The Blunt Blender | Auric Monstrous Maelstrom | I - II

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like I swear that that since they just sped up the animations for for them but their scap captains just rescanned I swear that Plasma Pistol is decent with the sound effect oh sh I forgot to switch my master ofkind strike down these guess I play with a head hun this game fear thy name oh hello God what a creature slinking about oh I forgot health bars off are you cheating kind of I didn't mean to so that makes it okay oh look at them they're L they're all lined up wee dude you on a body shot pokes them die die pretty [Applause] cute F corrup was no sh where are the sinners now it shall be so what is this grab range dude oh no oh no no no no no no no let me off okay the bomber was nice okay sir [Applause] sir not the biggest fan should probably lab this actually don't know if it's better to spam lights or do Heavies with this chain ax Reginal spoon feed me die [Applause] die a nice you think of a scab r as German why I guess it's okay do you just particularly dislike [Applause] Germans might penal your rage what the [ __ ] is that pen V bro not to be offensive but if you ever this time I don't even need to check I know I did I forgot to check earlier come here boy come here my little Myer hog dude trial no but is cucking me you just seem German can maybe see it with like the the scab Gunners they've got this um like Pike [Applause] thing one of the mechanics claim more in the second war threat no more the mutant is slain we weakened this Al I forgot to switch my weapon oh my complete build this is private so you can leave and come back if you want no that's fine it's not unplayable it's just it's not what I what I wanted to play with initially but not like it's B just I didn't want to play with Head Hunter aut gun and I did not want to play with uh fle and car on my ra how that guy grabed me through the [ __ ] shield and lo me through it that D was [ __ ] magnetic sh kind like that push attack Bon such a sharp stab sound effect man so brutal can't do that sorry if I blessed you with that corruption fall to F you have known two Germans one was a gay communist swamp German Fanboy and the other smokes weed and draws porn for a living you did not make sound like at all yeah same she just blasted the Trapper is sounds about right come back here get up B I need my tenons I shall regain me the mutant is dead it needs more chain sounds even after the update not going to lie so sounds a little blunt oh mushy in th this is not I'm not crazy right this does not sound like a chain ax sounds like I'm swinging like a mace or something yeah I dodged I disagree game thank you watch is grer oh yeah I love to ghosted on the sniper [Applause] head this has this hoorde been going on for a little long no something about the bluntness of the old CHX heavy no didn't mention it not really you got the engine sound but it is super blunt just Bon people with [Applause] it I'm surprised those slides went through manip thank you for the follow sir a threat no more I like this push attack the Beast slabs no [Applause] more mutant in death thou art redeemed do it again Must ALL mutants you're supposed to be a why is the kadan such an [ __ ] bro you're supposed to have a planet it's useless he just traumatized chain sword is a bit weird man trauma I like he was on kadia when it blew up he has about as much connection to than people who aren't from there true TR the flamer is SL I am but a humble ble of divine maybe I should use the weapon consumation thing to make my chain axe look like a bat uh Heth booster in the CH be get poked bless it master I see you without mercy here it shall be against not the biggest fan of ghosts work temp did you guys see anything happen on stream right now I just saw my OBS Flash and I'm getting paranoid to be fair yeah this would work as a blunt weapon but it just sounds kind of weird that there's all these teeth slamming into people just hear the th come back here when you get so lonely oh I got [Applause] blasted a ble a glorious vict I hate the grip why is it not Dodge Tri no it is it's just so [ __ ] weird man it should be more dodgeable glor did you raid I didn't get a notification and this is the grants flashing I didn't even get yeah something is wrong with my uh my setup at the moment Ro is nothing when set against well get on yeah the grer feels nice to shoot doesn't it I like it bullets back it's going to big in oh we should try the devil claw 7 man the thinking man's devil claw the master look at this [ __ ] kicking me man shits on Elites none of them very help your [ __ ] on ragers no problem CLW one enjoyer is there such a thing not kind of [ __ ] it feels worse than it performs is the problem help me a righteous strike a salvo sfire and stuff actually works on like second third and fourth shot in a salvo the game just doesn't tell you about the second shot which I'd love to be fixed to get I love that if that could get fixed cuz it's bit annoying to have blessing description just lie to you out try holy hell bullets here I wish we had a works oh get absolutely knifed on now are doomed cionic Rod vacuum [Music] capsu should be dead the Beast is ended that I've got slaughter head taker on this thing I got to go cck the elite spawns it's my mission oh we love Spidey s oh yes we do we love wobin not getting uh back s getting the love to see goodbye shotgun or Patrol shot J [Music] Christ welcome to the blender sir oh the smoke value on the dead interrogation holy [ __ ] insane yeah insane nothing shot at him might have been due to there not being any enemy that could shoot but regardless if there had been any man don't shoot me at'll have toughness whoa that turning radi is on the mun man oh yeah we love on death I'm not getting healed because there's no enemy oh whatever I'm just going to use one of my seven woves this dude was sneaky man oh I'm stupid I'm going to suck a second Medicare because I'm like that and I frankly I think I deserve it yes you do thank you finally someone values me how did that not pounce on me what the [ __ ] did someone push it [Applause] out the [ __ ] L dog there is plag upon the air iser the Trapper is [Applause] slame oh we love this right oh yes back from that barel we need not I did all I could curses my weapon fall silent we prefer way more evident yeso but I guess be broken wish bosses made sound dude I hat it [Music] Med please get in thank you I emper look homestock reference thank you for the follow man maybe restream is like breaking a bunch of [ __ ] like I'm popping this like that's why I didn't get a raid indicator there that flamer that up there there it is ask and you shall receive agreed rest mutant in death th Ed meast your [Music] sins goodbye praise be the master of I think it's time for me to use my skin no the Trap but I'm a little greedy [ __ ] so I don't want to sing in for the final B are you no no I'm using many gun i r look at how hard they they get sent flying by this thing man I love it RS would I all trauma stuff uh the thing that makes you charge faster and the running I guess slain corrup is Dead funny rag all me laugh okay me going melee though [Applause] shall this dude was just ping against the wall or what how def find the twins awful but uh I only had to engage with them for 7 minutes and that was it very glad they're gone I a furry no CH Ax better than regular axe not a chance now regular ax is super cracked but this is this performs man this is doing well Trapper are you a TR no what gives you uh what gives you that impression sir whoa that is one of the dogs I'm a a vtuber no n combat AES have not fallen off man no way are you a can't watch me I was going to say I was going to say if I say no to all those things are you going to leave sorry sir you see any virtual avatar on stream no then he's not a vtuber I'm taking that wait a second come here dude I got a present for you oh thanks glor yeah you're welcome isad we have SL the Traer Trapper what is the dog doing isone I'm the oh yeah actually the my V2 avvatar is the gun grave gor go that's the middle of the screen hi a grenade what have they done to ragd dolls are they so crazy all of a sudden they weren't like that yesterday nah I never played GTFO it's something I considered going into but then I saw the way the game The Rundown system was like a big barrier and then I saw the way they handled their community and the way they treated modding and it was like yeah not going to touch that Healy uh you know group played that game a lot and uh yeah hearing Tales of like the wasted potential kind of makes me sad but also happy that I never got into it also the stealth Focus like red light green like stuff seems like it would get old real quick but I like the Aesthetics I like the the setting a lot pretty cool looking game like I watched that super long video that he posted was super long of like some someone leaving the community because they're like okay I just don't want to support a game that's like this incredibly toxic towards its uh its moders they're like consistently producing higher quality than the the actual developers and honestly I can kind of relate to that that's not where I aim yeah I know it's just it's not purely red like green light like I've seen the more advanced movement stuff I've seen the moves yeah I see stairs what you think a r can't of that SK aask Master you're ripping outes to doubt an anointed agent of the holy or is to D the master of mankind himself you can take it I'm still sitting on a comy one open I'm watch him get blasted by three box bursters sniper in there that would be not good that would be highly unpr preferable s's upstairs come on man that should stagger dogs I don't like that change they made or dogs more since a stagger while jumping FL is dead oh no no no t g not one can come pick you up this place is onage Kill the Rock and burn the ruins yes Let the Flames cleanse the corruption from the bited world consumed by it own fire big bullets that guy another you get that break out the interrogator the barrel that bar you just summoned hey by talking about GTA 4 now it's time to trauma D Retreat inil the bar explod accept quality okay now it's time to do corruption this ever flam question is what did I [Music] play toughness if you're playing Mar you really don't need help I guess replace the with corrup resistance oh I'm attacking so slow see my I'm a [ __ ] senior citizen in Destroy you need to go yes can't believe you got away with that D die he for anyone in chat at 420 Sonic lover 69 is a long time front of the show dck and if you could go and give him a follow for me that would be real nice don't know how regularly he streams but uh he deserves it dude these guys are straight up getting one shotted time P more attention that's not wear one for one i' been on my I see thee [Applause] bmer of me be strength beep waiter waiter more horns down the street please wait what did my heavy attack not stick to this guy what's this oh almost the [Applause] Mon oh no I'm getting sh can you push a box B with the bash of the Head Hunter guns yes Tri no throwing grenad the only mut mut vacuum capsure the AR now you need to do is the transmission I shall good luck at work dck have a blessed day I got that I'm eating another shotgun of Patrol wait waiter more shotgunners please the m this thing just slurps on them man straight sucking those shotgunners down I like this weapon oh I get that heal I mean I think the Old One's pretty good now I played a couple games with it earlier before this one it feels really good it feels much much better the problem is this the light attacks just wrestling control away from you like just yanking your camera around very annoying my beloved thinks the streamer is an [ __ ] that knows nothing about anything
Channel: telopots
Views: 2,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darktide, damnation, hi5, damnation+, gameplay, kickback, butcher
Id: rvCg5zBlsIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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