This junk is worth HOW MUCH?!?

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yeah yeah [Music] good morning everybody send us back again today and I'm frozen it is brutally cold out there right now I mean it's I've been out there in Colder Weather but it's about negative eight degrees right now it's hard to believe that just a day and a half ago about 36 hours ago it was almost 60 degrees it changed quickly but unfortunately The Show Must Go On I'm out here today I have to load a bunch of aluminum breakage up into that orange box back there my buddy Skyler brought a load out other than that I don't have anybody bringing anything my dad might bring one box later but I've got a bunch of truck beds full of it I've got a bunch of them laying around on the ground I just want to clean a bunch of it up prices aren't what I was hoping they would get to but at this point in time I need the room more than we need the extra few cents a pound that being said I'm probably not going to say a whole lot today I might say a little bit here and there but it is so cold that when I get outside of this loader my face and my hands freeze now I do have insulated gloves and I put my hood up and everything but even then it's still really hard to record out there because it's just so cool [Music] foreign foreign well so much for that idea I thought I would actually get out here and I thought maybe nobody would bother me I could get a lot done but as you can probably tell from the video I am struggling to pick this stuff up the hydraulics on this loader I I hit the lever and nothing happens for a fraction of a second and then all of a sudden it takes off 90 miles an hour so I let go of the lever and it just keeps going and then on top of that the brakes are not working on this thing I have to push them all the way to the floor and even then if I'm in first gear it'll keep going it is just it's too cold to run equipment in this weather the only way you should be able to run equipment in this weather is if you had it parked inside or else you're out in the open where it's okay to drive but for for this type of work it's just too cold and so it's just not worth it I got a hold of the company I was supposed to have it filled today but we're going to have to go ahead and do is I convinced him to let me keep the dumpster for a while so maybe later in the week if I get time I'll finish loading it but otherwise I'll probably have to load it next week so we're gonna stop here and we'll pick this up again whenever I get back to it and good morning Silas back out here today we are going to continue the aluminum breakage video last time I was out here it was just brutal brutal cold nothing was cooperating today it's it's chilly right now but it's already warming up I'm gonna have to shed this coat here pretty soon so today is the perfect day to work on this aluminum breakage I'll kind of show you what I have here since I wasn't able to last time I've got a motor and then this cross member here couple Transmissions got a just a miscellaneous pile back here I've got a trek Bed full here I'm gonna have to move this dumpster out of the way to get to all this stuff back here I've got this here I'm just going to go ahead and throw a little stainless I have in there as well and you may be wondering why I'm throwing clean stuff like this in with the aluminum breakage and the reason why is because of stuff like this this stuff is so dirty and nasty they don't like this stuff because of all the steel on it but when I send them a good mix like that I can get better money out of this stuff but I never get enough clean stuff to sell a whole dumpster load it just works out for everybody that way when I mix it together this truck bed here I'm going to have to actually go through like this tub here needs to just go in the scrap these barrels are mostly breakage but I'm going to have to actually empty those out because I can't send the barrels themselves so it's kind of frustrating but what I'm probably going to have to do on this truck bed is I'm going to have to take another truck bed and set beside it and actually sort everything out that way then I've got another motor Lane here I think I got some stuff down there in the weeds and then I think over here yeah there's a transfer case and a transmission there's a couple Motors there and I think somewhere down here oh I got another car in on a truck this Dodge truck wasn't here either huh those are new arrivals I'll have to look through those later yeah there's a truck bed right there that's full of breakage and I think over here yeah there's a little bit of breakage over here now this is mostly clean stuff here and most of this is actually stainless probably won't mess with that but depending on how much room I have left I may come back here there's a bunch of dismiscellaneous stuff scattered back up in here there's a transmission there and just oh it's an end junk scattered through here like I say if I if the dumpster is getting pretty full I probably won't mess with this stuff I do have this big sign up here and then this sign over here I do want to go ahead and get rid of those I'll put those up on top of the dumpster to hold everything down here's another transmission here and then there's a little bit of breakage scattered around up there so like I say I just got to go around gather it all up I'll probably just grab a truck bed and drive around all these small piles like this throw everything in the truck bed and when it's full I'll take it over there dump it in the dumpster I was hoping I would have some help today but no such luck so I guess it's just yours truly well I forgot I've got this stuff here as well I believe these are stainless here but they're just so awkward and hard to handle I don't really like these things I haven't gotten these in a long time I think these are the last ones I have but I want to go ahead and get rid of those so as you look around kind of what I had here let me know in the comments right now what you think all this stuff's gonna be worth roughly I won't hold you to it but just for fun guess in the comments how much weight and how much money you think is going to be in that dumpster back there just for reference right now we're getting 20 cents a pound so if you think there's a thousand pounds that comes out to what two hundred dollars no obviously there's a lot more than a thousand pounds because all those Motors and stuff but whatever you think it is take your times 20 cents a pound let me know in the comments I was really hoping to hold out for 25 cents a pound we used to get almost 40 cents a pound for it but those days are long gone if you want me to explain why prices aren't that high anymore even though the actual price of aluminum is higher than what it used to be I'll explain that now if you don't really care you can just fast forward about 45 seconds or so and we'll get to the action but the reason why is China actually used to buy shredded aluminum what they would do is they would take aluminum breakage like Motors Transmissions all this stuff and they would just run through the Shredder and shoot it into a bin and they would just ship it all to China and then China would refine it and process it however over the last roughly five years maybe a little bit longer China has really cracked down on Imports and they're trying to cut back on as many Imports as possible of scrap whether it be copper aluminum steel all that sort of stuff so when people say oh you're just crushing those cars and shipping them to China actually very little of this deal actually goes to China Once Upon a Time back in the Cash for Clunkers days yes stuff did go to China but China Cash for Clunkers all that stuff has very little impact on today's market but anyway since they don't buy that type of aluminum now it has to go to other markets and other markets are more picky on the the quality of the product and especially the American market and so they actually have to do more manual not manual but they have to do more labor and more machines and more Specialties to refine the breakage after they shred it and so it just it cuts into the cost and so that's why breakage is worth a lot less now than what it used to be thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] yeah yeah foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think I'm going to stick the forks in here and kind of rake some of this stuff down here towards the back a little bit more kind of fill this in I've got those two big signs down there yet I think I can smash those in here my dad was going to bring a truck bed or two full of motors and Transmissions over but he's been so busy hauling cars today he hasn't had time to do that oh yeah I can get both of those in there no problem I'll probably put the small one in first and then this in here I can smash it down there in the back somehow someway I think it'll all fit in there just fine I'm not going to bother digging out any of that stuff back there there's not enough weight there to make it worth my time right now I'll wait till all these cars are gone I'm really wanting to get this area here cleared out too I used to actually park my truck right here every day kind of where this stuff's sitting I'd kind of pull up this direction that was before we had the gate and the fence and all that here but I'd like to get to where I can actually pull in here and park off to the side every day that way I can lock myself in here so people can't bother me but yeah I have access to my tools that help having to open the gate every time but I think I'm gonna go ahead and grab this thing here this is a very heavy piece it weighs about 1200 pounds it's two great big three-quarter inch pieces of aluminum solid aluminum and then it's alternates between I think these are probably what is that 3 8 maybe quarter inch something like that but this is steel and then a bar of copper and then steel copper steel copper all the way down it just I've tried to clean it I tried to take it apart but these things are so tight and this was a heated press is what this was out of so these things have been hot and cold so many times that they're rusted in place Rock Solid and I broke several of the deals trying to get those out and so the only way you'd ever get these out is if you were to take a torch or something like that and heat each one up and then take it out and so I'm not going to do that there's a ton of them here so I think I'm going to go ahead and throw this in the aluminum breakage and then I've got a few other things like this old swing set I want to keep that obviously this car has got hard to get Converters on it I'm gonna have to pull the motor out of it someday and there's just an assortment of other stuff in here that I'm keeping got this fan blade down here is really cool fan blade I figured somebody will want that for industrial art same with this big gear got a little bit of dirty brass I found on the car one day and laid here and never did anything with don't know what this door came off of so I'll probably just go ahead and grab it and throw it in the Scrap Box but yeah I'll move this car out of the way come in here grab that I'll probably go ahead and check that door while I'm here and that's probably all I'll do with this for today I really wanted to get more done today besides just the aluminum box but I've probably spent man probably three maybe four hours I'm probably not quite four hours probably closer to three hours today dealing with people now some of those people like the guy that hold that car and that truck out and those tractors I bought some converters there was that little Toyota or whatever it was I bought some stuff today but then I had other people that came out that some of them literally just wanted to chit chat they were bored and saw me here and so they stopped in thought they'd talk to me and I kind of get it I know back in the day you know 30 years ago that's what you did you went out to the junkyard and you talked to the guy at the junkyard when you were bored and it just it doesn't work like that anymore I try not to be rude to people but I had a guy here a little bit ago that came in and asked how much I would give for a 2004. no he didn't say that he said what can I do with a 2004 that's all he said and I said he was I think he was on something pretty pretty strong but anyway I was like 2004 what what are you talking about he says well I don't know what to do with the 2004. and I said 2004 what he says I I'm trying to get to Colorado I'm 50 years old I don't know why I'm still in Kansas I wanted to be in Colorado by the time I was 40 and here it is 10 years later and I'm I guess I'm just going to hitchhike and I said okay well I guess I better get back to work he says so you don't want it I said what he says 2004. I said 2004 what and he finally said 2004 Chrysler how much you give me for it I said man without seeing it I needed to see make sure it's complete see what wheels are on it all that sort of stuff I'd probably give you 300 for it 250 300 somewhere in that range and he says oh no I just put six brand new tires on it I said six brand new tires on a Chrysler he says yeah I just put them on there probably probably a week ago and so at this point in time it's obvious the guy is just tripping out of his mind and has no clue what he's even talking about so I was like uh yeah I don't know you can sell it to somebody else that's fine I'm not not too interested in it but uh I better go so uh I'll see you later instead of leaving he he goes like this with his water bottle says hey can you hold my water bottle I need to smoke a cigarette I can't light a cigarette and hold a water bottle at the same time and so I grabbed his water bottle I thought this is my opportunity I started walking out the gate to try to get him outside the gate with his water bottle he likes a cigarette grabs his water bottle and he starts telling me his whole life story and I just kept going on and on and on long story short and it took me about 20 minutes to get him off the property and so things like that 20 minutes may not seem like a lot but when something weird like that happens four times in a day boom there goes a whole bunch of time but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and dig out that thing dig out those two signs throw in the Box I won't know what this weighs until probably tomorrow maybe even the next day I don't know when they can pick this up so this is your last chance to guess what you think Weight Wise is in this dumpster [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you affections [Music] I can't trust myself [Music] affection [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 128,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uk7u4D3IAx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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