This is Why Zoro is Going to Fight Kizaru! (One Piece Prediction)

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what's going on everybody it's your boys are ordinary AKA just ordinary so since chapter 1069 when we found out that gizaru was on his way to Egghead Island just like everybody else I've also been thinking about who kizar was gonna fight now and later on in the story in the one piece Community this topic is very controversial because you have two sides of the spectrum you have those who think Zorro is going to be the one to fight kizaru and then you have those who think Sanji is going to be the one matched up with him so in this video I'm gonna explain why Zorro is going to be the one to fight kizaru and not Sanji the first piece of evidence I want to bring forth and I know many of you have already had this in mind but Zorro and kizaro have history together in chapter 511 when the straw hats were cornered by kizarro in the Marines kizaru targets Zorro specifically and was just seconds away from killing the future world's strongest swordsman but luckily Rayleigh was there to save him I bring this moment up because it was very specific to Zoro I think Oda deliberately had kizaru only target Zoro and nobody else in the straw hats to hint at the future matchup between the two of them since then besides Luffy none of the other straw hats have had any encounters with kizaru the second piece of evidence I want to bring is the fact that kizaru throughout the series has always fought the right hand man of the respective Crew He was engaging from dark King Rayleigh the right hand man of gold D Roger in sabahori to Marco the first commander of the Whitebeard pirates in marineford where him and kizaru had fought and engaged each other on multiple occasions throughout the ark ending in kizaro being able to put seastone handcuffs on Marco with a little help kizaru and marineford even had a short confrontation between the right hand of Shang Ben Beckman none of kizaru's matchups seem to just be randomly placed in the story it looks more as if Oda is trying to tell us readers that when it comes to fighting the right hands of pirate Crews kizaru is the man for the job and this isn't taking away from his strength either because he's also just like Zoro he isn't afraid to go after the captains which we saw when he attacked Whitebeard and was prepared to head over to wano to fight big mom and kaido and this brings me to my third piece of evidence and that is kizaru is portrayed to Encompass the right hand man spot in the Navy if we look at chapter 550 kizarro is seen on the right side of a kainu who was soon to become the current Marine Fleet Admiral I believe this was done to symbolize kizaru's role in the Navy Akainu being in the middle symbolizing his leadership role and being the central figure aokiji being on the left could be referencing his opposition and disagreement of akinu's ideologies and then kizaru on the right symbolizing his alignment and loyalty to a kind name also kizaru compared to current Admirals is the only one to be seen beside a kainu Boda even drew a cover page in chapter 592 with a kainu and kizaru in the same vicinity as each other even though this is just the cover page and they're literally just playing around with a bonsai tree I'd like to assume that there's a deeper meaning behind it also when the big mom and kaido Alliance had formed we saw kizaru in a kainu discussing and talking about it without any other animals being there it just goes to show how much trust a kainu has in kizaru now in regards with the two newer Admirals starting with fujitora him and Akainu actually butt heads more often than not because of their conflicting personalities and sense of justice which are complete opposites and removes him from being the supposed right-hand man to Akainu the only other Admiral you might be able to make a case for is Greenville because of his admiration for Akainu but even still green bull clearly still trying to prove himself which isn't a quality of a right-hand man the way akinu talked talks to him it's as if he doesn't 100 trust or think he can rely on him he has to sort of baby green ball and make sure he doesn't do anything too risky or crazy and this is the complete opposite of kizaru because it's clear that him and Akainu although having different senses of Justice one being absolute Justice and the other being lazy Justice they don't actually conflict with each other and they have similar mindsets which was shown in chapter 1069 where Akainu was asking where kizaru was but finding out that kizaru had already left an egghead Island meaning that Akainu and kizaru were on the same page and think very similarly and akizaru knows what is expected of him we also have to take into account that kizar was held the Admiral position much longer than fujitor and Greenbow so it wouldn't make much sense for either of them to surpass gizaru in Authority sort of like how because Zorro has been on the crew the longest and you could say is without a doubt the second strongest on the crew he is only second to to Luffy in Authority which gets me to the next point I want to make when it comes to strength I think a lot of people can agree with me that kizarro is most likely the second strongest force in the Navy only behind the kainu he has defeats the devil fruit and the speed to back it all up now I don't want to make this a house strongest kizarro video so if you are interested in that you can go check out my video on how strong I think kizaro is now if we take kizaru being the right hand man of Akainu and being the second strongest in the group these two alone is really all we need to prove that Zoro is going to fight him because throughout the entire story Zoro is only put in two situations a fights the strongest opponent for a bit which we saw in our Long Park when Zoro thought are long Fishman Island when he fought hordi Thriller bark when he fought Kuma and wanna when he fought kaido alongside Luffy in the other Supernova and B which is the most applicable in this situation because I don't think Zorro is going to be fighting Akainu and that is him usually fighting the second strongest the crew who is usually the Vice Captain or right hand man Oda isn't gonna all of a sudden have Sanji take out the second strongest character there when Zorro has always been the one to fight and defeat the second strongest and let's face it the only reason people are assuming that Sanji is going to be the one to fight kizaru is because the super speed upgrade that he tamed when fighting queen and the short little anime Clash that Sanjay and kizaru had in one of the openings we are well aware that the producers do know more about the series than us I highly doubt they're gonna spoil the Admiral matchups for the monster Trio hundreds of chapters beforehand this may seem off topic it still correlates with the topic at hand here and that is the chances that fujitoro might not be in the Navy by the time the straw hats go to war with the world government and rather be on the opposite side during the war there is a theory out there that fujitora is most likely a sword member just like X Drake and Kobe who are confirmed the members and this would make a lot of sense because of fujitor's inflicting moral compass with that of a kindness and the world government even though I do really want to see fujitora and the Zorro matchup I think it's becoming more and more unlikely as time passes so what I actually think is that mihawk is going to be the one to defeat fujitora which you can also check out my theory on that on my channel so I'm gonna be assuming that fujitora is out of question for Admiral matchups at the end of the series when the straw hats fight the Marines now that we know that Saturn and kizaru are together and on their way to Egghead Island this means that we have an extra opponent thrown into the mix of an already large cast of characters in The Egghead island arc so before when we all thought that it was only kizarro on his way it was presumed that he would be the one to fight Luffy because kizar would technically be the strongest opponent on the island which would mean that Luffy would most likely be the one to face off with him but with the addition of one of the gorosei with his Saturn and the fact that Oda left both Luffy and Zoro together it's looking more and more likely that Zoro is going to be the one to face off with kizaru in this Arc because my opinion Saturn might actually be equal in strength or stronger than the Admirals I know there are some out there that believe that the gorus say are nothing more than political figures and aren't meant to be top-tier Fighters but I have to respectfully disagree I think it's more likely that they're going to be some of the strongest characters in the series to me it would make absolutely no sense for them to be weak the fact that some of them have scars like Saturn and the gorus say with the comb over and Doug Dimmadome you also have the Gandhi looking gorse who always carries around the sword now if he wasn't a fighter why would he be carrying it around everywhere he even dresses very similarly to the people of wano and fujitora who are known to be Warriors and Samurai's so I think Oda purposefully separated the rest of the straw hats from Luffy and Zoro so that Saturn and kizaru can face off with the two of them now I don't think Luffy and Zora are going to necessarily defeat them here I'm assuming that it's only gonna lead to a few clashes and maybe Luffy gets a good hit in on Saturn which might result in the world government going crazy over the situation most likely we're just gonna get a taste of what set to come later on in the series so I'm really hoping that Zoro and kizarro fight because let's be honest they have the history they have the background they have the similarities while Sanji on the other hand beside kizaru using his leg every now and then and being super fast there isn't much substance there for them to even fight but anyways let me know in the comment section down below who you think is going to fight kizaru and if you think it's Sanji let me know why you think it's going to be Sandy like I see a lot of people just saying Sandy okay but why Sandy but yeah so make sure to like subscribe and I'll catch y'all in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: ZorOrdinary
Views: 10,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YcptEJs8NBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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