We Stayed Up All Night In VRCHAT

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I've been vaping since I was 12 and I feel fat [Music] smoking Nick and suck it you may be wondering why that last word was bleeped out that's just too bad maybe if you like and comment on the video before it even starts then I'll tell you what the word was but probably not hi I'm your friendly neighborhood reporter drum Z and did you know that there are people that sleep in virtual reality these people hate the real world so much that they actually prefer to slumber inside of a computer helmet if you didn't know that fact then you're about to find out everything you need to know about the dark underbelly of nighttime VR chat this reporter is ready to find all the answers but all needs some help so I called up a few of my friends to join me on this report listen Lily I know it's a little late but I need you to get online to record how does that sound this is the third time you've done this I'm tired I need to get sleep I don't know what to do this she was completely on board now it's time to see what VR chat is life after dark it's here we are Appl 1:30 in the morning to the right we have these young adventurous children numbering in I'm going to come okay this guy's asleep guys this guy's asleep come down and come down please so legit was like sleeping dude will help you go back to sleep it's fine go back to bed shut up block good bye baby oh yeah [Music] close I'm going to be a baby tonight all right that wasn't that good I have a short short haired curly-haired dog with pointy ears and I pet him every night before I go to sleep and you could say that I really like stroking my cocker spaniel stick-on yeah hmm no he's still here you know we're just sinful mother fire we're just chillin it's the weekend you know yes just a chill day it's a chill and eat chips kind of day yeah I'm pregnant you don't know you know who I heard sour cream and onion is good for the baby mm-hmm I like sour cream alone you not wash box is this what your parents did when you were in the womb Millie when I was a baby instead of milk my parents gave me a sour cream bowl and I turned out Fang Scottish girl Ellie is not fine she has so many problems with her life that we sometimes wonder how she stayed alive this long at all the good news is my British friend Lyndon said he was pregnant and maybe the new baby will be able to replace Scottish girl for good can I feel the baby yes feeling okay oh I feeling doing a little kick feeling doing a little kick I actually think I need a shout I don't think I'm pregnant what type Pokemon are you live inside the pokeball when you like piss and [ __ ] when you like get out of your pokeballs just pick some [ __ ] at the same time okay that's a personal question I'm not a swimmer to be one yeah we're gonna we're gonna get the [ __ ] away from here we're gonna get very far away from the air right now oh look at the time oh look at the time we have oh it's time to go to bed it's 3:00 a.m. we didn't have any where we actually needed to be we just don't like furries it's like my mother always tells me if someone's a furry then you're in luck drop your pants it's time to [ __ ] wait mom are you a furry gun Oh see if you don't buy these right now Oh baby there are only four $10 pounds okay give you them onion you're the least intimidating shaggy voice I've ever heard I'm not a fake shaggy I'm the freaking TV show [Music] I've never held a girl's hand let alone touch at it drums you run when you're noticed in public most good-hearted youtubers would take the time to appreciate and speak with each of their audience members however I crave the sounds of people not talking to me that includes my friends too when you allow your friends to get too close to you they somehow find it appropriate to say things like this - my form it is me Shrek can I have your consent to enter your swamp No oh that was a scream Lyndon I need you I need you to scream one more time but this time you take your hand and and pretend this is your ball sack right here and you just wrap your hand around your ball second print it just grip it real tight it'll it'll increase the power of the screen are esz to attend somebody once told me the world is gone [Music] [Applause] yes well that's her stepfather films are don't worry I'll translate for you okay okay I really need a ship what does that mean she really needs a [ __ ] Oh oh Jesus my bells are actually moving Oh Oh Oh her bowels are moving she's actually taking a [ __ ] no no nod I didn't get out all I think it's just your understanding of the Scottish accent yeah sure she's gonna go out in the garden she's gonna put some sunflowers down a couple of days he's maybe even a rose is that oh is that Ellie's mom did we wake you up oh I don't sleep Kate has insomnia so nope decides it's okay cuz she's funny with it it sounds like your house is having a little bit of trouble the people just yell in the middle of the night there is this normal well that's key and Michael keys a bathroom so illy this is normal for Alita yell across the house while she's taking a [ __ ] yeah what a beautiful daughter you have yeah I've got to say I've got absolute maximum respect for you of how you you manage this child how is even physically and mentally possible good she's just brilliant when she see when she's happy believe me she is home happy and if she's not giggling as the best physiotherapy here for a long haul so she's been giggling since she was able to can you say something mean about her now to like to like balance it out yeah and I was thinking Oh bless you thank you for thank you for hopping in here we appreciate you guys just what used to is brilliant and the fact that you brought Ellie out of all I can't see she'll I don't know what she was cocooned in before but well yeah what can couldn't and slime does she does she like being in the videos does she like talk about it she does she absolutely loves her and she's buzzed for days and days afterwards and it makes me proud as well because she's always she doesn't mean putting herself out there and public that's the thing when she was little she used to on stage and she just stand-in sang she had no fear and then she started getting the fear tell Ellie we can smell her poop from here you can smell your pit from your cave Ellie we are like us more snakes you only generally get about five hours sleep a night do you have anything that you'd want to say to the to the people watching I just wait to see everybody just do what as they you want to do push some babies your own ones try not to push parental boundaries but allow your parents to gauge you we're impossible and have fun with it massive shy at 2:00 in the morning boys aw geez thanks for getting to the end of the video guys welcome to the end of the video squad only like 50% of you get here so you're officially in the gang let's celebrate by hitting the subscribe button maybe give me a like button thumbs up like we're good old pals I will see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Drumsy
Views: 5,462,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vr, drumsy, scottish, illy, girl, anime, avatar, penguin, vrchat in a nutshell, vrchat after 3am, funny moments, best of, report, gotdrums, british, night, mom, elly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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