This Little Kid Is Too Young For VRCHAT

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armie hottie lumpy one me scrub that boy is seven years old you are about to watch possibly like and even subscribe to a video that prominently features a seven-year-old child if you think this is the lowest point in your life I'm sorry but nothing will ever be as sad as the day were born got'em hi I'm your friendly neighborhood reporter drum Z Disneyland an American theme park where grown men in costumes can legally hug small children it's a troubling vacation spot tied up in dozens of lawsuits which makes the tickets super cheap that's why today I decided to surprise my friends by buying them some virtual reality Disneyland tickets because if there's anything my friends know how to do its have fun for example my friend Moxie lives by the following words I dub thee the ski Knight get on your noble steed and ride into the wind [Music] oh well he'd be kind of fast though I got a little surprise for you guys okay now you come here you can be on on this surprise - no put the gun down shaggy put the gun down we are all together all of us all of us - shaggy are going to Disneyland disgusting a succulent toddler had forcibly interrupted our conversation there's no way he's getting his grubby toddler mittens on my Disneyland tickets I'd make sure of it in college they used to call me the man with the plan they also used to call me dildo toe Michael on account of my big toe being shaped like a wide penis they'd say harder harder don't stop Michael and I'd say dude you're gonna break my toe but they also called me the man with the plan so there was no way that kid would be coming with us as long as my friends didn't ask me to take him to Disney World yeah sometimes I wish I never had friends at all sadly yeah what do you mean sadly peach he's gonna replace you okay okay you expect him to do all your secretary work mm-hmm yeah yeah I don't do anything it's all up to you now tell me what you do as a secretary welcome to Disneyland Lyndon told me we're gonna fly to the faraway lands drums eeee we're gonna start new life in Disney World would you like to dance with this nice paint Minh here he's a very gentle guy videos I did not realize was the real you who'd you think I was when I was pulling you around the Disneyland all day in life people will call you names in the comments of my videos I often see viewers tell me things like your skin has the complexion of a rusty seesaw or your comedy style reminds me of someone that's trying really hard to drop a [ __ ] but it's just not coming out easy it's times like these that you need to stop and take a break maybe listen to your favorite music thank you why five the practice time to bow ah those are definitely the lyrics very good I love also yells ball Oh women say some dumb [ __ ] and jump off Wow that's stupid um patience is one of my strongest virtues that being said this kid is being kind of a [ __ ] lord one more outburst like that and this video will reach its climax I'm gonna climax all over that kid you see I have connections connections to a group that can assassinate a target on command that group is called AT&T the T stands for terrorism it's tea time everybody is fee time everybody take a seat everybody say a prayer before we drink our tea Lyndon can you lead us in a prayer absolutely you can all pull our hands together to pray [Music] father please all join your hobby if we could all please join our hands together okay we're all calm now I think we're ready to dive into this and delicious me there was that part in the Bible where we sacrificed a kid right looked he was factually correct as many of us know the best part of the Bible is the section that lawfully allows us to sacrifice children and that's just what we're gonna do I'm very religious natus would you like to be crucified anybody body up onto a cross and then we kill you not us are you ready to be crucified yeah do you have any last words yes would you like to say the words yes subscribe to drums II oh oh that's not gonna save you though alright Moxie you can begin the ritual I am inevitable I'm seven for the record crucifying a child is not easy at all it's mentally taxing to sacrifice someone that you once held close to you and the obliterated toddler bits get all over your clothes in the end it's inevitable that not everyone will like you that's fine what's scary is that we might be annoyed by someone and then treat them unfairly and irreversibly hurt their confidence what's most important is that we treat each other with as much patience as possible especially those who are young and impressionable so that they can grow up living in their best mindset and remember next time you're waiting for a ride at Disneyland you're totally allowed to cut in front of the children in line that shits in the Bible [Music] congratulations you just want admittance into the end of the video squad that's right you're in all you got to do is hit the like button in the subscribe button and leave a comment wow that's like all you gotta do I mean who wouldn't do that [ __ ] idiots that to see you guys in the next video love you
Channel: Drumsy
Views: 4,330,430
Rating: 4.9463277 out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vr, drumsy, gotdrums, boy, girl, funny moments, peach, penguin, moxi, best moments, anime, avatar, meme
Id: rawHF6pRx-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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