Prague Travel Guide: Top Things To Do, Hidden Gems, Best Routes Around The City and more!

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[Music] foreign [Music] hello everyone today we're in Prague and this is also a city where I've been multiple times so I already know the best spot to take pictures masses must read it and I will tell you everything about the city we're at salomestica square and this is my favorite spot in the city one of my favorite spots the other one is on the other side of Sultana River and this is one of my favorite cities in the whole world it is very comfortable and I love being here so I will show you all around here if you're in Prague for one day try to visit the sides as much as you can but if you have a bit more days I would recommend dividing Prague into two parts this part where is the sarmesca square and botsava square there's also Jewish part of the city and walk around and explore everything here and on the second day I would suggest going across the Charles bridge and exploring the prashke so you can organize is your trip by two parts even if you have more days last time I stayed in Prague for seven days for a whole week and I still found some stuff to do to walk around to just sit in different cafes and to explore different sides so I would recommend discovering and exploring Prague from Star Mexico Square which is the main square of historical city of Prague this is the square that has everything that a tourist needs from different churches to beautiful buildings to a park when you can sit and enjoy the views and obviously the main Gem of this square is astronomical clock this beauty is not just a time keeper it's a piece of the real history and Legend has it that harming the clock brings bad luck to the whole city so make sure to admire it from the distance but I would highly recommend coming in the morning so you can look at all of the details of the buildings without the Victorious surrounding you because trust me as long as it's after like 11 in the morning there's so many tourists that it's hard to concentrate and be able to witness this beauty and enjoy it also don't be scared to go to Every open door that you see in Prague for example this one which is a museum near the astronomical clock you don't even have to go to the museum just enjoy the beauty of the details of the inside drawing also make sure to come back to stormesca square in the evening or at night time because then you can really feel this mystical Spirit of the city like all of the legends that are are here will come true and now let's go to this main Church on cerameska Square it's pretty hard to find the entrance to it but it is hidden in this little passage that is facing the astronomical clock tower now you can see it in the video so let's go inside [Music] foreign [Music] the most popular and well-known church is this one behind me because it's a gothic church it's a wizard card of a Prague you can see it from a lot of points in the city and everyone visits that church but it is less significant inside than this one that we accidentally went in today and it is very beautiful so again if you're in Prague don't be afraid to walk into all of the open doors that you see because you won't regret it [Music] [Music] from Sir meska Square I would also recommend going to Jewish quarter in Prague also known as Joseph fall that holds tales that span centuries on the way there you will pass this rich neighborhood of Prague with expensive brand shops so if you want to do a little bit of luxury shopping you can do it here and when you go to the Joseph fall or Jewish border of Prague and you stroll through these narrow streets you can almost feel The Echoes of the past Whispering around you the legends that surround this area are as enchanting as they are haunting one such Legends speaks of the famous Golem it is a creature crafted from clay and brought to life to protect the Jewish community and the other Legend is about this building that you can now see on the screen and it's the oldest active synagogue in Europe and it is said that the Angels themselves led a helping hand in its construction the these tales and many more are woven into the fabric of the Jewish quarter adding an air of mystery and enchantment to an already rich historical tapestry foreign [Music] spot and it is the Museum of alchemy and I would highly recommend visiting this place we didn't visit this time but last year I really really really enjoyed visiting this place it was an actual Alchemy laboratory that was functioning back in the days and they actually made a myth about the ghost near this place just to hide the smoke from their experiments and there's also a tunnel that goes right from this place to prashki rod and this is just mind-blowing so I would highly recommend visiting this place and a short walk from Museum of alchemy will bring us to the cafe with one of the best views on Prague [Music] thank you [Music] foreign public is in EU but they have their own currency check crown and I will show you the best spot where to change the money so your volunteers are the national museum which is there and the best spot to change the money is over there behind the New Yorker building I will show you closer up so here as you can see is New Yorker here is the entrance to the moustic metro station and let's go with me you can see the exchange with zero commission and the best course and we always change money there so this is the location by the way the national museum that I mentioned before is located on waslovska Square which is one of the biggest squares in Europe there are some good spots for shopping and maybe to eat but I wouldn't suggest spending a lot of your time there however from there you can easily reach one of the most famous monuments in Prague which is kafka's head so we are here near the head of Kafka this is the writer that was born in Prague and people of Prague really respect him and love him you can see it not only here near this famous monument but also all around the city there is Museum of Kafka and also there's a lot of souvenirs for all of the literature lovers out there so if you love France Kafka and his works you can come to Prague and discover more facts about this Rider and find so many different things connected to him in Prague as in any other city I would highly recommend just walking around those narrow streets seeing all of The Monuments all of the different tiny details of this medieval beautiful beautiful houses and just see how the tourists and locals live in this town and then we will walk to clementium our next sightseeing point [Music] thank you [Music] so we're at clementum in Prague and it has a very beautiful viewing point on the top of the tower and also a very stunning library inside but unfortunately all of the tickets are sold out so I'd really suggest buying tickets online I will leave the link to the website where you can buy the tickets Down Below in the description box and tomorrow we will come and I will show you around [Music] thank you [Music] so clementum unfortunately was not that impressive for my taste I think you can find a better viewing point and clementium the library there is nice this is the main reason people even visited but also you get a tiny teeny tiny glimpse of it for like 10 minutes for the whole group of tourists you can't walk in and the lightning is not that great to take nice pictures there's a very tiny space with a lot of people so I don't I don't really think that it's worth going there unfortunately I think it's better to just go on the Terrace and just look at the pictures online of that library because you can't really see it in real life it's better to spend some time visiting different churches here around the city center they're absolutely free they have amazing interior design and again I I wouldn't personally recommend going to clementium unfortunately and by the way we're talking about the churches without entrance fee I would highly recommend visiting these two that are located near the entrance to the Charles bridge they're absolutely stunning [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way if you like my videos I want to remind you that you can support me on patreon I will leave additional places additional life hacks on there and if you want a full guide from Prague from me I can make it because those are very time consuming I was stuck for a lot of days on Istanbul one so I don't know if there will be a demand for a Prague one where I will like share all of the full information and full guide around this town if you want me to do it for you please tell me in the comments if you're looking for a place to stay in Prague I would suggest trying to book something previously at least like a month or two before you're going here and to plan your trip because otherwise all of the good places in the city center will be booked we got lucky and we now stay in hotel Dar which is as you can see in the right City Center this is the Terrace on top of it it's very nice to just sit here and like see all of the rooftops and like the main sides here you can see the starmeska square here and it costs pretty cheap but it has the best breakfast I've ever had in cheap hotel in Europe I will show you everything like in breakfast tomorrow but I had to mention this hotel and I will also show you the apartment which my friends booked it's also not far from the city center and it's also nice I will leave all of the booking links in the description box to this video foreign [Music] for Prague visiting or any kind of traveling is to visit anything you see that is open for example I've been to Prague multiple times but I've never visited this church and this behind me and today we saw that they are open there's no tickets no ticket fee we just came inside and they look amazing we were stunned by how beautiful these churches are and it works with everything if you see that the doors are open you can enter and you can explore something new always do that in Prague and any other City around the world and now let's go back to one of the main sites in Prague which is obviously a Charles bridge so usually on the main road from strameska Square to Charles bridge there's huge crowds of people so what I would recommend doing is taking and making a route through parallel streets there's on both sides of this main route from sarmesca to Charles bridge there are parlor streets they're very near streets which you can walk through to avoid the crowds before we get to Charles bridge I want to also mention this little place that is located on the futawa river embankment and there is a little square with gorgeous view on all of the historical sites you can just sit there on the bench and enjoy this little Gateway place here at Carl of most which is one of the sightseeing masses obviously in Prague it's a twisted card as you can see going here on a weekend day it was not a good idea because you can see the amount of people here you won't be taking good pictures and you won't be enjoying this experience but even if you're visiting Prague on a weekend day you can cross the bridge and go to malastrona part of Prague and walk there because it's my favorite part of the city and I will also show you the best place to get through law which is a sweet very delicious dessert here in Prague obviously Charles bridge is very beautiful there's two Tower at the entrance and the exit of it there are very very beautiful make sure to put your head up to see all of the details and beautiful drawings of the Tower and pay attention to all of the statues located along the bridge all of them are absolutely unique obviously there's one where you have to touch it and rub it then it will bring you luck or will make your wishes come true That's a classic tourist attraction but about this bridge there's actually a legend that the architect wanted to build a bridge that will stand for centuries and to do that he asked a devil to help him and devil asked a soul of the first person to cross the bridge but the architect tricked the devil and led the dog to cross the bridge first so the devil didn't take anyone's Soul the devil was very very mad and tried to destroy the bridge but he didn't manage to and this bridge have stood from 14th century so maybe there's some magic involved but Charles bridge also has a darker side of the story during the medieval time here women were put in cages and put under the water of altava river to check if their witches or not overall this bridge is very magical and somehow spooky and has amazing views opening up from it so you can exit the bridge through that Tower at the end of it and go up the hill to go to the prosky grad a very beautiful complex with very beautiful cathedral but we will do it another day because here today too much people and I will show you today my favorite part of the city is going out down those stairs from the Carlos bridge and on the left side from the Carlos bridge is this complex of buildings and it's so beautiful there I will show you everything around laughs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so as I already told you my last Runner is one of my favorite districts in Prague I would say even my favorite District in Prague I showed you a little bit on the previous day but today we walked a bit more through the park and it is just so nice it is so cozy and I would highly recommend just walking here sitting at the Terrace of the cafe if it's warm enough and just seeing how the locals live because there's a lot of locals just hanging around in the park and enjoying the sunny weather and let's talk about what to do in this part of Prague first of all just walk around the parks and along the canos and go to learning wall there's a lot of gravity and drawings around there they're all very colorful and you can also take very nice pictures there and all around malastrana the next thing is sit in local cafes and drink coffee I found the best best coffee place that I will share with you you know how hard it is to find good coffee for me in EU because I'm used to very good coffee and very good coffee beans and usually the coffee is not that good but we found a place it's called I believe Dumont too and you it's also in Bratislava and in Dubai apparently and it's not far from the Carl of mosque that will leave the location in the description box and if you want to try a very good coffee I would highly recommend coming [Music] the next thing that I have to recommend to you is visiting Gardens a very beautiful place for taking pictures for walking around and also has one of the best doing points in Prague so we are at the bar Garden which is a complex of different level Terraces with very beautiful plants and like it's basically a very beautiful garden but also with nice sculptures and because it's like a few levels that go up the last level has one of the best viewing points here in Prague I really enjoyed it and instead of spending 40 minutes with boring Excursion in clementum and Grims tiny glimpse of a library and the viewing point this viewing point will bring you much more joy because it's much Pleasant to walk here you can also take very nice pictures in the garden and it is cheaper because the entrance to clementium worth about 300 crowns and here you can enter for 120 crowns per person which is cheaper and much much more pleasant and it's located right also in the city center on the other side of utawa as you can see by this church and it's not far from the main road on this side of the river [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] while we're working here in the garden I also wanted to add that Prague is such a small City but like it has a small kind of small City Center relatively small for example comparing to Budapest but obviously Budapest consists of Two Cities that's why but it the Prague has so much to offer for the tourists like this Garden Was a Very accident find of mine we were just walking and saw a little sign that you can just enter and we're like let's go and again I will repeat that for like I don't know what time in this Vlog from Prague that you just really have to go to all of the open doors that you see explore where you can see the sign anything and you can just find amazing places here in Prague I'm pretty sure that there's so much more places that I don't know about and also there are some places that I haven't been to yet but I already saved them and imagine how how many places there are here for a tourist to explore and one of those things that I highly recommend is going to the monastery that is located up the hill you don't have to walk up the hill you can just take a tram and then walk through a very beautiful Park to the monastery with amazing views and you definitely won't regret it the ticket to the tram that goes up the hill costs 60 crowns they go up pretty often and it's like a pretty fast ride there's two stations one in the middle of the Hill that you can go out and all also see it in the cafe with a nice Terrace and walk around the park but we went to the upper part of the hill and just walk around this stunning Park just look at how beautiful and peaceful this place is foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so we walked from the funicular which is not even a funicular it's like a tram that go up the hill we walk through a very beautiful Park and we're here at the monastery we visited last time the libraries that are inside of there the entrance fee was like about 300 chrome crowns and I think it's a bit overpriced although I'm a dark Academia lover and libraries lover I love visiting those places but you can't enter them you can't walk around even you have like a little glimpse of the two libraries and that's it for like 300 crowns it's a bit overpriced but it's still a very beautiful place we also got a Czech beer here at the brewery at the territory of the monastery and also in front of the monastery there's a very beautiful stunning view on the whole Prague City from the monastery you can either go down to Charles bridge or you can actually walk to prashkiharat and then from there walk back to Charles bridge I would highly recommend doing the second option because those narrow streets that go to prashke rat from the monastery are very very beautiful even if you're visiting Monastery more in the evening like we did and you won't be able to enter the prosecut in the evening it's still worth a walk foreign [Music] would still highly recommend going there from Charles bridge because there's a best place to eat through delnik which is one of the best desserts you can find in Prague it is a dough that is wrapped around the stick then baked and topped with sugar and walnut mix you can find the best one at the exit of Charles bridge and I would highly recommend trying this one with cream and strawberries it is a heaven on Earth this is the most delicious thing ever but you can take one to share for two because this thing is absolutely massive and also a bonus from tradenick is that you have more energy to walk up the hill to the Prague Castle on the way there there's beautiful architecture a lot of different Cathedrals and churches that you can easily enter and also I would highly recommend visiting this souvenirs shop it has the best authentic products souvenirs that are connected to Kafka and all of the different stuff that I think people would love all of the creative postcards and this souvenir shop is not like others and now let's go up to proskiharat and I will show you how beautiful the way of the hill is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so here we are at Prague Castle it's quite a fascinating Place full of history and legends and you can see it from any point of Prague because it's covering about the city Prague Castle is a sprawling complex that has been around for over the thousand years and it's not just a castle it's a whole neighborhood itself with stunning architecture Grand Courtyards and beautiful gardens it is said to be one of the largest ancient castles in the whole world obviously the main Gem of Prague Castle is Saint Peters Cathedral unfortunately this year we weren't able to go inside because it works only till 4 pm but obviously this Cathedral is just so magnificent and one of the most beautiful buildings in the whole world the inside statues and stained glass make the experience of visiting it absolutely breathtaking it just has some something magical inside of it that I can't even describe and even if I would be the native speaker of English I would still be lacking the words to describe how beautiful this building is and how do I feel visiting it I would highly highly recommend visiting this place overall Prague Castle doesn't look spooky but it feels a bit spooky because it's also connected to stories about Alchemists and I'm pretty sure if you visit in Colder Weather you can really feel this medieval magical spirit in it so would highly highly recommend visiting it and now let's talk about the food in Prague and things that you have to try from Czech cuisine I also wanted to tell about the Tipping culture in Prague because I know different cultures different countries have different tools for that so in Prague there's no specific rule if you like the service you can tip and you can leave from like 5 to 10 to 15 to 20 percent however you are able to do some places you need to check because some places have already 10 tip included or a recommended tip but make sure to check it because we had not a very nice situation where on the bill or on the menu it didn't say anything about the obligatory tip but they actually charge charged us for a tip although the service was not the best and also like it was kind of a scam because if you're charging an obligatory 10 tip you have to mention it at least in the bill or in the menu or on the website it didn't say anything like that we even went to the manager to ask we didn't want like our money back from the T Boat we wanted to ask because that means that consumer rights are being broken if that is the right way to say it that's not really Pleasant I will leave the location of that restaurant it's a pretty popular among the tourists that don't look up their reviews and those where we were those tourists on the first day of the trip to Prague because we're retired we just sat at the starameska square but the food was meh the service was not that good and in addition to that this tip thing happened if we're talking about food places in Prague obviously you can find all of the different options starting from classical Italian pizza to Chinese and Thai Cuisines and also German because Czech Cuisine was highly influenced by German I would highly recommend trying goulash soup and vaporuba colano if you want to try something authentically check but other than that I didn't really like any other dish from check Cuisine but you can try also I would highly recommend trying bait common bear and schnitzel schnitzel is perfect almost in any place you go you can try it also in Prague but I have to say check the reviews before going to different restaurants the reviews are crucially important because in some places you get huge portions nice price nice service delicious food and on the other hand there are some places existing that just look nice but don't have have delicious food and they wouldn't even survive if it wasn't about the tourists that don't do the research before going somewhere if you want to have a full list of the best places to eat with big portions nice prices in the city center of Prague I will leave that on my patreon all of the best cafes from all of my travelers to Prague I will leave everything on my patreon about the restaurant here in Prague the main thing is not how it looks like I mean if you're going for a coffee or a little dessert you can see it in more like popular places on South America or something like that and you can just Google different restaurants nearby and check the ratings because that's what makes the difference this place is very not looking that good or something like that inside outside it doesn't have like a great Interiors design but we found it on Google Maps and it had great reviews and for real the football was amazing it was cheap we had a salad schnitzel and baked common bear for 20 euros and again it doesn't look even that inviting the entrance or something like that but it was very good so here in Prague you really need to check the reviews because there are some restaurants in this in the center of the city with horrible reviews like one star 1.4 two stars then you have to avoid those kind of places but also don't be afraid to explore and walk around the city to find interesting places for example we found this stunning Terrace with beautiful view on Charles bridge and other part of the city just walking around and it was one of my favorite places to sit in just to drink coffee or a cocktail and enjoy their atmosphere this place is called lavka save it and go there 100 overall Prague is one of my favorite cities in the whole world I will definitely be coming back and I hope that this video will inspire you to visit this town too and I also hope that it will be helpful for you please don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments down below and please don't forget to subscribe to my channel I would really really appreciate that because I'm a really small Channel but I still would love to continue sharing my travel experiences with other people foreign foreign
Channel: Dana Chill
Views: 14,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prague, top things to do in prague, prague top things to do, prague guide, must see in prague, must visit in prague, prague hidden gems, orague hidden locations, prague old square, prague legends, prague beer, brewery in prague, prague travel guide, honest guide prague, prague vlog, prague - view of the city, prague spring, prague in spring, things to do in prague, real prague guides, prague food, come fly with me prague, prague nightlife, prague walking tour
Id: _xnEzBFIVyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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