This is why you NEED to visit Prague | Europe's Most Charming Capital

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all right so hello and welcome to the beautiful city of Prague the capital of Czech Republic this city is absolutely gorgeous we've got the famous Charles bridge hiding just somewhere over there but anyway come along and explore the city with me let's go so welcome to one of the most beautiful and popular cities in all of Europe in this video you'll be coming with me to explore prague's historical streets stunning architecture and famous sites so we can get lost in the magic of this city together and I'm sure by the end I'll have you wanted to visit too oh and I almost forgot you may even get a little surprise from a beaver or two along the way all right so here we are good morning it's about 10 a.m but welcome to the city of Prague and Czech Republic it's my first time here so I'm excited to explore but anyway I plan today we're just gonna have a little bit of a wonder I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do I've got like a bit of a list of things which I want to see so hopefully I'll get all that done over the next couple of days but yeah so I think just today have a Wonder around until I'm confined okay all right so we're just walking out onto one of the one of the squares I think but wow take a look at all this oh God absolutely beautiful beautiful buildings already and then over there you can see there's quite a big crowd I think that is the Prague astronomical clock so I think we should definitely gonna have a look at that looks pretty popular interestingly enough the clock is actually the third oldest clock in the world at around 600 years of age but is apparently the world's oldest working clock all right so I just found out I just asked that lovely tour Lady there so on every hour so I've just missed it at 10 o'clock well I've just seen it but I didn't get a video of it 10 o'clock there's like some lot figures which come out and they spin around which is why there are so many people here but everyone's pretty much gone now so come here on the hour if you want to see some little spinning figures all right so here we are we've just left the astronomical Clock Tower behind and here we have the Old Town Square now it looks absolutely stunning and I really don't even know where to start I've got like a beautiful Church there a little Monument there and something else which looks pretty interesting so we're gonna have to check all this out First Impressions wow absolutely stunning firstly I couldn't help but have my attention drawn to this rather odd looking monument it's dedicated to a man called Janus he was ultimately burned at the stake for opposing the greed hypocrisy and exploitation common within the Catholic Church and you can see this right in here so apparently this says love each other and wish the truth to everybody so as sort of a philosopher um an influential thinker it seems as though he was relentless in his Pursuit for the truth despite even though it meant and led to his execution so I'm back in the old town square and I've got a bit of a dilemma there's so much going on I don't even know which direction I want to go I feel like I need to just spin stop let's go that way so it's time to head away from the Old Town Square where I got a glimpse of some of the beautifully decorated buildings here in Prague and the Old Town Hall which of course has the famous astronomical clock and then I carry on wandering through the streets frequently greeted by interesting artwork all right so I'm just wondering through and see like just the color absolutely beautiful so it's similar to when I've been to go dancing in Poland everyone just came from Riga if you've never been you probably don't expect it but like the amount of color in these cities is just got Hard Rock Cafe there I think we're gonna carry on head down that way it seems as well as just restaurants sweet shops absolutely everywhere and there's also something called the chimney cake which you can see here I just asked the lady I think he pronounce it I think probably didn't get that right but I definitely have to try one of those at some point there absolutely everywhere and talking to sweet shops sweet sweet everywhere got an interesting looking gate and I think we're almost by the river here so let's see what we can find over the river all right so I've just been wandering along and by mistake I think I bumped into what is probably I'd say the most popular tourist attraction in Prague certainly the most iconic site so right here we've got the Old Tower gate I believe it's called a 14th century Tower absolutely beautiful Gothic as well and then the main attraction just behind it we've got Charles bridge so I think we're definitely gonna have to walk along that take a look and it's probably going to be full of people so I might have to Chuck a few people off all right and so here we are by the river and the previous Bridge before this one uh was destroyed with a flooding and this began to be built in 1357 took almost half a century to build and it's no surprise really absolutely incredible whole thing built out of stone and you can see kind of just hiding over there we've got the cathedral I believe uh it's a shame I can't fly my drone yet I would have been able to get some incredible shots but anyway let's take a little stroll over the bridge just as I'm passing through this beautiful archaic gate I realize you can actually pay to go up it so for about three or four quid I head up to where there are some fantastic views down onto the iconic Charles bridge as well as the cathedral which you can just see on the right hand side I also get a glimpse as to why Prague is known as the city of 100 spiers all right so we're now going to walk along the famous Charles bridge and uh in the exhibition in the tower the Old Tower gate has said that when people were beheaded is to like hung their heads from the top of the tower which I thought was a bit Sinister but also pretty interesting and you can see all along the bridge it seems like there's like these statues all the way along so there are 30 statues in total 15 on each side and it seems as though they're all religious depicting Saints or whatever see this one beautiful one got Jesus on the cross just chilling at least he's got a good viewer it was pretty busy but it made a nice spot to just watch the world go by and of course this band livened up everyone's Spirits a bit as they were walking across the bridge and as I'm passing along I notice some of the figures seem quite a bit older and some recently renovated but then I come across one which stands out so you can see the rest of the statues are pretty much empty you might be wondering why there's loads of people driving around that one so this little block here is Saint John and it's the only one which is Coating in bronze but um back in like the 14th century that block was thrown off the bridge into the river where we drowned but apparently people touch it for good luck it's a bit contradictory but thankfully this kind tourist decided to demonstrate the Superstition I think she's summoning special powers anyway now that's Charles bridge ticked off the list it's time to head through that lovely Stone archery to see what else we can find all right so I've just came through we've got some more lovely looking buildings right behind me so I think I'm going to follow up this street because somewhere over that way I believe is the cathedral and Prague Castle which I think are right next to each other so we're gonna head over that way try and see the castle I think at this point you shouldn't believe anything I say we're going on another detour but it is to a special little spot all right so in usual fashion had intended to go to the cathedral but I got distracted again but for good reason so right behind me here we've got a beautiful colorful wall called the John Lennon wall and so this kind of started in the 1980s and uh John Lennon was used as a symbol for peace to kind of challenge the Communist Regime at the time but anyway let's get a closer look this might have actually been my favorite spot in the Hall of Prague an abundance of Art and color which commemorates not only the death of John Lennon but also the death of Communism which was a bleak and testing time for so many people and so this war seems to beautifully signify a rebirth of Life freedom and peace so as intended after a quick McDonald's break it's time to head up towards the castle and cathedral which sit on top of the hill so I head up this set of stairs which thankfully offers some great panoramic views of the city at the top and then leads nicely to Park Castle all right so I think we found it it doesn't look too much like a castle but by me here we've got the first Courtyard we've got some really interesting statues up there and then very serious probably National Guards there but I think if we head over that way we can get inside I believe it's free so we'll get through some security and we'll head in and we'll have a proper look inside the castle after passing security we enter into the second Courtyard where you can just see the Steeples of the cathedral poking out and I have to say it was very very impressive I probably could have admired it and all its intricacies all day it's unfortunate that it was closed but I'm sure it's well worth taking a look inside this cathedral which took almost 600 years to finish building in terms of the castle it certainly isn't the typical medieval Fortress you'd expect it's more like a fortified town really but it is huge so there are plenty of parts for you to explore although the cathedral really embodies that magical archaic Aura which flows throughout Prague so I went pretty tired now I'll be heading off to back to the hospital I think for a little rice but just off by the castle got this incredible Panorama view of the whole city after appreciating the lovely views it's time to head back down to the old town on the way I spot a manhole cover with the Pearl coat of arms on it then make my way over the bridge opposite Charles bridge back to my hostel for an hour's rest after six or seven hours exploring without much of a break it was nice to have a rest although it was interrupted by a nice surprise out the window when I heard some music coming from the street [Music] but tonight it's actually time for a very different kind of music I've booked on to see a classical performance inside one of the churches there we go we're in row 14 signal three music foreign [Music] after the performance I have a late night wonder and check out one of the really cool sweet shops there seem to be loads on this street but I think this one was my favorite it even had a conveyor belt for the sweets and then I finish off what's been a really long day in this cool Duck Shop wait wait all right so here we are out again it's day two good morning I'm gonna walk through there through the Middle Town Square and I'll take the plan for today so a plan for today got a few more things to see but I can't remember them so you just kind of come along for the ride uh yeah I might have an Explorer by Charles Bridge tonight because it'd be nice to see the city little but anyway let's have another look let's explore see what we can find today so today's exploring is kicked off with a little Wonder down the street I haven't seen yet if you're rich and like shopping this will probably be your Dreamland although if you've watched a few of my videos you'll know I only own about three outfits and Gucci and Louis Vuitton are a bit out of my price range so let's move on we've got plenty more cool things to see today not to forget the Beautiful Surprise of beavers later on all right and now just behind me this beautiful building here I have found the rudolphinum which is a concert hall and it's no surprise that it's one of many really improv with its famous association with classical music out of curiosity I take a look inside but only got a glimpse of some nice interior before getting kicked out now it's time to head over to the cathedral in the hope that it will be open today apparently the cathedral is closed but uh there's a Viewpoint at the top of the cathedral so it's got to be done so A.D Jack Corona which is about three quid so there's about 240 yard steps not be doing my bad knee any good but Point let's go and see what it's like stairs there's there's more stairs all right so I've just got up to the top I'll turn around in a second but I forgot to mention it was early check Corona with student discount so it's a bit more than that for uh just your normal price but wow okay the views are pretty good I'd say the views were impressive so I would recommend visiting if you're in Prague it was just a shame about the clouds I bet the city must look so much nicer in the Sun but more importantly it's now time for me to introduce you to my new fluffy friend all right so I've just wandered it Down by the River it's an absolutely beautiful view of the bridge so I think I'm going to get a foot of my thumbnail there but more interesting fund a bloody Beaver oh wow I've never seen a beaver before in my life and then the middle of Prague by the river loads of people are not loads but a few there's a beaver just chilling there so it seems as though the population of beavers has been sort of revitalized in the past seven or eight years or so there's about a hundred now if you come to this little spot here in between Charles bridge and this other one on the far side on the castle side must be able to sit in quite frequently but I just saw three I was making my day land I'd also just generally recommend visiting this spot as it's great to get a better view of Charles bridge and probably gets you away from the crowds and of course you may also get the chance to meet my new little Beaver friend and then it's back over Charles bridge in pursuit of ticking the final few things off my list for today including an extra couple of unscheduled surprises all right so one of the things I wanted to say we've got Power Tower which was one of the original Gates into the city it's around 550 years old and you can see it pretty much in Tower and above everything else excuse the pun and it also separates the old town from the new town but anyway we're going to carry on and go underneath it and it takes us to our next destination all right so we've just arrived at our final spot and you can see just by me we've got Jerusalem synagogue and it's an absolutely beautiful building it's just about 10-15 minutes walk away from the center of the old town you can see the archers and stuff it looks like it has sort of like a middle eastern sort of influence and the exterior design is supposed to be Art Nouveau which there was a lot of in Riga yeah so definitely add this to your list I don't think I've seen many synagogues but this is absolutely beautiful and then I discovered this incredible building which is the national museum which I'll actually end up taking a look inside tomorrow but for now I actually end up taking on an impulsive trip around a few other cool museums starting off with Madame Tussauds firstly we meet Bruce Willis and then janhus the guy who I told you about earlier I've got to say it was a pretty cool experience as my first time at a Madame Tussauds which to be honest I never actually imagined myself doing then after meeting my waxy friends it's now time for the Museum of torture while it was pretty interesting I'm guessing you can imagine it was also quite morbid so it did dampen my mood a little bit so I think now it's time for something a bit more light-hearted so after another long day in Prague I rounded up nicely by visiting the gallery of Steel Figures it's basically full of handcrafted models made from recycled metal and while it was expensive to get in I have to say they were really impressive wow this place is actually mad we've got so many upstairs see they've got uh two people from Avatar Captain Jack Sparrow parts of the Caribbean not sure about those ones Winnie the Pooh Maybe wow because that's what we want though just been watching Star Wars and I might watch another one tonight C3PO R2D2 and the order very shiny ears and here's a nice selfie with Sid to bring my second day to a close all right so hello and good morning it's day three we've only got a few hours left until after head back to brazzav so on my list for today I've got to get a fridge Mark in it I've got to go and see the national museum which is just over my shortly see this beautiful Street here lean all over to the National Museum which I saw last night and then I need to finish off and try one of the chimney cakes so I still haven't tried one yet I did try last night so that's the itinerary for today and then we head back to France so let's go Museum and then drink tomorrow or French Market that'll be easy so I think I found a spot for a French market so it's Friday morning and I don't think this was on the other mornings we've got a lovely little market going on and there's some fridge pack and it's just there they're a lot cheaper than the main shops so right now here we are national museum time what an absolutely beautiful building by the way I saw it last night and it looked like this looked incredible all right so it's absolutely boiling in this building so I've had to take all my stuff to the cloakroom but wow check this build now bloody oh it's absolutely beautiful so I saw on the reviews the the inside of the building was absolutely stunning it definitely weren't lying wow I think this is probably the most beautiful building I've ever seen in my life from the marble pillars to the grand staircases an array of busts golden decoration and fine artwork really evoke a feeling of grandeur in this place [Music] but of course there's also a great amount of things to see like a full haul of minerals and colors and patterns you've never seen before as well as a fantastic display around evolutionary science and some great exhibits of loads of animals including the real bones of a woolly rhinoceros which I never knew existed and right before I leave Prague I've got to try the famous chimney cake which was lovely but I did almost die from sugar overload which straight after is Then followed by the coach back to verotzov all right and there we go that's another adventure drawn to a close I'm back here in vratsov I also have a video for this city which I think you really enjoy if you did enjoy this Prague video anyway Prague it's absolutely beautiful I loved it thank you for joining me I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ben Robson
Views: 14,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best things to do in Prague, Charles Bridge Prague, Is prague worth visiting, Prague, Prague 4K, Prague Czech Republic, Prague Old Town, Prague Travel guide, Prague city guide, Prague things to do, Prague things to see, Prague tour, Prague travel, Prague vlog, Prague vlog 2023, Prague walking tour, Things to do in Prague, should I visit Prague, things to see in Prague
Id: JD7e6aE1QnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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