Isekai'd as Strongest Final Boss, He Fakes his Death to live a Free Life W/ OP Skills!

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the story is about a man who frequently dreams about setting foot in a world where Japan doesn't exist despite it being just a dream it feels so real that it's far too strange to be reality in there the man has attained a variety of Knowledge from books TV the internet and even games there's this one game that he was super addicted to called resistance Noah or resist Noah for short the protagonist of the game Alex is the main character of an RPG commanding the Revolutionary Army into battle the game is set in a Royal Road story setting where one has to defeat the Demon Lord who's aiming to conquer the world with a skill monster creation however the difficulty level was so hard that it was considered a death game even in his dreams the man had to repeatedly play to clear the game but in the end he always died we the Revolutionary Army will deliver the holy judgment that's the prologue that the protagonist says in the beginning Alexandra rodite one of the main characters in the game starts off by shouting Vengeance for their motherland stating that they shall make the enemies pay back in full Alexandra is the known Brave figure of the game who's leading an army of her own she is basically one of the main characters of Reus NOA the scene where she is having a discussion with someone always plays back to the man's dream as he takes a closer look into it he realizes that he has seen this particular scene so many times and there's no doubt that this exactly matches the dialogue in re's Noah as a result the man starts to wonder if this dream is actually real or if it is just inside his head however as he takes a closer look at his surroundings he finally realizes that he is indeed in the exact scene where Alexandra AKA Alex was facing the demon Emperor Menace Noah and to the man's surprise he is now in the emperor's shoes instantly after he heard the name he found it hard to believe but apparently he has become the last boss of this world and Alexandra the brave Warrior is one of his greatest enemies using her sword skill level hard slash Alex tries to land a hit on the Demon Lord however Noah has seen this particular attack so many times that is why by blocking it is just an easy thing for him to do it seems like for Noah there is no more challenge in blocking an attack where he already knows where it's coming from on the other hand it seems like Alex got blown away literally as she tries to stand up from falling some of her soldiers then tell her that she should not rush in alone like that since she will surely get hit no matter how much she tries to after all it is the Demon Lord they are fighting in the first place seeing Alex stand up once again made Noah somewhat disappointed since at the back of his mind it would have been a easier for them to if Alex had given up after that fall but it seems like even in despair Alex refuses to give up just like what her character description says at this point Noah doesn't want to reorganize his thoughts alone with what's going on after all he doesn't even care for the Revolutionary Army thanks to the discovery of that shocking fact he's still confused with what's happening however based on the information from his dream Alex's level is still level five at this point both her skills and Equipment are still at a beginner level on the other hand Noah is supposedly the last boss of resist Noah a game that is also considered to be a death game where defeating the Demon Lord is the Orthodox challenge to complete the game that is why Noah knows that it is impossible for the current Alex to close this power Gap now after all the result of this battle is that the Revolutionary Army was wiped out with Alex being the sole exception a completely defeated event that is why Noah decided to drive them away with suitable means using his Golem Knight he went on to scare everyone out saying that there is not one in a million chance of them being Victor ious here that is why while they still have time they should already give up and leave immediately and to everyone's surprise Noah is able to cast so many monsters causing everyone to feel scared at some point however despite all this it seems like Alex will not yield at all for her if she doesn't end this regime here there will be no hope left in this world anymore that is why despite the challenge she together with her Army will do their best to bring down the Demon Lord no matter what as the monster started to rush in Alex asked all her Mages to go into their formation now that everyone was in place they then went on to fire all their magic at will using their water magic and lightning magic they all tried to defeat the monsters rushing in with much willpower and dedication however it seems like no matter how much they try to do so they always end up getting defeated in the end watching the army fight with all their strength somehow amazes Noah since despite the differences in power these people still don't want to back off although they have prepared these tactics just to kill him rather than piss him off it is somehow depressing on his side it seems like the people of this world have been working so hard up to now just to protect their country the Noah Empire that was under his regime was surrounded by enemies from all sides every single day the country has been attacked by them even So within the Empire there were so many internal conflicts Innocents had lost their lives because of it however thanks to Noah's special skill called Monster creation he forcibly United the country and completely eradicated their enemies by subjugating them under his Reign Alex's former country was also one of those countries as per Noah's guess it seems like he is doing all of this to protect the Empire yet while he is trying his best to protect everyone the number of his enemies grows and now it's a Cuda Noah is pretty sure that he saw it in his dreams the settings where the internal ministries of the empire were siding with the Revolutionary Army and it was his prime minister who led Alex and the rest into his Palace while the rest of the Empire soldiers let them slip through their eyes Noah knows that what had happened in the game must have also occurred within this world at this point Noah tells himself that it has been a long time since he was betrayed that is why in the game the demon Emperor am menus had fallen into such despair aimed towards Humanity betrayed and killed by people that he tried so desperately to protect is just heartbreaking in many ways in hearing people get so happy and excited at the fact that they somehow have a chance to defeat him makes him somewhat devastated however Noah knows that this level of attack would hardly hurt him at all but the psychological damage was indeed traumatic on his part even so it is still impossible for him to lose since his victory will will not waver in this battle but as he remembered it if everything's the same as the game setting then in this battle until the protagonist defeats him she will continue to challenge him again and again until she slays him with her very own hands so the last boss of this game is destined to be defeated by the protagonist in that case Noah starts to wonder if he were to kill her now would he be able to avoid death in the back of Noah's mind he can erase the Army in one Fell Swoop and it's easy to kill Alex in her current state that is why if he kills her now he can live on far more days than he would actually if he didn't after all nothing will be taken away from him however it seems like he is still thinking twice about it since the story may change if he did so in the end a second or a third protagonist can simply appear the last boss is an existence who is hated by all humanity and who is wanted Dead by all besides even if the protagonist didn't kill him and what does that leave him with Noah wonders despite thinking twice about it Noah doesn't care anymore if this continues no one will be happy and nothing will be saved anymore in that case the demon Emperor am Mena should just die now Noah is quite sure that he will be able to build a new happy ending that everyone has been looking forward to with that being said Noah went on to release his magic level three called The Shadow Mist as soon as the spell has been cast the heat is felt by everyone on the battlefield after the smoke screen envelops the whole area Alex who thought that this was a cowardly move made by the Demon Lord to run away from everyone moved closer to look for Noah in every direction after she got a grab ASP on where the Demon Lord was she immediately didn't waste any second as she went on to stab him with her sharp sword as soon as the blood started rushing out of his body he started to question himself why he would be killed in such a way in place the moment that he lost his breath and went on to lay dead on the ground Alex immediately shouted victory for everyone stating that they had finally defeated the demon Emperor with this everyone is happy at the thought that their world has now been finally saved but little did they know that Noah was just lurking behind the columns hoping that everyone now would have their early happy ending that they had always wanted as it turned out the corpse that Alex had killed was a level one monster that Noah had created with his creation skill it seems like he swapped it for himself in the magical smoke screen and he also used the transparency skill of the winged demon dog looks like he managed to fool them nicely though Noah is worried about Alex's reaction it seems like everything is going according to plan anyways the demon Emperor Menace is now dead in everyone's eyes with that being said the current Noah is not the demon Emperor anymore he's now just men as Noah his life will not be targeted and hated anymore that is why while everyone is excited and celebrating their sudden Victory Noah and his pet wolf gasia lalis go on their way since they have no business in the area anymore with that said in the end Noah decides to quit being the last boss as the Demon Lord not only does he have power but good looks as well as the last boss his design is fancy and everyone cannot deny that fact it seems like Noah looks great no matter what he wears although standing out too much is not a good thing since he already signed off from becoming the demon boss he had now been shopping for a new cloak and since he is so good-looking some of the consumers inside the store can't help but get mesmerized by Noah's handsomeness after he finished picking up his new cloak he went on to the cashier to get it all packed up however to his surprise it literally costs 1,000 silver coins which Noah doesn't know if he has that is why he started looking at other cloaks instead after finding the right one he immediately went to the cashier only to realize that if he thought about it this was his first time to buy something for himself that is why he can't tell if 1,000 silver coins is a lot or a little considering his finances were always left to the officials but in his dreams some Journal wrote that one silver coin is about 100 yen so that is about $1 either way he doesn't know the market value so he can't really tell if it's expensive or cheap with that said he went on to hand over a bag of coins instead seeing this made the cashier quite shocked as she never expected that someone would have such a lump sum amount of money immediately the girl went on to state that these large gold coins would be an issue however before she could even finish what she was about to say Noah went on to add another bag almost causing the woman to lose Consciousness since Noah seems to have no grasp of the whole situation the employee goes on to make him realize that his money is way too much considering one large gold coin can already get him 10 sets of clothes and cloaks at this point Noah started to get amazed at the fact that the small coin could even be worth worth a lot with that being said since he still has a lot of spare money he went on to ask the employees to get him all the clothes and underwear he could buy since there is still change to his gold coin he went on to give it away to the employee as a reward for helping him out since there is a lot to carry Noah goes on to use his power to cast a spell called Shadow hand to somehow help him with the shopping according to Noah the shadow hands are known as the demon that drags humans into the shadow world if one combines it with a shadow hide skill one can use it as storage letting it hide in one Shadow can be very useful since it can carry bags like what Noah did just now as he walks out of the store he is quite relieved since he now has new clothes to wear although he got so many he didn't feel guilty at all considering this is his first time shopping for himself so it's not that bad and the fact that he got a good deal on everything is also quite amazing as well as he walks out of the hallway he has now finally reached the Imperial City of goel the city that he can Overlook by a castle it is strange to find himself in this city since as the Demon Lord he has little to no chance of even setting his foot in such a place as he remembers it the ending of resist Noah is crowded as expected but as he roams around he feels kind of sad to see how people are so happy over his fake death but instead of feeling sad about it he went on his day with much positivity after all he was the one who decided to quit being the final boss to seek a life of freedom of his own that's why although it may seem depressing at some point Noah tells himself that he must enjoy this new life to the fullest no matter what for first Adventure he goes on to order one crepe that he was able to come across in the market although he had seen it in his dreams before he still hadn't tasted any food from a food stall before as soon as he takes his first bite his whole taste buds suddenly explode like no other that is why he immediately went on to buy not just one but 100 of them in one go shocking the vendor to the core despite the fact that this has become his second big purchase in one day shopping has somehow become more fun for Noah since he didn't want to keep the Joy by himself he went on to share it with his pet who's now in Disguise since glacia is invisible the vendor is quite shocked when he sees his crepe Vanishing into the void after he finished all of his food Noah suddenly heard a loud commotion to which he thought that some enemy might have attacked the city however it seems like everyone is celebrating the return of their hero from war and to Noah surprise it seems like it is the Revolutionary Army and Alex it is pretty much the triumphant return of the Revolutionary Army in The game everyone in the Army was killed except Alex but with his death the story has now changed to Noah surprise it seems like the Revolutionary Army is quite popular one of the vendors then stated that it was natural since they had saved everyone from the demon Lord's tyrannical rule as Alex went on to show herself everyone cheered for her like there is no more tomorrow seeing her wave her hands at everyone somehow made Noah quite mesmerized at this point Noah wonders why a mysterious smile attracts so many people including him even though she is smiling Noah can see sadness in her eyes however it's it's not anymore his business to worry about as he scans around the area he manages to notice that there's an assassin lurking around at the back of Noah's mind the Assassin thinks that he is being sneaky but it is so obvious by the looks of it it seems like he is probably after Alex a conspiracy by other nations on the Noah chick Empire this made Noah wonder if they were trying to vacate the throne he can think of many reasons why someone would want to kill Alex but it seems like Alex hasn't noticed it yet or rather it seems like no one else has noticed except him after Noah sees a magic circle light he immediately realizes that this assassin is most likely using sniper magic considering the level needed for Sniper magic the Assassin's level must be at least around 15 with Alex's current level if she gets hit she would die instantly with that being said Noah has no choice but to immediately block the attack completely saving Alex from a near-death experience Noah was careful but the Assassin attack did zero damage at all so this simply means that the Assassin must be just a small fry making no frustrated with the thought that amle side character wants to destroy the happy ending he just created since he already decided not to kill Alex and has entrusted her with the Empire's fate so by killing Alex this particular assassin would be trampling over his decision as a result Noah is furious so he goes on to decide to let this man suffer no matter what however it seems like Noah has made too much of a commotion but it should still be fine though at the back of Noah's mind he quits the last boss so he can live a free life there's no reason to let his emotions loose in in a place like this that is why he will destroy everything that gets in his way with that being said he went on to let out his pet glacia to catch the Assassin after glacia goes on to catch it in no time Noah immediately knows that he doesn't think the Assassin is going to be an issue anymore and that is why he went on to get out of the place as soon as possible however before he can even leave Alex goes on to ask what just happened and even asks who he is as they looked at each other it seemed like the connection they had as enemies before still remained inexperienced weak and reliable are the words that can describe Alex in the game that Noah has been used to but for some reason this Alex and the game's Alex are completely different low-leveled no comrades to rely on unable to grow mentally in the original game Alex becomes the new ruler of the Noah hick Empire however if Noah leaves Alex in her current state she will be assassinated instantly as a result Noah will make sure to save and protect Alex from any danger as much as possible after doing just so he then went on to say his genuine good luck to her as he now makes his way out of the scene at the back of his mind no matter how inexperienced weak and unreliable Alex is she's still meant to be the emperor of the whole Kingdom after all she's the complete opposite of Noah in every way possible she is kind-hearted has a strong sense of justice and above all is loved by everyone even Noah sees himself as the bad guy in the story he knows that his character only knows how to rule people with fear and despair he knows that there's no other way for him to rule out people than to act Superior and higher than others but he realized that the harder he tried the further into despair this country would fall into if he was Emperor he wouldn't be able to protect his country at all since even his people are against him as well that is why he's now leaving everything to Alex whom he sees as suitable for the job as he is about to leave Alex's men try to stop him Midway surrounding him in every direction however before they can even do something Alex stops them saying that Noah is not dangerous at all since Noah can't control himself self he went on to state to the people that they should lower their heads since they are in his presence considering his powerful Aura is undeniably overflowing the people around him then did as he says after doing so he then vanished in thin air causing everyone to panic and wonder where he might have gone as a result the soldiers started looking for him all around the market little did they know he was already flying in the sky thanks to his pet glacia now since everything was already settled Noah somehow felt a little relieved that Alex would already be in a good place on top of that it seems like when he was passing her he also put a shadow Knight in her Shadow so protecting her even from afar shouldn't be a problem anymore with this Noah won't have any lingering regrets in the city even though he has been kicked out of his birthplace he feels as if a biron has been lifted from his shoulders at last he feels as if he is truly free now with that being said his pet glacia will now roam the outlands together despite them not being sure what is to come this world is indeed a game for them so no matter what happens he will play it to the fullest after traveling for a good minute they have finally arrived at the forest where they are planning to stay for the rest of their lives even for an s-ranked monster it must have been tough to fly while using the invisibility skill that is why Noah commences pet glossia for a job well done now that they have finally arrived at their destination Noah can't help but get excited about what's to come for the two at the northern tip of the Noah hick Empire the magical cannibal Forest is seen as the name implies this place is teaming with cannibal monsters and Noah came here for one reason and that is to have a slow life when he thinks back ever since he became emperor at age 10 he's been working his hard out and never really had time for breaks or vacations he always had to keep his eye out for Assassins and that is why he always longed for a life away from people a Life unbothered by politics social status or Revolutions in short a slow life now that he is already away from everyone he aims to live a life of Freedom with glacia since people rarely come to this Forest he should be able to live out his second life peacefully here once that is decided the first step is to build a base using his level 9 black magic called gravity Noah starts to make his own space where he would let his new home stand gravity is one of the rare magic spells out there as it makes an opponent not able to make an action and reduces their speed by half until the next turn in short it is known as The Game's most powerful cheat magic it is also useful for when one has moments where they want to flatten the surrounding land thanks to that they now have a nice looking Garden where he and glossia can finally spend the rest of their days now that everything is already set Noah's next goal is the house called the Demonic creation any monster can be created from this book by using some magic power this book contains every monster he has defeated and created before since Noah had already created a house before he just went on to effortlessly mimic the same house he did however the mimic house he can produce eats people or anyone who wanders into the house aside from the fact that it can provide a roof for the two the best part about it is that it is also properly furnished with interior designs although though it is a bit cramped Noah thinks that it is still the perfect side for the two but at the back of Noah's mind he's not looking for the Bare Essentials instead he's looking for a comfortable second life without worries a shack the size of this won't do it all if that is the case Noah wonders if he enhances this mimic house things might already work for them as he envisions it to be for those who don't know the Demonic creation skill consists of two elements the ability to create demons from nothing AKA creation as well as the ability to fuse two demons into a new demon called synthesis by combining two demons one can create a new type of demon that can fit their needs in this case Noah goes on to synthesize two mimic houses after a few seconds he's now created not just a house but a mansion upon checking it seems like synthesis was successful since the house now has become bigger and can already accommodate more than two people however it seems like this is still not enough for Noah so he went on to add some more finishing touches now that he has already added some of his ideas into the house he is on his way to finally living the perfect slow life that he had always wanted to have starting today he will already have all the free time in this world with him not worrying about what to do next and such this is definitely what Noah is looking forward to a life that is free and easy however as time passes by it seems like Noah suddenly gets bored himself finally making him realize that this kind of lifestyle is not quite what he was expecting at all he then starts to wonder that maybe because he has been a super workaholic ever since he was a child he's now longing for that kind of stress at this point he started to realize that having a slow life wasn't that fun at all but since there's nothing to do with it anymore he's now so depressed and in agony knowing that he can't continue doing this Noah starts to wonder about things he can do so that he can spend the rest of his life as a free Man Without Regrets with that being said for him to be able to do so on the first day of his living a slow life Noah finally decided that he had already stopped living a slow life after wondering for a good hour or so Noah has finally reached his next destination the city of AR's adventurers Guild since living a slow life alone in the forest doesn't give Noah any thrill he goes on to register his name into an adventurer's Guild that will surely hand him over all the exciting Adventures he's longing for while the receptionist works on his papers Noah Waits patiently and happily now that he is finally one step closer to his goal as it turns out after a few hours of contemplating Noah has realized that being an adventurer seems a lot more fun than living a slow Life by himself with this job he can now visit the places he saw in his dreams and also get to fight to the death with strongl looking monsters since he was all excited about it Noah went on to wait for the receptionist to call him however it seems like there have been some problems with the papers he submitted since the receptionist finds it hard to believe that Noah is a demon user as a result Noah who has now decided to go by his disguise name Maddie went on to show off his cute puppy glacia so instead of revealing glossier's enormous size Noah decided to just show off a transformed form so that the receptionist wouldn't get all shocked however it seems like that is not the problem at all since according to the receptionist the demon user occupation Noah has is an unfavorable role that is not entirely acceptable in the guild to explain it further to Noah the receptionist stated that demons tend to drag down the party instead only low-level demons can be summoned so they aren't very useful at all so for those reasons they are pretty useless and every Adventurer knows that but it seems like Noah isur that there are some skilled demon users out there with him jokingly stating that Lord Menace NOA is one the deceptionist then stated that that was an exception since the Demon Lord was basically a demon himself and on top of all that one of the big reasons why demon users are given the cold shoulder is because it is bad luck to be like the Demon Lord hearing this made Noah somehow feel insulted however the receptionist went on to say that she would put down demon users for now but in the future she recommends Noah switch his profession to a mage or a swordsman considering there is no future for a demon user after all since Noah can't have any say in what the receptionist is stating he just went on to thank her for the advice with that being said Noah will now start as a g rank Apprentice since G rank adventurers are not eligible to enter Certain Magical areas such as the cannibal Forest if Noah does so he needs to make sure that he is accompanied by a rank e Adventurer or higher with that said it seems like going solo right off the bat is a no-o at all so Noah should always keep safety in mind that is why the guild is encouraging him to work in a party for now since the receptionist already has a group in mind she went on to state that Noah should join the tutorial sisters Trio party since they give priority to newcomers and are also very good at teaching the basics the party also gives the hero Alex combat and adventuring tips early on in the story as the name implies they help out beginners but no one knows that the three sisters are too weak since they don't have any particular unique skills that is why Noah doesn't see any point in joining instead Noah is planning to pair up with someone who has a unique skill but the question is how will he look for the right person considering almost everyone in the game looks like mass-produced NPCs knowing that this is an early game Town Noah thinks that there are a lot of adventurers we probably starting out but for now Noah decided to just start his adventuring career with low ranking Golem soldiers while he is contemplating he happens to overhear a conversation between two adventurers who are talking about a party that is going solo into the cannibal Forest as Noah gets intrigued about it he goes on to check who these people are referring to and to his surprise it is none other than mikin it is known that at the beginning of the story mikin was in this town too at first she was very quiet and only said a few words her lines are different but the equipment she is carrying as well as those Sund deike features she's indeed one of the main characters of reist Noah as per the plot of the story she's a late bloomer her unique skill is costume change the versatility of the skill allows her to adapt to any unfamiliar environment as a result she's one of the three strongest characters in reist Noah although Noah doesn't really need her he still thinks that she would be a nice addition to his party on top of that it seems like Noah is really fanboying over her as he never thought that there would come a day when he would actually get to meet mikin in person as a result he suddenly thought that fate must have brought them together with that being said he's finally decided that he will ask Miko to join his party no matter what however it seems like mikin is not up to it at all as the commotion started to get loud the Guild's receptionist went on to state to Noah that Mordin is a c rank veteran Adventurer so she is pretty much a powerful person who managed to reach level 10 that is why Noah should stop being dises respectful in front of her mordon herself even stated that she must become stronger so she doesn't have time for other people especially newbies like Noah however it seems like Noah knows something about Mordin that the rest of the guild doesn't know that is why the C rank Adventurer has no choice but to form a party with the Newbie shocking everyone to the core and just like that during Noah's day one as an adventurer he has already formed a party with none other than mikin as soon as they left the guild mikin immediately stated that Noah shouldn't get the wrong idea idea since they are not an official party at all according to her she's only making him a Apprentice because of how persistent he is despite that Noah still accepted this positively stating that he would make sure to do his best and learning every bit of the lesson mikin teaches him hearing this made mik Odin realize that Noah is indeed quite arrogant for an apprentice however it seems like mik Odin has more intentions for Noah than expected as they finally reach the depths of the cannibal Forest Noah is shocked when mikin points a weapon in front of him while asking him who he really is and how the hell he even knows her real name since he can't possibly tell her that it is because he dreamed about it Noah has no choice but to spill everything he knows about her like she wants to for starters Noah stated that mordin's real name is mik's pink heart and she is the only princess of the pinkart Elvin Kingdom but she ran away from home after a dispute with her mother about the Dragon King nit hoger at first mikin thought that Noah must have been someone sent by the kingdom to look for her but as Noah keeps on stating more information about her her mind starts to mess up really well it seems like Noah also knows about her weight and height causing Mordin to feel a bit uncomfortable since those are some of the top secret info she only knows about anyway since mikin thinks that Noah is still sent by the kingdom she went on to state that she doesn't plan on returning to the kingdom anytime soon so Noah should already give up since there is no point in trying to bring her back home but at the back of Noah's mind he has no plans on bringing her back home and even if they did go to the pink heart Alvin Kingdom the there wouldn't be anything to do except sightseeing which is for Noah a hobby that he could do after retirement but in the meantime he hopes to do some Apprenticeship Training with Mordin for now while looking gracefully at her Mordin felt a little flustered so she didn't have any choice but to start the training so their awkward conversation would stop mordon then stated that even though she got stuck with Noah by chance she would make sure to take good care of him as the training starts Noah starts to wonder what all the monsters are that they are going to fight but it seems like mordan has no plans of fighting today since they are just going to collect some medicinal herbs for now at the back of Noah's mind even if he can't make herbs out of nothing he is sure that one of his seven Demon Lord subordinates can do just so M Gordon then stated that even if it was a kill request it is a general rule to avoid unnecessary fights since if Noah did that he would already run out of time energy and materials before he can even get to the monster he's supposed to kill that is why it is better to just hunt a demon every few days instead if that is the case Noah wonders how one adventurer's level up well it seems like as long as they defeat monsters their level increases in the process an adventurer's level is a measure of their skill so it naturally increases with training and experience so Noah went on to ask if the level was about defeating monsters how would the supporters get levels themselves considering the XP doesn't get distributed evenly when fighting in a party to which mordan also doesn't know the answer to however it seems like Noah doesn't think leveling up by training is very efficient at all since if it is similar to the game leveling up by killing monsters is definitely the way to go but it seems like mordan is telling Noah not to engage with monsters as much as possible with that being said they then went on to start looking for the herb called Molly grass an herb that only grows in the sunny areas of magical forests as they make their way deeper into the woods it seems like mikorin is a bit shocked when she sees a big mansion in the middle of nowhere without knowing that this is the mimic Mansion Noah made yesterday he didn't really expect it to be found so soon even though it is surrounded by monsters building this close to the city for the sake of convenience was a mistake Noah honestly thought that this Molly grass was just a weed so he stepped on it without thinking mordan on the side started acting a bit off which she said was because of the dense concentration of Mana surrounding the area Noah can't seem to believe this at first but based on the looks of it it seems like the Mansion is indeed releasing a dangerous amount of it with that said mikin starts getting suspicious once again even inside a demon Forest this level of Mana is impossible to attain which simply means a very powerful demon must have taken up residence here one way or another little did she know it was just Noah all this time scared that mordan finds out Noah tries to keep silent as much as possible as for the source of the Mana he remembers releasing a crap ton while he was relaxing at home so he just let go of all the inhibitions that he keeps one in front of others with all of these thoughts mordon ended up concluding that it was very much possible that one of the seven demon Lords was here since the only people capable of making something like this happen are the seven demon Lords after all mordon can't think of anyone else besides the seven demons under man's Direct Control other than them Noah tries to tell her that there might be other reasons as to why but it seems like she is already certain about this no matter what he says since for her any of the seven demon Lords has enough power to destroy a country single-handedly some estimate that the rank is greater than b so this made Noah wonder why aren't the demon Lords rank SS I mean they are Lords for a reason after all well according to mikin there's no such thing as a rank SS demon instead of worrying much about it nicodin suddenly gets worried that if a Demon Lord is really here the city of AR will definitely be in danger since the Demon Lord menus was killed there's a big chance that the seven other demon Lords are planning their revenge on this country but if that were true then it's not just this country that is about to fall since this could even affect all of humanity so to be of a little help Mordin plans to report this to the guild ASAP when they were already on their way back Mordin suddenly noticed a Tran which is a tree that can move on its own it is known that they are supposed to rarely leave their habitat so she wonders why the heck is there one here now as soon as the monster started rampaging Noah immediately got his hands on mikin and took her to a safe place seeing the Tre and Rampage like that causes Noah to get a bit Furious knowing that he is the one who made it after all at the back of his mind this attitude towards his creator just means that this monster has gone crazy indeed probably it is because of the sugar mushes Noah also made a while ago sugar mush spores are known to have a psychedelic effect and cause psychological abnormalities so if a monster gets hit there's a tendency that they may go crazy all of a sudden there is even a chance they may go ferocious and attack nearby humans and since this monster is showing those signs it seems like Noah has no choice but to give his all as well although it is such a pain to him he has to kill it once and for all however Mig Gordon thinks this is such an impossible thing to achieve considering Trant are an s-rank monster so there's no way a human can win at all at the back of Noah's head a c rank is nothing but a small fry however for mord one needs to be at least level 20 for this stuff and there are only a handful of level 20 humans in this world as no thinks about it mikin is a SE ring veteran Adventurer she's a powerful person who managed to reach level 10 which gave him a grasp of the whole situation until now he thought that the people of this world were low-level but it seems like he is wrong the humans of this world are much weaker than he thinks however it is not that surprising anymore now that he thinks the people of this world don't hunt demons they just don't know how to level up properly in the game demon Mena spread demons all around the world but that is not the case here encounters with demons must be low when he thinks back Alex started at level 5 and was trained in martial arts all the other characters that joined also started between levels 5 and 10 which means there's a lot more Noah doesn't know meanwhile it seems Mordin is still worried for them she keeps on explaining to Noah that a trian and swarm of Sword plants are something they shouldn't get into a fight with after all they're not even level 20 yet so there is no way they will be able to win this fight at all that is why she plans on using her magic to hold them off for now while she does so she asks Noah to run as fast as he can immediately Noah tells her that there's no need to worry at all but it seems like she really insisted on doing so if they don't do something about this both of them will die if that is the case at least one of them should get to live to make sure Noah doesn't get worried about her she tells him that she doesn't have any plans on dying just yet according to her a treent may be strong but it is slow so she'll make sure to find a way to escape afterward but looking at her Noah knows that it is not going to work at all considering she is shaking non-stop aside from that she doesn't owe him that much as well so there's no need for her to worry at all despite that Gordon thinks it is still her responsibility to make sure Noah is well after all it was she who decided to team up with him anyway that is why no matter what happens she will make sure to protect her at all costs hearing this shocked Noah a bit since he wasn't really expecting mordon to be this dedicated to him using her light magic level two lightning wall mikin tries her best to tear this monster down in one go however no matter how much force she gives in her attack it seems like it doesn't work at all she then starts to wonder just how is this even possible for a monster like this when she thinks that it is already the end of her Noah jumps in to help her on time thankfully he was able to block the trian's attack or else mikin would already be dead by now he then tells her not to rush to her death like that since it is not that often someone would be able to help her there are too many humans like Alex rushing in but to weak to take on a strong opponent but that kind of spirit isn't bad either although mikin doesn't want Noah to get involved as much as possible Noah has already decided that he will help her even if she doesn't want to after all in his command menu there is no flea option at all for Noah running away is the same as losing aside from that he can't seem to believe that this monster has the audacity to attack his creator so he has no choice but to discipline him using a skill limitation removal Frozen gaze Trant stops in place just in time for Noah to take him down in one go according to Noah his skill has the capability to freeze an enemy for 60 seconds it is a skill from the clock snake Demons by using his demonic creation skill he's able to fuse his body with that of other demons he uses his seal skill to keep his human form it helps suppress the Demonic Powers within but by temporarily breaking the seal he can use the skills of the Demons Inside his body if he completely breaks the seal he turns into a second form but he doesn't need that for this kind of small fry now then it is about time for him to put an end to this using a skill limitation removal dead Scythe a skill from Reapers it passes through flesh and harvests only the soul the sight of instant death it is a skill with an extremely low hit rate but when they are frozen it always hits this single strike spell is known as a certain death for sure and just like that Noah is able to chop the treent in one go Mordin was also shocked when she saw glao go and do his part as well it seems like she can't believe these two are actually that strong seeing Mordin shocked made Noah wonder if he happened to go a bit overboard since he really thought he had it pretty well under control to make sure mikin didn't get suspicious of him he tried to calm her down a bit however during that time the forest started crumbling all of a sudden the huge wave of Mana eventually caused mordon to pass out but Noah is thankful she did since if she had been exposed to this level of Mana while unconscious her mind might have completely collapsed Noah thought that something might have sensed his man up there was also no denying that something bad was coming their way so as soon as possible he tries to get mord into safety no matter what then out of nowhere someone appears looking happy at the fact that Noah is here and what's weird is the fact that he calls Noah his boss now the question is who might be this man well we are about to find out before anything else let us go back from the start one day Noah just realized that the world he is now in is the same world as the RPG resistance Noah he was sick and tired of the impending doom that was always headed his way so he left his throne and became a farmer after becoming an adventurer in order to search for a fun- second life he encountered his reist Noah waifu mikorin after going to the cannibal Forest under the pretense of training they were attacked by a t treant and other demons but Noah was able to defeat the monster without any trouble after a moment of relief a massive wave of magical power knocked out mikin and the identity of the person who possessed such magic power was none other than one of Noah's demon Lords it seems like this man was able to detect a magical Force while patrolling his area so he decided to drop by and say his greetings personally although Noah tries to put on a happy face he knows to himself that this is bad since this man is the last one Noah wants to ever meet since this man is none other than his direct supervision subordinate the fifth seat of the seven demon Lords Lord of trees you fear he is the Lord of all plant-based demons and is in charge of protecting the forest around the Noah hick Empire he is the Incarnation of igr's embodied on the surface due to the will of the Stars he is the highest ring possible his power cannot even be compared to the likes of the lower ranking Triant in short he is one of the strongest characters in all of rist Noah so it was no surprise if you fear wondered why Noah was in a place like this with a human like that he starts to wonder what is Noah up to at this point Noah finally realizes that he is indeed in a worst case scenario so Noah immediately explained that it is not what e fear thinks however even without hearing it from Noah's mouth he already understands everything well as it turns out you fear thinks that Mordin is one of the creatures Noah has chosen to wash away the evil human race that has invested the planet all this time he thought Noah was doing all of this for a noble cause so if he happens to need some help e even went on to offer his services in case where Noah wants to turn a town or two into a forest right now he can always ask eir for help hearing this caused Noah to realize that this is one of the reasons why he wanted anyone but eir to know this guy literally worships him way too much most of the seven demon Lords including eir were demon he created from scratch using his demonic creation skill since he is their creator he is essentially a God to you fear and the others that is why to make sure nothing bad happens he tells eir that is not the reason why he is here he also went on to tell him that turning a few towns into forests due to a misunderstanding on his part is a bit much considering eir would still be curious about it Noah just went on to reason out that he is here to tell him that he has stopped being Emperor at first eir doesn't want to believe this at all however when Noah mentions the Revolutionary Army kudeta he can't help it get a bit intrigued unexpectedly it seems like this infuriates eir even more although eir ranks fifth among the seven demon Lords in regards to Pure combat ability with proper application of his plant manipulation skill he could cause a global spike in infections in addition he could simply just kill all of Humanity's crops in one go so one could really say that he is the best when it comes to wiping out all of humanity anytime he wants most of the humans in this world are low at this rate the human race really could be wiped out in one go so as much as possible no tries to calm down eir by explaining that the reason he stopped being the emperor is just because he got tired of it and wanted to change careers however it seems like it didn't help at all since Noah didn't have any choice anymore he went on to give eir in order to cease although he is not the emperor anymore but the Noah Empire is still his this confused you fear since his boss wasn't this considerate of humans before but Noah went on to state that there is always going to be a human Rebellion so if you fear concerns himself on every single matter there will never be an end so he just needs to let it go since eir obeys everything Noah says he ends up agreeing with him at the end this calmed down Noah a bit considering if eir did go on with his plan there was a big chance everything would end up pretty badly but it seems like eir is still curious as to what will happen to Noah now what are his plans for the future Noah then honestly stated that he hadn't really thought about it all he has decided so far is that he's going to live a life of Freedom if they continue letting the seven demon Lords defend it like this the noahic Empire's defenses will be very solid he's been protecting the noahic empire for years years even after he stopped being the emperor so the thought of it being destroyed by another kingdom so quickly and having all his hard work go to waste irks him but if the people started thinking that the newly crowned Emperor Alex has the seven demon Lords under her control she will end up the same way he did so Noah ended up deciding to just let eir protect the noahic Empire's within while the other demons refrain from doing any public activities so technically eir will be defending the empire in secrecy unlike in the past eir will be defending from the Shadows since he is quite the minion he immediately sees this as a pleasure to do although there is some hesitation he would do his best to serve Noah at any cost as for the other demon Lords Noah plans on communicating with them so eir suggested that Noah should just link up with the fort SE well it seems like eir is referring to Primo also known as The Lord Of Destruction as the two names suggest she is skilled in the destruction of all things with an army under her control anyone is sure she could be of use and above all with her skill one can easily contact seven demon Lords that skill allows every demon to build a communication Network around the fort sea they're able to share information about National Security among the other demon Lords hearing all of this new information somehow made Noah feel as if he was left out however he tries to brush it off since he doesn't really care that much about it but it seems like he doesn't need to worry at all since E's loyalty is all his so anytime he needs help he can always call for eir in fact he even suggested that Noah control the world from the Shadows that way he will be able to get everything he wants now that he is no longer the last boss there there's no telling where the story of this world will lead to major characters that survived in the original Noah resist story could end up dead or Monsters could end up taking over the world and wiping out all of humanity but if Noah can operate behind the scenes and rule the world from the Shadows he may be able to change not just his fate but the fate of the whole world so to make sure Mordin doesn't report this to the guild Noah asks eir to take care of something so that he will be able to set things up pretty well when things were going pretty well bad news suddenly rushed to the guil saying that the snout Kingdom had declared war against the empire since the demon Emperor am menas is now dead there's a big chance that the other countries saw this as an opportunity to attack although they have a new ruler it seems like her hands are full governing the capital city of Gothel and it seems like setting up a new defense order will also take time then this town will definitely be down in pieces in no time as Noah thinks about it in the game the Revolutionary Army grew into a massive Army and After the Revolution that Army became responsible for the defense of the noahic Empire and in the original story there wouldn't be any wars in the new Empire due to the Cooperative relationship established with other nations it seems like the effects of Noah's change are slowly showing if the entire world started attacking each other simultaneously the noic Empire would not be safe anymore looks like he needs to start ruling the world from the shadows in the end for him to be able to do so he first needs to know where the Snell Army is it seems like they're at the skach plains the area where the fourth seat Primo is in charge of Mordin first stated that they should evacuate everyone as soon as possible that is why she was so surprised when Noah stated that he would swing by the skach plains for a bit in order to prevent Humanity from being inadvertently destroyed in the future Noah had e fear protect the noic Empire from behind the scenes in addition so he can inform the other demon Lords he decides to meet up with the Lord Of Destruction Primo who was able to communicate with them it also seems like the enemy forces of the Snell kingdom are invading where he was headed the skach plains so Noah decided to check things out while he was there as soon as he reaches the plains Noah immediately takes notice of the army scattered around indeed their numbers and strength are better than those of the noic Empire The noahic Empire General vergan Z now looks worried since he doesn't really know how they would be able to handle all of the stress aside from Snow's large army their soldiers are definitely around level 10 but there's no way possible that they could have gathered that many people in such a short amount of times which simply means it must be the information about the Revolution was leaked at the back of the General's mind there was probably an informant within the Revolutionary Army the snow Kingdom must have been making preparations long before the Revolution so that they could Mar After the Revolution now that the Snell Army is starting to throw their attacks the general is starting to worry that their barrier won't be able to hold them back anymore on top of that their Sorcerers are running out of Mana as well so they won't be able to take much more so there is no other choice but for them to retreat as soon as possible and set up a defense in the nearby town to make sure his men Get Out Alive the general plans on trying to draw the enemy's attention acting as the group's bait but the question is how can a single man hold up an entire Army he starts to wonder to himself is there no way way to turn the tides of the war in his favor is there something I can do someone perhaps who could help them the commander then starts thinking that if Demon Lord Menace is still here he could have easily defeated an army of this size despite his treachery Manos was undoubtedly the most powerful emperor in history so the general starts thinking that if only Menace was still alive he could have taken care of all of this in one go as the general starts losing hope some of his Men start chasing after him saying that if there are more of them they could buy more time for others aside from that the thought that the general is Will to put his life on the line for everyone's sake they as well will go with him although the general doesn't really want his men to be here since there's no turning back anymore they have no choice but to charge with all they've got at the back of the General's mind there is no point in relying on some Evil Dead Emperor now there are still things he can protect with his own hands people that he must protect so no matter the cost he will do his best to make sure everything goes as plann the general focuses his attention on distracting the enemies as much as possible if the retreating soldiers are able to fortify the town and Force the enemy into a Siege the new Empress Alexandra should be able to make it here with reinforcements even if they can't win they must buy time until then even if it's just one more minute one more second along with his fellow brave Soldiers the general will put his life on the line as they were about to go all in Noah appeared using his level 9 black magic zero spell to wipe everyone out using the spell the enemy's magic suddenly stops working during this time Noah also makes his entrance shocking everyone soldiers then start murmuring asking each other if they have any idea who the hell this man is when they were about to attack Noah used the skill limitation removal to stop them from moving seeing the spell evolving shocks the general since this is the kind of magic that is only written in mythology books a magic called Celestial magic circles with this Noah is able to control his magic more nicely than before with just one spell he was able to wipe the whole Army in one go everyone including the general and his men thought they were going to die as soon as the general opened his eyes he couldn't believe how everything vanished in one go based on what everyone knows level 5 is supposed to be the highest level of magic so level 10 magic shouldn't exist at all unless this person is got himself so he starts to wonder just who is that man wearing the hood could it actually be God little did they know it was just Noah Noah on the other hand looks proud of what he just did especially in the part where he drew a picture of glacia on the ground to prevent the enemy from advancing any further he used Earth break to do some drawing and to stop the enemy in their tracks now that his work is done here he plans on heading to Primo for their meeting meanwhile after that scene General vagan Z was awarded for repelling the snow Kingdom's army with just four people so he now is honored with the title vagan blessed by the gods back to Noah with no landmarks around it was pretty hard for him to find what he was looking for the skach plains were as vast as ever 10 years ago a country stood here however everything was annihilated by Primo's power the ruins that had escaped Annihilation ended up looking like they were being swallowed by the ground because of that people started calling at the SC gach Plains now then no one starts to wonder just where that woman could be using his magic detection he tries to find Primo from the air however no matter how much he tries it seems like there are still no hits Primo excels in raw destructive power but lacks magical power because of that it is hard to detect her presence even with the magic detection skill as eir said having a way to communicate with the seven demon Lords is a must from here on out so even if it's hard he needs to try his best to ensure his plan works well then glacia suddenly noticed something happening far from where they were it seems like a group has been put to a halt by a girl who's trying to stop them from crossing the border since it is dangerous however instead of listening they all target her with their bows eventually causing the little girl to die on the spot well that is what they thought it seems like this girl is actually Primo at first glance Primo seems like just a little girl however her true identity is far scarier than most think seeing her revive causes the soldiers to panic a little since this was something they weren't expecting at all the fourth seat of the seven Demon Lord Lord Of Destruction Primo actually is a race of Proto slime which is known as one of the highest among the Slime species and ruler of all slimes Proto slimes are the first ever life form of this world they are the ancestors of all living beings since their bodies can shape shift whatever shape whatever form they desire they can transform into it so in simple terms no matter how much these soldiers try to kill her there's no possible way they will be able to do so considering Primo would come back alive nonetheless although the fear in their eyes is apparent the soldiers try to keep their composure telling them themselves to not get scared at all since Primo had already warned them 100 times already she made sure not to hold back on her next hit with just one swing she was able to kill dozens of soldiers in one go seeing how their comrades died within seconds the others started running for their lives however now that Primo has started having fun of course she wouldn't let anyone leave that easily at all witnessing this personally amazes Noah since it really proves that Primo is indeed the Lord Of Destruction a light of Doom that disintegrates the existence of anything it touches Primo's Ray of Destruction is as Relentless as ever as long as one is not hostile she's the friendliest among the demon Lords but since Primo is a remnant of a time when they were the weakest race she is very timid and doesn't like to fight a demon who loves peace more than anything that is why if anything tries to shatter her peace she makes sure to destroy it back as well for the sake of Peace she starts to destroy everything along the way hence she is called as the Lord Of Destruction with that said since Primo was already done with her playtime Noah decides to show up telling her she did pretty well immediately she was able to noce it was Noah without hesitation she went on to give him a tight hug seeing her like this isn't new to Noah anymore after all Primo has been affectionate to everyone since before as the name Primo suggests she is the first demon he ever made they have known each other for 15 years now since this is the first time they've met up with each other after a long time Primo starts feeling embarrassed after realizing that her surroundings are quite messy from the fight earlier so using her Min slimes she went on to clean up everything in one go for Noah however at the back of Noah's mind disposing of the corpse with such a cute appearance is quite a surreal scene after that small Interruption Primo finally asks Noah what made him come here since it is quite rare for a master to visit out here without wasting a minute Noah immediately cut to the chase saying that he was no longer the emperor he decided to travel somewhere with her hearing this for the first time almost caused Primo to pass out at first she doesn't want to believe it at all considering she knows that her master wouldn't give up the throne that easily at all so Noah went on to explain that he just felt like being Emperor was too much trouble for him after all aside from that he also plans on finding a replacement so that he can live a free life hearing this made Primo quite excited since this meant Noah wanted her to join him in his travels before she gets the wrong idea Noah immediately sets things straight saying that is not the case at all since Primo doesn't seem to know what is happening he asks if she happens to receive R's message unsurprisingly she actually muted him that is why she doesn't know a thing at all so Noah immediately tells her to unmute everyone and inform them that he has stopped being the emperor and from here on out we'll continue to defend everyone from the Shadows immediately she went on to do as Noah asked her to do now that everyone has received the message including eir who is furious at her for not responding Primo went on to ask if this means she gets to work under Noah from now on however Primo wonders how they will be able to defend this area since sell has been pretty persistent with their attacks but since Noah has made a few Cliffs they should be good for a while although Noah turned all borders with neighboring countries into sheer Cliffs he still left major roads alone so if an enemy still has the intent to invade they will surely invade no matter how long it takes so he doesn't think the snow kingdom is much of a major threat at all but it seems like a major threat to the new Noah hick Empire led by Alex there is a chance they won't be able to repel an invasion so if Noah doesn't change the difficulty of the event everything will be immediately wiped out for sure that protagonist will really be running around in circles so as much as possible he assures Primo that everything will be all right for now they will need to focus on showing their cheeky neighbors that it is game over for them meanwhile at the snow Kingdom the king and his men are having a meeting about their attacks although they almost got defeated it seems like the kingdom still thinks everything went pretty well than they expected after all the king didn't really expect his revolutionary Army to defeat the Demon Lord that easily so for the King this is what he would call a pleasant miscalculation as he never thought he would see so much return on such a small investment he also sees this as a perfect opportunity to make the noahic Empire his for the king money is power with money one can hire soldiers and with soldiers one can collect taxes with that money he can hire more soldiers and crush the other king as well that is why with all he has he needs to make sure he is the richest man in all of the continent that is why after he gets his hands on the noahic Empire the first thing he would do is squeeze them dry with taxes and then upgrade his castle with that money at the back of his mind if they just say it is the noahic Empire's fault again for sure they will be none the wiser after all for the king no one has the brains nor the braa to oppose him so things would be a little messy if someone was listening to this conversation of theirs and it seems like they don't have that much luck considering Noah is actually eavesdropping on their conversation but instead of showing his real identity he went on to disguise himself as the Phantom Thief Nemesis according to him he only shows up when there are treasures and from what he heard there was a lot of gold stashed away in this particular Castle the snow Kingdom in rizes NOA supported the Revolutionary Army and pretended to be a side character on the side of justice but the truth is they're nothing more than a money-loving scoundrel usually something this small can be left alone with no problems but the fact that he is willing to use the noahic empire for money really bugs Noah picking a fight with the noahic empire is the same as picking a fight with him so to prevent these people from doing evil again Noah will be taking this Castle's treasures and making them suffer until they weep however it seems like the king doesn't get scared of this threat at all for him Noah is just some cat burglar trying to intimidate him however it will not intimidate him at all considering he has high level guards set up just for emergencies however it seems like Noah has gotten more impatient with them so using his level eight black magic zero spell he went on to cast a deadly spell on the group and no matter how much the group tries to send off an attack they end up getting repelled even though Noah has a strange skill the King still thinks they have an advantage considering they are many in number and the Phantom is just by himself at this point Noah then releases Primo slime causing everyone to panic Primo on the other hand also went on to attack the castle Gates the castle walls were disintegrated and the treasure Vault was destroyed just a few minutes later Primo then enters the scene introducing herself as the mask made Thief it seems like she was able to take everything that was inside the treasure Vault without hesitation the king tries to get the bag back since Noah has now grown a bit irritated with the King he ends up throwing the money back to the people causing the king to cry in frustration money is indeed power without money no one can hire soldiers without soldiers no one can collect taxes or wage war and a lord without power loses their hold over the people this means that tonight this country's Power Balance has been reversed with this the greedy snow Kingdom will finally meet its end after the intense scene with the King Noah and Primo then head back Smiles painted on their faces it seems like Primo liked it being disguised as a thief so she is now even planning on doing it again some time but before she forgets she went on to ask Noah what is even a phantom thief in the first place but if Noah is going to be a little honest he himself isn't even sure either but all that matters now is that it is cool at the back of his mind even if they do uncool things they just need to make sure they aren't uncool themselves however that is not what's important for pimo at all for her as long as Noah is having fun she is as well but as she thinks about it doing these kinds of things really brings back memories based on what she remembers they often pretended they were Heroes of Justice or something now that Primo has mentioned it Noah started to remember those nice memories himself as well just before he became an emperor when he was about 9 years old the young him would run around town together with the others stealthily helping people from the Shadows the best way they can there was even a time they would think of operation names and do silly things they would play as if they were Heroes of Justice or whatever it seems like Noah can't deny the fact that there was a phase when he yearned for something like that something so innocent and refreshing even though there is no human more unfit for the word justice than him but there is no denying that when he was a child things like justice kindness and hope were the things he loved in fact he was even reading books about those topics during his leisure time for a time he wanted to become just like the kind-hearted protagonist from the fairy tales he wanted to become a kind-hearted Emperor as silly as it may sound well that is what he thought at first but things changed when one of the people he loved died in front of him remembering those things still aches Noah a bit but Primo thinks nothing changed at all since for her Noah is still the kind of hearted Master he has always been although he doesn't want to get emotional over some compliment Noah can't help but blush at the fact that someone still thinks he is a good guy he doesn't really know if it is because he has known Primo for a long time but talking to her always makes him feel out of sorts however this is not the time for him to get all emotional starting tomorrow he and Prima will start their training once again the next day prime minister Guilford went on to State his new status report to the Majesty based on the information he heard from his people two people were calling themselves the Phantom Thief Nemesis and the Phantom Thief made manage to wreak havoc within the snow Kingdom and in regards to the two missing bags of gold from the treasury according to the Phantom Thief Nemesis they've returned it all complete hearing this caused the Majesty to smile a bit as it seemed like someone else needed to protect her again but in addition to the prime minister's report in regards to the Troops of the heroic party it seems like they want permission to subjugate the seven demon Lords as the Majesty expected this was no surprise to her anymore considering the heroic party is made up of former members of the Revolutionary Army for her it might have been a bad idea aidea to have prioritized getting as many people as possible no matter how good or bad they are the success of the revolution has gotten to their heads even though they don't have enough to adequately protect their borders since the group doesn't have the time or resources to afford to take such actions the Majesty wants them to stop their plan for now but it seems like this was a bit much for the Majesty so Guilford went on to state that it is her job as a ruler to unite the officials and soldiers so that they could steer the country away from collapse but she doesn't want to rule like Menace who controls his people with fear so Guilford went on to explain that it's not the case at all in fact what he wanted to emphasize was for her to rule with reverence not fear after all a leader must graciously humble oneself after that rather serious conversation the Majesty starts to wonder if the current hero could still fit the role of a revered ruler although At first she believed in such idealistic things especially during the time she led a revolution but since becoming an empress she has fully realized how naive she truly was aside from that this is not what she was hoping to happen at all the new noahic empire fell into chaos shortly after the Evolution the defensive line protected by the demons quickly collapsed there wasn't enough men or supplies to stop the advance of surrounding countries as a result they weren't able to keep up with the situation at all their attacks were not limited to just their borders so they tried sending assassins several times but every time they tried something someone would always save her majesty so if it wasn't for that someone who helped she started to wonder what would happen to her in the new noic Empire that is why she needs to become a revered ruler as soon as possible but it seems like she doesn't know how or even who to trust in fact she finds herself being ruled by fear rather than the other way around that is why she can't help but think that menace's way of ruling might be the way to go after all to free people from Fear she must need to invoke fear herself although she looks rather scared of the next coming times of her life as the new ruler the statement of her savior gives her strength that is why even for once Her Majesty wanted to meet him again the next day Noah wakes up as Primo jumps off of the bed excitedly asking her master to start this day already by the looks of it primo is definitely the type doesn't want to work late so even though he still wants to snooze off a little bit more Noah has no choice but to get up since if he doesn't for sure Primo will keep on bothering him anyways after wreaking havoc within the snow Kingdom yesterday the two have returned the large gold coins to the imperial capital gole by the time they got home it was already midnight so it is no surprise why Noah looks so tired but knowing Primo she wouldn't allow her master to stock off of it to the point that she even warns him that if she doesn't get up she has no choice but to use the ray of instruction before things get out of control Noah stops her and just does what she asks seeing Noah getting up on the bed gets Primo a bit more excited than usual since she already prepared breakfast for both of them she told Noah to come to the dining room after he was done changing so that they could start their day with his vision still a little bit blurry and his feelings a bit fuzzy Noah tries his best to get up from the bed he can't deny the fact that part of him indeed wants to go back to sleep but the crisp clear Breeze gives the morning a nice refreshing feeling that Noah likes so much aside from that by his room window Noah can clearly see how the flowers eir gave him as a housewarming gift is blooming well on top of that the Demonic livestock are running around with so much Vigor as well the fact that they are currently based deep into the unexplored areas of the cannibal forest for sure no one would be able to find them now unlike his previous house which was too close to town that is why it ended up being found by mikin as he learns his lesson this time around Noah decides to move into a more dangerous part of the forest where no person would dare enter but since the town is pretty far from here Noah has no choice but to rely on glossia to come you to work but in exchange it seems like glossia is enjoying his time better than expected maybe because he can spread his wings freely in those areas unlike before these good thoughts gave Noah enough energy to change now that he is fully awake it is time for him to head to the dining room since surely Primo is already waiting for him but the question now is is her cooking even edible considering Noah doesn't remember Primo being a cook at all to his surprise it seems like you fear himself as also cooked something for Noah but as expected she ended up serving an unappetizing food full of only vegetables which Noah obviously didn't like at all however despite hearing Noah's complaints eir went on to state that he should start eating vegetables more often now considering it is healthy and can be one source of life so even though it looks like it's not fresh at all Noah went on to dig in and surprisingly he can't even hide his emotions at all the second he been into it the flavor spread across his pallet an Indescribable smell of raw vegetation flows across his tongue and an earthy Aroma passes through his nose as well but as expected it tastes like raw vegetables no matter how much Noah tried to hide it losing her patient Primo then went on to serve hers as well looking at how confident Primo is Noah is a bit excited about trying out her dish now but it seems like he ended up getting disappointed as soon as he saw that Primo ended up serving him some slimes fresh from the fields Noah started wishing he was just seeing things since he badly hoped PR's dish was half bad than you fears but since it is from Primo he forces himself to take a bite and unsurprised surprisingly it is no better than you fears the dish has that sticky sensation yet a velvety mouth feel the flavors of bitterness and sourness dance hand inand as the two realized Noah didn't like either of their dishes they started feeling down all of a sudden so Noah went on to make them feel better saying that it was his fault for not giving any of the seven demon Lords basic cooking skills however the effort that the two put into making these dishes is plenty enough so even though they both taste equally bad Noah is still thankful for their effort so to make things a bit easier for them all Noah decided to create a house made of his own sulky demons blend in with other servants and do housework in order to create a comfortable nest for themselves in an already settled mansion in addition to housework these demons are the best cooks in the demon realm so Noah is expecting great results from sukki indeed after a couple of minutes or so Suki ended up serving such appetizing Foods on the table as soon as Noah took the first bite the flavor started melting right through his mouth an overflowing Harmony of butter and fluffy egg suddenly completes his whole existence although it is simple looking it still has intricate flavors indeed but that is not it each item is created with unique flavors making it an ideal breakfast Noah would definitely look forward to eating every day that is why from now on Suki will be assigned to handle everyone's meals shocking eir and Primo at the back after their kyotic argument on who's the best cook yuir went on to ask for Noah's permission to allow him to go on patrol through the forest as it turns out there is something strange going on near the Elven Kingdom considering youir himself has heard the screams at the forest from their Direction aside from that the snakes around that area have been acting quite strange as well so you fear thinks there must be something going on based on E's report Noah concludes that it must be the work of the Dragon King ndog now that the seal has been broken there's a big chance the king is planning on destroying IG drazil located within the Elven Kingdom hearing this caused you fear to be amazed by his master's critical thinking skills little did he know Noah had been working behind the scenes already so when the both of them found out they just couldn't help but admire Noah even more but going back if the dragon king is indeed planning on destroying igdrasil the demons could die along with it too after all in the heart of the Elven Kingdom stands the tree of light if this tree were to die so would the world this tree is considered as the heart and lungs of this world its Manet is the source of all magic and life itself therefore if this delicate system breaks this planet will become uninhabitable however if Noah remembers correctly in Reus Noah nit Hog's invasion of the Elven kingdom was meant to be an endgame event so he wonders if his fake death influenced the world this much but that is not the problem for now Noah wants eir to keep his eyes on the dragon Lord's activities and if anything happens eir would need to immediately notify Noah now that is settled it is time for Noah to also do some work on his own while he does his work Primo was left to take care of his house on his way out seeing Primo's smile caused him to be reminded that until now Primo had always been taking care of things by herself so as a gift for her he ended up taking the little girl on an adventurous trip before reaching their destinations Noah reminds Primo that since their identity needs to be kept as much as possible he wants her to behave the best way possible and by that she's not accidentally firing off her Ray of Destruction in town excitedly Primo went on to agree to Noah's orders as soon as they landed in the town Primo couldn't help but get a bit excited seeing her master's workplace gives her a bit of a chill so as a surprise Noah tells her that from now on she as well will start working this place herself but before she celebrates they first need to register her with the adventurer guil but since this is Primo's first time working in such a place she went on to ask Noah what kind of work adventurers do anyway as simple as possible Noah just went on to explain that as an adventurer they need to form a party and gather around the campfire like a party just hearing this makes Primo even more excited while they make their way inside the guild it seems like mikin starts to wonder what the reason why Noah has not shown up for days since he was last seen going for the scash planes they start to think that something bad must have happened because of that mikon can't help but get a bit worried for him since she said this out loud Noah ended up hearing her in the end and just like that mikin ended up blushing from embarrassment so for some time she tries to deny the fact that she has been worried for him however it seems like the receptionist couldn't lie for her sake at all as it turns out Mordin has been asking around town every day looking for Noah everywhere so mordon just reasoned out that if anything bad happens to Noah during his apprenticeship it would be a damage to her reputation and for some reason Noah ended up believing this however for mikin it seems like she sees Noah teasing her for some reason so as the argument intensifies Primo steps in stopping the two from bickering hearing Noah call her his master shocked mikant but instead of asking Noah about it she ended up concluding that Noah must be like those other men out there so to avoid any misunderstanding Noah went on to explain everything to her not that he was going to tell her the full truth though after a couple minutes of discussion mordon finally grasps the whole situation based on what Noah told her he decided to go to the skach plains to see some armies and when he arrived the fighting was already over that is why he ended up visiting some relatives who lived nearby he also made up a story about Primo being his relative who happens to love pretending to be made but in the end wanted to become an adventurer that is why he ended up deciding to bring her along although Mordin is not sure whether Noah is trying to convince her with that story but it doesn't seem like Primo is against it so for now she would Grant Primo's request to become a registered Adventurer herself since she's relatively new she'll be starting at rank G just like Noah as mikin went on to check her stats she was quite amazed at Primo's description until she read her occupation it seems like Primo is still hooked on the idea that she is a maid so she ends up using it as a real profession so as a friendly advice M Gooden tells her that an adventurer's occupation is very important when it comes to forming a party since it is uncommon to see people unable to form parties and be judged solely on the basis of their occupation Mordin asks Primo to change her occupation for now however it seems like Mordin has no plans on doing so since Noah already promised to take her into the group this caused mord to get shocked a bit it seemed like Noah had planned this from the start so if Prima were to join them this means mikin will have another Apprentice on her hand but since it can't be helped considering Primo has already gone this far mikin has no choice but to accept her but in exchange once she reaches rank e she will no longer go to be considered a trainee with that said from this point onwards Mordin would be extra strict in training the two for today they will be learning how to take down monsters although they seem weak the two shouldn't be deceived considering these monsters are still demons after all so as much as possible they must not let their guard down since this is Primo's first time training Miko didn't allowed her to fight in her comfortable range so proudly Primo went on to state that she is pretty good at cleaning causing Miken to laugh a little bit little did she know Primo's cleaning attack has the ability to One-Shot s-rank demons while they are discussing they happen to hear some adventurers fighting nearby immediately the three went on to rush to get to where the adventurers were before one of the Golems can even hurt one of the adventurers Mikan steps in to help using her light lightning wall as soon as she finished killing the Golem she went on to heal the girl's wounds after that brief fight seeing Miken go amazes Primo so much after all among all the characters one can recruit in resist Noah mikin is among the top three strongest characters in the game the source of her strength lies in her unique skill in costume change if trained properly there's enough Firepower to take down even Primo single-handedly considering how often Noah saw her unique skill in the game that is why he is hoping to see it in real life too so to see it himself Noah ended up improvising casting a monster out of nowhere causing mikin to show off her unique skill and oh God is it indeed Kawai as soon as she finishes her pose with her shiny new costume she goes on to tell the monster to prepare for battle but for some reason it seems like she is blushing from embarrassment because of her sudden transformation but based on the looks of it Noah and Primo are quite amazed at the back of his mind this is mik's girl mode he was fully aware that her costume change skill allowed her to become a magical girl for 3 minutes but the game doesn't convey the same level of discomfort as seeing it in real life so that is maybe the reason why she is so embarrassed about it so to make her feel a bit good Prima went on to tell her that her outfit is actually quite cute on her but since Primo is quite innocent about it she goes in asks just why mikin even changed her clothes since mikin doesn't want to explain anymore she just tries to send off her anger to the forest wolf with just one blow of her magic wand things really went pretty well at this point Primo's admiration for her powers grew even more it seems like in her magical girl mode all of her stats are buffed plus she's able to use her demon kamikazi skill as well this would allow her to bypass any defense Buffs and deal extra damage most of Reza know as enemies are demons for that reason with her demon kamakazi skill Bodin becomes a major threat to essentially all enemies in the game in addition mordin's attribute is light which is super effective against dark type attribute enemies on top of that light has a very high resistance to dark type attacks so technically she is a light magical girl who specializes in defeating demons to a dark type attribute demon user like Noah so this would be as bad of a matchup as one could imagine so Noah starts to think that it is so bad the players of reist Noah called her Mena defeating machine and official bailout character for noobs or even menas killing woman but although that really is a pain for Noah he still wonders just how long she plans on wearing her outfit anyways well as it turns out her skill has a time limit she needs to wait at least 3 minutes before she can change back to her original outfit so when the other adventurers saw her mikin just couldn't hold it anymore at this point she you can't take it anymore as she nags around complaining about how much of a pain it is to see her in that state the three girls suddenly got paralyzed by the snake glare as it turns out there is a giant snake lurking around a B- ranked demon with a paralysis skill snake's glare however this made me Gorden wonder how does a B- ranked demon get here this Forest isn't a suitable magical area for such demons so just like what you said something strange must be going on now that they are already surrounded all of them get to their focus modes even though the snakes are so close to to them Noah feels no hostility or killing intent from them at all aside from that giant snakes don't usually form groups in the wild so there's no way though snakes would have been able to coordinate such Collective Behavior unless someone is manipulating them and it seems like Noah was not wrong at all all of a sudden the snakes start to deliver a message saying that their master's name was nidhog the Dragon King destined to destroy this world
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 165,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: 5yUhyPeQvjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 17sec (4517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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