chill out on that front my goal for this stage is to wait a long time before my first combin summon because in the mod it says the more acolytes you have the more powerful the upgrade and I'm curious just how far we can push it so I'm going to wait until we get like 10 of these guys and we'll see how it goes and I do I see look the Little D's are coming off of him I'm not even going to Sprint I'm going to make him come this way we'll watch a little disciple do its work this guy's scaring me Dum uh where is he here he is go run go Sprint somewhere go Sprint and Little D around I want I want you to I want people to see it come on do it there it is the Little D you're going yeah perfect oh that's good a new equipment means means we can get a gun we get a free gun to use on I guess AO why not and a let's see if we can skip it somehow I doubt it but maybe no not quite we will take it out get a free red and a free yellow and choose what we're getting so our yellow I think we have to do a little charged perf and because of that our red is going to be a clover I'm looking for my squad to start proc chains like you wouldn't believe and you bet we're hitting the mountain Shrine we got a void cradle what are we looking at oh I was really hoping we would get that uh that beautiful poly loot I was prepping for it I got a ukulele but nothing here we do have what is that 78 acolytes on the squad I'm going to wait until I get two more I guess and then we'll hit TP and see what happens if we combine them okay do I have 10 of them I'm not sure I'm clicking this and we're going to combine how does this work it oh it gets rid of all of them okay and now I think what we have left is going to be insanely oh oh oh no it was oh no it was let's do it again let's combine everything again look at them all die we get to do it a third time actually I'm realizing just how broken the Dos is one more give me three of the most broken chematic compounds you've ever seen now these oh did we just get normal acolyte that's so lame but these guys should be Uber strong oh and we have because now we have yellow items we have these guys can getaz zo yeah we have AV void raver on our team that's huge four stages down two to go I'm looking for a grandparent so I can just pepper it with shots I'm not seeing much going on here see a littlear in this direction but we are at 30 minutes so we're pretty early we are destroying the Elder laran though and there it is it's just that simple here's the plan for the stage I guess I'm going to pick up attack speed cuz that's just super satisfying right now I'm going to pick up attack speed and I'm going to pick up uh well not really pick up but summon a bunch of allies now once I combine all the Allies that I've summoned they're going to respawn I'm going to do it once more they're going to respawn again so we have two strong compounds and then like 10 acolytes that all have Zoya here we go let's take on the big guy what's our damage look like oh it's good oh it's very good oh that's delightful oh my God we got another like full odds just red out of here I think I want to do head Stoppers just cuz right now a lot of these guys whoops are taking damage from falling and then they're almost dying I don't like that now unfortunately I don't think my little acolytes have the brain to use head Stompers that would be crazy if they could but uh unfortunately I don't think that's in their repertoire I've also been loading up on a couple little proc items we got bleed in there we got sticky bomb in there just a couple things for our guys to get pretty good use of also you can see the sheer amount of acolytes we have on the side of our screen which I'm going to let you know right now very excited to combine no idea how it's going to happen cuz there is a let's just say a larger fellow in the uh options in the monsters list I do not know when it comes into play or if I can summon it but the thing looks wild and I want to try to get it oh you got to be joking yo what do this run this is insane well another red um I don't even know like what do I want you know what do we need out of here I guess shattering Justice is a fun one like I don't know okay now that we have everyone here I'm going to summon twice or I'm going to combine twice let's combine once right here there's one this guy is going to be so beefy they all come back with Zoya now but I'm going to do it one more time cuz we have two plent larvas to get two shamanic is it shamanic or shamanic I don't know compounds and now we have all these acolytes with Zoya so here we go let's do it teleporter begins I'm not even going to shoot I'm going to let I'm not even going to Sprint I'm just going to stand Here let them do the work Z construct they never stood a chance I don't see any zoia coming out which is unfortunate I'm sure I will but uh I don't know maybe not oh there they are yep okay void River coming in it was just it was a little bit of a wait time but they are all here that is a little bit scary they're all void reavers too so if one of them were to explode they all explode everyone dies I could die I guess it doesn't matter cuz we have the Zoya but I mean not the Zoya the plop and larvae but still kind of frightening to have these guys on my team okay so I did a thing I summoned everyone to where I was and and then they got more enemies so yeah if I go away and I do this hold on in two seconds 1 second summon everything to where oh oh that's loud but I can heal everything up too I can't even move get me out of here luckily or unluckily depending on how my frames want to look at it we have the Ally cap turned off clearly so uh we're going to just build this so however high it's going to go I'm going to do one more summon cuz teleporter is done I do not think we have any Poss oh my okay yep I don't think we have a possibility of bringing in the big guy yet but if not I'll show it off after we defeat methric so here's the question right we can obviously skip pillars that's that's not a problem the the question is how long do I wait and how many little acolytes do I spawn cuz it'd be fun to have a bunch of them but also we got to keep in mind the timer we are only at 42 minutes that's pretty minimal I think I'm going to wait until I have about 10 friends I'm going to kill them all upgrade kill them all upgrade get the Zoya in and we're jumping into mythis so while we wait I guess I will tell you really quickly of course you could try this Mod on your own the shaman has a bunch of other skills alt skills uh I think I'm using one of the alt skills the normal shift is like an invisibility thing so go check out the mod try the skills I didn't show off in this video and let me know what you thought and also hit that subscribe button cuz we're climbing we're aiming for 20k that's the goal baby we got to get those numbers back up your support has been so amazing it's been wonderful so hit that sub button if you're enjoying videos three times a week and let's fight mythis and now I think that is 10 uh if not we're close enough we are going to combine them all one time here for the shamanic compound they all come back 1 second combine them all again into a second one boom and now they all come back let's do it let's get in there I actually wonder if my bullets are so slow if I could just do this and they're going to get there slow enough where he comes down no way they're that slow oh did they hit the ground or something no they still they just got there so late look at that look at the damage we are doing to oh my goodness mythis I am so sorry I am so sorry oh my goodness ready boom I can heal I I can bring them all to me so that none of them get caught by the blast of them in the air and they get Shield wow phase one was unbelievably fast let's work on phase two I'm going to take out this guy you guys take out the rest don't don't mind me I'm just here alone taking out this one guy okay how'd you guys do uh pretty good pretty good we got void reavers everywhere I'm expecting another group of zoia in soon phase three comes down look at the void man here's the other group of Zoya I mean I don't even know if he yeah I think he just dies yeah he doesn't even like yeah yeah he didn't even jump I mean that was a one shot jump he's going to take all of our items which is very scary so I'm going to get ready right here and we are going to teleport everything over cool let me let me get out of here let me get out of here oh my God and they're just going to town get him get him get him that is amazing mythis was unbelievably strong but the just amount of enemies we have on our team is crazy look at him just circle this is such an intimidating shot I think we could do pretty well against voidling so voidling is going to be tough we're definitely going to have to wait up here we have what one repulsion armor voidling will just run right through us if I'm not careful so I'm going to do what we did again charge up our little guys and we'll jump in I think we have a sufficient Squad so let's summon we'll do the usual boom into the shamanic compound or shamanic compound we'll do it again just to get that Squad a little bit bigger here we go good now we have two of them they're all going to come back let's go let's go down there I'm going to take my squad with me we're going to shift so everyone comes down as well am I going to get there I think I get there barely but I do all right Squad I need you to be like ready I cannot have voidling aiming at me okay I need him aiming at you I need you guys taking all the heat I am but a squishy little guy so let's just jump over here jump over one more time getting a little greedy and come on don't shoot at me don't shoot me come on Squad you guys got to do it I don't even want to be here you guys come on let's go fight him let's go fight him all right I'm I'm shooting I'm shooting team we got to get over here okay he can't be shooting at me or I'll die okay I need you guys in the lead cuz whoa that's a lot of damage although we do have larva although we do we would lose bands if that happen Squad can we get over here please ready I'm going to do this very purposely oh my God I can't see everyone's here go go crazy where did he hello hello wa where did where did he go did you guys see that what just happened what hath occurred okay well phase two let me get over there real quick um I need to make sure that I don't die I'm I'm running in I'm running I have a plan I have a plan if he starts to hurt me we can we can heal but I'm going to send everyone in heal everyone up oh man get me out of here get me out of the crowd all right go to town go to town Squad oh hopefully he doesn't do a weird teleport thing again that was scary oh if he black holes though we're in in trouble we are in trouble if he does that oh I'm not high enough oh my goodness go go go get up there that was frightening oh that is a lot of friends that we have lost today on the battlefield summon I need better guys I need stronger guys is this a black hole coming in I do not want to be over here if it is I'm going to try to get out I think I'm in Wing prison which is not my favorite place to be we do have void jailers going crazy I'm expecting a black hole there it is there it is we might have to reset our summons a little bit watch the left side of our screen empty out ready uh-oh uhoh oh that oh that's a lot oh that's a lot of friends we're losing oh my okay well now it's up to actual Shaman we do have two compounds left which is very helpful they are very strong doing their Duty I could have teleported everyone away I'm realizing uh maybe that's that might be on me chief that might be on me I'll give it to you I'll I'll take the front of that one we can definitely win this phase if phase three comes around I'll know what to do okay here we go we got to get over here we have a pretty small Squad if I'm going to give it to you straight not my favorite thing I'm doing this when we're safe in here I can summon because the people we lose are going to probably come back to be honest and let's go and let's get in there they all come back we have void jailers and void things we'll summon everything over heal everything up here we go it's time if he black holes we can teleport everyone away which will be a giant brain play but we have to just do as much damage as we can I'm I'm hearing guys are low I'm feeling the health might be a little bit on the low side okay here's what we're going to do here right watch this this is a genius hold on yep save everyone up here and now he's yeah that was smart oh my God the big brain play is massive brain although if he black holes now uh we have 10 seconds left before Badness so can I get to the ground cuz I can feel it here it is 3 seconds come on come on I'm shifting I'm trying oh we got it everyone that was actually huge I know they're still getting pulled in but I think we can survive boys I think we can survive that was good oh that was really good we're still in a good spot here we go give everything we got Shaman use your primary as well as you can almost dead I'm going to bring it we over and do all your damage voidling has been defeated voidling fight actually really interesting with all these allies because allies are your main source of damage the black hole is super bad but using your tele port with the black hole like very strategically is like a really Dynamic way to do that fight I had a lot of fun with that one here are the items that got us there now don't go anywhere I will show you the crazy like enemy Ally thing I don't know how to get it in the game if anyone knows how let me know uh I saw it in the monster list maybe you just have to Loop a couple of times no idea but let's take a look okay so here we are just on like a distant Roost I hear some Golems I want to go find cuz this thing is mad strong okay sir I'm going to try something out on you we're going to bring up our menu oh this is I'm just going to wait hold on don't hit me thank you I'm going to bring up our menu we're going to set it to player and I'm spawning this thing okay get out of here cuz it looks like this I don't know what it is but it's really freaky I have no idea how to summon it in game what it costs what it requires but it looks it's a biblically accurate acolyte I guess it looks crazy um if you know how to get it let me know otherwise I mean enjoy the mod for yourself see if you guys can find it with that being said hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time
Channel: TrentoMento
Views: 74,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk of rain 2, risk of rain, risk of rain 2 gameplay, risk of rain 2 review, risk of rain 2 dlc, rain, risk, risk of rain 2 ost, risk of rain 2 mods, risk of rain 2 обзор, risk of rain 2 drone, risk of rain 2 update, risk of rain 2 tc-280, risk of rain 2 mithrix, risk of rain 2 tier list, risk of rain 2 but tc280, risk of rain 2 final boss, risk of rain 2 mod review, risk of rain 2 walkthrough, risk of rain 2 clay templar, risk of rain lore, risk of rain mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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