How One Piece Will End.

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We might already know what the One Piece  is and where is it hidden, because i found   the X best theories about the big treasure Luffy  is trying to find in order to become pirate king.  Starting with a theory that has actually  already been confirmed, in case you don’t know,   the only person that has ever discovered the  one piece so far was the former pirate king gol   D roger on a island that is almost impossible to  reach and that most people don't even know about.   But if Roger discovered the One Piece first, who  put it there in the first place? There were tons   of theories about this, until Eiichiro Oda,  the author of One Piece, confirmed that the   legendary One Piece treasure was created  by a mysterious character called Joy Boy. Joy Boy was a legendary character who lived  800 years ago who is still super mysterious,   but hugely important to the world of  One Piece. To find Joy Boy’s treasure,   the One Piece, Roger had to read these  ancient, nearly indecipherable artifacts   called Poneglyphs. If a pirate can find all  4 of the Red “Road” Poneglyphs, the road to   the final treasure will be unlocked.  After Roger found Joy Boy’s treasure,   he laughed uncontrollably, and the island that  held the treasure became known as “Laugh Tale” So what is it? Well this next theory says that **The  One Piece is the Devil Fruit Tree.** The main power system in One  Piece are the devil fruits,   magical fruits that when eaten give a  person unbelievable powers. However,   we still don’t know where these  devil fruits come from. How are they   made? Where do they come from? Why is it that a  person who eats one is cursed to never swim again? Someone who found such a treasure and  had access to tons and tons of super rare   devil fruits could form a supremely  powerful crew. If an evil pirate,   such as Luffy’s main rival, Blackbeard, were  to find the tree that grew every devil fruit,   his crew would become nearly unstoppable as  he spread chaos and war throughout the world. We still have so many questions about  devil fruits, so maybe we’ll finally   get an answer at the end of the series.  Maybe Laugh Tale contains a giant tree   that grows the devil fruits. After all, the  devil fruits might not just be an awesome   power system - they might be tied into  all of the complex history of the whole   One Piece world. That would be crazy, but  a big theory that would be less crazy is… that **The One Piece is Nothing** Now, I know this sounds super anticlimactic -  but hear me out. Some fans think that when Luffy   finally reaches Laugh Tale, he’ll open a treasure  chest to reveal…nothing at all. If this were true,   fans the world over would descend upon  the Internet overflowing with pure rage. However, people who predict that the One  Piece might be nothing at all have some   solid evidence to support their theory.  All the way back in the East Blue Saga,   on the Island of Rare Animals, the early members  of the crew met a character named Gaimon. While almost every part of the East Blue  Saga serves to set up the larger story,   the Gaimon arc - which is really just  a single chapter - feels a bit out of   place. Everywhere else, we gain a crew  mate or meet an antagonist who still   plays a role in the story. However, Gaimon’s  chapter just seems like a random side quest. Gaimon is a man with a large bushy  green afro who sought a treasure at   the top of a high cliff. However, after  falling during his climb to the top,   he landed and became permanently lodged inside  a treasure chest. After waiting for 20 years,   Luffy investigates the treasure at the top of the  cliff…only to find five empty treasure chests. Given that Gaimon and Luffy have a lengthy  conversation in the chapter about the One   Piece treasure as a whole, could this be  foreshadowing for the end of the series as   a whole? Did Oda hide the answer to the One Piece  in plain sight all the way back in Chapter 22? Gaimon’s real treasure wasn’t gold. It was  his hope. It was his dream. In the same way,   the pirates of the One Piece world have set to  the sea in pursuit of their dreams - a life of   adventure is a worthy endeavor regardless  of any tangible outcome in the end. Gaimon,   despite not becoming rich, became the  guardian and friend of the rare animals   on his island. But if there are clues  for that at the beginning of the story,   then something that seems more likely given the  HUGE reveals Oda’s been dropping lately is that… **The**   ****************************************************************One  Piece is the Ancient   Kingdom**************************************************************** On the other side of things, the One Piece  treasure may be the remains of the Ancient   Kingdom. We still don’t know a lot about the  Ancient Kingdom - we don’t even know its name,   but what we do know is that the Ancient Kingdom   was an advanced civilization  that lived over 800 years ago. The organization that controls the One Piece  world known as the World Government originated   as 40 nations who came together to overthrow  the Ancient Kingdom. After the Ancient Kingdom   was destroyed, the World Government  erased the history of its existence.   They completely destroyed all traces of an  entire century called the “Void Century.” However, if the One Piece ends up being the  remains of this ancient kingdom, then the whole   history will finally be revealed. The characters  will learn all there is to know about the Ancient   Kingdom, Joy Boy, and the Void Century. And it  will finally be revealed how the World Government   took power in the first place and what their true  ambitions are. This would set us up perfectly for   a final battle against the World Government. And  while that does seem like an awesome final battle,   maybe the treasure is something that more  lines up with the themes of the story. Such as… **The** **One Piece is the  friends they made along the way** The idea that One Piece is the adventure itself  or all the friends Luffy made along the way is   another big theory. This one is very similar to  the idea that the One Piece is “nothing” as well. And while it would be disappointing,  this theory has some valid evidence,   too. The biggest evidence for this theory  comes from an arc called Sabaody Archipelago   when Silvers Rayleigh, the 1st mate  of the pirate king Gol D. Roger,   straight up offered to spoil the end of the story.  Rayleigh, who would later become Luffy’s mentor,   told the crew that he could tell them all  about the secrets of the One Piece. Usopp   was all too ready to hear the truth of the  great treasure, but Luffy quickly shut him up. To Luffy, finding the treasure had no worth at  all if he took a shortcut. To him the thrill   of adventure, the journey itself, is just as  worthy as any physical treasure he could obtain. After all, no matter what the One Piece is,  some fans will probably be disappointed in   the end result. But whatever lies at the  end of the Grand Line doesn’t erase how   much joy we’ve had as fans in getting to know  these characters and following their story. However, there’s some good news for fans who  would be majorly disappointed if the One Piece   turned out to be nothing at all or adventure or  friendship. Eiichiro Oda has actually gone on   record stating that the One Piece is a physical  treasure. Fans asked him directly if the One   Piece would turn out to be the friends they made  along the way and he explicitly turned them down. Instead of becoming pirate king by  the way, my personal journey to reach   1.000.000 subscribers this year seems  almost impossible and is only possible   with your help. So if you want to see  more of this type of content and want   to be a part of this crazy journey of  ours, all you have to his subscribe. But if it’s not the friends we  made along the way, then maybe… ********************************************************The  One Piece is…One   Piece******************************************************** As in, the One Piece is the actual story we’re  reading. Okay, now this one is crazy. In fact,   my brain hurts a little just thinking  about it. But at the same time it’s one   of the coolest theories out there. Now, we don’t necessarily mean that   Roger was just sitting on Laugh Tale reading  manga volumes. Maybe the epic tale that is the   One Piece story is written on the unbreakable  Poneglyphs that keep the historical record of   the Ancient Kingdom. After all it seems like  a “tale” or story that makes Roger “laugh.” Roger comments on the treasure saying that  he wishes he could have lived in Joy Boy’s   time and that he was “too early” getting  to Laugh Tale for some mysterious reason.   There’s actually a big prophecy that says  Joy Boy will return - and all hints point   to Luffy being the reincarnation of  Joy Boy…whatever that exactly means. One Piece is a hilarious manga so it would  definitely make Roger laugh. In addition,   the narrator often sounds like they’re telling the  story from some future point, so perhaps someone   will write the story or add to the story that’s  already there and leave it on Laugh Tale. The One   Piece treasure is likely something that can unite  the whole world, and nothing can bring people   together like a great story. So maybe the story  of Luffy’s adventures, either through prophecy or   through some weird time travel stuff, is the One  Piece. And speaking of weird time travel stuff… ********************************************************The  One Piece is Time   Travel******************************************************** We already know that a character named Toki ate   the Time-Time fruit. This allows  her to jump forward in time,   but not backwards. What if the One Piece is  something that *can* travel backwards in time? This is a very crazy idea, but what if  Luffy isn’t a reincarnation of Joy Boy   at all. What if he time travels back to the Void  Century and he’s actually the original Joy Boy,   too? After all with the introduction of the  character Toki and her devil fruit ability,   time travel is now a real power in the story. By going back and changing history, Luffy  could prevent all the suffering the World   Government caused throughout the  centuries instead of just making   things better for people in the present.  That’s why Roger laughed at his story. Why   he wished he could have met joy boy and  why he said that he was too early. Luffy   wasn’t born yet. But if that theory’s a bit  too crazy for you, here’s a more tame one:  **************************************************************************************************************** **The One Piece is just a bunch of treasure** Now we come to what most pirates in the  One Piece world *think* the One Piece is:   a bunch of treasure. Gold, jewels, riches, and  valuables. You know, a stereotypical pirate horde.  And you can’t blame them for thinking this -  I mean, Roger has Gold in his name. His ship,   the “Oro” Jackson uses the  Spanish word for gold, “Oro.” However, what the leagues of pirates who set  out to find his treasure fail to recognize   is that Roger isn’t your typical pirate - his  treasure is almost certainly not just monetary,   especially now that we have seen Roger’s  reaction to Laugh Tale and received many   hints about the Void Century, Joy Boy, and  the Ancient Kingdom. Much more likely is   that Roger’s “treasure” is something related  to the great mysteries of the One Piece world. As disappointed as money-loving Nami will be if  she doesn’t find wealth beyond her imagination,   the fanbase certainly won’t be if it’s  something a lot deeper than that. And as   hyped as Oda gets about this final reveal, even  stating the series will end once it’s revealed,   it just makes us more excited  to reach the finale. For years,   the fanbase assumed that finding the One Piece  would then set off the final war. The author’s   recent comments would suggest, though, that  finding the One Piece actually will mark   the end of the series instead. Whatever it is,  Oda must imagine it will be quite the pay off. **The One Piece is on the Moon** Now we’re going to get into some wilder theories.  But the thing is: This is Oda we’re talking about.   Whatever the One Piece is is going to be wild. So  even though these ideas might seem out there at   first, they’re probably a lot *more* likely  than the theories we’ve already gone over. Starting with: the One Piece is on  the Moon. I guess this is more about   “where” the One Piece is than “what”  the One Piece is, but hear me out. There’s something going on with the Moon in One  Piece. The members of the mink race have powerful   Sulong transformations that depend on it. They  can only transform into this form during the   full moon. On the island of Ohara, there  was a Celestial Model with seven moons.   The Sun God Nika is pictured jumping  in front of it. Lunarians, like King,   are named after it given the “Luna” in their  name. And most of all, we’ve seen from Enel,   one of Luffy’s former enemies from SKypiea,  go to the moon. Enel’s cover story shows that   there are remains of a civilization on the moon  as well as space pirates and an army of robots. Clearly the moon is going to play  a role in the story at some point,   so could it be that the reason Laugh  Tale is so elusive is because it’s   been in outer space the whole time?  On the moon, Enel found ruins that   seemed to depict the winged races of the One  Piece world as well as the ancient weapons. If the Straw Hats end up there,  they could learn the full truth   of the Ancient Kingdom and the Void  Century from the remnants of the Lunar   Civilization - that truth itself could  very well be the One Piece. However,   there are some other crazy locations  where the One Piece could be located: **********************************************One  Piece is in a   Whale********************************************** Maybe one of the reasons it’s so hard for  pirates to find the One Piece is because it   doesn’t stay in one place. This theory states  that the treasure is actually inside the belly   of a giant whale. As mentioned earlier,  when the crew first entered the Grand Line,   the most dangerous sea in One Piece, their  ship was swallowed by the whale Laboon. Inside, they weren’t digested  thankfully. Instead they found   themselves in a very pleasant environment,  as the Roger’s doctor Crocus had taken up   living inside Laboon so that he could more  easily treat Laboon’s medical problems. What if the beginning of the Straw Hat crew’s  journey in the Grand Line is a mirror image of   the end? What if once again they have to  go into the belly of a whale in order to   find the One Piece treasure? But that’s not the  only place where the One Piece could be hiding: **One Piece is beneath Enies Lobby** During the Enies Lobby arc, the Straw  Hats take on the World Government at   their main judicial center. Enies Lobby  is a very peculiar island. It is always   day time there. And despite being  located in the middle of the ocean,   there is a massive hole in the middle of  the sea that Enies Lobby is built above. What’s at the bottom of this hole? Where does it  go? Well, according to this theory it might just   be the One Piece itself. After all, what better  way could the World Government prevent people   from finding the treasure than building one of  their main bases right on top of it? After all,   only the Straw Hats are insane enough  to launch an all out assault against   this government island. But now let’s get  back to what the One Piece actually is: **One Piece is Bink’s Sake** This theory for the One Piece was  popularized by another YouTuber,   Artur, and it utilizes the fact that the lyrics  to Bink’s Sake seem to hold a lot of clues as   to the truth of the One Piece. Bink’s Sake  is a popular song among pirates that Brook,   the ship’s musician sings, when he’s first  recruited to the crew. The Bink’s Sake song   hints at the drums of liberation and the  coming of the Dawn - both ideas that keep   recurring throughout the story. So the song  also seems to be hinting at Joyboy’s return. This theory also makes a guess at what  Luffy and Roger’s secret dream is. On Wano,   it’s revealed through Oden’s journal  and Ace’s conversations with Yamato,   that both pirates share a secret dream  that for now is hidden from the audience. One popular guess for this dream is that Luffy’s  dream is to throw a party where everyone in the   world is invited. After all, after every arc,  he loves to celebrate with a huge party. He   thinks everyone should be able to eat and drink  as much as they want and make “merry” so to speak. Luffy’s dream to become a pirate in the first  place was inspired by Shanks’s celebrations at the   aptly named…Party’s Bar - which would make this  reveal foreshadowed in a way from chapter one. And what do you need to throw a  party for the whole world? Well,   you’re going to need a whole lot of sake.  Specifically, Bink’s Sake would be a jug of   sake big enough that all the world could party  together - coming together as “one piece.” And when we think of how important the exchange  of sake cups between Ace, Sabo, and Luffy is,   this giant party would be like Luffy - or Joyboy  - exchanging sake cups and becoming like family   to everyone across the world’s oceans. And  speaking of joining the world’s oceans: **One Piece is destroying the Red Line** This theory says that One Piece isn’t an object:  it’s an action. Specifically, the One Piece refers   to joining the world’s oceans together into  “One Piece” by destroying the Red Line itself. Currently the people of the world are  separated from each other and the only   way for them to travel elsewhere is to brave the  treacherous oceans. Not only would merging the   seas together make the oceans into “One Piece”,  it would bring the world’s people together too. What’s the evidence for this being the One  Piece, though? Well, think back to the first   chapter after the Straw Hat crew entered the  Grand Line. When they met the whale Laboon,   what was he doing (other than eating their  ship)? Well, Laboon was repeatedly bashing   his head against the Red Line, leaving it  covered in scars, in an effort to reunite   with his long lost crewmates - who we later found  out to be the ship’s skeleton musician, Brook. Our next clue comes from the Fishman Island Arc  - which is exactly one half of the Grand Line   away from Reverse Mountain. On Fishman  Island an accomplished fortune teller,   Madame Sharly, predicts that  Luffy will destroy Fishman Island. The prediction doesn’t come true during the  arc, but she’s never missed a prediction yet,   so Luffy likely will cause the  destruction of Fishman Island   before the end of the series. It just  so happens that the Red Line and the   World Government capital of Mariejois are  situated directly above Fishman Island. If he were to destroy Mariejois  and the entire Red Line,   it would collapse upon Fishman  Island destroying it. However,   by making use of the giant ship the Noah, the  Fishmen might be able to finally make their   home on the surface of the world instead  of being forced to live beneath the sea. Destroying the Red Line would also help many of   the Straw Hats fulfill their ultimate  dreams. If the seas were all combined,   it would form the All Blue for Sanji. Brook  would be reunited with Laboon. Franky could   freely voyage around the world and Nami  could reach any sea to draw her maps. And this theory in particular has a lot  of evidence speaking for it. It’s a crazy   story that involves Oars, Greek Mythology and  the true history of the one piece world. So I   really recommend you check that video  out right here. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 781,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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