This is Why You Never Run Extended Oil Change Intervals on The Ford Ecoboost Engines!

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foreign so as you can see behind me here I've been changing out a lot of engines recently some Transmissions some transfer cases but a lot of engines and a lot of it is due to lack of Maintenance and that's we're gonna go over today we're gonna show you one good example on this three five EcoBoost right here but some they are due to engineering defects straight from Ford from the factory like this 2.0 right here 63 000 miles on it 2017 Fusion Ford told no pound sand and take it somewhere and fix it yourself at 63 000 miles and then we have uh the uh 5.0 back here that has tulip valves in it uh 175 000 miles that was another engineering defect in the early 5.0s so we're changing that out but the one I want to talk about today is this three five liter right here so this engine has like 224 000 miles on it yeah it's a good amount of miles but the EcoBoost engines the three fives they can last 300 000 and Beyond as long as you maintain them uh so we're gonna go over to it we're gonna look at the engine real quick on here and then we're going to look at the turbos over here uh and how they failed so basically what's happening is that the customer was relying on the uh oil filter minder in the cluster telling him when to change the oil I don't care what anybody says what kind of will you use you want to change the oil full synthetic oil on an EcoBoost every 5 000 miles if not sooner why because there's a lot of blow-by there's a lot of wear to the chain and the components inside of there and that's the whole reason why they came out with the SN plus SP oil spec is because the EcoBoost engines are putting such a demand on today's oils they need to introduce a new oil spec to support the engines because they were failing because the amount of soot that gets past the Rings uh low tension uh compression Rings stuff like that on there that are causing a real issue with these engines so if you maintain the oil and change it out instead of letting it circulate in there on that soot which can't get filtered out because if it did it would get the filter would get plugged real quick if you change the oil itself out nice good drain out of there you're starting off fresh no fine abrasive material from the soot in there to start wearing out chain links Etc in there so it all comes down to maintenance on there but in this case the three five EcoBoost uh the customer brought to a shop I thought it was knowledgeable and they they basically failed him so we're going to show you today what they did wrong and what caused this engine replacement right here on this 2015 Ford Expedition 3.5 liter ecoboost engine let's take a look all right let's take a look at this engine and see why it failed so again it's a 3.5 liter ecoboost engine right around 224 000 miles on it and looking at it with valve covers off you can see the oil isn't exactly been maintained too well so the customer did what he thought was right he was following what the instrument cluster said the intelligent whale life monitor built into the cluster and he changed it whenever the cluster told him to change it otherwise he didn't even think about it so as you can imagine it was an extended oil change intervals on here that led to the demise of this engine so it doesn't look so bad with the varnish on here but once you start getting into critical areas like oh I don't know the turbo oil feed screens on here you can see Houston we got a problem uh so you can see the oil feed screens are completely plugged on here let me get you focused there you go so you can see the screens are plugged due to oil breakdown attaching to the screen on there and you can see how they're squished like that that they're sucking in uh due to the oil on there the oil not being able to get through the screen so they're really bad on here you can see them on both sides they're really bad they're plugged up they're sucked in and it was starving the turbos of oil by comparison when I do turbo manifolds or coolant fitting which are all common failures with the turbos on these engines I always change the filters out on here and this is generally how they look and you can see right through it right it's just a screen all right let's try and protect the turbos and this is how they normally look obviously plenty of oil can get through there and the turbos never have a problem when you start running extended intervals like this guy did we start plugging up that screen and the oil flow to the turbo the way you think's gonna happen next the turbo is going to fail so these turbos they get they run really hot especially on the turbine side here and they can run up to 185 000 RPMs on the EcoBoost engines so it's a really high RPM on there and they rely on a film of oil constantly going through it for not only lubrication but also provides a cooling effect to the turbine housing on this side so it's very very important to have that good oil flow to the turbos so what happened with this engine is it wasn't main it may maintained exactly properly you know to spec and this turbo right here in the passenger side failed first okay and it failed and they popped on a new turbo and down the road he went they never changed the screen on there so guess what happened down the road it failed again now this side the screen also plugged and this one also failed this one I believe was original this was a replacement and this one failed big time so if you look down inside of here we're looking through to the compressor wheel right here okay and I'm gonna go on the back side here I'm gonna spin the turbine wheel they're connected by a shaft and you can see all the damage first off on the Wheel you can see all of it from contacting the housing stuff like that look at that I mean it's ready to just let go on there splitting been contacting all that stuff and it's due to the lack of oil inside of there let me get you focused again and all this radio play you see it so there's some axial play on there but a lot of radio play and that's where it's contacting the housing because it's just so worn out now so the bearings even on a brand new turbo they'll have some radio play okay very small amount perfectly normal once the pressurizer will they flow perfectly within the housing really fast and they do not contact the housing this one you can see boom contacts it so these are binding and sticking and throwing all kinds of stuff throughout the intercooler setup on there lots of metal and what's worse is that this one especially was just dumping oil out the turbine side on here tons of oil you can see I mean it's just dripping out of the exhaust so this one the oil feed that was coming to it just basically um took all that oils coming into it and shot out the exhaust on there dumping it burning it and this engine got down to two quarts of oil when the spec is six on here front wheel change Price 6.57 dry so down to two quarts of oil the engine the mains the rods all that stuff is going to start to fail and it's just a domino effect after that so the main point of this video is yes you want to maintain this engine you want to stick to 5 000 mile intervals on there you can obviously see why looking at the more critical areas and the fine areas I'm sorry for the focusing issues we'll get it fixed though there we go so you're looking at more of the critical fine screened areas like this and the vcts and you can see the amount I've hardened up look at that oil on there you see some metal that's from the engine failing uh but what I'm talking about is everything that's plugged up on here see that and you'll see it over here and these screens are even finer look at that these are even finer than the screens on the oil feeds so yes in order to avoid all kinds of issues with this engine even premature chain stretch you want to maintain the oil but also the bigger point of this video is if you're going in for Turbo work on one of these engines you're probably going to go in at some point in time sooner than later because the coolant fittings right here and the back side they like to fail okay and and leak coolant so you probably ain't going to get those changed too and then later uh the manifolds they like to pop studs on them and start causing an exhaust leak and in order to get to the manifold you got to pull the turbos off whenever you go in for any kind of service where Turbo is going to be removed for one reason or another insist that you get these filters changed out you want to change them out looking like this still flowing clear you don't want to wait until it gets to this point right here because nothing was getting that turbo and that's why they failed big time on these two that's the whole point of this video because this is not talked about enough and this is a critical Lifeline to these turbos and make them last if you maintain the filters and the oil and everything else these turbos will latch just as long as the engine 300 000 miles plus trust me I've seen it but you got to maintain the oil and when you're going into shops stuff like that for other work you must be knowledgeable about your engine and insist on certain parts like this being replaced because you know what a lot of shops a lot of text they're lazy this pipe is down and out of the way they pull off the turbo they get to the manifold whatever else this pipe is down and out of the way they never touch it and this just pushes into it and pushes in the block over there and they never touch it they don't want to touch it because they'll bend it back and out of there to get to this fitting on here and they don't want to touch it because then you gotta change the fitting and it costs more money and it's not in their budget and guess what now you're going to pay for it down the road with turbo replacement or in this case spectacular failure and engine replacement too it's not cheap guys that's all for now I just wanted to really Hammer that home because it's not talked about enough that's all for now see you guys next time
Channel: FordTechMakuloco
Views: 326,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FordTechMakuloco, ford, fix, problem, repair
Id: eHPSgqipk-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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