This May Be Nvidia's RAREST Graphics Card

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in this box is a very interesting graphics card  and it has an equally fascinating origin story it   involves well I'm not going to tell you what  it involves because I think someone else can   tell this story a lot better than I can Mr  dabs whose graphics card this actually is so   thank you very much dapps for sending the card  over dapps would have posted his origin story   video go check it out because we're not going  to cover it in today's video what we're gonna   do with this graphics card is the only thing  I know how to do with a graphics card which is   use it unreasonably you know it's going well when  it can barely render the Low video memory warning thank you now with all the suspense  building out the way in this box we   have an Nvidia GT 1010 not at 10 30 not a  710 a 10 10 which is a graphics card that's   existence is very ethereal and honestly at  this point I'm still not entirely sure that   there isn't just a fart in this box but  we'll open it up and find out soon enough in here we have oh a box that Mr dabs  left in here just the docks himself very   good job dabs well done and in this  I'm thinking is the graphics card now   apparently our merchandise has been carefully  inspected by Apple which is a bit weird what   now as you can tell from the packaging this  graphics card clearly wasn't bought from   like a Micro Center and as far as I understand  the process of getting this graphics card from   China was very difficult and involved smuggling  inside various UPS delivery people so I'm really   excited to test it out um feels a bit damped in  here and then in this Grocery Store bag we have   oh the beauty look at that physically as you can  tell the GT 1010 is a Herculean Behemoth of a   graphics card and I'm sure the performance will  be the same in terms of rear IO the GT 1010 is a   little different to its bigger brother the 10 30.  we have a Mesozoic period port on the back and an   HDMI port whereas on the back of the 1030 It's All  Digital with a DVI port for whatever that's worth   physically though aside from the oemness of the  1010 the two cards are very clearly related and   those similarities persist in terms of specs the  1010 is based on the same GPU as the 1030 just   with some Shader units disabled in all fairness  performance wise the 1030 can't really afford a   lobotomy but we'll see how they stack up later on  interestingly just like its older brother the 1010   is available in both a gddr5 version and a runty  ddr4 version a fact that caused me a tiny bit of   confusion later on in the video but with that  let's drop the 1010 in the system and see how   it's recovered from its lobotomy now the system  I'm using to test the Monstrous GT 1010 is this   pink Madness build in the NES gochan case it's  got a fast modern AMD CPU in it and a bunch of   ram so we can be a hundred percent sure the test  system won't restrain the power of the gt-1010   oh I just noticed it looks like the connector  just has like four pcie lanes interesting   oh yes I think the GT 1010 fits  in beautifully in this system now I think by far the most reasonable  monitor we can use to test the GT 1010   is this Behemoth LG 48 4K OLED panel from the  previous video it just seems like a perfect   match but before we try some 4K gaming  on the 1010 let's ease it in a little now to GTA 5 running a 1080p low settings  this is not bad now I was not expecting   it to be this playable but I clearly was just  underestimating the power of the GT 1010 because   look at that like 1080p GTA 5 is running  well visually 1080p low stretched over a   massive 4K display doesn't look great  but at least we have some performance   left in the tank for Native 4K gaming which  we'll get to in a bit Yeah my memory of GT   1030 performance is clearly unfair because  this 1010 is running games well CS go with   1080p low settings is playable we don't even  have that much input like it's pretty good   there's just no other way to say it the GT 1010  is a voracious Beast churning out a strong 35-ish   frames per second at 1080p low exaggeration aside  it is still running Battlefield 5. I wouldn't want   to play online like this but I I think it's  pretty impressive and after being impressed   by a couple frames per second I tried cyberpunk  which seems to have been a game too far because   it just refused to launch I think at this point  it's a good time to drop in the GT 1030 which is   its slightly bigger brother and see how the two  compare before we try some 4K gaming on the 1010.   now we've got the GT 1030 in here which I'm  assuming is going to be at least what 20 better   than the 1010 um why is it running at like half  the frame rate the 1010 did that doesn't make   any sense the 1010 has a smaller number in the  name surely it's slower now the reason this was   happening was because I used a ddr4 1030 because  I assumed the 1010 used ddr4 so when I messaged   apps telling him what a giguchad his 1010 was  he was like yeah it's because it's a gddr5   version you idiot which is a bit embarrassing and  concerning because I didn't think I had a gddr5   1030 to compare it to or did I a few moments  later so I just dug this naked and Confused   gddr5 1030 out of a random bin in my office  I don't know what happened to its cooler I'm   not even sure if it still works at this point  so what I'm gonna do is transplant the cooler   from the ddr4 1030 onto it and then hopefully we  have a more reasonable competitor for the 1010 oh wow that just came off look at those pathetic  ddr4 loser modules it makes me sick anyway let's   try the other card oh look at the tiny little  baby GT 1030 die oh that's a very big problem   despite them both being gigabyte cards the  cooler mounting doesn't line up between the   two it's a little Annoying although I actually  think I remember what happened to the cooler   for the gddr5 1030. so the reason the card  was naked was because I used its heatsink   as a CPU Cooler so I ended up splicing a  different cable onto the fan of it which   actually means this cooler is not gonna work  on the graphics card anymore I think what I'm   gonna do is I'm gonna remove this fan and  replace it with the fan on the ddr4 version   and then we'll have the correct connector  and stuff so let's see if that works like that that's really annoying the two  heatsinks are identical the only thing   they changed was where the mounting holes are at  least the fans are interchangeable so that helps yay it's finally got its dignity back but now  we need to see if the bin corpse still works   PC's been on a while the monitor is on but  there's no signal out it's not promising no   yeah it doesn't work I think that's why I used  it cooler yeah it doesn't work oh it does it   was just debating me oh thank you okay yes that  makes a whole lot more sense and basically what   we've learned from today's video is that the ddr4  version of the GT 1030 is complete garbage clearly   this is running a little bit better than the GT  1010 and when it comes to CS go and Battlefield 5   the improvements in performance were slightly less  minor but still not massive but enough of that   let's do something terrible to the gt1010 this is  4K with everything else on low settings but it's   a GT 1010 and it's it's running fine like it's  not the most amazingly playable experience but   like I I don't think GTA 5 ran this  well on the PS3 even CS Go is is kind   of playable I mean I wouldn't want to  use this to play competitive CS go but   you can like shoot bots in the face and it doesn't  feel too horrible okay that's a that's a great   start a few moments later that's not a warning  I've ever seen from Battlefield 5 before I guess   it's just telling us no like I I do not want to  do this with your graphics card next up I try   to launch Forza at 4K which went very well you  know it's going well when it can barely render   the Low video memory warning I then spent quite  some time struggling to get into the settings so   that I could address the warning so up once press  the button now we're leaving it we don't want to   Spook it and accidentally skip over there we go  it's happening now I think it's fully selected   settings after some more struggling I  identified the problem why is it all   on Ultra I don't know why the game thought it  needed to preset everything to ultra that seems   a little bit Brave eventually though I got Forza  running at 4k on the 1010 and with the little   GT 1010 and everything in low settings we can  actually get about 12 frames per second at 4K   I don't know what I'm saying that like it's an  achievement we do have a very special tool at   our disposal and that is FSR two point two I  think it said it was let's start with quality   it is now running worse than it it was running  before why did that happen we lost more than   half of our frame rate I feel like it should  be the other way around um let's try Ultra   performance see again it just it makes the  game look worse but also run worse I don't   it's the worst of Both Worlds hell yeah that's  amazing okay oh yes my favorite potato Vindicator   Half-Life 2. I would be very surprised if the  GT 1010 can't run this well at 4K especially   considering how good the GTA 5 performance was  it's always impressive how how well Half-Life 2   manages to run at very high resolutions on potato  systems and it's no exception with the GT 1010 hey   even in the like air boat section we're getting  over a hundred frames per second which you know   this is the hardest bit of Half-Life to render so  that's it's quite impressive and this isn't even   at low settings this is 4K mostly High although  if you remember the RX 6400 which is like amd's   newer version of this card basically kind of  I guess uh that could do this at 8K which is a   much higher resolution so yeah maybe maybe the  1010 isn't that that beastly but at least it's   a decent bit faster than a modern Intel I GPU  for whatever that's worth and with that thank   you very much dapps for sending over the GT 1010  don't forget to check out his origin story video   it really is pretty wild and uh yeah until  the next video thank you for watching bye foreign
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 275,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: JeUv-XRcY88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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