The Best ITEM COMBOS In Risk of Rain 2

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number 10 squid pup with a remote caffeinator we're starting off with a pretty obscure one squid pup spawn a squid turret every time you open an interactable they're kind of seen as a meme item their damage isn't the greatest and they do have a pretty short shelf life now if you haven't played in a while it's interesting to note that one of the last updates we got squid turffs were buffed in a pretty big way during the early days of the DLC it was common for void infestors to infect squid PPS which would basically instakill the player from a prolapse to counter this hope who made a few changes to the squid turrets including taking their knockback force from 0 to 2,000 2,000 knockback Force might sound like a lot but it's really not that crazy however stacking squid pops does not increase the damage stat it increases the attack speed stat and with the added knockback it makes enemies Go full Team Rocket squids get really crazy when you start stacking them they actually scale their damage with the enemy's level and not your own so if you're fighting level 99 enemies your squid will also be level 99 this makes its damage really consistent they pack quite a punch when you have a few stacks even so they still have the problem of low survivability lasting 30 seconds in Monsoon and only 15 in Eclipse but with a remote caffeinator not only does buying drinks spawn squid turrets but it heals them as well the squid turrets go crazy with this type of build this is one of my favorite synergies it's just two mediocre items coming together to form something greater than the Su of their parts it's a pretty crackpot Synergy but it works really well full disclosure I was originally going to put bands with capacitor here but I feel like we've talked about those those items enough and this one is just so much more interesting at number nine gas plus ignition tanks gas every time you kill an enemy you create an explosion burning nearby enemies and ignition tank makes those Burns three times stronger on its own this is a great Synergy and one I look for in every run but stacking them can bring the Synergy to ridiculous New Heights stacking gasoline increases both the radius and duration of the burn of the two this is definitely the better one to stack if I had a choice between 10 gas and one ignition tank and one gas and 10 ignition tank tank S I would definitely take the former but ideally you'll have the ability to stack both this is a pretty rare situation but if you ever find a stage that has both a gasoline and ignition printer get ready to say goodbye to most of your other White items the gameplay should speak for itself here High stacks of these can screen wiped entire stages the only kind of bad thing about the Synergy is that because gas is an onkill item it has limited usage on mythri you need to forgive me please and even then it doesn't have the same punch it does on regular stages where it chains off every enemy but regardless it's a great Synergy and one everyone needs to try out at least once the next item on today's list is Lord vipen what can I say about Lord vipen Lord vipen is a wonderful wonderful man Lord vipen protects my grandson and helps me watch region lock content oh wait no that's actually that's actually nordvpn the sponsor of today's video Lord vipen is this guy apparently I don't lie that was actually pretty good but not as good as nordvpn the eling VPN service provider that keeps your online experience secure and private whether you're browsing the web streaming your favorite content or looking at bungus nor VPN has got you covered it's just a great tool to have it's really important to encrypt your data especially if you're using public Wi-Fi your traffic is always encrypted and nor doesn't track or share what you do online but it's also a great tool for getting around region loot content recently I've been watching Rick and Morty which isn't available on Netflix in the US but it is available in Australia I also remember when I was a we lad in high school my school tried to block YouTube at one point and kids were able to get around this by using nordvpn there are so many situations where it's come in handy and I'm happy they're sponsoring this video because it's a great product for a limited time nordvpn is offering 4 months free for my viewers with the purchase of a 2-year subscription the standard tier is only $3.3 a month which is about 11 cents a day and if you don't like it it has a 30-day money back guarantee so go to nordvpn / disputed origin or click the link in the description to take advantage of this limited time offer thank you Nord for sponsoring this video at number eight will of the Wisp plus uke this is yet another area of effect combo will of the Wisp is similar to gas in that when you kill an enemy it creates an explosion dealing damage to nearby enemies but unlike gas the explosion from Willow the Wisp has a 1.0 proc coefficient meaning it can combo with stuff like atgs sticky bombs or in this case ukuleles ukes have a 25% chance to chain lightning to three nearby enemies for 80% % of the damage of the thing that proed it wisp explosions often hit multiple enemies at once chaining the explosion damage onto ukes for a much chunkier area of effect blast this on its own is nuts but there's an even stronger variant of this if you switch out ukulele for sentient meat hook meat hook is essentially just a stronger ukul Al dealing more damage and affecting 10 enemies instead of just three but Mi hook also has an effect where it pulls enemies together so because of this you can create an explosion with Wisp and then pull nearby enemies into the explosion with meat hook H which in turn kill them creating more explosions proing meat hook even more and if you have both meat hook and uke it just creates utter Carnage you can also switch out will of the Wisp for voids and Flame it's basically the same as wisp except the explosion occurs when the enemy is at full health not when they die the explosion from shatter spleen can also act as a replacement for Wisp since it also has a proc coefficient this combo is just nuts and probably my favorite atam interaction in the entire game at number seven poly Loot and plasma SHRM this is a pretty common Synergy it's I've mentioned in multiple videos it's one that really showcases the power that some of these void items have poly loot is obviously the corrupted ukulele and instead of dealing lightning damage to nearby enemies it hits the same enemy multiple times taking an area of effect item and turning it into a busted single Target item plasma shrimp is the corrupted atg it turns 10% of your health into shield and so long as you have the shield up plasma shrimp will fire up missiles on every hit this includes all items that have a proc coefficient like ukulele the perforators little deciple and so on on the reason shrimp is broken is because it ignores the proc coefficient for these items for example a poly loot has a proc coefficient of2 and atg has a hit chance of 10% multiply these together and this means you would have a 2% chance to proc an atg off a poly but you have a 100% chance to proc a shrimp if this is confusing and you're thinking what the hell is a proc coefficient what just happen I have a video where I explain it a little more thoroughly shrimp will fire on every hit of a poly Loop which is some insane damage multiplication if you happen to find an ICBM it gets even crazier firing out three shrimp on every poly loot proc both poly Loot and plasma shrimp are amazing items in their own regard but when comboed together they become one of the best synergies in the game real quick if you're enjoying the video please consider subscribing I'm currently facing charges for unlawfully feeding hard candy to pigeons in the park I'm in a lot of trouble Chad thundercock is the best prosecutor in the state and he's been after me for years ever since the famous McDonald's ballpit Kur fuffle of ' 87 so to help me with my legal fees and consider subscribing number six is head stomper plus quails and a little bit of movement speed head Stompers is perhaps the most controversial item in the game it's effect on paper sounds pretty good increased jump height creates a 5 m to 100 m radius kinetic explosion on hitting the ground dealing 1,000 to 10,000% base damage now a lot of players don't realize how big of an impact this actually is from Max height one stomp can easily nuke an entire stage it's possibly the most devastating attack in the entire game but the problem then becomes how do you reach Max site most survivors don't have abilities that can get them high up in the air and there are very few items that give vertical mobility Your Best Shot is egg and even with that you'll need a few fuel cells if you want to get to Max height this is where wax Quail comes in wax Quail has an interesting interaction with the increased jump height from Stoppers where jumping on a slope gives you a large boost straight up with the more speed you have the higher up you'll go this is an extremely elegant way to get to the top of the map and one that doesn't require an equipment with a cool down since slopes are everywhere you basically get to use this whenever you want wax Quail is essential if you want to get the most out of your head Stompers and this combo is the reent head Stompers is a strong Contender for best item in the game and number five we have shatter spleen with crit shatter spleen has one of the longest descriptions in the game gain 5% critical chance critical strikes bleed enemies for 240% base damage bleeding enemies explode on death for 400 damage plus an additional 15% of their maximum health in layman's terms this item basically has two effects one critical strikes will now bleed enemies and two when an enemy that's bleeding dies it creates a powerful explosion now I don't know if it needs to be stated just how powerful bleed can be tri-tips and syringes almost made it on this list being able to apply bleed with crits is huge for a lot of survivors crit is something you should be investing in anyway so being able to stack bleed with them makes it a lot more worthwhile this is what shatter Spen is famous for but I'd argue the secondary effect is the even better one bleeding enemies explode for 400% damage with a bonus 15% of their Max Health that 15% is massive as it's the only area of effect item in the game that scales with the enemy's Health if you kill an enemy with 1 million Health the explosion will deal 150,000 damage and with just a few crowbars and watches these numbers can get even crazier the explosion just eliminates enemies left and right when you have a spleen with a decent amount of crit very rarely will you get overwhelmed shatter spleen and crit are a Godly combo speaking of Godly combos at number four we have watches crit armor piercing round crowbar and sometimes Focus Crystal while this isn't the flashiest entry on the list it's arguably the best and most consistent I've said it before and I'll say it again all you need to win a run is the right combination of these wide items these damage items all multiply off each other making for some insane damage outputs and the cool thing about these items is they're just white so they don't take up a lot of item real estate and they increase the effectiveness of about every other combo on this list with a couple exceptions that's all I'm going to say about these guys because I made a full video on this combo a few years ago so go check that out if you want a more in-depth look at this one but moving on to number three we have forgive me please and soulbound Catalyst this is one that has come up a lot recently this is a really cool one because both of these items have mirrored effects forgive me please is an equipment that activates your on kill effects and soulbound is an on kill effect that lowers your equipment cool down this effectively creates a feedback loop when forgive me please first came out this combo would actually crash your game they patched it later making it so you can only have a Max of three forgive me pleases on a stage at a time time but this does make me wonder if this combo was unintentional it would seem like these items were meant to be used together but if that was the case you would think it wouldn't have crashed your game on release just an interesting tidbit that has kind of bothered me for years now this combo on its own doesn't do a whole lot of anything it requires items to work actually a lot of the stuff we've already mentioned like gas ignition tanks will the Wisps ceremonial daggers are another really good one bottled chaos can go crazy with this setup it does require a lot but for a looped run this is what you're looking for for just the ability to spam all of these items makes it by far the best late game damaging equipment soor preon nothing even comes close to the power of a good forgive me please build now I haven't really talked a lot about luners on this list but that doesn't mean lunar have no Synergy there's actually a few good combos that almost made it on this list corpse Bloom with reju rag Transcendence with plasma shrimp and shape glass with watches all great combos in their own rate but the next spot blows all of these out of the water at number two spinal tonic and gesture of the drown lunar items are unique in that they give the player a choice to get a really powerful item but in exchange a negative effect will also be given perfectly balanced as all things should be except that's just incorrect In the case of spinal tonic in gesture the negative effects cancel each other out leaving you only with the positives final tonic is famous for the Bonker stat boost it provides with the increasing damage by 100% attack speed by 70% armor by 20 maximum health by 50% passive Health regeneration by 300% and movement speed by 30% by far one of the best equipments in the game the downside in this case is that every time you use it it has a 20% chance to give you a debuff that permanently decreases all of your stats permanently is in Big Air quotes since it goes away temporarily while tonic is active this is where gesture of the drown comes in decreasing your equipment cooldown with a downside being that it activates automatically which is actually a win in this case since it means you don't have to click the equipment button every time with a few gestures you can have permanent uptime on onic making the rest of the game a walk in the park since you've basically doubled your base stats iconic combo and one of the oldest in the game topped only by number one which is actually one of the newest in the game only being possible with a DLC item the number one combo in the game is spare drone parts and empathy cores and it's not even close spare drone Parts is a red item that spawns an attack drone with it also giving other drones a chain gun and a missile launcher on its own this is already one of the best items in the game if you find it all you need is drones and you'll have a good run it's seriously that strong but when you add in empathy cores a boss item that spawns two soless probes that gain attack power with every Ally it's jover this thing is insane to put it in perspective I was able to beat Eclipse 8 with these two items alone and nothing else and it was a c rock and I don't think the same could be said for any of the other entries on this list even tonic gesture requires additional items this combo has been incredibly dominant within the speedrun community with some people even in favor of banning it due to it making making runs more luck and less skill the real issue with this combo is just its Rarity requiring both a red and a yellow item the vast majority of runs won't have it but in the off chance you do happen to get this Godly combo you might as well just quit to title because you already know what the outcome is going to be but that's it for today's list let me know in the comments if there were combos I overlooked there's so many amazing combos in this game and I might not even be aware of all of them as always if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing we're getting awfully close to 100,000 thank you to everyone that watched this far and thank you to my members for supporting the channel as well as nordvpn for sponsoring this video tat for now
Channel: Disputed Origin
Views: 96,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YeOMV7Vkrkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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