This KING Himself | Darktide data discussion and build

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Reginald here as you may know I've been kind of poking around for a good marksman's Focus build that feels good and a lot of people have reached out to me and said like oh you should use like the columnus auto gun or any of the high rate of fire weapons to try and make the build feel good and it's not that I didn't know that or don't believe that in fact I have a pretty good handle on The Meta my complaint about that kind of thing is it's not really uh accurate to the aesthetic of something called marksman's Focus to be using really spammy guns so I've been kind of hunting around to find something that I don't know like had the feeling of a marksman's weapon instead of a uh spammy gun build in any case uh I eventually have to concede that there isn't any good builds that I have been able to find in the time that I've allotted to the subject that match that criteria so as a consequence I've picked up a build that is centered on the markv Las gun it's a derivation of a build that wild spice published a little bit ago and I am aware there was some controversy around that but that's not really my thing too much I don't care about that kind of drama I just wanted a build that satisfied me from the perspective of someone who wanted to be entertained so I took that build tried it out found it did perfectly fine iterated on a bit and I have something that I think is decent to actually play uh that I'm just going to pop on the screen for you in just a second so you can see what I'm up [Music] to we interrupt this program to bring you a special message this is Bomb King and he is the best character in any hero shooter and I mean that now this game in particular is called paladins and I used to play it an awful lot especially when I was poor because it's free and yeah it's very similar to OverWatch but it has some advantages over Overwatch Beyond just being free it's actually a really good game but I'm really not here to talk to you about paladins we're here to talk about the king himself the bomb King you are not welcome here your AIG most characters in most games take themselves at least somewhat seriously and I consider that to be a good thing overall like I kind of want my settings to be serious because it's easier to go from serious and then take that and break that down into funny jokes and memes and whatever like that's that that track makes sense that's easy right but it's hard to go from like a meme character to something serious right you can't really like build that up into something serious but occasionally something that is just a joke from the get-go is just so Charming it's really worth rolling with and bomb King is that he is a giant walking living bomb a I think he's technically like a bomb Golem right from like the D andd franchise like you've got your flesh golems and your you know your clay Golems but he's a bomb Golem and he throws living bombs and he has a grumpy bomb and a poppy bomb and his subject bombs and he's just like running around having the time of his life and it's really great how well the voice actor nailed the delivery on a lot of these lines I have such an explosive personality that feels so good I lead with an iron fist wait is it iron boom bo bo and it's just so funny to me like the voice line where he dies and he's like ah I died that just kills me every time even to this day I die and I think they found it funny enough that they started putting it on other characters as well but it's it really started on bomb King at least to my knowledge so I guess here's a brief list of the things that I find enjoyable about bom King as a character and I'll end on what I think is the most important one he is basically a cartoon character with all the charm and amusement that entails he literally holds smiley face bombs in front of your camera the entire game which is I don't know I just find that amusing to have these like happy bombs smiling at you the whole time you're playing uh he's amusing to listen to and his voice actor is excellent but most importantly he is actually a surprisingly mechanically deep character with a ton of player expression on the table and a super high skill ceiling he's even considered to be S tier right now in the current balance last I checked I went and checked a couple of YouTubers out to see what they were saying about him in the balance right now and that seems to be the meta so that's good news if you're into this kind of thing but what do I mean by having a lot of mechanical depth well he's from the earlier cast of Paladin's Heroes where there was a lot of projectiles on the DPS Heroes and less hit scan and as a consequence you know he has High skill ceiling cuz you need to manage all these projectiles he has three projectiles to use if we don't account for throwing himself which is more of a rolling mechanic he has a grumpy bomb which is a heavy slow projectile that has its own detonation timer and then he has the poppy bomb and the standard bombs both of which can actually be air detonated at will and will otherwise stick to the to a Target or a surface to then be later detonated at will but the poppy bomb and the standard bombs have different arcs of fire as well on their own and then they have different effects so the generic bomb bombs do damage in an AOE as well as On Target they do the most the poppy bomb does low AOE damage but has a high knockback you can take a card that makes the poy bomb detonate on impact but you can still air detonate it which can be very useful if you're good at sort of measuring the radius of the explosion relative to the positioning of the enemies uh the same is true for the regular bombs so let's say you are fighting a flying enemy of some kind and you're having trouble hitting your opponent if you can sort of time things well you can actually learn to air detonate near your opponent and still deal consistent damage with those air detonations because you can potentially create sort of a flax scenario and and help blow him out of the sky so that already is a lot to manage and mitigate which creates a lot of interest and a lot of different techniques but on top of that you can leave six bombs around the environment before they start to despawn as you throw new ones and this actually means that you have the ability to leave traps around the environment now anytime you detonate you detonate all the remaining bombs in the environment uh and detonation is just you right click but this this means you can lay traps if you're paying attention you can throw bombs around and you can force an enemy to maneuver back into your bombs and then detonate those bombs to deal damage in a radius around the ground where those bombs are you can stack them up around surfaces there's a lot of utility here that really is limited to your creativity so all of this gives you a ton of interesting options there is a key detail I almost forgot to mention but the sound effect from hitting your targets is a real monkey neuron activator mean listen to this yeah that just gets me going all right well I I'm not sure what else to say I really wanted to just highlight these key things and invite you to just check it out like it's a free-to-play game if you're bored one night and you don't feel like playing some dark tide and you're looking for something to do like go check it out go pick up bomb King and just go have some fun and some quick playay for a little bit and just go see what I'm talking about it'll probably take you a few games to get used to it because he's not an easy character to play and you know ultimately I don't really play this this game that much anymore uh but uh here is the build I use and I used to use when I played a lot it worked decently in my quickplay games after I remembered how not to die as the fattest DPS ever but I'm trying to keep this short uh since this was intended to be a short video but man really like what an awesome character and I'm just really wanted to say so somewhere we now return to our originally scheduled programming and it's worth mentioning for those of you who don't know me or haven't watched a lot of my videos that metab builds aren't really my thing like I know what the meta builds are and I have played them but they bore me fairly quickly because they are so easy so I tend to drift towards things that are just weird or have a funny gimmick or do something different right so this build puts up good numbers but this build isn't like incredible there's there's a number of technical weaknesses that the build has that make it vulnerable to certain situations and so you're going to have to rely or team a little bit more if you're running this build it's not really like my solo build that does whatever I want kind of thing that being said I I it is a pretty strong build in terms of its capacity to put out damage so I'll post up one of my scoreboards real quick just so you can see what I'm talking about in terms of numbers here you know the overall damage here is pretty solid it also lets you operate in a way that I think is pretty entertaining if you have like a friend who's just like here from like left for dead or something like that wants to play the game where they just shoot the gun as much as possible and does as little does as little melee as possible cuz I don't really understand it yet this build works for that the the gun playay is actually pretty solid for any use case I I kind of don't pull out my melee very much and just shoot as much as I can or want to and that's been working very well for me in most of my games now obviously if I start to get overrun I need to use pushes push attacks block pushes Etc all that's fine but the point is if you have a friend who is a little bit newer to the sort of verman Tide genre and is trying to learn some of the other mechanics and you want to give them a gun they can shoot into hordes without wasting all of the ammo in the entire game game this will let them do that you really only need a few ammo pickups in a given game to be able to shoot into everything you see the entire game long and so yeah that's fun and this is really the point of the video that I'm going to sort of end on see originally I was just going to kind of do a bait and switch a little bit of trolling you know get you interested and then twist the video in a different direction talk about bom King for like five minutes for uh you know a quick video and then work on some of the other projects that I've shot up in the air and now I'm just out here doing like shot forsh shot Recreations of scenes from sign nalis so like I got to stop at some point cuz I'm losing it the thing is as I was sort of doing this mg4 build which I do enjoy I was thinking about sort of some of the criticisms that wild spice's original build got and one of the ones that stood out to me the most was the perfectly valid and honestly generally correct criticism that you shouldn't really shoot into hordes and like that's super true as a good rule of thumb it is unwise to blast into hordes generally speaking there are good reasons to shoot into hordes I know there are hardliners who will say never shoot into hordes but like there are good reasons to shoot into the hordes I'll list like three you've got a weapon that clears hordes very quickly compared to your melee weapon so there's a Time advantage to doing it you need to clear out a large number of enemies quickly because there's a negative situation that's gone down like one of your teammates has downed and you need to make space there's a lot of Specialists on the field and you're trying to get to the Specialists so you just blast Through The Horde so you can do so quickly those are all good enough reasons to sh shoot into a horde but here's a thought if you have a weapon that's as ammo efficient as the mg4 Las gun is in this build and it is a left tree build which is to say it has no melee talents at all it's actually pretty garbage in melee where you can pretty commonly shoot into hordes pretty extendedly I mean not literally all the time you're going to have to use your melee some of the time with this build otherwise you're going to run out of ammo but like if you're being reasonable about it you could shoot it to a fair number of the hordes then how good does it perform like is it wor worth doing compared to meleeing with some weapons it probably is I bet how much better is it how much worse is it so I figured I would put question to the test system that I have built and find out thanks to the contributions of the renowned combine I actually know for a fact that 100 enemies is a standard damnation hord spawn and what I've chosen to do for the testing apparatus that I use is do 50 poxwalkers 50 groaners it's a good Baseline I use that test on a Mark 6 Power sword a chain axe of my preference and the L gun the mg4 L gun to get times on kills and I'm pleased to show you those results in comparison to a fabulously designed leaderboard one of the members of the redemptionist has been hard at work building the data set that we've been collecting into a really well structured leaderboard and it is fantastic so many thanks for that it looks great and it's a lot easier to read so I'll be introducing that for the first time here I'm only going to be showing off The Horde enemies we'll be talking about the other enemies in the future in another video I'd like to go through all my data stuff in the next video actually cuz I assume there will be a patch soon so I've left that on screen for you to look at and what are the conclusions well 4 seconds is about the margin of error and 10 seconds is definitely a big gap and it turns out that the mg4 L gun has a pretty solid time to kill on a horde of about 35 seconds now obviously you are going to be having to dodge around you don't have any pushes you have bad control I mean when I did my test and it should be on screen right about now it drove me all the way back to the start of the map in order to kill all the enemies so like it's not great for control but if you have someone else an ogren Zealot in there controlling the enemy group shooting into them is perfectly viable it's probably faster than some of the weapons that you might bring with you uh because of the really slow time to kill without any melee talents that veteran actually has on melee he's just got Slow Hands man the Power sword is obviously going to be one of the faster ones I was able to test the six I wasn't able to test the three but look 25 seconds solid time to kill for a hor group with the mark six Power sword very easy to use in that sense with those light attacks it's strong but 35 seconds to just shoot them all that is not bad at all it's really quite fine it's in the sort of General yellow range for time to kill across all builds I mean we're talking about Builds on Zealot that has five stacks of martyrdom and are using Fury of the faithful to speed up the attack speed even further so my ruling on this is if you're going to run this build Blast Away into the hordes don't steal all the ammo make sure to keep an eye on your ammo Supply make sure to let other people have ammo but like you're going to have plenty cuz it's got a ton of ammo regen and it's a really ammo efficient weapon so just like have fun shoot all the pox Walkers you want the actual waste of ammo that I have found personally is if you can't hit clean head shot and even sometimes if you can dreg bruisers especially waste a lot of ammo for me and scab bruisers if you hit body shots instead of head shots also waste a lot of ammo for me so I would consider maybe meleeing those more than you shoot them but still you've got a lot of spare ammo with this build so I don't know have fun just be responsible with your ammo usage right don't run out of ammo because you weren't paying attention if you start running low go melee a few Specialists stand near your friends so they can kill Specialists for you you'll be fine in fact let me invoke a new rule of thumb for you with this kind of build if you're running a last gun build especially the mg4 and you're blasting away into hordes if you have 30% or more ammo have fun if you're getting into the 30% range and less then it's time to get dirty and melee as much as you can into hordes and whatever else this is doubly true if you are not using a Power sword because you're probably going to be able to kill hordes faster in many cases depending on your choice of melee weapon with your gun than your melee weapon and your melee weapon is going to be there to help you against Elites and armored Elites that you can't kill with your last gun and that is the reason also that I took regening crack grenades in this build as opposed to other options with that I will say thank you all so much for visiting I really appreciate you hanging out with me and kind of tolerating my entertainment uh I know that uh these vide this video went a little off the rails and that was fun for me but probably confusing for you so I appreciate you taking along hopefully you gained something of value especially towards the end as I dialed in towards the subject that was uh directly related to dark tide that was interesting and if you found the bomb King section fun please let me know I read all my comments and I respond to all of them as well and with that I suppose I will wish you all a Happy February bye-bye bo bo oh
Channel: Reginald
Views: 2,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kantrael mk4, MG4, Knantrael mkg4
Id: YaemwuDM2Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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