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[Music] so hey everyone uh today we thought we would change it up a little bit and do something that we've never done before and show you the full raw workout that i'm about to do so it's got handstand push-ups pistols and double unders enjoy [Music] [Music] come back to life the fever is breaking the shadows are fading away as i sharpen the knife can't take me out no i ain't going down [Music] tonight [Music] i am a fighter i am a fighter never give up under attack sky's going black sirens are sounding i'm screaming i'm shouting i'm breaking the silence this is my life ain't gonna quit no matter what never lay down never give up i am a fighter i'm a fighter i am a fighter i am a fighter [Music] [Applause] higher up fighter i am a fighter i'm a survivor [Music] [Music] i've been plotting focus locked in hopeless hunted sofa forgotten i reached for you when you turned away i will return but i will broken useless frozen soulless focus no chance goalless it's easier to dismiss my name don't need your [Music] it's hard to define certain [Music] know [Music] i think i can fly everybody want a piece of that pie turn the oven on and make your supply got some friends with just along for the ride if you don't get it then i'm coming to you if you ain't with it then i'm coming through i saved hallelujah not a lot but it dab will do you see i ain't good at fame do it names good at blame but i'm good at change good dames good at aim [Music] [Music] know [Music] my time [Music] [Music] on the table that day you walked out the door and thought you wouldn't see me anymore it's funny how things come full circle walking through life trying to find my purpose calculate moves trying to see if it's worth it my instincts tell me to seek revenge but my heart tells me that i still won't win into the darkness [Music] oh [Music] [Music] eyes wide open darkness closing just stay focused i'm not folding i'll upset you cause i'm just too dangerous i'm dangerous let's be honest say no contest take those comments before my concept from the get-go i just get so dangerous so dangerous yeah two equal sides no equal ties yo i came to equalize let's energize basic math plus minus equals times pop says crazy watching the sequel shine last man standing telling me you
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 179,032
Rating: 4.9621592 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: sJvvS_Q3LR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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