Everything NEW Coming to the Calamity Mod... (Full Roadmap)

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I've compiled a list of over 1,000 unique Calamity spoilers some you've definitely not seen before from item reworks to boss changes this video contains everything you can expect from the next update as well as a road map of what's to come in the future so let's begin with the upcoming sunken sea biome expansion update this will be the very next major update in a series of updates aiming to drastically improve existing Calamity biomes with the order something along the lines of the sunken sea into the brimstone cck here are the newest small baby variants of ghost spells as well as the adult version these are passive Critters that deal contact damage and will have a unique rework to their functionality in which instead of killing these Critters to obtain the voltaic jelly accessory you'll now actually need to catch a special variant of the baby ghost bell with a bug net think of like INF ferms abast where you capture the hearing staff with the vast arow of ghost Bells there'll also be added fishies and even new Critters such as seahorses to add more life into the Calamity biome additionally two new Mini bosses are set to arrive this update with one of them hinted at being a promoted version of the cidron As for the biome layout there's been mention of the sunken sea broken into many different sub biomes at the transition layer between the desert and sunken sea will be an area called the Timeless Shores filled with some terrifying Undead creatures moving into the upper layer within the sunken sea you'll find the Statue of the Forgotten King we don't know whether this will be purely Aesthetics or has some unique functionality but definitely a nice addition and finally all that's known so far is the oxygen starved cave the main sun and sea chamber where you're able to fight the newly resided giant Clan as for additional crits that are being worked on we have a redesign of the gem crawler enemies and a potential new Bumble bird pair rubbing the surface jungle looking closely into the 400 or so change log so far we have a list of new weapons being added a new set of orig furniture and with the orig tiles now being able to send both golf balls and NPCs flying I also noticed that the Harvest staff is being completely reworked and their Twitter showcasing the cutest little boy just strolling around indicating it's most likely going from an early game Mage weapon to Summoner orientated other notable changes you can expect to see is a mini rework to the soul edge with improved visuals projectile homing and making it shoot three Souls per swing and pretty much a gameplay revert of the territ now once again being able to home onto targets and also making it shoot a whole lot faster than it is currently a lot of these reworks aren't public however what I can show you is the hi this is a post plaguebringer Goliath rocket launcher which can now shoot a wide volley of four missiles that explode on contact with either enemies or tiles this can also be charged up to launch a more devastating nuke on impact and yeah maybe be careful when using rockets that destroy tiles this is the same developer responsible for the recent kingsbane rework as well as the arc NOA line I noticed a trend towards more unique Ranger weapons with each having its own charging mechanisms lastly are the pretty much finalized res Sprites of all the airite equipment coming with within the next update for the melee class you will have your wind blade for the road class we have the turbulence as well as a new weapon the dragon Fang as for Rangers the G force will be Reed however it's not public at the moment but we do have a new glove weapon called The guilded Gatherer that just looks awesome Mage uses with the new fan weapon the Tailwind tasin as well as The Melody of paradise and lastly Summoners which of course is getting the long awaited Calamity whip called the sky caller lash you may have also noticed as T which at the very least we can assume this takes inspiration from the camping mod allowing you to set up a tent for temporary spawn points the next few weapons were planned reworks with no expected release date this includes the change to the elemental Blaster now reworked into the elemental saw launcher holding left click charg to the saw and it's able to be released to rapidly spin outwards shooting bullets and the same artist who did that is also responsible for the Recently respited murasama as we know the murasama is not officially done yet the recent mini rework is what seems like a Prelude to a major one coming in the future we have official confirmation that the murus arm will get an Arsenal armor treatment meaning a new Dron station and it will be able to be upgraded throughout progression gaining new abilities and special modes furthermore we do have some awesome color variants to the murus armor these are colors representative of the clamy devs and will be Shima variants to swap between the different petts and hopefully maybe this mura Sumer bug gets a fixed as well finally oon has stated plans for Nan black sets and Miracle matter weapons this was quoted 3 years ago however we do have some recent confirmation that Miracle matter is getting another weapon and judging from the array of existing Miracle matter weapons it's either going to be for the melee or Summoner class there's a lot to be excited for and what better than calamity's Master mode compatibility coming in the next update apart from exclusive Pets the objective of these set of changes aims to no longer just make Master mode stat increases to every enemy and just calling it a day we have new calam balance changes such as reduce Master mode enemy HP by 25% reduce enemy projectile values by 10% and reduce enemy contact by 10% special mechanics will also be integrated such as enemies having their unfair contact damage outright removed some examples include harpies giant curse skulls and icy merman as for master mode bosses you can expect to see their AI changed as well there is literally pages of changes so I'll just flash them on screen for you guys to read all you need to know is that it will actually feel like a new difficulty and Hope good fun as well and the last topic I'll cover in this update is the adrenaline mini rework we know currently when you get hit whilst charging adrenaline you will lose all of it even if it was just a tiny bit of damage now with these new changes hits PA the meter for 1 second and enemies that damage you for 5% of your max HP will only partially deplete the meter scaling with the amount of damage taken this will make it easier to charge up adrenaline but to compensate we have a Nerf to its damage values I personally welcome this change as I know for a fact once I get to post midl Lord I'll use usually get hit before I have a chance to use my journalin meter but feels bad for the professional no hitters these are all the guaranteed things I know will be in the next update so now let's talk about future upcoming content to Calamity starting with the desert Scourge which will be getting a re spite the slime God which will be respited and reworked Showcases of an eban slime with wings and a Crim slime Paladin with spikes as for the ravager this has plan to be rered and reworked to a post Providence boss with the aim to make him more unique and potentially the primary boss to access blood flow armor there is concept art and Sprite already made however it is not public at the moment the same thing can be said for the Great Sand Shark which will also be reted at some point in the future as for other mini bosses of course we've mentioned the giant clam but expect to see significant changes to the armored Digger renamed to the deconstructor and consisting of three T's at major points of progression signis with the resprite to the boss and a fullon overhaul to the fight once the Sprite is complete devour of gods which will be a full-blown work as for the actual boss fight itself we have a significant size increase in comparison to what we have currently it's important to mention the number of segments will be reduced to compensate yarin is still currently being worked on with some new shading in the most recent iteration Supreme clamas has a surprise re Sprite plan which will actually come in the newest Calamity 2.0.4 update there is no major public spoilers however here's one pixel for you thanks Calamity mod Twitter these are what's in store for the current bosses in Calamity however as many of you may be aware three more are yet to arrive and will most likely take a long long time for its arrival yarum will canonically be the final boss pertaining to Calamity law as well as two postgame super bosses being zerok and noxus remember these are powerful gods and will be built to be insanely hard there are no spoilers of what any of these would do but so far we have official concept art of xerox's pre- Ascension form this won't make its way into Calamity but I might as well showcase it that's all for major boss spoilers and now let's cover NBCS and non- Boss characters firstly we have the sea god residing within the sunken sea though not much is known about its role in the actual Calamity mod we can take information from the Beast Theory to indicate that the sunken sea was unified under two Gods otulu the goddess of electricity and the god of the sea additionally status is probably one of the most well-known Side characters with many references already in the game citing from the official law document he was the legendary ninja and his clan worshiped the slime God it is said that he is still alive and has made a deal with sness in order to to escape banishment from the Distortion biome whilst not a mini boss or a for you can fight status will be a Wandering Quest NPC with the final quest being the signis fight and along with him we have the official art concepts of who I like to call the friend of status bra both these characters do jaram to a stand still and has also been confirmed to not be a pernament town NPC but a wandra that can be found within the Distortion subw whether he sell gear or provide side quests the only relevant information I have is a potential braer armor set which should take over the the current silver melee more on this on the armet section lastly a quick talk about Shimmer NPC variants it's been almost a year since these were announced with plans of the serus and Bandit NPCs however no other news have been said about it but since we've been hinting at the Distortion let's Now cover future plans for every single known sub world for Calamity the most infamous and well-known sub world we have so far is the Distortion to access it you need to defeat the cess void within the 4C archive don't forget this structure was hinted to have a future use leading to the Distortion biome with a massive Arena to fight the devour of gods outskirts of the subor will most likely have other content as well such as new enemies to obtain endothermic energy and Nightmare field all the possibility of distortion ores that you can mine up as triangle has stated the removal of cosmolite drops from the devour of gods as for other sub worlds you can expect to see the dragon's area pent to where yaram will reside now if you're a builder you're going to love these new additions monoliths are items that activate background and Screen shaders and will be introduced for certain Calamity bosses and events these include the cryogens Aurora Sky plaguebringer monolith Leviathan monolith ashal Globe devour of gods monolith the EXO Obelisk yarn's draconic incense and even the Boss Rush monolith which has to be my absolute favorite so what about the list of armor sets coming in the future as stated by many devs we're shifting away from five helmet armor sets towards more specialized pieces for each class the priority list is as f follows and will be reworked periodically instead of all at once ever since my previous videos some has received drastic improvements so let's start off the list again in progression order beginning with aerialite this will be for the Mage and Ranger class and you'll notice the chest plate is also different as well as mentioned prior accompanying the armor set will be a full list of airite equipment so what about other classes at this stage of the game if you aren't a fan of the specialized approach Arsenal armor sets may be what you're looking for a predominantly multiclass based set with massive customization potential we have the first of three level of Arsenal armors with T1 being available at aerialite these special abilities have mostly been finalized where the player can choose between three specials the utility bonus summons a drone which illuminates the surrounding area and pressing the hot key button will allow your drone to scan nearby enemies traps and treasure the offensive bonus in which either damaging killing or just over time scrap metal will be dropped filling a new resource bar pressing the armor set bonus key will partially cons stent bar and shoot homing scrap missiles that can explode into additional shrapnel and lastly defensive SL Mobility bonuses instead of the previously mentioned scrap bar the player will instead receive an energy bar you can either keep the bar unused for a move and jump speed boost or consume the meter for a powerful pulse Shield that scales with its charge moving on to the next preh hard mode set we will see a rework to satel being sumona Rogue and melee specific whilst we don't have any existing spite for it we can can infer from the status concept art which has been confirmed to be similar in appearance next we have an early work in progress bromstone Craig's armor set for the Mage class and to roundoff preh hard mode is a brand new Evil 2 Rogue set this will be post preators /iv mind with a unique design for their corresponding corruption and Crimson counterpart moving on to Hard Mode we have the dadless armor which will now be Rogue and Summoner related with their designs mostly finished hydrothermic would now be Mage and melee exclusive with designs still being a working progress and our second Arsenal T2 armor set which will be available post plague bringer Goliath utilizing infected platings these don't have detailed descriptions like T one mostly because they'll be released way into the future however feel free to check out the previous iterations moving on to post Moon Lord armor set we're getting our final Arsenal tier3 upgrades available at post Providence similar to tier 2 special abilities at this T haven't been finalized once again feel free to check out the previous IDs as for the existing tagon armor set this will be removed or replaced in the future with talks of either a profaned armor set revolving around the three Guardians Omega blue whilst not a total rework has been announced we can expect to see some tweaks to the tentacles godslayer has gone through many iterations with this being the most updated resprite and will still be for the Rogue Ranger and Summoner classes whilst melee users will obtain the silver armor set it's unknown whether a braa set will change this decision but we'll just have to see as for orig Tesla we still have the five helmet approach with the Summoner class melee Mage Rogue and Ranger as for our final armor sets we have demon shade and EXO suits demon shade would no longer be a jack of all trades multiclass set but a focus on class specialization whilst EXO armor will now be the generalized allrounder here is the base form and allows you to apply stat customizations like Arsenal then we have the overheated platforms these will have their own preset stats and over time it turns the player defense into attack stats until it reaches a Max boiling point where it will discharge all the energy into a giant death rate and lastly is the tank for this is the replacement of the previous Miracle plating with enhanced regeneration and damage reduction that's a lot of armor sets and I have to reiterate this will not be released in One update Calamity will go from preh hard mode and work the way up making sure every aspect of progression is polished the last thing I want to touch up on is EXO Avalon compatibility this mod is probably one of the oldest mods in t- mod loader and is one of the main reasons Calamity exists today unlike other popular Calamity add-ons such as Catalyst or infernum these aren't really official and the EXO Avalon will be the first for official support with Fabs Soul stting possibilities for Boss AI Avalon super hard mode support biome support such as the contagion recipe support enemy drop support and probably a whole lot more that was basically the entire Calamity roow map recapped some things obviously have to be kept secret but hopefully you've enjoyed this video subscribe and goodbye
Channel: MURA
Views: 226,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria update, calamity, calamity update, terraria mods, terraria calamity mod, mura, terraria calamity mod roadmap, all new calamity spoilers, mura calamity spoilers, calamity armorset rework, calamity god slayer changes, calamity mod xeroc, new calamity mod boss changes, calamity sunken sea update, sunken sea biome expansion, all new weapon reworks for calamity, murasama shimmer variants, official concept art calamity, yharim new official teaser, 22 bullet theory
Id: TbiTT5dKNOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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