He Passed Through Divine Portal & Absorbed 99.9% Power of the Strongest Heroes - Manhwa Recap

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the quiet calm night was disrupted by a loud violent accident where cars collided and overturned creating a mess the man who was apparently sitting in one of the cars was so scared that he was already sweating then he stood in bewilderment and looked at his lying body and the chain collar he was wearing his name was Shing Al he was an intensive care doctor in complete misunderstanding in panic the doctor shouted and asked if he was lying dead on the road suddenly the chain from the collar stretched and darted to the back dragging Alfa along with it with such force that he was confused convulsively the doctor took hold of the chain and looked forward to understand what was happening and who was dragging him from above in front of him Alf saw a girl in a blue robe wearing a hood and with a side in her hands a chain from a collar was attached to this braid The Girl With Tears In Her Eyes did not understand what to do now because she had grabbed the wrong person with sad eyes the girl told the doctor that she needed to pick up the old granny but he got in her way trying to help the grandmother and now she again grabbed the wrong person it seems this is not the first time the girl took the doctor's chain and they rushed up towards the light and from below the grandmother whom the doctor saved approached his corpse and stammered and said that she wanted to buy a porcelain vase and she did not think that it could lead to such consequences with a loud and confident tone the girl shouted to the doctor that he had died from which he burst into tears screaming and still still did not understand what was happening they were both in some kind of gloomy Dimension where turquoise lights similar to souls were burning everywhere memories came flooding back to ALF he worked as a junior doctor at a regional Chinese Medical Hospital just 10 minutes ago he lost his life trying to save someone on his way home after finishing his night shift the doctor stood in front of the girl and asked her to stop crying because the only one who should cry here as he because his life has now ended she closed her eyes sobbing and said that now she failed the exam again this month because she grabbed the wrong person and yes this is not the first time she failed the exam the doctor realized that this girl was something like the Grim Reaper and was surprised that they still had exams and the girl said about King Yama that he told everyone not to lag behind on time because in the addition there are high production standards and they must be met and this makes her very nervous the doctor smartly scratched his chin and asked what could happen if the standards were met Alf decided to help the girl he wanted to find out what needed to be done to comply with everything which made her look at him with a sad sweet face the girl began to cry and asked him not to help her because she might not get a promotion and she would also be sent back to school for a year and then she would definitely not become a soul catcher she asked the doctor not to file a complaint against her because her superiors would find out about this would get her into trouble Alf calmed her down and said that he was not going to file any complaints he just asked her her not to cry anymore and to calm down but the doctor had a request so he decided to make a deal with her she will fulfill his request and he will not file a complaint against her a girl with a sweet tear stained face looked at him and thanked him which made Alfa feel a little awkward she brought the doctor to the kingdom of the Dead she indicated with her finger that he needed to go there and resolve this issue with the judge of Hell the kingdom of the Dead was a huge building similar to an office with a bunch of windows placed in horizontal and vertical positions at the entrance to the kingdom there were signs with inscriptions on the sides and one in the center of the door on which it was written that the office of the judge of hell was located here the doors opened and a thick white fog came out the doctor and the girl went inside Alf became gloomy he wondered if this was all a dream maybe it was all just a stupid dream but no it was for real Alf was about to go through the inspection in front of him stood a huge Buffalo dressed like a security guard in a blue shirtt and black pants and in his hoof there was a handheld metal detector which clearly frightened the young guy the big buffalo grabbed the doctor by the head and began to examine him using a metal detector looking for metal objects that apparently cannot be passed through and at this time the buffalo's partner a white horse who was also dressed in a security guard's uniform quoted information about the doctor this process made Al feel bored and sad and even the Buffalo laughed that he had not done bad things and suffered from failures the girl and the doctor walked into the main office the place where the judge of hell was sitting at his desk as soon as they entered in a loud and Stern Voice the judge ordered them to come to him and quickly the judge's office looked like a separate Dimension the judge knocked on the table causing an echo around and forcing him to pay attention and listened to him carefully the judge looked like an adult man with red eyes and pale skin he was dressed in a dark blue kimono and a red robe all his attire was harmoniously matched to his possessions everything was the same red and dark blue with a loud voice the judge asked who it was to him Jud the doctor and the girl were very frightened and the girl decided to speak first she introduced sin Alf and said that he accidentally died in a car accident to which Alf simply stood silently and watched what was happening the judge took his book of life and death and said that she screwed up again because she should have brought the old lady and not this young guy they both stood there the girl with small tears in her eyes and the doctor looked in complete bewilderment and said that he was surprised to see such an image of the ruler of the other world the judge sat down at the table shook his head and said that every time he tries to help her but she always makes mistakes apparently he was already very tired of this the girl sat down opposite to judge and started a conversation with him for probably the H hundredth time because this situation was not the first first she began to squeal and say that this will not happen again this time they will discuss it with each other and thanks to this she will be able to correct all her mistakes the judge scratched his ear and understood what had happened but since Alfa came here there is no way back only a random Passage through one of the Six Paths of reincarnation from Surprise the doctor was overwhelmed with emotions he was confused that he could be born again which meant that he had died in vain the judge slammed a piece of paper on the table and told Alf that he was simply the soul of a dead man and had no right to challenge the verdict of this Lord and the judge ordered the doctor to be taken away in confusion the doctor shouted that he was the victim here but behind him there were already ghosts ready to take him to wherever the judge ordered the judge pointed to oay and told him that in his place there should have been that elderly woman whom he saved by this he interfered in none of his business the fact is that they did not force it and this complicated the judge's work moreover after all the leniency He Still Remains dissatisfied Alay was in despair he thought that he helped but he only made it worse not only for himself but also for others because of his heroic act everything went wrong the judge was angry he immediately ordered the ghosts to take away the guy who ruined the plans that were about to happen the ghost grabbed Al and he began to scream in panic that since childhood he had always been honest and polite with others today he tried to do the right thing and it all ended with his death but this death was not his mistake but isn't this their justification for judging him this way the girl begged the judge to stop because he died because of her mistake he really asked that he be given a chance the judge approached the doctor taking him by the chin and said that it was true what was said he suffered a misfortune not the best death but still the judge could not go against the laws of hell and therefore the doctor should accept him but the doctor did not understand he is a judge he cannot to be so unfair from the words of Al the judge felt funny of course because the doctor is just an ordinary passing soul but he dares to criticize the judge of Hell himself about some kind of Injustice Alf clenched his will into a fist he was clearly very angry and didn't want to let it all go so easily he wanted to act in a surge of rage and despair alface said that the judge was the one who sent the newcomer and that he now Bears responsibility for this oversight the judge's eyes filled with Len anger how dares such a worm even say anything he has no right the judge ordered him to be quickly taken away so that he would not bother his eyes and get on his nerves with a sharp gesture the judge pointed the way for the ghosts and shouted to order the wandering soul to be taken away determination and hope for a better outcome in these events appeared in alfa's eyes the doctor frantically pointed his finger at the judge and decided with great audacity that he did not have to to file a complaint silence rained in the hall after the doctor's words as if time had stopped and sounds had disappeared into the air a skull suddenly appeared out of thin air wearing headphones with a microphone and a flashing turquoise light around it as it turned out he represented the customer service he asked whether he was satisfied with their search and whether the service had satisfied them or what kind of complaint the doctor wanted to make from the presence of the skull the judge fell into a stuper indignation and hostility towards the skull was clearly visible on his face the judge fell to his knees and grabbed Al by the cheeks it looked as if he was ready to do everything for him just to make this skull disappear the girl was at a loss what was happening a second ago the judge was ready to send the doctor into Oblivion but after the skull he seemed to fall in love with him sharply and even ordered the ghosts to let him go and of course he said that he would do whatever he wanted Alf looked at the judge and realized that he was very afraid of complaints and therefore this could be a good lover in his favor how it calmed him down the judge sat down and thought about the doctor's proposal it turned out that he wanted to return to his old life and this greatly surprised the judge the judge sat down folded his hands looked carefully at the girl and the doctor and said that Revival is not such a difficult request the girl and the doctor looked at the judge with surprise it seemed to them that the Revival would be much more difficult the the judge took his book life and death telling about the new system but it is not yet stable and is in the experimental stage so it is dangerous to use it now sweat poured down alfa's face and quietly asked what kind of system this could be in such an Afterlife with a bright dark smile the judge looked at the doctor and said with great pleasure that this is a system of rebirth the doctor was told that it increases the progress of skills and allows you to reach the top of the world but there is a price for this as for the ment Alf was frightened and trembled because Revival does not happen just like that you have to give a certain payment for it the judge explained that even with the established system the doctor will have to return life on his own only with his own efforts will he be able to return to his world alive and well a mysterious grin was visible on the judge's face he said that only after the doctor passes all the tests of the system will he have the opportunity to return his past life or otherwise he will die forever this is the system in this Kingdom at the guard the doctor asked what type of test there would be and how to pass them in order to survive bowing his head the judge said that contrary to heaven the system is the same as this natural world there is neither an easy nor a difficult task in it Alf remembered that they told him earlier that if he did not do his job properly he would be thrown out of the medical school then he remembered the moment when the girl he loved very much wanted to leave him all these memories greatly increased his determination and now he is ready to act he remembered all his failures even the moment when his bus did not wait and went further than he saw he gritted his teeth in this life he was unsuccessful and he does not have a single achievement he just found a job and soon died by mistake now he cannot give up accepting such a defeat is unacceptable for him eyes sparkling with life Alf is ready to accept all these trials and to be reborn the time has come to ACT they came to an unknown place where the fog danced and Sparks slept in space this place was a new method of signing contracts so said the judge he ordered the doctor to stretch out his hand and touch the window that showed unknown expanses Alf touched the window at first he didn't understand what was happening and decided to wait a little in case something happened dark bonds wrapped around the doctor which made him very frightened and wanted to break out of their captivity the judge made a seal with his hands and spoke so that someone would hear the king's order and enter into a contract with this Mortal dark straight patterns formed around the doctor's hand which apparently wanted to grab his hand Al froze he literally froze he was very scared of what was happening now dark paths rushed towards the doctor in the hope of capturing him but they seemed to possess him the doctor felt bad he turned pale and coughed the girl came up to him to ask how he was feeling the doctor received a piece of paper on which something was written perhaps it was about him the contract was concluded now Al needed to accept his new system for rebirth the contract states that parier signs a contract with a new lower world after which the soul receives a system for rebirth that will give tasks that must be followed otherwise punishment will await the doctor read to the most terrible word in this contract of punishment which made him shiver the judge stood over the doctor and began to laugh if Alf does not complete the task then his soul will be doomed and he will not be able to be reborn he thought whether all these tasks really had to be completed in Earnest it's true that what kind of tasks is unknown Suddenly It's a trap with an angry face the doctor looked at the judge and said that nothing would work out for him and he refused this participation something suddenly shot through Al's head and with such sharp pain that he fell to his knees he began to moan in pain the girl rushed to his Aid and the judge Stood Still and looked at it all with a grin on his face the judge explained to the doctor that if he says again that he refuses the task it will be considered a failure of the task sweat flowed like a waterfall alaye now understood that the situation was truly hopeless but he simply said that there was no such thing as a free lunch the judge raised his finger and decided to remind him that if you fail the task severe punishment will follow recalling the old life of a doctor who tried his best but still became an intern and saying that now he has to work much harder to get a new life the girl came up to take pity on Alf she asked him not to worry because with this new system he could become after this word silence followed the judge swore at the girl telling her to stop talking nonsense and shut up the judge called the guards and ordered the girl to be reincarnated into useless trash along the Six Paths of reincarnation the doctor stood up for the girl saying that he did not blame her and there was no need to be so cruel to her to which the judge replied that the doctor should not interfere because this is the Lord's business and he needs to be reborn the ghost grabbed the girl and tied her hands she was very scared and did not understand what would happen next the doctor watched this unpleasant sight in panic and decided to do something he came to her defense he said that she was the one who brought him here by mistake and she now had to help him in the tests the judge exclaimed because it was against the rules such behavior is unacceptable which the doctor decided to complain about again here again the judge got very scared and decided that the rules could be broken he approached the doctor and said that the rules were not valid at this moment and that he would fulfill his demands only once the judge turned and through a smile told the girl that this guest saved her this time a huge Golden Portal opened and the doctor realized that the first test was beginning the door of rebirth opened in the doctor and the girl stepped inside the portal still the judge did not understand why Lord Yama was interested in this Mortal he allowed him to do weird things and even gave him a Celestial system then the healthy muscular Yama appeared and said that this doctor was the heir of the 10th Divine doctor Lord Yama hopes that he can realize his achievements and become the greatest doctor and will not be used as a pawn Alf found himself in some space dressed in a tracksuit and holding a bag surprise was noticeable on the doctor's face but this is only the beginning of the journey he looked around and realized that he was in the room in which he lived when he was still at school looking in the mirror he realized that he was now 18 years old it seemed like this was all part of the test the girl called him big brother and complimented him that he was very attractive in his youth the brother was surprised and looked at the girl and asked if it was her and what she was doing here to a stupid question she answered that he himself wanted her to be his assistant the lock of the bag blinked with an orange happy smiley which surprised both of them the girl told the doctor that if he presses the button the system will automatically recognize him as its owner the doctor pressed the button and something was about to happen the bag jumped up leaving behind a huge yellow beam of Light which surprised the girl and the doctor the bag opened and showed its open part it looked like a laptop with the screen turned on showing a smiley face that was picking its nose the doctor thought that the system was teasing him but the girl said that he was its owner the owner's characteristics panel popped up there was all the necessary information that you needed to to know the doctor seemed to curse at him and indeed they were mocking him the girl decided to remain silent the girl said in surprised that this is the most accurate and accurate meter among human indicators and she wondered why the indicators were so low it turned out that all these characteristics are absolutely accurate because the owner does not show enough respect for the Revival system so it deliberately underestimated the characteristics and the system only gave the most difficult level of difficulty Alfa angrily attacked the panel and cursed not understanding how he should now pass all these tests it was written on the panel that the owner refused the task and now punishment from Rage would follow the doctor decided to give up the girl reached out to the doctor and said that if he doesn't fight then the underworld will swallow his soul he trembled for some reason she also remembered that the Revival system has a one-time recovery function then The Voice password for Recovery began to play the doctor hit the table with all determination and began to talk about the following he said that he has dignity and his first rule is that after this word the following happened the doctor fell to his knees and tears and began to say Daddy several times after which the recovery function was activated and asked to select the desired mode he suggested that this character is quite persistent and the choice may be quite simple the system asked to choose an occupation and the doctor was surprised at how huge the choice was the doctor decided to choose a presenter apparently this is a pretty good occupation for him but the system refused justifying that the owner is not good at this this made aoi feel sad and uneasy and it's a Pity he apparently wanted to be the leader the doctor again attacked the system and the girl once again calmed him down and said that if this system sees that he rejects it the consequences will be irreversible he feverishly and quickly began to poke and poke at the screen but the system kept refusing and refusing and in the end the system chose the doctor profession as it turned out the doctor was the only function that he could choose but it was logical the girl approached the Doctor Who was sitting on a chair and showed that a new mission was shown there the mission was shown it was necessary to cure one person within 24 hours the reward would be experience points Alf did not understand how he could find a person who needed help the girl encouraged Alf and reminded him of the consequences that would happen to him if he gave up she told him that for completing a task he would receive experience points for which he could get useful things such as a task replacement card the doctor grabbed the girl's hand and rushed forward to the sound of a battlecry having opened the door they froze because there they saw white eyes that glowed in the darkness the doctor trembled in fear and wanted to understand who was on the other side of the door on a sunny day someone is standing in slippers and looking at the beautiful morning alf's mother was standing most likely these were the doctor's memories because his mother died of lung cancer when her son entered College Alay was in shock he didn't understand how this was possible because his mother was dead what was happening here the doctor in tears rushed to hug his mother which made her a little surprised why her son cried and what happened to him then he told her that he missed her a lot the son said that he had not seen her for a long time and missed her she asked him to calm down and wipe away his tears because alf's friend was waiting on the street tenang Yan's friend was standing on the street he was wearing a sweatshirt and his head was a complete mess not his hair a classmate cursed about the fact that he was almost late Alf decided to ask where his friend was in such a hurry the Young Doctor's interest immediately captured him the doctor's friend was surprised and said that he was going to their graduation had Alf forgotten about the graduation Yun thought then Alf blushed and said that he remembered about the graduation Yun began to urge Alf because he didn't want them to be late for graduation because this is a very important event the doctor replied that he had unfinished business and therefore he would not go yet then Alf thought to himself and remembered that the mission of rebirth was still ongoing Yun winked and said that they were all going to get higher education and if they didn't take advantage of the opportunity it would be difficult to meet later and the doctor understood that she would be there too Al remembered his goddess in high school his sweetheart with whom he was crazy in love the doctor immediately forgot about the task deciding to to justify it by the fact that he still had 24 hours left to complete it friends grabbed each other's shoulders and with full confidence went to the prom shouting that they were going mom called Alay and asked for the console she thought that he bought it with stolen money which made the doctor sweat out of fear he grabbed the console and abruptly took it away thinking to himself that this was a Revival system taking the console with him and going with his friend the son said that he would explain everything later to which the mother swore and said that his father would teach him a lesson the place where the graduation should take place in that case it was a restaurant perhaps not the best in the city but this will do friends went inside and shouted to let everyone know that they had arrived and were ready for graduation Alf shuddered and blushed as if he saw the very Lady of his heart Zinger she was 17 years old she was alf's classmate and secret love her beautiful friend with glasses came up to zya and offered to sit somewhere together together so that they would not stand Za's friend was l f she was 18 years old she was the head of the class she also loved to teach Al Lou noticed the doctor and asked him to find a place for himself and not make another mess to which Al agreed the doctor looked at his classmates and did not believe that they were all in front of him now it was like a dream but it was a test after these thoughts everyone clinked their glasses of beer together he sat down at the table on both sides stood classmates who were drink drinking and having fun Alf alone thought that no one knows that he received a new life and this time he does not want to waste it someone kicked down the door and thereby disrupted the loud graduation celebration the door was knocked down by a man with stylish glasses and a slicked hairstyle and with a bouquet in his hands it was gunen he was 20 years old he was the leader of the bad guys and he was also obsessed with Zion goru following him came his gang of Pumped Up Guys one of them was with a bat in his hands Gia spoke tooru and asked her to call him to dance he grabbed the girl's hand to which she reacted negatively and said indignantly that he had nothing to do with her graduation Gia was angry because he had given her so many gifts and she was still unhappy Alf looked at this man with a piercing and serious gaze inger's friend stood up for her and said that he should let her go immediately and if he continues to intimidate his classmates then she will take action ja rushed at his girlfriend with a sharp movement and hit her with a bouquet and ordered her to shut up because they had already finished school so the teacher would not protect them now Al together with ingara was shocked by what they saw was this man so crazy that he was ready to just hit a girl like that the G gang stood with batons and one of them said that no one would BL there or interfere the doctor gathered all his courage into a fist and decided to intervene and in a brutal angry voice said that it was he who blathered here G felt funny and he laughed that such a weak guy decided to say something to him Alf came face to face with a gang of bad guys and began to say that it was not good to bully his classmates otherwise there would be consequences one guy from The Gang simply sent a doctor and attacked him with a club in his hands alake took a pose to repel the blow he was ready for battle because now he didn't want to just run or stand idly by a strong blow with a bat and stun Al he clearly did not expect such a strong blow the doctor fell to the floor and began to choke from a strong blow and the Gang and Gia stood over him and just laughed he stood up and having come to his senses he cursed it was vile and dishonest because Alf did not have one but this bastard as the doctor said had w g aimed his blow at the doctor to finish him off and told him that he was a coward who was trying to be a hero Alf was thrown back by the blow and fell again with loud sounds to the floor which made the people around him shocked by what was was happening out of nowhere a soul catcher girl appeared who was an assistant in this test she took the console and asked to give the doctor's strength so that he could cope with these Hooligans the doctors began to be pierced by the sun's rayss of some kind of force perhaps this is the force that the girl assistant asked for he felt a surge of strength and taking his will into his fist realized that now he could resist these arrogant Hooligans from what he saw Gia trembled there was clearly fear and misund understanding on his face from what he now sees in front of him in a fit of rage Alay clothed in fiery Radiance told the bully that he was not going to let him go Gia first laughed and then trembled because now in front of him is not the ordinary brat whom he beat now he is much stronger and is ready to clean his face a quick direct beam of light crashed into the wall leaving a huge dent there from the shock wave and the chairs around it turned over at the sight of the dent Gia lay unconscious he he passed out from the powerful blow of the doctor classmates were shocked by such a blow and they could not even think that Alf was capable of such a thing the assistant approached the doctor and said that the rebirth system had improved his physical abilities he was surprised that this was possible and was clearly very happy about it she stood in front of him and saw how happy he was and told him that he wanted to complete the mission then a gang got involved and they decided to attack to avenge their boss and even shouted that Alf should not talk to himself it seems that no one here sees his assistant grinning the doctor knew that now he had nothing to fear with such strength he was easily ready to take on another fight and decided to ask the Hooligans if they needed trouble with two sharp blows he sent the holigans to the same place where Gia also formed dents and all the chairs flew off from the sonic boom trembling convulsively through pain and foam at the mouth xia began to say that they would give him this but what exactly no one one understood the gang ran away in fear leaving their boss alone and told him to apologize to him himself and they would run away from here to which the boss swore very strongly Alf stood in front of the bully and he was horrified and sweating he clearly did not want this blow to happen again Gia rushed to his knees with lightning speed in front of inor and began to apologize and promise that he was wrong and would no longer pester her Alay was surprised that he had changed so dramatically ingor showed the hooligan the way to the door thereby indicating that he should get out and told him not to bother her ever again to which the hooligan responded in a slow manner well well finally the doctor decided to intimidate G and said that if he came here again he would force him to undress classmates began to thank Alf he was very surprised they could not even think that he was so strong and courageous he laughed and said that it was all nothing and his friend actually wondered if he was the ALF he knew someone shouted for everyone to continue to have fun and Alf was invited to sit down and have fun together and he of course happily agreed the doctor sat and enjoyed the wonderful graduation it was the first time his beloved invited him to sit next to her and she also decided to feed him Alf filled himself with a huge belly full of food he was very tasty from the dishes in this restaurant all his classmates began to thank him this was the first time when he was so important to the class many people asked to teach this technique or asked to take a walk with him he sat happy and said that this revival system was quite good and faay sat next to him and laughed why it was not clear the assistant approached sha and said that the system helped him solve the problem but now she made it so that the mission that needed to be completed in 24 hours now needs to be completed in 1 hour from this information the doctor was seized with shock now he did not understand how this could happen and what he should do now in order to complete the Mission Alf blew himself up and went about his business he had to hurry because if he failed the task he would never return to life suddenly alf's beloved asked him to wait she clearly wanted to tell him something important the Beloved blush became shy and asked if Al had a free minute tomorrow confused and also blushing the doctor replied that of course he would always have time for her even in another world she asked him if they could meet tomorrow at the lake from this proposal Al F's friend fell into shock but the doctor was not taken aback and answered with confidence that he would come to the lake tomorrow here the assistant intervenes and reminds his brother about the task so that he begins to complete it and not go out with the girl he loves very much Alay apologized and said that he was in a hurry and he would go first most likely they went to complete the task the doctor found himself on the street he was rushing forward to the hospital with all his might screaming it was time to go to the hospital to complete the mission with a huge smile on his face and in a good mood Alf goes forward to complete the task he approached the bus Which always ignored him but now he decided to shout again to stop the doctor got on the bus followed by his assistant who urged him on there is little time and an urgent need to act Alf reassured her and said that they were already on their way to the hospital to complete the task they sat calmly looked out the window watching the beautiful view and the doctor said that he would try to finish the task quickly he probably really wanted to meet his beloved again Alf sat with his eyes narrowed he was clearly very tired and he himself said that he really wanted to sleep now the assistant explained that the system increased the body's productivity which created a load on the doctor's body and therefore he now really wants to sleep tiredly closing his eyes Alf began to fall asleep after heavy stress on his body he saw a beautiful sky painted yellow with a beautiful sunset he woke up abruptly came to his senses and tried to understand what was happening now and where he was now the doctor stood at the bus stop quite strangely because a second ago he was sitting on the bus and falling asleep he decided to look at the descriptions near the Stop and saw that he had chosen the wrong destination with a pouty face he decided to walk to the place he needed talking about his life and the work that he loves very much birds flew in the beautiful Orange Sky decorating the Landscapes with with their presence in the clouds some sounds were heard from the Dark Forest it was not clear from what or from whom they came Alf looked around and listened to the sounds coming from the deep Thicket of the Dark Forest he wanted to understand what happened there he ran with lightning speed into the forest to find out what was happening there and all this was accompanied by screams faster faster the doctor did not notice the man lying on the ground and accidentally stepped on his face with all his might causing him to groan out of fear Alfa jumped away from the lying man and asked him why he was lying there and what happened to him the doctor approached the bedridden man and decided to examine him he was in a terrible shabby condition but he was alive taking a closer look he saw the man had a serious head injury but it was not serious Alf continued the examination and saw that both of the Man's legs were almost broken and where this guy had gotten himself into so much trouble and what he was doing in the forest at night having completed the examination and taking his attachment the doctor concluded that the man had a fracture of the distal fibula Alf said it's good that he found him fortunately he can cure him but he doesn't have much time he took the man's leg and with a sharp movement said it from such a sharp pain the man came to his senses and screamed in shock at this the doctor began to tear the man's shirt and told him not to move otherwise he would only interfere with the process the man decided to ask who this doctor was alface silently took several sticks and wrapped them around the man's leg thereby making a cast for his leg with a satisfied face the doctor said how good it was that he met him and was able to help him because now the task should be considered completed having risen the man pointed his finger to the side where two more men were lying just as wounded and battered as he from this the doctor was very surprised that they were also just as wounded they were all beaten on their arms and legs there were bruises wounds abrasions everything looked as if a battle had taken place here horror gripped Al's face it seemed strange to him that the three men had broken their bones were they really fighting with each other the night was dark and mysterious but at the same time it enchanted with its beauty three men sat down near the cobblestones they were all wrapped up and cured of course because the doctor gave them first aid but Alf decided to ask that they were fighting with thugs where did such beatings come from to began to tremble feverishly and one tried to say something through Trembling Lips then the three of them screamed sharply from what they saw in front of them perhaps what they saw was the reason for their beating a dark silhouette appeared behind the doctor's back resembling a woman with red eyes this image itself already inspired fear and three men shouted that it was a ghost woman Alf rushed to the men in fear crying and shouting for help but in this Wilderness it is unlikely that anyone would hear them a figure began to emerge from the the silhouette resembling a young woman in a cap she asked the doctor whether he was their friend or not the clouds were sleeping the fog cleared and now a girl with a cap on was clearly visible chewing gum and inflating a balloon with it Alf took a closer look and saw a beautiful girl but he was surprised that such a beautiful lady was doing in the forest and even at night one of the beaten men swore sharply saying that this was not a girl but a real monster which made the doctor think and didn't not understand what was happening here the girl's face was distorted with anger she was clearly enraged by these three men and apparently wanted to hurt them despite the fact that they were already beaten the girl hit the tree with her fist and made a huge hole in it so she demonstrated her power it's better not to joke with her everyone was shocked by this power they realized that it was very dangerous and strong the girl asked what they said about her and again asked the doctor does he know these three men Alfa decided to ask if she beat these guys to which the girl confidently replied that yes she beat them three men stood behind the doctor and through tears called him boss and asked him to save them but Alf said that he would go away on business so he asked the girl to look after them the girl pointing at the doctor concluded that he was their boss this was not surprising to these guesses Alf replied that it was useless to blame her younger brother did her parents really not teach this then the doctor suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head and he thought why he just said all this and what it means the girl got angry and threw her fists at Alf and said that he had pissed her off he's in trouble now the three men were shocked by alfa's audacity and watched the events taking place with fear on their faces the doctor received a powerful blow to his cheek with his fist from such a blow I wondered whether all his teeth would remain in place the girl threw the poor doctor away with her powerful blow causing him to fall and roll on the ground ground Alf fell to the ground and began to quietly close his eyes in pain he said that he was in great pain from such a blow and began to lose Consciousness he woke up with a severe headache of course from such a blow it would hurt for a long time the doctor began to look around and saw cells for prisoners in front of him and he saw all this through the bars in front of him having looked around and made a conclusion Alay realized that he was in the police station and at the same time he was behind bars he stood up and swore that the system was not with him now either and he had no idea where it could have gone falling to his knees in tears he began to scream and ask to be released but he urgently needed to complete the task then the doctor began to sweat and heard someone's Voice who said that it would be difficult for him to get out of here standing near the door to the pre-trial Detention Center was the same girl who hid Alf the doctor immediately understood that she locked him here in this cell now the situation has cleared up a little he asked the girl why she hit him he saved those guys it was unfair that he was locked up here to which the girl said that he saved the bastards of criminals which means that now he is also a Criminal part of their gang now let him sit here behind bars the girl left slamming the door behind her and alface sat down and wondered what he had done wrong after all he helped people by completing one of the tasks and then an assistant appeared in the air she told him not to worry and reassured him that he had completed the task and the system had increased his status the doctor didn't even believe that he had completed the task he asked again if it was true and he was also looking for this system box the girl assistant and the doctor saw how the console appeared from the Golden Portal and fell into their hands Alf took the Box in his hands and said that this system box can find out where they are now the system opened and showed a thumbs down and this was a negative response to alf's words the doctor decided to ask whether the system should not love him to which the assistant replied that it was not she who definitely hated him the assistant said that although the doctor was slow he was able to complete the first task and very quickly then Alf wanted to know his status the system showed him his status and he was not very good Al got so angry that he grabbed this console and started yelling at it because he had not yet leveled up to the second level and his status was very low the system decided to mock Al once again and showed his int intelligence it said hopeless he attacked the system again only the assistant began to stop him and asked him not to be angry because he is different from Ordinary People he turned to his assistant and asked if it was true she told him to close his eyes and feel the power flowing through his body Alf closed his eyes and felt that indeed his strength had increased greatly the doctor fell sharply to the floor and began to do push-ups the assistant was a little confused and shocked thanks to his strength he could do push-ups much more than before the commotion was interrupted by the opening of the door someone came out probably the one who had questions for Alf an adult man dressed in a police uniform came in he began to nag Al with a steady gaze to which the doctor responded with the same gaze the man called Alf with him into the interrogation room and told him not to forget his ID Alf was brought into the interrogation room where the three men to whom he indicated first aid and the girl who knocked him out were already waiting for him the doctor was surprised that these guys were also here it wouldn't hurt to be in the hospital right now three men began to ask and beg Alf to help them they began to call him brother perhaps they all hit their heads hard the doctor looked at them in alarm and said that he was not their brother and never had been the policeman loudly hit the table with his hand and shouting ordered everyone to shut up and silence ensued the girl who knocked Alfa out said that the men admitted that the doctor was their boss the policeman turned on the computer and information about Alf appeared on it he is a student without a record at the police station at the address of the lanolin yenu Medical Center Alf began to make excuses saying that he was not to blame for anything he just saw beaten people and decided to help them and then he said that this crazy woman hid him the girl rushed towards the doctor clearly intending to hit him again and this time she prepared a kick from her foot to hurt him even more angry at the doctor she prepared to hit him with all her might this blow should have been stronger than the last in addition she also said that she was not an ant she was only 18 years old the foot almost reached Sha's throat but at that moment the policeman ordered [ __ ] to stop and she froze the doctor exhaled with relief and calmed down now he knew that the girl's name was shergy and that the name was calm but she behaved like a tiger shy was upset and said didn't those three admit that the doctor ordered them from these words Al was confused and did not understand what they were talking about shocked by what was happening Al did not understand what it all meant how he could order someone the policeman with a monotone voice replied that the men said that he ordered them the doctor clenched his teeth and through anger spoke to the three men was it really their gratitude for the help they provided now the doctor's eyes glowed red with rage he said that if they called him boss then their boss would come up with a punishment for them the three were gripped by fear now they really regretted that they had angered their boss as they said now they will think about how not to get injured from the doctor the men approached the policeman complaining that Al wanted to do something crazy to them one of the men reached for a cup one of the men plucked up courage and threw a cup filled with water at Alf the doctor easily caught the cup with one hand and at the same time he saved all the water that was poured the three were horrified and surprised that he caught this cup so easily now they clearly made him very angry the doctor asked why they were scared because there was a policeman standing nearby yellow Rays began to form around ala apparently this was a manifestation of his new Strength he stepped towards these three the men told the policeman that the doctor needed to be stopped the policeman got nervous and ordered that no one should fight with anyone here at the policeman's words Alf made a wide smile and said not to worry the doctor just wanted to return them to their original state before providing assistance shiry and the policemen looked at Alf and calmly said that well let him do as he knows one man's confidence awoke inside he said that one student would lose to three although they were injured they believed that they would defeat him the Man rushed forward with his fists but the doctor began to Glow with a blue light as if a source of new Strength was emanating from him alfa's eyes were filled with new Strength although his status had increased a little he realized that he had become a completely different person the doctor said to himself that this man's movements are very slow perhaps now he can follow the movements of his opponents is this all a new power Alf easily dodged the blow the man was shocked by the doctor's movements now Alf clearly saw his every movement he began to analyze the course of the battle judging by the position of his hands the man was aiming at the doctor's chin then a new blow followed but the movements of this man were very slow for Alf and he easily dodged them the man was simply shocked by such evasions the doctor said to himself that these movements are very slow and now it's his turn to attack Al said that now he needed to return the man to his original state and he kicked him in the place that he was treating namely his plastered leg the man fell overcome by pain and the doctor stood pathetically and looked down on him feeling like a winner Shi looked at Alf with her mouth open and said to herself how cool and magnificent he was the policeman decided to draw a conclusion from what he saw he said that if he were their friend or boss he would not have attacked them the doctor was definitely innocent the policeman said enough he ordered everyone to calm down immediately and stop the fuss the doctor finally decided to grab the man's leg and asked him whether it was he who cured his leg the man turned red and sweated from the pain of his grabbed leg and through his teeth told the policeman that yes this doctor saved him by providing medical assistance Alf clapped his hands and decided to calm the men down by saying that everything would be fine if they told the truth the other two men rushed to the doctor's feet thanking him for saving them time that's what they wanted to tell him Alf was taken out of the station and his mother and father were waiting for him on the street the policeman came up with him and said that his parents panicked and were looking for him all night the policeman said that when the investigation is over he will contact them the policeman was surprised he didn't expect that his medical abilities would be so great at such a young age parents should pay attention to this for the policeman's words Alay was embarrassed and thanked him the doctor rushed to hug his parents he missed them very much and apologized for the fact that they had to worry the father said that he would cook for him today because he had not eaten anything all night they walked home together with happy smiles on their faces and the mother held her son by the shoulder suddenly a red car appeared sharply on the left on the Road ala jerked in Surprise and looked at the car the car window opened and the girl who knocked Alf out was sitting there she called him and apparently wanted him to come to her squinting his head he looked at her and decided to ask why she was here the girl got out of the car and approached Al and apologized for the fact that she was mistaken about him Al smiled at her and they shook hands Al said that everything is normal everyone makes mistakes and you need to learn from them they made peace and sealed the matter with a very strong handshake shgi making a sweet face and closing her eyes answered him that everything was clear to her now but Alf did not fully believe Shinji he decided to ask her if she was checking him at the moment mom approached her son and said that this girl is very sweet and beautiful she also asked if she was his girlfriend or girlfriend and Alf said that it was either the other she knocked him out last night shergy introduced herself to her parents and said that she was a close friend of Alf to which he was shocked by her words shuji approached her mother and apologized for putting ay chick behind bars to this the mother replied that everything was fine he was not guilty after all Alf cursed to himself and said that this girl is a born actress and should give her an Oscar Sherie decided to ask how about she take them home as an apology the doctor immediately suspected something was wrong he thought that she wanted to study his family for her own benefit mom decided to apologize ol for having to do this and Alf noticed his mother's words she decided to invite Shiri to have dinner with him Alf clearly did not like this idea having arrived at the house they got out of the car and mom invited shergy to come and have dinner with them at the table shgi waved her hand and said that she had a lot to do now she would not be able to come visit them but next time she would definitely come Alfa felt a slight relief mom said that she should come any time she was free because she was so pretty she called father into the house and said that they would not interfere with Sheri and Alf to sit alone Sheri laughed and the doctor boringly told her to quickly tell him what she wanted from him Alf indignantly asked what does it mean I'll take you home what is she up to again Shiri grabbed Alf by the jacket and said indignantly that she just wanted to apologize and she was sorry for that incident freed from her grip Al said that he was free and was going to his home the girl told him that he was not free and she would not let him go anywhere so easily the doctor was confused by her words she headed towards her car before getting behind the wheel she said goodbye to O that now she knows where he lives and they will see each other soon Shiri got behind the wheel and went about her business and the doctor asked her to wait he wanted to ask her what it means see you soon Alf coughed from the smoke that the car raised and asked what was wrong with shy the doctor went into his room sat down at the table and then his assistant appeared together they took out the system and saw that the second task had appeared the next task was to increase physical fitness to the third level the reward would be 10 points Alf thought about how he could improve it the assistant said that his contribution is equal to five then he can take two prizes of the system and if he receives a Divine book he can increase his strength Alf cracked his fingers smiled and said that he should be able to change his life Alf clicked on the panel to increase his physical strength but he was given an error and said that the contribution was not enough the doctor cursed under his breath and said that this system was really confusing the assistant warned Alf that this system had already been signed by Yen and his older brother that's what she called Alf and if Master Yen finds out that the doctor blames the system he will definitely punish him the assistant smiled and remembered the first task it also opened up space for improvement the doctor became gloomy and said does this really make her so happy she began to EXP explained to her brother that the space for improvement is a space specially allocated by the system there the older brother can get twice as many results if he practices she also added all the Learned skills will not be forgotten Alf had an idea and said that this is like Dorman's memory bread then he shouldn't worry about school the doctor pressed the panel to get into the space for improvement but it was closed to him his contribution was not enough here the assistant intervenes and tells the prefix that it is difficult for the older brother to open the space for improvement and asks to help him enter there Alf was surprised that this system had a name and why no one told him about it the doctor looked closely at the console panel and was surprised by what he saw he wanted to understand what was shown to him the assistant said despite the fact that my brother only has a five deposit and a sixth is needed to enter the space SEI still decided to let him in which made Alf pleasantly surprised a blue whirlpool formed behind them it looked like it was a portal to the space for cultivation Alf was overwhelmed by the shock of what was happening a blue light from the portal hit his face a digital Azure Dome formed in the room most likely the space for improvement came to alf's room a red button appeared in the middle of the room and a digital voice said that it was now loading and you need to press this button the doctor reached out to press the button after pressing a book similar to instructions fell from the ceiling the book fell from the the ceiling onto the doctor's head and he swore quite violently the assistant came up and said that fortunately his first prize was a blue Masterpiece Al scratched his head and said that although he was not very lucky in his previous life now he is lucky in this one he still remembered this book about bone massage the assistant said that the chances in rette are quite large then another book fell from the ceiling probably it was a similar instruction Alf picked up the second book it was much larger than the previous one he remembered and this book was about the Western Han Dynasty a very rare book the doctor was lucky this book was a complete guide that could increase his soul power the assistant was happy and said that the strength of his brother's Soul was always at zero but now it can finally be improved satisfied Al asked if he increased his sole power would he be able to fly across the rooftops like the Great Sea in ancient times or could he Master light skills to reach the Pinnacle of his life Al sat down on the floor took a book and began to read with special care while the assistant watched he carefully read every word and realized that all the information he read remains in his memory forever he never thought that reading would be so easy tears flowed from Joy he realized that now he would never need to study again a bright ray of light poured into the room apparently what was red served as a catalyst for some phenomenon Sparks danced around Alf it seems that new has come to him or his soul has begun to improve he began to turn over page after page of knowledge poured into his Consciousness and gave him strength Alf turned over the last page and finished his reading putting the books aside he raised his hands up and said that now he can do whatever he wants Sparks were still dancing around him the space for improvement disappeared it literally disappeared Into Thin Air and Alf returned to his room again the doctor sat in his chair and saw some yellow Rays glowing around him perhaps this was his new power mom decided to come into the room and ask for help from her precious son looking at her son she thought that there was something on her face because Alf looked at her strangely Alfa calmed her down and said that there was nothing on her face everything was fine mom smiled at him folded her hands together and asked him if he knows that he is the most wonderful son in the world Alf smiled and asked if it was true Alf realized that the power of the Soul has the side effect of not only increasing his abilities but also increasing his Charisma and charm mom approached her son said how handsome he was and asked him to go to Chai there was a beautiful sunset outside people were walking around the market buying food and various fruits Alf walked down the street he felt different the girls around looked at him and were crazy about his Charisma turning around Alf noticed that someone was running and knocking down those who were in The Way Alay was led astray and crashed into a stall selling carrots having come to his senses after the Collision Alf began to look for the one who knocked him down he saw a man who got on a motorcycle and rushed forward along the road and passers by shouted that he was a thief and asked someone to catch him the woman screamed to catch the thief who stole her purse she screamed at the thief to return her purse but he simply sat down on his motorcycle and was about to leave Alf looked and saw that the woman who was robbed was his aunt xang Jing the doctor immediately began to act he took an empty box and threw it at the thief the Box hit the Bandit right in the head the blow was so strong that his helmet almost flew off his head the impact caused the thief to fall off the motorcycle before he had even gone a couple of Miles the thief knelt down he began to slowly come to his senses after such a strong throw to the Head having looked around the thief was looking for the one who threw the box at him someone spoke loudly about what kind of bastard he was and how he dared to steel and Jing's purse three men approached the thief and began to say that he might have been sent by the village of yenu another said that brother Neo should not let the thief get away and that he should show him who is cool here the thief looked at him and said that he really wanted to die so he wanted to scare them all then with a sharp movement of his hand he took out a knife thereby showing that it was better not to joke with him the thief swung his hand came closer to brother Neo and Was preparing to stab him with a knife I'll F was shocked by what was happening he certainly did not expect such a turn of events from the crowd someone shouted for brother Neo to be careful because the thief is very dangerous with one swing the thief inflicted a wound on Neo's brother's hand with a knife causing him to fall and begin to hold onto the place of the cut with his hand the thief took off his helmet and showed everyone his brutal face he said that he could not be stopped and if anyone tried he would stab him to death lying on the floor holding his wound brother noo swore calling the thief a bastard of course he decided to Rob his sister Al approached brother Neo and ordered him not to move he will now bandage the wound hearing the gossip from behind Alf listened to the two women they said that the man was one of a rich family at these words the doctor was surprised that brother Neo was from the rich anen sat trembling and through a stutter asked for someone to return her things the woman said that the thief stole the silver dollars of the sang Jing family this is a very valuable item of their family they said that they were not going to sell them so that Thief continued to stick to an Jing the thief with a terrible grin asked if someone was going to attack him Alf bandaged the wound he was very angry with this Bandit now the doctor was going to act Alf stood up and walked towards the thief now he realized that this doctor wanted to fight him brother noo began to shout at Al not to be stupid and leave but he stood and was ready to fight the Bandit was surprised he took and cut the man and the boy still wants to fight with him the Bandit got behind the motorcycle and began to drive towards Alf but he decided to stand still blue Sparks danced in his eyes again the Bandit decided to apologize to the doctor if he died but these words passed by Alf and the Bandit took off on a motorcycle at high speed he rushed towards Alf and brother Neo in order to crush them but he stood and Was Not Afraid everyone stood in shock no one knew what to do or how to help everyone just watched the battle Alfa again embraced his new Strength he was ready for this battle now he could help people the Bandit was shocked he didn't believe what was happening now he yelled with a question how this guy was able to stop him Alf calmly stopped the motorcycle with one hand and no one was hurt the doctor grabbed the Bandit and threw him into the trash can where he needed to be everyone was shocked by alf's strength and began to praise him saying what a strong blow that he was their savior the Bandit came out of the trash can with a gloomy face and told the doctor how dare he mock him like that he rushed at Alf shouting and ordering him to fight him the Bandit swung and rushed at the doctor with a knife trying to kill him but Alf calmly dodged his very slow movements Alf intercepted the hand with a knife thereby taking it under his control and now he grabbed the Bandit by the shirt and said that he would throw him again with a sharp and quick movement Alf took threw the thief with all his strength into the bend causing him to groan in pain the Bandit lost Consciousness from such a strong blow and the knife flew out of his hand Alf confiscated the knife and said that now in this way this bastard will not harm anyone the Bandit lay on the floor near the trash can and said that it was impossible for some brat like him to defeat him not intending to give up the Bandit picked up the reinforcement lying under him and again rushed at Alf shouting curses the doctor took a closer look at the Bandit and began to analyze his weaknesses he saw that his weak point was his left knee now he will try to strike in that area with a DEA movement of his leg Alf struck at the weak point of his opponent the Bandit fell to the ground and began to scream in pain it seemed that this place really was the weakest in his body through severe pain the Bandit said to ALF that he was a bastard the doctor's reaction was immediate immediately after these words he hit the Bandit on the head from such a powerful blow one of his teeth flew out Alf again grabbed the Bandit brought him closer to him and said that he was the bastard how could he even dare to steal and even from his aunt out of anger the angry Bandit asked if this doctor knew who he was dealing with now hasn't he heard of this Bandit the doctor grabbed and squeezed his muzzle answering that he knew that he was a thief who should be punished and now he had nothing more to say Al looked at this scoundrel with such hatred that his eyes almost became bloodshot alf's mother came up to him to stop him he had enough already and everyone saw Al if he continues to beat him then he will have problems Alf told his mom that he cannot so easily forgive all the atrocities of this bastard the doctor stood in front of the thief and told him that he now has two options either he confesses his crimes to everyone or the doctor makes him disabled this Choice made Bandits blood boil he did not want to make either Choice a crowd of people stood and watched as J as was restored Alf took his aunt's bag and the people around did not understand what was happening and what he was doing the doctor walked with a confident step along with the handbag that the Bandit had stolen Alf approached his aunt and mother he extended his hand in which the purse was stolen and said that it was intact and not stolen the aunt in tears thanked Alfa for helping her and returning her precious thing that was in that purse Mom and Aunt were shocked by how Al fought they wanted to know where he learned this because before he wouldn't have have her a fly the doctor told them not to worry about it because everything was fine and the problem had been solved andun thanked me again and then sweat it a lot and turned pale for some reason she felt bad she lost Consciousness and fell mom and Alf rushed to her Aid Alf touched his ant's post to check if she was alive as soon as he touched her Sparks appeared around her he began to analyze what happened to her because the stomach was normal the heart was also normal the lungs were normal but then what happened Alf understood as soon as he touched his ants pulse it became clear to him in what state her organs were probably this was also part of his strength he remembered the Improvement room and that there was still so much he needed to learn and teach a crowd of people approached the Fallen an to offer their help but Alf himself was already acting Alf took his ant Jing on his shoulders and said that there was nothing wrong with her and he would now take her to the clinic to see father he brought her to the hospital she was put in a ward the father said that keeping the patient in a coma is tantamount to harming the patient himself to this the son replied that he examined her and there was nothing serious with her the father thought he had never seen his son reading medical books where did he get such knowledge thanks to which he made a diagnosis just on the Fly Alf panicked a little and asked why the father was so shocked because his son was studying to be a doctor the father still suspected his son of something because few people know that if there is a The Reflex then everything is in order with the spine the father was not reassured by the thought of how his child found out about this he was not such a good doctor in his understanding he finally understood that his son had regained his sight and became a good doctor whom he could rely on suddenly they came into the room and called Al it was the officer who released him from the station finding him innocent the officer came and said that they called him and complained about Alf saying that he started a fight and beat a man the the father immediately stood up for his son saying that this was all slander and a lie but the officer said that he would interrogate him first and then take notes Alfa decided to calmly agree and go with the officers so as not to create additional problems they came again to the police station where he had already been sitting before the officer asked to hand over all his things for the duration of the inspection and asked not to worry about them he would take care that nothing happened to them Alf handed over the system saying that this is a computer and it is very important for him the doctor hopes for the policeman so that he saves something valuable to him the officer picked up the computer and said that everything would be fine with it he was in good hands they approached the interrogation room and saw a huge line were all these people really going to be interrogated Al nervously asked all these people who were going to be interrogated to which the officer replied that they had all been very capricious lately and they needed to be severely punished the officer opened the room and told Alf to skip the line this room was so crowded to which the doctor asked why it was crowded three men were already waiting in alf's room and they were clearly not happy with his presence the doctor took a closer look and saw the same Bandit whom he had crippled and there were two more with him probably they were his friends shocked Alf wondered what yanker was doing here and not alone but with friends the Bandit looked at the doctor and was happy that he would now repay him for everything there was one one fat big guy in the room yanker called him his elder brother and said that he would ask his father to build a factory for him if he taught Alfa a lesson the Bandit pointed to ALF and ordered his elder brother to bring his hand the elder brother replied that it would be easy for him to do this and he rushed towards Alf taking the chair with him as a weapon the doctor was confused and decided to order them not to fuss here after all a police station but the elder brother ignored the doctor's words and hit his head with a chair with such force that that the chair broke and flew in different directions yanker looked at all this with a long grin and said this is the result of the fact that you shouldn't mess with him otherwise it would be bad Alay withstood the blow he literally Stood Still and as if there was no blow at all he simply absorbed it the older brother was shocked he did not believe that such a blow left him standing in perfect order and not even a scratch left on him they decided to attack the doctor with their fists the elder brother said that his blows would knock out any anyone and that he would not be able to wake up for a long time to which Alf missed and told the elder brother that he was noisy Al with a slight movement of his hand simply took and threw the big guy into the wall the doctor wondered why he didn't feel anything from that blow it didn't hurt at all as if there was no blow an assistant appeared in the air and told her brother that when the level of Soul power increases wounds can heal in a second Alay was pleasantly surprised and delighted saying that clearly this this is just super cool he felt the power of the Soul gathering in his body he felt it throughout his entire body the older brother got up angry and said that he would definitely kill the doctor now he clenched his fist and was ready to attack the doctor again and he was preparing for this but an officer and another man also in a police uniform ran into the room probably his colleague as soon as they entered the room everyone froze and began to salute director Yuan after which silence and Order arose in the room the the officer's colleague sat down at the table and said that yanker would undergo another additional interrogation yanker chuckled at this statement and did not curse in a boring tone why should he undergo interrogation again the officer said that son Alf could be a public witness from the village and he also has video evidence and other Witnesses yanker cursed with a scream he said why is this all so because he broke his leg another policeman came into the room and said that because of yanker Father it would be difficult for them to arrest him his father would obviously come up with something for his son later yanker looked at them gloomily and smiled saying that his father was here now and they would never put him behind bars the investigator with glasses told someone to go to his father and say that he is suspected of causing harm and theft and it would be better if his father did not interfere with the police another policeman said that he warned his father about bribes this is unacceptable for them Alay looked strangely at the jar of yanker and his old older brother and said that they were dishonest people with him after Al's words yanker attacked him with a crutch to hit him with all his might Alf was gloomily surprised that yanker could jump with a broken leg he wanted to understand where he still had so much strength yanker was already above the doctor and Was preparing to strike his head with a crutch but then suddenly the system lit up with a yellow light and began to tremble right on the officer's desk the system rushed and reflected yanker blow thereby saving Alf from the blow yanker crutch bounced off and hit him in the face apparently this is what the system wanted to protect Alf and teach yanker a lesson but the system hit the wall and with such force that its body fell off and it broke Al was seized with horror he thought that now he was finished because without the system he would not be able to complete all the tasks he fell to his knees in Despair and asked if the system had been destroyed and what would happen to him now what should he expect yanker fell to the side and lost Consciousness from such a strong blow he apparently did not expect this himself the big man stood in shock and tried to understand what was happening around him now Alay was overwhelmed with emotions he didn't even know what he was feeling right now but even in such a confused State he decided to say that he would Now kill them all for this system one of the officer's colleagues ordered someone to immediately call an ambulance apparently yanker needed it fear enveloped Alf he knew that if the sister system was broken he would soon die and would not be able to return to his life then an assistant appeared and reassured Alf saying that the system was still normal after these words his soul felt lighter and he calmed down she reassured him again and said that everything is fine although even she doesn't know how SII works the assistant flew up to ALF and whispered in his ear that shiai had already given a new task the officers sat down to yanker who had fallen to the floor and said that they had already called an ambulance the doctor sat down and began to analyze it seemed that yanker was seriously injured as a result of sei's blow and that the blood might have blocked his trachea two policemen were sitting over him and one said that it was too late to call an ambulance he needed help right here and now and who could provide it Alf confidently told the police that he could help him the officers looked at Alf and did not believe it because a couple of seconds ago they were the worst enemies the doctor said that he should be given the opportunity to help him he is a doctor and his duty is to save lives despite the fact that he does not like him Alf sat down and began to analyze and examin the condition of his patient who recently wanted to kill him two policemen began to talk to each other one said that yanker was injured due to his own actions could this child really be able to save him and the other replied that Al is very good in medicine the third policeman said in a calm and soft tone that Alf is a doctor you can rely on and calmly trust with your life three policemen said only good things about him probably they wanted to cheer Al up and then he thought about it but they really think so the assistant said that if he doesn't save him he will remain unpunished so he needs to hurry up the doctor stood in front of the lion yanker and asked the question what to do with him now how to save him need to examine him the first thing he noticed was that his nasal bone was broken Alf began to awaken the power in his eyes and now he saw what the essence of the problem was it was the blood that got into his trachea the doctor decided to try to use Chi thanks to this he will be able to help faster he touched yank's nose with his hand and his strength followed his hand with a simple movement Alf set yanker bone which made him feel better after setting the bone Alf began to study his other injuries and think about what to do with them the doctor turned pale and began to stagger in place apparently these were the consequences of the use of force he swayed and fell back but someone caught him and prevented him from falling this was an officer who knew Al personally he was worried about him and asked if everything was okay with him to which he replied that everything was fine yanker began to choke and convulse his condition worsened significantly Alf looked at him and was very scared he immediately rushed to his Aid he took him by the throat again and tried once again to heal him with his power Alf looked at his hands and realized that he could not free yanker throat with his real cheap power the doctor thought that if he were in the hospital now he would immediately be intubated into the trachea but it was too late suddenly a cracker jumped across the floor and a mouse ran out after it to grab it and eat it alace shuddered and was surprised by the mouse apparently he thought that it should be clean enough here so that there would be no mice in this building the doctor suddenly had some idea in his head that could help him he grabbed his Patient First he asked him to wake up and then began to help Alf began to hit him on the back this is what he wanted yanker to spit out blood from his trachea all the police were shocked by such a sight he squeezed him with all his strength pressed on his back the doctor did everything to save his patient yanker managed to spit out blood from the trachea and thanks to Al he was able to save his life but they still decided to call an ambulance Al saw how yanker came to his senses and that he was now in much better condition but he still needed to go to the hospital where he could be completely cured the doctor hailed with relief and calm down he was able to help his patient an officer approached and said that an ambulance had already arrived the ambulance arrived they took yanker and put him on a stretcher and took him to the hospital Alf exhaled he was clearly very tired from helping his patient and one policeman said that he was just great and a wonderful person the doctor blushed from such pleasant words and said that he was highly praised he was simply doing his duty as a doctor an officer I knew approached sha and apologized for the computer he had no idea how it crashed like that to which the doctor replied that everything was fine it was not his fault the computer most likely flew by itself Alf turned around and said that he would go and take the computer despite the fact that it was broken the officer was suspiciously surprised by this he went into the interrogation room to pick up the system but it wasn't there it disappeared from the place where it was lying Al heard some sounds in the room and decided to look around maybe the system is somewhere here turning to the side he wanted to see what was causing the noise in the interrogation room and something suddenly flew into his face an assistant appeared in the air and asked why SEI beats people the blow caused Al's nose to bleed and he asked why shui was mocking him the doctor took a closer look at SEI and saw something strange which made him confused in front of them stood a rabbit-like creature who could still speak it greeted the doctor the rabbit flew up to the assistant and looking at Alf cursed indignantly that the boy was noisy Alf looked at the Flying rabbit and realized that the system had turned into a rabbit the rabbit lit up with a purple light sank to the floor and cursed at Alf for breaking SEI he was simply furious with Alf and said that now he would have big problems due to his negligence towards SEI the magical creature attacked Alf to punish him for breaking the system but he easily grabbed the rabbit by the ears Alf looked at the grabbed rabbit and said that he still hadn't forgotten that SEI jumped and crashed herself the rabbit Began to Twitch nervously in ordered the doctor to immediately release his ears Alf smiled and said that the rabbit must clearly answer the fact that he saved yanker the rabbit turned pale and sweated from alf's words and then an assistant came up and confirmed the doctor's words the rabbit began to snap and rage he said that the assistant and the doctor should not walk together Alf looked at the rabbit insidiously and said that that his mission had really been completed and now he was waiting for a reward from these words the rabbit got scared in response to Al's words the rabbit made a calm suspicious smile and said that there would be no reward and the doctor asked why there would be no reward the girl assistant asked SEI if he had not chosen the verification system in the presented interface the doctor looked at the assistant in Surprise and asked a question about the verification system and the rabbit pretended to know nothing the assistant explained exped that when the system comes under attack an emergency mechanism is launched and randomly assigns difficult tasks to its owner and that the system can choose a reward for him the rabbit exclaimed at the girl's words and shouted that everything she said was a lie and there would be no reward the girl assistant pointed her finger at the rabbit and said that the system lied to her brother Alfa thoughtfully said that in this case the system May distort the reward frightened the rabbit began to cry in tears and say that this was not a distortion but some something else Al lifted the rabbit by the ears to which he began to scream and asked him to let him go but he said that he did not allow the system to laugh at him suddenly someone entered the police station approached the interrogation room and kicked in the doors Alf turned around and turned his attention to the one who burst and without knocking and even broke down the doors with his foot a man came into the room he was angry and shouted something about a rabbit the man pointed his finger at Alf and said loudly that he dared to offend son so now he will send him to the hospital looks like it was yank's father the man's hair stood on end with rage and he decided to add that the same thing awaits his family Alf was dumbfounded by what he heard he was now clearly filled with rage and he wanted to teach this man a lesson the doctor's eyes lit up blue and he said through anger that how dare he say such a thing the man turned to the doctor and said that he was a bastard and thought that he was cool because he knew Kung Fu this man was yuu the one who always troubles the yanu village and always acts like a redneck in the city he was angry that Alf beat his son now he came to avenge him Alf frowned and answered yufu that he really wanted to try to fight him yufu said if he could defeat him he would forgive Alf for what he had done to his son then an officer entered the room and realized that a fight was about to begin the policeman attacked yuf and told him to calm down because there was a police station and there was no point in fighting here screams were heard from the interrogation room yupa shouted that Al had no right to be his son and that he would not forgive him a man and a woman stood near the interrogation room they Eaves dropped and watched what was happening inside yal once again shouted to be allowed to take revenge Alf protested he said that all yanker always wre havoc in the village the woman looked at what was happening inside the interrogation room and turned to the man calling him inspector Sue in response to the woman's words inspector Sue showed her a gesture of Silence he wanted them to quietly continue to watch what was happening Alf was indignant and said that yanker robbed and injured local residents there were many witnesses who could confirm the incident yua through clenched teeth began to claim that he had hit his son and was now slandering him he asked the police not to believe alf's words the policeman ordered that yufu immediately stopped making a fuss and that he calmed down Alf said that a lot of people filmed how his son made a mess they had plenty of evidence yupa did not want to see all this he did not care about this evidence the fact is that Alf hit his son Alf did not object but yanker also wanted to beat up people at the police station inspector Sway and the woman apparently she is his assistant watched what was happening in the interrogation room and sway said that Alf is not bad he defends his point of view well inspector sway burst into the interrogation room everyone was shocked by such a sudden burst after sway entered the room he ordered everyone to be silent the policeman was surprised that inspector sway appeared here he told everyone that it was the prosecutor efah began to complain about alate to the prosecutor saying that he hit his son and now he is in the hospital yod demanded that the doctor be punished fairly Sue looked at Yu and smiled after his words about a fair punishment Alfa tensed at that moment Sue snapped his fingers and ordered someone to bring the investigation report the prosecutor was brought the case and he opened the first Pages where there was a photograph of yanker and began studying yah began to say that his son who was shopping at the market was suddenly and severely beaten by Dr Alf finally yua said that Sue shouldn't just let this hooligan continue to roam around and do what he wants Sue looked seriously at yua and asked if he saw all these events live Yura was stunned by Shia's words he said that his son told him everything about the fact that he was beaten the prosecutor said that according to the investigation report yanker appeared at the market on the north side of yangui Village at 900 in the morning and rode a motorcycle there to steal money and injure people there yanker father began to be indignant in protest he said that this was all slander and untruth yupa continued to babble and Jewel flew from his mouth he said that maybe these people are indebted to his son at all these words Sue threw the report on the table and with this loud clap called for silence the prosecutor ordered eah to shut up he told him to look with his own eyes at the crimes committed by his own child more than 40 witnesses can confirm this yuah took the report and began to read it and was surprised at what was written there about his son yua nervously looked at Alf and he calmly replied that this was the prosecutor's report against him and the doctor also had a video where yanker confesses to all his atrocities in public yupa sweated heavily and nervously looked at the doctor and swore heavily at him in his thoughts the prosecutor scratched his chin and asked Alf to show him the video where yanker commits his crimes Alf smiled insidiously and said that yah would come sooner or later and it would be his turn to which he called the doctor an [ __ ] Sue watched a video in which yanker was beaten he apologized and confessed to his atrocities the prosecutor praised Alf saying that he was smart enough the prosecutor told youat to watch the video carefully and say who admitted that he stole and injured people that that video was enough to prove his son's guilt yua stood in a stuper he was very nervous and sweating he didn't want to believe that his son was doing such a thing out of shock the report fell out of Yu's hands and fell to the floor with a loud sound now the case was considered closed and yanker was guilty Alay approached the prosecutor and thanked him for his help in this case and a fair punishment Sue smiled and extended his hand to the doctor and said that he had heard about the bullying of Father and Son from everyone who was there Alf smiled joyfully and thanked the prosecutor and the officer now thanks to their efforts yanu Village will be safe they shook hands and in their handshake there was a glimmer of unknown force and the prosecutor suspected something alane noticed the prosecutor that he twitched he decided to ask him if everything was okay with him and also called him Uncle at the doctor's words Sue smiled and asked him not to call him uncle but simply brother Sue an officer approached them and wanted to say something important the prosecutor already thought that something had already happened the officer approached and began to boast about himself and say that he was still much younger than Mr prosecutor he stated that it was his duty to help civilians everyone was shocked by such Behavior suddenly a colleague appeared behind the officer and addressed him a colleague began to shout at officer Ian and ordered him to leave the room and return to his business to which he agreed Alf and the prosecutor froze in place was shame sway advised laughing in this case from such a situation sway asked if he could treat Alf to dinner this evening the doctor at this time was thinking about what to tell him his assistant appeared behind the doctor and reminded him of his meeting with the beautiful girl he loves Alay remembered the moment when his beloved approached him and offered to take a walk he even forgot a little about this moment the doctor was filled with joy he shook hands with the prosecutor and said that he had other plans for today and therefore he would not be able to go with sway to lunch sway smiled and asked if he had an appointment with a girl Al blushed and was embarrassed by the word girl because she was only his lover the doctor became embarrassed covered his face and apologized for what he said to which sway replied that everything was fine and wished him good luck on the date Alf quickly rushed in the other direction with such speed that dust Rose around him finally he told sway that they would see each other again sway finally looked at the running Alf and said that he was a very interesting fellow in a good and contented mood aafi ran to his beloved goddess he was so pleased that he did not notice how some man in a black robe was watching him the unknown man looked at Alf from around the corner out of the corner of his eye and smiled Alf had almost arrived at the meeting place he was so happy that his every step was accompanied by the words goddess goddess he came to the meeting place and saw his very beloved goddess sitting on a bened bench alface straightened his hair and called his beloved and thereby made it clear that he had already come to their meeting he waved to her and apologize for making her wait for him the girls slowly began to turn towards alate to see him turning around it turned out it was yufu who changed into the girl of alf's dreams and was waiting for him as soon as the doctor arrived at the place yufu said that it was okay that he was late yufu was still very glad that he came choking on saliva Al froze and place from shock and did not understand what was happening here and where his goddess was the doctor screamed because yuu was in front of him he was infuriated that he was dressed as his beloved it was disgusting he demanded an answer where ingra was now and what he had done to her yufu said that there was a girl sitting here who was waiting for him but he told her that Alf beat a man and now he faces prison for causing bodily harm at these words Alf looked menacingly at Yu and swore at him yufu laughed hard and said that Al would not be able to understand women that girl left without looking back Al got very angry he put his hands in his pockets and asked what youu was doing here a gang of bad guys with bats gathered around the park they were approaching Alf one of them told youa that they would teach him a lesson one of the gang attacked Alf and was about to hit him with a steel pipe but the doctor reacted and stopped the blow with his hand Alf grabbed the pipe and bent it with his hands he said are they really soal confident in themselves that they are ready to attack him from behind the gang got scared from what they saw the gang got scared and decided not to attack Alf and asked for forgiveness that they so meanly approached him behind his back to hit him yufu cursed and said that he paid these guys to [ __ ] Alf and now they are simply afraid to approach him the gang attacked him again but Alf this time was ready for another Counterattack and he put down all those who wanted to beat him yufu went wild with anger he told Alf that he had angered him and now he would show him that he was not a fool Alf reacted and dodged the approaching Blow from yuf which was aimed at him after a Miss yufu swung his leg at Alf but the doctor successfully dodged and yufu instead of Alf hit the pillow that stood behind him from such a strong blow yua fell to his knee and began to swear at Alfa from pain he said that he was in a lot of pain can't he see that his leg was swollen from such a blow and the doctor replied that he didn't do any anything to it yah hit the tree himself his assistant approached Al and said that somewhere not far from them there was a loud noise and suggested that they look at the source of the noise they approached the place of noise and this place was Father's Hospital there stood a huge crowd of indignant people Alay was surprised why so many people were standing outside his father's hospital and it was still night outside he went into the crowd and asked them to part and let him pass an elderly man was lying in front of the crowd and people were standing around him one of the crowd a man in a blue shirt pointed his finger towards the hospital and said that the shin Clinic could not cure him but was able to [ __ ] him even more Alf activated his power and his eyes lit up blue he saw all the injuries of the old man who was lying on the floor as it turned out he had a severe sprain the angry man swore at the hospital saying that yesterday his father could still walk but after taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor now he cannot move the crowd began shouting negative comments towards the hospital they said that instead of curing the patient they only made him worse others said that they would not tolerate this from a scammed Clinic Al in a sharply loud voice ordered everyone to remain silent and everyone turned to him with surprised faces the father saw his son and told him to go home because it is very dangerous here suddenly a frightened mother ran out of the hospital and said that alfas should stay because she Trust usted him and the father decided to agree Alf decided to introduce himself to the evil man he said that he was the son of this doctor the uncle was indignant and said how can such a difficult job be given to such a young guy Al replied that no matter how much his uncle liked it he was a professional in his field and his father was not to blame for anything the angry guy shouted that it was he who was taking care of his old and sick father he only made things worse for him to the shouts Uncle Alfred replied that all this was insignificant evidence he drew two Hasty conclusions it was said that the clinic has been operating for more than 10 years father Al's skill in treating his patients was very well and positively known in the area but if the diagnosis is erroneous then they bear responsibility to the end Alf said that otherwise until recently they would not have earned the trust of people after alfa's words the crowd changed their minds and said that the doctor is not guilty and they know that he is a good doctor and in no case is he a fraudster the evil man sweated and asked if Alf was going to treat his sick father who was now lying on the floor Alf approached the sick old man looked at him and asked when he got sick the uncle nervously looked at Alf and decided to answer him he said that father got sick yesterday at 900 in the morning Alf abruptly approached the man and asked a question when he took his father to the doctor frightened by such a sharp reaction the man replied that his back hurt badly so they came to the doctor at 3:00 in the afternoon with a serious look Alf asked the uncle why he didn't take his father to the doctor earlier because he was so sick obviously the uncle was putting off the best time for treatment until later after alf's words The Man became Furious and rushed at him grabbing him by the neck and saying that his father took the medicines that were prescribed to him according to the prescription of alf's father and now because of these medicines he is in such a worse condition with a movement of of his hand Alf removed the grip on his throat and moved the man's hand to the side the man was afraid of such power he then heard the following question Alf asked when the patient took the medicine and the man replied that it was at 10:00 in the evening Alf began to analyze his uncle came to the doctor at 3:00 in the afternoon and took the medicine at 10:00 in the evening with a piercing look Alf told his uncle that he found the medicine too late which is why the matter worsened the uncle was indignant at the accusations against himself he said that last night his father was fine but when he took the medicine the condition worsened significantly and now Alf cannot cure his father Alf made a Sly grin and said that he could cure this patient alf's parents were shocked by their son's statement and his father ordered him to stop talking nonsense and go home the evil guy answered isn't it enough that alf's father hurt his father and now he himself will hurt him in response to the accusations Alf smiled and said that his father's ability to cure many diseases at these words his father sweated a little Alf is just enough for the disease that that elderly man is suffering from and yet he will be able to cure him that flying rabbit suddenly appeared out of thin air he was not quite in the mood and said that the reward for the previous task could be replaced by a new one then the assistant appeared and said if we managed to save this old man then Alf would be able to get 20 contribution points the rabbit sat on alf's head while he was charged with the energy of confidence and was ready to complete one more task to get contribution points Alf sat down and began to examine his patient and the man asked again whether Alf could cure his sick father the uncle warned that if my father gets worse he will skin Alf Alf looked at the uncle and told him if he wants his father to recover then let him keep quiet and not interfere with the process the uncle decided to calm down and give Alf the opportunity to calmly cure his sick father the father was very old he was lying on the floor sweating and twisting in pain Alay activated his power in his palm touched his grandfather and said that he would try to get rid of the swelling on his back to get rid of the pain Al sharply took and pressed on The Grandfather's back with all his strength that he even jerked from such a strong blow the evil guy asked why his father was breathing as if he was going to die was it really all because of his back Alfa took it and rolled up his sleeves saying that the swelling was almost completely gone then he would use the two shiao G tendon searched to find the tendon that was bent due to injury he began to analyze there were more than 485 tendons in the human body under the influence of tendons the muscles become stiff which leads to arthralgia which cannot be struck for a long time after the analysis Alf was afraid that the bones of this grandfather were quite fragile and the technique he used could easily break them Alf decided to start by protecting his spine with real chi and then stretching his tendons he he acted and began to prepare the bones for his next blows in order to cure his grandfather from what he saw alf's father was very shocked by the skill of his son a power similar to a dragon surged towards Al he felt it with his whole body he concentrated the power in his palm and put it on his grandfather's back to heal him the force passed into the spine from such a grandfather twitched again and screamed in pain people around watched what was happening and were shocked by alfa's skill from such powerful F help the air danced around and raised dust Alf calmly removed his hand and let go of Grandfather it seems that he was able to help him however grandfather lay there and did not answer anything the mother nervously looked at Al's father and asked if this is how to treat patience would they really just leave it like that the father decided to remain silent he looked at what was happening and said that this was his son and he could not treat patients like that the crowd again became furious at what they saw they shouted and demanded that he say what happened to their father the evil guy clenched his teeth again and wondered where this guy came from he approached sh and said that his father was paralyzed because of his father and now his son had caused harm he would not tolerate this so easily the old man said that he was fine and Rose from the floor to his feet as if there had been no injury still he was cured alface smiled at his grandfather and said that everything was behind him and now he could calmly move on grandfather rushed to ALF with gratitude he was surprised that such a small doctor could easily cure his back pain with a couple of presses Alf turned to his grandfather and told him that his father's medicine also plays a very important role in reducing swelling if grandfather gets enough rest then everything will be fine grandfather seems to work a lot having listened to ALF grandfather laughed in embarrassment and said that now he will know Grandfather said that he took medicine and he felt better then he decided Ed to drink and play Majong at first everything was fine but after a while he could no longer stand alf's father replied that all this is a simulation of swelling if the current pain is stronger than the previous one Grandpa was lucky that luckily Alfa used the bone repair method just in time for the bent part to avoid something worse Grandpa decided to apologize for causing them problems Grandpa apologized again for the fact that his son had insulted them but he shouted and said that there was no need to apologize because curing your patient is a doctor's job the angry man swore again calling the father stupid and his son Alfa an abnormal drug addict and deciding to declare that he would not come to this Clinic again he grabbed his father's hand and began to leave in a hurry saying that he would no longer trust such illegal clinics and his father asked not so quickly because he had not yet fully recovered Al was very angry at the behavior of this ungrateful man and he shouted to him to stop him the father son and another man probably he is also a family member stopped at alf's screams Al pointed his finger at the man and said that he was an ungrateful old man does he really think that he can just leave like that after what he did the man turned around grinned his face and asked what Al was talking about everything happened due to the fault of the doctor's father taking a step forward Alf told the man to immediately apologize and that this situation was not his father's fault Alf came close to the man and once again said that he was an ungrateful trash after they helped him and he ignored the kindness in response the man asked what Alf wanted the doctor looked closely at the man's face and he noticed nervousness on him Alf decided to ask him if he and his friends were not embarrassed to fuss around his father's Clinic the man flew into a rage and grabbed Al by the neck and said that he was really tired of living after such words the parents were frightened when they saw Alf grabbed by the neck by that nasty and evil man the man smiled and said that if Alf doesn't shut up he would give him a chance and they will meet somewhere else and there they can talk normally Alf ignored the man's words and threw his hand to the side thereby freeing himself from the grip they started talking to each other about a meeting and the man said that it all depends on Al the place and time he should set suddenly the man heard laughter directed at himself and was confused by this Al stood and simply laughed at this man until he understood why he was laughing at him standing and laughing Alf said that he was laughing because he was very confident in himself and the man asked what was so funny about that Alf calmed his laughter smiled and said that that man had an insect on his face the man panicked and began to look around and look for an insect but no one even found a small bug then he took a closer look and realized that it was a trick so that he would relax his vigilance Alfa dealt a strong blow to the man so strong that he flew back a couple of meters smiling after the blow Alf told the man not to worry because he had just removed the insect satisfied Alf said that all this was done for his sake and his Goods so that the insects would no longer touch him the man spat out blood from the blow and became very gloomy Al told him that he was not as weak as he thought the angry man called Alf a vile bastard despite the fact that he literally saved his father Alf made a cool face and asked the man where his abilities were let him use them immediately to the strange words of Alf he replied that they would live and see all the abilities that he would not show now Alf got upset and thought to himself he said that this wouldn't work he had to fight back after which he knocks him down the scenario should have been like this in alf's head maybe the man changed his mind about fighting he looked at the leaving crowd and thought that just recently the man had been so excited but suddenly decided not to fight and just leave everyone alone Alf thought about it he knew that all this was quite strange there must be some kind of catch the same rabbit appeared on alf's shoulder he told him that he was a pathetic little man with very low intelligence since he could not understand everything that was happening Alf immediately turned to him and said that he would now tear out his tongue to which he impudently smiled and began to laugh at the doctor mom came up and asked what kind of rabit was sitting on the shoulders of his son Alfa got scared and asked how she could see him hadn't he become invisible the rabbit answered he was so carried away by the squabble that he forgot about invisibility the rabbit warned Al that under no circumstances should he be given away Alf turned to his mother laughed and clarified that she meant this rabbit Al answered his mother that this was a toy that he found in a pile of garbage and decided to pick up Mom looked at the rabbit and was captivated by his cuteness she was surprised that he was talking and decided to go bring him something to eat he was probably hungry the father looked at his son with a suspicious look and asked him to follow him to the hospital Alf reacted strangely to his father's words but his father clearly let him know that they urgently needed to talk in private Alf looked suspiciously at his father and thought that he suspected something but still decided to follow him the dissatisfied men who left began to say didn't they want to reach the level of Dr Sin himself and Destroy his company with their strength they could easily defeat them them and why did they suddenly leave one asked such a question the same man whom Alf sent flying said that it was the son of Sian Linn himself the man said that Alf used the muscle compression technique of their southern school after these words those who called him brother were shocked by what they heard the man turned around at his father's laughter and asked why he felt so happy after that situation the grandfather whom Al cured scratched his chin and said that all this was becoming quite amusing the brother asked why his father suddenly became so serious and mysterious Alay took a mug of tea and began to listen carefully to his father with a tired face the father stood in front of his son with a serious face and asked him how he knew the technique that he had used earlier pressed by the question Alfa began to think how he could get out of it since he learned this technique in the cultivation space then an assistant appeared and warned Al that you shouldn't tell strangers about the system from the other world then you'll have to come up with some nonsense Alfa cleared his throat and told his father that a couple of days ago on the way home he met an old beggar man who taught him all this the father asked the question what kind of old beggar man could he know such a thing and why would he teach someone such a thing the son continued talking he described that beggar man said that he was about 60 years old he was all so dirty in general it was a long time ago and he forgot almost everything after hearing what the rabbit understood he realized that Alf had a bad imagination the father suspected something and began to say that his son really meant an elderly man with long gray hair a bald spot on the top of his head a mole under his right eye and only one right ear Alf didn't understand what was happening is his father now talking about a person whom he invented himself maybe he wants to catch him like that he became more serious and realized that now he needed to take the situation into his own hands Alf said with confidence that his father accurately described that same old beggar man did he meet him too the father asked to tell everything what that same old man told him Alf was sweating from tension how could he know what his fictitious old man told him the rabbit told him to calm down because his brain is catastrophically small so he has nothing to lose he thought about what to say to him about training what actions on the part of an old beggar man would look most logical he could teach him methods of treatment the father decided to asked the old beggar who told him about the secrets of the craft it really was him suddenly my father felt bad and ala got up from his seat and came over to help the son approached his father took him by the shoulder and asked if everything was okay with him the father grabbed alf's hand which made him wonder what his father was doing having looked closely and felt Al he realized that his father was pressing on the acupuncture Point his power was so great that alf's whole body became numb the father acquired the order AA of the same power that Alf had he said that he wanted to look at the knowledge of his son a huge stream of solar energy surged around Alf at the moment he realized that he could not control the power in his body Alf jumped away from his father and a yellow beam of light formed near them which illuminated the entire room looking at this Ray the father was able to define the muscle compression technique the flow of his son's power was very great it seems that that poor old man was a muscle compression master from the southern moo School in changchun Alf wondered what kind of Southern School of moo this is and what these muscle contraction techniques are Alf also remembered that he had never been to changchun the city his father was talking about the father began to explain muscle compression in the South and moth needles in the north are the most famous techniques in folk medicine the northern school is famous for acupuncture and the southern one is famous for pushing the dawn father said that the old man was the master and head of the Dawn pushing School Al was surprised that it turns out that medicine also has martial arts but who is the head of the northern School of needle moths the father sat down and calmly decided to answer that the head of the northern School Lu chonging known as fairy UD and her follower after this word the father decided to pause after a long pause the father looked at his son and said that he was a follower from such abrupt and unexpected news Al spat out all the water from his mouth mouth he didn't think that his father would be so cool the father began to wipe his face and glasses from the water that his son spat on him he said that all this was so long ago now he is not interested in conflicts between schools he just wants his family to be safe and also to study medicine to save people having wiped away all the water and said that the factions of the North and South have always been at enmity with each other Alf stood and was embarrassed by his invented version his father did not understand why Master move from chanun taught him all this the father stood up and decided to think that all this was just a coincidence or maybe something else he said that this was great luck for his son moreover recently he had significantly improved his skills in medicine after these words his father ordered him to follow him to the clinic alace said boringly that it was too late and it was time to go home the father said that the house will wait now he wants to teach his son the needle moth techniques so that Alfa becomes a descendant of the northern faction the first lesson began the father explained that they used their intellect to control the needles with the intellect of a doctor they will be full of irresistible energy he continued by saying that the needles are made of pure silver which can ward off not only diseases but also evil spirits the father made a seal with his hands and at the same time holding one needle in his hand and was going to show something to his son he waved his hand diagonally and said that he had had now pressed the nean point and discovered enormous internal energy now the father waved the needle as if he was going to pierce something with it he said that the intellect was stuck in the son's body and therefore he could not take full advantage but the father would teach him the skill of Northern butterfly acupuncture before the blow the father warned that now he would clean the tendons and prick acupuncture points so that these two skills would merge together concentrating the father began to demonstrate the technique of an acupuncture point he swung the needle a piercing injection is applied to alf's neck and he in confusion does not understand what this strange feeling is alface stood Reen from acupuncture many needles were inserted into him which made him feel tall looking at your son and telling him that now his tendons are cleared and now he should not forget to practice butterfly acupuncture it is also worth remembering the position of all acupuncture points the points should be clearly pricked the rabbit lay on alf's lap and laughed at him saying that it was only thanks to him that he became so strong and before that he was very stupid for such an activity Alf moved from his place and was about to hit the rabbit for mocking him but then he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back the father shouted at his son and told him not to move Alf felt a sharp pain in his back and regretted that he jerked and violated the acupuncture point from acupuncture Alf sharply raised his hands up and and threw a rabbit his father told him that he had injected his sigh reflection Zone and that's why he raised his hands like that now mom came into the room and told father and son to wrap up and get ready to go home because it was already dinner time mom was scared when she saw Alfa covered in Needles and asked what happened to her son the father became embarrassed and said that everything was fine with him he offered his wife his help in preparing dinner and told Alf to change clothes and get ready for dinner mom asked where the rabbit had gone because she had prepared something for him to eat and at that time he was lying unconscious on the floor Alf blushed and sweated he was surprised that the acupuncture skill of the northern butterfly deserved the reputation they enjoyed there was a very pleasant smell of my mother's cooked dinner in the room the father took the plate with dinner and handed it to ALF he was surprised that his son changed clothes very quickly Alay entered the room in his home clothes and was embarrassed by his father's compliment mom was fascinated by the beauty of her son she complimented him saying that he was very sweet and handsome she blushed decided to approach her son and asked him to hug her Al himself was shy and agreed to hug his mother Al laughed and said that he was already a grown man but his mother reached out to hug and eventually picked up the rabbit that was sitting on alf's shoulder she sat the rabbit next to her at the table and invited him to take the carrots and her son sat down in his place and was IND ignant at this situation the rabbit sat happily eating carrots by both cheeks he praised that these carrots were so fresh and tasty Alf asked the rabbit to sit and be polite otherwise he would overeat and all the crumbs would fly to the sides but the rabbit told him not to mind his own business after the rabbit's words Alf became angry and swore at the rabbit for not giving him his orders Alf grabbed the rabbit by the ears and told him that he had enough to eat he took him to his room and swore that he had not yet eaten enough carrots mom cursed for such a terrible treatment of this cute rabbit she did not understand why her son was so rude to the rabbit the assistant said that Alf completed two missions and now must receive prizes for completed tasks this time the rabbit will not be able to hide the prizes from the doctor the rabbit smiled nervously looked at the carrot and said that he had no idea what prizes we were talking about Alf got angry and said to clenched teeth that these are prizes that are given out by the system he saved young Carl and that old man and now he should receive two prizes the assistant ordered the rabbit to log in now and the rabbit replied that he was now in the form of an animal and that at the moment logging in was a little more difficult than usual the girl pointed to the system and said that it was the strongest in the non-early world she came up and took him by the shoulder Alf was embarrassed for some reason and blushed the assistant said that if his brother didn't receive the prizes she would complain to the judge and restore the system at the words of the assistant the rabbit froze in fear and calmed the assistant down calling her schwang after listening to the girl the rabbit understood everything the rabbit finally decided to give the prize to ALF and he activated the cultivation space probably there he will give the prizes to ALF they entered the space the rabbit swore at a very bad password and asked to change it to follow me and to show a thumbs up next time Alf approached the red button extended his finger to it and asked what prizes were waiting for him this time they stood waiting for the prize they were already impatient to find out what awaited them a red camera was formed in space the assistant was delighted she explained to him that this is a three-dimensional Polaroid camera if you photograph something with this camera then it will be possible to reproduce the present from it Alay after these words said while Alf raised the camera to take a better look at it and asked what should be photographed with it the assistant gave an example if you take a picture of beautiful clothes in a store they will become real she added that now she will be able to wear different clothes every day Alf looked at his assistant and realized that she really wanted this camera for herself he smiled and said that she could use it for now the girl assistant was surprised because no one had ever given her gifts before she rushed to hug Alf and thanked him for her first gift she pressed herself tightly against him and he felt her breasts and became EMB embarrassed the rabbit asked them to stop he could no longer look at it he told them that they had one more chance to receive the reward and having received it they would have to leave they looked strangely at the next prize Alf asked his assistant what it was and what it was called to which she replied that she did not know Alf looked further at this prize he said that it was green and round maybe it was food or a tool the rabbit exclaimed and told the girl and the doctor that this was a living Elixir he rushed to this green ball which he called an Elixir and said that this thing would not be very useful to them alace suspected something was wrong the rabbit said that he would keep it for himself Alf apparently did not like the rabbit's intentions he approached the green sphere and was about to take it but suddenly something went wrong Alf took and threw the rabbit into the wall away from the sphere and said that he would not buy it Alf picked up the box with the green sphere and asked the question why the rabbit wanted to get it so much if they didn't need it so much the rabbit rbit stood up and began to emit purple energy he said that he knew much more than them he took it and showed that he had the sphere it looks like he managed to grab it when Alfa sent him flying the doctor swore and called the rabbit a beetle and the girl's assistant ordered the sphere to be returned because it was a Brother's prize a Whirlpool formed in space everything around began to change and take on incomprehensible patterns the girl and Al were scared and wanted to understand what was happening around them so suddenly the space for cultivation disappeared and the girl and the doctor found themselves in the room the rabbit laughed at the reaction of the girl and the doctor and decided to tell his master bye-bye while capturing the green sphere he opened the door and was about to escape but he was overtaken by a dog who stood on the other side of the door and blocked the rabbit's path the rabbit was very scared of the dog and laid down on the floor ordering her to stay away from him but she just started licking him Alf called the dog calling it yellow and told him that he had done a good job yellow took the sphere from the rabbit and held it between his teeth but the rabbit warned the dog saying that he knew Kung Fu because yellow grabbed and put the sphere in his mouth the rabbit screamed and ordered him to let it go suddenly there was a sound of a Gulp and everyone looked closely at the doctor's dog now everything became clear yellow swallowed a green sphere called The Elixir of Life which he held in his teeth and now all that was left was to guess what would happen next Alf was scared and shocked at the same time by the fact that now his dog simply took and swallowed the elixir of Life the rabbit got very angry and rushed at the dog shouting to give back the elixir of Life otherwise he would make a roast out of this dog the room was illuminated by a golden light Alf hugged his assistant to protect her from a sharp gust of light they did not understand what it was and what was happening here was it really all a consequence of using that Elixir yellow began to changeed shape he turned into a mythical creature with a lion's man and sharp claws probably it was the elixir of life that had such an effect on him covering his assistant with his back Alf wondered why the yellow one became like this the rabbit sat on alf's shoulder and said that because of the Elixir his dog turned into a great demon yellow took a step forward with his new strong paw Alf Was preparing for what was about to happen the dog attacked Al with a lightning fast jerk causing him to fall to the floor in surprise he asked the yellow one to calm down because his owner was in front of him yellow began to lick and say that he knows his owner and loves him and he also remembers how they used to play Frisbee on the street Alf relaxed and said that he was very scared Alf looked at his dog with a serious face and said that if he can talk then now he must ask before doing anything and he must remain in the same form otherwise he will scare the neighbors yellow made a kind face and said that he would listen to the owner and that he now had so much energy he was very happy he began to glow and emit yellow energy Al asked if he heard him exactly what he told him yellow abruptly left and closed the door behind him and Al realized that now they would have to go and look for him so that he would give the elixir of Life they went outside in search of yellow it was dark on the street but since yellow emitted light it could be easily found Al said as he walked that he was now a yellow demon the living Elixir gave him a strong body and enormous strength all animals would avoid him as soon as they smelled his demonic smell they found the tracks and noticed that they were driven very hard into the ground yellow now has such enormous strength that he can kill the tiger with one blow suddenly cries for help began to be heard from the forest they got scared looked in the direction of the screams and wondered if the yellow one was in danger Alay immediately rushed towards the sounds of Screams to see what was happening there having arrived at the place he saw his yellow dog who was growling loudly a girl was lying on the floor next to the yellow one unconscious and with torn clothes probably the yellow one attacked her alace saw what was happening and immediately ordered the yellow one to move away from the girl the doctor approached the lying girl to check her condition and realized that she was fine just week from shock the assistant exhaled with relief the girl with beautiful Ashen hair opened her eyes and looked at Alfa Alf sat down to her and asked her whether she was injured by accident somewhere maybe she needs to be examined the doctor pointed to his dog and said it's yellow it's tained and doesn't bite you don't have to worry about that the girl attacked Al with hugs she called him baby and asked him to help her because the yellow one was barking at her again from such a sharp reaction Alf was confused and embarrassed Alf apologized and said that it looks like she confused him with someone to which the girl replied no he is her hub H he walked away from her and said she could call him whatever she wanted just not hubby the girl began to wrap her hair and said if he doesn't want her to call him hubby then what should she call him she thought made a cute face and said that now she will call him daddy everyone was simply dumbfounded by the words of this girl Alfa thought how she came to this and the rabbit was interested in whether she accidentally injured her head when she fell the doctor approached her and decided to introduce himself he said that his name was son Al and asked what her name was the girl began to cry and say that he really forgot her shiuan how could Alf forget Yuan Alf fell into a stuper and thought what was wrong with this girl why was she behaving this way could they discuss this Yuan stopped crying and noticed that her stomach was growling strongly Alfa noticed that the girl was very hungry they came to the cafe the doctor decided to feed the hungry girl who called him daddy Alf raised his hand and ordered another portion of food Al face sat and looked at Yuan eating his fifth bowl of noodles he told her that this was all for her because it looked like she hadn't eaten for several days Yuan pleaseed said that all this food was just delicious he noticed that she was holding two chopsticks in different hands and said that this was wrong and said that she needed to use the Chopsticks at the same time Yuan replied that she already uses them at the same time it's not as simple and convenient as a fork and knife Alf tilted his head looked at her and said that she was was such an eccentric Yuan finished her portion and said that this was the most delicious food she did not expect that there would be such delicious food in such a town Alf took a cup of coffee and decided to ask a question to the girl such a fairly young girl why she became a beggar and where are her parents Yuan exclaimed and answered in a protesting tone that she is not a beggar she lives in a beautiful manner near a beautiful Lake in which there are many flowers and many servants Al was surprised he was impressed that she had a beautiful estate he became interested and decided to ask about her house she answered him that she still has several ponies they have just become adults and now it is difficult for her to catch up with them Alfa asked about the Hippodrome near her house she replied that yes she had been there many times it was not that far from her house she often sent her horses there to train the doctor thought to himself that there is a place called the new city of dragon Lake it is a famous and fashionable quarter there is no other place where there is a hippodrome so she really is Rich having finished his coffee Alay asked Yan what she was doing here maybe she was looking for someone she cried again and said that he had forgotten her after all and did not remember Alf was confused again and asked why she started crying again what happened again a waiter who knew Alf personally approached them and brought them another portion of noodles as soon as he approached Yuan stood up and said said that Alf was her husband and he should be responsible for her the waiter did not expect this he looked at Alf and the doctor tried to explain but could not find the words the waiter approached shal and took him by the shoulder he apparently wanted to tell him something Al tried to explain again saying that this is not what it seems but the waiter said that everything is fine and he understands Alf is already an adult man the waiter made a bright pleased face at what he heard and was sincerely happy for Alf Alf became nervous and sweated from what his familiar Uncle might have thought the waiter decided to help Al's bride and said that she would call Sang jenu to wash and change the girl finally he told Alf to be a gentleman for his lady Alf said that this girl is quite cunning she went for sang jenu and she told her that she would Now find clothes for her to change before entering the room she looked at Alf again and made a mysterious grin Alf sat sipping his coffee and waited for Yan to change clothes and a rap rabbit stood near the table and told the yellow one to spit out the elixir of life for him but the yellow one did not give him the Elixir sang jenu left the room and said that the girl Alf is very beautiful and sweet he turned in her Direction and said that she was not his girlfriend and he did not want to be a couple with an idiot Yuan took a step and left the room already dressed and beautiful everyone froze and admired her from her beauty she turned to O calling him her baby but he had just been her husband she straightened her hair and decided to remind her husband of her name she called herself Yuan Yuan blushed and asked her baby not to stare at her like that otherwise it would be very embarrassing Al was shocked he didn't believe that this was the same girl he met today she had changed so much Yuan smiled and stepped towards Alf but as she took a step she stumbled she felt a sharp pain in her ankle and suddenly began to fall on Alf yuan's chest fell directly on alf's face which made him blush very much the rabbit closed the yellow one's eyes and said that it was too early for him to see this they lay and looked into each other's eyes Yuan became embarrassed and said that she had Twisted her ankle Alf told her not to worry and let him look Alf stood up he was sweating a lot and blushing because such a beautiful pretty girl had just been lying on him Yuan was very embarrassed she felt uncomfortable for the fact that she was now causing inconvenience to the doctor she said sat down opposite him and took off her shoes so that the doctor could properly look at the bruise on her ankle Alfa touched her leg and began examining her to understand what condition she was in the waiter and Aunt Alf stood laughing at this spectacle the waiter said that Alf understood everything but the aunt did not understand what exactly he meant Yuan was worried she asked her baby if it would hurt to which he replied that she should not worry he would do everything carefully and try not to hurt her he grabbed her leg with his left and with his right pressed the acupuncture point which is why alf's power was activated Yuan noticed his power and sat and thought what it was after analyzing alf's condition she concluded that it was just a minor injury and not very dangerous after the touch she was fine and could quickly recover to continue walking alface started bleeding from his nose and Yan decided to tell him about it to which he replied that he noticed it and he had better send her away otherwise he would get an IA they began to get ready before leaving they thanked Mr noo and Mrs sang for the very tasty noodles in response they were told that they would always be welcome coming out of the cafe Yuan clung tightly to ALF and he asked her not to cling to him because he could not walk normally because of this Alf looked at Yuan and told her that the policeman on duty would soon come here he was a good friend and would take her home the girl got scared and asked if he really wanted to leave her alone he was leaving her he reassured her said that he was not leaving her he just wanted her to get home calmly and later he would come to visit her yellow and the rabbit looked at them and realized that now Yuan would start crying again Yuan extended her little finger and told him to swear on their little fingers that he would not leave her and would come to visit her Alf got nervous and decided to swear that he would not leave her and would come to visit they got together and sealed their promises to each other by shaking their little fingers officer Young had already approached them and began to listen to the whole story of how Al found Yuan she clung to the doctor because she did not want to let him go officer young wrote down the entire story that Al said and said that he would contact the Dragon Lake News City police station and send her home Alf approached Yan and asked her to stop crying because it was time to go home officer Yan will make sure that she gets home safe and sound in parting he smiled at her and asked her to be careful so that she would not get lost again he turned around and walked towards his house leaving the rest to officer young Yuan turned to him and cried again she screamed and called him again calling him her baby she moved from her place and ran to him Yuan really wanted to stay with him again in tears Yuan grabbed alf's back and hugged him tightly Yuan asked him to stay with her so much she didn't want to part with him because of this she hugged him even tighter Al became gloomy and told her that he couldn't stay with her her family was probably already very worried about her it was time to return home she was upset and decided to let him go because it was really time for her to return home officer Yang approached her and asked her to get into the car he said that he would help her get home Yuan became gloomy and ordered him with a ton of Commander not to call her that she turned to the policeman and ordered him to stay away from her and not dare to approach her the officer was shocked and did not understand what was happening was she lost and did she need help now look looking at the officer with a serious look she said that she had not forgotten where her house was she lives in the sixth Villa of the third cluster of Villas in the new city of dragon Lake officer young was surprised by what was said and before speaking the girl said that it was not necessary to say it out loud the girl reached into her bra and said that her performance could have been wasted if she had not hidden a very secret thing she took out the phone dialed someone and began to say that they should find her come and take her away from here the car drove up and picked up the girl and she most likely went home at the wheel was a woman who knew Yuan she said that she was very surprised that Miss decided to come here to a low Society like this looking out the window Yan answered her driver that she was really so interested in her personal life the woman turned pale and said that she was mistaken and did not dare to meddle in her personal life Yan calmly responded by showing that everything was fine she just decided to go visit the only accessor of shiz the woman looked at Yuan and said that they had long disappeared from history they would not pose a threat to them even if there were only a few receivers left the girl laid down vertically on the chairs in the back seat and said that this guy should not be underestimated she explained that Alf is even a master in the art of tendon replacement and this is serious the woman driving asked a question she was interested in how Al was able to learn the skills of their sect Yuan thought and blushed she thought that that there was a traitor among them who taught Alf the skills she remembered him and said that Alf is the only successor of the northern sect and a master of tendon replacement Yuan acted out a scene where she was an innocent girl who needed help and Alf believed it he said that he looked like a fool looks like she deliberately called him hubby they drove further along the bridge and talked about Alf the driver asked what Miss would do next Yuan replied that she was going to contact him again and find out about his history of the southern sect Alf was already at home and packing his things in his suitcase the rabbit told him that if he goes to college with him he won't be able to eat his mother's food Al got angry and told the rabbit that she was not his mother and her son was Al the rabbit lay on the yellow and laughed with Alf because he reacted so violently he grabbed him by the ears and pulled him towards him the rabbit asked what was the matter why was he doing this to which Alf replied so that he could guess an assistant appeared in front of Alf and he stared at her breasts she asked that his college must be very big and beautiful Alf looked at her breasts and his nose began to bleed again he replied that the college was very large and beautiful suddenly my mother appeared in the assistant place and asked why he was in a DA and why his nose was bleeding so often lately she suggested that his father examine him but Alf replied that he was fine mom smiled and said that Yao shiin came to them and brought him some gifts he remembered her became gloomy and trembled Alf asked the question why she came here it looks like she really scares him Alf remembered all the events connected with her where he was interrogated and almost got it from her but then everything worked out and Yao gave him a ride home with her parents mom said that Yao gave them a walnut gift box and some medicines she said that they were special for Al mom lit up with happiness and said she thinks that Yao likes Alf to which he replied that she just wants sa to overload his brain the door opened into the room and Yao came in she said hello and said that they had not seen each other for a long time she was dressed in clothes similar to a school uniform Yao asked not to belittle her good intentions in this way Yao approached her mother and Alf to say hello to which the doctor responded negatively and asked what she was doing at his house Alf grabbed the rabbit and covered himself with it he told J to stay away from him and the rabbit asked him how long ago I a had been communicating with women and he was not his shield Yao replied that Al should not flatter himself she came to visit his parents and was told that he was leaving for college soon Alf pulled himself together threw the rabbit aside and said with confidence that he was going to hhia Medical University his eyes sparkled he was very pleased that he was going to this University now Al will live a happy Student Life Yao looked at him and said that this is a pretty Elite and cool University to which which Alfre replied that he deserved it the doctor made a face and said that now she would no longer be able to mock him she smiled at him and replied that she could still do it because she entered the police academy of the University which is located not far from Alf University now Yao made a face at Al and said that they would still be in touch the doctor clearly didn't like this very much Mom saw how they communicate smiled and said that they were wonderful friends Alf did not agree with this mom was so pleased that Yao came she decided to invite the girl to stay with them for lunch Yao was pleased and she agreed to such a proposal alface said that she should refuse dinner apparently he didn't really want her to stay in his house for a long time an unknown car just drove up to alf's house maybe they were expecting more guests an elderly couple got out of the car it was yuan's fake parents it looks like she sent spies to alface so that they could find out something about him the woman took off her glasses and looked at the room it was a small Clinic she wondered why the lady was interested in this Comer the man also took off his glasses and answered the woman that this guy has both the skills of the Southern and Northern sections it's easy to become interested in such a person the woman asked to stop talking and get to work the couple got ready and headed straight to alf's house which was a small Clinic alf's mother touched him on the shoulder and told him to sit down and chat with his friend she is their guest and therefore you need to be hospitable to her before going to the kitchen she asked him to behave well otherwise she would punish him if he treated her badly Alf said that he would communicate well with her and spend time Yao sat down next to ALF and made a Sly grin but Alf did not notice this and decided to offer her to take an apple she took one apple made a Sly face as if she was up to something and said that Alf should help himself too Alf suspected that she was behaving rather strangely her strange smile frightened him he began to think what she was going to do with this apple maybe she wanted to throw this Apple at him Yao took the apple and extended it to ALF to share this fruit with him Alf immediately reacted he thought that she wanted to throw the Apple in his face and he grabbed her hand with a sharp grip and stopped the supply of the Apple Yao looked at him with a sweet face and told him not to be shy and help himself the doctor smiled and suggested in his thoughts that Yao try his new power the same energy that gave him strength was formed in his hand he came closer to her because of this Yao smiled shyly and blushed just like Alf he asked her how she felt and she replied that although she had not seen him for a long time she noticed that he had become quite strong he pinned her down on the bed and began to tell her to admit defeat but ya was clearly not going to give up so easily in their friendly struggle the rabbit and the yellow one watched this and they decided to call his mother in her presence he will control himself and control his actions sounds were heard from another room someone said that this house was furnished cheaply and tastelessly Alf and Yao turned around at the sounds and asked each other who had come and who they were looking for a woman who works for Yan came into the room she said that they were looking for Alf ya was sitting eating an apple Alf stood up and asked a question to these two who came into his room he asked if he knew them to which they answered no he doesn't know Alf was confused about who these people people were and what they wanted if they came to the doctor then they needed to find his father the man decided to say that they did not come to the doctor but to propose marriage Al was shocked by such a statement but Yao was more shocked who was dumbfounded by The Proposal of marriage after the words about marriage an angry mother came into the room she was holding a knife in her hands her eyes were burning with anger she asked her son what other marriage we are talking about here Mom calmed down put on a hospitable face and hid her knife behind her back she asked for forgiveness for her violent reaction the woman and the man were very frightened and turned pale from their mother's reaction they said that their daughter liked Alf very much and now they want him to marry her the man cleared his throat and then said that now Alf must join their family the doctor made a serious face and said that he doesn't even know their daughter why should he suddenly join their family the assistant along with the rabbit and the yellow one one sat in the back seats she took the popcorn and the rabbit was gnawing on a carrot the assistant girl was interested in what kind of trouble her brother was now in and the rabbit said that there would be a show now the woman said in a rude tone that such a modest guy should not ask them questions he does not need to know her all you need to know is that if Alfa marries their daughter then it will be an honor for them the man took out his bag and said that they are a noble family that has owned countless wealth and power for Generations a simple person like Alfa cannot even imagine this he put his bag on the table opened it and everyone saw the contents namely a lot of money the man said that allowing such a commoner to join their family was a great gift the man looked at Alf and told him that this suitcase was a gift from their daughter if he takes it the deal will be considered accepted the suitcase was literally glowing with a golden light from the huge amount of money Alfa began to sweat from such beauty and did not know what to answer mom answered them that there was nothing special in their wealth she ordered them to take their money and leave their house and ala asked his mother to consult with him before kicking the guests out of the house the Man became very angry with these commoners because they dared to refuse them Alf decided to justify their refusal by the fact that he doesn't even know them and it would be stupid if he agreed so simply the man and woman were confused because their daughter had a fairly high opinion of Al she decided to give him a chance he would not want to spoil relations with the fan family Alf was fed up with these two he put on a serious face and told them to get out of his house before he lost his patience because of such insolence a man approached him and began to say that he would grind this Hospital into powder for such words Al said have there really been threats now he won't leave it so easily Yao came to Al's defense and said if they want to threaten him they must first go through her a man and a woman were furious at the end impudence of some girl who they think is not even their equal they asked who she was to interfere Yao stood in front of them smiling and decided to answer their question about who she was she approached Al hugged his hand and said that she was his girlfriend from these words he was confused mom decided to ask if she really called herself his girlfriend from such a statement Alf blushed with embarrassment Yao said that they were just discussing their relationship she looked at him and winked at him Alf immediately understood that she said this to cover him up the man turned pale and said that their investigations have not a word about the fact that he has a girlfriend Alf said to forget about his useless investigations Alf hugged Yao's shoulder and confidently said that he had a girlfriend and would not marry anyone the woman suspected something was wrong and realized that they were pretending to be a couple to get away from him to the woman's words Alf replied that even if they are not a couple it does not change anything he still will not marry their daughter the man and woman warned for the last time that they did not want to have to use Force Alf decided to provoke them into a fight and said if they want it badly then he will not hold back the woman took out and put on her brass knuckles and the man took out his steel stick saying that Alf is an ignorant person Al called his dog and told him to lead the guests to the exit yellow took on his form of a strong beast and roared the woman jumped on the man out of fear when she saw the yellow one in such a uniform they trembled and said that the yellow one should not come near them it was clear to them that the dog had greatly frightened them at this time the assistant and the rabbit continued to watch what was happening the assistant thought that these two were serious but they were so scared in front of the yellow one yellow opened his mouth and growled with all his might that the walls in the room began to tremble the man and woman ran away from the house shouting that Alf would not get away with all this so easily Alf hugged Yao again smiled and told the two leaving to leave and not return with their marriage Yao noticed that they were running fast Yao and Alf looked at each other like lovers a spark seemed to run between them they abruptly moved away from each other Alf wondered why he was still hugging her he would need to wash his hands later Yao said that those hugs were her gift mom stood between them and noticed how shy they were somewhere in a mansion Yan was swimming in a pool and listening to information about Alf the man and woman apologized for the fact that they failed in the mission they said that Al was stronger than they thought Yuan said that it didn't matter she knew that Alf would be a pretty serious guy she lay in hot water took her procedures and told the two that they could return and go on with their business the woman who was taking Yuan home sat down next to her and heard that she said that Alf should now be given to her it was light outside it was the day when all the students go to their University and Al was also preparing for his first day at the University Alf finally got to the university he said that his mother almost killed him on the way he remembered how he was getting ready for University his mother collected all his things and even suggested that he take a kettle with him alface said that he was leaving for University and not to another country it's normal for him to not give her the kettle but her mother still asked her to take all these things in case they came in handy he took all his things and stepped into the new student life that he had been waiting for so long the assistant girl looked at her brother's University and was surprised by such a beautiful and large building she also praised the campus saying that it was beautiful the rabbit leaned out of alf's briefcase to admire the local View and said that it was Soso here the assistant pushed the rabbit back into the briefcase and told him to hide so that no one would see him Alf grinned laughed and took a new step towards his student life he pulled himself together and set him self up for Success raised his hand up and said that now fame money girls and the Endy of guys await him all this awaits him at the University but the suitcase that Alf put down was hit by something and threw it a couple of meters Alf took a closer look and saw a familiar car that hit his suitcase Yao was sitting in it he walked up to the front window and furiously asked her to look around Yao greeted him and asked why he was so angry on his first day of campus life she got out of the car to talk to ALF he asked what she was doing here was she really stalking him again and at that time a crowd of young students looked at the beautiful ya ya approached shal and said that she came here to help him because he is her boyfriend who is moving in for the first day today Al smiled and decided to continue the joke by saying that his caring girlfriend would help him carry this bag she looked at him turned around and said that it was not so heavy he could handle it himself there were a lot of beautiful tall girls walking down the street someone wanted to approach the first girl inviting her to carry things to her room two guys stood and looked at beautiful young girls a guy in black glasses and Slick bangs invited the other to look at the one in a blue robe and a beautiful figure the second guy in a pink shirt with long beautiful hair was shimen Juan he was a local handsome man among the girls he turned his piercing gaze to that girl in a blue row Band After analyzing her he realized that she was not the one he needed Juan said that that girl is an Ordinary Girl girl from class A she is not interesting to him then he turned his gaze to the other one that he needed his gaze fell on Yao he analyzed her and said that she was simply perfect exactly what he was looking for from such beauty blood flowed from his nose in a stream he felt deeply for her and could not take his eyes off her this is the one he was waiting for Hanan immediately realized that it would be difficult to win such a girl here he had to try Juan's henchmen noticed a guy who was standing next to that very girl he seemed quite familiar to him Juan decided that he would show what he was capable of and began to sprinkle the pedals in front of Yao and Al they both stood and looked at the pedals and thought about what they were there for suddenly Juan appeared in front of them and said hello he appeared effectively and the falling petals were intended to attract Yao's attention he looked at Yao and complimented her saying that she was beautiful ya looked at Juan embarrassed and wanted to understand what he needed from her Juan introduced himself saying that he was an undergrad for her but still he really wanted to meet her he offered to help take these heavy things and carry them to the indicated place two of Juan's assistants stood in the bushes and waited for a command a couple of minutes later Juan wrote to them to follow him one of the assistants smiled broadly and said that Juan would Now teach that kid a lesson Alfa came to the dormatory he went into his room which he missed very much as it turned out Juan help helped Al carry his bags to the room on the instructions of Yao Al thanked him for his help Alf asked him to put things at the door after this request Juan decided to ask him a question Juan came close to a to seriously ask him a question about ya he asked who she was to him Alf felt funny because of such a question he answered him that she was like an enemy to him this answer greatly pleased Juan Juan decided to get straight to the point he directly said that he liked her and wanted to get her at any cost therefore he asked Alf for Yao's phone number scratching his chin Al began to remember what Yao's phone number was and at this time Juan took out his phone and prepared to write down from such Joy he called Al for a good friend the doctor remembered and said that he did not know Yao's phone number this answer made Juan very angry Juan shouted and again demanded her phone number he warned that Alf should not dare to deceive him Alf looked at at him made a kind face calmed him down and said that Juan should not be angry he would ask for a phone number for his sake he abruptly changed from Evil to good as soon as he heard what Alf was ready to do for him and he decided to apologize to him for yelling but Al said that even if she gives him a phone number he still won't receive it Juan could not tolerate such mockery he told Alf in a rude tone that now he would teach him how to speak correctly with Elders on Juan's orders two of his subordinates entered entered the room it seems he ordered them to wait for a signal outside the door they began to warm up before the fight Juan said that he shouldn't have argued with him but that he should have just politely given Yao's phone number one of Juan's subordinates saw Alf and trembled apparently he remembered him in fear he began to stutter and through trembling tried to warn Juan that it was better not to mess with this guy Al looked at the trembling guy and remembered him it was the hooligan who pestered his lover at grad situation Alf told him that he did not expect to see him here that bully again began to dissuade Juan from touching him otherwise it would be bad Alf had clearly earned himself a reputation as a dangerous guy Juan ignored all the warnings about the danger and said that he would simply smear Al on the floor he screamed and demanded that his assistance give him a kilt apparently he needed it for the battle Alf was surprised at the word Kilt and thought he definitely liked girls why would he need y number she has a bad character but she's beautiful most likely it's something else Juan grabbed the Kilt with both hands and told Al that he would warn that girl that the doctor felt bad and decided not to go to dinner having made an Angry contented face at the end he told Alf not to worry Juan will replace him at dinner with her Al decided to ask again Juan wants to smear him or replace him at dinner he replied that he was talking nonsense Juan grabbed his Kilt and rushed at Alf before hitting him he decided to tell him a medical hint if there are people under the Kilt then there will be no visible wounds on the body Alf reacted to Juan's approach and before he was attacked he struck first and the blow was between the legs a very sneaky technique Juan had a painful shock from such a blow he did not expect such cruelty and meanness from Alfa two assistants came up to check on the condition of their boss he bent over and groaned in pain and this frightened them even more one of the assistants shouted and swore at Alf that he had gone too far how could he strike in exactly that place Al said that this blow was not yet at full strength Al took a step towards one of Juan's assistants probably he was going to prescribe the same blow to him the bully was frightened by the approaching Alf he covered his treasure with his hands and told him that Alf should not even think about repeating that same blow again but instead of that very Place Alf decided to hit the bully in the face the bully asked why he was hit in the face but it seemed there would be no answer all this time Hanan second assistant watched his boss and Bully being beaten by Al now he realized that he was left alone and did not know what to do Alf looked at him with a calm face and said that he should already run the assistant matured and replied that he was not going to run away like a coward he was a strong man stronger than King Kong Al looked at him with a piercing gaze and said that he was not a strong man but stupid and naive since he wanted to beat him the backpack came loose and a rabbit appeared from it and became interested he decided to join this party the rabbit grabbed the badminton racket and jumped out of the backpack it looks like he found himself a stick which will be used by the bullies the handle of the racket whistling stuck into the bully butt it seems that the rabbit is also good at such vile tricks he called his blow a blow of Justice it became interesting when whether he came up with it on the fly or what the bully groaned in pain and fell to his knees with the racket sticking out of his backside he definitely did not expect such a reception Al looked at him and showed a finger up he appreciated such a blow he put his hands to the side thanked him for the praise and decided to praise himself again and said that he was the most brilliant Alf left the dorm and headed to meet ya looks like they should go to dinner together Yao saw that Al was approaching her she made a dissatisfied face and asked why it took him so long to get ready Alf approached her waved his hand and smiled he apologize for being late Yao looked at him and asked a question about the senior student where was he why didn't he come with him Alf nervously looked away and said that the senior student had something to do and would not come she smiled contentedly and said that it's okay so be it but he won't interfere with them and sticks to her against her will Juan came to his senses after the painful shock he now listed Al as his enemy and said that he would not get away with it so easily he extended his hand to the phone took it and began to dial the number out of anger Juan said through his teeth that he would take revenge on him the phone showed an incoming call Juan called his uncle so that he could deal with Al the Taekwondo Hall was empty there was no one there only Yao and Alf came here it seemed they had other plans instead of dinner Yao and Alf came to the Taekwondo Yao began to warm up and do exercises but first she praised Alf that he had become quite strong Alf didn't take her compliment into account he wanted to understand why she brought him to the taekwondo gym weren't they going to dinner Yao smiled at him and told him to wait for now there is no one here during lunch and this is an ideal opportunity for them to stretch their bones after thinking about everything that was happening Alf decided that there was some kind of catch here he refused used to Spa with Yao he became gloomy and told her in a rude tone that he was very hungry and was not going to waste time here Yao attacked Al apparently she was already tired of his whining she stated that he had no choice and he needed to fight her he noticed her approach and managed to dodge the blow it seems that he will not be able to avoid this battle the rabbit jumped out of the briefcase and asked why these two were constantly fighting and the assistant supported and cheered for Alf Alf looked at them and said that but they were not helping because of this he lost his vigilance Yao noticed that he was distracted and Was preparing to strike him she swung and delivered a sharp kick from her foot right into alf's face from such a blow he fell and rolled towards the wall a loud sound was accompanied by the fall of Al he was probably a little angry at the rabbit and the assistant for distracting him Yao straightened her hair after the blow and told Al that this is really all he is capable of she thought he had become strong it seems that all these words greatly provoked Al he continued to sit on the floor recovering from the blow Alf unbuttoned his jacket and released his energy now he was ready to fight seriously to the provocation he replied that Yao also did not impress him much his eyes were full of determination and now everything will be for real he is ready to fight back Yao's face was filled with joy she would finally be able to fight him seriously she told him that I hope he knows his business having moved from her place she again began to attack him only now she became a little faster his blue energy appeared in alf's eyes now he saw every movement of Y it became very slow for him he quickly approached her Yao was confused at such speed and did not understand how he had already appeared here so quickly Al Was preparing to strike back at her for the pain that he felt when she hit her but yam managed to block even a block did not help from such a blow Alf laughed that he managed to catch Yao energy was concentrated in the Palm which Alf was apparently going to throw out in one blow the blow exploded with blue energy and the blast wave through Yao away from Alf she landed on two legs thereby softening her fall and again stood in a fighting position alface stood pleased with the use of his technique blue lights similar to flames danced around him it seemed that this was his energy this is how it manifested itself he asked yaow she is pleased that he is not holding back energy came Yao asked where his internal energy came from to which Al answered from himself and advised her to prepare to give for some reason Yao's eyes lit up red they took on the same form as when they first met Alf Red Energy lit up around Yao she Rose in the air and said that it would be difficult for her to repel this blow if she also did not use her energy Al the assistant girl and the rabbit were shocked by what they saw as it turned out Yao also had internal energy but she looked much more terrifying than Alf frightened Al turned to the rabbit and asked him a question about what he should do with such strong and terrible energy the rabbit saw all the tension of the situation and told Al not to worry he will help him the rabbit told Al that now Yao is much stronger than him but if he really wants to win he will have to launch a hidden update after launching it he will immediately become stronger but while Al was listening to all this Yao swung and struck him he put a block in front of his face and deflected her kick with his feet and asked the rabbit to go closer to the point otherwise she would defeat him now she prepared to help Al he was going to activate a hidden upgrade that could make Alf stronger and help him in this battle Alf began to urge she to tell him to hurry up otherwise he was already losing his strength Yao took the leap and prepared to deliver her signature blow to ALF but she had already begun to activate the hidden upgrade Alf panicked greatly he saw that Yao was approaching and Was preparing to strike and the hidden update had not yet been activated she warned Al that the host would be in a weakened mode within 5 minutes Yao was already above Alf and AED her blow directly at him she jumped on alf's back and advised him to get ready Alf was overcome by some incomprehensible feelings he did not understand what was about to happen and decided to ask she what was happening in response the rabbit and alface simply fell to the floor and nothing happened Yao stopped the blow after she saw that Al had fallen and asked him not to pretend to be dead because she didn't even lay a finger on him Al swore at the rabbit for such a setup she looked at him and realized that it was time to call it a day apparently the fight ended in a draw they left the hall and Alf stood and listened as his assistant and the rabbit laughed from the moment he fell after the update and asked Alf stood embarrassed and asked them to stop laughing from their laughter Al had already gone wild and said that he had been set up and there was no point in laughing at him the assistant calmed down and told Alf that it was not C's fault it takes time for him to be ready to update his characteristics she began to explain that alfa's internal energy had been improved to the level of pure gold now he can release it Alf was intrigued by this statement about golden Power he concentrated and began to release golden energy around him and now he felt different his characteristics had indeed been updated his eyes lit up with gold Alf smiled and said that next time he will be much stronger and will take revenge on ya Alf raised his hands up and shouted so that the internal energy rushed out but nothing happened no energy rushed only someone shouted to Alfa not to make noise during curfew a man and sandals took a step towards him apparently they were planning a serious conversation the man asked what dormatory he was from and what his name was Alf took a closer look and remembered that it was Mr Kim the man was resident assistant AR Kim he remembered Al and greeted him Alf scratched the back of his head and apologized for screaming then he thought to himself that in this life he had just moved into the dormatory Kim shouldn't know him now all this is very strange Kim told Al to pack his things he is now moving to another dorm Alf noticed that in this life Kim has a completely different character why has he changed Kim looked at Al with a gloomy smile and said that he should forget about his things now and go to another dorm right now and let him pick up his things tomorrow Kim had an ominous and terrible smile on his face he told Alf to go to the fifth building and there is everything for Life there Alf got scared and remembered what building he was talking about the same building that brought horror to all the students it got very dark on the street and it started to rain Al began to think about that building in his thoughts the fifth building was the strangest and most mysterious there the first five floors were always empty they didn't even have their own AR those foreign students who returned home late live in this dormatory in his past life Al never paid attention to this dormatory Kim approached Al and shouted that this storm is full of monsters and ghosts he wanted to scare Al with this but it didn't work out Alf said that this is an ordinary monster dormatory if there is such a thing there then he needs to find out about it Kim praised Alf for his courage before going to that dormatory Alf invited Kim to go with him to the proposal Kim replied that no he doesn't want to play with death let Alf go himself Alf wanted Kim to come up with some more pleasant words for parting the rabbit leaned out of his backpack and said his theory that it was sheiman Hound who could have moved him to this dormatory Alf said that who else could have done this she said that this place was terribly strange and mysterious Alf replied that he had seen things even stranger and more mysterious he approached the door which was open and the light was on Alf said that he heard someone it seemed that sounds were coming from that room Alf wondered if maybe it was his new neighbor making noise in their room he decided to go in and check what was going on there there was a pile of skulls in the room Al felt uneasy from such a sight he turned pale and sweated and thought that this was some kind of ritual or maybe it was a dummy the light in the room began to Blink the bedside table that stood behind Al moved from her place and closed the passage to the door the room suddenly became dark and some paranormal phenomena began to happen Al looked at the pile of skulls and saw that they began to light up with a red light the skulls began to be covered with a dark ominous Aura and locusts began to run out of their eye sockets all the skulls glowed red and Alf did not understand what was happening in this room and even in the dormatory the room was engulfed in darkness and centipedes began to appear from under the floor heading straight towards Alf Alf saw a swarm of creeping insects that headed straight towards him to devour him he was literally engulfed by an ocean of beetles he did not understand what it all meant and how this could happen here the rabbit looked at this swarm of poisonous insects and was also horrified they crawled onto ala devouring him among the insects there were spiders locusts centipedes and other representatives of of insects Alf wondered if these insects would ever calm down they had already enveloped him with their bodies and literally swallowed him up but Alf was not going to give up Alf decided to concentrate pull himself together and stop being afraid of these insects he released a huge charge of energy from his body and threw away all the insects that climbed on him having wiped his face from The Remains he took a closer look and wanted to find the point from which these insects crawl out maybe it's all because of the skulls Alf took a fighting stance and the rabbit again hid in his backpack a new swarm of insects was approaching them and Alf realized that there was no end to them among the insects new Representatives now appeared and they again all headed towards aafi who was draining the Golden Glow a voice suddenly rang out in the room saying enough after this word all the insects stopped and white light poured into the room Alf calmed down and decided to turn towards the voice that now literally saved his life he turned and saw a girl who had just come out of the shower from what he saw alf's nose began to bleed again a beautiful girl stood in the doorway she stood wrapped in towels she apologized for the fact that she almost ran into trouble and asked Alf if he was okay the girl became embarrassed and decided to ask again if everything was okay with Alf otherwise he was bleeding from his nose Alf asked the question it's not that she's cold it's just that she's almost naked in response response the girl took the towel out of her hair and threw it in alf's face so that he wouldn't stare at her it was night outside already time to get ready for bed so as not to oversleep tomorrow's classes the girl apologized to ALF for scaring him he smiled at her and reassured her by saying that it was all nothing he didn't even get hurt the girl was impressed that Alf was able to defeat all her insects so easily he replied that he was just lucky Al looked again at the pile of lying skulls and asked what it was they looked quite creepy and strange the girl calmly replied that these are nests for her beetles in fact these are their houses she told Alay not to worry as long as he is with him they will not touch him Alf asked who this girl was and what he was more interested in was why she had so many poisonous insects she introduced herself by saying that her name was Channing a wit doctor and a special guest of this University alface scratched his chin and wondered what kind of special guest and which doctor he was he didn't know what they teach at this University for which doctors penin answered him that she was not a teacher she would have to treat people who were somehow subject to spells everything became clear to ALF he laid down and said that he generally thought that Witch Doctors did not exist and that it was all fiction the skulls still terrified Al it was hard for him to forget that swarm of Beatles that tried to devour him pennin decided to say that their race is trying to hide from people most people simply don't even know about their their existence they sat next to each other and Alf decided to compliment her he said what surprised him more after this word he took a long pause Al then looked at her with his shining eyes and continued that such a young beautiful woman is a witch doctor the rabbit approached Alf and told him to watch his language because his goal is not to find a girl alf's words embarrassed pan and she blushed and said that she was not very beautiful so there was no need to flatter her like that she got up and ran to to the kitchen saying that she would now make tea for Alf Alf spoke our which doctors really that good if we talk about popularity they cannot be compared with traditional Chinese or Western medicine she explained to ALF that poison magic in the past was often used for killing so it acquired a bad reputation and was not accepted by mainstream medical schools but in medical skills they have their own advantages she continued to say that the girl is very young but is still able to control so many poisonous insects obviously in front of them was a talented which Dr Alf now wanted to ask her even more about many things she approached the vase that stood on the Shelf he decided to look at it closer and Alf told him not to touch anything here the rabbit looked inside the vase with one eye and told Alf not to worry he'll just look Alay immediately grabbed him by the ears and said that you shouldn't touch other people's things it's very rude from such a sharp grip she dropped the vase from his paws and and Al looking at the falling vase was very frightened Al moved from his place let go of the rabbit and rushed to catch the falling vase he was very scared because now the vase of his neighbor with whom he would have to live in a dorm could break and he didn't want to break it anymore Alf didn't reach the Wy he never caught it he just touched it with his fingertip he fell and hit his face on the floor along with a vase that broke the vase broke and a blue liquid Spilled Out and a green worm crawled out Al lay there there his face was very sore from the fall and the green worm crawled towards Al a green worm crawled up to Al's hand and crawled under his skin it looks like it was not an ordinary worm she was shocked by what he saw he shouted to a that this worm had crawled under his skin Alf got up came to his senses after falling looked at she and did not understand what he was talking about penine came into the room with a cup of tea and seeing what was happening dropped the cup she looked at the broken ve face and was frightened that this worm had crawled under alf's skin her eyes were filled with fear it seems that this worm meant something to her since she kept it in such a vase they sat down and began to talk Alf was surprised that this insect penetrated his skin and it did not hurt him Alf became gloomy and asked what kind of insect it was and how it got under his skin he was worried that something would happen to his health penin became embarrassed and reassured Alf by saying that this is a poisonous love insect and it is not dangerous everything will be fine she squeezed her dress with her hands and tried to say something about her grandmother panning paraphrased the word granny to clan leader and told Alf that this insect was specially prepared for her future husband Alf was struck in the head by an arrow of love and he wondered whether now he would be her husband it was night outside only the lanterns in the village illuminated the dark impenetrable night were heard the sounds of stones knocking were heard in the village but it was unclear where they came a young guy was sitting opposite an old elderly lady she was probably an elder in this Village Green rays that emanated from the stones near her danced around her the stones exuded some incomprehensible glow perhaps it was the magic that panine spoke about the Elder looked at the stones and said that she did not foresee this she clearly saw something in these Stones she was the leader of the clan of which doctors after looking at the stones she realized that panin had already found her love so quickly the clan leader turned to the boy named him tion and ordered him to find panning the clan leader wanted tion to find panning and bring her husband to their Village the boy listened to the order of the clan leader and said with a confident face that he would fulfill this order Alf felt bad he decided to ask how this poisonous love insect Works penin reassured Alf she said that this insect would not harm him in any way but the person who was poisoned by this insect could love only one person all his life Alay was confused by this explanation spread his hands and said that panin was exaggerating panin told Al that he must believe her for this it is not even necessary to love a person even if another paired insect climbs into this little rabbit he will fall in love with him Alf and she imagined how they fell in love with each other and kissed this made them feel sick and uncomfortable Alf grabbed the rabbit and threw it to the side telling him to stay away from it he he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said that he didn't feel like he was falling in love with her Penning replied that the other paired insect was with the leader of her clan and it was not yet in her she knew that the clan leader had probably already found out about what had happened and was going to come to her soon Alf calmly said that panning could explain everything to her and she could get this Beetle out of Alf panning told about her leader she is very stubborn and if he refuses to become her husband she will throw him into a pit with poisonous insects Alf asked how the witch doctor could be so unreason Penning advised Alf to go and rest now and she would try to think and deal with the situation Alf agreed and said that this is the best solution now he collected his things wished panning good night and left the room Alf wondered why he always gets into such troubles suddenly one of the doors opened perhaps by itself or maybe someone opened it someone stood in the open door and watched Alf probably pan and's husband had already arrived it was a beautiful sunny morning a great day to start University life many were already getting ready to go to class collecting their notebooks and books for studying Juan approached his uncle and asked him what he would do with Alf who had offended him his uncle answered him by saying that he had already sent him to another dormatory and now he would not disturb Juan Juan got scared and remembered that Alf was transferred to the same dormatory that was infested with ghosts his uncle looked at him and told him that these were all rumors and this building was an ordinary hostel but dangerous people could really live there Juan's uncle was Leone deputy director he said not to worry about Alf in a couple of days the guy will ask for expulsion Juan approached his uncle and said that he was the real future director they both stood there laughing Juan praised his uncle for turning everything around so abruptly and in response his uncle told him not to flatter him but suddenly their fun Ended as soon as they decided to turn around they saw Al asking where the building of traditional Chinese medicine was Juan was confused he wondered how Al had not yet left the university after that terrible dormatory Alf saw Juan and decided to greet him and ask how he was doing and why he was so surprised to see him Juan upon seeing Al immediately put protection on the very sore spot where he was hit he did not understand why he was so frightened Alf asked Juan where the building of traditional Chinese medicine was to which he pointed the way to the left an uncle came up and asked Juan if he knew this guy who asked the way Juan replied that he didn't just know him he angrily told him through gritted teeth that this guy was Shing Al Uncle sweated and wondered how Alf spent the whole night in that hostel which is full of strange things how did he remain safe and sound Uncle began to put forward theories that son Alf seems to be a Monster who is not afraid of that dorm Juan cried and barely held back his hysteria he told his uncle that he didn't care who he was Juan again grabbed the same place and said that they couldn't just let him get away with it the uncle looked at his poor nephew and told him not to worry and present this case to him everything will be caught he made an evil smile and said that as long as Alf studies at this University he will do everything possible to torture him to such an extent that he takes away his documents Al walked calmly through a beautiful bright day and heard the good old Bell for classes there were only a few people in the room but someone said that the famous Professor Lou would be teaching this class it seems that he is quite a famous figure in these parts someone continued the conversation about how Master Lou is one of the 10 best Masters among doctors the students said among themselves that they could not believe that Master Lou would be their teacher and at this time Alf was sitting in the back desk and was bored he wanted the lesson to start quickly and their Master L to come Al thought about the lesson he thought if we talk about acupuncture now then Master Lou will turn out to be a National Treasure I wonder if he can match his needle moth skill Master Lou entered the classroom he was holding a heavy bag in one hand probably everything he needed for classes was there everyone in the audience greeted him and said how cool he was he had a long white beard he entered and greeted everyone present in the audience everyone was surprised to see his gate everyone was impatient for classes to begin and he show go to Master Class Master Lou walked to his desk put down his bag and stood in front of the audience and students he cracked his fingers and introduced himself and said that he was pleased to meet all the students present in this audience Master Lou is a new acupuncture teacher Master Lou began the lesson the first thing he said was that for acupuncture one of the most important components is a Silver Needle it may seem easy but thanks to this you can cure a huge number of diseases if you prick the points correctly Master Lou opened his suitcase and there were two compartments in which there were acupuncture needles he hoped that each of those present in this audience would learn how to use them everyone was happy and joyful when Master Lou began the lecture the students asked Master Lou to show everyone his skills Master Lou smiled and decided to show his abilities since everyone asked so much he will show a little he walked up to the training dummy and Was preparing to show everyone acupuncture techniques Master Lou picked up a pair of needles and made a swing the same blue energy shown in his eyes the same as alfas Master loose struck with needles at certain points on the mannequin that were designated after the last blow he froze in place and everyone saw his incredible techniques and how in a couple of seconds a large number of needles were pierced into the mannequin shouts of delight and shock swept the audience everyone was simply shocked by such skill someone said that it was not surprising that he was called The National treasure someone dreamed of becoming at least a little like a master like Master Lou and only Al sat and did not see anything special in the skill he said that it was a little like the needle moth technique then with a serious look Alf said that he did not understand the essence of this technique one of the students at the front desk who admired the skill turned to Al and asked him what he said about master Lou does he really think that Master Lou is not good enough alace smiled and decided to reassure the student and told him that yes master Lou is good however he simply copied the technique of the northern moth and obviously he still has Room to Grow the student did not understand why Al said this after all Professor Lou is one of the best doctors in this District Master Lou heard a noise in the back desks turned and heard that some young man was arguing with Alf and he decided to ask the topic of their dispute the young man pointed his finger at Alf and shouted that he thought Master Lou was not such a good and classy doctor Alf decided to say in his defense that he didn't say that he just didn't want to fail this subject Master Lou glanced at those two and now asked with a serious tone what exactly Alf said the young man repeated the words of Alf he said that Master Lou was copying the technique of the northern moth and that he did not have enough skills Master Lou was shocked by these words it seemed like he had heard about the northern moth technique before Master Lou took a deep breath and immediately exhaled many students in the audience told him to calm down he took one acupuncture needle in both hands and was apparently going to show the next technique in his Arsenal Master Lou took these two needles and stuck them into his head after which he shouted so that he would not be told to calm down after this technique his eyes became very red the young man thought about how Alfa could bring Master L to such a state he doesn't have enough skills he speaks as if he himself is a master they told him to look at what he did to master L Alf thought for a moment scratched his head and said that this is not what he meant he asked Master L not to be offended by him Master L stood in front of Al the same needles that he had stuck into himself were still sticking out of his head he asked Alf what he really meant how did he even know about the northern moth technique Alf looked at the master standing in front of him Lou panicked and said in a trembling voice that his father was a follower of this school and taught him the technique before he entered the the university Master Lou looked at Alf and made a very serious and scary face but then he calmed down and said that Alf should not panic Master L simply had not heard about the talk about the northern moth technique for decades therefore he was a little surprised finally he apologized to ALF all the students in the audience looked at Master Lou's reaction and were shocked someone said that he could directly see how the Master's blood pressure was jumping others did not understand what Master Lou and Alf were talking about that this moth technique had something to do with acupuncture a young man who admired the skill of Professor Lou asked him if it was true that Alf was making up everything as he went along after all the moth needle technique does not exist at all master L said that Alf was right and that he was copying the norn moth technique about 20 years ago Master Lou was lucky enough to observe it and he remembered a couple of techniques Master Lou became became nervous and said that although he did not understand the whole Essence he still achieved great success and became what he is now there was silence in the audience but then someone wondered if this needle moth technique was really that great again and master Lou looked at Alf again and wondered that he was such a young student and was already a master of such a complex technique he simply could not believe it Master Lou decided to ask how many Northern moth techniques Alf knew Alf made a serious face and said with confidence that he knew all the techniques of the northern moth Master Lou approached sha and asked him to follow him he had been studying the techniques of the nor the moth school for 20 years and now he had the opportunity to learn more from Alf they both walked to the main table where Master Lou's bag with acupuncture needles lay all the students looked at the two of them and were already gossiping about Alf Master Lou asked Alf if he could show him a few techniques of the needl moth technique to which he replied that he would be happy to show him Master l walked to his bag and was about to give Alf several acupuncture needles so that he could demonstrate several moth needle techniques Alf said that there is no need to give him those needles that are in the suitcase he will take the ones that are stuck in master Lou's head for some reason Master Lou panicked when he heard these words from Alf he wondered if he could really pull these needles out of his head so easily and harmlessly Al folded his hands near his chest and that same blue energy formed around him it looks like he decided to use his inner strength when Alfa activated his power a small explosion of blue energy occurred after this explosion the needles that were stuck into Master loose suddenly Rose into the air needles appeared in front of Alf they literally hovered in the air above his palm Alf took and directed all these needles with his Chi energy the flow of his power was very powerful patterns similar to the wings of a moth began to form around him alate took two needles and stabbed them into a mannequin that stood in the audience after the blow blue moths appeared and flew around the audience whether they were real as unknown most likely it was just a manifestation of alf's energy from such a performance Master Lou began to cry and said that Alf was really the successor of the northern MTH School everyone in the audience was surprised by alf's abilities some did not understand what was happening here at all and someone felt a strong flow of energy two acupuncture needles were stuck into the head and chest of the mannequin several blue mths were still flying above him perhaps this was the same energy of Alf Alf confidently raised his head looked at everyone present in the audience and said that all the reception had been shown Master L stood crying and clapping for alf's incredible performance he said that it was excellent Master l no longer knew whether he was even worthy of the title of Professor but he still thanked Al for showing him his Mastery of the skill of acupuncture his head and Alf scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said that Master LOF for him is still an experienced and respected Professor but Master Lou answered him that the doctors should focus not on experience but on skill Alf smiled and said that he would still need to learn a lot and he hoped Master Lou would help him with this after his words Master Lou laughed and said that the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine are losing an excellent doctor Master Lou remembered what it was he should now go and inform everyone one about it to the director he took his suitcase with acupuncture needles and ran to the director shouting that he should tell him right now time for individual lessons Alf looked at the departing Master Lou and wondered why he was so impulsive is the technique of the northern Moss really that good near the young man who admired Master loose sat a student who wanted to understand what was happening in the classroom right now and the young man thought that Master Lou had gone crazy the phone sounded in alfa's Pocket it looked like he had received a message or someone had called him Alf picked up the phone and wondered who could be writing to him at such a time he received a message in which it was written that all students should go to the school hall at 6:00 in the evening for the Freshman ceremony Alf suspected something about this freshman ceremony the school hall was empty but in a couple of minutes all the first year students would gather here for the ceremony Juan sat in one of the speakers main seats and said that this year there are much fewer students from The Faculty of traditional Chinese medicine than from The Faculty of Western medicine Juan was sitting next to his uncle and he told him that everything was as it should be as if he knew something J saw someone approaching the place that was near him he saw a woman in a beautiful red dress who brought a sign to place him in his place for a special guest Juan decided to ask what she was doing to which the woman looked at him smiled and replied that she was told that today there would be a special guest and she was preparing a place for him Juan became interested in who this special guest could be and he reached out to take a sign with this name he took the sign read the name and was horrified the sign said that Shin Alf would sit there out of shock Juan said this Nam son Al and his uncle asked Juan if everything was okay with him Alf suddenly appeared behind Juan and asked him what he wanted Juan looked at him and asked how he managed to become a special guest on the first day of study at the University to which Alf replied that he did not know he just received an invit from Master Lou Juan couldn't believe what he heard Professor Lou one of the top 10 masters in medicine why should he invite Alf Juan thought Alf looked at Juan and told him that he really doesn't understand everything so much that he needs to chew everything straight Juan was so angry with Alf that sweat appeared on his face he called Alf an arrogant idiot Juan decided to find out everything from his uncle he approached them and asked what it all meant why the one who offended his nephew was now sitting as a special guest to which the uncle replied that he himself was not aware of the matter the uncle himself began to sweat and said that he had no idea why he was given this place of a special guest he looked at Alf again and told him not to delude himself Hanan will get even with him for what he did they both stood next to each other and Hanan told Alf right to his face that when this day comes he will regret that he interfered with onean Alf smiled at him and decided to ask if that place already hurt by this he reminded him of that painful blow after alf's words Juan suddenly felt pain in that very Place Juan trembled violently as he remembered that moment and the blow he clenched his fists and tried to calm down he simply told ala that he was just a beginner in traditional Chinese medicine and that Alf should not turn up his nose Juan continued to say that compared to Western medicine traditional Chinese medicine means nothing this direction should have disappeared many years ago Alf decided to sit down next to Hound to calm him down and take him by the shoulder for a serious conversation Alf looked him in the eyes and said that it would be very difficult for an idiot like him to understand the essence and complexity of traditional Chinese medicine he approached Tuan even closer and began to whisper in his ear why he was scared Alf said that he had better shut up and then no one would know how brainless he was Juan got goosebumps from this approach from Alf he wanted him to get what he deserved for not allowing him to approach Yao Juan pushed Al away and told him that he could protect her as much as he wanted but it wouldn't change the fact she would still become his an elderly man appeared behind them and decided to turn to Juan and tell him that he could not agree with his judgments Master Lou appeared behind them and another person seemed to be also a teacher Master Lou said that as a professional and traditional Chinese medicine he can guarantee that it is as effective as Western medicine the the director of the University jeang Tian ha sat down next to Mr luu and asked if everything was okay with masterly otherwise he didn't look well Uncle Juan asked director Jin what was so special about this Alf why he was invited the director asked if he knew him the uncle told the principal that this boy was not a good student he started a fight on his first day on campus he pointed his finger at Alf and said that Hooligans like him should be kicked out immediately on the first day at his his words the director looked thoughtful the director smiled and said that the uncle was right about something he should not be a student the director asked not to worry he himself would deal with him a little later Juan and Uncle were delighted to hear such a statement from the director Juan laughed a little and Al sat in silence and thought about what would happen next Juan turned to a and told him that they wanted to expel him and he would have to leave this University Al with a calm face simply sat and did not pay attention to Juan and his uncle all firste students have already gathered in the auditorium now the opening ceremony has begun the director came up to the microphone and began talking to all the first year students he said that on behalf of the entire University he is very happy to see the Freshman this is a new addition to their University family for them there was loud Applause in the hall everyone was glad to see the director himself on the first day of school from such Applause the director felt cheerful and joyful he smiled and said that they could all count on the teachers of their University Master Lou sat combing his beard and listened to the director as he said that all the teachers were excellent professors in the field of medicine Uncle Hana sat and also listened attentively to the director's speech but apparently not with such willingness as Master Lou the director continued talking and then he said that next to him is now a guest lecturer from their institution who is a master of acupuncture a follower of the northern moth Shing Al Alf was confused by what he heard and did not believe that he was presented as a lecturer was he really so valued that they gave him the opportunity to teach Juan and Uncle were simply shocked by what they heard it was simply beyond their understanding Al was so young and he was also a freshman who became a lecturer many students did not understand how this was possible because Alf is just like them a firste student he cannot possibly be a lecturer and teach his own kind Alf up from his seat and approached the director and said that this would not be very professional he was not even ready for this he himself came here to learn something and not to teach Master Lou waved his hand to O and told him not to panic Master Lou himself recommended alate to Mr Jing he will not let such talent slip under his nose the director heard the screams of the crowd as they were at a loss as to how such a young guy could be their lecturer to which director Jing told everyone to trust them because his skills had been tested and it was clearly stated that he was a qualified lecturer Juan's uncle was so angry that he hit the table with his fist with all his might and said that this is how Chinese medicine has become a beginner can become a lecturer this has never happened before Alf looked at him nervously and understood that he was partly right after all Al himself did not understand how he could be made a lecturer the uncle turned to Professor Lou and said that he understands that there are not enough teachers at the faculty of traditional Chinese medicine but there is no need to despair so much to hire a boy who is himself a student as a lecturer Uncle continued to talk with Master Lou he told him that if he cannot cure his patience then maybe it would be better to send them to them and Uncle would be happy to help Master Lou looked at his uncle's angry and dissatisfied face and realized that he was up to something and in response told him that there was no need for this the uncle stood up and said that helping patient is their Duty and master Lou should not forget about this because of his pride alface smiled and decided to stand up for master L he understood that Juan and his uncle wanted to somehow blame Master Lou for the wrong hasty decision to take Alf as a lecturer Alf approached the two and said that patience should always come first Juan made a mean smile and told Al that he was not as good as he thought another loser thought Juan the uncle looked at Alf laughed and told Master Lou that he had more common sense than Lou which meant that Master Lou was losing hope Master Lou looked at these two he was very tired of listening to ridicule of his decision to make Alf a lecturer Al came up and decided to stand up for Mr Lou he saw how these two attacked him and is trying to make him a laughing stock he told Mr Lou that if he had patients that he could not cure he should send them to them from such insolence the uncle fell into a rage and asked Alf to repeat what he said the director heard all the showdowns and in a heavy Stern Voice or ordered everyone to stop and not start a scandal in front of all the students the director's eyes lit up with anger he could not tolerate the fact that the teachers were now starting a scandal in front of the eyes of the first year students Uncle hya calmed down and spoke to the director telling him that they are the best medical school they cannot allow someone from the street to become a lecturer their school will go through a lot of expenses if Alf ruins their reputation the director again put on a kind face and approached shal and asked him that obviously someone did not believe in his capabilities what did he think about it Al stood calmly and decided to answer that he never intended to become a lecturer however he cannot remain silent and tolerate Mr Lee's disrespect towards traditional medicine he looked seriously and said that since masterly doesn't trust him maybe they can arrange a competition lectur Le became furious at such a statement about holding a competition he asked Alf that this boy really longed for death Alf stood confidently and decided to ask if they were afraid to compete with him lecturer Le adjusted his glasses and told this impudent kid not to joke with him Lee told Alf that if he wants to play let him sign him in but if Alf loses he will leave the school Alf approached learly and said with confidence that he agreed to such a condition after the agreement Lecter Le asked Juan to bring his driver here Juan immediately replied that he understood everything he took out the phone dialed the number and called the driver leely here Hall there was a loud crowd in the hall everyone was arguing about who would win this competition almost everyone thought that Western medicine would a man was lying in the ward Lector Le approached him and said that he was his former driver the man lay there and couldn't move lecturer Le stood next to him and began to explain his condition he said that he had a spinal cord injury due to Decades of hard work and now he couldn't even move lectur Le smiled and decided to slap the driver on the butt and then he said that he had made a therapeutic schedule for him he can guarantee that the driver will fully recover in 1 month if he follows lecture of these recommendations Alf approached the driver began to examine him and asked how long his back had been hurting and it hurt so much that he could not move or lie on his stomach the driver replied that this was exactly the case and that he was getting worse Alf straightened him up and put him on his stomach it was a little painful for the driver Alf asked the driver to relax and slowly go down the driver felt a little uncomfortable but Alf told him not to be afraid everything would be fine he began to analyze the patient's condition Alf relaxed and concentrated in which case he would have to use his power Alf touched the driver's back with his palm and felt that the whole problem was in his spine Alf drew the whole picture of this problem in front of him the man's vertebrae have shifted as a result of which the veins are pinched and blood does not flow through them something needs to be done as quickly as possible having slightly opened his eyes Alay realized that the situation was serious and here he must use his strength he extended his hand and activated the Golden Glow of power and said that this matter is serious and the approach must be responsible lectur looked at how Al studied the patient and decided to ask him how he would like such a case in medicine Juan electorally stood and mocked Al Juan hoped that now Al realized that he was just an ordinary loser and leally said if he couldn't cure him then let him just tell them and give up that's what they were counting on more Alf turned to them and asked a question to lecture Le he asked what he said that he raised this patient on his feet in a month lecturer Le said yes clearly and firmly with a big smile and confidence Alf decided to reprimand lectur Le telling him that such a long delay could have a bad effect on his health lectur Le looked at Alf and answered him that he really thought that a month was too long for such a case the lecturer asked Alf but it doesn't seem to him that this is a mild illness that goes away with the snap of a finger after analyzing and examining the patient Alf decided to say that this is exactly what he thinks they both still stood and mocked Alf and told him to already start showing his master class Master Lou approached Al and told him that this patient's back was very badly injured was he really sure that he would be able to cure it to which Alf replied that yes he could handle it so Master L should not worry enough to lectur Le shouted that it was enough to waste time it was time to start the comp Alf decided to take another look at the patient's back and he realized that needles cannot be used now he cannot be cured with acupuncture the man was lying and writhing in pain he asked that at least someone would cure him or give him painkillers Juan again decided to mock Al because he said that he could cure this patient in a second and now he says that needles will not help here he can do at least something then Juan was dumbfounded by what he just saw he saw how some kind of golden energy began to form around Al Al said that now he will use his other skills everyone looked at him and was shocked by what was happening now this technique seemed very familiar to the director Al took and extended his hand which was charged with that same golden energy he touched the patient sore back with his palm causing him to shudder from such sharp pain and grab the blanket over over himself Alf used all his strength to heal his back he held his hand on the patient's back and it glowed with golden energy it seems that this is exactly how he was going to cure this poor driver the audience watched what was happening and thought that this was happening here many people did not understand but everyone was interested in watching such cool skill most of the girls were simply delighted with Alf and his techniques of traditional Chinese medicine it seems that Alf will soon have a fan club of girls Alay wiped the sweat and said that he had restored the patient spine with the skill of resetting the tendons now he would clear his veins acupuncture needles flew out of the suitcase they glowed with the same golden Radiance as Alf himself Juan andly did not believe in what was happening it was impossible for such a youth to handle needles so competently Al charged the needles with his energy and said that then he would use the acupuncture skills of the northern moth technique the patient was pierced by needles that glowed with golden energy and blue moths flew around him it seems that this is the same power of Al Alf reached for the needle touched it and pulled it so that it began to treat the patient the driver's back began to Glow with light and a Red Mist formed around it it seems that this was one of the methods of treatment from Alf Alf exhaled after a difficult series of moves and the northern moth technique Juan stood and could not move he was so shocked by what he saw that he asked asked if the patient was cured Al straightened up sweat flowed from him like water from a waterfall he confidently said that the patient was cured Alf tired and sweaty went to take his jacket when suddenly lexury approached him and said that he was bluffing lexury did not believe that he cured him so easily he asked him what Al wants to say that he cured the patient by juggling needles but the driver was able to get to his feet and say that huray he is much better and his back doesn't hurt at all he literally glowed with joy and lectur didn't believe it he said it's impossible maybe he feels a surge of relief before dying Alf smiled and said that he sees everything himself the patient is healthy has nothing to complain about is it really so difficult to believe what you see lectur stood and was shaking with anger he really wanted Alfa to lose and fly out of the University because it was almost impossible to cure this patient the hall was filled with Applause all the students admired Al and his skill he had already become an idol for someone the director approached the tired Al and asked him if he really used the skill of setting tendance to which Alf replied that yes it was he and it looked like the director had also heard about him the director smiled at Alf and said that he was lucky to watch the work of a master once such a young guy like him knows two mysterious skills of traditional medicine the director was impressed Master Lou approached the director and said that now he knows why Master Lou recommended alf's candidacy and the director replied that everything became clear to him and he was very glad that they would have such a talented lecturer as Alf Juan and lecturer Le stood worried that Alf won the competition Juan told his uncle that now something needs to be done otherwise Alf will become a guest lecturer lecturer Le told his nephew not to worry and leave everything to him lectur said that although the patient can move this does not mean that he is healthy he needs to be examined Alf stood next to the satisfied driver who felt much better but a Foy decided to let lecturer Le examine the patient lectur Le approached his driver with a gloomy face and a low tone and asked him how he was feeling the driver looked at him and was very scared but then he smiled and said pleased that he felt great now he had such lightness in his body and his back no longer hurt lectur Le grabbed his driver by the shoulders and said that he didn't feel great he should feel terrible from such a procedure but the driver looked at Lee and didn't understand what he wanted from him lecturer Le made an angry face and rudely told the driver to remember that it was he who gave him this job and he can take it away the driver began to tremble from Lector Lee he still did not understand what they wanted from him and why the director approached the two of them and asked lectur if he had found any problems or complications with the patient lecturer Le panicked and decided to say that now the patient will tell them everything the director approached the patient and told him that he was completely attentive and ready to listen the driver smiled nervously and decided to tell the director that his back still hurt terribly lecturer Le said that the patient was not cured and as a result Alf lost the competition He adjusted his glasses and said that Shing Alf is just a juggling newbie who does not have the qualifications to become one of the lecturers of this University Professor L stood up for Alf and said that the patient was absolutely healthy but the director waved his hand and told Master L not to be nervous the director told everyone that the ceremony was over and asked his lecturers to follow him into the meeting room Juan looked at his uncle to find out what he was going to do next to which learly told him to go about his business then he would take his driver and they would finish what they started everyone arrived in the meeting room to discuss the results of the competition lectur Le said that there was no need to discuss this anymore the patient had already spoken the director smiled told masterly that he was sure that the patient was telling the truth if you look at the patient he became absolutely healthy lectur panicked it seems that the director saw through his lie about a false diagnosis but Le continued to play his role and pretended that he knew nothing Alf looked at lecture Le smiled and said that he was pretending to be a fool Al thought that he threatened the patient and forced him to lie by saying that his back still hurt lecturer Le got angry and hit the table with his fist they called Al a petty bastard no one asked him how dare he even talk to him like that the director folded his hands and ordered everyone to calm down they are doctors they must draw the right conclusions regardless of the patient words lectur spread his hands to the sides and said that there is no need for this he knows everything about his driver's illness it cannot be cured so easily lecturer Le asked everyone a question about the northern moth acupuncture technique this skill of repositioning tendons how all this can work on such a severe injury and even cure it in a couple of moments Master Lou decided to ask why Lecter Le is so confident because he knows nothing about these skills and their values lecturer Le scratched his head and answered Master L what values could be discussed and their school brought at least some values to the university he got up from his seat his trembling driver was sitting next to him and lectur said that traditional Chinese medicine costs them a pretty penny they somehow paid for the University at that moment Al decided to speak and asked the trembling driver to tell honestly whether his back hurt or whether he felt better the driver was shaking violently with fear he did not know what to tell him he was very much intimidated and now he was in a difficult situation Alf once again turned to the patient and told him that only he could assess his medical abilities Alf had already urgently asked to speak and evaluate his skills he didn't know what and how lectur Le intimidated the patient but if the driver let it get away with it so easily then in the future more patients will become victims from these words lectur stood up again hit the table and ordered Alfa to shut up immediately lectur in a rude ferocious tone ordered Alf to get out of the University but then he fell silent the sound of a slap was heard in the room from such a slap Lecter Le's glasses came off he realized that his driver had hit him and he asked him how he dared to hit him the driver stood up and said that he would no longer tolerate this he constantly drove him worked for him and now they are threatening him he finally decided to tell him everything since lecturer Le wants to be a bastard then let him be but there is no need to tie up the driver the driver told him that he was resigning lectur swore at such a statement and asked how he dared to hit him he was completely crazy he worked for him Al told Lecter that what goes around comes around now learly can only blame himself Master loose stood pleased and scratched his beard and Alfa exhaled with relief now they know the truth that the patient is completely healthy Al pleased said that it turns out he won and it looks like he will become a lecturer at this University he definitely did not expect this Al thought that he himself would study here Alf and master Lou went outside and decided to talk Master Lou laughed and said that he could not believe that Alf defeated Ed this insufferable deputy director Al thanked Master Lou for his support Lou told him that he was a promising guy despite his age Master Lou was impressed by his talents in medicine he remembered the evil lectur Le and what he said he who laughs last Al knew that he would definitely want to take revenge on him Master Lou reassured Alf by saying that with such abilities he had nothing to fear especially Lector Lou Alf told Master Lou if he was interested in the northern moth technique he could give him a couple of lessons to these words Master Lou told him that he was not in a hurry yet but his granddaughter had a great talent for acupuncture and he hoped that Alf would be able to take her as a student to which Alf replied that he would be happy to teach her master L said that it was already late and it was time for him to go home for dinner he told Alf that most likely he would not understand what happiness it is when someone is waiting for you at home but Alf did not agree with this he also has those who are waiting for his return Alf looked strangely at Master Lou and said goodbye to him now he needs to return home where his assistant and the rabbit are waiting for him it was already dark outside Alf returned to his hostel which was full of secrets and Mysteries he opened the door to his room and shouted to everyone that he had returned and in his hands he was holding something for his team he said that he had brought some goodies for them but then he looked closer and saw how they were already G gathering at the table and were just waiting for him for a set aopi was already waiting for a set table with all sorts of sweets and food and there was also a samovar there he was very interested in where C and the assistant got all this the assistant said that the rabbit told her that Alf saved another person today he must have been the center of attention she asked how such a fool could be the center of attention Al looked at them and thought how she could know about this he had been in this room all day he didn't even even see the competition the rabbit held his carrot chewed it then said that the system gives a reward for all his deeds and then releases a new Mission Alf had already begun to change clothes but stopped to listen to the new Mission the rabbit put down his carrot and prepared to dictate a new Mission but first he asked Alf to kneel Alf did not like the phrase to kneel and he grabbed she by the ears and asked him to repeat what he should do the rabbit asked him not to do that and now he will talk without jokes he decided to get down to business she dictated a task to Al he will need to return the former glory to traditional Chinese medicine the deadline for completing the task is one week and earn a million the assistant said that wow this task sounds interesting and not difficult he will definitely cope with it Al asked schwang to give him a Polaroid camera he just takes pictures of banknotes Schwan happily gave him the camera but she was dissatisfied with this he said that Alfa cannot complete the task ask if he cheats everything must be done honestly he sat down on the sofa and told the rabbit that in his past life he had never even seen $10,000 but here he was being asked to earn a million Schwan saw what Al's life was like she approached Alf and said that not everything is so simple the missions will not be so easy it's not harmful to dream Al sat down and looked straight into she's eyes he told him that they would talk about the mission later now he was interested in the reward for saving a person he again accused the rabbit of wanting to take away alfa's reward she said that this is complete slander but he hasn't even said anything about the award yet suddenly the room acquired the patterns of the cosmic sky and from the center of the room a huge scroll appeared to which while flying she told Alf not to close his eyes Al looked at this entire temporary Mirage that seemed to have been created by she for the spectacular bestow of a reward as a reward he received a scroll in which were written down recipes for her herbs that are used in classical herbal treatment they are the basis of all traditional medicine Al said that there are a lot of words in the scroll that he does not understand she said not to worry about it he can figure it out in a couple of moments after these words he snapped his paw after the click the scroll was transformed in Alpa seeing what was happening began to analyze what exactly was happening the scroll turned into a huge man in a strange attire who jumped on Alf and grabbed him by by the head Schwan was shocked that she was able to summon Emperor Yan it seems that this was so that Alf could absorb all the knowledge from that scroll into his brain she explained that he is not omnipotent they now see the remains of Emperor Yang's Consciousness sealed in a scroll he was not real silence rained in the room after a strong reception from sh so that Alf could better remember the information from the scroll Al sat immersed in thoughts and didn't even say anything until they asked him how he was feeling she told him to come to his senses was this technique too strong and harsh for him after a very long pause and silence Alf finally said his first words he said that he was just thinking a lot Alfa must continue to complete all the missions he thought now but the problem is that he must satisfy all the requests of the system and not cheat the rabbit sat down next to him took a bite of a carrot and praised him for the first time he said smart things in recent times then Alf asked if she had all sorts of different things she made a Sly face after alf's question and told him that everything depended on his behavior Alf said that for those things he would buy him a lot of the freshest carrots Schwan decided to advise simply multiplying the ones they already had and handed Alf the camera but Alf replied that she deserves fresh ones someone took the remote control to turn on the TV and see what would be on there Al was shown on TV and how he won the competition all these events were watched by the same who had a different name she looked and asked the question he is always so dramatic how could he publicly show mysterious skills like that one of her charges stroked her feet and said that according to his research the director really liked Shing Al he made him a guest lecturer it was her assistant who was taking Yuan home she asked if Al would really teach the rest of the students although he himself was a student Yuan reached for the cherry and asked her assistant if Alf knew the rules of the sect repres Representatives the assistant stopped massaging her Miss feet and asked her what she needed to do Yuan looked at the Cherry she took and asked the question whether they sponsor wasia Medical University after all the assistant looked at her closed her eyes and said in a calm voice that everything is right they sponsor a Medical University Yuan brought the Cherry to her mouth and before eating it she told them to stop sponsoring the Medical University and finally she demanded that an appointment be made for her she wanted to see Alf in person she ate a cherry and made a Sly Smile as if she was up to something in the morning Alf received a call on his phone a sign number was displayed a rabid psychopath was calling him he picked up the phone and wondered who could be calling so early he sleepily picked up the phone and heard that it was Yao talking to him but Alf asked her to call back in response she told him to wake up and come to her if he doesn't have lectures today then let him come to her at the University otherwise he will regret not coming Alf woke up and got up and was upset that in fact he had no choice he didn't want to refuse her otherwise then she would spar with him he walked around this police University and was surprised that their classes started so early the sounds of blows were heard in the hall and it was not without reason that someone was training their Blows By practicing them on a punching bag it became clear that Yao is now boxing it looks like she got up early and started boxing Alay approached her and asked if she called him here to to watch her practice boxing Yao stopped sweat was dripping from her it looked like she was very tired and could use a rest she looked towards Al and at first did not understand who called her Yao looked at Alf was delighted and told him that she had already been waiting for him he had been getting ready for a very long time Alf approached Yao said hello and asked why she called him here did she really want revenge he came closer to her and looked into her eyes judging by this Behavior one couldn't say that they were Rivals they behaved like a couple ya looked at him with her bright beautiful eyes and told him that he was his girlfriend and could invite him on dates anywhere right Alf told her that this is a date to the boxing club she wants him to be a punching bag with her it was very romantic Yao approached the pair and said that this is exactly what they will do today while Alf has free time from lectures she decided to provoke him and said that maybe he wasn't happy with something or was he scared of boxing Alf ignored the provocation and said that all this sounds boring and he doesn't want to box now Yao folded her hands and decided to go to something else she told him that she would treat him to lunch Alf thought that a free lunch would not hurt him so he immediately decided to agree finally he agreed ya thought and told him to show what he was capable of in boxing Alf took a fighting pose and quickly rushed to the pair to make a blow he approached the pair and hid it with all his might the blow echoed in the hall the pair fell a couple of meters away from Alf and slammed into the wall even the walls shook from such a blow at the sight of the impact the pair had a hole it tore greatly and all the sand poured out of it Yao stood in shock from such a strong blow she noticed that Alf had clearly become stronger since the last time Alf saw her reaction laughed and said that now he had become much more serious than before because of such seriousness it seems that you will have to buy a new pair because all the sand has already poured out in the one that Alf hit Yao decided to praise him and said that his progress was visible Alf looked at her with satisfaction and said did he really scare her that much he asked her not to be scared some huge muscular man appeared behind ya Yao said that she thought Alf could become their training partner she turned to that man called him Mr Young and asked his opinion Alf didn't understand what kind of training partner he was who Mr ya was what was going on here what Yao signed Al f up for again a huge athletic and pumped up man with a bald head whose name was Yen appeared from the darkness he was a coach Yen stood in front of Alf and said that Alf looked good and healthy the presence of such a giant made Alf feel a little scared coach young told Alf that he wanted him to become his training partner coach young cast his Furious gaze at Al and asked he wouldn't refuse to be his partner Alf felt bad it seemed that he was again involved in some kind of trouble he stood in front of coachen and said that he probably would not dare to refuse classes have already begun in the hall all students dressed in military uniforms stood in a line and prepared for classes today they will study close combat coach was teaching a lesson walked past the students and said that he would explain everything during the training Alf stood next to Yao and saw how she laughed at him how naive he is Alf realized that there was no date she had set him up again and he would have to spend time with her all day again Alfa asked who this big guy was teaching their lesson she looked at him and said that this was their boxing coach he said that he needed a partner for training and Yao immediately thought about Al Yao also said that their coach was a master of internal energy which made him a very strong opponent Alf turned to her very angry and said in a rude tone if she cares about him like that then let her become this training partner herself coach young turned to and told him that if he wants he can fight back let Al fight at full strength to make it more believable and realistic coach young hoped that Al heard him Coach young added that Al should not worry if something goes wrong he will put all his joints in place Alf thanked coachy he told him that he shouldn't overdo it maybe they won't fight coach yelled at him to start the fight first Al wondered if all the police were so rude and aggressive Al made up his mind since the co asks him to become a partner then Alf will not make concessions and is going to fight at full strength he rushed at coach Yen with a lightning fast jerk Alf had already prepared his blow but before that he warned about the consequences Alf charged his fist straight into the coach's face and told him to taste it alace stood happy he thought that now he would also gain popularity with the neighboring University but the blow did not harm coachen in any way there was not even a scratch on him Al thought that his skin and he himself were made of metal otherwise he could not explain what he saw coach young grabbed Alf by the jacket with a strong rough grip which made him begin to panic and analyze the situation at this time coach young began to say that when the opponent is in the air he loses stability and then you can throw him to the ground coach young did exactly that he took it and with a sharp throw knocked Alf to the floor with a loud sound Alf from such a strong blow Al was in shock he thought that he would lose conscious cooch young looked at him and said that they could repeat this technique but Alf obviously wouldn't like this idea coach young grabbed Alf and asked him whether he was going to give up or continue to fight Alf was lying on the floor all his bones achd sweat was dripping from him he understood that he had been defeated and Coach young was a serious opponent he needed to come up with another way to defeat him Alfa began to analyze by looking at Kang's back and realizing that perhaps his weak point was there coach young looked at Alf and praised him for being able to still stay in place he clearly liked it Alf thought to himself that normal attacks had no effect on him having analyzed the enemy Alf concluded that his body is like the shell of a tank he is simply incomparable during close combat and the trainer is incredibly strong his attacks do not damage him so he can easily defeat Al so he needs to get through his defense Alf thought maybe he should resort to acupuncture techniques or try to knock down his Chi cooch young looked at Alf and mo the fact that he was going to put his fingers into battle Alf ignored the mockery of him and quickly rushed into battle with a ready-made plan of attack Alf slipped through coaching's attack and got behind him he needed to wait for officer young to weaken his defense he saw that coach young had opened up and now he could get to his weak spot Alf stabbed coach young in the back and he staggered it seems Alf was able to find his his weak spot and strike there coach young screamed from this blow now he realized that it was better not to joke with Alf and do not underestimate him then came a new series of blows right across coach Ian's defense Al realized during a fight with such a Mr Young that he must first neutralize their defense and then he will have an advantage and then he will be able to attack Alf took advantage of the moment and grabbed coach's arm while he was immobilized coach came to his senses but it was too late he fell under alf's grasp grabbing coach Yen by the shoulder Alf Was preparing to do to Yen what they did to him throw him over his shoulder and put him on the floor everyone in the hall watched as Alf defeated coachen many did not believe it Alay was knocked down by coachen a strong Echo echoed in the hall from such a strong blow the students all stood in shock and still could not believe what had just happened Yao realized that Alf used the skill much cooler than wrestling coach young Le defeated from that blow he was still shaking he asked Alf what kind of technique it was Alf came up to him to give him a hand and said that it was an ordinary Navi and breaking tendons he added that Mr Young does not need to worry he will fix all his tendons coach young stood up and thanked Alf for his help and for the good fight but suddenly something shot out at Coen he suddenly fell to the floor it looks like alf's move was very strong [ __ ] was lying on the floor saliva flowing from his mouth and he was still shaking in violently Yao and Al approached the coach and tried to understand what happened to him and what happened coach Yan was lying in the medical ward and clutching the roll of towel that was laid out for him with his teeth ya went to the doctor to ask what condition Mr Yang is in now the doctor said that he gave him painkillers nothing more he can do Alf scratched his chin thoughtfully and asked the doctor whether his illness was incurable the doctor replied that that's not the point but that he doesn't have the slightest idea what happened to Mr Young Yao and Al stood and thought how this was possible could coach young really feel so bad because of a couple of blows it was obviously very difficult for Coach Yen he lay there and red in pain even painkillers didn't help him the doctor said that coach J had been suffering from this illness for quite a long time and he went to many large hospitals but no one could diagnose him or tell him why his pain was getting worse at the moment painkillers hardly help him Alay heard all the doctor's words and wondered if everything was really that serious he seemed to have already begun to blame himself for that appointment coach young pulled out a towel from his clenched teeth and through the pain said that everything was fine with him there was no need to worry about him he'd been like this for several years he looked at everyone present in this chamber and said that this happens to everyone who uses internal energy Alf looked at them and asked what internal energy they were talking about Yao explained that internal energy is a type of internal strength in martial arts they are quite rare a master of internal energy is able to deflect knives and even bullets Yao saw how interested Al was and decided to continue she said however in order to master such a strong skill the body would be subject to serious injuries Alfa thought about how to cure coochin the joints of his knees and lower back seemed to be on fire it looked like inflammation but it was something else he continued to analyze coen's inner body as wounded but Al face sees a thin layer of strong Chi energy covering the skin it's all difficult but curable cooch young got out of bed grabbed his side and told everyone not to worry about him he had long been accustomed to such pain consider it the same training the coach looked at Alf and said that there was something more important he had a very urgent request for him Al began to listen to coach young and asked him what his request was coach y wanted Alf to become a coach at their school and teach the students his wrestling technique Al smiled and said that this was not just a fighting technique this technique is used in traditional Chinese medicine and he changed it a little Coan stammered through force and said that no matter what it was called this technique was incredible if coan's Future Special Forces can learn a similar technique they will be able to better protect themselves on missions Yao saw the serious condition coach was in now she approached him and said that they can discuss this then first he needs to take care of himself coach Yan said that for him this is much more important than his health Yao and Al became gloomy at such a statement because they were very worried about Coach Yang Al thought about the fact that Mr Yang worries so much about his students that he puts his pain in the background Alf can teach his students some techniques for resetting tendons it won't be difficult for him he still thought he was a doctor and he had a task and if he couldn't cure this man then the task would fail Alfa made up her mind and said that he agreed to teach students this technique but Alf said that before he takes the position coach young must promise him something the coach said that he is ready to give him at least 100 promises he asked coach Yan for the chance to become his personal doctor to cure his illness Yan became worried and asked Alf if he definitely wanted to be his doctor one of the doctors said that coach Yan's condition is quite complex it's more complicated than it seems Yao herself was surprised by A's words she told him that he had just started started studying at medical school and already wants to be an attending doctor Alf smiled and looked at coach Yan and asked him again what he thought about this coach Yong laughed loudly and told him that he trusts Mr Yang has nothing to lose now his body belongs to ALF Alf began to warm up and told Coach young that it was time to start and asked him to lie on his stomach ya looked at Al and thought to herself that she had already forgotten that Alf was from a family of doctors Alf said that no one should worry he himself self is a master of internal energy a doctor approached him and said that if alfra needs silver needles they don't have them but the doctor can try to get them he looked at the doctor and said that the needles were not needed coachi energy was protecting his body ordinary silver needles would not be able to pierce his skin Alf decided to find another solution Alf brought his hands together and took out a thin golden thread from his fingertips Yao saw this and was shocked she realized that Al was now materializing his inner strength several Golden Needles appeared on the ceiling ya looked at them and said that Al had turned his inner strength into silver needles that could pass through Mr Yang's barrier he stuffed the needles into coach Yan's back and he laid there with a golden light shining from his back Alf exhaled Yao came up to him and asked if this was all did he definitely cure kochan to which Alf replied that yes now he will not feel pain coach young came to his senses he felt strange he didn't understand what was happening previously constant pain tormented him but now everything was different he said that not only did he not feel pain but now he had some kind of feeling of lightness everyone in the ward looked at coachen and could not believe that he felt better so suddenly and the pain just took over and went away from taking Alf coach young stretched his neck and said that he was as good as new the doctor examined him and said that it was incredible it was just Miracle Alf reached for the pen and said that these needles can only suppress coang symptoms Alf picked up a notebook and began to write down recommendations for treatment he then remembered that Scroll of knowledge in which it was written about herbs Alf said that he would need to undergo a course of herbal treatment in order to completely get rid of the disease Alf wrote down the entire course of treatment for Mr Yan so that he would completely get rid of the disease that prevented him from training his students he continued to write down and the others calmly looked at him and only the doctor somehow nervously watched as Alf wrote down the course of treatment then it was time for Al to look at the classics of herbal treatment Alf added the last word tore out the piece of paper and gave it to Mr Yan saying that here are the instructions he will need to drink in the right amount and the pain will never return the coach young pleased took the piece of paper and answered Alf that he would go to the pharmacy right now to buy herbs coach young turned around and was about to go to the far phy but then the doctor stopped him and asked him to look at that piece of paper this prescription must be just a f and he asked him to look at it Al thought that this instruction contributed to the development of training internal strength Yao approached him and said that this was good to which Alf replied of course good and by the way she now owed him dinner but suddenly someone called Alf he picked up the phone and saw that Master Lou was calling him Alf answered the phone and asked Master Lou what happened Master Lou was very frightened he spoke in a trembling voice and Alf asked what was wrong what had already happened Master Lou told Alf that he had to come urgently something terrible happened Alay himself just got scared and was upset that he would not be able to go to dinner with ya Alf entered the office where professor luu and director Jing were already waiting for him he asked them what happened why they called him so urgently they sat nervously and did not answer him Alf looked at them and realized Iz that now there would be a very serious conversation Master Lou looked at Alf and said that he had finally arrived let him pass and sit down Alf told them that they looked very serious and that this could even happen they turned pale and said that it was about Alf becoming a guest lecturer Alf was surprised and decided to ask what was wrong with this because everything was fine and he was even preparing to conduct his first classes the director collected his thoughts and decided to calmly explain to ALF what the problem was the director said that the largest sponsor of traditional Chinese medicine suddenly decided to stop sponsoring now this department has severe money problems Alf sat down on a chair and asked why they did this because traditional Chinese medicine does not earn very much money and told him Master Lou looked at Alf and told him that this was not about money but about Alf wondered why it was because of his problem with financing had he really managed to do something wrong again the director told Alf the fact was that the SP sponsor was very angry at their decision to make him an honorary guest lecturer the director tried to explain that he told the sponsors that Alf was a master of the northern moth technique and the skill of tendon repositioning but this did not convince them either Alf said that he may not be a lecturer there is no need to spoil the relationship with the sponsor because of him Master Lou folded his hands and now decided to say his word that their sponsor himself understands the topic so he should know the true value of these two skill director Xing and master Lu looked at each other and decided to tell Al that not everything is so simple here the director agreed and said that most likely they were trying to put pressure on Al They asked him if he could accidentally cross someone's Road Al froze and began to remember who he could have annoyed so much yes there were many options the same Juan for example Alf was sweating while he was remembering he decided to say that perhaps it was the deputy director to which Master Lou waved his hand and said that Alf overestimates him the deputy director does not have such opportunities after thinking again Alf decided to say that no one else came to mind except him the director took a short pause came to his senses and said that no matter what their reason is or whether you are our lecturer or not they will no longer sponsor the university Alf remembered that his new task was to earn 1 million for the faculty as is now possible the director saw how excited Al was and he decided to calm him him down by saying that it was not his fault it was the director who should have managed the faculty better the director decided to add that if only they could earn more money then they could set conditions here Alf asked all Chinese medicine associations were starting to lose money Master Lou replied that not really Master Lou decided to explain to ALF that acupuncture associations are losing money but traditional Chinese medicine on the contrary is making money their conversation continued Master L said that their leader Professor hame is one of the top 10 experts in Medical Art although she is only about 30 years old she earned a lot of money when she invented a new formula of Chinese medicine with a new Alf thought of making money with a new formula of Chinese medicine and this is a good ide turning to master Lou Al asked him if he could introduce him to Professor hu he would like to talk to her it turned out funny said Master Lou because yesterday she herself said that she really wanted to meet Alf they decided that they would go to her right now H is a real scientist she is always conducting additional investigations at the University they walked along the corridor Master Lou led alate to Professor hu as soon as they arrived at the office Master Lou began to call Professor Hua but no one answered Master Lou entered the office he thought that Professor ham must have fallen asleep and upon entering the office he was convinced that this was so they looked at her and master L said that she is a genius just like Alf she works a lot she drinks all her infusions all the time which is why she has a herbal body odor Alf was surprised and asked how this is possible Master Lou approached the sleeping Hua and began to wake her up he said that now he wanted to introduce her to someone Professor hu opened her eye and looked at Master Lou and realized that she was already sleeping at work she stood up picked up her glasses put them on and tied her hair into a bun Professor Hua did a little exercise so that she would fully wake up and greet Master Lou Professor Hua asked what brought him here to which Lou replied that she said she wanted to meet the heir to the northern moth technique so Master Lou brought him she looked at him with a Charming look and asked if Shing Alf was a genius of traditional Chinese medicine Alf stared at her huge breasts became shy and said in a trembling voice that he was not a genius at all Professor Hua told him not to be modest he did deserve this title it is good that such a young guy has such a rare skill especially during the development of traditional Chinese medicine she decided to come closer to him while Al spread his arms and said that Professor hu had too good an opinion of him he still had a lot to learn from Professor hu Professor hu put her arm around alf's shoulder and told him that he was a very smart and rather modest boy she already liked him Master Lou asked Professor haa if she even slept last last night yes she is young but still you shouldn't abuse your body like that she answered Master Lou and asked him not to worry about her business which was very healthy alface stood in a humble pose blushing and added in his thoughts that her body was really healthy the professor adjusted her glasses and said that besides she couldn't fall asleep without figuring out the new recipe Al heard that there was a conversation about recipes and he immediately became interested and asked what recipes they would talking about he was told that this is a formula for fighting gout Alay was surprised it seems he had not heard about this professor H said that in huia millions of citizens suffer from gout it is the duty of doctors to try to reduce their pain Master Lou scratched his beard looked at Professor Hua and asked her to look at the recipe for gout Professor Hua shook her head and said that the recipe was not ready yet she needed to improve it she studied the combination of herbs for this recipe and still did not find the right proportions Alf immediately Drew attention to this topic and thought maybe the classics of herbal medicine could help Alay approached professor H and told her that he knew a little about Chinese medicine and asked permission to look at the recipe she was working on ha adjusted her glasses looked at Alf smiled at him and said that knowing the little is not enough if he is not a real master of Chinese medicine then she cannot show him the recipe it seems that Alf understood Professor H's hint she wants him to demonstrate his knowledge Alf looked at her and said that he agreed and was ready to show what he was capable of Master Lou was surprised that Alf even knew about traditional Chinese medicine Alf approached Professor W and asked her that she was working on the ingredients for this recipe to which hu replied that it was true Alf asked if he could write a list for the remedy then Professor Hua would do him one favor professor H let him know that although this recipe is not very good it is still difficult to guess but she answered him if he could still write down the exact ingredients then she would do whatever Al asked Alf was so happy that he blushed they agreed and Alf got down to business he approached her grabbed her hand and asked her to just let him hold her hand professor H was very shy she was wondering what this guy wanted to do and why he needed her hand Master L stood and did not understand what was happening here maybe Alf fell in love with Professor hu he approached her hand and sniffed her the aroma is certainly exotic but Alf cannot be stopped by this professor hu was embarrassed by the way Alf behaved and he just wanted to know what that smell was Alf began to analyze what kind of recipe this could be and in the end everything became clear to him he finished and asked Professor Hua for a pen and a piece of paper to write down the recipe Alf took a pen and began to write down the first word the name of the substance that was in the recipe professor and master Lou looked at him and was shocked that he actually wrote the necessary substances now he had definitely finished and added the last words and was ready to present the result he handed the sheet with the written substances to Professor hu and she was surprised Professor Hua read the sheet written by Alfa and saw that everything was written there correctly about that recipe she looked at him with huge eyes and asked how it happened that he did such a thing Alf answered her that she herself said that she works only with those ingredients that are in the recipe when Al melled her hand then he was able to identify them Master L stood with his mouth open Fay understood all the herbs only by the smell of his hand how is this even possible Alf replied to master Lou that if you understand herbs then it becomes not difficult to guess them professor H stood and applauded Alf for such a brilliant job she was very impressed with his abilities she said that it was great even she could not repeat it now she was ready to fulfill alf's request Al asked if he succeeded in passing the test now she sees that his knowledge is great in the field of traditional medicine professor H said that of course now let him just say what he wanted and she will fulfill his request Alf put his hands on the table and clearly said that he wanted to work together with Professor haa on a new medicine after these words Sal thought that then he would want to get his share of earning a million to set up the system Master L decided to answer instead of Professor Hua he said that she would refuse use him this request H does not like it when someone barges in the middle of research Professor hu immediately responded positively she said that she agreed to work together with Alf after these words Master Lou choked and did not understand how this was possible he knew that Hua did not particularly like strangers during research Master L spoke again he thought that Professor Hua hated teamwork she adjusted her glasses and answered this because she is surrounded by only amateurs she would be happy to work with a real master master Lou felt sad now he understood why Hua refused to work with him last month she called Master Lou he immediately thought that she might ask him to join them although he doubted it Professor hu hugged Al and told Master L that he was free and could go she would give Alf back in a couple of days Master Lou said okay she asked Alf if he was ready for what would now happen in this office he replied that he was looking forward to it they both got to work first they began weighing and mixing herbs then recording the results a climbed onto the cabinet to open it and look at the necessary herbs that they were looking for for experiments they started boiling herbs and seeing what might come out of it probably this was part of their scientific goal after the first hard day at work Al and hu were very tired and decided to lie down on the sofa to rest 3 days passed Professor hu picked up the sheet and shouted that they had finally succeeded Alf felt good in his soul because the professor was so happy they turned out an amazing recipe for which you could even kill Alf looked tired his eyes closed out of the blue but still through drowsiness he said that it was great that their hard work had brought the first fruits H looked at him and said that they were able to develop such an effective composition only because of him Alf leaned back and asked how much they could earn with this formula by chance this amount is not a million she replied if this formula really works effectively then they will be able to to earn more than 10 million Alf thought it was cool now he can officially admit that he has completed his mission Alf thought that he would also cure the sick and help the faculty solve financial problems it's like killing three birds with one stone professor H said that she would first present this recipe to the school and then contact him later Alf calmly agreed and decided to go home to rest Al was already at home waiting for his assistant and the rabbit they seemed to have ordered delivery of food and and carrots there was a lot of delicious food on the table s Al walked into the room sat on the sofa near Schwan and they turned on the TV to watch the new he told them that their life was rather boring he wasn't home for several days did they really miss him during all this time Schwan picked up a burger with Cola took a bite of it and asked if Alf had not been home for 3 days she lay on the pillow and said that it seemed to him that he had seen his stupid face just recently Alf took his Burger and said that they were both ungrateful lazy people he took a bite of his burger and said that he had finished work on a medicine that could cost more than 10 million so we can consider that the mission is accomplished she then lay on his pillow and said that it doesn't count like that if he doesn't have money in his account Alf needs to earn 10 million in a week Alf asked in other words she wants to say that Alf wasted these three days developing the recipe but she said that this is not entirely true maybe he will be paid 10 million tomorrow Alf became gloomy he thought it was impossible the registration period would take at least a week Schwan asked Alf to look at the news apparently there was something serious there a young beautiful woman with blue hair was reporting live she said that recently several wealthy people had died suddenly due to an unknown illness a representative of the janha real estate agency is now suffering from the same symptom she finished her monologue and said that they would now switch to their reporter they showed a man lying down and wearing an oxygen mask his face was all blue and covered with veins and his eyes were filled with pain the reporter said that it was chinan Fang who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit located next to the medical school the reporter decided to asked the attending physician deputy director Mr Lee what he could say about the patient's condition the camera filmed Mr Lee saying that the disease itself or the patient's symptoms had never been encountered in medicine before but they could confidently say that the patient would make a full recovery a reporter asked a question ganal real estate agency announced that if they could cure their representative they would send $10 million in sponsorship directly to their University Mr Lee responded that they ask him useless questions they need to focus on helping the patient Alf tasted his burger and wondered what happened to the complexion of this patient and thought about Alf chewed a burger and thought about what kind of disease could lead to such sympt she Rose from his pillow and after watching the news he thought that the man was not sick but he was cursed Alf asked the question how they could curse him like that she scratched his chin and replied that this could be witchcraft used by a foreign Clan Al asked can this be cured with traditional medicine if so then Alf can earn $10 million she replied that he could not cure with the help of traditional medicine only a which doctor can free a patient from the curse Alf was upset that he would not be able to earn $10 million he wondered where he could find a witch doctor to cure a patient some sounds were heard in the dark Corridor it seems this is a normal occurrence for such a hostle a girl in a strange dress was sitting in a room into which light was pouring and holding a voodoo doll in her hands the name of the same patient who was shown on the news was written on the doll it seems that this girl did not love that person she took the needle moved the doll closer and said the words to begin the ritual the doll glowed with blue light and and some strange Aura Was Heard throughout the room it was so strong that Al felt uneasy she reminded Alf that they have a neighbor a doctor witch whom he recently met Alfa remembered and decided to come up with a plan to help that person and earn $10 million a turquoise fire was burning in the room the ritual began that girl was most likely another witch doctor she put her two hands on the doll and released her power into it which glowed with a turquoise light Alf burst into the room room and she they knocked down the doors and came to stop the ritual the girl was confused she didn't understand who broke into her and why they wanted to interrupt the ritual why would they do this Alf noticed that someone was casting a spell here he ordered she to split up and attack one at a time she jumped away from Alf and they began their mission to stop that girl they rushed at the girl Alfa went straight to her to grab her and she at that time took a glass of cola and approached the doll she hovered in the air and took liquid from a glass into his mouth to pour it onto the doll the girl saw what she was up to and tried to stop him but it was too late she took the cola and spat it onto the doll with a sharp Rush of cola in the hope of stopping the Witchcraft in this room Alf praised she for the work he did it looks like they both managed to work together the cola hit the doll and the light with which it glowed went out Al grabbed the girl and said that it was too late they know what she is doing here he told her that the ritual was interrupted and now she could no longer harm anyone the girls screamed what kind of nonsense these two were talking about she said that she was trying to save him she and Al stopped abruptly and after hearing what they heard they thought about whether she really saves him the girl asked to let her go and she swore heavily at Alf and she calling them imbeciles the girl straightened her hair and began to listen to ALF and see I wonder how they will apologize for this Alf and she were very embarrassed in front of her they stood and asked for forgiveness Alf said that he wanted to save the patient so much that he acted without thinking Al said that he did not know that they invited the witch doctor as a lecturer to which the girl replied that everything was fine
Channel: Manhwa Journey
Views: 7,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, recap manhwa, manga recap, anime recap, anicap, manhwa, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enrollment, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, manhwa recap reincarnation, manhwa recap full, manhwa recap 5 hours, manhwa recap 10 hours
Id: jdx1JuUzet8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 252min 25sec (15145 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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