This Minecraft Herobrine Mod is Genuinely Terrifying (S1E1)

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why is there an iron goleming here man do I need I need to get out this is my [ __ ] you oh my Lord all right you know what I really cannot say that I am looking forward to this but in this video I'm going to be playing with the from the fog uh data pack and essentially as Herobrine to your world I think everyone's heard the name at least once in their in their lives and if you haven't basically just a little bit of a Minecraft CreepyPasta you can also just go Google it you will find lots of results on that but I'm gonna be playing it from the Vlog today and it's apparently going to add Herobrine to my world and let him scare the absolute [ __ ] out of me so enough talking let's get into it create new world okay I have to I have to put in the actual data pack but for the world name I'm going to call it hero Bean that sounds like a lovely name I'm [ __ ] terrified okay I could barely create words oh God I kind of forgot I put in a Shader pack for this so this Shader pack is called the insanity Shader pack and I kind of forgot that I activated it for just to make the game scarier so I guess I'm just going to treat this like normal survival I did change some level configurations to make sure he can't do [ __ ] like crash the [ __ ] game because that would just get really annoying after a while honestly so but like it's basically all the same like he he just can't do really like annoying [ __ ] like crashing after like crash in the game and I'm probably just gonna keep playing with it with this Shader on because it does add to the creepiness like that is terrifying I really don't like that so so I guess the first thing I'll do is just get a good old wooden pickaxe good old pick aches just to get some Stone and then call today and then and then like Oh no just just drop it off somewhere and never use it ever again so that's a cave down there I don't know if I want to go in the caves actually because him in a cave would actually be terrifying I would not like that but I do I do I do need Stone so oh yeah no I [ __ ] hate those okay it's just so foggy down there how would I even know where he is oh I really don't [ __ ] like this oh apparently it takes like three or four days for him to actually start haunting you so we're in the clear for now I I know I could probably change it but I think I just want to keep it like the baseline from the fog experience so the first thing I'm probably going to use a sword so I could get some uh decent food in my belly so let me just you know annihilate callous a little bit I know you probably lived a good life but I really don't care because I need food I know I know karma's probably gonna come back at me whenever he starts haunting me but for now I need to take out all of my violent tendencies early so that like I don't get angry later because he is going to be very scary so I think maybe I should probably find the village or something like that I don't think I want to live a solitary life without with Herobrine stalking me I think I would rather just try and find a village or something to take their stuff because stealing from others is normally better than um getting stuff yourself I'm just saying I hope there are no like impressionable kids watching me I'm just gonna get a furnace because uh I need food I don't think I have any anything to [ __ ] cook food with yeah this is always a sign that you're that you're you're just not doing good in this game whenever you have to use wood to [ __ ] cook your food it's just it's usually just an indication that you're not doing that well I don't see any cool oh there's some cool okay I'm gonna get some food I'm gonna head down there and I'm gonna mind that cold and then I'm probably gonna Embark trying to find a village it always feels like it's night time too most because he keeps disappearing from the [ __ ] clouds getting an upgrade indeed now I can actually mine is a little bit faster which is worth it for me okay so we got uh pretty much the the entire tool set besides the hoe but let's be honest who the [ __ ] uses that so we should be okay so I'm gonna go off and try it and locate a village or something it's like look at that anything could could be in that thought [ __ ] Godzilla could be [ __ ] out there just lumbering along and I'm just going to go straight into the fog because I need content and I need to get scared for your guys's enjoyment the things I [ __ ] do for YouTube views I swear man yes a village oh my god there was just a village like not even not even a thousand blocks away from Spawn all right you know what this is absolutely perfect it's probably as good as it's gonna get for a [ __ ] data pack like this I'm really not looking forward to like seeing him the first time but we got a blacksmith all right oh yes you know what I [ __ ] love this game I I absolutely love this game look at all this good [ __ ] okay so I should probably sleep because it is getting very dark holy [ __ ] that happened fast okay so this is this is day one being passed me much there's all my configuration stuff okay so first things first I'm probably gonna have to loot this Village I'm going to have to get everything out from here there's a bring stand in there I do not need one right now I also want to keep all the villagers alive so I'm probably gonna block this off so that they don't fall into the well oh yes I love stealing their food for the winter I love taking a [ __ ] entire cities worth of food from from the starving populace I love it guys does that basically make me a capitalist I think it does we have a lot of food around here oh you you'd love to see it okay I'm probably gonna sleep in here I think this is I think this is a good enough situation it's a big enough house it works unless unless it's like a bigger one I don't know also if you do want this to be a series which I mean like why wouldn't you this seems to be a very cool data pack I will make it a series because we could just play Minecraft normally but but with Herobrine absolutely stalking this [ __ ] up I mean I think that'd be a cool video or or a cool series I'm [ __ ] delusional man there we go okay so we got we got a nice little setup going on here probably the best setup we're going to have for a very long time so I'm going to do something real quick I'm going to do something very important I'm gonna I'm gonna make a double chest because I just can and now we can deposit like loads of [ __ ] in here that I don't really need right now like this this actually I kind of want that made you can also do this and make a absolute [ __ ] ton of bread if I can find bread where is bread there we go there we go boom love it 31 bread absolutely kicks out um excuse me excuse me I I am absolutely not okay with that that is one of the things that he adds okay that that's just over there I'm not okay with that I'm going to just head into this game now it's so [ __ ] scary it's so [ __ ] scary okay I'm starting to get scared now that is not supposed to be there I'm not okay with that man oh [ __ ] okay we already found one of Herobrine's little structures gray I really wanted that is that a Crossing ground that was that almost made that almost made a cross all right here's a here here here's a cave okay I want to at least get some semblance of oh my God you [ __ ] scary man no no no no no no no no yeah this Shader pack is [ __ ] scary I really don't like it I don't want to like look into an area and just and just like see him that would be scary why did I turn this game to a [ __ ] horror game okay so I'm mining for a bit and I did get some iron so that's cool I'm probably going to head back to my village now oh okay okay you know you're fine you're fine you're fine all right so I'm probably gonna change this Village for the rest of the video actually I don't think I want to go back down into those [ __ ] caves my heart cannot [ __ ] handle it and what sucks that if I do make the series I'm going to have to go back into the caves at some point I really don't want to I'm gonna have to light this place up a little bit and I really do not want them to wake up what the [ __ ] was that okay I swear to God I just [ __ ] heard something okay we're we're gonna make some stuff we're gonna have to make some things I'm gonna make a an iron pickaxe yes it isn't an iron pick I think I think it's iron pick time we got some we have some iron tools I think we're okay now I'm playing on [ __ ] reduced volume as well like I'm turning down the volume on my headphones because I don't I don't know I don't know if he makes any noise but I don't I don't want to find out so what I think I'm going to do is go ahead and start getting a farm ready perhaps I'm yeah I might do that as it's it's really just an excuse to not go back out into the mines okay I'm not seeing anything yet um yeah he doesn't seem to be around here yet so that's good that's nice you'd love to see it no it was a spider okay okay oh [ __ ] Iron Golem scared me all right and we and we gotta hope okay all right okay you know what this is not getting that bad I'm going to regret that whenever I see him first but not really that bad where's the Sun at Sun's still going up okay so I don't know where I'm gonna put this Farm might be at like the center of the entire Village hey buddy how are you it might be the summer too you're going to protect me right yeah I hope you protect me um because I know he can't like jump scare me and stuff and I don't want to deal with that and I'm like I'm searching for the trees trying to find something so um apparently like the like the third days whenever he's gonna start like doing his creepy [ __ ] and you know it's it's actually like the third day now so very fearful of when he's just gonna show up and give me an ass beaten is this a good spot I think this is a good spot I think after I get rid of like a little bit of this um you're over here just to make like like a little bit of a flat place this might be a nice spot to put a little bit of a farm I should get like an iron bucket I yeah no I should I should get a bucket yeah I'm gonna grab a bucket real quick I'm probably gonna make like an infinite water source somewhere I know I keep like going back and forth what I see I know I keep like going back and forth but eh it's fine all right things are not that bad things appear to be looking at we have ripen at water source so that's good I'm gonna clear out a little bit more of this grass and [ __ ] and then we have like a flat enough plane to start a left arm I think this isn't enough I think this is a good place to start so I'm gonna get rid of all the grass around here and we're just and we're we're just gonna start dudes okay I might like just start here and go forward just get as much stuff as we need very scared of looking around and seeing him oh oh my [ __ ] villager Jesus I ran right into him and I thought he was like I thought I thought he was you know who why is everyone just congregating over here is everyone having fun man I need to like start breeding you guys and then I'm giving giving you jobs to get to get like good trades and stuff like that so at least get like a bunch of mending villagers amending librarians so that my tools never run out ever again I know it's taking very far oh my God I know taken like very far into the future but yeah okay and there we go do I have any seeds yet I have three wheat seeds that actually kind of works okay there we go we having like a nice little start going on for all this stuff there we go I want you to be seized actually also it's turning nine not okay with that actually I'm probably going to head to bed real quick after I bundle this stuff a little bit more yeah you know what that works yeah hello Mr Iron Golem I thought you were something else entirely I thought you were The Man Behind my paint it is so dark outside with this [ __ ] Shader pack holy [ __ ] imagine how dark it is in like in like the Nether and stuff how are you doing sir uh do we have any more seeds we can get no all right um I might go out and kill and kill some skeletons for like blowing meal and stuff like that that might be a good thing to do okay so I was gonna I was gonna make a shield yeah okay so I think this is how you do it um get that out of here that is not how you make a shield I'm [ __ ] stupid how do you make one oh like that I really needed one more [ __ ] thing I have not seen any real sign of him yet um I don't know if he's gonna be like right behind me in the distance stalking me nobody does I only like set two [ __ ] configurations off that's it I just didn't want him crashing my game I didn't want him burning my house down yet and those are just all by default I had to make sure I don't want to see him while I'm out in the in the fields I might actually just turn off this [ __ ] Shader back it is genuinely just making it makes everything so much worse this does feel like a little bit like a like um subnautica especially like some certain biomes like like the dunes and stuff like you know the leviathans are out there the PDA quite literally told you about it and like you know like there's like really like scary [ __ ] out here especially like the dunes there's like there's like a lot of fog the water's really America and now you're just looking out there looking for a shape or something like that and whenever you see it it scares the [ __ ] out of you oh all right we're just going to head in um not in here either okay oh yeah I got another Behavior what was that wait wait wait wait no I swear I swear I just saw something okay no I swear I saw something dude I saw something like appearing disappear okay okay you know I'm sorry to go ahead and probably just go ahead and report my head and I'm probably just gonna sleep I'm just gonna sleep I'm I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm I'm sleeping dude okay okay what's that villager or or or or was that something oh my God man okay I'm very worried about that that was that was something I'm hearing so many villagers around you guys just outside Oh no you're literally right there okay I don't I don't know what I just [ __ ] saw man but I am not okay with that was I Herobrine I don't know I feel like I saw something else on a window that just disappeared instantly like as soon as I looked at it yeah I don't know what I saw I don't know if I saw Herobrine or if I saw just like a villager okay I might get some baked potatoes got some of that goodness going I'll let it sounds good to me are you out here buddy you ready to give me a heart attack I don't know if that was you or not Show Yourself boy um I know it's kind of weird that I'm like I'm in a village you know like the theme is like you're alone and like he he's stalking you and stuff like that but um this is for my comfort okay I I'm sorry but this this is where I cover I don't think I could be able to play this [ __ ] game with this with this data back on if I if I was living like alone like in like a [ __ ] field with him just stalking me around me uh yeah no [ __ ] thanks I don't think I'm gonna do that to myself I'm gonna get you anything around here no but I heard it if I heard a footstep there is a cave down here so I might head down there that is slow magma though so it's probably an underwater cave I don't want to explore on the water cave it's because I could easily drown in them okay there's the cave over there I don't want to go through that either because it's scary I don't I don't want to see Herobrine in a cave okay that is my absolute worst [ __ ] fear seeing him in a cave is just [ __ ] a no it's absolutely not on my [ __ ] to-do list call me a [ __ ] call me anything you want to but see the prospect of seeing him in a cave it's just hell no oh my God that's just that was just my that was my own footsteps but but but they were different so I freaked out but what I else think is happening is like I think that the Shader pack is preventing me from like really seeing him like I think his stalking distance is like way more than the actual render distance Jesus Christ and like the thing is the fog really reduces your apparent render distance so like he he could be out of there right now but I'm not seeing him because uh his talking this is too high all right so this is day five it feels I think this is day five um I think I've only seen him once I feel like that that time he was just outside my window well it's the only time I saw him at least I think that was him that could have not been them honestly all right I switched off shaders this means he might I mean means I might be able to see him from further away I'm also going to increase my my render distance because God damn okay so I might go mining maybe I might just do that I might just do that I'm very scared actually I'll probably just you know make a strip mine I feel like that would be better oh nope came over there okay I might head over there now uh is he gonna do something you'll do something I feel like I'm making it very hard for him to like stalk me and stuff because I am like constantly and I mean constantly turning around because I'm so erratic and scared all right what have we got in here um uh an actual dead end wait no it's not a dead end because we could head in further I am keeping my torch out no matter what you do okay it is actually just a [ __ ] dead end um anything in here I feel like I don't need that okay I might just strip mine there's some iron over here I'll take you Amnesia only two iron really oh no no thank you no thank you oh [ __ ] no I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm yeah you have to make that creepy [ __ ] noise I'm going to head back to my village now you cannot stop me from doing a peaceful life in my Village are you up there sir no you're not that's a [ __ ] horse that got me okay that right there that got me I was not expecting that at all uh yeah no um not for me I'm going to just I'm going to head back to my get my bills now everything's fine okay so I might build a house now build a house and maybe I'll just start doing stuff hey Iron Golem so I might be like on like the top of this hill overlooking the whole village awesome I basically have myself like a home like a whole village to myself so and Mr Hero Mr Hero Beans is trying to take that from me now at least we know it's working at least we know he's actually in the mod now because I was very worried that something was amiss that he wasn't doing something but yeah no that that scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me dude like on ironically that was not cool and very worried about him like just being a I don't like it I I know I don't like it I don't like it he doesn't he doesn't seem to like me around other creatures so I might say okay I might build like in like the middle of the village I might do that might do that might do that might do that okay you know what I'm I'm gonna start building now I'm going to start building out then okay let's clear a little bit of an area for my house okay Hero Beans you are trying to take advantage of me trying to get out of the village so for that reason I'm going to stay within the limits of the village boy you can't you can't do anything to stop me even though you're probably watching me right now but yeah no he's definitely active now he's definitely active he's like he's standing behind me he's he's making noises that [ __ ] got me that scared the [ __ ] out of me dude I don't want you to like just show up again sir I might uh do I have enough wood yeah I have plenty of wood uh we'll have like a wood base maybe um actually I should have gotten some [ __ ] trees should have gotten some raw uh some raw wood first yeah that creeping thing got me that was a genuine jump scare I'm too paranoid now man now now that I've seen him and I've already heard that noise I know he's active I know he's out here no he's trying to and I know he's angry at me because I know how to make uh perfect chocolate milk are you out here man are are you like really like pissed at me because I know how to do that and you don't okay um it is training night which means I'm probably gonna have to sleep um I don't really be out here whenever mob spawn and whenever he could possibly show up so I am going to sleep he's probably gonna do his [ __ ] again oh okay all right so it's a lovely day out here in the world of [ __ ] [ __ ] Herobrine doing [ __ ] to me I want to get some more wood from these Farm suit because they have a lot of that stuff have a lot of that stuff so love so like does he like just not like me being near like a village is that like like is that like the max horror Factor here doesn't like you being near a village in which case I'll just [ __ ] stay here then [ __ ] wait I just realized that my thing is uneven so because I want like a two wide door or not one wide door so I might have to change it up real quick um I think that should be here just make it down here we go yeah it's like I don't know if you like if you just hates me being like in villages and that's that's why you just have to do anything I heard something you realize that that scares the [ __ ] on me like maybe she doesn't like me being in villages maybe that maybe that's why he didn't show up until I left for like a while I don't know man this guy is weird as [ __ ] look he's so strawberry like if you're in a village though like that that'd be dumb if he doesn't okay so we have a decent house going on I might not I just might not add any windows I don't want to experience him just stalking me outside of one that would be scary dude you out here boy you ain't really doing anything he scared me all the way over there he probably doesn't like me being in a village I don't know what goes for this guy's head [ __ ] okay I just heard a noise nope Mr boy are you out here are you out here somewhere trying to scare the crap out of me okay I'm about to go and get some more trees real quick um I planted some over here did they actually grow ya okay one group don't like wandering too far from my pack though because he's gonna [ __ ] show up and scare me Hero Beans is a [ __ ] dick at Hero Beans don't like fun don't you man don't you just [ __ ] hate fun turns the village all the way over there okay there's like a village over there I keep thinking like it's just him looking down at me oh my [ __ ] you you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh my God that noise why is there an iron goleming here man how do you need to get out this is my [ __ ] you oh my Lord [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't like him I don't like this [ __ ] I don't want to play this [ __ ] mod pack anymore that was creepy um all right mister you're starting to show up a bit more you're starting to show up a bit more you're starting to actually mess with me a bit more no I I I'm not not okay with that I am really not looking forward to going in the [ __ ] caves with this [ __ ] messing with me over and over and over again okay are you out okay that one's actually out which means you cannot enter no more I am constantly running out of wood am what is this it's me not me being afraid to go on mine trees yes that is absolutely the case okay I'll probably save all of the like um the [ __ ] mining or next if this ends up being a series because mining scares me mining scares me I don't want to see him in a cave that'd be [ __ ] terrifying but you know mining with that dude out here there is just creepy as all ball sacks um that is not going to finish my house that is absolutely not gonna fish right now so I'm gonna get the rest of this actually you know it works so he he does he does come after me in the limits of the village I thought he didn't because like he wouldn't do Jack nor ship before whenever I was out here like in the village that might have just been been because I had the Shader pack on maybe he just maybe he just don't like shaders you don't like the game being creepier than he is all right Hero Beans oh my God I'm building like a [ __ ] erratic fool okay so we got like the frame of the house done I might end it there this is I've been recording for like yeah I've been recording for an hour and 30 minutes now might end it off here um the Hero Beans is terrifying and this might end up being a series I think I think I want this to be a series this game is learning new ways to freak me out not just in not just in our whole craft anymore so um am I going to continue this maybe it depends on how um you guys like it this mod pack is very scary though um only uh downside is doesn't it doesn't seem to work with uh with shaders on so that kind of sucks all right um I am going to end it off for now but I will be seeing you uh yeah next video I'm probably gonna do this again because this is this is so cool thank you
Channel: Lapisfluff
Views: 208,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mbmrtyOj6hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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