6 Days at SEA for Once in Lifetime Catch! GIANT Cubera Snapper (Catch Clean Cook)

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[Music] five separate trips spanning 24 days and thousands of casts later have led me to this story as fishermen we all have that one bucket list fish rewarded by the journey and humbled by The Pursuit fooling a trophy kubera Snapper on an artificial lure has been a lifelong goal of mine over the next six days my buddy Ryan and I will challenge ourselves to catch some of Panama's most elusive game Fish on nothing but artificial Blues I've had the privilege of fishing in Panama five times now but one fish has always eluded me until now join us as we fish some of Panama's most remote Coastline and tame Panama's ultimate on the sixth day he gave us a coopera up [Music] it is [Music] the big ones yeah like two two to three hundred pounds November in June May you said you want your best shot of kaveras come in May okay now but I'm not I'm not rigging anything I'm good I must add sponsors him I'm pumped so first morning at the Panna fishing lodge we got a week full of good fish bro time I don't know what else we could ask for yeah no girls on this trip man no rules Ryan's afraid of the leaves yes no that's what he was saying he said everything's Brown you'll see in the morning this is our third time back to this Lodge and we've always taken a different route to get to the beach because they have what's called a northern wind here and it still hasn't switched over like they're spring summer season hasn't switched over to that and if you look over everything is dry and dead Panama has a really distinct rainy season that kind of starts like at the end of March and goes until October I'd say but it has not started yet everything is super brown but we are in the middle of a rainforest essentially it's very interesting to see the environment change because I've been here three different times a year in November so at the end of the rainy season in the middle of it in June and then now is May like the transition of it so just always interesting to see how places change but we came here based on the recommendation of our captain last time and he's been fishing these Waters since he was I don't know like a young child and he's yeah he's in his 50s now and he's been a captain here for over 20 years and he said May is his favorite month to fish so that's why we decided to come and get in May so if you guys want to see where we're on on a map so we're like in the little pit of Panama in the very Southeast corner I would say in a town called padassi or pedesty I think they call it there's Panama City that's where we flew into and we took a nice six hour drive with our man Carlos a lot of traffic all the way down the coast close to this little village right here pretty cool I mean it's flat it's just a swell huh bring your surfboard dude for real [Music] thank you are you taking this in are you soaking this up look at this guys if your fishing day starts like this I don't know how you can't be happy look at that it's gorgeous so now what we're gonna do is there's a panga they're gonna drive up on the beach and there's not a lot of infrastructure in terms of like inlets or Harbors because the environment just doesn't really support it here they get a lot of rainfall they get huge tidal swings so what it's really popular to do around here is actually leave your boat kind of moored out on a buoy we got cubes right and as you see Ryan is very excited so we got the Twin View out there they're going to pick us up in the panga drop us off on the panga and it's what they do it's their daily routine it's pretty cool it just adds to the adventure and the experience here what's that yeah it's our man's hobby right here where we're launching out of today completely different than where we normally launch out of you guys see that swell is cranking I mean there's some overhead swells out there it's it's no joke which looks like javi's gonna time it out to get there because you do not want to get in the crossfires of a swell on this boat right here [Music] I mean just think about like those big units and stuff like that well what a way to start the morning Ryan just caught up beautiful rooster fish on his first cast I don't think you could top that right there I'm working the subsurface stick bait so a little bit you know subtle of our presentation but it does sink so I kind of kind of fish another area of the water column maybe some fish or Finney finickier they're not going to want to come up and investigate the popper as much that's where this bait comes in and it's good that we kind of switch it up try multiple presentations to see what the fish are really going to react to crazy that about what 12 years ago when we met you're working in Dunkin Donuts I was slanging donuts for my first job I was I was late for band camp [Laughter] Ryan I like this was going we were both you know more concerned about going to the pier on the weekend than literally anything else you know maybe girls at the time that was pretty much the end of our thought process is what we're gonna catch at the pier and what girl were we trying to you know get to hang out with us yeah I was much more concerned with the fish earlier in my life than the girls girls came very late to me you know I don't want to say anything but uh me and Ryan met online on a forum called boat was fishing free social media when you wanted to slide into DMS you slide into DMS on the forums if that was even a thing that was the Instagram back in the day for fishermen a farm called boat was fishing there was this magical Pier called Juno Pier all the Deerfield kids I was a Deerfield kid who used to go to we saw this guy at Ryan and of course he was sarcastic in his usual way and instantly Charmed all of us and here we are 12 years later Sonata we just made a pretty substantial run here went by that pot of dolphins found a school of birds and uh School of birds huh flock of birds we're fishing a rock we're fishing some type of reef Ryan and I told ourselves on this trip if I'm throwing a popper he's throwing a sick bait if I'm throwing a snake bait he's throwing a popper so two different presentations we're gonna see which one works better this is going to be right on top that lure will sink is basically as deep as you want it if you let it sink for 60 seconds you're gonna be on bottom and he's gonna sweep that thing through the water column whereas this is just going to create a big bubble Trail try to race fish up both of them work but we're gonna see which one works better today oh I don't know what it is yeah I guess it's a little small Needle Fish I freaking set the hook like it was a cool Bearer though dude I got kubera on the mine I set the hook so dang hard on this thing it's not gonna have a face left what do you think no dude I think you got a Jack or a bluefin a bluefin oh bluefinch for Valley I don't know but just decided to go down yeah that's why we came here Javi that's dinner right there yes look at that there's my first fish in Panama and I wasn't kidding when I said that I ripped his face you see the top of his head right there I stuck that thing so hard because we're fishing the tightest drag possible for the possibility of a big kubera always but that is a gorgeous first fish in Panama for your boy Vic and I know it's going to eat up well definitely going to make them to some good sashimi and sushi well it really surprises me look at how small his mouth is that thing is Tiny and for him to go and eat a popper that big I don't even know how he thinks he could fit that in his mouth and it's not like he has teeth that he could chop you know the popper in half just very interesting fish they're really like nothing else in terms of like morphology of comparing them to a mackerel or something they're very unique they almost look like a Cobia body we got an afternoon update for you guys here's the thing look at the camera when you speak come on time of day these two weirdos standing on the front of the boat seven years ago when we were talking about making YouTube videos could never dream that we're going to be in Panama doing stuff like this and it's easy the more you travel the more you do things to take this for granted but sometimes it's fair you know you take a step back and you're like wow it's incredible how far you've come from just having a stupid little GoPro on your chest and uh you know wanting to make YouTube videos wow like it's a pretty fish dang son safe [Music] fish total Vic rainbow runner Ryan Mori one rooster Ryan Mori one mullet Snapper that's on my list of fish I'd like to catch before I die as well I've been committed to the popper all day all it takes for me is just knowing that any moment I could hook a potential record-sized fish on this thing and seeing it come up top would just make my day jacks right no Jack no Jack oh yeah oh oh big rooster oh my gosh big rooster just came rooster with the jack [Music] first spot of the day bust it's kind of rough out here it's a lot windier this morning than it was uh yesterday so our plan for today there's these grouper that they call charna um they're these like deep water grouper that kind of look like arsenoid grouper and we really want to catch those but they got to have the perfect conditions because it's deep so if it's really windy if there's too much current you're not going to be able to jig for them pretty much bring the stuff to do it every single day so Captain's got to feel it out Javi said it's a possibility it's jigging time it's gonna be the deepest spot we've digged all trip 200 gram mustad staggervod the last time we were here the captain Eduardo said he really likes red so we brought some Rojo red jigs look at this hurt yeah foreign with the highly requested midday updates we are deep deep jigging at this point oh my gosh I don't know if I have a fish I don't think do I not have a fish either what the heck oh no I haven't yeah I have a fish all right we'll skip the midday update for now we'll see what Vic Scott no you could you missed the midday update jigging in some super deep water I think I have a fish you gotta have a fish we're really not sure what's going on here to be honest it is right in Panama we're in about 500 feet of water this is the deepest we've ever fished in Panama and there's these grouper that they call sharing our grouper which we're trying to Target they get big they're like a snowy grouper that we have back home the Javier says there's other species here as well which these fish don't feel very big but good to finally pull on something today dude they look like a long tail sea bass don't they grouper attack he's saying that the grouper try to eat this he said next time you get a bite you leave this down there if it feels small and then the grouper will eat it tough to imagine that that is living in 500 feet of water we actually have these in Florida don't know if it's the exact same species but long tail sea bass you see his really it's like an extension of his dorsal fin just really pretty fish delicious to eat and we're looking for something much bigger down there I keep telling you guys about but I'm assuming there's probably a hundred of these to every grouper down there so it's going to be a matter of either getting your jig noticed by a grouper and not one of these guys or leaving these guys down there long enough to get noticed by a grouper and get eaten whatever sandwich they packed us the bread they use here is delicious the best I don't know what it is or one about it but I love it and then they usually pack us like a little pasta salad or rice salad or something of the sorts I love canned tuna and today we've got a canned tuna salad these boys not the biggest canned tuna fans I'm sorry I ate it calories or calories man they keep you going on the water no luck for us with the grouper but we were blessed with one of Nature's Most gentle Giants wow look at this foreign not every day you come out here and see a whale shark Dennis just jumped in with the underwater housing getting some really cool footage for you guys and for himself I know he lives for these moments I think this is like one of the favorite things about his job is you know getting up close and personal with nature he loves to use that underwater housing every chance he gets and I don't know what better way to use it than swimming with a whale shark all right whale shark is not frightened by us at all yeah I think he's really curious to know what we are turning sideways [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] every time I dive down and try to get like a different shot of them he'd always turn like his his top side towards me maybe like it's uh like a defense temperature I don't think it was I think he literally was playing with you it like kicked away for a second then it turned around it was like oh I still want to play more it's cool man I was cool to watch from above I'm sure it was cooler to experience underwater definitely got some uh really really awesome footage I'm sure so hope you guys enjoy it and if you guys are liking this video so far you should like the video especially because Dennis just jumped in the water with the Wheel shark which I think is truly once in a lifetime experience but for this guy it's twice in a lifetime now it's in a lifetime now filming with Landshark you know how they say I I don't know how they say anything's possible we'll take it yeah this is where dreams do come true [Music] foreign [Music] guys so I am throwing the little popper Ryan's throwing the stick bait and one thing that's super important when we go on these trips is a good pair of sunglasses we're both actually rocking waterlinko sunglasses I'm rocking the blue millikins right now and you guys can actually save 15 off use my code land truck I'll have them linked below and it's one thing I feel like fisherman kind of neglect you spend a bunch of money on rods reels lures you know for your whole arsenal but investing in a good pair of sunglasses I'm watching my popper at all times I need to see exactly what that thing is doing and cast it next to rocks I'm casting next to bait I really want to be dialed in and having a good pair of sunglasses really helps me as an angler fish even exists to be honest with you you hear all these stories I've seen them come up to the popper but do they actually eat the popper because I'll tell you what I haven't had one eat mine no it's it's just the name of the game I feel like this is the type of fishery where you could come here and you will get so spoiled your first time you might catch five or six on a popper and you could come back three or four times and not catch one I think trying to do what we're doing catching a bottom fish that lives in 100 feet of water 50 feet of water to come up top where he's not comfortable and eat this thing on top of the water is extremely unique and you have to have the perfect conditions and you got to have the right fish or school of fish that are willing to take a popper on top think that's it we're trying to pretty much do the impossible just imagine six days of staring at a pink popper doing the same thing over and over and over again you know how many cubers I think I've seen every single cast I think I see a cool bear or something underneath my popper I can't stare at the popper anymore I need to do something different for my sanity so I'm gonna go with the stick bait morale is at an all-time low yes it is listen listen I keep it real if you come to another country and you're trying to catch all these fish and your voice cracks in the middle of what you're trying to say you know it's it's okay to be real sometimes fishing sucks man sometimes you question why are you fishing today's just this is one of those moments you can still be appreciative and disappointed at the same time there's a 100 chance this goes in the video Ryan just said there's not going in the video [Music] I always love playing at this Flay table because check it out they got this just Big Slab of stone it just makes you feel I don't know you're in the countryside just makes you feel rustic you know like people used to do back in the day before they had actual fillet tables they just basically used any flat surface they could and you guys know I had to bring my dexters along with me on the trip this is an eight inch Dexter flexible filet and you guys can save 20 off use my code land shark if you guys are interested in a fillet knife I will have them linked below it's on the pink side it's a for me rainbow runner is not a fish that I like to cook it's something that I want to eat is sashimi Sushi or Ceviche it's got a beautiful texture a firm texture which makes it a really good fish to eat raw look at that it is on the bloodier side it's got a pretty decent bloodline but as long as you cut it out be perfectly fine look at that and one thing you guys will notice we had ice and coolers on the boat today so this Lodge actually got out bought out by a new guy named Derek which you guys will see in this video I'm sure and um definitely has the same Viewpoint as us westerners when it comes to icing your fish he really wanted to provide a good quality product for his customers I can tell you right now this looks just as good as the fish we have got back home I'm really impressed at how fast you just cleaned that out because I jumped in the pool the minute you walked out here and I just did like all down and back and I come back and the fish was already filleted and that would have taken me I don't know twice as long three times as long and my man's already working over here well you know Ryan when you've made 600 catch and Cooks that's what happens right practice makes perfect earlier you guys saw me cut up the African pompano and the rainbow runner and I combined in a bowl with some avocado and I must say so that the avocados in Panama are 10 times better than the ones we have in Florida they're bigger they're juicier they just look better and so yeah got some scallion in there and then I made a little spicy mayo which you guys have seen me make a million times super easy Mayo Sriracha sesame oil lime juice I'm just keeping it really basic I just want everyone to try a little bit of the rainbow runner and African pompano at the lodge so we're gonna just drizzle our spicy mayo onto here here sesame seeds for the flavor and also for the uh the appearance it's a lot of sesame seeds huh love sesame seeds you know what's nice about Canada fishing is they had all of the ingredients that you ever wanted and they just let you come in here and just start making what you wanted and commandeer the kitchen as Ryan would say you did yeah you just walked in here like you own the place this is the first time I've seen Glory without a knife staring at me so I think I'm doing okay this is just a little simple thing that what I like about this Lodge is every single time I've come here you've got a different group of people first time I came here you had a group of Italian Guys I met the craziest Peruvian fisherman shout out to Ponto who was actually supposed to be here but he couldn't make it high and dry yeah we wanted like a good dynamic because last trip we like made a bunch of Bets with the other group Team America versus Team Peru yeah Peru totally won every time but what I like about this Lodge is you meet so many different people from all around the world of different cultures and like the Peruvian guys every time they come here they also take over the kitchen they like to make ceviche they made a really good Crudo dish last time parm and capers and it's just nice to share you know different recipes and at the end of the day you spend eight hours fishing but you spend the rest of the time at the launch and it's so much more than the fishing that's what I like is it all comes together this is the man Derek this is the owner of the lodge thank you for having us but we got Brad Chris Melissa and we got Chef Gloria and you guys want to try some yeah go for it that's good spicy it's spicy yeah oh it is spicy yeah very good thank you yeah I'm getting it I like cooking for you guys oh yeah you like it you're eating straight from the bowl dude it's delicious I was eating the whole time I'm starving you but you put right it was like not like I couldn't eat it you know what I mean [Music] Christmas [Music] he loves me this is uh definitely our windiest day out here we ran way way way to the West I think the wind coming off of the mountains in the valley really like just creates this crazy funnel so we're staying really close to shore it's out there it's bad it's it's just like unfishable pretty much so we're staying really close to shore you gotta deal with the deck of cards that you're dealt so here we are we're getting after it okay I'm starting out the morning throwing this really cool looking lure almost looks too pretty to even throw I got this in Mexico when we were with our good friend Jamie it's a little stick bait running through and a popper so mine subsurfaces is right on top and there's a bunch of little rocks right here off the beach so 30 left a little bit we're just casting right on top of them how many pops does it take to get to the center of a kubera's heart imagine you fly very very many miles to a very very hot country with the potential of something epic to happiness any second but you spend three days doing this oh whoosh and the captain looks at the water and he goes no good no good and by the end of the third day you still want to pop for some reason on the fourth and fifth day in the sixth day because that's go fishing's about so I'm gonna leave off on a positive note I'm glad you're not quitting because honestly today I thought it was just gonna be like boys changing the flights I'm going home so let's go my man's still in the fight [Music] bluebirds 23-1 when the ocean is blowing you're still going to be a man [Music] blue verbs 23 1. and if you guys don't know why it's called the Hoover's my last name is Lubin all right so set the scene for us I will say this it's our fourth day out here and it definitely feels the fishiest I don't know about you nice Beach days are generally not good fishing days kind of overcast gloomy no sun a lot of crown cover I like those for fishing days don't know if it's true or not but I just feel like the fish bite better it's got that like ominous monster-like feeling [Music] good technique this is definitely what I'm gonna do you're gonna get hit like that and the Rod's gonna get ripped out of your hands as a peer fisherman you know how to do this professionally because when you were a kid a young man at the pier and your dad gave you 20 bucks for the whole weekend to survive and you had a five dollar saviki rig and you have to make it last the whole weekend yeah and you had to get that thing untangled you developed a certain kind of skill you revent the hooks after they're straightened out I don't know how to solve that though that's okay [Music] amberjack yeah I got I got eaten on the way down guys see that Rod doubled over Brian just caught himself a little yellow Snapper but yeah I was just letting the jig just drop down and this guy ate it like mid-water column right here man it feels good to pull on a fish after four days but little did he know a plot twist it's a 15 pound Bonita I know that's what you came here for I came here to hang out with you guys really taking your time with that fish aren't you huh don't worry about the own fish oh wait you don't have a fish I just got a snapper I got a fish in the Box you have a fish in the Box uh-huh I'm about to have an amberjack in the Box Jack Creve or you're about to have a Jack grimmel In The Box my friend the mighty Jack crevall Javi actually called it he literally said it was a jack Ravel when you hooked no um there we go hey we're tight just off the bottom little head shake action Ryan got another Bonita oh rainbow runner oh on the bottom oh near right near the bottom well this is the most action we've seen all trip uh Snapper rainbow runner Jack crevel lots of Bonita on The Jig so I guess this is what we'll keep doing for now oh there it is on the bottom on the bottom kind of fighting like a Bonita but I'm not sure oh no amberjack amberjack all mcco Jack right hard fighting fish right there guys hard fighting fish especially when you hook them sideways like that on the Kojak and the reason you can tell you see that really pronounced tall dorsal fin right there he's got a point it's how you know it's an almaco Jacqueline so I have a really broad body just like back home delicious we're gonna put this guy in the cooler uh-huh tacked on the way up all right it's swimming me up probably a small blue Runner or something oh no barracuda oh okay no bien look puffer on top oh it looks like something is something is chasing it oh yeah Something's Gonna Eat It One needlefish ate my popper and then that'll another needlefish swam through my line cut my braid and the needle fish was freaking out we should be able to get the popper back because it's floating but I don't see it I think of the needlefish sank I'm gonna take my frustration out on those lemon cookies when we get back I can tell you that [Music] thank you foreign [Music] boys and girls we're hopping into another day here in Panama doing what Ryan and I love doing even though sometimes it can be miserable even though sometimes you feel like you're doing a lot of work for absolutely nothing the thrill of watching something come up and try to eat a popper is undescribable so this is our first time on this whole trip where we've actually headed east instead of West just the excitement of trying something new this morning you know and we're headed to Vic's favorite place on Earth iguana Island where I caught my Wahoo the first time I came here and I caught a 50 pound rooster as well as you guys see this is the most boasts we've seen all trip there's actually a fishing tournament and that's one of the reasons Javi was reluctant to come to this island because he knew that there was going to be a lot of boats trolling and since they're trolling around it's never good when you're artificial to wear fishing because it tends to scare the fish anything that's on the surface or subsurface pushes fish down and away and plus you're just competing with a bunch of other fishermen for the same fish so he tried to avoid it and we just had like three boats just troll right by us oh oh no no dude oh attack attacker Javi good big attacker big attack uh close to the bottom oh my gosh guys dude it blows my mind nearly ripped the rod out of my hands just like a big violent strike what the lure looks oh that's a big scale you guys look at this that's the scale of the kubera probably from his face you can tell that is not not a small fish scale 100 kubera snapper right there or some type of big snapper big look The Lure doesn't even look like it's a I don't know where he would have attacked it I don't really see any damage on it but that's crazy but that just raises your confidence that much more to keep doing what you're doing seeing that scale just solidifies why we're psychotic and keep casting and casting and casting all right the update is there is no update we have not well I guess I caught a horse Eye Jack that's pretty much it has some positivity yeah [Music] oh [Music] let's go I don't know what I hooked but I hooked something on this stick bait kind of got tail beats like a jack I think I hooked a jack is that lock drag son yeah we've tried to pull it in this kitchen this morning and we barely pulled it where are you you're gonna catch your very first milk fish dude if this is a milkfish I'd be stoked Jack's unlocked drag oh well we know the stick bait works so that's what the guides here do is they uh just lip gas everything that way you're not really harming the fish that once you put a little hole in them and he's gonna safely unhook this Jack right now so I've never hooked a kubera Snapper on a spinning rod only ever fought among conventionals and I know their power and I know I've hyped this off in so many different videos for you guys that little eight pound Jack absolutely just kicked my ass with lock drag I can't imagine what a 50-70 pound kubera is gonna do and I think Javi has really not liked us throwing the stick bait and I think it's because when you hook a kuber on a stick bait you're already that much lower in the water column whereas if you hook them on a popper you have that much more time to try to get them up off the bottom let's go oh yeah come on come on come on come on come on get my sauce let's go I'm getting out of your way a big fish yeah there you go you got him turned come on guys could this be the one could this be a dentist oh my gosh look at that fish oh my gosh look at that fish oh keep his head down oh my God guys my heart is pumping it's the fish we've been waiting for okay trying to keep it real calm I don't want that hook to pull I don't want him to go down oh oh my gosh guys look at the size of that fish yeah on the sixth day he gave us a kubera oh my God oh my God you guys I'm shaking I'm speechless holy smokes look at that thing it's a monster oh my gosh Javi six days of popping and jigging for that right there that'll drive a man and staying right there oh guys that fish is every bit of 50 maybe even 60 pounds right there this is a fish I have chased for close to three weeks on artificial right here and it finally came together you can ask Ryan and Dennis I was down in the dumps the last two days I haven't eaten anything in 30 hours I went on it fast because I was just so emotionally wrecked and this fish completely just changes the mood for everyone right there oh yeah big look at this Dennis look at those teeth oh that these fish are just absolute brutes around Victor right now it's an absolute donkey of a fish just to show you guys the perspective that's ridiculous it thinks a monster oh yeah dude the big nasty King of The Reef you knew when that thing hit that was it that was it that was the fish yep you feel the head shakes and everything okay guys now the most important part of this whole thing I work six days in a row to get this fish I'm gonna do everything in my power for this fish to swim off in peace undisturbed so what I did is we put that lip Gaff back through its lip and we're Reviving it right now it could take 10 minutes it could take 15 minutes doesn't matter we're going to do what we have to do and in case you guys are wondering this fish one of its favorite meals is a lobster if you know anything about Lobster they are hard they're uh they're not very inviting a little glip Gaff and this guy's mouth is not going to do anything these are extremely hearty fish probably the hardiest fish in the ocean meanest strongest smartest I mean as you can see this is the first like real kubera bite we've had the entire trip just you got to be confident and persistent and throw on that stick bait very much insane see his tail he's already moving his tail and we're just gonna ensure that this guy you know when we release them a dolphin's not going to try to eat them or a shark's not going to try to eat them javi's been doing this his whole life and he says this is the hardest fish in the ocean how the heck are you feeling man I you know the word Insanity correct me if I'm wrong but doing something over and over and over again it's not an expecting different results and you do this for six days of pure Insanity targeting this fish because you've seen your buddy do it you've seen the pictures on the wall at the lodge you've heard the stories you've even seen YouTube videos but you haven't done it yourself and when you prepare and you just stay persistent man it goes with anything in life repetitions you can do anything you set your mind to cheesy as that sounds it is so true put in perspective of how special this fish is this is my third time to Panama I've spent three times in Mexico trying to get one on artificial probably over 20 days of popping and jigging for this fish right here that's how special it is ready [Music] the satisfaction of watching this fish swim away was just as exciting as catching it six days and a thousand casts later led to a fish forever engraved in my mind little did we know this would be the start of a Monumental afternoon of fishing thank you I'm so thankful for this guy in the water because he's a hard-working cameraman and he's getting some incredible footage I know that Ryan was saying earlier on the trip he goes you do know that once one of us catches a cubero on one bait whether it's the stick bait or popper that's all we're going to want to throw and we're both throwing the stick bait now because even though we know both things work and there's going to be a time and place for everything it's kind of like the grass is greener on the other side you know if you see one lure works why would you try to the other one Ryan's like do you remember what it was like when it had I was like I just blacked out that those two minutes of that fight was just not her just trying not to fall trying not to let my rod go in the water trying to make sure there's not too much pressure on the fish to freak out too much and do something stupid because you're just excited it's very easy dude I'm just happy to have shared it with these guys you know Ryan and Dennis mean a lot to me Ryan's actually going to be my best man at the wedding to be a good time you guys wish you could see the wedding so yeah it's just all in all good memories [Music] foreign dude hit him in the head reel it over oh are you tired oh my God oh my you guys big restaurant giant rooster are you kidding me how your day and we can change in the matter of a minute Bobby said big rooster big rooster he saw a big rooster just eating something on top right through the stick bait item you didn't want it threw the papa right in his face and he smoked it dude it's big it's very big really it's very big wow are you kidding me right now you got to start fasting bro dude I think if I would have made it just a closer shot I would have had a shot of that fish but UVic made a better cast than I did let me get this Rod out of here are you kidding bro it's just incredible how things can change six days of pretty much very slow activity and now you're gonna have two giant fish back to back I don't think this fish knows these hooks that is a big nasty rooster fish huge headshot yeah I think he just barely realized he's hooked yeah so with a rooster fish on Leica kubera you don't have to worry about the Rocks as much so as soon as Javi saw that it was a rooster fish he goes loosen your drag loosen your drag because you don't want those hooks to pull or anything you know Unfortunately they don't seem to have a lot of sharks here how big do you think he was Ryan dude giant really like over 50. like it could be the size of the one you caught here before really yes wow well this is a lot longer fight than the cubera yeah it's Do or Die oh I see color roll it are you gonna do the underwater with this too okay if you're gonna do the underwater I would get that ready now and have Ryan film with that because these fish do die really fast wow Grande oh my god oh no oh no enormous he don't like the dough oh my gosh wow okay you are the man oh my God you guys look at the size of that fish dude my biggest ever rooster fish for sure wow my gosh guys look look at the size of this freaking rooster man that is a unit absolutely gorgeous so sick to see it on top like that cruising trying to eat a bait and you cast it in there you sight fished it oh yeah essentially epic incredible look at his little Mohawk man incredible absolutely gorgeous we got the two kings of the Panama coast today we got the rooster fish and we got the giant kubera Snapper now most important thing is making fresh making sure these fish survive so we're gonna get them back in the water foreign monster rooster fish makes you forget about all the slow times it makes me forget about the insanity of casting a stick baiter popper over and over and over again moments like this make you realize why you come to places like this the opportunity for once in a lifetime catches and experiences is why you come here share it with the boys makes it that much better see you later Mr rooster oh man you love to see it [Music] I got the hardest working cameraman on YouTube that guy right there he bust his butt work hard play hard we continue to circle the island and found lots of activity Ryan was also filming for his channel this day and I didn't want to take too many of his catches or steal his Thunder but here's a little sneak peek of what you guys could expect in his video you guys can find his channel linked below he got into a really big mullet Snapper which still to this day one of the coolest fish I've ever seen and he had one hell of a release to go with it [Music] nice job boys so man not every day you get to swim with the malt snap rack nah so I'm underwater with a legit professional uh photographer that's a sick fish man that's not the fish you think about when you come here but man that thing Drew down let's go boys bam [Laughter] oh big rooster oh my gosh big oh my God what a massive research [Music] foreign [Music] two back-to-back massive once in a lifetime rooster fish kind of leaves a man speechless say lightning can't strike twice in the same spot I think it just did didn't there it did man there's multiple fish there's probably like three or four more big ones yeah so I know I'm gonna get asked questions of what we were fishing all the lures rods tackle a leader I'm gonna have everything linked below but big shout out to Alan from Ocean's Legacy because he's the one who sets Ryan up with these beautiful rods these are all oceans Legacy rods they get the job done some of my best catches ever big ill from tuna rooster fish on the oceans Legacy Ross and you guys can actually save a little money use my code land shark links below as well as tough line leader all I've been fishing this whole trip tough line fluorocarbon you can save 20 off on that also use my Quick Lane shark have a nice little detailed list for you guys in the description box below hey I can lie this is the most homesick I've ever been we went from Mexico to Panama back to Panama three back-to-back trips all like week-long trips and there's no place like home we are very fortunate and blessed to be able to go on trips like this there's nothing like little old Pompano Beach in your own bed Miss Brookie haven't seen her in seven days now and it's gonna be nice to go there Javi grassy ask me Amigo amazing trip amazing trip yeah Panama City [Laughter] [Music] cheers all right we got the world famous Panda fishing lodge wall where everyone posts their pictures and I'm pretty sure that this wallet right here that's on the wall how have you caught that one a long time ago our captain but check it out you guys got pretty much every species sharks that's the old owner Pierre with a big kubera mullet Snapper plenty of rooster fish um kubera's broom tail that's one species that me and Ryan are lacking in Panama we still haven't gotten one it's really popular to get them jigging we just haven't gotten one yet but as you guys see I mean plenty of world class like close to world record size kubera Snapper sailfish amberjacks dolphin and the best part is every single one of these fish was caught on a lure you guys heard me say it in the beginning of the video you come here not just for the fish but you come here to challenge yourself mentally physically to put yourself in a very difficult situation for a once in a lifetime opportunity that's what it is right here very few people on Earth can say they've caught a big rooster fish and even fewer can say they've done it on artificial same thing with the cougar Snapper and I think just joining that club it's not an elitism thing it's just you're humbled by The Challenge and that's what makes it so special big thank you to this guy right here Derek and his family they came here all the way from South Africa bought the lodge and they're made a new life here and they're going to have an amazing time in Paradise he made us his traditional South African Curry and he's going to explain to you guys what's in it I'm super stoked thank you um but I think it's a it's a recipe my mother gave me it's a calamari Curry but we have twitched it a bit used octopus there's some albacore tuna and prawns it's a traditional Indian curry that I make not regularly in South Africa but it's the ingredients the South African curry powder star nice cloves white mustard seeds all Blended Together made into a sauce and then obviously all the fish products added to it cinnamon stick in there coriander yeah and it's a stuff we call a briyani mix which I'm mixing with it a whole lot of different blend Blended spices cloves mustard seeds White mustard seeds and hopefully it's something that I can maybe carry on the flying's coming down there yeah their last day this should be the meal the last they make it works on it let's try it it's delicious I I cheated I'm already eating it you know it just looked great and the flavor's profile is perfect not too spicy not too bland the perfect amount of flavor I'm really really enjoying it have you made Curry from the channel yet I have made Curry it's definitely not going to be as flavorful as this I didn't import any spices from South Africa I'm excited to try this this right here like you could be standing 20 feet away you smell it it smells good come on you know we're serious about food on the channel and getting a taste of someone else's culture and what they grew up with it it's pretty amazing also to mentioned that you've been fasting for this moment I wasn't kidding guys on the boat it's amazing I don't know I went into a dark place mentally when you don't catch anything for five days um I was like you know what I'm gonna try fasting just for some like mental Clarity and it worked got my kubera and now this meal is going to be better than ever it's really good Derek very flavorful it's not too spicy lots of different um flavors just yeah lots of different spices going on it's it's Tangy it's acidic it's sweet salty and I like that it's a seafood Curry too so I want to thank you guys so much for watching a big thank you to Derek and his lovely family Gloria Melissa the staff and everybody here and uh the boys did it we sent it to Panama hopefully made a nice video for you guys thank you guys so much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 936,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubera snapper, catch clean cook, roosterfish, panama fishing, remote fishing, giant cubera snapper, giant rooster fish, stickbait fishing, pedasi fishing, panama rooster fishing, panama cubera snapper, cubera snapper catch clean cook, roosterfish catch clean cook, panafishing lodge, fishing film, fishing movie
Id: qL19P2T-prI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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